RYEGRASSES the 17Th in a Series by R.W
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UNDERSTANDING TURF MANAGEMENT RYEGRASSES the 17th in a series by R.W. Sheard, P. Ag. yegrass originally developed as a grass is more difficult to mow than other are formed. The stems will resist mowing Rpasture grass which would withstand turfgrass species. A whitish appearance, by reel mowers giving the sports field a close grazing and had a superior ability to due to shredded, mutilated leaves, may be ragged appearance. produce meat and milk. Even today nitro- observed if the mower becomes dull. A second disadvantage is the lack of cold gen-fertilized ryegrass is the preferred A second advantage of ryegrass is the tolerance. More recent cultivar introduc- animal feed for cattle in the Netherlands. relatively rapid germination and emer- tions of turf type perennial ryegrass, how- The early settlers in New Zealand fell and gence rate. Under favourable temperature ever, have increase cold tolerance. Unless burnt the forests, then threw Ryegrass seed conditions of 12 - 25°C, ryegrass will good snow cover can be assure in areas in the ashes to develop one of great intro- emerge in 5 to 8 days. Thus ryegrass is the with severe winters winter kill can be a duced grazing environments in the world. preferred species for oversee ding in the serious problem. late spring or early fall. In oversee ding Ryegrass is susceptible to leaf rusts. In The Ryegrass Family operations rapid germination of the rye- August and early September rust can re- grass increases its competition potential duce the vigour and quality of pure rye- There are about ten species of ryegrass with weed species, such as annual blue- grass stands growing at low levels of which have been botanically identified, grass, which may also be germinating. On nitrogen fertilization and without irriga- but only two are commonly used in the the other hand, because of the rapid estab- tion. Under sports field condition other turfgrass industry. Italian rye grass lishment, ryegrass can be excessively diseases seldom become a problem with (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), sometimes re- competitive in mixtures with other spe- ryegrass. ferred to as annual ryegrass due to the cies, resulting in poor establishment of the Ryegrass is not tolerant of close mow- predominately annual growth habit, is a preferred species; usually Kentucky blue- ing. A height of 2.0 to 2.5 inches is pre- native of the Mediterranean regions of ferred, although the higher mowing height Europe. It is noted for its rapid germina- grass. may create problems obtaining a clean cut. tion rate and hence may be used where Since ryegrass is a bunch grass thatch Because of the tough nature of the leaf and rapid cover is desired. The annual nature accumulation is seldom a problem. Thus the stems which appear in late spring, a and low cold tolerance of the species limit topdressing programs for thatch control rotary mower may produce a superior its use for sports fields in Canada. Under are seldom required on sports fields with quality turf in comparison to a reel mower. more tropical environments it has found a a high ryegrass content. place in overseeding dormant tropical Ryegrass will perform well under a wide grasses for winter play. variety of soil conditions, including the Cultural Practices On the other hand, perennial ryegrass heavy textured soils. It has fair to good Satisfactory quality of ryegrass turf may (Lolium perenne L.), sometimes referred tolerance to poor drainage and compac- be maintained with medium fertility to as English ryegrass, has a world wide tion. The latter advantage makes the spe- which involves .25 - .75 kg NIlOO m of reputation as a premier grass for sports cies a popular choice for reseeding nitrogen per growing month. The higher field use. The reputation has been gained goalmouth and centre field areas, but it rate may be necessary for high use fields through the superior wear resistance of the does not correct the underlying problem on which midfield and goalmouth wear grass. It originated in the temperate areas and will not perform as well as if the soil can be more intensive. Phosphorus and of Asia and North Africa. Although a was less dense. Best performance is ob- potassium requirements are similar to bunch type grass without the colonizing tained on neutral soils, however it will those of other species. ability of bluegrass with its rhizomes, rye- tolerate slightly acidic soils. Drought tol- Turf-type perennial ryegrass varieties grass may provide a dense, high wear re- erance is medium. Its adaptation to shade are recommended for Southern Ontario, sistant turf when grown in temperate is good. lower mainland B.c. and Vancouver Is- climates under high fertility and adequate land, and the coastal areas of the maritime water. Hence it is the preferred sports field Ryegrass Disadvantages provinces. Relative to bluegrass, peren- grass in Europe. nial ryegrass is a large seed. Therefore the A major disadvantage ryegrass is the recommettded seeding rate is 2.0 - 4.0 bunch-type growth habit. It lacks the rhi- kg/IOO m . Ryegrass Advantages zomes of Kentucky bluegrass or the The major advantage of ryegrass is the stolons of bentgrass which enable them to wear resistant qualities of the ryegrass colonize bare areas. Recovery from winter leaf. The wear resistance is derived from kill or other stress factors is poor and the extremely tough, fibrous vascular bun- oversee ding becomes essential. Ryegrass dles in the leaves. While this advantage will also become stemmy during late increases the wear ability of the leaf, rye- spring when numerous reproductive tillers.