Beacon W E AT H ER Wayne's 7-Day Locai Forecast

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McShewy Elsie Schweitzer, West in el^ion> it wa? fipjieTpf poif: busirtess who Florida people Wouldn't be stich a rnesst I think it's a sH^rne •tBey ; |s|idiijGi*ye taken responsi- y p I^fe on fouied up in F(ortd^ | • 1 bility for their own 1 Everything's Up in arrns |ctipisi;^u don't cry o there. Nobody does jknow 0 what they want to do about it and howi m

Henry Hiemstra, Vbted penipcr|t, '^ eiectiob is cra^y. | cion't to think


1 : ; r: 1 :•..-.-••:• •:•;::•:;•:?:;:..•;.-.::; •;. • •;.-. : :'. • vIVS^ . :•. •' . + •. • . •' •:-.',•• •_. > ;'< V " • i : : : : : : : 1 4 :;--X,--;;::-:->^:L";-;: ."!-."!ivi: :.>".-'.-.>fiJi:''J'-^^-J--':::'." 'i :-'"-"'"-:.-':" i-": i 'l"- .'•"•ij?-'. ':' ='-:::'- •': MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000 National News At Sea In Uncharted Electoral Waters

HOW FLORIDA PICKS ITS WINNER COULD JUST DEPEND ON TOM lar vote, but even then, that vote on the objection. It happened in 1968, FEENEY. UST WEEK THE INCOMING REPUBLICAN SPEAKER OF often amounts to a modest when members ultimately allowed a North fine. Bob Beckel, a longtime Carolina elector pledged to Richard Nixon THE FLORIDA HOUSE LEARNED ABOUT SOMETHING CALLED Democratic strategist, has to vote instead for George Wallace, But the TITLE 3, SECTION 2. been plotting to win over precedent there is murky: UC's Glennon GOP electors by circulating a says Congress decided that the elector had As we all know by now, voters don't point. Not since Congress reformed the "statistical analysis" to appeal never really been pledged to remain faith- actually vote for president but for a slate of electoral system in 1887 has the vote to their conscience; its conclusion is that ful under North Carolina law. Members left electors, who are in turn pledged to vote • hinged for weeks on a single state, which Gore won the popular vote and should the question of what does constitute a for their party's candidate if they win. But means that a lot of scenarios that once have won Florida. Beckel insists he won't pledge for another Congress-perhaps this Section 2, an arcane federal law dating seemed aboutas one-to consider. ' back to 1887, says that if the voters fail to likely as an alien's It may not take faithless electors, howev- pick electors "on the day prescribed by landing are how " er, to throw Congress into the crisis. If the law," the state legislature can do it for under scrutiny. Even From legislative fiats to a show- recount in Florida puts Gore back in the them. The way Feeney and some scholars if Florida certifies a lead and the court rules in his favor, the read it, that gives lawmakers the power to winner this week, down in the House, a look at state's electors could be rejected by cor> step in--maybe evert in the next week or we could soon be possible twists and gressional Republicans. In that case, nei- two-and choose the winner. Since both watching for "faith- ther candidate would hav.e the necessary " houses of the Florida Legislature are con- less electors," or turns ahead. 270 electoral votes, and the election would trolled by Republicans, that would proba- dueling electors, or go to the House, where each state would bly be George W. Bush. "We hope to not electors rejected by cast a single vote. A deadlock there arid in have to intervene," says Feeney's spokes- Congress. No one really knows where our pressure elec- the Senate, which would pick the veep, woman, Kim Stone. "But it's at Our discre- long National Civics Lesson will end—or • Matt Bai tors to switch, wpuld ultimately mean that the speaker of tion once we determine that the election when. [2333323353 • and he says he the House, Benny Hastert, could succeed to the presidency.. process is failing the people of Florida." . A resolution in Florida could lead to I NEWS SERVICE I doesn't have the In theory, perhaps. In the real world a leg-' even more drama. If Bush is ultimately • - . campaign's The slightly less improbable scenario is islative fiat would be challenged in court, certified as the winner, he'Uwin the blessing. The chances for success are that Florida, plunged into deepening tur- where Al Gore's lawyers would insist the Electoral College by a mere four votes. But remote, he concedes. "But you know, who moil, is unable to certify any electors by the state has until Dec. 18, when the votes are that's assuming that all the GOP electors woulda thunk we'd be here 14 days after Dec. 18 vote. If that happened, Florida's cast, to pick "electors. (Not so, says Michael who cast their ballots on Dec. 18 actually the election?" electors •would be thrown out, and the Glennon, an electoral expert at the , vote for Bush. So-called faithless electors- If Bush wins, it would take at least two required majority of electoral votes would University of California, Davis; he says it's people who are pledged to a candidate but renegade electors to force a tiei n the drop to 257. Gore would win, assuming' clear that the legislature can step in any then change their minds—are rare, but not Electoral College—and it wouldn't end that the Florida Legislature didn't step in time after Election Day.) But there's no • unheard of. About half the states punish an there. While they're counting the votes on first. Then again, in this election year, it's precedent for any of this, and that's the elector who doesn't honor his state's popu- Jan. 6, members of the House and Senate probably safer not to assume anything. could object to certain electors; then they'd

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Imperial llusions

THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY HAS FACED MANY TEMPESTS IN ITS 212-YEAR'HISTORY, ^^ jJi^^SIKv niB^wlKiMro QUITE LIKE THIS ONE. NOT EVEN THE IMPEACHMENT CONTROVERSY TWO YEARS AGO PRODUCED SO MANY DIRE WARNINGS ABOUT DAMAGE TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE OFFICE. ' presidents were either cautious and fairly THE LAST TIME we had so bitterly con- debate goes on the Canal does also." i return to the dark days of Gilded Age stale- unadventurous men (Taft, Harding, tested an election, in 1876, the winning can- The dynamic presidencies of Woodrow mate. Yet if we look back carefully over the Coolidge, Eisenhower, Ford and didate (Rutherford • B. Hayes) Bush), or ambitious leaders largely experienced a miserable four stalemated by Congress, by popu- years, dogged everywhere by lar opposition to their plans, by recriminations and unable to • escape the title Democrats gave History tells us great presidencies are social and economic difficulties him: "His Fraudulency." Indeed, that undermined their leadership, for the next 20 years the Gilded the exception, not the rule. The or by their own incapacities or Age presidehcy remained a weak misdeeds (think of Hoover, and often embattled office, over- Truman, Kennedy, Nixon, Carter shadowed by Congress and crip- and to some degree Clinton; and pled by a national-party division think as well of Wilson, the two at least as even as the split today. it may cost us even a modest one Roosevelts, Johnson and Reagan But in the 20th century, we like to during all but a few years of their believe, the presidency emerged terms). as a potent, dynamic and creative force. Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, history of our 20th-century What does this mean for the next leader of Theodore Roosevelt was the first great • Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Alan Brinkley leaders, the image of the great the free world? Unquestionably the ferocity incarnation of the 20th-century dream of a Reagan reinforced TR's il progressive presidency begins and bitterness of the present dispute has the "modern" presidency. No one was more assumption that the presidency I NEWS SERVICE I to seem less a model and a capacity to create a presidency far more aware of that than TR himself/ who once was now a commanding office whose occu- norm than a striking aberration. Twentieth- stymied and ineffectual than the norm. As , boasted of how he had succeeded in launch- pant was capable of doing great deeds and century presidents have been more impor- long as the supporters of either side emerge ing construction of the Panama Canal: "If I charting new courses. Scholars of the presi- • tant, to be sure, than most of their 19th-cen- from this contest believing that their candi- had followed traditional conservative meth- dency, most eminently Richard Neustadt, tury counterparts, largely because the feder- date was cheated out of the presidency, the ods I would have submitted a, dignified strengthened this idea further, writing bril- al government has been more important in prospects for any partisan magnanimity State paper of probably 200 pages to liantly of how important it was for a presi- our time than it was in theirs. Cold-war and- cooperation will be slim. But suppose Congress and the debates on it would have dent to find ways to lead presidents, in particular, enjoyed enormous the two campaigns somehow manage to been going on yet; but 1 took the Canal Zone One reason the present imbroglio seems latitude in foreign policy. But on the whole, cobble together a compromise that con- sqi menacing is that it appears to threaten a the 20th-century presidency has been less vinces both sides the result is fair. Or sup- different from the Gilded pose this close election had been decided Age one than we might cleanly and relatively uncontroversially in like to believe. the first place. How much more could we How often have we seen expect of a new president then? the presidency acting in a Certainly not a great presidency of the ATTENTION STUDENTS way that would, in fact, fit sort that in the past has emerged only out of the progressive ideal of a extraordinary circumstances. There is no bold/ activist, successful electoral mandate, no reliable congressional chief executive? Woodrow majority for either party, no social or eco- mm mm am sum mm Wilson was a dynamic and nomic crisis demanding dramatic solution, effective leader for about no powerful popular movements demand- two years at the beginning ing action. This means we can expect some- of his first term. Franklin thing closer to the norm of presidential Roosevelt had two bril- power in this century: modest and usually Join our team and work your way towards fun liantly successful years inconclusive struggle against formidable in the sun with two roundtrip tickets to the (1933 and 1935) in his first odds. Individual leaders cannot by them- term as well. LBJ achieved selves conjure up the circumstances that Spring Break destination of your choice! extraordinary things in will make it possible for them to govern 1965 and 1966, and Ronald greatly. ("If Lincoln had lived in ordinary Reagan did so (even if not times," TR once said, "no one would in the way progressives remember his name.") Earn $11 per hour conducting fundraising might have liked) in 1981. In shaping expectations of our leaders in That's about seven years in more or less ordinary times, we should per- calls from our office near Willowbrook Mall. the last hundred. Almost haps take more seriously what, under the all of them coincided with progressive model, might seem the hum- some combination of ran- drum and quotidian activities of the presi- dom and unpredictable . dency: a leader's ability to choose subordi- events that seemed to nates and manage the bureaucracy; a presi- (No COLD CALLING) demand dramatic presi- dent's choices of nominees to federal courts; dential power: economic the incremental changes a chief executive or international crisis, the might manage to maneuver through clamor of great social Congress or the executive agencies when movements, the powerful large changes are not possible. The potential emotions following a pop- tragedy of this election is not that it will ular leader's death and deprive us of a great presidency, but that it other exceptional factors. will make it very difficult for us even to During most of the other have what in normal times is about the best 93 years, the 20th-century we can hope for: a modestly good one.

ALLJONATHAN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000 International News Europe on a Platter

JUDY LAW, A REAL-ESTATE AGENT FROM CALIFORNIA, DIDNT INTEND TO TRAVEL 960,000 lira. Property prices in the south of France, where EXTRAVAGANTLY WHEN SHE TOURED NORTHERN ITALY LAST MONTH WITH HER Americans have been buying up quaint farmhouses and villas, have also risen.. "This year I've seen houses double, HUSBAND, "WE PLANNED TO LOW-BUDGET IT," SHE SAID, "BUT WITH THE-CHEAP if hot triple, in value," says Brian Hart, co-chairman of Var EXCHANGE RATE WE GOT TO GO FIRST CLASS ALL THE WAY," Property in Provence. "With American tourists, the market is really flying." In most cases, though) Americans can still., THE COUPLE STAYED at four-star hotels in nearly Vuitton shop on Paris's Champs-Elysees and the Pfada. find a good deal, at least compared to what they would every town they visited; in Verona, they splurged on an outlet near Florence, where shoppers are so plentiful they pay at home. • 18th-century table and matching bench that cost $2,500. . have to take a number. The low euro is one more good rea- Not so for Eurolanders. The U.S. Department of "It's an amazing deal," said Law. "Everything was so son why the British are flocking across the Channel to buy Commerce is predicting a gradual decline in the growth cheap in Italy." < rate of European tourism to the States over the next few The combination of a strong U.S. economy, low airfares years. "Everything's very expen- and the falling euro has turned Western Europe into an sive. It's difficult to shop," com- American bargain-hunter's paradise. "What's happening The citizens of Euroland may be carping plained Thorsten Pilgrim of now is Euromania," says Linda Cabasin, a senior editor at Germany, who wandered along the American guidebook publisher Fodor's. Not since 1985 about their weak currency. But the New York's Fifth Avenue last week has a European vacation been so affordable. Some curren- with his wife, Silke. "I haven't been cies, including the Italian lira, the Irish punt and the tourists aren't complaining here in 18 months, and the differ- Portuguese escudo, have fallen to postwar lows against ence is Huge." Normally, the couple the dollar. As a result, American travel to Europe is expect- already cheap alcohol in northern France—a trip stocks up on clothes from Banana ed to reach a new high after seven consecutive record- nicknamed the "booze cruise." "It wpuld be • Anna Kuchment Republic and Ann Taylor. This year, all breaking years.- crazy to buy this at home," says Alan Campbell, E23E33S53 they had to show for two days of'shop-? The British and Japanese have benefited, too. Since ",an engineer from Nottingham, England, standing I NEWS SERVICE I ping was a shirt from Brooks Brothers. January of last year, the pound's value has grown 15 per- over a trolley laden with 10 liters of whisky and Says Mick Stempel, a financial consultant cent against the euro; the yen has appreciated 42 percent. three cases of beer at a Calais shopping mall. in Vienna, "Only a few years ago we Europeans went on - our shopping sprees to the States with emply suitcases The number of Japanese buying package tours to Europe ' Eurolanders have learned to profit from SRe invasion. and behaved like American millionaires. Now it's the this month has risen 12 percent over the same period last Some real-estate brokers and luxury-goods manufacturers other way around." That's just fine with the Yanks. year. Japanese tourists have been crowding the Louis have hiked prices dramatically. The price of a Fendi Zucca Bagette handbag has jumped from 500,000 lira last year to Old Foes, New Fans

ON NOV. 8, 1967, U.S. AIR FORCE CAPT. LAWRENCE EVERT WAS FLYING HIS F-105D THUNDERCHIEF Coca-Cola to Nike BOMBER FAST AND LOW OVER A PADDY FIELD NEAR THE VIETNAMESE VILLAGE OF TIEN CHAU. AS THE (Vietnam's biggest pri- vate employer). Tvverv 29-YEAR-OLD WYOMING NATIVE APPROACHED HIS TARGET, A RAILROAD BRIDGE 17 MILES OUTSIDE more important: r ANTIAIRCRAFT- Clinton's meetings with Overseas EVERT SHOUTED IN HIS Hanoi on Friday, quoting former "Hey Bill! Hey Bill!" as the smil- children of American GIs. Vietnamese—or Viet kieu—who have come back to FINAL RADIO TRANSMISSION POW and current U.S. ing president strolled by. Despite some lingering bitter- Start businesses (sidebar). And before apparently crashing in a Ambassador to Vietnam Douglas How did the leader of ness over the war, American cul- (Pete) Peterson. "What we can Vietnam's erstwhile enemy ture has deeply penetrated Clinton was careful not to offend field. Last Saturday, almost exact- his hosts, dancing delicately ly 33 years later, an American change is the future." So Clinton become so popular? Clinton's Vietnam. "We all look to the focused on America's new rela- antiwar background doesn't hurt United States as the world leader around the issue of human rights. president and the pilot's two Why? Because the history of sons, Dan and David, gathered in tionship with a country that, in Hanoi. And his efforts to nudge in technology^ fashion, music and while run by aging communists, Vietnam toward a more open movies," says Dang Ngoc Thach, the Vietnam War complicates ' the same paddy tp help search for everything. "Maybe you don't lee-. Evert's remains. For hours, is energized by a young, postwar • economy are well noted: he 23, sitting with friends at a Saigon generation that is fascinated by all dropped the U.S. trade embargo . coffee shop. They are listening to ture with quite as much self-right- Vietnamese peasants in conical eousness," said one senior admin- straw hats lifted bucket after things American. in 1994, established normal diplo- American pop music and sipping caffeine-laced istration official, comparing bucket of thick, dark'mud, sifting Looking "energy" Clinton's blunt dealings with through them for even the small- ahead China to his relative docility with wasn't drinks when est scrap of metal or bone. Little In Vietnam, Clinton finds that the another friend, Vietnam. Raising human-rights. was found, but the poignant exer- easy—the issues in Vietnam opens present Nguyen Ngoc cise—and Vietnam's willingness postwar generation has a Quy, pulls up Washington to awkward charges to help—carried a deeper mean- was very that the Vietnam War was, in much on crush on America in his Honda ing: the past may still haunt, but Dream motor- itself, a massive human-rights it doesn't have to divide. Clinton's abuse. No matter how much mind. The . ' , cycle. Quy just' Watching from a crude wood- Brook Larmer landed a job at American Clinton wants to focus on the and-bamboo platform!, Bill visit was carefully scheduled to future, he—like American policy come after the fanfare of the U.S. and Debra Prudential Insurance Co., where Clinton praised the joint search . Rosenberg he could get up to $1,000 a month in general—is still bound, in part, effort. "Once we met here as election, when a lame-duck presi- by the past. Last week he handed dent could perhaps get a last in commissions—a virtual fortune adversaries," he said. "Today we in a poor .country where the annu- over 350,000 documents on MIAs work as partners." . moment in the spotlight. But few • I NEWS SERVICE tp the Vietnamese. Clinton hoped people saw Clinton's historic • al per capita income is less than ' Getting over the past—and $400. . the gesture would fuel more making history—seem to be the arrival last week. The American searches like the one outside two things on Clinton's agenda networks were too busy broad- matic relations in 1995 and signed Quy is still one of the lucky Hanoi last week. these days. When he touched casting the latest Florida court . a trade pact last July. But the main few. Six years ago, when the For Dan and David Evert, that hearing on the never-ending elec- down in Hanoi last Thursday source of Clinton's popularity is United States dropped its embar- meant more than just the chance tion. The president sought fre- go and Vietnam adopted econom- night, he accomplished both. Vietnam's demographic revolu- to visit the place where their quent updates from aides. The ic reforms, foreign firms rushed Clinton not only became the first tion. More than half of the coun- father died. The brothers tearfully Vietnamese authorities played in. But last year investment in American president to visit a unit- try's 77 million people were born watched the young Vietnamese down the visit—Hanoi newspa- after the so-called American War Vietnam fell to a seven-year women—perhaps relatives of ed Vietnam; his trip also brought pers made just a single-paragraph low—$600 million-—thanks main- two nations closer together after a ended in 1975, and they are wild those who had seen their father mention of the Clintons' arrival. •about bowling alleys, Britney ly to red tape and rampant cor- plunge to the earttwdiggirig bitterly divisive war that defined Still, the Vietnamese people knew ruption. Many Vietnamese hoped an era and cost the lives of 58,000 . Spears, motorbikes and that ulti- through the thick clay for pre^ political superstars were in town, mate status symbol, the U.S. visa. that Clinton's visit would spur, cipus fragments of their past. "We Americans and nearly 3 million and mobbed Bill, Hillary and once again, a surge in foreign Vietnamese. Though a former : Some Vietnamese youth will do need to heal," David said, Chelsea everywhere they went. just about anything to get to investment. The president "Everybody needs to heal." After antiwar activist, Clinton made no Young Vietnamese gathered in . brought along top executives apologies during his four-day America, even dyeing their hair 33 years, Vietnam has put the war front of Hanoi's Temple of and using skin lightener- to pass from 50 major American corpora- - . behind it. Now, perhaps, it's visit. "We cannot change the Literature on Friday and shouted • tions ranging from Boeing and past," Clinton told students in as Amerasians, the visa-worthy. America's turn. We Interrupt this Election for Some Important News

