(seccnd Course)

MAP PROBLEll N~. l~ •

...-.... ~, .... h '., ~., .,.., ..... ' ••""'_

I ssued A; 30 a ,m" ga.y 11.

A1't~r the halt (In battlofir,lltd OJ! t.he 6th July, the 1st A.C. with the 5th Div. in firt'lt line wan it) hold :i.ts PJ.·$~1cn'~ poSi'L.::,Cfl, no furt,!:er pl'cgress Ming contmnplatcd until the dtucrt;;.cn of the noj.shlJt)rJng units bE')carne elM,.r, €1~pecially that of the 35th and 20th A.0.

On the 7th July at .l~: 00 a .m~, the enemy delivercid a ccunter~o:ffensive on the whole front, making hiE' mnin effort on the nor-th and south, while the frout of the'lst A.C. was only the object of a holding i:'lttack.

Up to 12 :00 noon there was no chango in the general situation.,

Ab()tlt 2: 00 p.m. ·the 20th A. C. wan obliged to yield ground a.nd fell back to tho line LE~!PlRE .. eastern edge of HAfWICOURT.

Abfl1lt 5:00 p.m. the fJnemy succeeded in capturing the bridges on the OMIGNON River a.t VEftMAND an'.i BIIlECOURT 1;f,H' wa.s ul',abio tv pr6gress any 'further.

On the front of the 1st A.C. the enemy haa rrlade no. prngi.'ess T but as a )f).ana of safoguard the 2nd a.nd 4th E;.A. Brigs., and the 2nd and 1.th ;El)gin­ Eiel"$ have, at 2:00 p.m., been pusn£ld forward towards th~ line bESBhiCWRT .. '(JEHNES,

At 5:3n p.m. the e.G. 5th Div. recp,ives tho following rrdero from the lst A.C. At thi.,s tim~ the situation' of the ·5th Div. is as shown by the !:>keteh attached" .

let ARMY conps , 7 July 18, S:lS'p.m.


Map ~ 1+501~O, CM1BRAI, S.O. ! S.E. 1. The enemy's t~rces opposing the 13t A.e. ~etwcen PONTHRU and BBLLICOURT, de not 8eem to exceed three·brigade~. On tho nOT~h one A.C. is attaekin~;from LE CATE~T in the direGtion of . On the ~outh the large bodies of trecps, est~ated at two or three div­ bi(\ns, previ.ously located in the region N~W."·of . QU!~NTIN, have f'U':­ eeede(\ in eapturing the bridges ~ri the OMIGNON at"';;!, RMAND and B1HECOUET, but without making further pr~8I"ees. . On the north the 20th A.G. has withdra~ to the line LEM.PlRE ... eastern .dge or HAAGICttlutT ~ On the south tho 35th A.C. has fallen back t~ the line VADENCOURT • BIHECOURT ... • VILLEVEQUE. f;eremd CF;lU'l!'Il'J • .. """,,,,,,,_~~,,:••-,u __,,, -.' • '-<::1.1:"'"

;:~. 11'.,;") V:('th A~lm'Y' \"1111 f~jll back.(in tho }J~nerflllinc}~ ~jt .. :F;t~~tLIJ~ '-v ~rRirI5J?J,',~~;;'J'X L''t GU!'JtARTJ " ,rF,AtiCOl:RT ~, VF;I\lLB;LI,:r~:') - pmmI.L1,Y - 13EAU\T(JIn, which line ], btl h\~ld. After Oth .July 'thf: VI;;l1 Al'fii'Y will fef,ume it~! (IHenu'i.n',

::;. (::'!) The zono of action ()f the llrt A. C. rfjj'{jrt:b'ls Ul'lchn,rrg~d, Thi:"> corr)(! will h(11d t.htl line; point 144( it1(:h~n~be, li.a::f3(11'1 with tbl'l 20t.h P..C.) .> ,n1:A:'lCCUH'l' ... VE:NDEa.,L}:S .. s.OYE:COUH'1',((J;(cl,)fdvG, lia,iflOrJ 1. km. north "if S9YECOURT with tlu:l 35th .A.C.), wIth thH 5Hl Db. in lin'" inc1ucU-ng trrl(lp~ now nttached to th1\t division and "!i'Gh the f()llowing nddH \,mit1'l. '

::2m~ t\.nrl 4th F.A. Brip;s. now moving towardr; the liM HESBFJC()UR'l' ..

fJERN11:S r one regiment ,If kHICh bd Ude tlhould llrrtve about fi';OO P.M.

2nd !:I,nll 4th, Eng:l.MerF.J I flOW mov.ii'£: tQwardnthe P6C. 5t,h Div•• should iil.l'l'iVi) in t hut vicinitv i1\~ Ot! t 'i: 00 P. M. i • (~) Tt~ ,C.G. C~rps Arty. will rvport tQ tho e.G. 5th Div. t~ coordinate the .':l.t;'t:J.on of ~~ht'J 211(\. 11th and 5th F.A. Brigs. (;:I )'1:hv l1'J\we (If e.dvaneod unite: <'ii' tho 5th Div, I3h"uld not take pla.ce until nlghtfall,

,(1) ~:xCt)pl, tho abr'\I'e Illontionod units, no units of 2rlo or 4th T)'i':!s, fjre t" erf.iS;J t/h~ line HAPELET ... N0138SCOURT •• HANCOUHT, u.utH furt;w" ()~',:e!'(>,

(o) 4'1,)'1 l)iv. is 'Ill) remain t'uH>I~mbl(ld in the area: HA1'!}~LTI,:T, NJ1B};~~:COUH.T I F'MJt. ~Mt(Jl."n 'I:ldg3 of BitUSUl «(1JtelUS.lvCl) "" TINCOUR'r, HJl.M,lTIL.

