Искусствоведение и культурология DOI: 10.14529/hum150412 the ProfessIonal mUsIcal art In the rUssIan medIeVal cIty (16th — 17th centUrIes) N. P. Parfentjev, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation,
[email protected] The development of Russian church music in 16th — 17th centuries as a high professional musical art had an important place in the spiritual culture of Russian cities. The author describes the activi- ties of large choirs, existence of the chanting (znamenniy) art in wide urban environment. Also the researcher presents the local chant raspevschiki’s (composers) works of authorship. They reflected the regional musical traditions. These masters were representatives of different social strata. All this is done on the basis of the documents. Keywords: Old Russian church art of singing, hierarchs’ singing diaki and podiaki, private choirs of the feudal aristocracy, circulation of znamenny (neumatic) chanting, musical works of masters’ authorship. The professional musical culture of a large medieval of the Vologda archbishop in 1645/46 consisted of the city in Russia presented a complicated and many-sided following service people: singing diak Konstantin, whose phenomenon including both the mastery of cathedral father Kirill Terentjev Greshnik served at the hierarch’s choirs (especially the choirs consisting of diaki and court in the rank of boyar son (nobleman); singing diak podiaki) and the activities of local chant masters and di- larion, who was the son of the singing diak Grigory dascaloi. The znamenny (Old Russian church neumatic) Arapov; podiak Sidor, who was the son of the singing diak chant enjoyed great popularity among feudal lords, yakov yakovlev Satin [104, fol.