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PB-226 018 INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF LEUCINE WITH LYSINE, TRYPTOPHAN, AND NIACIN AS THEY INFLUENCE PROTEIN VALUE OF CEREAL GRAINS FOR HUMANS Constance Kies, et al Nebraska University Prepared for: Agency for International Development 1972 DISTRIBUTED BY: National Technical Information Service U.S.DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield Va. 22151 -,7 SHT PB 226 018 ter'e0a ti.un ip. of' Leuci.ri2 I.ysl ne, T'Pyptopha, arl 1JiUbin A- '.'hiey ]n[l'i.u-:incc rotelin Va].ue of Cerealle "1'... o 6. 7-\, oII(s . 8 erforming oaaizti.til,n Reipt. I'. t''zi,, . icivao N.ame a.inAddrt. s 10. Project/Tatik/Wnrk Unit No. -"* ". ", " iAID/osd-].2 12.p,.u,:,r;:i< Oraniz:ittion N.inm iind Addrvss 13. Type of lRoport & Period . .nt ..of' ,tat Covvred ' or rnter nal leveloprrent 40114tl :,-,. n., D.C. 20523 14. 15.. t y Notus M6 A. :, , o._:..i.:E~rn. betw.:en the typi ca] aixLmro acid proortionality pattern ............- :. corn :, .,2.3:13 the 1l. h l.eucina cont;ent of corn. A series of three ." in l.....1o'w in pot1on to hurtvi rec'.s or for which availability is .....I all± ... , a,-,,lt h n..:,rsubjects ,;er fed diets containing ).0 g. r (day 'L. .hoie_ vou.i whe't ,.i.rI or' wle-,'oux'd wheat grains plus t4. _ tot.! - evl com~onLy f',Pc.ubd : n corn fgailn. The re'sults sugest that ............ .cn m ort . ctor in the relatively poorer fc-. - ' ci' corn faIn, .1ncoripar..-,or to wheat grain in huan feeding 7: >io of hc i;'i;- ,i effect-1ve rogardless of. " .T "" " .oflysine d was not comple'Ly able to -..:...:-.,...L. : of the .,, e, -o .'u of leuc'Lne. -1i.acin supplement ..... •,.e> "-' at hi- P.chie-intake lovels. Trytophn supplementation ... -.?.r hr4 _:vl:,we;/nive of'.rwt; a both levels of leucine . ...... '.+.%... '.... .. +.... .. + by 176. 1 , , O'-ri-End.d Tv.w., Reproduced NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U S Deportment of Commerce Springf,'IrI VA 2?1M 1 17c. (.O.TI FuIh/Grlu, 18. Avail ahbiliy StnummrneL 19. Sccurity Claiss (1 riS; 21. No. of I'age.s I •20.Security (:iss (This Price INCI.ASSIFVIEID t ONq: t: rV1,.-, LL v. 3-7;.) USCOMM.t-C 1495P-P72 Interrelationships of Leucine with Lysine, Tryptophan, and Niacin As They Influence Protein Value of Cereal Grains for Humans' CONSTANCE KIES and HAZEL M. FOY, Department of Food and Nutritin, Agricultural Research Station and Collge of Home Economics. University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68503 ABSTRACT [lhe nItost strikilg diffe'nce letss c' the tyl'dcal amino acid prolprtionialhy patteri. i' wheat and corn grains is the high letuciic coittot itcorn. A series tit three sludies Iias bee.n co iplelcd oni possible leiille interactions %vithntlitrjents sutpplied by these cereals in low an ount in proporlion to hlnitan needs or Ior which availability is questioned. li all three studje., adult hinnila lshiects wvere fed diets containilg 4.) g. nitrogent iN) per day froin %w-hole-grouid%%heat graijn or whole-ground wheat grain pius I.-leijice to total tlhe level contitonlll found in coro grain. The spcile"ic oblectives were to comtpare tile elfectiveness oil protein iutiltire of' supiileentation (with' I sine, try tophian. and nliacill of wheat die.%conlaininlg hil. and normal a iounts of' len .ie. Mean N balances (grains per da%. respec ii"'ly %,were: i lIle eight sUbjetS ted Whit aione'.%he'at piluIS lysine. %%heat plu licine, ir witat itlS leticite aInd lysilne. 0.66, 0.12, 1.018, and -0l.0; +of'(lh nine subjects led whecat atone. vh%eat pit1s trYlptolitan. wheat p1lus lenicitle, or wh;eat plus luecine aind trYlltiophan, 11.90, I.(I, 1.19, and -1.39; of'lie ten sllcs le'd wireat alone, %htat [luIs iin. wlh+:l tll.1licine, or wheaIt piis lCucile and niacin, -0(.95, 0.87, 121(. and 0.92. I'iese reNults suggest Iliat iigh-leel LicL' content (if corn is an imtiportant factor in tlie relatively Ix[orer nutritiontal performair ce tf' corn ralin, in colmparisont to wheat grltn in hunian I'ceding trials. Lysine sippleienltatintlof wheat wa-s ,hoiwn to lie eff'ectiv. regardless of' le"ttic conten , alihouth leItll lit(Itof Ilsiite added wa not comtpletely ahle to iovercotltln- the adverse effectl'of the increased anount of" leucine. Niacin stitpplcnilation was effective only al iig h .,ucite-intake lecvels. Trypliophan ,Upple mentatin vas ineffective or had t slight neative effct0 at bolh evis (ifi'lucihin e intake. The tiaci tn-lrvihOl l:n-dclhtet disease pelilagra is C.tnil yiasstciated with