Billboard, August 25, 1900
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LLBO AT!, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1900, THE BILLBOARD while sitting in a cozy corner in the Lakeside Root,Beer, Coca Cola. Tacked for Dr. Pep- Club, he put his hand up his sleeve and Old Posters. per, Lenox Soap. Have tacked 500 Joker ban- handed me this one: "A shoemaker, whilst ners, 80u* Durham cards, Harter's banners, pegging away at his work, was stared in the It is most unfortunate that so very few of and others. Laredo's population is 14,000; it face day by day with a 28-sheet Beeman's the earliest bills should' have come down to is beautifully situated on the Rio Grande, , Posters' |Gum poster until he could close his eyes and w.ith an iron bridge spanning the river, con- us, for they would have been most curious see those heads reaching for miles and miles, and instructive documents. But, when we necting the two Laredos. Laredo, Mex., has and at night did he dream of it. In the day think of it, it is almost impossible that such a population of 12,000. We have the Mexican Department * at his work did he labor to the rythm of National Machine Shops, which give employ^ should have survived. Once the play was 'Chew Beeman's Gum, chew Beeman's Gum," over, their use was over; they were certain ment to from 300 to BOO men, and we have the until at last he bought some and used it as to be thrown away, or, if brought home, garrison at Fort Mclntosh, which is beauti- wax on his thread." would be lost or torn up. Even now we can fully situated, with lovely buildings; several Moral—well, there are no morals, for right see the floor and seats of the pit and stalls companies always stationed here. now I am in Chicago, 111. strewn with these abandoned sheets of paper. EUGENE SLOAN. Another lilboard Victory. The American Bill Posting Service has 155,- In the old writers, such as Strype, there are 000 running feet of boards; 1,600 locations, on several allusions to "the bill" and to "the which a 24-sheet stand of paper can be players setting up their bills inviting to. Los Angeles, Cal.—(Special.)—With aston- placed. Can you realize it? plays." Northcote says, about 1579, that "they Napoleon, 0., News. ishing rapidity the city councilmen changed This firm does not know really how many used1 to set up their bills upon posts some their minds as ,to the maximum height of feet cf board's they have. They could lose time before, to admonish people to make re- 5,000 feet and not miss it. I wish to say To the Editor of "The Billboard:" bill boards, and put through an amended or- sort to their theaters."~ The"'most curious Dear'Sir—I have secured control of all the d.nance fixing the maximum height of the Chicago has no opposition. Some time ago proofs are the allusions in the Stationers' the "Chicago American" advertised for loca- old bill boards, and am erecting several new structures at ten feet instead of six feet. Hall records to certain privileges for "the ones in Napoleon, O., and several other Last Friday morning there was every indi- tions on which to post its own paper, but only imprynting of all manner of Bills for did not contract, for the American Posting towns. I have a fine route, which covers cation that the councilmen would favor a plays." And in 1620 we find a patent to one about 150 miles, and at no time am I more change as to the height limit. Then, Friday Service does its work, besides distributing Roger Ward for printing on one side "al! it to about 100 outside towns. than twenty miles from home. I pass through afternoon it seemed that the opposition of bills for Plays, Pantomimes and shows." twenty-five different towns on this route, Messrs. Toll, Silver and Blanehard had suc- I had a very pleasant chat with the mem- From these notes we can gather what was the 1 bers of this firm (American Posting Service) and am equipping two fine wagons, one for ceeded and the amendment would not be origin of the familiar "poster," that is, a posting bills and one for samples, pamphlets passed. This opinion still prevailed until and was informed that things looked rather •(> II affixed to any gate post. In the country, rosy and that this year was a record-break- and circulars. 