Stitutiqn Associated
'n ** t??f ASSOCIATED STANDARD SOUTHERN PRESS NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA STITUTIQN SERVICE Dally «*<* Su»«»y, carrier delivery. J2 cf»tn »r*e«Uy. Vol., XLVH.-TNo. 253. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORN^Te, PEBBUABY 23, 1915.—TWELVE PA&ES. £!•*!« eautea «• the Mreete amd at ne«nHt»BdB, B ceMte. WHERE MERCHANT SHIPS HAVE BEEN SUNK AROUND BRITAIN TRAFFIC BLOCKED AND THE DISTANCES TO THE GERMAN SUBMARINE BASES NO FREE PASSES , Calais Is Bombarded INSPECTORS FORJETP/ES By Zeppelin Airship Decreasing Revenue Forces ARE "LOCKED OUT' Street Car Company to Retrenchment, Says Presi- And Civilians Killed If Demands of Carmen' dent Arkwright. Union Are Not Granted a Bombs Were Dropped Preston S Arkwright, president of Sympathetic Strike of Rail- the y Georgia Bailway and Power com- on French Port by German pany, • told the city's street railway Air Raider, But the Ma- road Men May Be Called committee Monday afternoon, in ex- v planation of the street car company's terial Damage Was Unim- refusal to issue free ride passes to cits DISCHARGE OF ONE MAN detectives, that decreasing revenue and portant. a policy of retrenchment caused the .1 CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE directors to abolish the 900,000V free passes issued annually. i President Arkwright informed the GERMANS SHELL RHEIMS; committee that, despite the, fact that MANY CIVILIANS KILLED Labbr Representatives Say the free list (his been absolutely abol- Submarine War Inaugurated ished, and despite the further fact that That He Was Let Out Be- every employee of the company, from by the Kaiser to Influence \ cause He Declined to With- the president to the humblest office Gai^ns for the Anglo-French hoy, must now pay a nickel or wal'k Policies of tfie Allies in draw HisCa^d From Union the company loses'about $50,000 a year Forces Are Claimed at toy allowing- policemen, firemen and Regard to Contraband.
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