
,The Weather Today, J\ssociated Press MOfftly fair /!alurdny lind 8l1nday, j ThA ASRoclated P re.~s wire ser· but wIth /tOm/! ('/0 1It11np/III; coo/pr vle8 In 'I'hp Dally Iowan aK~Ul'e!I Ita Ra turdn y In nOI·tl1wPsl pOl11on 0 nil Lrenders or lhe Inle.Ll morning news. In PMt oml /!OUC h /)ol'lIonl< Sunday. The Only Moming Daily Within a Ralliu. of 80 Milea

PabU.b.d nerT daT .u.pt Monda7 IOWA CITY, IOWA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1924 EJo ....d •• • ..... Dd cle.. matter •• NUMBER 26 VOL. XXIV. NEW SERIES XIV. bT "ad.Dt P.blle.tI.no. Jno. the POit Olrl"•• 10,.. 0111'. 10,.. Expect Shenandoah Photographers Union Contract Anti-La Follettes Win Bob Finds U. S. Butler 1ells Probers To Moor at Camp Weepingly Await Work Started as ~vereignty 1n . b S d Willful Juniors In Open Fo~ Debate LeWlS y un ay Men Prepare Site just Two.People G. O. P. Hope for, TM perSpiring reporler, while on hl8 beat the other day, noticed 0 Bobcats Snarl and Bite Organizations to Idea of San Francisco photographer standIng at the door Begin Razing Houses Says Invisible Govern~ for Stop Is Abandoned of his stu(l!o weepIng bitterly. For First Unit At Crooked Politics WIG d ment Has Become $3,000,000 Drive "Wherefore the tenrs?" InquIred In Both Parties e come ra s .--____---:1 By Dirigible the reportel·. Of Structure Known "Why don't they come-those MarioD People Want ZR-3 Pro-La Follette, thlrty,one; anti· juniors?" flObbed the stricken mnn. City and University to . Won't Use Slush as La.Fo!.lette. APjty·elghlt. So mood Ship Skirts Seacoast "They mnke appoIntments, two Arrange Building for Named President Harding the otflclal count at the end of a Unite in Plans for Progresslve Movement we k, ahead 80metlmes, and then Service of Students hot debate and open torum dIscus' Campaign Closes On Way Up Pa­ don 't keep them." Big Occasion In West Result, slon spon80re<1 by thf! Iowa. Foren· He Says l\IARION, 0., Ort, 17. cific Coast "The gIrls must have their mnr· And Graduates sic JJeague at Irving hal! Inst even' REQUF.ST thllt the Zn·3 cel IIrst. they sny. l'hat menns It Ing. Plans for Homecoming are rapidly Abe named the "PresIdent Original Estimate Giv­ wn It of anothe,· week, Ilt leu 81. Anu (81/ tAc A880ciated Press) '1'1100<101'0 RtMk, general conlmc· Qupstlon: Dot for Pre81dent nearing completion. accol'dlng to the (B1/ tile A880ci4ted Pres8) Harding". In honor of the en as $2,500,000 SAN },ANOHICO. Ocl. 18-1]'he thpn, Ir their hh'RUlo a.lornment tor for the (h'st unIt ot the Iowa The qutlfltlon before the hou!lll committee In charge ot the arrange· SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Oct. 17- late ,Vnt'ren O. Hard.lng, wns doean't cUI '1 according to Hoyle, It naY}' dlrlglble Shenandoah skIrted Memorlnl Union bull!llng htn. been was sl!\lted: "Re801ved thn.t thIs ments, ot whIch Prof. Forest C. En· .A.e8afltng the private monopoly BYS, telegraphed by Recretnry ot By Chairman must be clOne 011 over again." the nort~rn COIUIt today In8tru~tcd to begin work ImmedlRte· house fo.vlr.~ the candlda.cy of Sena· sign, of the college of education, Is IA!m In an address here tonIght, Navy Wilbur todny, by the 0. M . • nd tonight WIlS over weslA!rn Ore· "And the bOYB-" there Is hope· Iy . tor Robert La Follette fOt' the the chaJrman. Senator Robert M. LaFollette, In Mnrlon Chl1.mbel· of C~· (By tAe A88Jciated PreS8) gon. Another dny nn(1 night lie less gesture of the hands, "are Buildings are .beIng razed, nnd presidency or the UnIted Slates." r h e Homecoming commIttee, dependent candJdate for president, merce. cmCAOO, Oct. 17-W!Illum M. aheM of It. occordJng to the watches worBe than the girls. They grin; lumber is beIng hauled on the site Representing the La ]i·ollette· Wh.eel· which was appoInted recently by declared that "the two people thnt "In vIew of the Intcl'na· Butler, chairman of the repulJllcnn an Its brIdge, berore It ean tlnd they smirk; they scowl; they leer; to mnke ready for the construction er club chaUengera were John F. Pre~ldent Walter A. Jessup, hopes own seventy per cent or lihe nation's tlonal al'ms conference called national committee, Informed the .. haven at camp Lewil, \Voshlnl{' then they wandel' why they don't which will soon be under way. Denman and Harry S. Steven80n. to have everythIng ready by the first w~alth are today \t8 soverelgM." by President Har(Ung, as a look like the man In the collar ads." Two members at the college ot law, ot next week, so that the lar~ num· means ot preservIng world slleclnl senate Investigating commit· ton, we tern termlnu8 of Its great A glance at the location reveals "For fill[ years," he continued, James Stewart and Paul M. IDwyer, her of details will not conflict In pea.ce, we feel that It should tee today that It Is the "hope lOOP trom the lA1kehurst N. J . ny· The photographer turned away. somethIng new ot Intereet. Situated "they have ruled congre/l8. Tbey repre.'!Ontc(1 Ihe nnLi.J...a. Follette fac· any way. and expectation" of hi .. orgonlm· Ins fltld. "Vanity, vanity, nil Is vanlly," he /llong t'he past bank of the Iowa have ruled the leglslallve. They be appropriate to nam the tlon. The Triangle club will hold Ita new Ahlp In Pl'esl!1ent Hartl· Uon to mise 0. totnl of $3,000,000 SaliM by Ooldfn Gate muttered. river, nnrth of .Jeftersnn st"eet, the have ruled the courts. They lutve annual reoentlon fo,' large numbers lng's honol', In :til much aR It tot' tho national campaign, presl. Th Rrn-nlltldOn h was (orCN! to go mo"~lv flve·unlt ME'm0l1al Unlon Thll Bum-eme court veto of the ruloo them, not the Interests, but ot Homecoming men In tho '1'rlangle Is to he I'ennml'd," the tel· dentlal, genatol1al Rnd congrrsRlon· IIy Ran FrRncll'CO In th(' enrly morn· .tl·UCttl/·O when completp(/, \vtll be chll.l·lnbol· bill Rnd alleged mJs·vnl· In the Inte~t8 of private wealth Hawkeye Calls for Junior club MOmJl at the corner of Clln· al. Ing Mur" wIth only 11. word of reo bOl'O(1el'ell on thc river sille hI' a They ttse the department of justice grttm said. uatlon ot the railroads by the In· ton and College street. gr~t thllt 13 would be unllble to atop Picture. ; Deadline Nov. 1 to tra.mple undertoot the conslltu At ~he ellmo tlme Mr. Butler de· thirty (oot promenade whIch, when terstate Commerce commlslob were The women or Iowa., through .theIr here. Thrt't) army airplane went tlon and the bUl of rights. nled charges of Senator Robert M . developed, will follow the river two points taken up In deWl, The orgalllmtion lenown the Unlver· out to ~ t It, but only one tound as La Follette, the In