AUSTIN, Texas—My favorite moment, so far, was when. The family history is grim. Penny's father was mostly gone, life ten. Don't run it to keep up with friends. George W. Bush won New Mexico by four votes/That's not a and when he did see his son, he taunted Penry for being Thmch bigger hitch is your logic. You want to result—it's a fabulous freak that should be clapped under retarded. His mother was institutionalized in a mental hospi- works to think more, but, in the absence of sub- glass immediately and shipped off to the Your-Vote-Counts tal for a year after his birth. . ...••.'. stancmse or a daytime TV habit, you and your Museum. According to both of Penny's sisters, his aunt and his brain rk 24 hours regardless. Why riot reason this One thing that everyone should have learned by now is neighbors, Penny's mother subjected him to constant abuse out oie clock? You say the cash doesn't impress that we all need to make our arguments sweetly and softly and torture. She beat him repeatedly on the head with a you, hvait don't have it and want to here. The way this sucker is going, one quite likely will be heavy belt buckle, locked him away for long periods, forced attemi career change. That's when money does called upon to make the opposite argument in a few days, or him to drink his own urine and eat his feces, once scalded back fe, speaks nine languages and, whips up a even a few hours—and swallowing your words is. always him badly in a bath, and threatened to blind him and castrate cable-t sweater. ' more pleasant if they were sweet to start with. him. It actually gets worse. Tn stick with Job B (give yourself a departure Those who take the . Penry pleaded guilty to road of high moral a rape at 19 and was paroled dead! if that helps), do it well, collect your pay- indignation and huffy after two years of a five-year checktd save them save diem save them. That righteousness look sentence despite at least one way, \n your epiphany comes, you can act on especially, fatuous. • other prior charge: So we whate it says. The Bush camp's pos- knew before he murdered Dading on the epiphany, it also might ask for turing about .how terri- Carpenter that "we had a « your fences. Another side of dropping out that ble, awful and horrible retarded rapist running loose. you mt have failed to consider: It gets harder with ft would be if any of Writer for the Forth Worth Now, you may ask why Child time tfop in again. Who's the better risk, the this were taken to a Star-Telegram, Texas • Protective Services never salari^uy with the stable job history, happy court looked especial- intervened. His mother took emplcs and carefully reasoned career plan, or the ly silly after they hus- him out of school in the first office rt-timer who's cranking for minimum wage? tled into court, and the grade-r-there was a clue. Hey, I th you know that your part-time logic is wrong court with a it's a low-tax, low^service faulty,! that's why you care how it looks. When dumb argument at that. Hand recounts in Texas:—good. state. You may ask why we later allowed a retarded rapist to you kr your ideas are good, you won't feel so Hand recounts in Florida—bad. • ' ' ' '' wander around loose. Because it's a low-tax, low-service presse) defend them. I was planning to throw my support to the Bush camp on state. the grounds that these Gore people have no idea how to The prosecution has consistently taken the position that Deuirolyn: steal an election. What happened to the Democrats?-They Penry is not retarded but rather a sociopath, and that his treaty got married. My mother-in-law gave us her used'to have some skill at this. The only people left who family is lying. The case went to the Supreme Court in 1989, list of}ires that she wanted from the wedding. She know how to do it are clearly Texans, and I'm proud of them. resulting in a notorious decision that it is constitutional to orderecew 8-by-10 pictures of my husband arid his sis- Unfortunately, my plan to change sides was interrupted by execute the retarded as long as the jury is informed of the ter, but not order any of this larger size of my husband the appearance of my new favorite, George W-. on television mental defect. So a new trial and again got the and melso sent her a heartfelt letter thanking her for attempting to look and sound presidential. Oh, dear. We're in death penalty. .-;'..• herhelfth the wedding, but she has not mentioned it or troubie. : When Penry was 9, a state psychologist concluded, "John writfettk. Is this typical? I feel slighted but my hus- 1 hate to interrupt all this fabulous funfor business, but seems so seriously impaired that he is incapable of intellec- they're going to execute Johnny Penry on Thursday. I guess tually functioning at anything like the age-appropriate level." band sA shouldn't. you could say that's a small loss to the world. John Paul When he was first convicted of rape, a state psychologist —A Penry never did have much luck, and then he committed a found that he was still a bedwetter, his judgment "severely horrible crime. He'd already been convicted of rape when he impaired" and that he had little regard for others or even him- It cd be that your mother-in-law was just really raped again, and then murdered a lovely young woman from self. happy lave two good shots of her children, and a fine family in Livingston. The state of Texas, which failed to help Johnny Penry that sbok your letter as a thank-you note—mean- Pamela. Mosley Carpenter sang in the church choir. Talk when he was being tortured and abused by his mentally ill ing, ornat doesn't demand a response, (Thank you! about having your whole life ahead of you—she was decorat- mother, which failed to control, him for the safety of others Well, tk you for thanking me! No, no, thank you!) ing her new home when Penry forced his way in and killed when he became an adult and committed repeated rapes, It cd also be that your mother-in-law hates her. It doesn't get a lot worse than that. You know her family now feels entitled to take his life. your g but she's polite and/or passive-aggressive. will never get over it, Somebody should be held responsible for this tragedy, but Thiffhe point where you pick one, but before : The trouble is, Penry has an IQ of 56 as tested by the it's not the man with the IQ of a small child sitting in a cell you doyou want to stress out your whole life, University of Texas at Austin, although he has scored as high with his coloring books. The 18 members of the state Board make s you take every available opportunity to be as 60 and 63 on other tests. Anything below 70 is considered of Pardons and Paroles, and Gov. Bush could spare his life. offendif you want to stay cool, let all of the iffy retarded. Basically; he has the mind of a 6-year-old. I think that the most despicable thing Bill Clinton ever did ones pj I'm with your husband on this, Until his trial, nobody had any question about Penry being was to allow the execution of a retarded man while pursuing retarded. He was sent to the Mexia State School at age 12; if the presidency in 1992. This is Bush's chance, to show that Hi, blyn: he wasn't retarded, why did the.state keep him there? When he's made of better stuff and is indeed a compassionate con- he was 15, they gave him a reading test in which he was. servative. His brother Jeb has said he would never allow the A deny asked me out. I am trying to learn sign lan- supposed to match words with drawings. He chose a door as execution of a retarded person. guage. Ifriends think, that a disabled guy cannot help a dress, a chicken as a drum, and a hat as a flag. Johnny Penry actually believes in Santa Claus. me witharrying up," but I met a deaf couple and they. have twonderful and cute tearing children who can use sign lange. Advice? Dear Carolyn: ates who believe that the search for personal fulfillment should —Vhia A year and half ago, I got what I thought was a decent job (to not begin until one clears their first million, I'm sure they won't be known henceforth as "Job A"). I hated it. It may have been— understand. And since I'm the first male in my family to gradu- Yeah. Neane you feel the urge to ask your friends and I say this without hyperbole-—The Single Worst Job ate from college, 1 know my family would be taken aback; my for advice, d:. As if their disability views weren't offen- Experience Anyone Has Ever Had. Just as I was ready to drop Dad has already said there is a certain nobility in working a job sive enough-nt "Pour Weddings and a Funeral"-—they everything and go to grad school, you hate just use one! date spew about marriage. Before you brought thento it, your instincts were pitch-perfect, to Job B came along, I enjoyed it for • for the money. put it tastelei "Marrying up" (speaking of tasteless) is the first few weeks, but 1 soon real- when you're ove and you're better for it. The sign lan- ized the only reason I liked it was guage says tlyou're ' ' that it wasn't Job A. I get paid pret- No, it's already on Ifray up—with or without that first date. ty well, but money has never been a Advice for the Under-30 Crowd not noble to great motivator for me. I want to work a job 1 actually enjoy you hate just Write to '1 Me About It/ c/o The Washington Post;, what I do for living. ' ... forme Style Plus, 1115th St., NW, Washington, D.C 20071 or e- So after all ofl$ months in the rat race, I'm considering money. It's smart. tnail; tellme&shpost.corri. Chat online with Carolyn each Friday son and Monday at 3 p.m., both Eastern dropping out and getting some part-time job until I figure out The problem with your plan has nothing to do with : what I really tvant to do. The problem is, how do I explain this explaining what to whom. I mean/ who cares? You don't time, at wwwshingtonpost,coirt. to those closest to me? Seeing as how they're all college gradu- want to freak out your family, of course, but this is your MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000

The Million Mom Murmur THG HUT Have you ever They came. They roared. They're being ignored. citizens in suburban hamlets in Ohio and I homosexual or heterosexual? 7. YouVe badly cut your Well, get ready because you're do you deal with The top lieutenants of the Million Mom March have Pennsylvania; sportsmen in liberal Wisconsin, rifle- about to find out! You are only the pain? been put in their proper place: far back, out of women in the Nader-lands of Oregon and two minutes away from discover-, a. Take Aspirin, apply pressure, sight, on the margins of national debate and the Washington state. ing your true sexual orientation? and masturbate to take your presidential campaign. The garrulous Gore turned reticent when asked Seven quick questions will give mind off the pain, you insight into your sexuality b. Bite your lip and read abstract Good riddance. during the final debate about his gun-control agen- that you never imagined possi- poetry while holding the hand Led by Democratic political operative Donna da. Instead of elaborating on the copious details of ble! in boiling hot water. Dees-Thomases, gun-control advocates in tennis his plan to regulate gun ownership to death, he hur- c. Cover the wound and all sur- shoes descended on Washington, D.C., in May, riedly assured the undecideds that he and George rounding areas in petroleum jelly 1.* Would you rather? and icy hot. intent on turning election 2000 into a referendum W. Bush "agree on some things" and that "none of a. Eat a cake you baked on arms. Democrats were convinced the maternal 1 my proposals would have any effect on hunters or yourself Score 1 point for A, 2 b. Enjoy a omts lobbying effort sportsmen or peo- HUT P for B and 3 points would give Vice Different forC ple who use Strokes QUKKQUIZ President Al rifles." Then, as Marathon This is a very simple test Gore, their gun- gun-control advo- c. Molest a *werhun of sexual preference. grabbing candi- cates are fond of child •If you scored below a date for the 10, then youare a good old-fash- doing, Gore hasti- 2. What cereal do you prefer? ioned monster truck White House, ly changed the a. Wheaties lovin heterosexual. h unstoppable b. Shoprite brand Wheat O's Writer for the Washington topic. •If you scored between an 11 V, momentum. The The Million c. Lucky Charms and a 16 then you are either Million Mom Post Writer'* Group bisexual or just Mom lobby wields 3. Would you rather be... it March's political undecided. a large arsenal of a. Burned with a reefer •If you scored above between 17 arm raised $1 ' sad tales and b. Burned with a cigar and 21 then it is likely that you "million for anti-gun candidates. Democratic emotional appeals, but they don't have a hankie big c. Burned with a cigarette express homosexual tendencies. Congressional Campaign Committee chairman enough to conceal the facts about gun ownership. 4. Would you rather make love "This is just a small test to steer Patrick Kennedy, D-R.l., boasted that his party Armed Americans prevent crimes an estimated two to a... some confused individuals in the would capitalize on gun-control sentiment and million times a year. The chance of serious injury a. Blind gypsy right path. All- results should be ft "hang" the issue around Republicans' "necks on from an attack is more than twice as great for b. Goat examined with an open mind. Election Day." c. Homeless man women offering no resistance than for those resist- Diversity Editor's Note: Looks like Gore; Kennedy, and their noose-wield- ing with a gun. One additional woman carrying a 5. What profession do you feel This column is for entertainment Ir ing allies got entangled in their own extremism. The concealed handgun reduces the murder rate for your self the most suited for purposes only. It is not to be taken of these three? seriously, and is not meant to offend Million Mom Marchers' call for "sensible gun women by about three to four timesmore than one a. Construction worker anyone. Read with an open mind laws"—government restriction upon restriction additional man carrying a, concealed handgun . (Teamster) and a. good sense of humor. —AC cloaked in moderate rhetoric—has been rejected by reduces the murder rate for men. b. Interior Decorator the majority of Americans who support the constitu- "We all own firearms or know someone who c.Priest/CatVioVlc school - 'Editor-in-Chiefs Note: principle This feature is strictly satirical and tional right to bear arms. does. I used one to save my life from an attacker," is not a valid sexual orientation quiz. It finally dawned on the bright lights of the Gore •Debra Collins, Colorado State Coordinator for 6. When you think of the year It contains sterotyjrical misnomers campaign that you can't demonize thousands and Second Amendment Sisters, notes. "The anti-gun 1985, what is the first thing that that should not be construed to rep- comes to mind? resenet the gay community to which thousands of gun-owning voters in swing states factions constantly say if it saves one life it's worth a. The '80s dynasty of hundreds of thousands of Americans and expect their support on election day. Gore, who it. Well, my firearm saved one life—mine—and I professional wrestling belong to, including me. This sex once promised to "do whatever it takes" to enact promise you my mother thinks it was worth it." b. One wotd.l.Tlirillerl 'quiz parody is for entertainment the major proposals of the gun prohibition agenda, And so, apparently, does the megaphone of the c. Pure Ecstasy! purposes only,. —-RC used to rail against the National Rifle Association. Million Mom March—ssleft-leaning talk-show host During the primary, he bragged of helping "to Rosie O'Donnell. It's worth recalling that while she THEELUSTRATEDB1BLE pass the toughest new gun-control measures in a voiced opposition to concealed handgun laws in generation." He vociferously endorsed the MMM May and told Cokie Roberts that "I also think you platform, which includes requiring every handgun shouldn't buy a gun anywhere," O'Donnel! soon buyer to obtain a photo license after hired for her children a bodyguard who applied and pass a safety test; limiting handgun purchases for a concealed gun permit. to one a month; and closing the so-called "gun- Personal actions speak louder than political, show loophole." words. The marginalization of the Million Mom itaugliM Now Gore has thrown off his anti-gun marching Marchers did not come at the hands of the NRA, fi- shoes in favor of hunting boots and buffalo plaid. but at the hands of howling gun-control hypocrites ll. Epiphany! It's not just right-wingers who care about themselves. if the Second Amendment. It's Gore's own base— \~ • union members, lunch-bucket Democrats, armed

that guy's eating over there." Four times. Now, I can not." At that point, they'd just turn around and leave. The Stupidity Report maybe see asking this question once. I mean, maybe the When you are closed, though, the customer won't believe guy at that other table had weird looking pancakes. • you. While working at a Levi's store, a guy came in to buy uring my travels this week, I went to The Maybe the idiot ordering didn't realize that there isn't : some jeans. I told him that the store was about to close in International House Of Pancakes so I could get much variation with pancakes. What I can't fathom, five minutes. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll be done." Fifteen Dsome reai food and take a break from Wayne Hall. though, is the fact he asked it four times. If the pancakes minutes later, the guy was still trying on pants. I gave him I thought IHOP would be a relatively safe place were the same the first time you asked, why another warning that the store was closed. "Almost done!" to go, a break from the forces of stupidity that would they be different the second time you " he called out from the fitting room. Another ten minu'tes seem to swirl around me every day. Was I ever Larry Clow asked? Or perhaps they would magically passed. "That's it!" I told him. I went in the back and shut wrong. I guess idiocy doesn't rest, not even for The Beacon change between the second and third time? I all the lights in the store off and said I was locking up. He dinner. don't know. My head started to hurt when I ran out of the fitting room with a pile of pants and angrily In just about any job, you have to deal with customers of heard all this arid I quickly put a forkful of said to me, "I didn't know you closed this early." As I some kind, and you will always have at least one or two food in my mouth so I didn't call the guy a moron. said,..complete idiots. customers that ask • I have three years of retail experience behind me, and I On a more pleasant note, for the last week, I've been such stupid questions that you start to wonder if there can tell you that the general customer is a complete idiot. able to go to the Burger King in the Student Center and get should be selective breeding laws. One of these customers He or she will walk into a store or restaurant and ask the exactly what I order. Now, if only they could do something was at IHOP that night. This guy managed to ask the wait- dumbest questions known to man. The best is when some- about the fruit flies I always seem to find in the Dunkin1 ress four times—four times—if "these buttermilk pancakes one walks into a store, looks around for a bit, and says, Donuts case, things would be even better. on the menu are the same as the buttermilk pancakes that "So, are you open?" Usually, I would say, "No, of course Diversity