(f) ~;'r,d l)iv. ,hto remdn I:lssumblfld in tho are~: HANCCURT, BEAu)·n'STX, ~li\S'tt)rn (!di;O of CARTIGNY (oxclu~;j.vo).

(r:;).lst Db. win ba aS5emblod in tho Mra.. :, PERRONE, , La OPiAP .. I!lT.!t'tTi I w:tth its advanco guard at DOrNGT'. '

4. Nil chanit,c 'in Ule movement of trai,ns or puppli&s. (Gl'llil Situation Map !'r 0 blelll 18).

5. 1 ~,t A. C. HtJ.. at CAR.TIGNY :ft'(}m 8th July e: 00 a.m., ,P. C, at . ~t,h tl;l.If, Hq:rs. at CAHTIGNY from 8th July, 8:00 a.m. P.C. no change. 41:.h rd,'!, Hql"o'. at BOUeLY, from nt.h July, 8:00 a.m. 2nd Pi'l. Hqrs. at BffiAmT:TZ, fr(lm Hth July, 9:00 atm. l{l't, 1)1.'1. Hqrs. at PFJRONr-lID, frntn 8th July, S:OO a..m. 'rvhphout; l't:1 tDtfJ: without eh!:mge.

A• ...... - ... _..... Lieut. Gel1.

1. Write tht Ol'dtou"e ilUl\i~ct"by5th Db. to,r withdrawal (0 1. and G 3.)

2. Mtl.lH~ a a:{8tch ~h.tng_ the distribution of 5th Oiv. on the 7th July I'!\t tho' "hme the 4thdrawal commences_ ',' ,,eo so- ....+...__.. 1 ...... ~ .....L.._...... 50

r i··· . \.,ii C",," m ::.~: \ ••••., •••....•...... /.! n :..

..;.... ~ ,,,.... -,

., ....-.:: ~: .::.: ...... :::.;::.... ,:;;:II."""'~:!!,~ \\\\Ili;;;;;::...;;;;;;;,,;;..::,::;::::;..;..·: ,.:.. ~ ·,,,•••,,,,,.....,,,,,"".·...11"""".'....,...,"',...... ,,,,,,,.,..,"',,,..,,...... :""g,.....,...", .. ,,;,,,,',.,;;;;;;;;:: .....") i j -~ 1\ r- \0;\\

.::::1"'" .::.' .l Field Orders J Orders, ) No 0 _ 19HL Idcmo" ) -----_.-... ~"--- -,--~-

Fl"~'I( 01....Mhel • ) Field Orders) O1'ders 9 ) NO ,_. _ ~ ~,_"_'Cl'...,'"-.~--._- InD., },T(Jmo.. ) o ...... -- __ .... ._ Miscel.. ) ~'. ;;'.

180 .1,. ::::;.. ~_.:. 50---l­ ~

'~"'"'''''' .:" r:~:: fSl~~j l! \..tl::.....

...... ec 5''':' Pi'!, Second C~urse •

z.,V'f PAO}fg;ri} .N~h. 1~9 A Solution..

5th Iliv. FliiU.JCE, 7 .Tuly, 18, G~ 30 p ..m.

1. The O1enw's fotees opposing the 1st A. C., between : and 13EIJLICllW/i' do not seem to e~eed 3 brigs.

Further north 011e A.Q.. is attacking from LBC.2I:TELET in the tiil'cotion ot LEMPlRE.

On the south a hos.tilo force, estimated at 2 or 3 divisions, prev;'ous]; located :in the region. N.~7. of St. QUENTIN. have captured the bridges on the OMIGNON ~t VERMAND and BlHECOUflT, but without mr:tldng further advance.

on tbe north the 20th A.C. has \"JithiJI:a\ill'J. to the line tEM2I.HE .... east­ eni e~ of HARIICOtJ.R'!l.

On tM aou.th the 15th A.C. has fallen back to the line VADBNCOURT ­ D~OUR1' .. VERMAND - VILLEVEQUE•.

2. The 1st A.C. will withtiraw to the line: :Point 144 (8 of TEMP1.E1J,C Ie GUERAlU» .... - ..

The 5th Div. will withdraw, and hold this line.

In addIt10n to the troops novi a.ttached, the 5th Div. will be reinforced 'by the 2nd and 4,th r.A. Br1gG. a;;p,d the .2nd and 4th Engineers. One roe:;imol1t of ea.ch F.A. Bri£,...d.G should ~4'rive 011 the line HESBF.cOtJRT .. lmmT1~S about 8,00 p.m. The e~gineers should arrive in the vicinity of the Pee. 5th Div. about '.00 p.m. .