------~--.- -- -- SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1924 THE DATI.. Y IOWAN. IOWA CITY, lOW A ---PAGE THREE Women's Golf Head Thore will be 0. spec!al buslneBB Sousa Dedicates I The Acacia fraternity will enter· meeting of th.. Co~mopo lllll.n club Will Receive Place taln at a dance at the chapter house tonight al 7:30 In room 118 ot the I Y. W. Nears Goal On W, A . A. Board SOCIETY thls evening" Dr. nnd Mrs. F R . liberal arts bulldJng, Latest March to will !io++++ Pl'teraon C'hnppron. . ------~CongWgaUon ReceptJon I Chi Om fgo. ~. In Finance Drive Old Organization Women who are Inlerested In golt The annual student reception tor The Chi Omega 801'Ol'lty will en. Chi nelU~ Psi Iowa Literary MAgazine commit· either for W. A. A. entrance points the Co ngregi\t!onnl 8ludent8 of the tertnln at 0. chaperon and ta.culty The Ch! Della Psi fraternity nn· tee will meet todny at Irving hall cr 08 a major sport, are requested University will be held on Satur' tea tomorrow afternoon at the chap· no unces the pledging or Robel·t W. IU 1 o'clock for a short meeting Mnrlan Rambo ...... 33.50 TO give Iheh' names to some memo day even!ng of thl8 week in the tel' house. The al'falt· 10 to be held Baird, Ll of Council Bluffs. Law. In conjunction with the faculty com· Gladys Peterson ...... 21.00 Artillery Company of Total Reaches $2,606; her or the a thletic association. '.rhls parlors of the church. from three to flve·thh·ty o'olock. nLlUee. Ruth Everingham ...... 81.00 renee Peterson, A2 of Ellsworth, anel StlOI·t has only been Intr'oduced reo E ugene Cratt.an, Ll of Orlnnell, Is Dale Schmedlko. • Cm3 of RaMlIlTe. Evelyn Hartel', Chairman. Third Day Nets Dorothy Wilson ...... 104.GO Bay State Is 387 cenlly, nnd so far a. deftnlte head [lre.ldent of the guild unc1 e~ whose Dlue Ooose Major: Alice Rnlforl1, \ownsp o· $828.30 Years Young hns not been appointed. a uspices tbls reception Is helLl. The chnpl'rons at the Blue GoosP pin; caplllh'IH: ANNOUNCEMENTS The hour 8cl)eclule for Seals club 8 Anne PoOl'nl nk, A4 nr Towa City. O~her otl)c~r9 of Ille organization tonight will bl' MI'. and M·rs. M. P . Pearl Van leve . . .. '. . 22.50 'l'I'youlR hM h~en rhn.nged from .. I h.. lnten"~ will be In chn.rge to soo the WOo are: J\1~lba Cnrpenter. A4 of Iowa Glllllber. With ,828.30 In RubR rlptlons 1'0· Fllse nUBto ...... 15 .UO Tn 11Mmnn), with Sigma. Dblta. hi, pl ·orell.~ lonnl 10 4:30. Monday. October 20. AU men !ntpl'eRted. pnt·tleulal·ly b~tween City and MjaltlnHl'\ Place, Mt 'of ported Iol' tll8 third On.y or Ihe Y. Orma .BIRhop ...... 20 .00 Anwl'INII1IAnl or .rohn Phllll) ROllsa, jOllrnalLqllc Iraternlty, \"UI meet girls aro l·pqurstec.1 tQ be l'cody at 4 and r. u·(.10('le, ~ 'hlll'"dlty !tfIPl" Mlll'Bhalltown . W. C. A. tlnnnr drive, the Rul)· Mttjer: MrR. Philip O. Clopp. g~n· aR expl'eRBCel In hi" Int~I'~Rt In the Vru'sify Runday nflel'llOOIl III fi:~O In 'rhe tbat lillie. roon. F.·olll the \VamPI who Flee InvltatlonR have been Rent to nil 8orlptlons for throe dnys tolo.l erol; cnptttln: (lov~ l opml'nt of Amel'lcan mUSiC', his Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. C. De France Dally ]owan office. ElellnOL' Chase. President. her. 0. h ad of gOlf will be chosen Congregatlonnl young people. ] n $2.606.70. An xlcnslon or on day Miss EsteJl" Boot ...... llfi.IjO RH'vl~c to his counu'y during the will chaperon Varsity this evening. to tnke a position on the \V. A, .A. hns been mn.de In the drive owing wal', an(] hlH patr'lotlc compositions. the e vent that a nyone ralls 'to r eo board with the healls of other 1l\I\.. celve an Invitation, a correction of to the fa.ct that eollcltors were un· Total ...... $828.30 Is lhe .lelllcntlon of his Illtest march jor s ports. the error can be made by 'phoning Alpha Chi Omega able to Interview their enUre list VlvU1Jn Oonrad, 'A4 of Durling, t~ th~ 01de8t American organization, w®@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ the conference house, Black 1122. The Alpha Chi Omega soror!ty will ot prospective 8ubllOribers In the al. ton, urged an workers to keep up the Ancient a nd Honorable Artillery @ ' ® entertain at the chapter house this lolted time. Final reports are to lhelr enthusiasm until they had se· Company or. Maseachusetts. This CotUllon evening. Mrs. George Sianton, M;rs. reach the committee In charge not cured 0. subscription, 01' a t least mat'cb, whloh will be one ot the Seals Hold First Cotillion will be chaperoned by Ellis. Mrs. Denton, and Mrs. Gra­ later than 10 o'clock thl8 mornIng. Interviewed everyone on their li sts. notahle reat llr~ s of the SO URn. pro· Mr. and lIfr8. M. A. Russell. ham wlli be the chaperons. n eports of the 8011cltors by teams SM emphasized the WOrthiness of gram to be presen teel here nex,t i HATS I: 'l'uesday afternoon. 18 woven about Tryouts Monday at lun heon yosterday noon W 1'0: the ~ause nnel urged that the worel @ 0 the theme of "Auld Lang Syne". Mnjor: Eleanor ChnM, ~ollcttn . "~ult" be unhoard un til the total tlon of studenls; captaJns: $3,700 had been ralsed. 387 Years Wlthou~ March Women Must Sign on ~ SAT U R D AY (Today) ~ Emily RU88ell ...... $161.00 Mildred Eck, A2 of Des MoJne8, The company to which It Is dedi· ® @ Melba Carpenter ., .,... 20.00 prpslded at Ihe luncheon yesterday cated has maintained an uninter­ Bulletin Board in rupted existence since' the fll'st clays Mflrvyl Dral ~y ...... 78.00 noon. Luncheons have been Be l'ved cf the colon lea, but hns heen without Gymnasium ~ @ Alene Dlllrd ...... 1~5.80 Ito un wO I'kerB In the campaign ettch J\{ajor: Dorothy nurt, faculty; noon In the banquet room of the nn officl~1 march since ItH tounda· ® Your Final Chance ~ captains: First Methodist church. 110n. At the recent request of Gov. EPPEL'S Chunnlng H. Cox of Massachusetts, All women w ho OJ'O planning to I® @ a member of the company, Sousa tryout for Seals club must sign up On the bulletin board at the ® ToBuya 0 composed 0. marCh for !t which was ® 0 Orchestra, Seeking Desires of formally a.ccepted by the company women's gymnasium before Monoay, C October 20. according to an an· nt 0. great ceremonial in Boston ® Students, to Give Popular Music uurlng the past month. On the nouncement made by the president L ® cccasion of this I'eceptlon, U)e com· ot the clUb, E leanor Chase, AS of Clinton. ® $5 Bergster Hat The plan of the Univer81ty Orche" ular because of the fIWt that !t Is pa.ny, represente<:l by Governor Cox. ® trlL to give 0. pOpUlar concert with· more Or less familiar to a large num· presented the vetel'an bandmaster The tryouts will he held at two o In the n xt two or three months !s ber of peoille who have made no with a. sliver huml(!ot' formed In dlll'erent times, Monday, October ® at mo" or le8.'1 In the nature of nn ex· speclal 8tudy of music. the shape of a shell and bearing an 20, between ·the hours of 4 anel ® 6 p. m., and at tho Mme lime on T perlment on the part ot Prof. Fronk In~CI'lption acknowledging the cledl· \ Among such popular selections ® E. K~ndrle, dlTN.