273 the Communicatioi1 from the Governor
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273 The communicatioi1 from the Governor nominating William .Alexander Truitt to be a Justice of the Peace, Was read. On the question, "Does t11e Senate consent. to and confirm the appointnient of William Alexander Truitt to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Kent County, for the term of four years from the twenty-first day of 1March, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The co~~unication from the Governor nominating William: H. Betts to be a Justice of the Peace, Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to an·d confirm the appointment of William H. Betts to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Sussex County, for the term of four years from the twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, . The communication from the Governor nominating James H. Jones to be a Justice of the Peace, Was read. · On 'the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of James H. Jones to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Kent County, for the term of four years from the first 85 ' 274 day of April, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required· constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Sessi~n, The communication from the _Governor nominating Joseph B. West to be a Justice of the Peace, Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of Joseph B. West to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Sussex County, for the term of four years from the twenty-second day of April, A. D. '1901 ?" ~he yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative. Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware B;ing convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating Henry S. Marshall to be a Justice of the Peace, Vlfas reacl. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of Henry S. Marshall to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Sussex County, for the term of four years from the twenty-sixth day of April, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constittitional majority. Senate of Delaware 27.5 Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating-Frank R. Householder to be a Justice of the Peace, Vva:s reacl. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of Frank R. Householder to be a Justice of the Peace in and for New Castle County, for the term of four years from the twenty-sixth day of April, A. D. r9or ?" The yeas and nays were oi·derecl. So the question was decided in the affirmative; Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being· convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating Francis S. Bradley to be. a Justice of the Peace, Vvas reacl. On the question, "Does the Sen-ate consent to and confirm the appointment of Francis S. Bradley to be a Justice of the Peace in and for New Castle County, for the term of four years from the twenty-ninth clay of April, A. D. r9or ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating Daniel B. Stewart to be a Jtistice of the Peace, _ Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the 276 ctppointment of Daniel B. Stewart to be a Tustice of the Peace in and for New Castle County, for the tern; of four years from the sixteerith day of May, A. D. rgor ?" The yeas and nays .were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constitutional majo1~ity. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating Eli L. Collins to be a Justice of the Peace, Vias read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of Eli L. Collins to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Sussex County, or the term of four years from the second day of June, A. D. rgor ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constitutional majorit;-'· Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating John T. Buckson to.be Oyster Revenue Collector,. Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to a,nd confo·;n the appointment of John T. Buckson to be Oyster Revenue Col lector for State of Delaware, for the term from: June 17, 1901, to the first Tuesday in February, 1903 ?" The yeas and nays were ordere<l. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the required constitutional majority. 277 Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating James B. King to be a Justice of the Peace, Vvas re.ad. On the question, "Does the se·nate consent to and confirm the appointment of James B. King to be ·a Justice of the Peace in and for Sussex County, for the term of four years from the six teenth clay of July, A. D. 1901?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, . Having received the required ·constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communic~tion from the G;vernor nominating Theodore Vv. Francis to be a State Detective, Was read. On the question, "Does the .Senate.·consent to and confirm ,the appointment of Theodore W. Francis to be a State Detective for the State of Delaware, for\ the term of four years from the twenty-fifth day of July, A. D. 1901?" The yeas ·and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having l'eceived the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating Alfred G. Cox to be a J qstice of the Peace, W·as read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of Alfred G. Cox to be a Justice of the Peace in and for New Castle County, for the term of four years froin the twenty-eighth clay of September, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative,·· Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the. Governor nominating Moses Weil to be a J ustic:e of the Peace, · Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of Moses Weil to be a Justice of the Peace in and for New Castle County, for the term of four years from the twenty-second day of October, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the 11ffirmati;e. Having received the required constitutional majority. Senate of .De.laware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating vVilliam E. Davis to be a Justice of the Peace, Was·read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of William E. Davis to be a Justice of the Peace in and for Kent County, for the term of four years from the sev enteenth day of December, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, 279 Having received the required constitutional majority.· I . ~ ' Senate of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication rom the Governor nomin3ting George W. Godwin to be a Justice of the Peace, Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of George W·. Godwin to be a: Justice of the Peace in and for Kent County, for the term of four years from the twenty-eighth day of December, A. D. 1901 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, Having received the reqnirecl constitutional majority. Senate of Delaware Being convened in ,Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating William Perry to be a Justice of the Peace, vVas reac1. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of William Perry to be a Justice of the Pe.ace in ancl for Sussex County, for the term of four years from the four teenth day of January, A. D. 1902 ?" The yeas and nays were ordered. So the question was decided in the affirmative, H<!,ving received the required constitutional majority. Senat.e of Delaware Being convened in Executive Session, The communication from the Governor nominating George S. Butterworth to be a Justice of the Peace, 280 Was read. On the question, "Does the Senate consent to and confirm the appointment of George S. Butterworth to be a Justice of the Peace in and for New Castle County, for the term of four years from the sixteenth day of January, A.