3. (a) ~he £one of action ot tl1e 5th Div. is unchaneed. Zone Of ~ction of brigades as fQllow.:

( North lill)it: Northern limit of 5th Div. ( ( South limitI Liner point 114 (2~OOO m. N.W. of BDRN£Sj 9th :B:r1g. ( - }!OlqT!GNY Farra (eJ~clusive) - South eO(,'(l ( <>f (JE.ANCOURT (inclusive) ... north (eore ( ot La VERG-UIER (exclusive) ... (LMscenSiO,j ( Farm (lnc1u43i've.

( North Limit: Sou.tller-nl1mi~~ of 9th Brig. a,s above tescribed. 10th Brig. I South limit, Southern liinUi· Of 5th Div. ('b) The "l'1thdl"e~1al will be carried out as followlu ,,:>ni\)« 19'<;01 L}!/L,~~~~~f:.!trr£~

~# ~;:; ~.rf«" ~ ~ \.~.i '~"'f> {I) 11.<1"J, \.or vri.th, ",A,.+<'1""""';/.':1.J ">1' ...... _ ""f.\.4 t:--',,,,.,,·'lV'"'1i""d f.; ,+1, "'l11't" "11't .''1"'O'a,'j-':'1'"L, 1:.,"j') .""\._' \--/ (.-..::>tj on s'!~,lt'l f"ivQj';1)y a fl:lr; rocLet fraT,1 Divic].on P.G. ~ poated b~/ iA>th 'bl'i.·.. ·D.(tCS. ~ihesc ,,1c!\i;.·.i.1Gec.l unit~ rtill rmc\ OGCU1);'Y' tll(l ;11;:\1;(1 ) 1.:.1C of :;"cs.iste.:nce:

2 bus. :C IuslYe) ... VJ£ND:ri)l.l,:r~:~~ ­ He ight 500 i:·)'. of SOY.Gooun'i' (i:nc lew t V't~ ) •

(2) Tbe ,,,,Ulhdrawal of edvo,l1cod u,1itS '.:IiJ 1 l),;);.JJ.'QtoctcdiJ;i,t a covol'ij)C: POSi.tiOl1 on the Uno; Hcj.?:ht 140 (1 1:lm•.:.:o:;,\; of VILTJBnnll.J}­ e."J.stcr'n edee of B.. Du (16. PH IEIJ ... i./ooej iI. of )}~ Vl~HGUI}JR ... east,· ern and l.'J(j1.1th~rn cdr;es of.' tho 81:1.'-.00 Vil1;'.C::e .. lIc:i.c:hi; 1~)6.

Oll the south of He ight n6 a £lanle gUiJ,rd vrUl be posted fad.ng south on ,the hei,ghts 1,500 m. N.1,";'. ot' Vl\Dm\~COUB.'l:~

~~he (~ove:rtng j')o,s .i. t jon \',,'111 be cccu~)ied ill each 11rigado !\Ioctor. by the 2nd lim~ Bn:3 •• as fellows:,

.9th :ariP,..

10th 1'31'lg. :.3 bns" Infantry reinforcod by the 2nd Cav.

The troops OCCl:tlWil1g the covering :905it:l.on o.ro to ror-:iBt on :r't'(:ri;hm~ cL th.,t l'0sition llntn orc1ers. (c) 'J:'h~ e-G. Gorps Art., 1st A.C~ \:ill dis:)(~~)(~ of 1.;10 ::;nc:~, 4th t).nd Dth )i'~;. Drig. in ordor to:

po:rtect t'he Vlithdrar:1.l.1 of tho aJ111;,'J,ilCcd troo~)s; SUIJ'/!ort the resistance on the cc,ver hlg POOittOl1: ::md to protoct the '''ithdl''~:w!o.l of tTOOY)S fronl the covering position to the rear Of the ma.in J ino of l"esista:.ice.

(d) 111he I)i'l. :engineer, 5th Div. r.Jill give the l1ecef,S~,l1r orclel"~ to COYll­ t'l(;Jte the dl~fel'1si'Ve organiZij,tiol1 of tho main 111"10 of resistance. He \"-'ill have at his (iis}?osal tho 1st Bp, 5th EngTs and the 2nd and 4th El'lgl"S •.

(~l 'Pht'l li.G.:8n., 5th Div" w;l.:n t.tlhe position at VENDELLES and south of tho village so a.s to su\}port thel south flank or Joth Brig. Jt will be at tho diS'i'}()~ition of e.G. 10th f,:riP." O~? the recei:.;>t of the$) Qrders.

U') ~1hcC .. 0 0 Aero Sq. \'/:l.11 assigll .one Inf.antry pIe.ne to ec.cll brigs.defend \'Jill conztant1y reco:nnoitr13 111 front of 5th D1v.,

(t) DiviGional :reserve, at the disposal of the Division OommandDr:

~1:rd 1'n" nth Int. a.t JE.ANJOURT (western cdge of Village) 3rd 131'1. 20th Inf. ( .. ;'~l1d. Bn. 5bh Engrs" (at ~T.DELLES .(westorn edge 9£ vil1Qge) :~:rd 8'1., 1st Ca.!!:. 'j)etvree11 J'.E)f,l-l}OU'rlT and. MONTImTY.

"t. Ol'ders 'will :rollO\",J' for m.ovement of trains. M~p. Prob. 19~5ol. -::;.. ~f!..Q.9.'g.rJi~.

