And Hope That We Will Be Able to Develop a Seminar Situation That Is Mutually Beneficial
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A nonpartisan, nonprofit forum for the involvement of youth in government November 25, 1981 Mr. Howard Phillips The Conservative Caucus 450 Maple Avenue East Vienna, Virginia 22180 Dear Mr. Phil lips: This letter is to confirm your participation in the 1981-'82 CLOSE UP Teacher Program on December 2, 1981. I am pleased with your interest, and hope that we will be able to develop a seminar situation that is mutually beneficial. The purpose of the teacher program is to provide stimulating seminars relating to current domestic issues and foreign policy. In particular, I am interested in a presentation, from your perspective, on the new Reagan budget. All CLOSE UP seminars use basically the same format -- a brief present ation of 20-25 minutes by the speaker, followed by a question and answer period for the remainder of the hour. This particular seminar will take place on December 2 at 2:30 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Reform ation, 222 East Capitol Street, N.E. (across the street from the Folger- Shakespeare Library). .If you havs any comments and/or questions, please feel free to contact me at 892-5400. Many thanks, Mr. Phillips, for your interest in our program, and I look forward to our association. Sincerely, Richard O'Connor Teacher Activities Coordinator RO'C:jm 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202 (703) 892-5400 CLOSE UP FOUNDATION BOARD OF ADVISORS The Reverend John E. Murphy In Memoriam: Representative Harold Ford Mr. Paul Duke Dr. Frank B. Brouillet Allen J. Eliender Representative Frederick W. Richmond Senior Correspondent, PBS Washington Diocese ol Cleveland. Ohio Representative Stephen J. Solarz The Honorable Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. The Honorable James Guest Dr. Fred G. Burke Dr. Arthur L. Ohanian Speaker ol the House Representative Timothy E. Wirth Attorney New Jersey Jellerson County, Colo. Representative James L. Oberstar Dr. Thomas W. Payzant The Honorable Carl Albert Representative Anthony Toby Moffett The Honorable Brooks Hays Dr. Calvin M. Frazier Washington, D.C. Colorado Oklahoma City, Okta. Speaker ol the House, Retired Representative Paul Simon Senator Henry Mr Jackson Representative Richard Gephardt Dr. Ranee Henderson Mr. Marshall L. Lind Dr. Claude Perkins Senator Jennings Randolph Representative Jim Leach Director, North Carolina Schools Alaska Las Vegas, Nev. Harold Sawyer Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr. Representative lor the Deal Dr. Charles McDaniel Dr. Joseph J. Picano Representative Bruce F. Vento Senator Claiborne Peli Mr. Lester S. Hyman Georgia Cranston, R.t. Representative Robert A. Young Senator John G. Tower Attorney Mr. Billy Reagan Senator Edward M. Kennedy Representative Norman Dicks Dr. Craig Phillips North Carolina Houston Independent School Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. Representative Wyche Fowler, Jr. Mr. Les Janka Former Deputy Assistant Secretary District, Texas Senator Mark 0. Hatfield Representative Leon E. Panetta Dr. Arthur R. Pontarelli Department ol Delense Senator Ted Stevens Representative Nick Joe Rahall. II Rhode Island Dr. Hal Reasby Senator Alan Cranston Representative Mickey Edwards Mr. Joel Jankowsky Lynnwood, Wash. Representative Robert L. Livingston Dr. Don Roberts Senator Robert J. Dole Attorney Dr. Theodore F. Rockafellow Representative Wes Watkins Arkansas Senator Barry Goldwater Moline. Hi. Representative Harold L. Volkmer Dr. Peter F. Krogh Dr. Phillip E. Runkel Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Dean, School ol Foreign Service Senator Lloyd M. Bentsen Representative Newt Gingrich Michigan The Reverend Eugene P. Sullivan Representative Mickey Leiand Georgetown University Archdiocese ol Boston, Mass. Senator Robert T. Stafford Mr. Ted Sanders Representative Ron Paul Senator Lawton Chiles Mr. Roger Leeds Nevada Dr. Robert E. Wentz Senator Sam Nunn Representative Arlen Erdahl International Finance Corporation Ms. Lynn Simons St. Louis, Mo. Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Jr. Representative Richard Cheney World Bank Representative Beryl Anthony Wyoming Dr. George P. Young Senator Pete V. Domenici Mr. Robert C. McCandless Representative Edwin Bethune St. Paul, Minn. Senator Jesse A. Helms Attorney Mrs. Carolyn Warner Senator John Glenn Representative Mike Synar Arizona Dr. Larry Zenke Senator Wendell H. Ford Representative Michael D. Barnes Dr. Betty McNeese Tulsa, Okta. Representative Billy Tauzin Assistant Superintehdent Dr. Robert Withey Senator Gary Hart Vermont Senator Patrick J. Leahy Representative Buddy Roomer Shreveport, La. Senator John H. Chafee Representative Jack Fields Mr. Harry C. McPherson SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Representative Ciaudine Schneider Senator Donald W. Riegle. Jr. Attorney Or. Robert F. Alloto Mr. Ralph