1 expect to go over the route yesterday afternoon, when the board of pub- even now, we see little notices of sales of once a week. There has not been five dollars' lic- works recommended the passage of the er. This firm uses twenty-five barrels of hay, etc., affixed to the gate posts of fields paste a day; has sixty men on the pay-roll, worth of advertising done in this locality, for amended ordinance in the following report: and inclosures. The description will be noted five years. Every bill board is desti| "In the matter of the petition from the Los and twenty-five wagons. The gross receipts —"all manner of Bills for plays," which for the year ending July 1 was a shade better paper, and this is as rich a part of the Angeles Bill Ppsting Company your com- shows that they were in various forms, large try to advertise in as there is. I she miitee would retpectfully recomine:.d that the than $250,000. On local work, $175,000 was and small.—Gentleman's Magazine. realized, while national business brought deavor to give first-class service. <irdinanco regulating bill boards be amended M. G. PALMER. to provide that the height of bill boards shall $75 000 Yearly rentals cost $45,000. not exceed ten feet. The city attorney has P F Schaefer has gone to Mt. Clements ad vised this committee to the effect that a on crutches. He has been sick for six weeks. Lynchburg, Va., Letter. doubt exists in his mind as to whether the Colonel Burr Robbins has gone on a vaca- Easton, Md., Items. ordinance as it is to-day would stand in the tion up the lakes, to be gone tw1 o weeks. » mirls. If the height were changed ,from six M. L . LBV i N&. To the Editor of "The Billboard:" feet to ten feet, he declares there would be Dear Sir—Business with me is immense. 1 To the Editor of "The Billboard:" no question as to its being sustained. It has In fact, has increased to such an extent that Dear Sir—Our fair will be held from Aug. been clearly shown to this committe that no we have found it necessary to double the 28 to 31. The fair people say that it will be bill posting company can continue in business Sunbury, Pa., Snap=Shots. amount of our hoardings, and we now have the best one they have had for some time. I with six-foot boards. Fully 9.0 per cent of over 2,500 feet of space, constructed of tongue have had some worK at posting. I am now the paper used on bill boards requires ten and grooved lumber, smooth-dressed, which putting out some Old Virginia Cheroot paper, feet of space. Fixing the height of bill boards makes a nice even surface for posting. We and also some Duke-'s Mixture. I had last at six feet practically amounts to prohibition now flatter ourselves that we have the most month Early Bird Tobacco paper on boards. of the bill posting business." complete plant in the South. Among the I expect to build some bill boards before the Councilman Toll at once objected to the largest and most liberal advertisers is the fair on the main street; one will be close pasfL'.ge of the ordinance, holding that the American Tobacco Company. We have now to the post office and will be a good stand, p.'escnt ordinance had been repeatedly sus- on our boards Old Virginia Cheroots, Sweet about thirty feet long; the other will be about hiined in spite of the long struggle made to Caporal and Columbia Cigarettes, Adams' forty-five feet; both are on the route to the override, and invalidate it. He thought it Pepsin Gum, Mennen's Talcum Powder, Early fair ground. The thirdf will be at the rail- One to amend the ordinance as to height B'ird and Grape Tobacco, Simmons' Liver road depot, and will be about thirty-five feet when the courts should declare it invalid be- Regulator, Danville Carnival, etc. Commenc- in length. I have also been enlarging some cause an unreasonable limit has been fixed ing Sept. 25, we will have in Lynchburg a of my other boards. as to height. Mr. Pierce urged the passage of fruit and poultry and horse show, and of JOHN R. THOMPSON. the ordinance granting new life to the bill course a great many privileges arid side board business and declared that City Attor- shows will be let, such as toy balloons, mer- ney strongly favored1 the amendment in order ry-go-rounds, ball games and other amuse- to make the ordinance invulnerable. At Mr. ments. Parties wishing to buy such privi- Toll's request, City Attorney Haas was called leges will find it to their interest to corre- Jamaica, L. I., Jots. to .express his, views to the council. spond with I. L. Crist, secretary. "The Bill- Mr. Haas said: "The report is worded much board" is always a welcome visitor, and we To the Editor of "The Billboard:" stronger than my views on the .subject would are never too busy to read it over.