Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1995 No. 152 Senate (Legislative day of Monday, September 25, 1995) The Senate met at 9 a.m., on the ex- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Actually, I have dined at many fine piration of the recess, and was called to LEADER restaurants during my lifetime, but I order by the President pro tempore The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The consider the Bright Star one of the [Mr. THURMOND]. majority leader, Senator DOLE, is rec- world’s very best. It is certainly on a par with the finest restaurants in New The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- ognized. Orleans, San Francisco, Washington, day’s prayer will be offered by a guest f SCHEDULE New York, Paris, London, Athens, Vi- Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. George enna, Rome, Budapest, and Copen- Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, there will Gray Toole, Towson Presbyterian hagen. At one time, it had Alabama ri- Church in Baltimore, MD. be a period of morning business until 9:15. At 9:15, as I understand—and we do vals in Montgomery’s Elite Cafe and not have staff around—there will be Mobile’s Constantine’s, but these are PRAYER four votes. There will be a vote in rela- unfortunately no longer in existence. tion to the amendment offered by the The Bright Star is well-known for its The guest Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Senator from West Virginia, Senator many specialties, but its Greek-style George Gray Toole, offered the fol- ROCKEFELLER; one vote on an amend- red snapper is truly one of the most su- lowing prayer: ment offered by the Senator from Mon- perb seafood dishes I have ever tasted. O God, You who have created the na- tana, Senator BAUCUS; and on one There are also a variety of steaks fea- tions and so richly blessed our Nation amendment offered by the Senator tured, and the beef tenderloin—which and its people, we acknowledge Your from Maryland, Senator SARBANES. is marinated in special herbs that the presence and ask for Your guidance for Under the previous order, leadership Greeks know how to combine and cook time is reserved. the U.S. Senate. As it meets under the in a Mediterranean style—is simply de- f pressure of time and with so many cru- licious. There is a variety of broiled MORNING BUSINESS and fried fish to choose from, as well as cial issues before it, we ask You to giant seafood platters. One of the spe- minister to its Members and support The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under the previous order, the Senate will now cialties is a combination lobster and staff. Where weariness prevails, give proceed to morning business, which crab meat au-gratin. The broiled sea- them strength. Where matters become shall not extend beyond 10 minutes, food platter is widely considered one of complex, give them discernment. When under the control of the Senator from the very best to be found anywhere. hard choices are to be made, give them Alabama [Mr. HEFLIN]. One can also enjoy Italian dishes at integrity. Cause them to work in such The able Senator from Alabama [Mr. the Bright Star, such as spaghetti and a way that, when all of this is past, HEFLIN] is recognized. other types of pasta. Their appetizers they may be content with the work f are most unique and some of the best they have accomplished. We do not ask A BRIGHT STAR IN AMERICA’S include shrimp remoulade, shrimp that all of them be of one opinion, but CONSTELLATION OF RES- arnaud, the crab claw platter, and the that they be of one heart in their com- TAURANTS seafood gumbo. They offer many vari- mitment to the people and principles of Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President, when- eties of salads, but their Greek salad— this Nation and to the way You have ever I have the pleasure of traveling in with or without anchovies—is magnifi- set before each and all of us. That this north Alabama, I try to visit Bessemer, cent. They also have many standard may be done, we come to You now, AL, about a 15-minute drive from the American dishes. Fried chicken and the that You may lead them first before city of Birmingham. One of the many veal cutlet with spaghetti are popular attractions in Bessemer is the Bright items on the menu. The chefs have ac- they seek to lead the people of this Na- Star, one of our Nation’s very best quired a real knack for preparing vege- tion. Use their gifts and talents, which family-owned restaurants. Its reputa- tables southern-style. They serve ev- are great in number and variety, and tion has been built over the course of erything from turnip greens to black- have them serve in a manner that will this century, with fresh seafood trans- eyed peas. The desserts include all va- cause the citizens of this Nation to ported from the gulf coast daily, the rieties, ranging from Greek pastries to honor them. And in all things, let all finest cuts of meat available, and the homemade southern pies, like coconut that they do praise You. Amen. freshest vegetables and produce. cream and banana nut. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S14335 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:57 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S27SE5.REC S27SE5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S14336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 27, 1995 For a hungry person, there is a truly Koikos, Nick, and Jimmy. Nick over- Fumiko Adams—19 years. impressive variety of food to choose sees the general operations of the res- Elizabeth Gardner—19 years. from at the Bright Star. The Texas spe- taurant, including the kitchen, and Nita Ray—27 years. cial—consisting of the Greek-style Jimmy serves as the greeter of their Rita Weems—12 years. Anne Mull—15 years. snapper, tenderloin of beef Greek-style, patrons and as the front man. Their Marie Jackson—20 years. and the lobster and crab meat au-grat- sister, Helen, also plays an active role, Sarah Marshall—10 years. in—is an entree that does not escape working as the cashier on Fridays and Anthony Ross—10 years. the memory for years to come. Sundays and generally helping out Faye Kelley—12 years. Sunday lunch at the Bright Star is whenever she is needed. The Koikos Dale Ware—10 years. one of its busiest times. After church family has maintained a high level of Jerome Walker—10 years. services, worshipers will flock from commitment to hard work over the f miles around, and sometimes delay lifetime of their restaurant. their Sunday lunch until 2:30 or 3 p.m. The employees of the Bright Star are TRIBUTE TO LOU WHITAKER AND in the afternoon, in order to avoid the an integral part of the family there, ALAN TRAMMELL overflow crowd. and many of them have been with the Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I rise After a University of Alabama foot- restaurant for many years. I ask unani- today to pay tribute to two out- ball game in Birmingham, fans who mous consent that a list of the employ- standing athletes from my home State have come up from Tuscaloosa will ees who have been with the Bright Star of Michigan. They deserve our respect stop by on the way back after the for 10 years or more be printed in the not only for their athletic achieve- game. In years past, it was not uncom- RECORD following my remarks. Among ments, which are considerable, but for mon to see legendary Alabama football these are Gwendolyn Atkinson, an em- their professional conduct and dedica- figures like Coach Bear Bryant, Hank ployee for 32 years; Mary Sherrod, 46 tion to their community. Crisp, and Frank Thomas. At the years; Fannie Wright, 33 years; Walter In an age when professional athletes Bright Star, political figures are fre- Hoskins, 28 years; and Nita Ray, 27 move from city to city, it is refreshing quent guests. On one occasion, I ran years. to talk about these two men. Lou into Senator SHELBY and former Con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whitaker and Alan Trammell have gressman Claude Harris at separate ta- objection, it is so ordered. been the second baseman and short- bles. (See exhibit 1.) stop, respectively, for the Detroit Ti- The history of the Bright Star is rich Mr. HEFLIN. Mr. President, the long, gers for 19 years. They have played in and quintessentially American. In 1907, dedicated, and loyal service of these more than 1,915 games together. That Greek immigrant Tom Bonduris estab- employees is evidence of the type of is more than any other set of team- lished the Bright Star. When its doors employers the Koikos brothers are and mates in the history of the American opened, it was only a small cafe with a the type of family atmosphere they fos- League. horseshoe-shaped bar, but it soon out- ter in their restaurant. We can, and should, admire their grew three locations, moving to its As American citizens, business own- achievements on the field. Alan Tram- present site in 1915. Bill Koikos and his ers, and participants in the democratic mell has won four Golden Glove brother, Peter, joined in the enterprise process, this family has developed and Awards, been selected for the All-Star when they emigrated from Greece in maintained a reputation envied by all game six times, and was voted the 1920.
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    rb 1 Senate June 5, 2019 CONNECTICUT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SENATE Wednesday, June 5, 2019 The Senate was called to order at 12:58 o'clock p.m., the President in the Chair. THE CHAIR: [Gavel] Would the Senate please come to order? And would our members and guests please rise and direct your attention to our wonderful Acting Champlain, the very energetic, Benita Toussaint of Hartford. ACTING CHAMPLAIN BENITA TOUSSAINT: Thank you, Ms. Senate Governor. Good afternoon to the Honorable Senators and staff and our honored guests today. May we bow our heads in reverence to God's blessing. Please grant our hearts grace as we come together for our deliberations. As we face many needs to address, give us prudence to be judicious. And the people will say, amen. THE CHAIR: Thank you so much. And I'd like to invite Senator Winfield to lead us in the Pledge. SENATOR WINFIELD (10TH): [All] I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United rb 2 Senate June 5, 2019 States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. THE CHAIR: Thank you, Senator Winfield. Good afternoon, Senator Duff. SENATOR DUFF (25TH): Good afternoon, Madam President. Madam President, for the purposes of marking please. THE CHAIR: Please proceed, sir. SENATOR DUFF (25TH): Thank you, Madam President. On Calendar Page 20, Calendar 372, Senate Bill 920, go. On Calendar Page 7, Calendar 169, Senate Bill 906, go. On Calendar Page 5, Calendar 128, Senate Bill 394, go. On Calendar Page 28, Calendar 442, Senate Bill 996, go.
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