-tOr oI the orches· mlion of the march. October 27. All women who Inten(! nre a number of overtw'es such ns: to talce the swimming tests must be tra. Wel'tl 1'rou"" fOr Henry VIU H Il !s nn attempt to dlllOover what "Poet nnd peasant", "Light Ca.vnl· "eady promptly On the appointed type of music I. apenUng to the rna· ryll. "'VJUlam Ten", "Raymond", The Ancient and Honorable AI" hoUl'. 95 "The Merry W!ves ot 'Wlndsor", anel tlllery Company of Massachusetts 0 jOrlty of students. The well known The tryouts nre open to all wo° E I "as chartered In 1638, the original $3 flymphony orehelltra. lIuch M those others; especlnlly ttrranged selec· men swimmers. A complete list of @ ® members being, In the main, colon· of 1>IJnnoopoll.. hlcogo, B08ton, and tlons trom the more famous operas; the requirements tor Seals club ® ® Ists who had belonged to the older New York, give Il series of popular a number of Strauss wnltzes, nnd membership Is posted on the bulletin S ® ® concerUl during every season at other light orchestral selections. Ancient and Honorable Company of London, whiCh had been chartererl board at the gymnasium. - home, which are yery well received The orchestra has already begun by King Henry VIII a full century by concert goera. work on some these, anel while YELLOW SLICKERS ot eOJ'lIer, In 1637. The company, tUilent In HospUal ~ ~ Tha term popu lar concert IR not no defln!te progrnm hos ns ym been SHOP therefore, has a. continued eXistence Leonard JIospodarsky Is the only I ntended to conv y the Idea that the selected, music lovers of lowo. c.'ty of 387 years. student added to the list of studenta ~ ARE HERE ~ progra.m will be composed ot jazz ell n begin to look forward to hear. in the hospital thlg week. g The names of some of the great· ® ® music or III 80ng h lUI. There 13 Ing a number of these old favorites est men In American 1)lstory appear 0. der!nlte etass or clall8!caJ mUSic played by a IuU orchestra of sev· ® ® which hu come to be term~ pop· enty·flve pieces. In the muster rolls of the Ancient For Men and Boys end Honorable Artillery Company, ® @ and tor almost 200 years the com· Otement Looms Nelson nnd Kitch. Harter and Hal" I'nny has maintained Its headquar· The dependable ' place to trade­ ter were champ!ons of last year, and University ~ MARUTH'S ~ EXcI tel's In historic Faneull hall, In where good merchandise rightly pric~ @ @ 'E d Brooker and Roose were the run· Boston. @ J 30 SO. DUBUQUE @ tourney s n nera up. Howflver, the opponents In ed is the big noise. A T both matcbes have come through @ @ I the previous games with excellent Bookstore @@@®®@@®@®@@@@@@@@®@@@@@@ ~oores, wblch would I!how thnt the N. O. L. Material Young Men's Suits Easy Wins Chalked up final results are still very much In Corner of Iowa Ave. (loubt. Is Available at In Some Maches; with two trousers ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 The singles. !n which more games General Library and Clinton St. Finals Near I had to be played. have not progress· $25, $30, $35 up to $45 ~ i ed qu!te so tar. The fourth round In now be!ng played, and the single An explnnatlon of the upper meth· Halloween Good. Top Coats Th 1~lt roundA of the Un!verslty games are: E. lIarter·VolberdJng, D. od for lhe selecllon of a subject and a Ust of references ror the NoI'lhern coo worn n'. t~nnl tournllrn~1I1. promise K1tch·A. Roose, G. Harter·C. Owen, to hold all tbe t'xcltement thal has lIf. Frnnklyn.(l.· Drocker. Oratorical league candJdates wel'e Favors, Nut Cups, $20 $25 $30 $35 been prophesled tor them. In the Tbe semHlnal matches are to be the things dl!ICussed by Mr. W. Ar· doubl II. the eeml·Qna.ls hn.ve been played next week and thOse who thur Cable of the department of T allys, Caps, New Fall Hats I reached, Ind Harter and Harler are have followed the matches so far speech at the second meetlng of the $3 $4 $5 very matched agaln.~ 1 enhutb nnd Vol. sny that an exclUng exhibition of N. O. L. candidates. Crepe Tissue berdln., Brook I' and Roose ngnlnst the court sport will be seen. Sultnble ma.terlaJs wtll be found ~cli\'o by the candidates !n bocks and mng· Yellow Slickers ~ nzlnes nvaUuble at the University ".______... _____ 111_ )!brary, according to Mr. Cnble. Iowa Blankets, Pillow Covers, Pennants ~ i 'rhe propet· method of beginning work arler the selection oC a subject ri ha'l been made, and the most effec· tlve methcxls of reading and nole· tnk!ng, were outlined. These dlscuslon meeting willbe in room 118 of the liberal arts build· EPPEi'S I ing for the benefit of those students who are regl8tered for the N. O. L. Iowa Song Books contest. ON DUBUQUE ST. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SLICKER COATS UNIVERSITY CONCERT COURSE Season Ticket Holders For Women Misses and Men Charming New Garments Just MAKE RESERVATIONS TODAY FOR New Frocks , Out of Their Wrappers We have recently received a large shipment of These SLICKER COATS are the popular type for SOUSA charming new fall frocks-in silk, wool and plain flannel. Our prapery Service women, juniors and misses. They come in the natural and his • yellow shade. also black. Women in search of new fall dresses will be They are absolutely storm-proof and light in weight, interested in viewing our groups at- is Different and can be comfortably worn over a suit or coat. BAND 'l'he collar fitted with adjustable leather strap is 50 50 faced vrith corduroy and the edges turned to insure SINGLE TICKETS MONDAY and TUESDAY $19. $24. W have assembled for your inspection this fall the cO'mfort of the wearer. Fitted 'With sewed-on white at University Book Store and ivory buttons, $27.50 $35.00 one of th most complete assortments of fabrics Every student girl on the campus should have one CONCERT TUESDAY AT 3 Every group is of especial merit We'v eve r shown. of these excellent slickers to protect her from the rain and snow. A phone call will bring at! expert interior decor­ They