ASSOCIATED STANDARD SOUTHERN PRESS NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUT '' SERVICE DaUy and Sunday, carrier delivery, is ceata weekly. VoL XI/VTL-^No. 229. TLASTTA, GA., , SATUBDAT , JANUARY so, 1915.— FOURTEEN PAGES. Single conic* om toe BtrcetB «md mt aemutaBda. B eeata, Era of Prosperity LOCATION OF GERMAN AlRSHlt* STATIONS FROM WHICH RAIDS CAN BE CONDUCTED Russia Admits Repulse Dawning, Says Wilson; In Carpathian fight; Business Is Now free e On Henceforth Enterprise ^ v Not Be Checkedv , Asserts ROCKEFELLER, )R., Czar's Forces Battling Hard President, and Business in Endeavor to Pierce Not Suspected Simply Be- Through to cause It's Big. " ""' " T^ogress* UNCERTAINTIES REMOVED, LEGISLATION OVER WITH, HAAS IELLS COURT GERMANS DEFEATED > His Philanthropy Never Ex- PROGRESS CAN BE MADE IN ATTEMPT TO CROSS tends to Starving Em- Shows Checks for $500 and AISNE, ASSERTS PARIS ployees in Colorado, De- "Rules of the Game" Are for. $1,000 Givfirt-ftepresen- clares Official of the Mine tativesvfor "V^|||&j>one in Laid Down f of Business in Illaly Preparing for Worst. Workers. 'the Frank>-^^^ Address Before American £Royal Decree Calls VMore "Electric Railway Associa- Soldiers\ to Colors-^TurrvS SAYS THOUSANDS WISH JIM CONLEY ON tion. THEY WERE IN BELGIUM This map' shams in birdseye •d'iew .successfully sent Zeppelins, apparently sen wit/hi aferppla.nes. The1 location of Are Advancing, Cairo Re- iorm the airship situation as far as from Ouamaven or Ayilhelmshaven, to the many 'German airship stations in FQR JUST FIVE MINUTES Yarmouth ; and other toivns within ; a Germany amd Belgium v! from • which v Washington, January 29.--Another the invasion, of England and France hundred miles from Eondon,. while raids on France'and' England can. be ports. !•.'•• • , ; Is concerned. Germany has already England Qias raided Cuxhaven and Es- conducted ds shown on this imap. \ confident'prediction that the country • • ••.v,.; Attacks Young Rockefeller .Washington," January 29. — Ajgaln it la soon will enter upon a new 0ra vof en- Denies That He Eye||Cbia7 terprise and prosperity was voiced to- Vigorously for Confessed in 'the east that 'the 'rcrtost sanguinary day by President Wilson In a speecji Expect Fair Play fessed to Murder of iMafy fig-hting- is taking' .place — in East Prus- >•' s Lack of Knowledge of Con- \ \ • -' • ' sia, In ports, .of Poland and In line • • before the convention of the American Phagan — Father's Mind Carpathian \riain g'e. ... • Electric Railway association, v • \- Of AII Americans, ditions Among Colorado Unsound, Says Ragsdale's Most Important of these engagements Speaking to business men and Workers. is that In East Prussia,' north of •* the . ^through them to the world of business Says Crown Prince FOR W PLANNED Son. Mazurian lake's, where the Russians I """'generally, thri^president outlined what ^ ' . • • *> - were 'repulsed' by General von Hlftden- v New Yorlc,. January 29. — John R. •burgr's troops. 'In the early days -o£ tlje , the democratic congress has tried .to Lawson, executive board member Jor With the testimony of Herbert Hans, accomplish through, its trust legisla- Colorado of the United (Mine Workers Says, We Should Be Pre- Russia and France i Only Edwin Johnsbn., Councilman who handled', the. funda for the Leo M. .war. Here .the Russians are toafeltng ' Frank defense, the state rested its case tion, and declared that, while a test of America, testifying today before pared for Japan, Germany hard with the Germans In an endeavor \ the ^Industrial relations commission, Doing Dirty Work Afor From Sixth, Will Intro- yesterday afternoon in the trial of t)an to pierce their way tlirou-gih to Konigs- period would be required to^determine Lehon, Artnur • Thiirman and Carlton -attacteed the - testimony of John D. and England •— Attacks England, He Declares in duce New Resolution at Tedder taefioi-e Judge Ben Hill, on whether the correct remedy had been Roclcefeller, Jr.,'' and the methods and Already in. to East JPi-ussla.for a dis- purposes of the Rockefeller founda- charges of subornation of perjury. applied, he believed the Vmaze of in- : Wilson arid Bryan. \ Signed Statement. the Next Meeting., Haas was preceded upon> the stand tance of twenty to thirty miles, terrogation points" which had checked tion. •'•.":..,. • ^ '•'is'-.-' • ' w )>iyi^4tqii,.Conley. Tlie negro was on the Russians, report they ^.re fighting^ in Mr. Lavrson 'told' of the, shooting of 1 enterprise for twenty years had.been- striking miners .InrJ^a^oraao1 and the January 29.—In a lina;! . Geneva, January 29.^— (Via Pan-Is.) — • •..