G'esifBaVie Gay by Don Hood Anyone up for a The only celebrities we do have an endless supply ecently, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright— of are Boy Band members, who, according to the lat- Revolution? this is for real -presented the North Koreans est U.S. census figures, make up a staggering 22 per- with their very own basketball signed by Michael R cent of the U.S. population. ver a week ago, I made century are we in again? It's good Jordan! You've got 'N Sync, 98 Degrees, the Back Street the mistake of watching to know that our generation's kids I don't necessarily disagree with giving away a free Boys, the Pretty Doggone Adorable Boys, the the election. Although can grow up in a society where basketball in the interests of world peace, but I think Incredible Cutie Pies Who Make You Want to Slap 'em O they will not be judged on the there are some differences we have to be careful before we just start handing out Silly Boys, etc. The list goes on and oh. between Bush and Gore, their basis of their sexual orientation, valuable Michael Jordan merchandise to just anybody. Boy Bands are proliferating so fast that by the 2004 ideas are basically the same: stuff that they will not be discriminat- If the North Koreans-rate a Michael Jordan basket- election they will, by themselves, account for over 200 people with as much crap as they ed against when they apply for ball, what do we of the can to get their ever-so-precious jobs, colleges, etc. I wasn't aware do to keep the nation's electoral votes and get on with that what people do in their bed- Chinese electoral making their millions of dollars. rooms had such a great effect on their ability to perform at a cer- h a ppy —a n votes. Well, as the two of them carry tain job. autographed And on, America is still running and basketball and -' not only do people are still being pushed • My voice drips with sarcasm but definitely some anger, too. a poster? they all look and sound and dance exactly alike, sci- around left and right. That is my There are so many things in this And what about the French, they'll want basketbaljs problem. I decided I want to save entific studies have shown that THEY ARE ALL world that we should be grateful signed by Michael Jordan and Jerry Lewis. SINGING THE SAME SONG OVER AND OVER the world, but that would only leave little me against a huge sum for instead of constantly trying to - Soon, U.S. diplomacy will depend entirely on the AGAIN! find things to separate ourselves doling out of celebrity trinkets. of people. I figured killing off all While State Department officials prefer the "carrot" the bigoted and . . u n from others. We. FOREIGN DIPLOMAT: For years we have tried to of celebrity merchandise bribes, they readily acknowl- ignorant ones LeiiKa Heller should be thankful make peace, but now is time for war! edge the power of "big stick" Boy Band diplomacy. that each one of us U.S. DIPLOMAT: If you remain at peace, I can FOREIGN DIPLOMAT: You can cut off our supplies, would be too The Beacon here has a home, food arrange for your country to receive a Michael Jordan you can bomb us, but we will never accede to your complicated, so 1 on the table, a bed to T-shirt that has never been washed—complete with preposterous demands! decided to start complaining. sleep in, friends to rely on, an Certificate of Authenticity. U.S. DIPLOMAT: As we speak, the U.S. Navy is When I was little that always open mind (sometimes), freedom FOREIGN DIPLOMAT: Do you seriously think we preparing to land 40,000 Boy Band members in your seemed to work. Maybe a little (to some extent), etc. can be bought for such trifles? capital city. According to our intelligence reports, your changes here and there. Why We each also have a voice that, shouldn't that work now? U.S. DIPLOMAT: I have also been authorized to entire population will be rendered deaf by the screams if it's loud enough, can be heard My current complaint is about offer your great nation a special edition Britney Spears of teenage girls within 15 minutes. by those who need to hear it. So calendar, autographed by Britney herself. the fact that there is not ONE let's say that the two losers up in FOREIGN DIPLOMAT: Mercy! Mercy! We give up! SINGLE STATE in this whole FOREIGN DIPLOMAT: Can you, urn, please make the White House finally figure out Naturally, I wouldn't like to see our negotiations get entire COUNTRY that allows peo- sure that it is addressed to me? that ugly but you have to be prepared to get tough if which one of them can be ple of the same sex to marry. Yes, President. We can sit back, bury But the problem Is that the U.S. has only so many basketball diplomacy doesn't work. ladies and gentlemen, that is my our heads under the comforter Mist celebrities, people like Shaquille O'Neal, Julia For questions or comments contact Don Flood at current problem. From the adop- and forget about everything but Roberts and Jerry Springer. ',, [email protected]. / tion stand point alone, I guess it ourselves. I think I'd like to do would be better for a small child that, except underneath my com- to live forever in^a dirty and dis- forter I'd be plotting and planning gusting shelter instead of being how to save the world. No, the adopted by a couple of the same President won't come to the res- sex. Come on! Then there are cue and save all the poor, defense- those people who complain that' less homosexuals, but somebody two thirds of marriages end up in $2.50 IMPORT PINTS (ALL NITE) has to! Somebody has to be pissed divorce, and yet when two people off enough to try to change the of the same sex actually want to laws. Somebody has to see that 11/9 HUMBLE BEGINNINGS LEFT BEHIND get married, it's illegal! it's not right that homosexuals Why must it always take some cannot marry, that it takes at least sort of tragedy to cause people to a year to be able to adopt an want to change? orphaned child, that in this day The first homosexual support and age there are people being group was founded in 1951. Until hung, that a person needs insur- the Stonewall riots (New York ance to get into a decent detox or City, 1969) where gay men and rehab yet methadone clinics are women rebelled against public government funded! $2.50 IMPORT PINTS (TILL MIDNIGHT) police harassment, homosexuals I'm not a hippie flowef child— had to remain quiet to prevent by far. I'm a "concerned citizen" problems. 11/10THE FOURTH who is fed up past her limits with Today there are more organiza- this government and all its politi- tions that try to stand up to the DJ SPINS DANCE MIX AFTER SHOW' cal crap. If nothing changes— ridiculous old, white, aristocratic nothing changes. But I'll be politicians and "fight for their damned if I'm the only one who nghts." Yet, look around! How cares about all this. many of your mends or people DJ HIPPIE HEATS THE FLOOR you know are just outright homo- Organizations to look into: W/ HOUSE & DANCE CLASSICS phobic? Here is some current informa- tion on how this country is set Human Rights Campaign, 919 DJ VIC ROCKS THE LOUNGE back: 18th St. N.W. (Suite 800) • Washington D.C 20006 (202) 628- W/ ALTERNATIVE & RETRO DJ RALPH COSTA SPINS '80s DANCE •Vermont is the only state that is "on the verge of becoming the 4160 & BEYOND first state to grant marriage-like status to gay and lesbian couples," Gay, Lesbian, and Straight fiRUfREE GIRLS ADMITTED FREE (CQ Researcher, Gay Rights Update, 4/14/00, cover) Education Network, 121 W. 27th •There are currently eleven states St. (Suite 804) New York, NY $2.50 CORONA $2.50 IMPORT PINTS (TILL MIDNIGHT) 10001 (212) 393-2100 $2.50 IMPORT PINTS that prohibit sexual discrimina- tion (New Jersey is one of them) •About 30 states have passed National Gay and Lesbian Task laws "to block recognition of Force, 1700 Kalorama Rd. N.W. Directions: Rt. 46 East to Rt. 3 East to Passaic Ave. Nutley/Passaic exit, go to right same-sex marriages," (CQR, Washington D.C. 20009 (202) 332- of ramp, go three traffic lights & make a left, (Van Houten Ave.) Go to first traffic light, p.309). 6483. The overwhelming majority of make a right onto Broadway. America still disagrees with giv- 373 BROADWAY PASSAIC PARK • 973-365-0807 ing homosexuals any rights. What MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000

is.s., N\EE>\A, Poioo LATE tJVSMT TAl-\i.


j» The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds. ' |

i • Everyone, unfortunately, knows what it means to get fired; not every- 1 lone knows where the expression came from. Long ago, clans got rid of ! (unwanted people by killingthem. When the clans realized how barbaric I ithat practice was, they devised a new way to get rid of these people - f I they burned their houses down. ' !

; • If a man watches a woman undress in front of a window, he can be \ j arrested as a peeping torn. If a woman watches a man undress in front of i §a window, she can have him arrested for indecent exposure. [

'). • • ' • '"••••.• - ' i j • It's a pride of lions, a school of fish, a leap of leopards, a herd of hors-| jes, a flock of pigeons and a smack of jellyfish. I j • Dolly Parton once lost a Dolly Parton look-alike contest. I November 27-30 j .• South Africa's Law Commission has proposed that the legal definition f lof rape should include "forcibly sticking a finger up someone's nose in a | jsexual manner." | Mondll; ! • The skin that peels off after a bad sunburn is called "blype." 1

j • If Jell-0 is hooked up to an EEG, the results are virtually identical to | |the brain waves of a healthy adult. ' . | Greek Jeopardy

I • Tn the remote highlands of New Guinea, you can still buy a bride. |

] "The word "paradise" comes from the Persian word for a royal amuse-1 I ment park. I

i 'According to stage superstition, an actor whistling in a dressing room J Tug-of-W&r I before a performance is bad luck. The only way avoid the bad luck is for |; jthe actor to curse loudly and vehemently, or to leave the room and knock |j Volleyball jbefore reentering. • J • j • ' • . ' • • • i 7-10 AIO Sweetheart Pagent ) • Flat Earthers believe that the center of the world is the North Pole. | ; Radiating out from this center are all of the continents and oceans, and | \ everything is surrounded by the South Polar regions. They're vague about fe iwhat lies beyond this icy barrier. Here there be monsters? " 1

1 • At Dante's death in 1321, the manuscript of "The Divine Comedy" was| 8-11 BZI Auction j missing several sections. After a long and fruitless search, his two sons f igave up looking for the lost writings. Then Dante's son Jacopo dreamed % Pie Throw jthat he saw his father, who indicated a secret compartment in hjs room I i where the missing pages were. With a witness, Jacopo went to the place % jthe apparition indicated, and found the compartment. Inside was the lost | j text of Dante's masterpiece. I Thursc|||| I • Some Japanese believe that people who suddenly start to overeat % Tug-of-War (and talk gibberish may be possessed by goblin foxes. I j If you have a strange factoid to share, or would like to comment on one I Basketball lof ours, you can contact Samantha Weaver at strangebuttrue@mind- | or write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, 628 | 3-LeggedRace iVirginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. %

• is * *„.* .-..-- -..w,^.i^ **: Diversity fit •]

When I was a young girl, a group of neh^ornoo,;, gir|s I; and I had running Monopoly games. The^ust nave ,asted two or three weeks at a time, and we play them fair|y r _ byJonCoffey larly. When I reminisce about those time&^at strikes mQ js American Pie not that we could play one game with su< regularity (although for a group of young girls that i^ feat in itself), it is the way we played. We had no concept Competition. WorldCom earned more than $12.2 billion in profits i [ t's outrageous that those who make the most Instead, we loaned one another money, fgave rents due money in this country can find ways to pay no during that period and paid no corporate.income and laughed with glee whenever any onef us won an HI Itaxes at all. taxes. In fact, this group received $535 million in inheritance or any I don't mean our ultra-rich credits or refunds.., other type of boon. citizens, although with the right • • How did they get away with ItvWas a wonderful . accountant these guys can , this? A set of tax reforms in 1986 and innocent time. dodge the tax bullet, too. I was supposed to eliminate tax In today's tech- mean the really big kahunas — How does shelters, but in fact it created new nological society, ; .corporations who derive so opportunities for cutting taxes. where video games Amenca much profit from the American big business Additional tweaks to the corpo- with intense graphics rate tax laws, first by the k people and then leech the sys- rule, board games have 11 tem even more by avoiding avoid paying Democratic-controlled Congress in not gone away. If you are a taxes. 1993 and then by the Repulican fan interested in competing or A recent study conducted by taxes? Congress of 1997, created more just watching, there is plenty of excitemeto be found at the loopholes. the Institute jpn Taxation and following places. Good luck, I'm rooting f

national unity. Sharon has been contemptuous . In my view, Arafat would gladly accept all also has deep roots in therm of schools, clin- Shimon pf the "peace process" from its beginning seven the "confidence"-building gains he could get, ics and so on within the Rsstinian territory Peres,. years ago in Oslo, Norway. always demanding more, and that when it came population. ' Prime Those who believed in the "peace process" to the Old City, the "peace process" would col- The Israeli doves havetd a taste of the Minister of argued that there was "no alternative" to lapse. Arab "street,"-the violent jsses feared by Israel after "peace." Of qourse, there was always an alter- It has to be said that Barak did his best. His their own rulers. One synrl °ftne recent the assassi- native: deterrence, and concessions went far mini-war was the two Isri soldiers who had nation of the Israeli armed beyond anything advanced made a wrong turn into Riallah and were Yitzhak forces. before. This former tank butchered by an Arab moiThe doves at last Rabin, was I always thought general even offered most know that there is no sign^ant body of mod- one of the the structure of the of the sparsely settled erate Arab opinion that de^s any sort of most presti- peace process was Jordan Valley. ' peace compromise. gious and a iS over l rael faulty, in that it left Arafat would not close the The period of the mbbCf ^' - $ hopeful than for last the. most diffi- deal. He might well have is immensely stronger milf'ty Egypt, doves in f the war esca cult question of all: feared f his life if he gave Syria and Jordan combine * " Israel. His Or sovereignty in East up East Jerusaiem. The lates, this could be clarify?- & would demon- vision of the future of Israeli-Arab relations Jerusalem - the "Old City,"-where most of the memory of Anwar Sadat, murdered for the strate the balance - or iml ance -- of power. was luminous. . Jewish, Christian and Arab sacred sites are Camp David peace with Israel, is vivid in the After all, that is the purpoof war as a Perma- Today, Peres speaks of the "peace process" located. The idea was that a negotiation itself mind of every Arab leader. porAra fati war of nent human institution. As 19th-century in the past tense. The Israeli Left is dead. would generate "confidence," that concessions some sort might well have Seemed the better German general remarkedThe French have Labor Party Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who by Israel would generate "confidence" and that, option. French theories. We have ^man realities, like now controls about one-third of the Knesset when it came down to the end, there would be And there is a real questiOn as t0 what infantry, artillery, cavalry,' (parliament), is trying to bring former tank such "confidence" that the intractable endgame degree Arafat controls the Palestinians. After general Ariel Sharon into a government of would be manageable. all, Hamas, with its active te^ist fighters, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000

Editor's Corner Pondering Wayne HalPs Thanksgiving Dinner Individual Was Something To Be Thankful For