are wonderful values. We've a range of sizes ator to your home to help you plan your new from 12 years to the larger sizes for women and men. Men's Gym New Slip over Sweaters Draperioi!. The prices are exceptionally low from 4.50 to 7050 Other new arrivals to our ready-to-wear de­ pal'tment includes a handsome assortment of new W have just unpacked a large shipment of We've hats to match the coats, each- 75c SEASON TICKETS ARE STILL ON SALE un Fut Silk which we believe will please you. Wool Slip-o ver Sweaters. at Book and Music S ores and Whetstone's They are very moderately priced at-- Our n dl women have been constantly busy Fourth down! Two yards to go! Oh Boy, 6 Concerts for $6.00 how it rained! But the spirit of the players all fall completing the great number of orders re­ wasn't dampened a bit, Neither were the $4.50 and $6.75 ceived. At th present time we can promise the wise spectators who bought their Slickers SOUSA and his BAND compl Uon of new ord rs at a reasonable early at Yetter's, date. ELL Y NEY, Pianist • MINNEAPOLIS ORCHESTRA (2 concerts)



IJrobnble, ho\\,ove,',' thr(t stralght Special Train for Hawkeyes Work rootbllll wIll be relied upon to win Butler Pasteboard. (23 Champions Dedicate t he game, depending ot coul'se on High School Hill and Iowa-Wisconsin Game lhe strength that Lawronce dis, Mailed Next Week Light Day Before pll\y8, '''Ith tho reputa tion they car,'y, Coach Catl!n's players should tlckel holde,'s wllo have pul Illini's New Stadium ilE hock 1.lan,l will run a "I" Dale Men R~n Today provllle an- Interesting conlest for In.. thell' applications tor r&­ "pedal tl'aln to the lown­ T Lawrence Game the Old Gold eleven, se,'ved seats at the gllme with \\'1800n"ln at Madison, \'Idory 0\'01' tho Haskell In,lluns ,,""l1{' Lawrence (lrrlves, twenty~three l:IUtlCI' November 8 need 11 0t low path, ft em. to \J .howlng UP NovcllIhcl' Hi, The "Ileelal MinneSO(ll Will Invade n1C'f1f!,t \\~ i ~'onH ln nt Mnlllsnn, not '\'I" .. Htrong, at 7:30 IhlH morning, They worry It they have not I'ecei,.,a 75 Runners Entered; well In hi. worlwulft with tho Unl ­ will he p,'actll'ally the "arno as "0 f1'''Mh f'~ ' m her 7 to 7 lie with Wisconsin Eleven Ar~ left hlco/:o In the wee hours ot t hem, Kenneth E, Griffen, man­ ver~lty ot 10wr. varally c,'o • coun­ Badger Territory thnt to the llllnol~ ~'lm{', a",1 ager ot l1cket sale, announces Field of New ("ue l·fll1~ge. rives at 7 :30 This lhe night afler taking a li ght work­ try squad nnlt will /lOuMI 118 mllko Today will lea"" low,. City Frida)' e\'en, oul On Coarh Slagg's alhletlc field that lhe alhletle Office ha.s been Competitor. hl8 l,r""Cnr" fclt tomorrow, C'''o;u'h "Navy gm', Ingl'arn, will Ii'll\', Novem!)el' 14, ut ~ o'clock, Morning ycslCl'day IlJlel'noon, ~o crowded In l'esel'vlng spats tor Tile ,'af'(> ,,111 .tarl lit 11 I\.. m, (Lt I"'ln~ Ill:; I ndlu nu "Ieven to 1:!1u'1(1( It ",III 1.11'1'1\'(\ lit lIt'Ldl.on Nlrly the Hom~eolnlng contcst with Many ol(Hlmers wIll be watching III golt clUb h,,\I, on tho new wPst (By Ihr II RR()ciatcd P,'ru) 1"1('(<1 tot' th('11' fh.,.l ,'on!c, nc,­ ~(ltu)'(II\Y nHlI'nln~. nnd knvc Minnesota tha.. t they will not be lhls gllmo to see what kind ot 0. When tho 75 prell hltl amt dalo campus rlel,1 an,1 will ho rUn ovel' ,',IIIll' ot the ~{'~""n with hlra!l'o IhN'{, at 0 o'l'I'wk :,;"tul'liay night, [lblo to Mlldle a ppllcatlons Cor CHll' \GO, o('t, 17,-Jlllnols ant! Khowlng tho \\' Isconsln tell m wIll men swing Inlu actlon , lot Ih flr.t JI"jlc~ al'C hl/;h In llw Innce game's ers' ~"lIege 7, Schirmer I,J [ ll('\(1e'lnan tbe way and WOn by 20 yru'ds ovel' nlo['1'o\\"~ game will ~o nInn,£;' '\IlY \\'Inol up the 'll\)"s pl'ogmm for the gate; Grinnell to Illinois collcge 0, McKcndree col- l!'lsher FB Briese W, Elllolt ot Iowa City, State College Sends 10w:11'l1 (]etcl'mlnlng Ihe ln~3 puzzle, nthC'I' lHg 'f(\n tcnmR, Ohio n.JHl Jo K, l'J. a rimn, manager ot the legr 0, 'rhe game will stal't 1\ l 2 :30 p, Play Drake Jow" City, lrult year's vIctor, hM nlthouf!'h Mlchl~l\n lust mOl..., ot It" "'n, Ohio Atnt~ ",III take on Ohio athletic ticket anles dep'Lrtment an­ Team Out of Town _~ll1lkl!l 14, Wesleyan 0, m, lost a ll lhe men by gra(luatlOn who Hta"S ot lhe lU23 ('lev en than Old 'W(,HI<'ya", ('XI,o,'lenced considerable Bea' 8ll1a,'l!ng undet' their 14 to 7 defeat chances ot prQduclng a. aure poillt 1.A1 RBI., Md" Ocl. 17 CAP)-Ep Imliana NOl'mal 0, "OI'I(oul. Llmherlng up and a I'e' sent to the Unlversltly ot Minnesota sonlll;>; and th~ weathcl' outlook lit the hands of Oklahoma last Sat, Winner In Mcljane, who was fourth Ina,'d, Ple'Te \Verthelmel"s i:amous Universlll' ot I(]uho 10, 'Washing- hea,'sal ot "Igno Is was the p,'lmary but no check has been made on them P1'OmIRCR fuvorahle tOt' 0 ny typo of UI'day, nre eager to ~ra111ple the In last year's competition, )(, Co­ [oUl"yeur-oll1, Is eXllected to be In ,ton State collegr J, ollject of lhe evening, und It will not be known untll play the L'wches may Imve devel­ €nsterners, zine of the Unlver81ty 11Igh ot lOW, ""'IINI a heavy favorite In the The Hawkeye mento,' Is trying to Monday, how many have been sold, oped fOt, the \Veslcrn 1024 ~lns"I~, Of the conference games, lntel'est Clly, although I], new man on the 'I'ho tQrward pOSHlng ot Harold 10,000 Laurel stalles 10 be run over I,o lste,' up his Hne In blocking and Manager Grlft!n stateR that If any i9 the mile route as the fcature of (0 chal'glng, and several of the tack- are returned from there It wtll help about equally dIvided between the _======:;::::;:::==:;= "fled" Cran~e, ~1l-Amel'lcRn star Williams' Yearlings M IS90Ul'1 and J owa Slate game at of In23, won tho IllinoIs opening mor';ow'~ cord here, le8 exercised on the stulTed dummy satlsfy many local applicants who Ames and th~ Kansas University­ till with Nebraska, nnd lhls famous Work Light Before at the fnt' enol of the ft Id durIng may otherwIse be disappointed, j,layc,' played enough off hIs las! The Fl'ench thOt'oughll"NI Is con, the pl'actlce, The entire string of The Rock Island railroad llnnounc­ KanHM AggIe" haltle at Manhattan, }'C~r'8 form af;'alnHt 13utlpl' a wee I< sldered to have been given much lho Next Week's Stretch IIne~men u,'e being given a dally es tl,at thero will Ile no specllll I'DI' botll lIfl""ou,'1 anti I{anSll" Ag­ ogo to enable I1l1nol!{ (0 wIn handlll' hest nt the weigh I arrangements, \'/ol'l

Nilsson Also showing th in her latest and hawing you greatest photoplay PA THE !'JEWS 11th latest n ws b for

" .

