National Technical Information Service USDEPARTMENT of COMMERCE
PB-226 018 INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF LEUCINE WITH LYSINE, TRYPTOPHAN, AND NIACIN AS THEY INFLUENCE PROTEIN VALUE OF CEREAL GRAINS FOR HUMANS Constance Kies, et al Nebraska University Prepared for: Agency for International Development 1972 DISTRIBUTED BY: National Technical Information Service U.S.DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield Va. 22151 -,7 SHT PB 226 018 ter'e0a ti.un ip. of' Leuci.ri2 I.ysl ne, T'Pyptopha, arl 1JiUbin A- '.'hiey ]n[l'i.u-:incc rotelin Va].ue of Cerealle "1'... o 6. 7-\, oII(s . 8 erforming oaaizti.til,n Reipt. I'. t''zi,, . icivao N.ame a.inAddrt. s 10. Project/Tatik/Wnrk Unit No. -"* ". ", " iAID/osd-].2 12.p,.u,:,r;:i< Oraniz:ittion N.inm iind Addrvss 13. Type of lRoport & Period . .nt ..of' ,tat Covvred ' or rnter nal leveloprrent 40114tl :,-,. n., D.C. 20523 14. 15.. t y Notus M6 A. :, , o._:..i.:E~rn. betw.:en the typi ca] aixLmro acid proortionality pattern ............- :. corn :, .,2.3:13 the 1l. h l.eucina cont;ent of corn. A series of three ." in l.....1o'w in pot1on to hurtvi rec'.s or for which availability is .....I all± ... , a,-,,lt h n..:,rsubjects ,;er fed diets containing ).0 g. r (day 'L. .hoie_ vou.i whe't ,.i.rI or' wle-,'oux'd wheat grains plus t4. _ tot.! - evl com~onLy f',Pc.ubd : n corn fgailn. The re'sults sugest that ............ .cn m ort . ctor in the relatively poorer fc-. - ' ci' corn faIn, .1ncoripar..-,or to wheat grain in huan feeding 7: >io of hc i;'i;- ,i effect-1ve rogardless of.
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