Mosquitos to Insecticides in Korea

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Mosquitos to Insecticides in Korea Susceptibility of C~&V trittaeniow5ynch- and six other mosquitos to insecticides in Korea L. S. SELF WHO Entomologist, WHO Japanese Encephalitis Vector Research Unit, Seoul, Korea. Present address: WHO, p.o. Box 302, Jakarta. lndonesia. J. C. SHIM Entomologist, National Institute of Health, Seoul, Korea, seconded to WHO Japanese Encephalitis Yector Research seconded to WHO Japanese Encephalitis Vector Research Unit. P. JOLIVET Aoject Leader, WHO Japanese Encephalitis Vectov Resemch Unit, Seoul, Korea. RÉSUMÉ Presented herein are the results of 175 larval suscepti- bility tests and 132 adult tests obtained in Korea against Cette première étude détaillée de la sensibilité des seven species of mosquitos from August 1969 to Septem- moustiques aux insecticides en CoGe a montré clairement ber 1972. The test methods employed, using 13 organo- que Culex tritaeniorhynchus était Gsistant au DDT et au phosphorus insecticides, three chlorinated hydrocarbons Iindane. Dans les zones rurales, aucune résistance des and one carbamate, were those recommended by the World Culex, Anopheles et Aedes aux insecticides organophos- Health Organization (1970). Thèse results Will enable phorés n’est encore apparue, et cela en dépit de fréquentes comparisons to be made to susceptibility levels reported applications d’insecticides agricoles aux cultuses de riz. Le elsewhere and also provide base-lines for future work in produit de la concenfsation et du femps (CT), déduit de deux Korea. BROWNand PAL (1971) have reviewed the resist- sortes d’expériences de test d’adultes, monfr’e un même ance of mosquitos to insecticides on a world-wide basis. ordre de grandew de toxicité des insecticides envers Culex tritaeniorhynchus. SPECIES The vector of Japanese encephalitis, CU. tuitaeniorhyn- ABSTRACT. chus smzmo~osus was exposed in 33 ‘A of the 307 tests. Other speciestested of public health importance or interest This firsf detailed study on the susceptibility of mos- were CU. pipiens pallerts (31 y$, An. sineruis (11 %), quitos to insecticides in Korea has revealed the r’esistance of Ae. togoi (8 %) and Ae. vexans (7 %). A few tests included Culex tritaeniorhynchus fo DDT and lindane. In rural CU. vagans and CU. orientalis. ar’eas, organophosphosus resistance in culex, anopheline and aedes species has net yet occuwed despite frequent pesticide LOCALITIES applications to rice. The pyoduct of concenfrafion and time (CT), derived from two ad& test pyocedures, gave the Specimens were obtained from 15 localities. There same order of insecticide toxicity for Culex tritaeniorhyn- provided adequate country-wide representation except for chus. the eastern region and areas north of Seoul. A species Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., sér. Ent. méd. et Parasitol., vol. XII, no 2, 1974 : 81-92. 81 L.-S. SELF, J.-C. SHIM, P. JOLIVET was exposed to one of the standard WHO test procedures replacements (e. g. chlorpyrifos, trade name Dursban). when sufficient numbers had been collected. Since a Future tests should include difenphos (Abate). short time was spent in most localities, only a few insecti- The three con-mon chlorinated hydrocarbons were cides could normally be tested. used and also the carbamate, propoxur. Except for About 65 % of a11tests were made at the four study OMS-1424 (2-Diethylamino-6-methylpyrimidin-4-y1 dime- sites of the WHO Japanese Encephalitis Vector Research thyl phosphorothionate) a11 the insecticides tested are Unit (J.E.V.R.U.), which are described in an unpublished fait-ly well known. document (WHO/VBC/71.332). Briefly, Sintaein is locat- ed in an important rice growing area 215 km south of TEST PROCEDURES. Seoul, and 32 % of a11the tests occurred there. Sasang is a suburb of Pusan located near the Nak Tong river Al1 specimens were normally field-collected and imme- 330 km southeast of Seoul (15 % of tests). Another site diately tested, except for colony strains utilized during is Paju located in a small rice growing area 25 km north the cold months (November-March). The temperature of Seoul (10 %), whereas Banpo Dong is a suburb of Seoul during the tests normally ranged from 23 to 27 OCand the located 2 km south of the Han river (8 %). relative humidity from 65 to 55 O?. Data for many tests These 15 localities, as shown below, may be useful were forwarded to WHO headquarters in Geneva for in planning future tests. computer analysis, and the results are presented in various (1) Seoul suburbs south of Han river: Banpo Dong and issues of the WHO Information Circalar on Insecticide Kimpo. Resistance. The number of adults exposed are shown in (2) Seoul suburbs north of Han river: Rockbon Dong, Tables 5 and 6, and 300 or more specimens were normally Nokbun Dong and Soo Saik. used in each larval test. When the control mortalities (3) Pusan suburb near Nak Tong river: Sasang. exceeded 20 %, the tests were discarded. (4) Rice growing areasnear Seoul: Paju and Seiryu Dong (Suwon). Larvae. (5) Rice growing areasin Cholla Pukdo Province: Sintaein, Kim Je and Kwang Hwal. For each concentration, at least two replicates of (6) Coastal areas: Byon San (Cholla Pukdo) and Kajawa Dong (Inchon). 