5. fa) The 9th Brig. \/ill l'naintain lia.ison on the north '7Hh the:-) 20th A.O., and on the south ,with '~}ie lOth Brig.

The lOth Brig. will ensure liaison on tho south with the 35th A.Ov

(b) PeO. 5th Div., no cl1D,nge, Hq., 5th D:1v., at CAlt'J.'IGNY [loom 8th July, 8:00 a.m. P.C. 9th Brig. no cDDnge; futurq P.p. }illSBECGURT • .p.e .10th Brig. No change; future p.d. at MONTIGNY mne.

:B. Major Gen.

Copies by messenger to;

No,S. 1 - 2 e.G. 1st Corps, 3 ... 6 C.G. 9th Brig.' 7 410 C.G.ICth Brig. 11 -14 C.G. Ccrr,s Art~ 15 -11 C.G. £?,l"!. :::-1:$),;0, Ar,t.Brie. 19 ...22 a.G. 4t~1 F"A. l"'!'ig. 23 ~26 e.G. :E~ll F.A. Brig. 27 0.0- ]'-::; Cav. ' , C-0" 2nd O:;"v. i: a.0• 2,j~ E:;"1gr:a. 30' C.0. 4t1~~ El.grs. 31 c.o, 5t'J EL!g't"~. 32 0.0.. Aej,'o 8q~ 33 C~o. 3rd.,Bn. ,17th Inf. 34 C.O. 5llh B:l.,20th Inf. 35 C.O. M.GoBfi. 36 c.o. F~ 8ig. Bn. 37 -41 C.O. Trains, 42 Gh 63 G2. 44 D1v'. SurgElon. 46 A. p~ M~ 47 Div. Q.M. 48 Div. 0.0.. 49 Div. Gas Officer, 50 -60 Spare. 5th Diy. FRANCE • ., July, J.a ... it~ p.m..

~ro- Maps - lt50.000 CAMBRAI. 5.0_ and S.E.

1. 1J.1be Di'V1310'O. will w1tl¥1raw tQ-\n:lght to the U.nc: Point 144 .. JE.A1iCOUR1.' ... VENDELLES ~ Height 500 m. north 'fit somom.

2. ltat10n dist1'1but1nt sections _:t t~eld trains will proceed at once to points indicated belovo' W'here tl1ey' "Ul 'be met and conducted to their. un1ts: For"Div. 1:Iq••Hq.'J!roop. Div" M.G.Bn.. '1e14 Big. Bn. ROlS'ElL, Cavalry , 9th ~.rigado. :aOlSEL. loth Bri~Ade, 5th F•.A. :Brig.. 5th En~$. 1.l0NTIGNY, 103rd R.A., 531'd M.A.,2nd llalloon 0.0. :eoOOf.,Y.

After issue of r,ations they \"1111 prooeed to and billet fel" the night.

Oth~ sections of field trains will precee4 at pnce to BUIRE and billet for the night: (confirming previous wrba,l orders)

Distribut1n~ point on July 8th. JJUImJ: - Men .000]) Road 9:00 a.m. RallbeaQ, 0:0. July 8th . CHA,'OL"NES. 7soo a.m.

3. Anmuni 1;.1021 Supply. Distributing points;

F.A. and S-A.A., HEMElE'r, southern exit ot nOISEL Ro~j.( Heavy Art. NOBESOotmf lme Road. F. A. And S.A.A. Ravine west ot HANOO'tTRm. F. ·A. and S. A. A. AIR Fme.

Ret1~ling point:

4. llew dressing stations Will be setup a.t . MON1'IGNY and :BER1TES SOORERIE: Old sta.tion. will be evacuated at the same time that the troops leave the oovering pas ition.

A field haspital. wlll be set v.p at TINCOt3R1' • ~.t BO'OOLY and at BEAt­ .,. The hospital now at MONTIGNY wlll be evacuated at once aJ1d will 1Il0'V'O to :BOWL! Farm. where 1t w111 remain in reserve. Stations for s11ghtl1 wCQnded. 1 at the 'western exit cf ROISEL encl 1 at ''Ie8tern eXit ot 1)ERNES. J,Tnp Problem 19-5ol


c. Col. G.S .. C .. of S.

Copics "".1 mas,senger to: Nos. 1 .. 2 C. G. 1st Corps. 3 .. (;. C.G. 9th Brig. 7 "" 10 r

ASSE~LX 2! b ~ti.§ I.QH F..QR. 6ttAqK. (Continuation of Ma~ Problem 'No. 19). S...... ITUA'l'- ION .• (Issued 8:30 :~.m•. May 15, 1918). To be worked by Stalls.) Reference Maps-(CAMBRAI, SaW. an~ S.~., 1~50,OOO. (SKETOHES Nos. 1 ,a.nd ~.

