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Musical works of Karlheinz Stockhausen (b. 1928) [Information taken from www.stockhausen.org.] Nr. Chöre für Doris for choir a capella, 1950 Drei Lieder for chorus and chamber orchestra, 1950 Chorale for four-part choir a capella, 1950 Sonatine for violin and piano, 1951 Kreuzspiel (“Cross-play”) for oboe, bass clarinet, piano, percussion, 1951 Formel (“Formula”) for orchestra, 1951 Etüde, musique concrète, 1952 Spiel (“Play”) for orchestra, 1952 Schlagtrio (percussion trio), for piano and 3x2 timpani, 1952 Punkte (“Points”) for orchestra, 1952 (revised, 1962) 1 Kontra-Punkte (“Counter-points”) for 10 instruments, 1952-3 2 Klavierstücke I-IV (Piano pieces I-IV), 1952-3 (Klavierstück IV revised 1961) 3/I Studie I, electronic music, 1954 3/II Studie II, electronic music, 1954 4 Klavierstücke V-X, (Piano pieces V-X), 1954-5 (Klavierstück X revised 1961) 5 Zeitmasze (“Tempi”) for woodwind quintet, 1955-6 6 Gruppen (“Groups”) for three orchestras, 1955-57 7 Klavierstück XI (Piano piece XI), 1956 8 Gesang der Jünglinge (“Song of the Youths”), electronic music, 1955-6 9 Zyklus (“Cycle”) for one percussionist, 1959 10 Carré for four orchestras and choruses, 1959-60 11 Refrain for three players, 1959 12 Kontakte (“Contacts”) for electronic sounds, 1959-60 Kontakte for electronic sounds, piano and percussion, 1959-60 Originale (“Originals”), musical theater with Kontakte, 1961 13 Momente (“Moments”) for soprano, four choral groups and 13 instruments, 1962-4 (Revised 1965, 1998) 14 Plus/Minus 2 x 7 pages for elaboration, 1963 15 Mikrophonie I (“Microphony
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