Responsibility ike a child anticipating Christmas Day, I was ecstatic to noticed marked improvements: overhear Marie (a supervisor at Wayne Hall) telling. • A new chef (Gino) patrons last Wednesday that the Thanksgiving dinner •Better tasting food Editor: ' . '. L was the following night. I was overjoyed at the thought of* •Better quality food turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and the like. •Better service If I take away something of yours, I am a thief. I Picture the scene from the original Warner Brother's The •A cleaner cafeteria ' become a criminal when. I. throw about my per- Grinck Who Stole Christmas where Cindy-tou Who had visions sonal property: I abuse the Public Domain which of sugar-plums dancing in her head. That was my head on As a result of student feedback on the Wayne Hall comment has made provision by carrying away my Tuesday night. Yes, more than writing and my love of The . board and the Student Government Association's Food unwanted property and returning it into the cre- Beacon, food is what I look forward to most each day. I love to Committee, the following suggestions were implemented at ative stream which is the recycling process. eat, and a good meal at Wayne Hall can make my day 150% WayneHall: . , better. One cannot underestimate the important role that good •Bigger drinking glasses (That really impressed me) The unique quality of our public domain, food plays in our everyday lives (or at least my life). • . . . •More diversity in beverages William Paterson University, can be degraded by As I entered Wayne Hall last Thursday, I was lured in by the •A Cappuccino machine my crime, and yours. It is simply wrong to dis- delicious aroma of a good ole' American turkey feast, com- •Increased milk variety regard the place in history that our campus plete with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, mixed •FIT vegetable wash is being used holds (read William Carlos Williams.) It is a veggies, pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie. • »The second big screen television is now working lightheaded act to flood bur geologic treasures In The meal tasted as good as it smelled. It was the best meal 1 •The new section of the hall is now open (where I can hide a wash of flotsam and jetsam. have ever eaten at Wayne Hall, EVER. In fact, I was so satis- out to eat in privacy) fied and thankful that the dinner was meticulously prepared Each af us is studying to achieve a personal with delicious food and care that I went to seek put the man- Wayne Hall's management has been responsive to students' competitive edge. We all wish for personal dig- ager, Mike, whose hand I shook over the hot food warmer. needs. It to improved the overall Wayne Hall experience. nity. We all share the stunning joys and awful Mike, his chef and all the support staff at Wayne Hall made While I believe future improvements are still necessary, I am • pain that daily flow into us as this world turns. my week—not just my day. confident that any problems or suggestions I have will be So what was the secret ingredient that made my meal so taken into consideration. (All have been up to this point). , We need to mature: We need to take our respon- special? Undoubtedly, I believe it was the "L" word. It may It is the appropriate time of year to say to the entire Wayne sibility as part of our role, here and now. We sound corny, but I believe the folks in food service prepared • Hall staff—from Frank Felice at the top to the men and need to get real in the little things; the big things and served the Thanksgiving Dinner meal with the most women who clean the floors—THANK YOU. Food is so very/ will become ours to handle. important ingredient in the world: love. very important in my life, and a good meal at Wayne Hall can As many readers of The Beacon have noted, I have been turn a bad day at The Beacon or class into a brighter day. Relate to the Public Domain—ah untrashed extremely critical of the overall Wayne Hall scene in editorials Sometimes we all take for granted having a hot meal three William Paterson University. at the beginning of.the semester. True, some things at Wayne times a day. You are doing a great job... Hall still frustrate me, but as a result of commurucating to the KEEP UP THE GOOD WOKK. Claire Allison people in the chain of command in food service (such as Mike, the manager) through direct contact and comment cards, P.S. Mike—Thanks for the plastic-wrapped straws, but lose the noticeable changes have been implemented. I eat at Wayne wimpy Tetley tea and bring back the brisk Upton. Hall at least twice daily^and over the past few weeks have

had a delightful chat with Jane Rogers, the author In Other News: Those of us who can't imagine get- of the best-selling book, "Mr, Wroe's Virgins" ting through a session at the computer without the I(Mariner Books -- Houghton Mifflin Company). aid and comfort of a cup of coffee have cause to The book is based on-the true story of John Wroe, cheer these days: The United States Food and LETTER T° THE a self-proclaimed prophet in 19th century England Drug Administration, the National Institutes of who declared that God wanted him to "comfort" Health, and the American Medical Association •himself with seven virgins. The Sundance Channel (AMA) say caffeine, a major component of coffee as All tetters to the editor must be will air a four-hour BBC mjniseries based on the well as tea, is safe. The AMA adds that coffee and signed and contain the author's book over four weeks -- Dec. 5,12,19 and 26. The tea drinkers "probably need have no concern for full name and daytime and production stars Minnie Driver. their health relative to their caffeine consumption" "The extraordinary thing," as long as the intake is evening telephone numbers. All Rogers says, "is that no one moderate -- which is letters will be verified for authen- questioned Wroe when he defined as 300 milligrams ticity prior to publication. Letters told his congregation about irSAWOMAFS of caffeine a day. This his message from God. breaks down into three 8- should not exceed S00 words. Indeed, they rushed to offer ounce cups of coffee with Anonymous letters will promptly him their daughters." each cup holding 100 mg. The series focuses on the WORLD be filed in the shredder; if we put The same size cup of tea experiences of four of the by Tamaia Jones contains 40 mg. Caffeine our names on the stuff we write, seven women in the book. is also present in cocoa so should you. The best medium But Rogers says that "all of - ; and most soft drinks, and is sometimes added to for sending a letter to the editor them emerged quite changed, and to one degree or processed food. Read the labels. another, for the better. For some the change was Write to Tamara Jones in care of King Features is through email Since we are more difficult. But each found new strength and a Weekly Service, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL understaffed like most organiza- new sense of independence. It's a remarkable tes- 32803 or send an e-mail to tions^ we do not have time to tament to the courage and the resiliency of women. [email protected]. Especially so when y6u realize that this was the retype a zillion letters. Since the 19th century and not much was expected from them volume of mail may exceed the except to obey the men in their lives." space available for printing, the editor may literally pick letters for publication out of a top hat. (Ryan Mail Tel/Fax Email Caiazzo really does have a black Main Switchboard Main Email: top hat in his office). The Beacon The Beacon 973-720-2248 beacon ©student, wpunj .edu does not censor content (see our 300 Pomptbn Rd. (All Inquiries) Confidential news tips mission statement) and will print SC310 can bo •malted to: any signed and verified letter that Wayne, NJ 07470 beacontips @ K not libelous otherwise prohibit' 973-720-2093 edbylaw. \h\s is actually exciting for look back on the nine years that we've been a snn us." band, you see definitely, certain parts that knzig) is D-"Yeah, it's really exciting. changed." | it a little We love playing the East • *I/P-Your music has gotten more dark, lyrically . as well Coast. It's fun." and musically. What was the reason for ' the other *I/P-Since your beginning maturing in that direction? |>mbers of in the early 90's, what was A-"Well, musically, we have had two replaced 'nzig." the biggest change from members, and grown better, I think. Anytime then to now? you play with different people, the music is >s the tour D-"People started paying gonna change. Also, gradually, our playing vh Danzig and Samhain? Do attention to us, that was the improved, as well as our tastes became more *J enjoy playing shows with biggest change. When we specific. In the beginning, we were coming first started no one cared. from a million different places, and after five '"It was a great tour. It was just It took about four to five years, we figured out what we liked and how jiazing to get to tour with those years before anyone start- we wanted to sound." nds. I never even thought I'd ed paying attention to. us." D-"Lyrically, I just became more comfortable t to see Samhain, since I'm I A-"There's lots of certain with writing. There was always darker stuff, I Ung, comparitively. To be able to !ee them> landmarks, key. dates in our just wasn't able to express myself quite as well 1 alone, tour with them, as well as C)anzi9' history. We played a show before. I started getting away from the more . ^s a great experience." after we" broke up for a frivolous stuff, just because j didn't really enjoy °-How did you enjoy your tour in J- 3Pan? • while, in Patalooma, in 93'. performing it. Ifdidn't mean anything to me. Last Saturday night, the band that many music *w was it different? That was the first show were we had kids As far as the dark mood and the dark aesthet- m insiders are touting as the future of Punk 'Japan was great. It's probably o*r °* y singing along, and then of course, our first ic, it's something I've always liked, as long as I ete f<, AFf, hit NYC's Roseland with their ^orito touring experiences. It's cofjPP' 'y Roc record, things changed after that." can remember. Before our band, I've always f It was friends and touring mates, Rancid and The erent than touring anywhere .else, D-"Our first show on Gilman St. with Rancid, enjoyed that stuff and it was always there, and lospitality Dlstfllers(see Rancid show review, pg. 18). dually uncomfortable, at times, the was also a big date." it was when; as a band we grew together, it 3 Berkeley, CA's AH rocked the sold out ball- received. And the enthusiasm \w* 'I/P-Whatwas the best change that you had? became more evident in the band itself." . us room with a blazing, energetic, set, which . Vn the crowd who had never heard D-"We learned to play our instruments, (lauglv *l/P'Collectively, does the band have any reli- highlighted on all five of their full length was unlike anything we ever ter) Although, I can't "speak for myself, i don't gious leanings? Is the 666 or pagan stars alburns. They brought the crowd to their feet bed before." have an instrument, and I still haven't learned representative or just for show/fun? ; inc so with amazing musicianship and theatrics, and ''Over there everyone is so polite, ^ to play any instruments." D-"No, we don't have any affiliation. I don't held the audience captive with the exciting Orteous, and so accepting, and so> open, A-"lt's sort of a gradual change, so you don't think any of us subscribe to any organized reli- visual stimulation provided by vocalist Davey really notice if overnight. But then when you gion, and I speak for all of us, don't I?" Havok and their always acrobatic bassist, ' Hunter. Guitarist Jade. Puget and drummer A-"Yeah. Definitely." Adam Carson were no slouches either, giving D-"The (symbols) mean 110% to the devoted New York crowd. But something to me and before they showed New York City their chops, they mean something to Dave/ and Adam sat down backstage with other people. Both of Jake and Matt, from the Insider, and our friend those symbols are two Rachel* from Paranoia fanzine, to answer ' completely different some questions. Here are some of the high- things. The five point lights of that interview: : star is a very, very old I/P= Insider/Paranoia power symbol, whereas, P=Davey the 666 is taken from A=Adam Christianity. And I think •I/P-How has the tour been going? both can evoke thought D-"lt's great. It's been so fun. We haven't in people that often isn't toured with Rancid in five years, and we love evoked by other bands. ' em', they're friends of ours; so not only do we I like to use that type of get to see Rancid and the Distillers every imagery because a lot of night, but we get to hang out with a bunch of people are familiar with it, tn the states coming over, or if it's pust a pul- friends of ours". and they can relate to it tal thing. I think it's just a cultural thing, but in whatever way they 4/P-What do you think of the scene out here fere completely enthusiastic about Ms, and I choose to." I sure no one had ever heard of u^ before." (the NY/NJ area)? As compared with the East Bay? *l/P'We've heard rumors I* Yeah, absolutely not." D-"lt's great, It's a little different, .the energy is of a project you recorded /We spent five years touring in th» states expressed a little differently here. There are with members of Danzig (Fore we had shows like our very first time in more circle pits out on the West Coast, and and Samhain? oan." -• more flavor out here. Kids stage dive more D-"l sang on a project P-Any interesting/strange stories from tour- out here than they do out there. But both that's going to be f? areas are really great, and they are not com- released on Nitro ;We have a million I'm sure. That; kind of pletely different, in fact that's the only differ- Records with Steve Zing [Es us on the spot, cause we have fmillions of ence | can notice." (Samhain), London May jries and can't remember them." i (, Samhain), A-"Yoah it's hard because we haven't played fi have a couple I can think of but 1 dont» t Todd Youth (Danzig), and a real venue in New York in lots of years, so \nt to incriminate anybody. We satw a trafis-

MONDAY 20* cAttic aacr.v D/>/;. •,V" '^CI JiXUC f*.^7 1'I.AZA. NYC V NYC TVA-'X or araw^-'^ -nif. Dtu^ADo,s - KN RJ. '- *.: N fACrORY HU- SCltiCKClX KEPSIN ft&OWMES, KYC MAN O» AST,?U,; V-..VJ. TH£ CAU»n V/AY it • ', I l &•&£!, ULSUCTO - IRVLW* M.AZA NYC ISAAC CvWX tlWl'^f) TlJT-ORt • M3&CURY IJTONA NAE5? I1 uK'X K"',' ^. - i :B".i '•'.' J*D!'?•'*£ \"V," THC REiJ ivlNC., V. l)W •.•;*!VS *;•'• •*-"'.'.'•. TA>/XrT - Hi^StJ^AJNU. NYC - WCTAIKDS. NYC IV'A i.C."fU»V .•>i,^*:« .••\C.-.-\-'f.\llCW NTLE. V101XT 1Rimj. •• SRi:4W-» if-If C/s'.^U^^Vi ' AMFIWAN - 1W. SAINT, ASBURY PARK, Hi' V.; ! •:. 1 "UT"..:.,AiSfDs.MYC , WEDNESDAY NO'WXMSER 22> Ft ">'*'.'A r^^;,' Koaru ST-MI PWLLY SCUJJEICHO, THE K.V.K i-PsU^KA ?• *!•*:> BOV/ERY •UlSSnAY >JCV£Mb£R 2i ' BALLROOM. -NYC

-, u i j. I-J. .:.'" IV

1 ;• I!

i • :•<• lATf •' * '(i • ' '.", •, /. K..1 r .» J'.M- •'. )<;v, i'.. i •- band, both the lineup and the be pretty fucking special to expect your fans to music, and the fans have continued wait four years for a record." to support you. Why do think that D-"And Snapcase is. They're a great band, 3£ is? but 1 think that's a unique situation. I n order D-"l think that people understand to do a band, there are a lot of sacrifices you that what we're doing is from the have to make. Whether it's breaking your par- heart, and they understand our ents heart, or sleeping in a park on tour, or liv- music, and they feel our music. ing five people in one room so that you could ing And they appreciate it, from year to afford to be in a band. That's just the sacrifice How'ihat?" year, from change to change. you have to make." •I/P-My interesting. What we do, we 'do because we *l/P'How were the dates you did on a Warped a fan love it, and anything that's a cre- Tour? D-"O1 it wasn't one of ation of pure heart is gonna be rec- D-"lt was great. We didn't know what to was ying a blowjob to. ognized by people. When you expect having never been to one, but it was ter) T3 guy getting a bl change all the time, it does pose a really fun, playing outside in the sun. 1 was ian of the transves threat of people saying Oh god, Everybody on the tour was really cool. The this album doesn't sound like the" shows were great. And the responses we got transvestiteas a sellout cause last one. What is this? I don't were great. We gained so many fans from was ig it for theioney." know what this is. I don't under- Warped tour, it was crazy. Unbelievable. We •MP-Woiv has the reption been to the new stand it, and I certainly can't like it only played eight shows, but gained so many recorct? if I'm not familiar with it.' I'm sure fans. The other night, I asked in Philly, Who ve D-'lt's been tne bereceived album w^' we lose fans with every album, but saw us at the Trocadero?' And it was silence. e love record ed, Ks beerealiy cool for us, iV luckily, it's not many. Most people Then I said Warped tour?" It was like thlnk it. W«3 WOrked so frd on it, and I real'/ enjoy the changes, as we do. If Aaaaahhh', everybody saw us at the Warped 1 6 it's the* best record 3-Ve done. So to i ^ we wrote the same albums over an Tour." people respond so all is pretty gratifyi^Q- ; over again it would be boring for *I/P-Any closing comments? We can't believe it.' ' ' us. We gain fans too, cause peo- A-"Go to our website,, it's pretty A-"Wa played a shcr at the Filmore in ,San ple recognize that were not a punk 0Ut cool, we're putting tour updates up all the Franc|sco a Week ar the record cam0 rock band, we're not a hardcore time." and W*Q Were a littleoncerned about playing band, not a metal band, we're just a ,• This is not the complete interview the n&ws songs bause people only h^ AFI, 1 guess. Luckily a lot of peo- which went over an hour and fifteen minutes we0k to makes us sweet mix tapes. Hot Water ple from different genres of music long, so if you're interested in seeing the com- digest the" Music." , appreciate it. Which is great, i love that, I plete interview, go to the Beacon's hew web- alburn. D-'i think in my stereo at home, I've got the love playing to a crowd full of many different site, for a transcription of We were new Radiohead, the new Deftones, A perfect types of people." , • the rest of it. afraid the Circle, At the Drive-In, a Smiths CD, Nine •IIP-Do you have any songs Inch Nails. I listen to a little Cradle of Filth. words of advice for might be I guess that's all." anyone who is trying to the slow *l/P-ls there any band you'd love to tour with? juggle a bandand col- spots of D-"Uke a dream band to tour with, disregard- lege? • the set, ing what the crowd would think of you?" D-"A band and college? but every- I/P-Yeah. Drop out." (Laughter) body D-"The Cure." A-"Dave and I both seemedto »I/P-We heard you guys modeled for Hot went to two years of enjoy the Topic? How was that? college, and we could- new stuff. D-"We modeled for their website. It was so n't have done what It was fun. They had us change our clothes, and we've done if we great." they didn't direct us that rnuch. But it was stayed." »I/P-Have more fun than regular band photo shoots. We D-"You can't do both. you guys got to change our clothes and our makeup, it I'm not saying drop out been getting playeon the radio with this was real fun." of college,,period. I'm album? Have youotten to hear it? 'I/P-Davey, you're Straight Edge, right? What saying if you want to D- 'We just started) get played on the radio, does that mean to you? do a band, you can't do and unfortunately ts happened since we've D-"Straight Edge is complete respect' for school." been ©n tour. Thejust started playing us in myself and others through abstinence. A-"Yeah, if you want to San Francisco andacramento, and I guess People make their own choices and I chose to be able to go on tour they play us in Cinnnati too, but I wish we .be drug free, but I respect other people's and all, you can't really could hear it." choices too, if they chose to drink. I discov-, wait-nine months." A-"Tri©y have play< us on specialty shows ered Straight Edge after I already had not D-"Snapcase might and vye heard that,ut now it's in regular rota- understood recreational drug use, and I was have a different answer tion." • part of the scene, so I felt out of for you.. They were •I/P-What do you grs listen to? In the van place until I discovered Minor Threat. I was able to do it." ontotJr? like, Wow, that's what I am.1 And I've been A-"But they didn't put A-"W@ listen to a Icof Elliott Smith, Straight Edge ever since." out a record for four Radiohead, and ait of Jawbreaker. Jade •UP-There have been a lot of changes in your years, and you have to

RQMLL OIT> ?"-•-• ;;.^; •h \MN A.N'!*) ,-'\'.\',( \-u\r, fi.j * .,••,;*,•. .--rut, TPr: SVC/T- /.Lti'.T'VC f^CVHlY, ri-U?T.Y .'/Of. - ROVCLAND. MYC • YC ulY UO'Xill STAR, AAS )!•; O i/MF^S ANI> 'HIK Ali C0NWT10NEI5 !fJi>. T;;'.i" .'••? 'ICIUNX • WfTADOS NYC 1 : VIW*. IPX TART,, . ^cV' THO MIGHT U .CA?-''! •'.', •"*• VK* j. \Y /V)?vj*K STAR. !'Hl* .'i.

