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PB-226 022 NON- OF QUANTITATIVE VARIATION IN EFFECT OF SPECIFIC NITROGEN SUPPLEMENTATION DIETS FOR CORN, WHEAT, RICE, AND MILK ADULT MEN Constance Kies, et al Nebraska University Prepared for: Agency for International Development 1972 DISTRIBUTED BY: National Technical Information Service U.S.DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield Va. 22151 BILIGAPI DAT 12 P. 226" 022 1)1 4. Title .,u1Subtitle f" 5. Report Date Erfect of QuaI titative Variation in Nonspecific Nitrogen ............ //........ Supplementation of Corn, U-eat,,Rice, and Milk Diets for 6. Adult ?4en:. 7."Author(s) 8. NPerformingo . organization llcpE. 14~ ~ cze 4 g-S / _________1__ 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Conrract/Gr,,c No. ' w;,,,e, I,,4/1 Z'. Nf4.1t TytD/es-148 ero 12. Sponisoring Organization Name and Address , 13. CoveredType of Reprt & Period DeP:.,tment of State f/I_. AIA 1 Ager2y fbr International Development 14. ,,=sin=on,D.C. 20523 15. Supplementary Notes 16. ... fluene of nonspecific nitrogen (NSN) additions on nitrogen (NO balance (pro:,e:L..n nutriture) of men fed diets providing equal, but distinctly sub-optimal, a-,, iof f od protein from several sources has been studied. The effect on N of ten men fed 11.0 g. N per subject persay from roice, corn, wheat, or milk .T 'a.h case, C.O,4.0, or 8.0 g. N per subject per day from an isonitrogenous lycine and dic.a-.-.oni;,n citrate, was determ1.n. Mean N balances achieved On - e e levels of with corn, -219,-1.00, and -0.17 g.
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