1. The 5th Div~5ion haa withdr~w.n witbout difficulty ~uring the night of July 7/8, on the ,position q.esigna,ted In :Map Problem 19. The infantry and artiller.i units of this divlsion, ( as re­ 1ntoreed) are distributed as shown on s~etches 1 and 2. On July 9~OO 7th, at f.m' J the· Division Cwmmanders receive the following instruetions extracts frOTI! Cor,l--s orders): t'The 6th Army is withQ.rawing on the line St. E1ULI'E .. tE),[pLEUX!'le-GUERARD ... JEANCOURT .. VEND'ELLES ... PQEUILLY withoilt difficulty_ . While the forward Divisions will resist on this line, the secon4 line Dlvisions will be assembled· at a sh~rt dista~ce, behind, in p:tel?ar~;tion for C;l.ttac.lt, by oroesj,ng over our first, line&. ift the earlY,morning of July 9th. this .Army C~rps will attack with two Divisions in the let line, in the general direction 01' ETRICOURT ... FRESNOY-le ... GJV.ND. Its aot.l.on \Yil1 b,e limited by the following boundaries: 1fort.hem: 144 - BELL:4COURT (i.nolu3ive) .. ES'l'I

..GecFjod~",-,-,,...... ~.,--..,, Course- • (21 1 Regt. 2nd Div. at 4:00 a.m., 8th July in the woo w.a.w. at NOBESCOURT Farm, (Liaison Agent at 4:00 p.m. 8th July.at J£. P:'C.) (3) 1st F.A. Erig. at 4:00 a.m. 8th ,~uly in follQwin~ points: 1 Regt. 75 mm. in the woods w.s.w. of UOBEf.iCQtTRT }!\Arill. 1 Regt. ?5 mm. b~twecn EEAU1ffiTZ and HAUCOUlrr. 1 Regt. '5" , Ravine. n.w. of BEAUN.ETZ. C•G. .1st F ~ A. to report at A.O. P.C, at ~:OC a.m. . July 8th. (4) 1st 'Engrs. to be"bussed at 1:00 a.m., 8th JulY, east­ ern exit of PERONNE·and brought 1 bn. 1 km. west of ~~BESCOunX, 1 on. to HAUCOURT., The 2nd DiVision, uti11zi;Sg one on,. 'of the 1st Engre (HAUCOt.J"RJ' at 1:00 a.~., 8th July) will organize the regi'on of HAUCOUHT. The 4th Div" using 'one bn~lst Engri ( 1 km_ wpst of NOBES. ('!OURT at 1: OOa ,'m., 8th July)! will o,rganize the reg.i¢rl b~tw0,en lWBESOOURT and . ' ·All the at.tillery bel~nging to· the various organizationS' of l~t A.C. will remain up to 12: 00 noon l 8th July, under the'J.Grders cf' C.G., .5th .Division, aS3ist~d by C.G. Art., l~t A~C. Aftel' ) 8: 1')0 n:oon i t".,wil+ ,bedis'tributed 'at'\; ,i'ollpw6: 'To 2nd 'Div'~ 2nd F.A. Brig. :plu~ 55th (75) F.A. Reg,t., To 4th Div~ 4th P.A. Brig. plus 5th (75) F.A. Regt. T() C.G. Art; :lst A.C.: 53rd (4 t 7L l03rd(6 1g)' and l05th ,(6' How), l1\h.. Regts. Artillery prepara~on for attaok of 2nd and 4th ~iV. will be­ ~ln on 8th July at ncon. All troOpSt ~xoept ~Qrking partit.s, will keep under cover east «f the snmm. All nn.l:st remain hidd~n in the villages and wootle... 'al1oon No.1: (Command bal1~on) will b~ lpcated south ot ·OARTIGNY; 13a.lloon Nc. 2"(A.C. Art. Balloon) north of COURCEL:GES. i ' • An a.eroplane· Ilatrel will fly on July 8tl1. a.t daybreak, 'over tn~ as&P,mbly plac~a ot 2nd and 4th nivlsiens~in oxder t~ disoover ~nit8 not under proper 9over. . An 3erQplane patrol every fou.r hours wi 11 'be~ :made e:aat ,of :the, Road !ELtENG1ISE - BEL1ICOURT a~d will drop reports on P.C •• A.C.

One' pla,ne f 'with wirel~ss, will -(l;onsta.nt1y eover the z.onet:{f t,n~\ t\~,C. west of ~ame road. .

1 .~~l'lJ squadron will 'be assigned.,f'ro.m.12:.00 noon., to each of r,..,llowing ·;organi.zat.ions [(IX :tire adjustment: 2nd Div. 4th ;l)iv~ an,d A.C, Art. 1,1 P. C; :ll: No ohange. Hq. 1st A.C'I, CARTIGNY, .... 1'. C.":B~RNES Hq.5th,Div; CARTIGNY' ~P.C. MONTIGNY Farm; Hq. 4th. ,Div:, ,BOUCLY. 'kiq ~ 2nd Div.: . R~. 1st Div_ ToEROltNE. Telepnone Posts: vNochange. In ReAerved R~ads, no change, except the highway'trom PERON1{E t >'. A'l'HIES is now,,~nolt}.d~l:h Map ~Toblem #20 - Situation. _---...SeC'..... ond-._-----.... CC 1ur!3e..

C1r,::::uits for Mot;l)'O 31ra.n~port: Two-ways f.r hor~~ tran~port, ~ It', ~., $ignal cars a.n ambulances: - Motol' tr'anspo:tl:t ha~ the .right of way on metalled part of the road.

N~rthorn Circuit: - BUI~E - TINCOURT - HOISEL - HAMEL - MAIS" ROUGE ~ FAUBOURG d~ BnETAGNE. 30uth~rn Circuit: ~. de ERAS - CARTIGNY - HAUCOURT • BOVeLY - BRUSLES - CART~ igny - ~ATELET.