25 third and fourth instar larvae were exposed for 24 h (7) Offshore Islands: Cheju Do and Wi Do. in plastic containers. These held 249 ml of water to which 1 ml of toxicant in ethanol had been added. Stock solutions of fenitrothion, malathion, fenthion, Dursban, INSECTICIDES bromophos, diazinon and the three chlorinated hydro- carbons were supplied by WHO. With the other com- When ample specimens had been obtained in breeding pounds, ethanol solutions were prepared from technical sites or from animal bait, fenitrothion was normally the material. Mortalities were recorded after 24 h exposures, first insecticide to be tested. It presently is the most and the regression lines were derived from at least three frequently applied pesticide in Korea. It is therefore the mortality points between 10 and 90 %. compound of choice, followed by malathion and fenthion, in screening for organophosphorus-resistance. About Adults. 20 % of a11tests were made with fenitrothion. Naled (Dibrom) also has popular usage in Korea but The impregnated papers and standard test kits were for thermal fogging against mosquitos and for controlling supplied by WHO. Two methods of testing were employed caterpillars on pine trees. Aerial ULV applications are and two or more replicates of 26 engorged females were occasionally made. Although some mosquito larvae were normally used for each concentration or exposure period. tested against naled, the susceptibility levels of the adult The mosquitos were transferred to clean holding tubes populations have yet to be determined. One thermal after exposure to the toxicant, and the percentage morta- fogging experiment using caged CU. t~ifaelziol-ll~alchc~s lity determined 24 h later. adults has shown that naled cari provide good control at about one-third the effective malathion dosage (WHO/ MULTIPLE - CONCENTRATION EXPOSURE. The well , VBC 172.424). known WHO adult test for obtaining the percentage LC,, Some tests were made with rice pest control materials, and percentage LC,, was used mainly in 1970. The namely EPN, phenthoate (Cidial) and methyl parathion. specimens were exposed for 60 minutes to the following Less toxic and less popular materials in this category are insecticides and concentrations : fenitrothion (. 025, . 1, trichlorfon (Dipterex) and diazinon. Several other organo- .4, 1.6 %), malathion (.4, .S, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8 %), phosphorus materials were tested because they were used fenthion (.2, 14, lS, 1.6, 3.2 %), DDT (.25, .5, 1.0, in local vector control operations (e. g. dichlorvos) or 2.0, 4.0 %), dieldrin (.2, .4, .S, 1.6, 4.0 %> and pro- else they offered promise as improved vector control poxur (.025, .l, .4, 1.6 %). 82 Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., s&. Eaf. viéd. et Payasitol., vol. XII, no 2, 1974 : 81-92. SLJSCEPTIBILITY OF C’ULEX TRZTAENIORHYNCHUS TO INSECTICIDES MULTIPLE-TIME EXPOSURE. A relatively new, recom- RESULTS. mended WHO procedure for obtaining the LT,, and LT,, in minutes was used in 1971 and 1972. Here, the Larvae. regression lines were derived from the mortalities obtained FENITROTHION AND MALATHION. Table 1 shows the at different exposure times to the same concentration of results obtained with seven species; and no resistance is insecticide. indicated. With CU. tritaeiziorlzynchzzs, the highest LC,, values to fenitrothion and malathion are only .038 ppm CT PRODUCTS. Although both adult test procedures and .062 ppm, respectively. Moreover, the susceptibility could not be carried out simultaneously, the products levels in the two principal cities are similar to those in the of concentration and time (CT) are given for CI~. f&zerzio- rice growing and coastal areas. Apparently, there are ~l~y~zcht~s. ARIARATNA~~~ and BROWN (1969) show the not enough tests in each locality in each year to warrant calculation procedure for CI~. pipiuzs fatigatzs exposed a statistical analysis. In any case’ the results could not to DDT. provide a basis for concluding resistance. TABLE 1. - Showing susceptibility levels of fourth instar larvae to fenitrothion and Malathion 1 toca1ity Date ESO L%a5 Locality Date LC50 w95 Ppra PV wm PP - -~Fenltrothion --F!lIllIi.hiOn CU. trltweniorhynchus CU. tritaoniorhynchus-- sesang 10.70 .0051 -0096 sesong 7.71 a14 .035 sasang 8.71 .012 ,029 sas-mg 9.72 .0096 .050 sasang 9.72 .0038 .023 Sintaoin 7.70 . 0024 .036 sintaein 8.70 .0080 .017 Sfnt.4oin 0.71 .017 .a46 Sintnoin 8.71 . cxxo -020 Sintnoin 6.72 .027 .C16' Sintnein 8.72 . oc-14 .011 Bnnpo DonK 9.71 .021 .OGF( Empo Dong 9.71 .OlO .03G Kimpo 9.72 .0030 -023 Kimpo 9.72 . 0038 .023 PSjU 9.G9 .021 .c-lR Mo0 Rcung Hi 10.70 , fK)58 .Oll Chido 1.0.70 .OlH . CG? Chidu 10.70 .0070 .Oll Knjawa Lmng 10.70 .0021 .
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