E. Bailey Senator Dennis DeConcini Representative Dave McCurdy San Francisco, Calil. Dr. Edward C. Merrill, Jr. Chairman and Chiel Executive Ollicer Senator James R. Sasser The Honorable George Busbee President, Gallaudet College Dr. Vern Boss Conoco Inc. Senator Harrison H. Schmitt Governor, Georgia Kent tntermediate School District Mr. W. D. Conley Senator Malcolm Wallop Mr. George F. Neily Grand Rapids, Mich. Vice President ol Public Allairs Senator Orrin G. Hatch The Honorable J. Joseph Garrahy Director. Public Relations Senator David Durenberger Governor, Rhode Island John Deere and Company The Reverend Vincent D. Breen Honeywell Inc. Diocese ol Brooklyn, N. Y. Senator Rudy Boschwitz The Honorable George Nigh Mr. Robert L. Norrls Dr. Armand Hammer Senator Alan K. Simpson Governor, Oklahoma Ollice ol the President Dr. Leonard M. Britton Chairman and Chiel Executive Ollicer Senator William L. Armstrong The American University , Dade County, Fla. Occidental Petroleum Corporation Senator David L. Boren The Honorable Albert H. Quie Governor, Minnesota Mr. Gerald F. O'Donnell Dr. Peter P. Cariin Mr. Thomas L. Holton Senator Carl Levin Associate Superintendent Cleveland, Ohio Chairman and Chiel Executive Senator David Pryor The Honorable David C. Treen Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company Senator Bill Bradley Governor, Louisiana Diocese ot Oakland The Reverend Patrick S. Clark, Fh.D. Senator Mack Mattlngly Dr. William F. Pierce Catholic Schools Mr. William Lane Senator Don Nickles The Honorable Elizabeth Hanford Dole Executive Director Seattle, Wash. PresidenI Assistant to the President Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation Senator Dan Quayle Council ol Chiel State School Olticers Mr. Robert C. Coney Senator Frank H. Murkowski The Honorable Charles Manner Mr. Robert Pierpoint Alameda County, Calil. Mr. David Packard Senator Charles Grassley Chairman Chairman ol the Board Slate Department Correspondent. CBS Dr. Alonzo A. Crim Representative Carl D. Perkins Democratic National Committee Hewlett-Packard Company John V. Saeman Atlanta, Ga. Representative John J. Rhodes The Honorable Vincent E. Reed Mr. Sidney R. Petersen Chairman ol the Board Mr. Domenic R. DILugllo Representative Dante B. Fascell Assistant Secretary Chairman ol the Board Cable-Satellite Public Allairs Network Warwick, R.I. Representative Robert H. Michel Department ol Education Getty Oil Company Representative Silvio 0. Conte Dr. C. L. Sanders Dr. John Dow The Honorable Richard Richards Mr. J. Paui Sticht Representative Neai Smith Director ol Curriculum Grand Rapids, Mich. Representative James T. Broyhill Chairman Bossier Parish Schools, La. Chairman and Chiel Executive Ollicer Republican National Committee Mr. Paul Fournler R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. Representative Don Edwards Mr. Thomas A. Shannon Phillip Burton Houma, La. Representative Mr. Francis G. Addison, III Executive Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS Representative John Conyers, Jr. Chairman of the Board National School Boards Association Mr. Ralph Gillman Representative J. William Stanton Summit County, Ohio Mr. Richard J. SIdeman First American Bank NA Dr. James F. Shields Representative Guy Vander Jagt Washington. D.C. Chairman ol the Board Assistant Executive Director Mr. R. A. Gray Representative Thomas F. Raiisback M' Slebhe" A Jjnger Mr. Barren Adier Delaware County tntermediate Unit Hainelt County, N.C. Representative Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. President Representative William V. Alexander Education Consultant Mr. Roger L. Stevens Dr. Ted Gray Shirley Chlsholm Grand Rapids, Mich. Davenport, Iowa Mr. Ronald B. Natalie Representative Chairman, Board ol Trustees Vice Chairman ot the Board Representative William L. Clay Mr. Frank Angelo The Kennedy Center Or. Lee Grebner Representative Manuel Lujan, Jr. Mr. Max N. Berry Associate Executive Editor, Retired Dr. Dean R. Stucky Bettendorl, Iowa Chairman ol the Executive Committee Representative Louis Stokes Detroit Free Press Deputy Superintendent ol Schools Representative Ronald V. Dellums Dr. Phillip Grossier Mr. H. Brewster Atwater Wichita, Kansas Mr. James P. McAleer Representative Bill Frenzel Brooklyn, N.Y. President Mr. Brian Stone Representative John F. Seiberling Mr. Robert Tingle Dr. W. W. Herenton General Mills, Inc. Representative Walter F. Fauntroy Senior Vice President Memphis, Tenn. Mr. J. Gordon Zuber Representative John B. Breaux Mr. Leo J. Brennan, Jr. Rhode Island Hospital Trust Dr. Arthur Jefferson Mr. Thomas J. Kenan Representative Ike Andrews Executive Director Natl. Bank Representative James R. Jones Ford Motor Company Fund Detroit. Mich. Mr. Jack J. Valenti Mr. Rater Johnson Representative Trent Lott Mr. Howard J. Jenkins Mrs. Judith F. Carstens President Dr. Jili Shapiro Representative William Lehman President, Board ol Education Motion Picture Association ol America Archdiocese ol New Orleans, La. Representative