M ARSON, \M . l'TK DAK!''!' '"•••

K ••. .ICC

;J.Y •' >Ri: KING'S CLUB \T )t',.V IN FIAM/JS. |


Salome's \' Stars -\ Last week's crossword puzzle answer ARIES (March 21 to April den to nurse those hurt feel- can expect romantic over- 19) Try to be patient as tha ings. Instead, get out and tures from a loving Leo. troubling matter at work is enjoy the company of family CAPRICORN (December dealt with a step at a time. and friends. Remember: 22 to January 19) Expect Progress toward a resolu- Lions thrive in a pride, news about that business tion might seem slow, but VIRGO (August 23 to deal you weren't sure about. it's sure and steady. September 22) An old In your personal life, a dis- TAURUS (April 20 to May health problem recurs, but pute with your spouse or 20) Be careful not to let mis quick attention soon puts partner is soon cleared up. placed loyalty to a friend everything right. Plans for AQUARIUS (January 20 to cloud your usually good the upcoming holidays February 1B) You have a judgment. Be true to your might need to be changed. tendency to overdo it, espe- principles -- they won't evei Stay flexible. cially at this time of the let you down. LIBRA (September 23 to year. Ease up on those GEMINI (May 21 to June October 22) That project grand plans for the holidays, 20) A seeming inability to you started earlier this year and take more time for your- make a decision can some- begins to be noticed by the self. times work to your advan- "right people." Expect to get PISCES (February 19 to tage. Use the time to some heartening news by March 20) Someone from reassess the situation, ther year's end. your romantic past might act on the facts you uncov- SCORPIO (October 23 to want to renew your old rela- er. November 21) It's relation- tionship. While this might be CANCER (June 21 to July ship repair time for both sin- what you've hoped for, PIIB 22) Good newsl That per- gle and married Scorpions, weigh your decision careful- .1 i a i 11; ••'••• t 8w if i... sonal matter you thought Patch up the weak spots ly. ACROSS 52 PC key 90 Stage stuff 8 Mother or 47 State ' 79 Nest or would never improve sud- and renew your commitment 1 Herd word, 53 Tiberius' 91 Take a' grandmother words? burrow YOU WERE BORN THIS 4 Gator's threads? breather 9 Make a 48Pennsyl- 80 Tree spray denly takes on a more posi to your partner or spouse. WEEK: You have a strong . cousin 54'60schlc 92JACKSON dolly . vanlasect 83 Baptism site tive aspect. Things brighter SAGITTARIUS (November • 8 Forest 55 Symbol ot 84 Wrap 10 Harriot tills 49 Nick of 84 Nevada city sense of truth and duty. You father industry .96 Singer start "Q&A" 85 Neon up at your workplace as 22 to December 21) Love 12 Chicken— 56 Went white Brook 11 Peanut 50 Gentleman relative love to learn, and you love king 57 Time for 97 Like kids at 12 Kim or of leisure? 87 Salivate well. and marriage signs are to teach. You make friends 15 Shake- chores? Christmas Kaufman 52 Jeanne— 88 Hotel strong for both paired and apearean 58 Slit on a 98 Bobbin 13 —Alamos, 53 Strained employee LEO (July 23 to August 22) slowly, but your friendships snake sunfish 99Sargasso . NM ' 56EI-TX 88"Nowhere Don't huddle alone in your single Archers- The latter last. 18Oadalsm 59"Fatha* Sea H'Ralsing—" 57"Glgrauthor —" lounder . Hines swimmer ('67 Him') SB Stare ('66 hM 19 Neighbor of 60 Teapot part 100 Humorist 15 Certain stupidly M XppracU&ed, Kentucky 62 Ersatz Ofld»n marble 59 Brink ln\r»'BOs 20Slgnol emerald 103 Violin part 16 Unyielding 60TVs"— Oef S2O«an»y . sanctity 63 ADAMS 10B KENNEDY 17 Study 81 Third S3Cttyin 21 Postman's 70 Cisco, to 112 Comic closely degree? Pakistan Creed word Pancho Charlotte 25 Made a . 62-Oh My—" 94 Fern feature EGG DONORS NEEDED 22'64Ronny 71 Sudden 113F/do'« passaga f53*ong) SSReoflae's — 4 the attacks morsel 26 Capekptay 83 turner and and the Daytonashit 72Something 114"Ab—" 27 Michael of Wood Maytals 23 Mouth to skip? 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"Pete and 35 Pancakes- 82 "Death In Salaam 38 'Frederica" Waly Gladys" to-be Venice* ' composer 74 Cause a 105 Gourmet 38 Shade of author DOWN 40 Jet-setter's . chuckle Graham green 83 Aromatic 1 Palliative need 75 Move like a 107 Clark'* •• 40 HOOVER plant 2Turandot" 41 Shortly mouse "Mogambo" 44Artlst 85Court- tune 42Spanlsh . 76Aphkl M-star Magritte martial 3 Upset entity .specialty apparatus 1O8Thurm*no| 45 Out of place candidate 4 Dot follower. 43 Land In the 77 Place for a 'Jennifers" 46 In addition 86 "Com- 5 Beat sea patch 109 He's«doll 47Rampuf huskers" 6 Seine feeder 44 Sheldon's 78 Walked 110 Gridiron royalty poet 7 Monastery '-of- like a B?1™0*1 The Nrth Jersey Center For Reproductive 51 Tender 89 Uke lava garb Angels" buccaneer 111 Florid Endocriology And Fertility Center Is Seeking Egg)onors Of All Ethnic Backgrounds, Between The Ages Of 21-32

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1035 Bute 46 East, Clifton; New Jersey 07013 is] Rancid Purifying Punk; stepped on stage, I was glancing downat Now, I don't know if you noticed this Joelle, my watch. Their set to me felt never but I did.- • • Distillers Just ending. One thing that really bothers me JOELLE: I noticed that, along with the side- about bands is when they just all out ways set up of Grohl's drum set. They scream into the microphone. And guess chose to open with "Breakout", from the hit Fucking Rancid what? That's exactly what QOTSA did! Jim Carrey movie Me, Myself, and Irene. I When they did "sing" lyrics, they were • felt this was a good selection because totally indecipherable. QOTSA wasn't a someone like myself, who is only familiar good choice for an opening act for the with the band's singles and not the rest of Foo Fighters. I.think a less hard rock their album, could recognize it. What I Ever wonder band would have been a better choice. found interesting was the Foo played the how your band Plus, I wouldn't have gotten the first few songs of their set with the stage I Lauren Talarico | headache I had before the Foo Fighters fully lit. Then, the set was dimly lit by Insider Writer could get to play took the stage. , Christmas lights draped on suspended a venue like JOEL-LE: I have to agree with you about speakers. Roseland the pairing of the two bands. They are NOELLE: The Foo mixed new and old Ballroom? Try two totally different genres of rock music. school songs in their lineup, which I thought sucking 's dick, it seems However, I think it's cool that different was interesting. They played a few old. to have worked for Brody, lead singerof types of music are brought together live songs which only the hard core Foo fan the Distillers. Or maybe it's just a coin- because it exposes listeners to some- would recognize. After "Breakout," they fol- cidence that right after marrying that thing new. I actually went to the concert lowed with another hit, "Learn to Fly." same Rancid frontman, her shitty band looking forward to seeing QOTSA These two-songs really got the crowd going. got signed to his label and is currently The Foo Fighters, The security really earned their pay with all Joelle Caputa because I've heard so many good things touring the nation with Rancid. After & with opening act, the crowd surfers! Some other songs they about their album. At the show, they were standing in line outside for an hour, the Noelle Balnicki Queens of the very personable with their fans. I often saw played included "Stacked Actors", "M.I.A", Insider Writers Distillers are performing (if you even Stone Age, played them acknowledging them with a wink or "Monkey Wrench", "Everlong", and "My to a sold out crowd nod. It was also cool that after the last Hero." However, my favorite song per- want to call it that) when we finally get of3,OOOat song, singer/guitarist, Nick Oliveri, jumped formed by the Foo was "Next Year." (It's in. The mohawked lead singer scream- Roseland Ballroom in New York City on into the mosh pit. It got everyone even ' the theme song to the hit NBC show Ed.) ing ever so intelligently "I don't give a November 12, 2000. This was their 15th more excited for the Foo Fighters. "Next Year" gave Grohl a chance to show shit! I don't give a shit!" My friend Tommy and final show at Roseland, before the NOELLE: I am a huge Foo Fighters fan. off his vocals along with his skill on the gui- turns to me, confused, "I think that dude venue is closed down. For this reason, the As you might not know the lead singer of tar. 1 also want to note that Grohl used at is wearing a skirt!" How do I break this to Foo Fighter's promised the crowd this show Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl was the drummer least five different types of guitars on stage, him? "Urn 'that dude' is a girl." "No would be their best. The band's members of the former band Nirvana. The stage which I found really interesting. way!" he says horrified. "She sings like a are Dave Grohl (vocals/guitar), Taylor setup for the Foo contained two drum sets JOELLE: During one of the guitar changes, man!" True. Very true. The rest of the Hawkins (drums), and Nate Mendel (bass) Grohl took a bottle of what looked like which could have been a little confusing to show, however, totally made up for how and Chris Shiflett (guitar). water, being it was suspiciously clear, and some who didn't know this fact. Grohl and horrible the first band was. This is the Foo Fighters first headlining tour Hawkins christened the Foo's set by rocking poured it on top of a bald roadies head. I'm not too familiar with AFI's music, in over one year. They were previously on out on the drums, it was quite a sight to Grohl himself often took swigs from the bot- the road with The Red Hot Chili Peppers. see, considering how talented each is. I tle and spit it out onto the stage. He was but was totally blown away by their JOELLE: When the opening act came out saw the passion in Hawkin's face as he was really into the performance. The whole stage presence. They had a Misfits type and said, "We are Queens of the Stone Age banging away on the drums, as if he were band gave it their all. Even though I'm not-a | thing going with the lead singer's hair and we are a rock and roll band," a lot of fighting personal demons. die hard fan like you, Noelle, I still appreci- cut, which was very cool. They definitely fans started cheering. There's nothing like JOELLE: I noticed that, along with the bond ated the show. They didn't just play songs, got the crowd responding, the pit started rock band perform live. Although 1 Grohl and Hawkins seem to have. On stage they joked around a lot. It was funny when picking up and evei. the kid next to me, they shared smiles that showed you they they tried to do a Rush melody during the who couldn't have been older than 7 and hearing their single on frie radio and rave really were having as much fun as it encore, but Grohl didn't know the words. was accompanied by his mom, was reviews from Ozzfest, I was anticipating appeared. . NOELLE: Overall, and I think you would their set. One lyric in the song they opened pumping his fist in the air at all the right NOELLE: Dave Grohl is the ultimate rock agree Joelle, the Foo Fighters gave an parts. with, "Cm the one your mama warned you excellent concert. The intimate atmosphere about", caught my attention. However, I star. He struts around the stage and owns Rancid were amazing as usual. They it. You can tell how comfortable he is to be of Roseland really helped in defining the found my attention drifting elsewhere during • concert's relaxed tone. The Foo's stellar were more punk rock than ever, Lars a lot of the instrumentals they did. Don't get center stage. And, I also noticed how his with his hair dyed leopard print; Tim, presence on stage is superior to everyone performance left me anxiously awaiting until me wrong, they were good; I'm just not that they come around again. I urge all fans of regardless of the heat, not taking off his big of a fan yet to appreciate it. else in his band. Even his drum set was studded leather jacket, Brett, with his placed higher up on stage than Hawkin's! rock to catch the Foo Fighter's tour. NOELLE: Well, from the minute they warp speed drumming and fifty six billion tattoos. It goes far beyond their appear- ances, though. They don't play the pop- punk that's been ubiquitous for the past SSCK OF ft ALL, YOURS TRULY couple of years. The music is hard and Sick Of It All, parison to other albums, I think SOLA deliv- voice. "Disco Sucks Fuck Everything" was carried by Matt's amazing basslines, and Pete Marlcowicz the kings of ered an equally hard hitting album. This written on one of SOlAs' friends' wall. So, Insider Writer the lyrics are really intelligent, reflecting New York hard- album does tend to have melodic singing in they decided to name one of their songs on issues such as planned genocide in core, are back it. The drummer, Armand, helps out on a after that memory. They don't hate disco or Africa and the struggle of John Brown. with their new album on Fat Wreck Chords. . particular track. anything like that. The song "Souvenir" They've come full circle with their music, The album is reminiscent of previous The song "America," describes a ends with Lou's son's broken toy playing though they dabbled in melodic ska and accomplishments like Scratch the Surface andfriend of Pete Roller's that was in the war " "It's A Small World After All" backwards, dancehall reggae on some of their which I thought was kind of weird. records, their latest album sounds as OIA press photo by D. Clinch "Cruelty" has some lyrics that goes along raw and aggressive as their first. They the lines of tradition rules in the heart of played songs off of all of their albums stubborn fouls. Pertaining to this song, Lou except for Life Won't Wait, which I was explained that people are always going to thrilled over. (If you've heard that album have their set values and beliefs, and they you'd know why, it's not exactly their will never change. best.) The cover has an awkward design that I thought was kind of lame. The music Opening with "Alleyways and definitely makes up for it though. The Avenues", and ending with "Ruby Soho" breakdowns are well-timed as always and as an encore, the band played for well . the sudden hit of Lou's screams make you over an hour. Some of the highlights of want to punch somebody. The songs are the night were "Lock, Step and Gone" short as always but their meaning and and "St. Mary" which they don't usually sound can last a lifetime. There's sixteen play live; Matt taking lead vocals for songs on this album which took about five "Black Derby Jacket"; and a slow version months to construct together.' The end of of "The War's End" which had tons of the cd has some looney guy called King kids in the pit waving their lighters in the Crio or something, ranting about the air (which was really kinda scary consid- Alleyway Crew and their new album. SOIA' ering how much hairspray is used to has been doing this for a while, and with keep the average mohawk up). Overall, their upcoming tour of Japan, it looks like the show was great. It made me proud the/ re still on the right foot. If you like to have been into Rancid from the begin- hardcore in any way, shape, or form, pick ning. this up. It comes out this week, so go com- Call to Arms. According to a WSOU inter-' fighting for our country. Most ofjhe songs plete your SOIA discography. view, Lou Koller seems to think that this have a pissed off, anti-society feeling being album has more aggression to it. In com- shown through the average working-class [MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000 Charlie's ftagels: The next Generation Joelle Caputa ln1976,Farah The friendship the actresses share in Insider Writer Fawcett, Kate each actress to complement their charac- hard on ourselves with our comparisons real life carries over onto the big screen. ter's personality, Alex was dressed mostly with others. I want to eat fun meals and Jackson and The scenes they share together are comi- Jacyln Smith in black and red leather to achieve a cool, laugh and enjoy myslef," Drew told TV debuted on television as Charlie's Angels. Guide. Their characters, three ex cops turned pri- Alex, Dylan and Natalie are positive role vate investigators, brought the show models for young girls. However, so are straight to the top ten. A year later, a the actresses themselves. They proved poster of Farah sold eight million copies. that they cannot only act as "superwomen" Charlie's Angels had become a phenome- but can be ones in real life, as well. After non. Though, there were several cast filming concluded, Drew, Lucy and changes before the series left airwaves in Cameron were put to a challenge by Marie 1981. On November 3, 2000 a new gener- Claire magazine. In the cover story for the ation of Angels debuted in theaters and magazine's December 2000 issue, the topped box offices nationwide. women survived days in the wilderness. There was a lot of pressure to make this They were dropped off in the desert, with movie successful. It's the first action movie only each other for survival. The actresses with females in the lead roles. Cameron slept on rocks with no blankets, ate mint Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu took on leaves and lemonade berries and fished for the challenge of filling the shoes of Natalie, dinner with their hands. The stories in their Dylan and Alex. journals were not nearly as funny as what Drew's Flower Films co-produced the happened on screen. PG-13 movie for Columbia Pictures. Even though the film is based for a gen- Filming began in January 2000 and eral audience, older viewers will still enjoy wrapped in June. Before that, the script it. There are a lot of comedic moments, went through 30 rewrites and 14 writers. some of which come from Tom Green. ' During this, costumes changed and sets Funny man, Bill Murray plays Bosley, the switched. Then there was the task of Angel's lieutenant. LL Cool J makes an choosing a director and two actresses to appearance in the beginning of the film and costar with Drew. makes a joke about "TJ Hooker: The Movie," saying how he can't take TV shows Drew had been following the progress of being made into movies. the movie when she called Leonard Goldberg, executive producer of the TV Irt the movie Bosley is the only person series, and asked to be part of it. She soon Charlie, the Angel's boss, contacts. That's took on the role of choosing a director. what makes him bait for the villains of the Drew was sold when she met McG and movie. They kidnap Bosley and the Angels hired him to direct Charlie's Angels as his must leave the men in their lives behind first film. Her next task was to find the per- and save him. There are interesting plot fect costars. twists along the way, which causes this to happen. To begin, she recruited her longtime From the moment the opening credits friend, Cameron. The two have been cal. Everyone seems comfortable in their sophisticated look. Dylan wore thin beaded begin, viewers \N\\\ be entertained. friends since the days Cameron was a roles, although at times the script calls for belts and denim jackets to go with hervin- \t continues att the way through the c\os\ng model and Drew worked in a coffee shop. some transitions. During different points in tage/neo-hippie vibe. Natalie was dressed credits, where the Angels are dressed up Soon, they began training in the martial the movie, the Angels are dressed up as to appear as the all-American type. "We're as rock stars and a music video is set to arts. Because the Angels don't use Chinese geishas, belly dancers and race intelligent, we're sexy, we're setting fashion Blink 182's "All The Small Things." This fe weapons, all their self defense is physical. car drivers, while working under cover in trends and we're also accepting ourselves one movie that all the songs included actu- To prepare for her role, Drew dove from the wigs. as women," said Lucy of the somewhat ally had meaning to the film. As corny as sky, jumped off waterfalls and swam with In every scene, the actresses change revealing clothes they wore. Those wanti- some of them were, the audience still sharks. On set, she trained with Cameron wardrobes. While it may seem that each ng to follow the fashion trends of the film enjoyed them because they made the for up to eight hours a day, while producers outfit is only worn for about five minutes of can purchase the official "Charlie's Angels" scene even better. Take, for instance, Sir searched for a third Angel. film time, a lot went into each costume. clothing. Items inspired by the movie are Mix-A-Lot's, "Baby Got Back" playing as They found her in Lucy. When she audi- Eaph actress wore 50 outfits during filming. available at Henri Bendel's Manhattan loca- Natalie is on the Soul Train stage dancing. tioned, there was a natural chemistry Due to the wear and tear of the action tion. Or, when all the Angel's wash up on shore between her, Drew and Cameron. After sequences, there were ten copies of each The films stars also hope the movie and "Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel," working on the set up to 14 hours a day outfit made. Goldberg said the movie is inspires another trend among women-eat- by Tavares plays. There are also new together, the women grew closer. "We're somewhat of a fashion show because, ing. During the movie they chow down on songs, like "Independent Woman," by like sisters," said Drew in an interview with "..we knew that people still liked to see how burgers, hoping to get rid of society's Destiny's Child and "Angel Eyes," by Teen People during filming. "The only time the Angels look, and, of course, the Angels obsession with being skinny. "We should Aerosmith. Charlie's Angels is one movie I we spend apart is when we go home and had to look gorgeous." embrace ourselves for what we were given would not just buy the soundtrack to, but shower." Costume designer Joseph Aulisi dressed rather than what we don't have. We're so would go see again. Mn 'Evening at Carnegie Matt: ftndras Scfiiff