~h~ Circuit west of SCMME is suppressed. 'riaff Le Control. By 1st Div. on the le~t bank of SO~~. By 1st A.C. from the SOMUE to th.e line liAUCOURT - 'Broad guag~ rai lway at ROI,SEL in~lUl.~i ve • ' J)~v. ~th Div.~ By the 4th arid 2nd Ddv' j which will relieve the ~aot of the abov~ line fr6.m July 8th. 12:00 noon, the 4th Div. n(\~th of the road MCNTIGNY - JEANCOURT .. L~VERGUIER (excluded), th~ 2nd Div. south of this road (inclusive). . Post~ e~tabli6hed by the lat A.C. for arresting stra~gler$ ar~ alfng the llrleBoie De Dras • CARTIGNY -., :BUIRE • MAISON ROUGE~

W.9~k8:... S~m~ responaibilities,and boundarie$ as the Traffic control. Kat JJ1f"B.d f,cl.... Jlfly 8th. l~t Div: ROSIERES en SANTERRE, lO~OO a.m. 2ftd Div: nO, '1>', 7:00 a.m. 4th Di,V: , 12:00 noon. 5th Div: flll 7LOO a_rot ¥ail. Will be turnedoever to Divi~iops at railhead~.

SYop:ply and Fj.,eld Train!!, From July 8th at 12; 00 noon, the:li'JlOVG:'4 of .supply and. field trains' of th~ divisiol'1S\W411Q~" ordered by the 1st A. C•• through the,. CO. T.aine of t}te let A. C.L.iaison Agents will b~ s~nt to the ab9ve officer at Corpe Hq. at th~t hour. S~pply trains re.~1n ~ocated at railheads as formerly. FiBld tr.ains 5th Div. are located at BUlRE from now on. Field trains, 2T~d Div., will reach CATELET and bi.llet on July 9th, 2COO a.m. Field trains 4th Div. will reach COURCELLES and billet on July 9th, 1:00 a.m. Field trains, 1st Div., remain at HERBECOURT. No ri~ld trains will croas ea~t of the line unless ordered by G 1. 1st A.f;. of • cthe.r trains: (Ammunition, Engineers, Samttary). ,;­ Hiors.c: 1st Div. - FEUILLERSS, 2nd Div. ~ CATELET, 4th Div .• COURCELLES, 5th 1'.lv. BUlRES and .on" the battlefield. Motor: 1st Div. - DOMPIERRE. 2nd Div. - PERONNE, 4th Div. - JERONNE, 5th Div .• Perrone and on the battlefield. 4

I1fl1.Y;i Prciblem 1120 ... Situait>on. £lfJ2J?Ds:L..P 0 1~.:r: s ~~.,

~!'iclj;, andwoundt'd unable to walk ani oases llicwable only a f'!hc.Y't dJ ntanc~~ will 'be avacuated to P1BROlWlTI and turned ovor' to th"\ Co:t');J~' - n.oute: BOUCHY - '1'INCOURT - MAISON ROUGJ1J. '

8i"011: ftrld wounded to be evacuated by I'ailroad will be sent to evacuation hospital ~RIE •. opened July 8th, 4:00 a.m~ Boute: TXNeOU~T - MAISON ROUGE • BUI1~E- CAHTIGNY -Le MESNIL J3RU1~'TJ1~L. ~u~ piyiPlPp;. Sick and wounded unable to walk and oases JnOVPtble only a short distance will be avaouated to MESNIL ::BRUNTli1L a,i'1d turn8d over to the Corps. 'Route: HAUCOURT .. CM,'TIGNY .. CA'l':ltLET •

S.!ok and wounded to be avaouated by railroad will. be sent to GHAUIJNES.

lr;Jt_Division: No change. Evacuat10n Points for sick and 'wounded animals. ,4th a.nd 5th Di V'. , NO change. 2nd Div • , COURCICl,IJES let Div. , BIACHE;S.

Write thE:~ orders tor the 4th IIivi siOl1. Make eketch, showing (a) distribution of the 4th Division at daybreak, 8th July, and (b) also, the 'way in whioh the di8tribution of the units is $upposed to be transformed' into attack formation later...... -+.. L ..;l.1. . LOCA rfON ( AT iJ A 4 B REA i{ ~

.... ,=-0 ~ /~J ..' /"'~') ~ C.~ ::Jj~P~ :' "...... '7 :~ ~ :.~ \. -t" ......

..~ ,

f ~ ~}"" : - .' \..=.;:~';l ...'

AMO .HE P RO'QiW·C !! Q, AT A... G,5c..~. ~ ;f3~ -1i.~.:~ .£,F...... , ...... :\...... :- ~ ""


EO :".,

LOCATiOf\i ,j:{/ ;=. ,~~ " . ..,.. ~ ...... '-' BREAK tJOUCLU

.-?, ......

'., . Iv L; Jf

.~­ ..•..-..... ':'~;:":~ .:/ !_~~ . .. ' i~~-/; .l q! /~ CI/ EC .)_. , '" .... , -'. ; : , \. I : ~.: fe., .../ ...... ,l "-""" .. -..•.; ....­ are ONl) COUHSB.