with MILTON TUES., S ILL S .. ,;- ...... ~ (The Sea Hawk) THE JI faithful 'visualization of Admission- Aft rn on, x pt MIG! tlte booh which added a ENID BENNETT T! new word to lite dictionary (His Sweetheart) days, Adults 40c, hildr n lOc, v­ WAl .. LACE BEERY nings and und y ft SOc"ISe BABBITT (The Pirate) Pre~enled wi th a typical Continuou turd nd und' y ST Warner cast headed by ... ]... LOYD HUGHE Willard Louis· Babbitt (The Villain) from I :30 to I J p. m. Mlttll Carmel MYers, Mary Alden. orne early to v nin II Ild Still' 8 allY ~fUferald,G(TlrudcOhnsttM. matin to void .~4 ot~,. m nt of .~ ~., HARRY IEAUMOtIT for OUI JAIIITr tells tk truth to YOU Comina Tu )AJllrrtc!t.s tllct.ruJJz oihautYfJJ A powerful 8tory of NOW SHOWING a woman whQ won a noth r bi HENJ (Run;through Monday night) STARTING NEXT victory ov r age and Anna Q. Nil,ton D FRIDAY n arly lost her soul in .... T~e fastest, Most Thrilli~g Photoplay Ever Made, Re­ leased Just One Month Ago and Now Creating a Sen(l)­ THE GREATEST the und rtaking. Cominl for Hom eominr Luxurious settings don Wherever It Is Shown. PICTURE OF ALL UIN HOLL YWOOD NOW and sh wears 80m -Also-- wonderful gowns. -with J\ R~ ST AN LAU~EL in "DETAINED" POT ASH AND PERLMUTTER" B What v r you do and Fbx NEWS i ENGLERT The Bigg t L u h 1 it in Th BL T ,...., ~ A r r-l E.,.- don't miss this one. ,18, 1924 SATURDA y, OCTOBER 18, 1924 TlIE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA PAGE FIVE e -r----

Barney Knows What to Expect Now Wightmqn NQses Way BARNEY__ ~GOOGLE ____~ __. ______and SPARK-U ~ PLUG By Billy de B~ck LI;>I'S 0"" FOLIC'> '1"''''1< 1 i"'I <::~A<: " T(I Go YOu BIG.- SUM ~ . 10 EUROPE AS Po ~"ov..AWA"'. Bu". """ 1"1'"0 You ';'-\OUlO HAVE' Victory in I", MAoe UI>. SPARK". RUDV. M'i .mc,,£,v ",,<0 Nlit~ 's B6~N ""ORE eAfI"'''L1l-....~_~ Meet ;;"Ii To I JV'ST "'0; 'SOON A 5 BO""T tE;A\l1l' D 'i E' W<'ItU r ,,,AT Go'- 'N ...... ~ /VIORI\I''-'<7 pu,\. ~ uP HER ANCHOR _ ,,. S (;0"'''''' 66 po PI.!; Tc:. Bft.1. S/I To ';!'O'!. TI-'I!: In tho varsity sortlon tho cOn· I \-lID .. IN "(HE! SL\ .' -r.. IHAY ~ Olympic Replica. Ing his chan es at Iho tlnlllspul~d In· 1 Mo~E:'1 tlROUNO -r"'E l\le'6 " '3c~" .. dlvldual cha_m])lonshlp wh~n he AtJO W""S"ER CiCcO!!." ... 'To M~ C'R'o;;",OS - From Paris tnllM to beat J'lverlngham out (It third plltco In the two mll~ run. Sor· enSOn waa n. dose pursuer or tho 1n the seml-(larkncRH ot tho 18Bt leaders when he took three flrRls fol' ev~nt of laBt night's tlnal competl· 15 polnl8. tlon In the fall trark mpct, Johnny In oo unLlng tM sCO"e which gave Everingham broa.d·jul11pM his way a tlo to the varsity leaders It wa~ Into a tie tor Individual honors found that J;;vcrlngha m h(ld tal,en with . Frank oulter at 16 points. fI"st In the brood jumlJ, seconds In Coultcr had I~d the varslt)' (lection the 100, 220, ano 440 ya"d (]llshes In the pael two days' onteet. and third In tho two mile. Cbultcr In tho treshman section, Jack had evened the count with j]r8t~ In Wightmo n, hflvlng abandoned toot· t./Ie 100 and 440 yard d(l.~he~, the ball practice to pn.·lIclpate, ctI· mile, one mile, and two 01110 races. section will be b1vcn " statue. The Bentty, fourth. Time 52: 4·J O. over El\st High, slnre East High JOWI1 City JliAh's Lineup Today lion WM the performance oC Wright, \Vlghtman, the (rosh pacc·~etter, second hll':h scorrr will he given a Two mile nlll - Sorcnson, fi"sl; has lost lwo games. This Is not ns whO "tnrtprt "UI~rRtcrmll"k and Goldman are no~ In adn 1aoklC>l }';MtloCI(\ is ns strong as ever. i.lnlsley \V. Sle\,e;,s. U o \\'111 5uhRtltutO frco. PAH1R, O,·t. 17. (AP)-'l'ho l"rcl1ch Wright, second; Kutsch, third; Prud· Dcs Alolne" hl~h nt J) s J\lolnt:'s. n· and Strfclder 1"'I'in,· fully recovered "0 C It 11 .,,, Ide-' to aA I to o Iy with these, [or thoy nl'o all ot " v 1'l11J1' as ... ,e u ... ( ONE NIGHT h011, fourth. bl~tance: 20 tt. 8 In. til rc<>cntly tho outlOCiI, W,lM IWight from tMir injuries. the admlnlsl1'llt!"C machlncry a ncw Pole vault-Mullen, first; Stajll 'y, for the IOI·als. hut now ]) lll'tQnllous E~t High JI,L. Two D"fmis hl~h calloor. The sltUIl.j Ic(t yesler· (og In lIl<' form of ,\ nullonal eeon. second; Wright, thb·cl; Cransky and Forecast for dourl. In tll tnI'm of in 'urle~ ha\'o A ceoI' dl ng t 0 0 I I I mn.n "1101 1e, " tho d a y u'tcrnoon> by at.to" I ',mle c(I(I\l1Iltt"". Mon., Oct. 20 Barl'(.wH tied [Or fourth. Height }O ".Iar",cd lho Hed and '''Illte sup· tt. 9 In. porters. ======~======- 'A HIT! A lIlT! A VFI<.Y PALPABLE