Itish Smash Enemy on 15 Mile Line U

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Itish Smash Enemy on 15 Mile Line U TODAY'S PRICES HOME EDITION Blexjcan bank notes, state bills, 91Sc; pesos, 78c; WEATHER FORECAST. scan goia, tstffasw; nacJonales, I7i85c; bai EI Paso and West Texas, fair; New Mexico, fair; Ari- er, ii. & H. quotation, $1.01 Ji; copper, $26; grains, zona, fair. (Food forecast for Thursday One wheat-les- s r. livestock, steady; stocks, higher. meal). 14 IATE5-- NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. DELIVERED ANTTVHERE. 70c MOCTII EL PASO. TEXAS. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 18. 1918. SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS PAGES TODAY ITISH SMASH ENEMY ON 15 MILE LINE U. S. PLANS ARMED YANKS' BIG GUNS HALTHUNS, ! REGISTRANTS TD HAIG GITS CRUSHING 77? YING TTA S. MEN; A CK ON U VDLUMTEER FOB ;B FORC E OF 4,800,000 BRITISH TROOPS GETHOLNON LOW AND CAPTURES TH the American Army in Lor TTHTH the British Armies in France. wraine, Sept. 18. (By the Associ Hun Meal Supply Lou) vv Iff BY JULY, NEXT YE ated Press.) German infantry at- forces this morning attacked the Ger- 5 ADDITIONA L TOWNS Sept. 18. IB, tempted American lines Amsterdam. Holland. man positions on a considerable front to attack the The exact status of food conditions west of the Moselle Tuesday evening, in Germany, so far as meat is con- northwest of St. Quentln. Simultane- Crowder Outlines Plan For This Is Proposed Huge Total, After Deductions Have but the enemy troops were driven cerned, may be surmised from a ously French troops carried out an Voluntary Induction back by the fire of the American ar- statistical report in the German operation on the right. publication. Liberate Korrespon-den- z. progress on Been Made For Casualties and Rejections, Says tillery. by lan Fegter. He presented Successful was made In Services. BRITf5HGAPTUR150a PRISONERS March; 3,200,000 Now Under Arms; Plan to Call When ulikrnrn reported that a facts to show that all kinds of both fronts. light line of German Infantrymen agricultural livestock has de- British Launch Attack. 10 percent 2,700,000 New Registrants Between Now and July. via approaching, the American creased, there being London. Eng.. Sept, 18. -- British NAVY CALL IS fewer cattle than in 1914. TO per- morning north- big guns threw n terrific barrage cent fewer hogs and 25 percent forces attacked this NEAR D. Sept. 18. An army of 4.800.000 by next Into There were no west of St. Quentln, according to an COMING SOON BL1 ST. WASHINGTON. C. that arra. fewer horses. official report from field marshal INK further movements by the enemy July, after all deductions have been made for casualties and rejections, Observers reported this morning Haig received at tbe war office this s v hat the enlarged American military program, calls for. that there were no living Germans in Sept. 18. (via Montreal.) The Ger- afternoon Will Be Made the they were sighted mans are In their defensive positions The village of Holnon, three Drafts If Towns Taken Hargicourt; Villeret,HILe Verguier, ,. the region where Include V March Tellm Of rm-mn- last night. Quite a number of dead. near St Quentln. and the 14th reserve j miles northwest of St. Quentln, Number Volunteers Is Gen. March explained this to the however, were seen. crops nas been ordered not to give up has been captured by tbe British. of Eonssoy and Berthacourt; Epehy Surrounded; Aver- Klyern Array. one more of ground. A captured the field marshal reports. house appropriations committee today, Foe Driven foot A German evening at Not age BOTH PARTIES in discussing the new seven billion German aviation machine gunners document, signed by Gen. von Morgen, attack last Sufficient. Gain Nearly Three Miles; Bulgarian Resistance dollar army estimates. ' and bom tiers attacked what they sup dated Sept. 10, and addressed to the Moeuvers, under heavy artillery pro- posed positions corps, says: tection, resulted in the British being , 18. Weakens on Macedonian Front; Allies Advance. There are now about 3.800.00 men to be the American in 14th pushed back to the western outskirts TTTASHINGTO-N'- D. C. Sept. under arms. Gen. March said, and the the region of the west of Vandieres "Hitherto, owing to military V V Provost marshal general Crow plan Z,700,eee or new last night. The mist and low clouds. reasons, have allowed the of the village. T ONDON. Eng.. Sept 18. (By the Associated Press.) In their attack is to call the nr Tbe text of the statement reads: der today announced orders to local FOR DRV draft registrants to the colors be- however, prevented the Germans from British to occupy desolate enemy today northwest of Quentin the British scored advance U.S. tween now and July. finding their targets. The Germans country. Noir, however, you have Text