CHAPTER 5 Taming the Evil Passions: Moderation in the International Relations Beatrice de Graaf The concept of ‘moderation’ as introduced by Craiutu should not only be applied to domestic political history, but could equally be made fruit- ful in the context of international relations.1 In fact, since the onset of the nineteenth century, the term ‘moderation’ was oftentimes used in conjunction with ‘balance’ and ‘balance of power’. ‘Balance of power’ was an old notion, but in 1814–1815 it was a newly invigorated ideo- logical and political principle, a creed even, subscribed to by diplo- mats, monarchs and commanders alike, and projected onto the new post-Napoleonic European order. In this article, we will fesh out how the ideas of moderation and balance of power, as conceptualized in the The author wishes to express thanks to Yannick Balk, Ido de Haan, Annelotte Janse and Matthijs Lok for their critical comments and help. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement n.615313. B. de Graaf (*) Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands e-mail:
[email protected] © The Author(s) 2019 89 I. de Haan and M. Lok (eds.), The Politics of Moderation in Modern European History, Palgrave Studies in Political History, 90 B. DE GRAAF early nineteenth century, became intertwined and together proved to be a viable conceptual underpinning for the colonial and imperialist order of international relations.