IUT! ~ Just Today's as \ presented at KLAW THE­ WANTI , • A s ATRE, New GAMES ~W York for 37 DAILY IOWAN WANT ADS ,PAY RATES Weeks, One or two days. 10 ccnts per Iowa 27; Lawrence 0 line each (laY. Three to five days, 7 ccnta per line each day. Six days or longer, 6 ccots per line each day. Minn 10; Wi consin 3 Count five \Vords to each Call 290 or 291 ' ota One oftnany line. Every word In eneh ad­ new models vert/ament ",ust be countrd. now To Send Your lVauti Ad Ads in at 6:00 P. M. Will be Published the Following Good 'looks are not all in the face. In Mall your Ad wIth expleit JUinoi 9; Michigan 6 these days of dancing the looks of the Instructions and a cheel' or Morning. money order to covor the In- shoes are equally important. 8~rtlons desired. Minimum Charge of 30 Cents For Each Ad. Every woman who wears Brownbi1t Shoes Northwe Icrn 7; Purdue 3 Only one night knows that her feet look at their ~st- NEAT AND M:C[THATJiJ 'l'\"PINO LOST ANYTH£NG? performance BUSINESS AND PROFES­ ()f your nol('bool,s, themo", l'te.. I. ,4 because these shoes are designed to enhance A want ad in the Daily Iowan this season SIONAL DIRECTORY ~.sentlal ]\Iy rMo" [\ro low, 4c pcr Chicago 17; 0 If' ~. their natural beauty. 100 words. Sall,factlon gu"ntnt ...d. Will bring results. Call 290, ------Chas. Church, 224 N. Dubuque. 21 Gl. 'r~~ BEAUTY PARLORS TyPING WANT!';D: R1l!J1S0NABLE MBT1AL 1,()S't', nOUNTl GOLD rates. 712 E . lI1arket. Dlacl, 1025. tr"rlt m..,lal. Frc"hma'l, 2 milo, Ohio 20; Ohio Wesleyan 0 A'l'TENTION PLEASE! This play and cast are now l' Brown hlh Shoes ]\IAHGARET'S SlIOPPFl. MARCEL "atetl Inn. l':lllflly return to Dally 75e. For appt. call J 012 J. Io\\'a. n offlce. Heward. playing to large and gr~ltly pleased audiences in combine style w1th elegance - comfort with grace - and MAHGELLINCI 50e. ADORA BEAUTY · ROOMS FOR RENT MTLWAUKEE. "MEET THE WIFE" is even better Parlor. l~~d 2739. Notre Dame 14; Army 7 value with charm. It is a mark of distinction to wear than its title promifles! DO NOT WAIT TO BUY these shoes. CLEANERS AND DYERS SEATSl SEND IN YOUR ORDERS NOW. I person­ Come in and let us show you the latest models for fall that ROOM FOR MEN ally guarantee this attraction to be of exceptional W'ell all\1olnted room with adjoining HAT------LOii1': H1;;l'WP,8N MAD HA'l'· Am 6; Missouri 13 merit, a high clMs comedy, beautiful production, and you may judge fol' yourself how well they look on your feet. ~ Io cptng pOI"eh for t\\"o m('n. Steam tr-r'R unci Capitol st., a small hat. Priced from $6 to $10. The Paris Cleaners hl·at. Only 6 !Ilo~I's from c".In\1u~. Rewllrd. Itoturn to Ually Iowan of· an unusually talented cast. This is a performance that Vory reaw>nnhl~ renl. Call B ~GO, 217 tlee. Klcan Klenn South Johnson St. ------. -~- will please every man, woman and child in Iowa City. Klolhes 1'l';!'< LOWl': 01 I'II';N SUAE~'J1'r:I{ nUSTEI~ R{TSTER fountain 111'n. Call It. G. Northup, Dartmouth 6; Yale 0 NATE CHAPMAN, Manager. ('lothI'8 to ho lIrcoS!'d will bo railed ror llul 2~6·1 or Dolta ·hl hnus". Hewnru nROWN L. C. DROWN hf'fortl noon alld dolll'"Tt·(\ th~ sarno FOr: RENT: ATTnil("1'IVI.; nOO~{ nf1t·rlloon." . Huila.blc for Olle or two men In n. (;LARSr:s LOST. DAnK JU~t~n~l). Price - IIfain Floor, $2.7;;, U alr'fllI)", S2.~O, $1.65, $1.10 SI-IOF.: SH °1'; STORE STORE l'llono 1137 115 Iowa Ave. modern, private 110m~. Sleeping potch 'amr (lncl nddr('~s 'mdur Cn.8e. ~lC!- KRUEGER Il(ljotntn~, alsn garago. ltrusnnallic. " ':\.1'(1. 1\lal'g't JOnt·~, G18 N. Va.n RUff'lI. SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFICE Phono Red 2659 or 1000. I 1I0SIEitY COM, AND WOOD ~------l'BN LOS,\, : I'Altl(gR FOUN'l'AIN CO. pl'n In .. t. '1Ipliry Harding' engravt:d A. S. M. on hILlT(:1. J ('1 lIrn to Dally Iowan. KINDLING pgN l.oS'r : (lOI,D FOUNTAIN Hutchinlon', lwn. Nalllt1 P. F. Sha[fr on ba.... el. Alway, a Good $4 per lORd ; $2 per halC l.·wo OR. 'l'IlIU:E nOO~I:;; I·'on lletul'll tll .l1lllJy ,Iowan office. Wonderful Story C"pp)y 'l·m·J·ted. Phone light hou8rke£'1I1I1g, Boll able ror roul' )oacl. ,'-J" I girl s. Call GIO lifter r; o'clock. 41~ :,;. WI r,r, I'An'l'Y IVIIO TOOf( 0 RA Y 10, Dane Coal Co. I_ueus street. foi l hal [r"l11 ."ny's cafo please re­ Which thrilled the hearls tu,'n It to tho care.~ Notice to Picture Fans l'WO NICELY ~'lfRNISllElD },'lWN'r of Millions rooms on socpnti fltlor or on J1rst PIN LOS'l': l'I11 ]{APPA PIN ON DENTrSTS 1------~--100r. Closo to I::ampus. Phono------2820. Norlh ClIulnn. Phono 597. Rewa.rd.