corll- a.ti ,peoples tf" tIhe wt-rid. Although cort cotllalils appreciable allnolltits of Iiiaciti. it is seini!l1 utvtilable it) tlte litilaiu becatusc l its bound form 0]). E-vidence suggesis that this Is list) Irue ohtihetheiii coainltld il wheat gralil (2,3). Lysiie alid tr itopiani lave been I'otind to be Ilite irst and second linlititig aminio acids ill tuost lines ill" both corl and wheat graisl under ts.Uai conditions for mualilce o1 adeateLl protiltl trilUtreu tilelit t;til idtall (4,.). Hlowever. wheat grain ilas bec t fountd iti have a ligither proltein valhiu for theithunian adult tian ctrn ,!rain (0). A c)mnparisotl if alllilt acid proportiotalilty patlerls off tlpical lines of w eial aid corn grains (7) with enhliotilier alld wih theIniin ainnilo acid requirement pattern for Votilg men (8) iidicates tla theitiosi striking difference alllol tiese pltteris is the iigh elicit col ltetll aid lower lysine and lrypioplian conitetS o cori graii incotparison to Itwhea t 'ie principal tlijecive of t]i current project was it study (lie effect on protcin nutriture if" ltinian adultS of itieraciotis hetween hhih aid nioderate levels of" ]Pu ,blisht with t e aplrval (if thle )irector ts Palpeir No. 3067, ,Journal Series, Nebrrska Agrfotr.'itural tesearlh Station. Supported in patit by USPIIS (rant A-10-69; also, ilt part, a c'-,ntrlbuton to thie US)A C.S.t.S. I eglonail Project W-57. Researn reportet Was conducted under 'rojeLt No. 91-(07. Copyright ( 1972 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55121. All rights reserved. 223 224 II L'INI ANV ( RIAI. I'RIIIN V'AI.LII' Vii. 49 ,.].tr\. IcIciic aInd mlacli. lrv'plop l lan. llId IvSllC Illlit;lltoll. This tIia Itr ohjectiv'e Wis sulhdividCd 11llh0 Ih l'ollowili- workmit objectives: I ) To cnllp;l'cmtplrellltlLltl'tllvi.'IjCo ;Ihl t' fIlo Ilulan adult of whelat rain I ll ic;.t 1";1111\I b letlcii'l]ui added io silttul;lu . tlh;at level of lellcteiCc ulnlotliy I'iluiid i11 'Ol'l) tl'lll|. .2 i" colIlai]1C ilhc prol ill IlullrlllVc t;lue 1"Iysll -.tll)ltc.lllll cd Wheat l;IlIl Io StlW lluiltlJo Wlllc-\ .1111\VIllII(til adii'd icticu lt(sllli( li.11 tlfl. STo C'*ollillare thec proleill ll oweltl 1 thac-Slpplente;ited lei it) Io l:L'l|S~tllu'll'n W'u he'd l v, Wr'11nh lh ed lu.'e (Scilll ln C on). EXPERIMENTAL Design "l,,.. ' . cIIl ICtel' II1hree tiide.etidi utL ,,ludtS. r1n Sllnl II tiSeouslv I)11t with diflerent experimental siuihje,.'s. Ladi 33-da\ study was composed of a 2-day Ill.ll' 'el (N)-dplelitsu! Iperiod. I ,3-dav N-adjustmlut period. anid I'or experilental peritds tif' 7 days each. 'Ilie exCeaCIrIIIClIll tk.sl2ls arC gJ\'In Ill "lahleI. TABLE I. DIE"PLANS No. of N Intake DietSlerentb a Period Days wheat Kind Amount ........ .. ........ g./day Study A Depletion 2 0 None ... Adjustment 3 4 None ., Expt. 1 7 4 Nooe. Expt. 2 7 4 Lysine 960 Expt. 3 7 4 Leucinu 1,676 Expt. 4 7 4 Leucine 4 lysine 960 4 1,676 Stu..y B Depletion 2 0 None ... Adjustment 3 4 None ... Expt. 1 7 4 None Expt. 2 7 4 Tryptophan 212 E xpt. 3 7 4 Leucine 1,676 Expt. 4 7 4 Tryptophan 4 leucine 212 + 1,676 Study C Depletion 2 0 None ... Adjustment 3 4 Nonr ... Expt. 1 7 4 None Expt. 2 7 4 Niacin 25 Expt. 3 7 4 Leucine 1,676 Expt. 4 7 4 Niacin Ileucine 25 1 1,676 "The following number of subjects were used in each study: eight, study A; nine, study B; ten, study C. Order of experimental periods was randomized for each subject in each study. tDuring the adjustment and experimental periods the diet consisted of wheat yeast-rotls; apple sauce, 100 g.; grern beans, 100 g.; peaches, 100 g.; pears, 100 g.; tomatoes, 100 g.; dry bouillon, 3.5 n.; and variable (dependent on caloric need) amounts of sucrose, buiteroil, jelly, hard candy, aid soft drinks. Purified, crystalline L.form of Leucine, lysine, and tryptophan were used as supplements. March-April C'.KIES and II.M. IX 225 )urtltig (lie tn'troductorv N-depletion period of aill three studies. to(tal N intake per subject per day was f0. g.. as provided by IlII, bisal diet • (lab.le I). liis procedure ol'prelinilarI f'eed Itieof' a velr low proteill diet has beell found in tIhn laborato r to hasten the attainmitent ol N equilibrJUi 1)yvsubjects to l:iter. nttrderitely-hos-lproteni experimental dielts. Total N intake duriii file3-day N-adjustinent period of' each study was 4.,S sibhecl pe r day 4.0-. N froit grotind 2 wheal raII and 0.8 g. N f'romthe hasal diet. Objectives of' this period Included iad jusitienllof' subjects to tilelevel of total N intake to he used durinttg the experitenital periods.