Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Feb. 24 235

he’s got a lot more weapons to destroy, and Christie Todd Whitman, are why hasn’t he destroyed them yet? here. Tom Ridge is now a member of my In terms of language, that’s exactly why Cabinet. He’s not here. He’ll still be invited we’ve—that’s exactly why Jose Maria and I to the Cabinet Room. [Laughter] are talking. And we’ll let you know what’s Governors are strong leaders with a prac- in the resolution when we put it down. tical point of view, and I’m really grateful President Aznar. Well, what I want to say for my former fellow Governors for serving is that we cannot designate Saddam Hussein their country. There are 25 new Governors as the manager of international peace and who are here. I know it’s an exciting experi- security. We’ve been with this item on the ence for you to set an agenda and to put agenda for 12 years. And what we cannot do together a great team to solve problems for is play this game in which you have inspectors your State or your territory. are handed over something, everything is I loved being the Governor of Texas. In going well, but if it isn’t, well, that means my 6 years, I placed great value on the advice they’re hiding weapons. So the world can make these mistakes, but of fellow Governors and made many friend- the mistake we cannot make is to let Saddam ships which continue to this day. I’ve grown Hussein being the one managing peace and especially close to the Governor of Florida. a threat. And that’s why we’re working so [Laughter] The man is like a brother to me. intensely towards a new resolution. And [Laughter] that’s why I’m convinced, and that’s why We each have a shared experience, and we’re all working towards these common as- we have shared responsibilities. We share the pirations of peace, security, and freedom for responsibility for protecting the homeland. the world. We share the responsibility for encouraging President Bush. Good job. Thank you economic growth and jobs. We share the re- very much. Very good job. Thank you all. sponsibility for making sure every child learns and no child is left behind. We share NOTE: The President’s news conference began at the responsibility for expanding access to 11:44 a.m. at the Bush Ranch. President Aznar high-quality, affordable health care and for spoke in Spanish, and his remarks were translated helping our fellow citizens in need. And we’ll by an interpreter. In his remarks, President Bush meet these responsibilities together. referred to Ana Botella, wife of President Aznar; President Saddam Hussein of Iraq; Hans Blix, Ex- I’m honored to have you all here. I now ecutive Chairman, United Nations Monitoring, ask you to join me in a toast to the Governors Verification and Inspection Commission; Prime of the . Thank you. Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom; and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy. NOTE: The President spoke at 8:03 p.m. in the State Dining Room at the . In his Remarks at a Dinner for the Nation’s remarks, he referred to country and western en- Governors tertainer Lyle Lovett. The transcript released by the Office of the Press Secretary also included February 23, 2003 the remarks of Gov. Paul E. Patton of Kentucky, chair, National Governors Association. The Office Good evening. Laura and I really look for- of the Press Secretary also released a Spanish lan- ward to these yearly dinners with our Na- guage transcript of these remarks. tion’s Governors and spouses, and we wel- come you all back to the White House. For those of you who are first-timers here Remarks to the National Governors as Governors, we welcome you as well. I’m Association Conference particularly pleased that Lyle Lovett, from the great State of Texas, is here with us. We February 24, 2003 look forward to hearing you tonight, Lyle. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming I also welcome former Governors who back. I hope you enjoyed our dinner last serve in my Cabinet. and

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