Saturday the fourth and the following day, as ritually as taking a shower or eat- contrast to many North-American Andrew Shantz One can only Wednesday respectively. ing breakfast. With this in mind, it is lit- pianists who give the music drama by Insider Writer speculate as to why more than Johann Sebastian Bach's set of 30 varia- tle wonder that the music flowed so nat- adhering to a stricter sense of time, let- 40 people joined tions for harpsichord (the origin of the urally from his fingers that evening. Mr. ting long notes ring their full length, in pianist Andras Scruff on stage at name "Goldberg" is the stuff of legend) is Schiff seemed to revel in the challenges anticipation of their resolution. Neither approach can really be discredited and Carnegie Hall for his performance of truly paramount in difficulty as well as presented by the Goldberg Variations. we would probably do best to appreciate Bach's Goldberg Variations. Perhaps musical depth among Bach's works and He has certainly cultivated a distinct interpretive style, one that gives a higher the merits of both. That way we can slightly more self-conscious than those of classical keyboard music in general. The priority to the overall sonority of the enjoy the musicality of a pianist like us nestled into our seats on the main adaption of the pieces for performance music than it does to the intricacies to the Andras Schiff,and there is certainly much floor, they were also probably quite on the piano (from a harpsichord with interweaving melodic voices that charac- musicality to enjoy. happy to simply have been admitted to two sets of keys) adds still another chal- terize Bach's music. This is not to say the long since sold-cmt performance. lenge, both in actually deciding how to Perhaps the audience members sitting that the counter-point is disregarded. The evening's concert was as much a do it and in execution as well. Indeed, in on stage had such an appreciation. Being Indeed the playing is clear and one can so close to the source of music often testament to Andras Schiff s stamina as it a public interview a week before his follow the voices without trouble, Schiff, November 11th performance, Schiff said allows one to see more of the humanity was his musical abilities. Mr. Schiff however, tends to allow the piano's reso- that it took him five years to work out in it. However, on this occasion it remained seated at the piano for the nance to fill in the musical space between the technicalities of fingering and hand seemed apparent that the whole of the entirety of a 73-minute performance of the voices. He could also be character- crossing. audience was able to appreciate the beau- nearly continuous music, a musical jour- ized as having a more European Through prolific performing and a ty of the Bach's Goldberg Variations in ney spanning a vast range of expressive approach to interpreting Bach. He is deep investment in the music, the the hands of Andras Schiff. At the dimensions and emotional evocations. unopposed to taking liberties with the Hungarian pianist Schiff has become one music's conclusion, it responded with a The concert was part of a week long tempo within a piece or stretching and of Bach's most prominent interpreters thunderous applause. series including another two of Bach's contracting certain phrases in order to today. He is someone who lives and most monumental works: The Well- add drama to the music. This stands in tempered Ktawer—books one and two o*i breaths Bach's music, playing it every- ASIOutUar Everyone was just standing christ! there in a daze, bored out of there minds, r show at the AH Out War came on and I Wreck Room, was hyped. The dancefloor but All Out erupted into a crazy, well how Yiarwas play- can I say this, war. It looked like ing, so I must every man for himself. It was attend. I think the sickest pit I've seen since the I missed one last time they played. Kids were Wreck Room doing cartwheels, aiming for show since Mr. heads and literaly fuckin' people Heath. I'm all up. The singer was dressed in about the camos' and about to burst an money and aneurysm in his brain by shred- don't give a ding through that mic. Their shit about the sound is tight and tough. Their scene—started lyrics are sicker than most hard- throwing core bands out there. They do them. Mr. Excess DB throws a number of shows a month, have a metal edge to them, which is a good thing. Hopefully mayhem which I like. At one point, a will struck at the upcoming Candida show giant brawl happened. on the 19th, just like when they played a few Pete Markowicz It appeared as if a months ago. Insider Writer cloud of people were Anyway, Pshowed up and this place was shifting to the outside area. AOW was by far the dead as disco. There were the usual tough best band that night. Go check them out. guys that you don't want to fuck with and some little kids And last but least, was Shutdown. The place cleared out that I knew wouldn't be alive for very long. Sworn Enemy and all the tough guys were gone, so the scared people took the stage first and they were tough as nails. Even moved up or got in the pit. Shutdown is horrible. The though there weren't many people, it looked like a battle vocalists' voice is high pitched, which makes it sound like " field. Swinging arms, legs, and fists were being thrown he's getting his nuts twisted with pliers. Their instrumen- into each side of the human walls surrounding the hall. tal sound isn't too bad, but I hope this Victory band from This band had a lot of energy that made the crowd react in Brooklyn stays in their hometown and doesn't come back similarity. One fight broke out and I knew tonight was to Jersey. , going to be filled with violence. All photos taken by One King Down was next up on the bill and the only Pete Markowicz, thing I can realty say is that they SUCK1. The lead singer The Beacon todkslke &5$»!IMka isnoving abcnit on stage and the lyrics are way oft from the guitar's antics. There was no pit. WPSC 88.7 Top 30 Requiem For A Dream ll'M'OO "Requiem For a Dream," Darren run into trouble, Sara slowly becomes Aronofsky's powerful and dis- demented through abuse of her vari- ous prescriptions while Marion falls U2, All That You Can't Leave Behind, Interscope turbing film adaptation of Chris English Hubert Selby Jr.'s novel of out with Harry over his inability to 2. Radiohead, Kid A, Capitol Insider Writer ing hopes in Brooklyn's supply the couple's habits. Marion's 3. Zero Boys, Vicious Circle, Panic Button-Lookout! jhton Beach, is not for the subsequent descent into prostituting The Paper Chase, Young Hearts Heal Quickly, You Know, Beatville jrly sensitive; some viewers, in fact, may herself to pay for her drugs is made all the 5. Less Than Jake, Borders and Boundaries, Fat Wreck Chords themselves insensate after leaving the more wrenching by Harry's willingness to ter, as- thisreviewer did. have Marion forsake the remnants of her 6. Poe, Haunted, FEI-Atlantic Jared Leto is Harry Goldfarb, a junky who self-esteem, and by the alienation from 7. Swingin' Utters', S/T, Fat Wreck Chords jeatedly hocks his mother's television set humanity that results from her experiences 8. Catch 22, Alone in a Crowd, Victory >rder to pay for his heroin. His mother, as a mechanical, unfeeling sex object. 9. New Found Glory, sft, MCA-Drive Thru ra (Ellen Burstyn), remains oblivious to In depicting the fall of Selby's characters, cause of Harry's theft. She is a lonely 10. Weston, The Massed Albert Sounds, Mojo Aronofsky is significantly aided by his edi- addict who can only see Harry as a tor, Jay Rabinowitz, who spins the lives of 21. Samiam, Astray, Hopeless loved son. Harry's girlfriend, Marion Harry, Marion and Sara together into a 12. Firebird Band, The Setting Sun and Its Satellites, snnifer Connelly), shares'his taste for whirlpool of debasement, while Clint Headhunter-Cargo itrolled substances, but also has a talent Mansell's bouncing, clicking score paces dress design, so Harry and his friend 13. Ruskabank, I don't think you hear me though, Noisome both the rushing euphoria and dragging rone (Marlon Wayans) decide to move up depression that addiction gives its victims. 24. Jimmy Eat Worldfjebediah, split, Big Wheel Recreation drug ladder and become dealers in . Of the cast, Burstyn impresses as she 25. Squirrel Nut Zippers, Bedlam Ballroom, Mammoth ier to start Marion in her own clothes moves from a doting mother to a deranged 16. Screeching Weasel, Teen Punks in Heat, Panic Button >re. While Harry is dealing, his mother is shock therapy patient, and Leto, miles away tified that she will be a guest on her 2 7. Bratmobile, Ladies, Women, and Girls, Lookout! from his work as the dreamboat in the late /orite TV show, a daily weight loss television series "My So-Called Life," pre- 18. J Mascis and the Fog, More Light, Ultimatum imercial, and she finds a doctor to pre- sents the nervous charm of a handsome 19. Underworld, Everything,Everything, V2 ibe her a series of strong diet pills so junky with confidence, although his can fit into her favorite dress for the 20. Gomez, Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline, Hut-Virgin Brooklyn accent ("Open the dawh, Ma!"), 21. Blonde Redhead, Melodie Citronique, Touch and Go Soon, Sara is nervously grinding her occasionally grates. Special mention 3th when Harry visits her. should go to Jennifer Connelly. Her Marion 22. Death Cab for Cutie, Forbidden Love E.P., Barsuk aronofsky seems to be demonstrating is such an about-face from the sweet char- 23. Slack, Sorry to Drop This on You, Superdrag Sound Laboratories it Sara and Harry are as hooked on the acters she has specialized in since 1986's 24. Juliana Theory, Emotion Is Dead, Tooth Ex Nail lals of their addictions as the drugs them- "Labyrinth" that she seems to have become another actress altogether in "Requiem." 25. Tristan Psionic, Mind the Gap, Sonic Unyon Ives, as Sara is seen expectantly sitting in front of her new set (Harry buys 26. Elysian Fields, Queen of the Meadow, Jetset Aronofsky has filmed a harrowing amoral- a giant TV with some of the proceeds ity tale that should leave most audiences 27. Coldplay, Parachutes, Nettwerk-Capitol >m his dealing) day after day, and \be unsettled from witnessing the depths its 28. Sinclaire, Attention Teenage Girls, Sonic Unyon )ils of Harry's eyes are repeatedly shown characters descend to, but viewers should 29. Euphone, Hashin' It Out, Jade Tree iting in a quick-cut ^sequence showing also be struck by the skill with which those' roin's preparation and effects. freefalls are presented. 30. Superdrag, In the Valley of Dying Stars, Arena Rock Vs Harry and Tyrone's dealing careers MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000

The Idolizing of Greenspan


undeserved. Woodward's book and another by way in the mid-1970s. Capitalism was an archaic concept. ss • Finance Justin Martin &dagger. make it clear that by The emphasis was on the "mixed economy" of power temperament, intellect and experience, sharing between government and business. People didn't Greenspan, was almost born to head the federal Connect freedom and creativity. Money Mgt. Reserve Board. A job description might read: The mistake then was to typecast Greenspan as a rigid "Should thoroughly understand the economy, ideologue when—despite strong moral beliefs—he is both Must embracace the FdFed'' : l i i ifli an economic and a political pragmatist. There are times financial panic. crises, when even markets cannot be left alone. In 1987 the stock to mute outside criticism and maxi- market crashed a few months after Greenspan's arrival at iouse. This Greenspan-worship is mize power inside • as understandable as it is delusionary. the Fed. When the Fed." the Dow dropped Having enjoyed the longest boom in U.S. history, On all counts, Americans feel entitled to their optimism. In the abstract, more than 20 per- Greenspan quali- cent in a day, the most people may recognize that the business cycle isn't fies. His obsession ' dead. But in practice, they seem to believe that Greenspan Has faith in his infallibility led Fed liberally pro- with understanding vided credit to can disarm almost any conceivable danger. Jobs, incomes the economy is well firms, investors and consumers and profits will grow, just, as they have for nearly a decade. banks. The aim known. For nearly was to prevent The adulation is well captured in the title of Washington four decades, he to take dangerous risks? Post writer Bob Woodward's new book on Greenspan: large investment ran a successful pri- houses (which "Maestro."* He's the economy's conductor. If the strings or vate forecasting brass go off key, he'll restore harmony. Fqrtune magazine borrow heavily firm. Unlike many academics; he does not from banks) from defaulting on payments to once ran a cover story: "In Greenspan We Trust." Business hold rigidly to a single model of the economy. Week's version was "Alan Greenspan's Brave New Robert J. each other. That could have triggered a fur- Greenspan immerses himself in statistics to Samuelson ther wave Of stock selling. Of Greenspan's World." Time put Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Robert discover changes. Widespread contacts with Rubin and his deputy Lawrence Summers on the cover calm, former Treasury secretary James Baker business leaders complement these investiga- 1 NEWS SERVICE told Martin: "I just don't think Alan gets with the headline "The Committee to Save The World". tions. Though romanticized, Greenspan's reputation is not nervous." • :'.. . This curiosity caused, Greenspap n to doubt His political skills flow from a simple standard predictions that inflation would insight: people in public life have big egos; they want to be dangerously accelerate as economic taken seriously. Greenspan shows a "pronounced defer- growth rose and unemployment ence to political power," writes Woo&watd. Thou^x a Republican, he Viascultivatedleaders of ADOVKparties. This dropped in the late 1990s. From, the data, helps explain why he's worked so easily with the Clinton ESSENCE MAGAZINE he saw evidence that computer invest- . administration. When the Fed raised interest rates in menfcs were improving business efficien- 1994—to preempt higher inflation—the White House 9lCmost Tamous cy, a.k.a. "productivity." Companies muted criticism. Inside the Fed, Greenspan has only one could offset higher costs without raising vote of 12 on the key committee that changes interest rates. prices and still enjoy better profits. As a He prevails by listening to others and being insistent when result, the Fed moved slowly to tame the he feels strongly. boom. Since mid-1999, it has raised The mistake now is to equate his past successes with short-term interest rates (the Fed Funds infallibility. No one—including Greenspan—can fully pre- rate) from 4.75 to 6.5 percent. dict the twists of the U.S. and world economies. Case in But no one doubts'Greenspan's Now accepting: point: Asia's 1997-98 financial crisis surprised almost commitment to containing inflation or everyone. Even if forecasting were perfect, the Fed has his belief in markets. Indeed, popular only the short-term Fed Funds rate to move the economy. thinking has moved closer to It's a crude tool. The recovery from the 1990-91 recession Greenspan's, When he served as chair- was sluggish despite a 3 percent Fed Funds rate. Finally, man of President Ford's Council of short stories or plays, confidence in the Fed (and Greenspan) "to cushion the Economic Advisers between 1974 and economy and financial markets against any and all shocks" 1977, Greenspan was regarded as a may have led businesses, consumers and investors to take slightly fanatical disciple of the rabidly dangerous risks, as Mike Prell—then the Fed's director of antircommunist Writer Ayn Rand., research—suggested last year. There are already many poems, "When I met Ayn Rand, I was a free- signs of speculative excess: some collapsed stock prices; enterpriser in the Adam Smith sense, bad bank loans; bankruptcies among dot-coms. impressed with the theoretical structure and efficiency of markets," Greenspan "Every business cycle is the same with the exception of pictures, told NEWSWEEK at the time. "What she some fundamental difference •that characterizes that partic- did was to make me see that capitalism ular cycle and rarely, if ever, is in evidence in other cycles," is not only efficient and practical, but Greenspan once said. In this cycle, is Greenspan the funda- also moral." People didn't speak this mental difference?. original quotes...

