SUBMARINE By Richard Ayoade (Based on the novel, by Joe Dunthorne) Dated 9th October 2009 & RED AMENDMENTS 23RD NOVEMBER Developed with Film4 London Office 11 Francis Street, London, SW1P 1DE Tel. + 44 207 306 5155 /
[email protected] 1C CAPTION: PROLOGUE 1C 1 INT. OLIVER’S BEDROOM- DAY 1 OLIVER lying in bed. He gets up, looks in the mirror, takes down a dictionary from his shelf, looks up a word, ticks it off, puts on a record and opens the curtains. OLIVER (V.O.) Most people think of themselves as individuals. That there is no-one on the planet like them. This thought motivates them to get out of bed and eat and walk around like nothing’s wrong. My name is Oliver Tate. A We cut outside and slowly zoom back to show the town in A which he lives. A caption: A Winter in Wales, a little while ago’. Note we also do this in static, non-zoomed shots. 1B EXT. VARIOUS- DAY 1B STILL SHOTS throughout the town in which OLIVER TATE lives. Titles. We end on a shot of a school. 2 INT. SCHOOL CLASS - MORNING 2 We track down a school corridor, ending up at a classroom. MR DAVEY, AN ENGLISH TEACHER, addresses the class (14/15). The camera follows a note passed between the pupils, ABBY SMUTS; CHIPS (cocky, smirking); MARK PRITCHARD and finally to JORDANA BEVAN (bored, casually flaming the underside of her desk with a lighter); OLIVER TATE watches her. MR DAVEY What kind of young person am I? That’s the challenge.