of the Statement. draft boards which will bermlt the St. an average pos- "As a result of our operations yes 1 themselves were located and driven taken up strong defensive we (voluntary induction of draft regis of from 2'2 to 3 miks on a 5 mile frost, accocding to reports up to this hour. by "Sot ground terday gained possession of Holnon back antiaircraft fire. ition. one foot of Is village with several prisoners. trants Into tbe navy and marine corps ilargleonrt Captured. W. French Repulse Counter". to be given Bp," town or Hargicourt was cap- Fight on Eatification in John Davis Sept. 18. German "This morning our troops attacked and provide for drafts of men to be The Paris .France. The document adds: northwest of St-- Quentln. tured by the British. California G.O.P. Con- troops last night launched violent "You are more than a match for the Testerday evening the enemy at- assigned to those services If voluntary The front under attack: ran from Huns Get Polish Timber Goes To London counter attacks against the French enemy, who only attacks with dash tacked at Moeuvres. under cover of Inductions do not suffice to fill the Holnon wood, west of St. Quentln. vention Fails. oosltoBs on the plateau northeast of with accompanied by tanks. These a heavy artillery barrage, pressed northward to Gouzeaueoart. Copenhagen. Denmark. Sept. 18. Sanchy. seven miles northeast of we will destroy. .1 expect every man, and demands. Germany is devastating Polish Cal Sept. 18. cf- -' our troops back to the western out The British attack took them far An Soissons. The French war office state- from general to Junior private, to do Calls for men for the navy will Ger- forests for her own war needs. In -- As U. S. Envoy skirts of the village. aearer the line from which the i to eliminate from the platform ment Issued today says that the Ger- his duty In the imminent decisive bat- "By local operation, go out before the end of this man offensive started on March 31 a protest printed in the Glas " tee a favoring a successful Najroda. professor J. Morozowicz nit report plank man attacks were unsuccessful, and tles." carried out during the night, we ad- month, and marine corps contin- last. iifi'atlon by the next legislature of that the French troops maintained Gen. von Morgen was reported to vanced our line, slightly. Immediately The latest reports placed field stated that of 210,000 acres of na- West Virginian Becomes their gains. have left the front hastily in an auto- gents will be called within a few marshal Halgs troops an aver tional forests in Russian Poland lie federal prohibition amendment south of the La Basse canaL at prior Gorman occupation . II nils Ordered to Hold. mobile early in the British attack Foe Shells Canadians. weeks. age distance of about a mile from to more :.ved final action of the Republi-- Successor Headquarters Ancre. than one-thi- rd has bees consumed To The Late Canadian in France,' north of the With the Canadian Army In France, The order announces that separate the line. by ..ate convention until early this . Prisoners to the number ISM Germany, largely in rebuilding Sept. 18. (Canadian Press.) Tbe Issued to secure men of Germany by Tning1, when a motion to strike Ambassador Page. Germans are shelling the Canadian calls will be for are reported. that part of Invaded ih.s plank was defeated. Home Approves Failure To Get positions rather heavily, especially all divisions of service. State quotas The fighting was continuing this Russia in 114. No Other Opposition. Washington. D. C. Sept. 18. John with gas. but so far the enemy has will be allotted to fill the marine and afternoon. attacking. Snip The town of Hpehy toward the? There was no opposition to the re- -. W. Davis, of West Virginia, now so- shown no intention of naval requirements. northern part Orders Believed Ing with big guns has become a fea- of the front under ing reports indicate that the Franco-Britis- h nccr of the committee's report. licitor general of the United States, Plan And Rates ture. After a call, marine and navy re attack was almost surrounded by attack is on a front ot at rh included adi.oca"y of grovern- - has been selected by president Wilson Laat night every German air raider crutting officers may ask for the vol the British this afternoon. least 14 miles.) The British have crossed the rg r ownership of railroads, tele-?- h t to succeed Page as am Cause Wreck was turned back, most of them being untary men. the total along as- "t Halter Hines On Tax Of rays searchlights induction of If line at two points at Vil- The section which the and telephone lines, and legrfs-- bassador to Great Britain. Profit caught in the of the Is secured by method, the sault is being made ia an import- and held until They scurried to satety.
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