Submissions accepted at SGA in the Student Center, Office 306 G a S Barber Shop Preakness Shopping Center Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne NJ DEADLINE 1§fh 694-3159 A great way for aspiring authors and artists to see their work in print.- \&1.00 OFF FOR WPU STUDENTS Tues.-Fn.8K)0am-6iX)pm-1Tius.8.O0am-7-J0pm ALL works are subject to evaluation and printed at the discretion of the ESSENCE editorial board. Sat&Ofem-SOOpm Works are non-returnable, unless special arrangements are made. ' Geri Cole Sal Mania The Beacon Mixed drink of the week Hot Pants

1/2 ounce Kahlua 1/3 ounce peppermint schnapps Splash of grapefruit juice Drop of grenadine Directions: Food •Drink • Dining t Pour all into a shot glass, add grenadine last

Thanksgiving Recipes Dedicated to Allison Smith, thanks for letting Ryan borrow your short shorts. Bread Stuffing With Onions, Celery And Herbs Buttermilk Biscuits

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter • 11/2 cups cake flour (not self rising) 2 medium onions, peeled, ends removed, chopped . 11/2 cups all purpose flour • 3. medium celery ribs, washed, ends removed, chopped 1 Tbsp cream of tartar 1/2 cup chopped celery leaves (from inner ribs) • .11/2 tsp baking soda 1 pound firm white bread, cut into 1/2-inch cubes and dried overnight- ^ 3/4 tsp salt • or in the oven (or 10 cups plain bread croutons) *Hi&3tel|Wl 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 cup anai«fl5sp%uttermilk 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning \ 11/2 teaspoons salt l.Prth«itovenlo40(T 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper ,vl, whisk ic&elhcr the cake flour, all purpose flour, \ 1/2 to 2 cups turkey or chicken broth,: ing soda, rfad salt. Using a pastry blender mix in the ^^Wb. Mix in the buttermilk until 1. In a\atge skillet, melt &e Gutter over m Ihe bol^l to make a soft dough. DO not celery and celeyy leaves. Cook, stirri overwork the dout;h. en, about 8 minutes. ^ 3. On «i lightly floured w ork surfiice,^Sfcll out the dough until it is a 3/4 2. Scrape the vegetables and butterfinto a large bowl. Mix in Ihe broad inch irikknvtw. Using a 2 J /2 inch cooMe cutter or glass, cut out biscuits cubes, paisley, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Gradually stir i« and njtacc on an ungreawtl cookie she^t. Gather up the scraps, knead about 1 1/2 cups of the broth, unlaj the stuffing is evenly nioislenedi$|ut rtpeal until all of Uwdough is useijji up (makes about 12 biscuits). .not Soggy. . . I ^*n-.> 3. Use as a stuffing or place in a lightly buttered casserole and drizzle with 1/2 cup of the broth, cover aro^baki; for 30 to 40 minutes.

Cream Sauce Pumpkin Pie 2 cups of whole milk 2 cups of unbleached flour 1 stick of butter 1 piecrust 2 cups of cold water 2 large eggS/slightly beaten One 15-ounce can Libby's Solid pack Pumpkin (1 3/4 cups) Add or delete ingredients as needed for consis- 3/4 cup sugar tency. , • • 1/2 teaspoon salt Continuously stir with wisk to prevent lumps. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Bring to boil for 5 minutes. . 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger Serve over cauliflower or white onions. 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves '« One 12-ounce can evaporated milk or 11/2 cups half-and- half • ' - $2.00 OFF PARTY PACK M Sweetened whipped cream $1.00 OFF ON ANY 6" SUB -OR- - 4 12" SUBS - 4 CHIPS 1 FOOT LONG SUB AT REGULAR -2 LITER COKE- PRICE 1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. . Please present this coupon before ordering. One . Please present this coupon before ordering. One f coupon per customer per visit. Customer must coupqn per customer per visit. Customer must 2. In the order listed mix all ingredients, except the whipped pay any sales tax due. Not good In combination pay any satej tax due. Not good in combination 1 with any Other offer. Cash value 1/$1.0O of cent. with any other offer. Cash value lftl.OO of cent. cream, in a large bowl. Redeemable at 445 Haledon Ave. Haledon, W only. Redeemable at 445 Haledon Ave. Haledon, NJ only. 1 SUBS & SALADS Expires 11/22/00 Expires 11/22/00 3. Once'mixed place the contents of the bowl in the piecrust. : Offer excluded on deliveries Offer excluded on deliveries | Mon - Sat: 9am - 9pm L 4. Bake for 15 minutes. Sun; 10am - 7pm. 5. Reduce temperature to 350°F and bake until a knfe insert- BUY 6" AT REGULAR PRICE GET FREE SOUP WITH THE PURCHASE • THE SECOND 6" SUB AT $.99 OF 6" SUB AND ANY SIZE SODA ed in the center comes out clean (about 40-50 minutes). 445 Haledon Ave. AT REGULAR PRICE * 1 Please present this coupon before ordering. One PJease present this coupon before ordering. One | 6. Cool completely on a wire rack, cover with plastic wrap . Haledon, NJ 07508 coupon per customer per visit. Customer must coupon per customer per visit. Customer must pay any sales tax due. Not good in combination pay any sale* tax due. Not good In combination ] and refrigerate. (973) 790-0052 with any other offer. Cash value 1/$I,00 of cent. with any other offer. Cash value l/$l.M of cent. Redeemable at 445 Haledon Ave. Hatedon, NJ only. Redeemable at 445 Haledon Ave; Haledon, NJ only. 1 7. Serve chilled with the whipped cream. Fax (973) 790-1077 Expirei 11/22/00 Expires 11/22/00 Offer excluded on deliveries u Offer excluded an deliveries | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000

Tofu Turkey for Thanksgiving?!

hanksgiving is a time to be with close friends and family, and if you are interested in health-sup- Enlightened Thanksgiving Roast FOLLOWING DAY: Tporting options this holiday, there is a deli- 10 to 12 Servings cious alternative. You can enjoy a delectably 5 (16-oz.) pkgs. firm, water-packed tofu Prepare stuffing: Heat oil in a large saucepan, over medi- healthy holiday feast and all the fixings with 11/2 tsp. olive oil um-high heat. Add garlic, onion, celery, pepper and mush- less than 1 gram of saturated fat per serving. 4 cloves garlic, minced rooms. Cook mixture 5 minutes, add stuffing mix, broth, How? Create a bountiful, meatless 1 medium yellow onion/chopped cranberries and sage. Stir to moisten, remove from heat Thanksgiving celebration that is easy to 1 stalk celery, chopped, with leaves and set aside. prepare, as delicious as the traditional .1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper , Prepare basting mixture: Mix miso with sherry in a liq- meal and extremely cost effective... the 2 oz> portobello mushrooms, diced uid measuring cup. Add tamari, juice, broth, dijon and gar- Enlightened way! 1 (10-oz. pkg.) cubed herb stuffing mix lic. Stir and set aside. Include the goodness of soy in this 1 cup vegetarian "chicken" broth, boiling Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Oil-spray foil-lined baking year's Thanksgiving feast. The 2/3 cup dried cranberries ' pan. Remove weight, top bowl and lift cheesecloth from Enlightened Thanksgiving Roast is an 1/2 tsp. dried sage tofu. Scoop out a portion of the tofu to leave a 1-inch shell. enticing centerpiece that turns 5 Fill the hollowed shell with stuffing, reserving extra to pounds of firm tofu into an outstand- Basting mixture bake separately. Cover with remaining tofu and pat down ing meal with 12 hearty servings. 2 Tbsp. mellow white miso firmly. Place baking pan over colander, face-down. Invert, Tofu, you say? Yes ... and you . 1 /3 cup .dry sherry turning the stuffed tofu onto baking sheet, flat side down. wouldn't, know it. With a little 1/2 cup tamari Baste with a third of the basting mixture, cover roast with advance preparation, you can 2/3 cup fresh orange juice foil and place in oven. Bake for 1 hour, remove foil, baste prepare this "rrieaty" roast with 1 cup vegetarian "chicken" with half of remaining mixture. Bake uncovered for one relative ease. broth more hour, basting again halfway through. The tofu is crumbled into a 1 tsp. dijon mustard Make the gravy: Heat oil in a medium saucepan 1 colander that has been lined 1 tsp. granulated garlic minute over medium-high heat. Add flour and stir to form with cheesecloth and set a paste. Lower heat and gradually add broth, stirring con- up to press in. the refrig- Brown Gravy stantly. Add nutritional yeast and garlic. Stir frequently. erator overnight, It's 2 Tbsp. olive oil Remove Roast and set aside for 10 minutes. Slice into important to choose a 3 Tbsp. whole-wheat wedges and serve with gravy and additional dressing. very firm/ water- flour packed tofu and to. use a "nest- 11/2 cups vegetarian ing" procedure when setting up the colander and bowls. "chicken" broth, boiling That means placing the largest bowl on the bottom, the 1/2 cup nutritional yeast colander suspended above, and a third bowl that fits into 1 tsp. granulated garlic /THE\ die colander and that's topped with a heavy object to press the tofu into a firm shape. Drape cheesecloth over a 12-inch colander, allowing the .CHOPPING- The crumbling and pressing technique, coupled with a sides to drape over. Set over larger bowl and set aside. flavorful basting mixture and a delicious stuffing, produces Mash tofu thoroughly, crumble into prepared colander and a delectable roast with all the flavor and texture you expect fold cheesecloth, over top; Position a deep bowl inside the from a holiday entree. Serve with Enlightened Gravy and colander, over the cheesecloth, and weigh it down with at l3y PMomena cranberry sauce. least 5 pounds. Place in refrigerator overnight Coimdeno

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Belmont Grill just had their grand Opening on The Beacon May 12th (from left to right,-top row) the owner Tuesday Night Thursday Night Ray Kayal and his three sisters Amy, Wendy and 5-9pm 5-9pm Gobble Gobble!! Robin welcomed NY Giants Jason Whittle, Mike Rosenthal and Derrick Engler, also Ray's father 990HOTDOGS 990 HAMBURGERS Joe and brother Todd. 856 Belmont Ave., North Haledon • 427-3647 • Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11-9 ':k1 Junicr Class Formal Enioy an eminl of $amor in a winter dream land * Wednesday December 6th

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SGA Funded MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2000 Medicine/Health TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH BY PAUL G. DONOHUE, M.D. DEAR DR. . (Synthroid). If the dose needed exceeds 0.3 DONOHUE: Please mg, something is wrong. The intestine might explain why not be absorbing the drug. Hashimoto's thy- People who would like to know more roiditis is hard to about the thyroid gland and its illnesses can, treat. My symp- obtain a copy of the thyroid report by writ- toms are extreme • ing; Dr. Donohue - No. 32W, Box 536475, sensitivity to cold, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a stamped hair loss, dry skin (55 cents), self-addressed, No. 10 envelope and extreme and $3. Please allow six weeks for delivery. fatigue. I am on a *** new dose of thyroid hormone because my DEAR DR. DONOHUE: This is about me, last TSH test was high. I am feeling a little T.B., age 91.1 have a narrowing of my spinal better, but I expect to feel 100 percent. Is that canal that causes me grief and pain The doc- asking too much? — S.B. tor won't operate pn me because of my age. I ANSWER: Dr. Hashirnoto, a Japanese had back surgery at 88 and recovered in two The Beacon physician outlined the symptoms"of the dis- weeks. I am in good health, other than hav- ease that now bears his name. It's an inflam- ing to put up with the pain of a narrowed mation of the thyroid spinal canal. What has age wishes our ^ gland.The gland enlarges. got to do with surgery when In time, production of it is the only way to obtain community Jhyroid hormone stops. THYROID relief?-T.B. , TSH - thyroid-stimu- SHUTDOWN ANSWER: As people . lating hormone — comes grow older, they generally a happy, from the pituitary gland DRAINS develop serious health prob- arid prods the thyroid BODY lems that can turn surgery into producing its hor- into a death sentence. safe and mone. When the thyroid ENERGY However; if an older per- gland stops working,, son's health is good, age TSH levels rise in an shouldnot determine the enjoyable admirable but futile attempt to spur thyroid suitability of surgery. hormone production. High TSH levels, If your heart and lungs are in good condi- Thanksgiving therefore, call for an increased dose of thy- tion and if you have no major health impedi- roid medicine. . ment, I see no reason to deny surgery. Why Treatment is straightforward. Supply the not contact one of the major medical schools missing hormone. For a patient whose body in your state for an opinion? I'm in your cor- has grown accustomed to low thyroid hor-" ner. mone levels, doctors often follow the med- * * * ical adage: Start low and go slow. - Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable tcr Once optimum blood levels of thyroid answer individual letters, but he will incor- hormone are attained, you have every right porate them in his column whenever possi- to feel 100 percent. Most patients require ble. Readers may write him at P.O. Box around 0.1 mg-0.2 mg of thyroid hormone 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.