First Roquirolncnt: 4th Division. 7th July, 1916, 10:00 p.in,

Messago No. • • • • • • '110: 7th Bri'gado,

Sovonth Brig2.do rJill move t011ight tovm.rds ROISI~L ... 7~,~.RQUAIX, and \li·ll po l1ol'th of lino BOWLY - RAMELET ... SQutho:l'l1 meit ROISEr.. 1W tHO 0 'clock j,n the morning peri.od

Eighth Brigado will Y,10VO tonight towards NOBESC0U11'l' - HAlIilELET... r'oilnt 19" reaching this zono bofOl'c threo in tho mor~ing. Em~ty ration sections of fiold trains of both brigados to remain at prOsollt location 'nut il they mow-e to dis'bributing points dosigl1t"tod in ordors. All baggage sections fiola trains movo tonight to COURCELT..ES. Ordors follow period Addrossed all con·.. cerned poriod Acl\D.owlcdge. BRO:IN.

4th Divi sion. 7th July, 1916, 10:45 p.m. Field, Ordors

NO •• • • • • Map - 1:50,000, OAMBRAl S.U. and S.E.

1. This Jrrmy is' '\v:!.thdraw'ing wi thout difficulty on til,) Hno: st. Ei'ULIJ'j "'", TEMPIiEUX-le-GUER.A:eD • JEANCOURT .. VE.NDEtL.~S.

The fi);'st lino divisions of tho \Jholo Army \'1111 rosi~t on t11is line ".'lCl tho seDom line divisi()ns \"lill be assomblod bohind t}j(); front in propal"a-­ tion to attack on tho morning of July 9tl1.

2. This Division, (loss itt artillery and its engineers), Wil~ be aS60~ blod tonight in tho zone: ROISEL ... lWlQUAIX ... NODESCOUIi'll Farm - Point 19.

3. (a) The 7th Brigad0 rrill p1aco t\70 bns. of each regiment in ROISEL and on0 bn. of oach reg:imont in MARQ,UAIX •

(b) The 8th Brigade will place one· regiment in NCmIlSG01IDT Farm and \'iood~ one lim. northeast; and oue regiment in HA1VlELm mtd. Food ! m. southeast.

(c) Tho 8th Brigade, to W11ich is attached one bu. 1st Engrs. (,debuss(;d at NOBESCOURT at 1:00 a.m.) will organize a defonsive position !or tile bns .. on NOBESOOURT Rill am on the Hill 1500 N.E. Ohiof Enginoor,. 4th Div., )'i.:\P ::J1(1'F,3il 20. ;)(,ooud COU1'5e"

to report for this purpose at 13:dgauo Hq. ';:J,t 4~OO A.Nt~

(4 ) En1~C ::<.V J.... ~j ~J 1 o~.... ~ ~ C T~:1 OIli' 0 f :~'i,).~d ·::.~:ajns \7Lt 1 rOllHun a't P' e<,ent loc,a­ tiOl1S 1.1111;3::' the} mm,] ~:) th:; dl.nt:tj1JJ·~·].j:1b 1J01n1::::,

(5 ) P.G. 4·th Div. }301.:C r;y ~

A$ ••• ". Ma,jol' Gc:nc:cal 9

4th l)::l:is:Lon. FRAi";-CE, ',th J;).1y, 1916, 10:45 P.r:t.


N()~ •• "

The hic;hrli.:'y from :p.El:WN1\1J;j to ATUIES is 110\7 illcludcd in the reser'Vcdroaor; heretoforo dcsigna:f;ccl.

TrrO-\7aYs for horso tr::mnl)Ort, staff, mfdl, signal cars and ambulances. ­ MetoX' t:t'811~port has tho right (If VlaY on metalled part of tho road. Northern circuit:


Southern circuit:


The circni t west of the Sa4ME is supprossoo..

3. Trat:ti..Q. ¢ontro1, 'and, Road Repa~.r.

4th DiVision will reliove 5th Div. for this purpose in the zone: East of th 0 lil1e ....H.AtCO'lJRi'r (Inclusivc ), ROISEL (e~'clusi va) • North of tho road {eY~cl'1.tS1v.e)MONTIGNYFarm, J'E.ANCOURT.. l~,lAI1 J?HOB IJ'~~A ::0. ;:10(}011d COlU·Se.

For Ju.ly 8th: ... OHAULNEfl, after 12:00 noon.

17ill be tUl"llod ovor to dlvl.si.o:a at railhead•

.From July 8th, 12:00 noon, tho moves of SUp})ly and 1;'i31d Tratns of the Divisions Vil1 be directod by tho 1st' A.C.. tl1rough tho 0.0. Trai:ns of' the 1st A.C .... Liaison officers to be sont to tho above of'''' fices at Corps Eq.. (CARTIGNY) D.t tho samo hour"

SU1YPly 'l'ra:i.:lls rema.in located at ra.ilhead.

Fif)ld Trains, 4th Div., "lill roach OOUR·JELTJES (billot) on J'llly 9th, at 2:00 A.M lll 7 ..

(aJ Horseli: Will reach COl.ffiCELLEs oM J"cl1y 8th. bofo:ro 12:00 moon.

(hi Moto:r:'PEROmJE on July 8th at 3:00 :P.M.