11'On REN1': 2 N1CJ1lLY r"IlRNT~lHlD PJN LOS'!': I't BE1'A I'HI PIN. RI~· .lust a few of the big pictures that are coming Lo the DI~. Cr,AUDl!l W. ADA~IS rooms. $20 c(lch. Phono 112 VI. tUI'II to l'oucl(··a Inn. Reward. -Dr-nUll Surg~~n- PASTIME THEATRE, SOON. Walch for the daLcll. Over Coasts' StOl" •. Phone 1100. DUBUQUE ST 32" S., FI'j{NJS!H~J) PERSONALS "If room either 'double t)r slngl•. :';oc­ t , DRESSMAlON'G ond (loor. front, for m n. A.NNA Q, NILSSON in hel' latest photoplay, "VANITY'S WNA1'flim HTR!!'S: KEEP OUT l'RICE:," i~ a typc slory almosl t.he slime U~ '''rUE ULACK ll'OR HFlNT: 2 LARC))", nOO~ts. cold "lid (lURt ""d Ravo co,,1. 13 co AX EN," but a beltcr ]licture. Will be hel'o nexL Tucsday, li'Jns~~ Cr,ASS nJ;tERSMAK ING. 1.07 11111'( ~1~ l t"JN, E. ",urJlDs-toh til. I'hol1o Wack 2267. modern. for 2 nr a hflY•. NO.2, 3 1.2 S. Dubuquo St. Phone 2066. Winter Wednesday and Thursday. . Washington Apt. Phono 2720 W. ____ • ...... J..!.- STARTS TODAY J~ilUNDH I~;S llWAG'l'Y oPlmA'l'OR E}i:PEIlJIJJ N- FOR RENT: r,AHGJil FURNliirmO ced In all b .. "uty rultuc'A wt)l'k. tv.'111 "IN }~OLLYWOOD" with POTASH AND pl'mLMU'l'TI~R ia room, alRO OM unlurnlRhed. Abovo lin PI DI I 1062 the grcaleat comcdy thal haR bren nInde in yellrs-it bl'oko STUDENTS NOTICE Strand thoatre. Phono 2m w. =_0 _0.!_ou_r_,0_':-__10_ne __ a_c~--.-:.. 1\11 hOt/se rccorrl ~ in the Chicago 'rhclltrr It few wCl'ks tl~o. Comes" Oh Baby! lIm\j~ LAUNDRY. WOIlK GUAR· D SUQUE ST_ 4a~ S0\11'1/. "ilROI~ HELP WANTED-FEMALE l-l'ORMA AND CONS1'ANCE TALMADGl'; apJl(,lIr in lhi~ p1C­ .llntMcI. 411 W,,,,l1lnl:'loll St. 1'110110 double frollt .·vom for ren t. Close Lh Has al last n II cur d. luJ'o. Will be here nexl Friday for liomc Coming. ]"8;1. We call and deliver. In. Phono 1177. S'rI1PI~N'J' /lJIlI,: LII1J['l' WORI{ ror toom ruHI Imard. J'l~asant \0.-... Is a r mat'knble photoplay HERE IS A HOT ONE k"· "WELCOMB STRANGER" is lIllother big l'icture wiLh on All I"A ~IJLY WASHiNG WANTED. CALL TWO DOllBl,N 1?\1RNIHJII.;n A~n lion. 10 min. from -University. B U1~. for F or This Week End Star Cast-has a wond('tful hUffiU!! btOt'y. n is oeltct· thn~1 th &~ I J.' light I1 skpg. room •. 131 H. DubuqUe. SITUATION WANTED- Rtagc pl1l1 which is now playing in Chicllgo. YOUo'I\ enjoy J1{1BUQUI~ R'r: 2n2 }·s S., MODERN ' 1\'~ALE A Ul'tllTED ENGAGE· ONE OF THE FAMOUS 40 lhis one. front room, "I ngle or uoubll'. ~ I~ NT OF THREE COT.LEGEl ST. E. :109, FURNISllmJ) BOARD .IOB WAN'rlm BY COI.OR- Eat at the DAYS ONLY Which Are Nationally Advertised "TARNISH" with MAY McAVOY. RONALD COLgMAN is , double room .1 block from pOHlolrlce. cd "tmlt'lIl. BhlCk 22 18. ' ext a now leading man whom you liked so well in "TIm WHlTE: University ROO~[ FOR MIDN, DOUHLE OH' SIN­ FOR SALE VOT~R" They all sllY lhi ~ piclu1'e outclnsHeR Ihe big slugo gle. 115 N. Clinton., Dlaek 2095. T E ., WED., THUR - The Popular Campus Cllfe - production which is now playing Chicugo-dght now. BOWERY ST. 830, ROOM FOR a 'rYPEWHI'l'8H FOH SAI_El Cl-lI!lAP. students. Call Black 171.0. Praotlcally 1Ie\\'. L. C. Smith. Mod,'1 THE PICTURE IS Opposite Universily Y. M. C. A. 8. Cash or tl'rm •. Write P. O. box 290 "IIER NIGHT OF ROMANCE," lhis is CONSTANCE TAL­ MJ H'rIER THAN LINN ST. N. 221, MODEIlN DOUBLE or QuadranglO 178. MADGE'S \I\teat and bcsl picture ovcr made. Coming in No­ room for men. THE BOOK! Vember. WANTED TO BUY FOR REN'r: DOUBLlll ROO~[ FOn The Washington Cafe mono Phon H 2136. I SErmm llANV c r,OT UI NO. SUOgg "IN F.VERY WOMAN'S LIFJ~" is another big piclul'C' wilh FURNISiiE'DROoMi;QilRENT. wanted. AI~o "~oe rOPRlring. don~ . beautiful VIRGINIA VALlI in an All Star casl. ~t' s a hig The ChC811est Rate in TOIl'n Phone Bla knOt. Rea~onable. M. KlplInel, Z4 E. CQ· STRAND I drama. $6,00 M"U1 Ticket for $5.00 DuBUQUrl'"'fjT.6op SOUTH, S iNGLE HOUSES FOR RENT . lutcst pic­ room (or ref1t. "CLASSMATES" is RICHARD 13ARTIIELMESS' rhono 1182 130 1Jl. Washington FOR 1U~NT: LODGE ON RlVER f,lY ~~~ I turo Ilnd believe hl0 it is going to ho the biggest hit he hUH made , COURT ST. 22 EAST, b'On RENT: day or week-end. I ],'urnlehed, et- since "TOLABLE DAVID." Walch for the duto. fu rnished room. , Ct:'IJt bccldlng. Pure aprlntr water .• Frank C. Car~on. Still' another ship­ ROOM, CLOSE IN. RED 201 . "THE SILENT W AT HER" j~ another big First National The New Merchants . FOR SA~'-E--"""'L'-O-T-S-- m nt of new pictures picture made by FRANK LLOYD who made "i'){liJ SEA • )~picting th love adv('ntul'e~ of a bright liUJ gold Cafe ' BOARD AND ROOMS IIAWlC" with GLENN HUNTER lind BESSIE LOVI~-il hn~ A ::::-:-::-:-:c~:-::-. __-:--- ... - .. , THREE FINE LOTS ON PAVING, for our art depart­ among the gold min 1'8 of ilroadway wonderful story. Our rates a1'o as low as anyone's­ THREE MIllALS PER nAY $5 PER reasonable. Phono 1548. but our service and quality of food week. 407 N. DulluQue St. ment. AI8o-A SPAT F Al'tJlL COMEDY AUTOMOBILES "CHRISTINE OF TilE HUNGRY HEART" is another Itrcllt is superior. FOR RENT-HOUSEKEEP­ ricture 1Mde from the :famous book with bMUliful FLORENCE 1'hono 1902 210 E. Coli ge FOHD 01 PIil, I.ATE 19 22, ~f,W FUN FROM THE PRESS Y~DOR uhd WALTER HIERS-Wulter Raxter. ING ROOMS tirea anti lI ew battery. Also two '12 HENRY LOUIS nnd APdAn~. ~'crIl\8 to eult. Bu "'-etl- STUDENT BOAUn.• 4.7(;, ••. 26, AND UIJdegr ..tt Ford garage. ------tl~lner~ n.76. 11il N. Clinton. c... n TWO LICUI'!.' 1I0UlmlmI'JPINO Druggist GARD.EN ORCHE TRA "MADONNA. 01" THE STREETR" with NAZIMOVA and Dlae\{ 2005. rooms for glrl~. Exc Ihnt location. -----~.-..:------:-: , ! Mar Call1\lue. I!lvG"yllilnH' t,jrnlshed. FOR ALE: I ClOOD,USED FPnD~. Kodak MTLTON SILLS iM going Lo be one of lhe big piclul' S !01' lhis Cheap. Oarlner Motor Co. : Th n xall fall. CONEY ISLAND LUNCH 'all 2071 Woo 15 W. Davellllo.