Hew Breed

LEX by phil flickinger (wvrw.l-e-x.cbm) GENTLEMEN, I MST GOT LET'S, WOW! £5F Aft^ (WRMAi. G/W.S, T«e LATEST" -GIRLS or pir -meia INHIBITIONS IT OUT1. A STSlWft OF BeAVSl MV SISTER 3W0 SAip l"p THAT -rv cammea-aflU HAYS' A BLAST AT W«RP|

• Margaret Shuia* | As time went on, Aladdi jinni grew increasingly demding. MAMA'S BOYZ BY JERRY CRAFT



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Til be honest with you, locchto. That's the worst deviated septul've ever seen." RATES How TO PAY DEADLINES SEND ADS TO: Email: beacon@student. I-20 words for All classified ads Classified ads The Beacon must be paid in one issue is $6.50, advance, unless must be received 300 Pompton ftd, Checks or money orders payable to eacon each additional 10 you have an by 12:00 p.m., SC3I0 account with the The Beacon words $1.00 paper. Friday before Wayne, NJ 07470 publication. , Attn: Classifieds lassifieds Fax: 720-2093 hosts and bartenders. Come work Immediate openings min. from WPU call (973) 748- in a great environment. Flexible 3641 Child Care Employment scheduling. Apply in person 2-4 For enthusiastic, creative people p.m. ,7 days. Bennigan's, Route 46 who enjoy working with children E. atPassiacAve. next to the new and young adults. Fine or per- Best Free Global Target Store 973-882-0162 forming arts and computer skills Business held at a premium. Bc-ys and Girls Opportunities for college stu- club of paterson Youth Services lege student. Equal Opportunity Restaurant Help 973-279-3055 eve. dents. As seen in Entrepreneur Teacher Assistant needed Employer. 201-444-560 x323 or Magazine. x365 •.,.••. Now hiring servers, bartenders, for licensed childcare center. hosts, food runners &; bus boys. Nursing/Special P/T hours. Call 890-9661 P/T Office Asst. For busy steakhouse exp. pref. but Et>./Psychology Majors will train, eve- hrs. weekends a Earn while you learn! Part time P/T to work in an optometrist Close to campus, phones, clerical, must, apply after 4pm Alexus office in Wayne. Morning & Part Time friendly company. 201-612-9055 opportunities in residential facility 15-20 hrs. a wk. Childcare Position Steakhouse 80 Wagaraw Rd. and group homes for people with some evening hours needed. No Looking for a jnature responsible Ad Sales . Hawthorne. 973-427-9200 developmental: ' disabilities... experience necessary. Willing to person to help care for 3 yr. old Sell display advertising in The Located minutes from WPU. train a quick learner, call Dina and infant in my Montville home. Beacon. Fully commissionable. Flexible schedules. Call Jayne (973) 256-2228. Must provide own transportation Call Ryan at 720-3264. Fraternities* Sororities* Press or Debi Albertini for more and references. Call 244-0323 Clubs*Student Groups info. Eastern Christian Children's Students, local PT/FT P/T Retreat, 700 Mountain Ave. Earn $l,00Q-$2,000 this quarter Clerks, reception, data entry Assistant Teachers Wanted Receptionist/Bookkeeper with the easy Wyckoff, NJ 07481 201-848-8005 Fax 201-847-9619. (201) 612-9055 or (973) 616-8367 PomptonValley Preschool Flexible hours in optometrist three hour work avail, for holiday break too" Center office. Pompton Plains. — >• fundraising event. No sales; Part-time Employee is looking for part-time and full- •Will train. 839-0626, required! Fundraising dates are Typing Services time teachers to assist Head •filling quickly, so call today! Follo\v-up phone callsxon- teachers. The applicants will be Part Time Clerical Contact firming meetings/conferences, Term Papers, Thesis, Resumes , working in a shared environ- at 588-923-3238, or Visit booking appointments Reports, ect. call Cheryl (973) College students welcomed. 283-8662 ment assisting teachers, super- Wayne Corp. headquarters assist www.campusfundrai sercpm . -Light office work (typing, fil- vising play activities, giving in MIS Dept. Must have basic ing, answering phones, mak- office skills and computer knowl- Retail Sales ing copies, ect...) individual attention to children 1 Personals experiencing difficulty in group edge. 10-15 hours flex per week. Part-Time -Computer skills are a must!! . Hours are flexible, Mon.-' Fri.: activities, help getting meals and M-F 9-5. Call ALan Baker at Specialty Toy Store Day, Evening Horizon Personal 973-334-1800. & Week-, end hours available for Our office is located at S10 snacks ready and clean up of Belmont Ave.. North Haledon, activities.: ' • holiday help, call 973-694-0777 Telemarket The Gifted Child, Preakness across the street from back We have morning and afternoon Shopping Or. entrance of William Paterson positions available. Anyone Days/eves local, friendly, light OIA-Congratulations fo our computer 201-612-9055 or 973-616- University. Should you have interested in applying for the new sisters, Jen & Danielle. You 8367 Students Needed any questions please call me. position please "call (973)838- FT /FT Clerks, D.E., Word My offffe hours are from make your mommies proud. 9494 and ask for,Ronnie. Earn Cash Processing call 201-612-9055 Mon.-Fri. 9:00AM-4:00PM call Love Christina & Colleen or 973-616-8367 423-5609 " . Children's " Bennigans on Rt. 46 E by Target is now hiring hosts, servers and bar- Tim: You sexy cartoonist. Yout Instructors/Entertainers tenders. Come work in a fun envi- Stock Broker butt is mine... Your superior. Wanted-P/T. Flex Hrs. ronment that offers flexible sched- Trainee PT Stocktrade, Inc. a fast Must'be fun-loving and enjoy ules for students. Apply in person growing, nationwide discount Environmental Voula: Where the hell have you singing with young children. 7 days 2-4 p.m. stockbrokerage firm seeks sopho- Don't Drink the Water.., been? Must have dependable trans- .more/junior students with busi- Yet! Get Actively involved in the portation, great Pay $$. Will Make Your Own Hours- ness/finance/economics major . state's largest environmental with customer service background Train. Call Carolyn at (201) 488- Sell Spring Break 2001 trips. campaign. $400-$450/week, • Highest commissions, lowest and a desire to learn about broker- 6711. age industry. Immediate opening F/T and P/T available. 2PM to ***•*••**•***** prices. No cost to you. Travel free 10PM, • for 15-20 hrs. a week for paid stu: Babysitter Wanted including food, drink and non- dent internship in Paramus, NJ. M-F, Travel and career opportu- * stop , parties!!! World Class * For loving family... Tues. & • Flexible hrs. Mon-Fri. Fax resume nities/internships available. * Thurs. must have car and excel- Vacations. 2000 Student Travel * to: Ms. Diana Dierberg intern (973)259-1551 * lent references...$10/hr... ask for Planners "Top Producer" and coordinator, 314-909-9227 or e-mail Rachael MTV's Choice . (Spring break to: [email protected] at Teacher Aids * Cancun Party Program). 1-800-222- company headquarters. Positions Available * 4432 ' Do you like having fun? Are you Teacher Assistant Needed creative and responsible? after- . * Immeflately for- For licensed child care center. P/T Receptionist noon YMCA child care program P/T hours call (973) 890-9661 Christmas Help Ma4 Scientists. Mon & Wed for physical therapy is looking for you. We offer com- * $12:50 hour **•••**** office call 973-325-3422 petitive salary and membership * Attn: Students/Teachers P/T 10-20 Hrs per week. Flexible benefits, call (973)334-2820 xl4 Mad Science of North Cental PT/FT clerical, reception Local schedule. Local manufacturer £ New Jersey is currently looking J (201)612-9055 has need to fill busy Christmas #1 Spring Break Y Music Teachers! x for students .o work 1-4 hours + schedule in Customer Relations Operator! a week teaching science Part-Time Work, Make a differ- Dept. Call for interview. A&D Check out our website for the best Seeking outgoing motivated ence! We need students interest- Distributors. Morris County deals! musician for young childrens classes to ki4s. ed in working directly with two location. 1-877-256-1001 Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, music classes. Also Seeking Excellent pay-inclu4ing affectionate, high-functioning, Florida. Group Organizers EARN music theory teacher, call (973- training!! mildly autistic young children. FREE TRIPS and CASH! Call 248-8191 today! 1-866-VAGABOND Do You: Learn a gentle yet highly-effec- Flexible Hours i tive verbal behavior technique to * *Love Working with chllW.* Local co has 19+ immediate open- Part-Time (will train) I +Havefull-tfmeaccesstoacarf £ help these verbal but language- ings. Good weekly pay. Models Art-Major Sats. a must Apply-in- Women 18 and older for outdoor ^ *Have an outgoing personality/ ^ challenged children. Call Cesar Scholarships available for all Person. Frame-IT (201)488-4917 test shoot. Tasteful Nudity. Will' majors. Fun, Environment. Call r 41 Preakness Sh. Center today 10-5. Paramus 201-291-9090, exchange pictures f° modeling. * if you answere4 yes to these it No experience necessary- Call 973- Rec Counselors/ Program Parsippany 973-541-0122 Needed „ Female £ questions, cjivc-u5 a call at J Supervisors for YWCA Before 365-4054 jc (973)244-1880 * Roommate - and After School Programs. Earn Cash! * * PT/FT, flex hours, 7:30-8:30 a.m. & Employment 4 BD Apt. Utilities Incl. $400 *•••••••*•**•** Bennigan's Grill & Tavern in per/ month. In Bloomfield 20 2-7 p.m., Sept.-June. Ideal for col- Fairfield is now hiring servers, Opportunities AIDS Awareness Week William Paterson University 2000 Schedule of Events for the Week of November 27th to December 3rd:

Towers Large Lounge Monday, November 27 "7:30 PM

how well you know how to tell if you are at risk for HIV ~ AIDS. This interactive program put on'by iZ^erse^ Buddies Jill delve into this topic of concern and add a spin to it with games and by questions and answers. This program will also.shed some light as to whether or not you are at risk.

Towers Large Lounge Monday, November 27 9:00 PM

Hdledts'a'la'ndmark film that dazzles with deep emotions and exceptional acting, Philadelphia starsi Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington as two competing lawyers who join forces to sue a prestigious law f.rm for.AIDS discr.mmat.on.

Wednesday, November 29 7:30 PM Towers Large Lounge "And The Band Played On" , From Randy Shilts' best seller comes a powerful, enlightening, and moving chronicle of our times. In the summer of 1981 few knew of a deadly disease what we know as AIDS. "And the Band Played On" follows the Struggles of a handful of strong-willed men and women who took on the fight to save lives. This is an unforgettable tale of scientific struggle, media manipulation, corruption, deceit, tragedy... and triumph.

Wednesday, November 29 7:00 PM White Hall Lounge

AIDS can and will affect people in many different ways. Come to find out how this deadly disease has been contracted and understand how'individuals struggle to cope with this disease.

Thursday, November 30 12:30 PM Machuga Student Center Come talk with Nurse Nancy Ellsdn, a member of the Residence Life Department, and a representative from the Women's Center about any questions or concerns you may have regarding HIV <5t AIDS. Pamphlets, handouts, and other novelties will be available. ,

Thursday, November 30 5:30 PM Machuga Student Center Candlelight Vigil Join your peers in support of HIV~AIDS Awareness.- This silent vigil will start off in .the front of the Machuga Student Center (closest to Science bldg.), and the walk will continue around campus and end behind the Machuga Student Center in the Machuga Plaza with poetry and inspirational talk. Cookies and hot chocolate will be available.

Friday, December 1 10:00 AM Machuga Student Center Understand how the "real" students of WPUNJ view AIDS and AIDS ~ related issues and the effect AIDS has on the college-aged students., "' ' ' '

Sunday, December 3 . 7:30 PM Jesus Christ Prince of Peace Chapel Come join the other members of the WPUNJ Community in a healing mass with the intentions for those affected by HIV and AIDS. All present will also have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Healing. •

All Week . HIV Testing Nurse Nancy Ellson and the Health and Wellness Center will be conducting anonymous HIV testing. If you are interested, this test is free and confidential. Sign-up will be taking place in the Health and Wellness Center, Appointments are limited.

Red Ribbon Window Campaign HIV-AIDS Awareness is something that affects everyone in some way, shape, or form. One activity that everyone can easily be a part of is the Red Ribbon Window Campaign. Faculty, staff and students are asked to tape the red ribbons to a window either in your office or room showing that you support AIDS Awareness. ' •.•_'• Condom Grams and Red Ribbon Campaign The Department of Residence Life will have "Condom Grams" available in Wayne Hall and from all Residence Halls Offices. These "treats" will be available so that students become aware of the importance of "safety first" every time they engage in sexual activities. Additional information will also be available on what HIV~AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are and how to protect oneself from these viruses. *

. • Brought to you by the Department of Residence Life, . The Health and Wellness Center, and the Women's Center. —I

AIDS Awareness Week William Paterson University 2000 Schedule of Events for the Week of November 27th to December 3rd:

Towers Large Lounge Monday, November 27 "7:30 PAA

me^see how well you know how to tell if you are at risk for HIV ~ AIDS. This interactive program> put on by New Jersey Buddies will delve into this topic of concern and add a spin to ,t with games and by processing questionsandanswers.Thisprogr0mwillalsoshedsomelightastowhetherornotyouareatr.Sk.

Towers Large Lounge Monday, November 27 9:00 PM

HaHedt'a'la'ndmark film that dazzles with deep emotions and exceptional acting .Philadelphia star;.Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington as two competing lawyers who join forces to sue a prestigious law firm for AIDS d.scriminat.on. Towers Large Lounge Wednesday, November 29 7:30 PM "And The Band Played On" From Randy Shilts' best seller comes a powerful, enlightening, and moving chronicle of our times. In the summer of 1981 few knew of a deadly disease what we know as AIDS. "And the Band Played On" follows the Struggles of a handful of strong-willed men and women who took on the fight to save lives. This is an unforgettable tale Of scientific struggle, media manipulation, corruption, deceit, tragedy... and triumph.

Wednesday, November 29 7:00 PM White Hall Lounge

AIDS can and will affect people in many different ways. Come to find out how this deadly disease has been contracted and understand how'individuals struggle to cope with this disease.

Thursday, November 30 12:30 PM Machuga Student Center Come talk with Nurse Nancy Ellson, a member of the Residence Life Department, and a representative from the Women's Center about any questions or concerns you may have regarding HIV & AIDS. Pamphlets, handouts, and other novelties will be available.

Thursday, November 30 5:30 PM Machuga Student Center Candlelight Vigil Join your peers in support of HIV~AIDS Awareness.- This silent vigil will start off in the front of the Machuga Student Center (closest to Science bldg.), and the walk will continue around campus and end behind the Machuga Student Center in the Machuga Plaza with poetry and inspirational talk. Cookies and hot chocolate will be available.

Friday, December 1 10:00 AM Machuga Student Center Understand how the "real" students of WPUNJ view AIDS and AIDS ~ related issues and the effect AIDS has on the college-aged students......

Sunday, December 3 7:30 PM Jesus Christ Prince of Peace Chapel Come join the other members of the WPUNJ Community in a healing mass with the intentions for those affected by HIV and AIDS. All present will also have the oppprtunity to receive the Sacrament of Healing.

All Week HIV Testing " Nurse Nancy Ellson and the Health and Wellness Center will be conducting anonymous HIV testing. If you are interested, this test is free and confidential. Sign-up will be taking place in the Health and Wellness Center. Appointments are limited. ' ' '

Red Ribbon Window Campaign HIV-AIDS Awareness is something that affects everyone in some way, shape, or form. One activity that everyone can easily be a part of is the Red Ribbon Window Campaign. Faculty, staff and students are asked to tape the red ribbons to a window either in your office or room showing that you support AIDS Awareness.

Condom Grams and Red Ribbon Campaign The Department of Residence Life will have "Condom Grams" available in Wayne Hall and from all Residence Halls Offices. These "treats" will be available so that students become aware of the importance of "safety first" every time they engage in sexual activities. Additional information will also be available on what- HIV~AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are and how to protect oneself from these viruses. *

Brought to you by the Department of Residence Life, The Health and Wellness Center, and the Women's Center. ri ' 7 Y A r~\KJ

/•/\ V W • \ A lf.d\(* !\ ' ^ \ \ \ . \J AA. x _J AIDS Awareness Week William Paterson University 2000 th c.u^., Pv/^t^ for the Week of November 27 to December 3rd:

• Towers Large Lounge Monday. November 27 7:30 PM

questions and answers. This program will also shed some light as to whether or not risk.

Monday.. November 27 9:00 PM Towers Urge Lounge

iSKJtanLrkfilm that dazzles with deep emotions and exceptional ^ . AIDS d.scnmmafon. Denzel Washington as two competing lawyers who join forces to sue a prest.g.ous Towers Large Lounge Wednesday, November 29 7:30 PM

Fronf tody Shilts' beTseller'comes a powerful, enlightening, and moving chronicle of our times. In the summer of 198T. few knew of a deadly disease what we know as AIDS. "And the Band Played On" foUows the s regies of a handful of strong-willed men and women who took on the fight to save l.ves. Th.s is an unforgettable tale of scientific struggle, media manipulation, corruption, deceit, tragedy... and triumph.

Wednesday, November 29 7:00 PM White Hall Lounge

Albs can and will affect people in many different ways. Come to find out how this deadly disease has been contracted and understand how'individudls struggle to cope, with this disease.

Thursday, Noyember 30 12:30 PM Machuga Student Center Come talk with Nurse Nancy Ellson, a member of the Residence Life Department, and a representative from the Women's Center about any questions or concerns you may have regarding HIV A AIDS. Pamphlets, handouts, and. other novelties will be available. ,-,.'-'•

Thursday, November 30 5:30 PM Machuga Student Center Candlelight Vigil Join your peers in support of HIV~AIDS Awareness.- This silent vigil will start off in the front of the Machuga Student Center (closest to Science bldg.), and the walk will continue around campus and end behind the Machuga Student Center in the Machuga Plaza with poetry and inspirational talk. Cookies and hot chocolate will be available.

Friday, December 1 10:00 AM Machuga Student Center Understand how the "real" students of WPUNJ view AIDS and AIDS ~ related issues and the effect AIDS has on the college-aged students.. '•' ' '

Sunday, December 3 . 7:30 PM Jesus Christ Prince of Peace Chapel Come join the other members of the WPUNJ Community in a healing mass twith the intentions for those affected by HIV and AIDS. All present will also have the oppprtunity to receive the §acrament of Healing.

All Week HIV Testing Nurse Nancy Ellson and the Health and Wellness Center will be conducting anonymous HIV testing. If you are interested, this test is free and confidential. Sign-up will be taking place in the Health and Wellness Center. Appointments are limited.

Red Ribbon Window Campaign HIV-AIDS Awareness is something that affects everyone in some way, shape, or form. One activity that everyone can easily be a part of is the Red Ribbon Window Campaign. Faculty, staff and students are asked to tape the red ribbons to a window either in your of f ice or room showing that you support AIDS Awareness.

Condom Grams and Red Ribbon Campaign The Department of Residence Life will have "Condom Grams" available in Wayne Hall and from all Residence Halls Offices. These "treats" will be available So that students become aware of the importance of "safety first" every time they engage in sexual activities. Additional information will also be available on what- HIV~AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are and how to protect oneself from these viruses. *

Brought to you by the Department of Residence Life, . The Health and Wellness Center, and the Women's Center.

as a free Public Service Announcemenf from The. Beacon*