•Councilman' Edw.ln " JohiWon, has steka^less than . five minutes. There the forests ,to. the. north of G-ujnbin- was rior-erpss-e^amination. When the cleared away. With a common under- ; In' the h'ous^ tonight- foi- 'a Crown Prince William^ has sent to the dlrartvn -a new charter electiiiii<.'resolu- nen anid. pnikallenypn a line rumnlng • v. shattering of ijbttjjei'S^j^i&tnes anfl of local correspondent of the Associated standing1 regarding business reached, ^liow, hundreds' ;i«ri(tt'e '^Tirriied out into •Jnavy, Representa-tlye Holison, of 'ti-on;'-f:sv.hich toe will present tot .the .gen- solicitor!'had finished the questions north and stotftfcbfertn^ 'thirty ",'- '• , declared It was Ms.: firm con- Press, in response to a request for a —iv.-'i- ,, avi aay afternoph".: : whether or \notr Conley-lmd' confessed the desert in ISOS.'^itiio'.ut food or wa- v statemeri't, the -foltowlngf -reply, dated on he said, henceforth nobody Is going to : 0bh that the United Spates had'se- to fflfary • Phagan^'s murder, the jnegro V :tjar,{.:whlle others w<sre ''driven over the near Verdun, January 22 :' TJje.;-T,esoHition is d1fferent.v;fr;om the Petro'grad says that near -<1 be suspicious 'of any business just be^j ;^j>wr-covercd mountains. He vigorous- peace with Japan only by giving , "You ask .me to send, a message to relSilu'tion which Councilnmn'.i Johnson quit tlie witnesslchair. ,\ In Poland,- tranches were taken frjjm cause it Is bigi He gave some of the ly arraigned Mr. Rockefeller for his Burances of speedy retirement from ittiet- American people. Being an of^ ,offered>at the last meeting p'S^councll, The-testimony of' ITeit'be'rf Haals,'~ as- sociate counsel for the!, condemned man, the Germans by "bayonet attacks .and confessed lack of knowledge of con- the (Philippines. In a part of his fleer and n6 'diplomat, T have mo right and Tvjiicti was tabled. '•. ' 'V "•!: . "rules of the'game" which he thought to do so, but If you like, I will tell you related to sums of; inoney paid the ditions amonsr the workers of the. Colo- speech which went- Into the 'record (but The x resolution which he wti.1 .now .that <m.;t.h.e,: Gallcia.n front ot the 'Car-,.... ,KI}mm ought to be followed, heading the list three things^ -- • . ••'!•< Burns, detective agents at the • time rado Fuel^ and Iron co'miian.y. was not actually delivered, he said he offer Ry^vides for drafting three, c!44r- pathla-^A^S^i^usslajja. have made Wt- ':''.vviifM "First: Bv.ery. .single .German and Tedder, l.ehon, and Thurman are iac- ;! v with publicity—"not doing anything The philanthropy of the Rockefel- beilleveia that* "when the' American fleet Austrian is quite certain that we will ters. di'<e to -be drafted by a cominiittee v -ii^w|^rt>fejBa..^ \ ;-t -A .•..-:^:Mm went around t|ie" woYld during , the came out on top, and will give his last composed. i6f twenty-Hve advocatfe^'jOf ;cused of haying-bpibed- Rev. C. B. Rags^ ni^rii^rL-oA-p,;^T^ j s' •" - • '•' -WSW \ under, cover." . lers, Mr, Uawson referred ^ to as f o^- dale; the •recafiti'n^irhl'nJster. "'JEte.Wvb'-. M T lo>ws: .'•'.' X Roosevelt administration. It was al- flrbp'Tot."tolood to this, end. cpmmissiop gjoVernment, and the bifchiii- ^ "I have always. maintained lowed to go to Japan only on the as- ,"Se.c,6'ha:. -W-e- are convin«ed that tlie to be drafj.ed'iy ,a comnilttee of ' nii'tted a clieilt for. ?50fi wlUgh;-1ia4 been only way in which inen couj v surance that it "iro<nlel foe out of. the dBiyJrwfW'come' when thejpeople of Rus. flv« adVo5ates!.jo f aldermaiSc "Hjealth for Chtoin, . a refuse for. ; 1 ':\Henha jjeclare&'-.this*:to the-west" of ;' Pacific ocean by ,a fixed time. sl^i^^Frarice/'wm.lrfR'd; oiut that 'they government. .T^ie, third charter Is month's advance salary!.-flilS expense - stand one another was by m$|ftpBif'one birds, food for the Belgians, pensions 1 | Uzsok,'pass, In th« Carpathian s, the • are"V, ;6rity ,. doing ' ith,»- dirty work for th'e (pi'esenfe tlocujmerit. • 'nibney- for Tedder on "Ap tif*S8, "dttrlflET for 'N«w .York widows, university train- Formal denia.1 by, Secretary Epyari ' ''_ ...... >. another," said the president!;' "If I . ^rohi'cri time the^Ragsdale, affidavit was •Riiflslans , have (been pepulsefl with ing for ;the .elect — and never a thought that the .administration's Plt'llippiiie " "Third;" We :eipect from America a/iK •«• believed all that I read In the"-news-, ; said 'to have been in proees.3. heavy losses, and • Petrograd .probably or a dollar for .itliousands of men, policy had toeen In any way affected solutely falr' .play In all questions. Counciln>3^i',.iir'Ohnson proposes that the mayor": ap^pplnt the thr^e commit- .;-;•• 'Wulrns Agency Well Paid, conOrma the fact that the Russians in papers I would not understand i- any- •women and children who starved. In by negotiations with Japan -or that the "These. ar« my .personal ideas, but a. 1 goodj many of my counti-yimen feel the:r; tees, and tftat; We 'mayor's appointees •;V|taas had'brought irito: the courtr-oaijfi ;flhla vicinity have met with a reverse body.
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