MOBILE LEARNING for TEACHERS in LATIN AMERICA > Exploring the Potential of Mobile Technologies to Support Teachers and Improve Practice
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United Nations [ Cultural Organization MOBILE LEARNING FOR TEACHERS IN LATIN AMERICA > Exploring the Potential of Mobile Technologies to Support Teachers and Improve Practice TEACHER FOCUS UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning This license is granted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in accordance with the goals of the Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning (WPS ML) activity to allow free access to trustworthy information and data. The term ‘You’ referenced in the present license refers to users of any UNESCO WPS ML content (referred to as ‘WPS ML Products’) that may be accessed through the UNESCO website in accordance with the terms set forth in the present license. You are allowed to share, copy, extract from and distribute WPS ML Products and parts thereof to third parties for non-commercial purposes. You may integrate WPS ML Products, or parts thereof, without modification, in your own materials. 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Published in 2012 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France © UNESCO 2012 Rights and reuse according to above licensing notice ISSN 2227-5029 Authored for UNESCO by: Ignacio Jara, Magdalena Claro and Rodolfo Martinic Coordinating editors: Steven Vosloo and Mark West Editing and graphic design: Rebecca Kraut Cover design: Aurélia Mazoyer 2--- ! This paper is part of the UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning. The Series seeks to better understand how mobile technologies can be used to improve educational access, equity and quality around the world. It comprises fourteen individual papers that will be published throughout 2012. The Series is divided into two broad subsets: six papers examine mobile learning initiatives and their policy implications, and six papers examine how mobile technologies can support teachers and improve their practice. Within the two subsets there are five geographical divisions: Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Each subset also contains a ‘Global Themes’ paper that synthesizes central findings from the five regional papers. Two additional ‘Issues’ papers round out the Series. One paper highlights characteristics shared by successful mobile learning initiatives and identifies supportive policies. A separate paper discusses how mobile technologies are likely to impact education in the future. As a whole, the Series provides a current snapshot of mobile learning efforts around the world. Collectively and individually, the papers consolidate lessons learned in different regions to provide policy-makers, educators and other stakeholders with a valuable tool for leveraging mobile technology to enhance learning, both now and in the future. UNESCO has plans to add additional titles to the Series after 2012. The Organization hopes that these resources will help diverse audiences better understand the educational potential of mobile technologies. To access existing and forthcoming titles in the Series, please see: 3--- # This paper is the culmination of the work of numerous individuals. Ignacio Jara, Magdalena Claro and Rodolfo Martinic researched and authored the paper. Their work was informed by contributions from many experts including participants at the First UNESCO Mobile Learning Week hosted in Paris in December 2011. This paper is part of the larger UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning. Francesc Pedró conceived of the Series, and Steven Vosloo and Mark West coordinated and completed day-to-day work on the project. Additional input was provided by a number of UNESCO education specialists, particularly David Atchoarena, Fengchun Miao and Jongwon Seo, as well as UNESCO’s partners at Nokia, notably Riitta Vänskä and Gregory Elphinston. At UNESCO, Marie-Lise Bourcier deserves special mention for her valuable assistance. Finally, Rebecca Kraut made outstanding editorial contributions to the Series. 4--- ABOUT THE SERIES..........................................................................................................3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................4 ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................7 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................8 METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................11 MOBILE LEARNING INITIATIVES ..................................................................................12 Mobile learning for teachers: Three major projects Other mobile learning initiatives School-based initiatives using mobile phones School-based initiatives using other mobile technologies Out-of-school initiatives COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INITIATIVES ..................................................................21 Objectives and target populations Initiative origins, development and support Use of mobile technologies BARRIERS TO MOBILE LEARNING ................................................................................27 High costs Technology limitations RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................29 CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................30 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................32 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................34 Appendix A: Mobile learning project documents and websites Appendix B: Mobile learning project information Puentes Educativos, Chile Raíces de Aprendizaje Móvil, Colombia Entorno de Móvil Interactivo de Aprendizaje (EMIA-SMILE), Argentina Celumetraje, Argentina Edumóvil, Mexico ViDHaC2, Chile Eduinnova, Chile PocketSchool, El Salvador PSU Móvil, Chile Evaluación de Aprendizajes a través de Celulares, Paraguay BlueGénesis, Colombia M-iLab, Mexico 5--- Postítulo de Especialización Superior en Educación a Distancia, Argentina Aprendizaje Móvil Project at ITESM, Mexico Proyecto Facebook, Argentina Blackboard Mobile Learn+, Mexico Kantoo, Various countries Programa Nacional de Alfabetización, Colombia PreveMóvil, Honduras Educación Móvil Continua en la Salud, Peru DatAgro, Chile 6--- This paper reviews and compares the most relevant ongoing initiatives on the use of mobile phones to support teachers and improve teaching practices in Latin America. Three major projects were identified that aim to provide in-class support for teachers via mobile phones. The paper analyses these projects in depth to determine key factors for success, sustainability and growth. An additional eighteen initiatives were found that used different mobile