·t. 124 Ea t Collego 121 S, DubuQul) St. ])JiJSlr~AOLl1 LI(iUT llOOSllltml'Jr­ ~OR RENT-GARAGfiS . No Advallce in Prices Ing r OOlns. two roo",. and Hleop­ Ing porch. 'all oHM 489. FOR TIll GREAT I just want you to l'(1nwmbcr thllt you will novrr be disap­ BTl TlI~NT 'BOARD RATEI'l $4.50 , OARAOl~ AT 419 S. LUCAS. IR~NT --I now pointed by going to thq Pastime 'l'hclltl'l'. Always n Qod show. I'ntl $ii.OO ~2. S. Dubuqll . C[\ II 2077. r~ason ... ble. Phone 610. - ) , LOST AND FOUND Admlfolsion-A ft 1'n onl1, :JOe; Evcning!1 and J u$t, remember that. . TYf'EW.Rl't'lNO GARAOFl FOR RENT: COl\~ A Real 8-Piece WiI.'l'C'1{ T,ORT: Jt~onT I o't'r.orK Gllhert nn~ Bowery. Qlloore !'Pt•. Sundny Aft rIl90n:1, 40c; KiuH, tOe TYPEWRITING ' 1'110 11 0 IG9 4 J . Woldl tho papel's for dstrs whl'1\ thpse pirlm'(!s will bo hel'e, W('I I., Ocl. lr.. Ill'll N'n ~Iutl ITul ­ Band at AND ter's 'I'ea. room tlnd school or mU Btc, They wtll 11111»1) here before the Holldny lind mn\ly more good MIl\1EO GR PFfTNQ ladle.' Hampaon wrist Wlltoll . 6·0 WANT TO RENT Blzp. Or~cn gold ehgravod CAAe and On~ • , The BLU GOO E Don't Miss This Show .I ~t A R Y V. BUR N S bracelel: two plain links In ~rnCl tot. PIANO-IN GOOD CONDITroN. PO\ll-jlolen Bldg. J3elow Varsity Hall Finder IllCllsO roturll to 1011 un of­ L'l1onu Ul H S. Dubuque n~, CALL 2473 J. .

Latest Iowa City News Market CHICAGO AND N},JW YOHK Reports TELEPHONE 3821 1 , Hyde.to Hunt Cracks in Democratic Platform at Rally Tonight

GOP f ' D I I S f M P L I Ch d WlUl held In the women's gym ia st I lJNCUlJ SAM GOOn n \'ER -I Re-en force . . . or rO itica ituation 0 ajor arties itt e ange ~e~~\h:h::e/:,~I:in~~;~, t.g~~: th~~~~~~~(lo;t~;l~~ i~:~1~;dt~trW~~: Purple Serenndel'8 playpd tot· th~ IpndlnfC tortol' In J (l p~n'" tor~llJn e rty danCing. OI11I11MrA. II ~o"Ilnl: 10 n"ur~8 tOr d P Att k 3.1'0 llll ,tll '1'0 11(. for B D W'lk' of the party plensed wiLli the hart, Is Rnlel to IllRking headway "peales at n mQS.~ meeting here. Tho During evrnlng l'otl'cshmpnt" 1 th" ernpll'fl'" tllP O"st hR11 ThIt a ac S y on I 1l1$ progress ot thell' Cam l}(lign. They In his campaign though Ihm'e cu·c l'ppubllpons hnvo not generated a were Rrl'vell nnd Il. th" e" IJOullrl box of 1924, i~H ut'l1 by Ih~ lJiOpOrlment As the w ok J)3.8Ses. elOR observ· IIRs{'rt .Tohnso!} cou nty will el!'ct n. ttehnW \lV,hO\"' iwlllI\t~g~I:'~t~fclu.rSo.sevet, .Oal('dllleimm. greiLt deal of enthusiasm but with of canely W!iJI aWlu'ded as 1\ pI·iz. ot Flnanp . · ers of the polilielli Situation s lit· full torce of demoe"ats to county of· t . ~ , ,~ ~ this meeUng al1d 11. number of dis· Campaigner T 00 k La w Degree at Iowa In tie change 118 tar WI the 'Uwo main fices next montiL ocrnts wel'e gl etul over the nn· t"lct rallles to be staged late,' In the 1900: Suggesed as Vice Presidential Can~ parties In .Tohnson county are COn· nouncement of Sen3.tor Smoot, ot month they will bring their couse cerned. This county Is said to be the Davis Sl,rong Here Utnh, thltt he favored Brookhart, before the people. didate at Convention in best organized trom 0. pOlitical One democrntic student of the declaring thaH wo'uid be reason III standpOint Of any In tbe state. The S I,··, uat I on bell eves D avI S w run enough to alienate many of Brook· Third party workers. "hile they have been more or less active, have RTHUR M. Hyde, governor of Missouri, who speaks here tonight democratic organlzatlon has prob. strong loqaliy and La Follelte wlll hBrt's followers. ably done the most to justify ihls probably capture a fair lIumber of accomplished little. Et/orts to oecure at a republican mass meeting, is declared by Harold D. Evans A assertion. ballots from farmers of this county. O. O. P. Get Action a widely known speal the atten· lette·Wheeler club has enlisted the teresting address for Iowa City people tonight. Into the third week of their Inten. Idge will receive will come from tlon ot the electorate tonIght when membership of but a small number Governor Hyde is an alumnlM of the University of Iowa. He re­ sive program in which they are Iowa City. , You surely haven't the heart to go out Oovernor A. M. Hyde of Missouri of ~hird pa.rty followers. ceived his bachelor of arts degree at the University of Michigan. In stumping every township. Leaders DIlII F. Steck. opponent of Brook· 1900 he took his L. L. B. at Iowa, after which be began the practice to see her without a box of of law at Princeton, Missouri. Career BeIl'IWl In J"8 Cars from 71 Counties Club Convent.ion His polltlcnl career beglUl In 1908 8 p. m. In the men's gymnasium. Major Parties Fight for Offices when . he WIlS elected mayor of A"rangements havo been made to Here Lalt Saturday Princeton on the republican ticket. ll.ccommodalo 0. Ia.rge crowd. Mr. Delegates Named Later be moved 10 Trenton whore EVllIle, chairman of ,too central EVENTY.ONE of the statc's committee which has cha.rge ot pre· Ballots Received by Auditor Yesterday; Minor he has since Jived. S nin ty· nJne counties were Hyde WRS elected governor of Mis· paratlons for the rally, has extendcd Parties Enter Two Candidates Each I rap"esonted by automobiles here 7 Women Will Go to 0. speelai invitation ,to aU University FANNIE Bourl In 1921 to serve until 1925. At last Saturday, "Iown Day". Be· the time of the republlca.n conven· students to attend the meeting. District Meeting sides the Iowa ca,·s. others were tlon In Cleveland IlLSt Bummer he HE MAJOR parties, republican and democratic, are the only par­ noted from eieven states, Ohio. was mentioned as a JlOssible can· MARR[AGE AGE RISES. ties that are contesting for county offices, according to the bal­ A Davenport T IliinloR, Minnesota, Michigan, Ne·