No change (S.E. of MONT St. QUENTIN).

Siak and wounded unable to walk and cases movable only a lh o:'l't distanoe Tlill be evacuatod to PEIi01Il'NE and turned OVOT to the COl'pS~


SiCk and wwnded to be evaouated by r aBroad will be sent to the evaouation hospital BRIE. O:PCll0t'l JUly 8th, 4:00 A.M.


Xn prOvision for next Offensi vo Ch:\e f Surgeon 4th D1v. p111 estab1isb on July 9th a Field Hospi tal at MARQUAD~.

No ciarge. (COURCELLES.)

By Connand of Major Genol'G.l A. •• • BROYN . Copies to: Col., G.S. C. of S.

Second ,;aequirement:

Soe sketch, \ ..,.., , , \" " "". ! ..... It} :;n f ( .' ...... , ......

. " ...... ••.

~~;f,(('\ ./.·,········r 15 t h : f'l r"l ) ~ _ ~,~---~::~_ ~::; .....•..•/ \"

0- Tj--} ~.... " l~ .

[ r:"v, B R i w. i ;q[5f~;:<.¥'E5 RESE.RVES ,..§ .... SUPPORT S]~CO~TD COURSE.

f.. D1:,Yl~1.Qltl1L~1:I:A9K ~ (Continua-tieD of Problem No. 2'V) (To bellforkod by Staf!'.J.) Issued !:30 a.m. May 18~ Situ.::t.tion.

R(~;f(;:)l'cnoe l~aJ:'s,'" CA}JiBRAI.,S.W .. <,).nd S.~. 1:50_000; ,wld sketoh.

On the '8th Ju~y at 4:00 "A.M.", ~ha, unita d' the 5th DivlBi'n wit~draw without difficuJt~ frbm tbe ~o~er1ng pOBiti0n'B~ du GRMrD PHl.E;j", .. Le llJ:JI,JO::EP., and' assemble' 908,rtHJ,erVe "Units in roar uf l~:r.c main lin~ at rGSiBt~noe. '

The OCI'[tli:me, at,tack o.bcut 8:00 A.'¥-. but, tht'! atta,ck h1 U;ptq.t;',·(.. , ;;tnd tc wa!'cli3 noon the 'Gcr,mana first ,~.1n~ is located, Pcir:t ).<,tC 1..1 t f)(~,,') ill. ",'vUst. (. f l."ILL1~nE'n; west ede;e of n. du OnAND :Pl,nr~J wes+, ed,;';o c f ,Le V.1EEWUIER. - Height- 136- W~$t edge of Weed. (1,000, ,m,. F,cvth 0)1.' 1, (''- t, During the aftern00n there is no futther hoetile attack and at ?: GO j;' .}]I" the aituq.t.icn of 1st A.. C. is sh()wn by sket\~,k No. 1 (".4:' c,mcorns the 5th a~d 4th ,:!?iv.)'.

At 7:30 '.M~ the ~.G. 4th Div. received fr0W 1st A.C. the fDlh lowing order:' .

1tl t Army:. Co 'r'P ~ •

FRANCE, 8th July t '7: 00 r .M.

Fie14 O~del'e.

Nt). • .' ~ • •

Haps- 1~50,OOO CAMBRAl. S.W, an~ S.E.

1. The enemy's a.tt~.c3;< on't.he whole front of the VIth Ar~ has been repulsed. Hisiront line i:$ located as followe: West edge of HA~(1Ttr0tJ~\T' ~ Point :1..40 ... west edges of :a. due' GRAND rnnrr, and Of.. :':'I.G.~ ·1\'E.i.~:T:G'tER' .. Be:f.grl1.. 13f .~ W(i.lEl,~r€J '::>I;J~~n Se8X.l ent~;~ 5 n:';' -:-!,:,~rrc,:I;. ~d::: a..':lout 5: 'J ,) 1: o:;A. ;:-" j: :!iIl l,l".e (11.:-, E;C t'~ ... 1':1 'y f 8t". ()/f:N'.c:)\I; (.,,'.< J. l',Yh '\'. tf'i .;~,~ 'ri11a.;3;Ii':1 of }3::l1E~\L;" 11S~H:; ana. BElllvODP..'l" ha,,"e' ·ol:.er. o;:gen'L',ee. d~~::t'(;,ns,ti,'r0'J.y.. N() ene-;{l:{ 1:e ~.ll::='{)r-?eme:nte have been' notice~ in' froht (:.If, our,' t,ro,u'p,s (H'1 eitl'le:.: flank.

The '1T1 th Arrri:! yvill attack on the 9th July I at 4: OQ a'.m .. : 20th A.. C.. in the' di~:ection of BOIH' ... D'E.c~,UV:0I:R. 35'"h A_C'. in the' di.rection ofLEBDING. v..:.:l.p 1":c't'blf'lt. 1\10. 21. - .2 ., t;,"H';t;;fld ncurse.

2, Th~ lat A.C .. will attack in the zone: Point 144 - BEL1,ICGUf,'t:~ E:STREES ... WIANCOURT~ and PON'1'RU .. POH't'RtHJiT .., Le HAUCOLJRT ., SEl'!EQ,UART. with the 4th and 2nd Divi,e;iol1£l1, in the firrllt. LitH',

The attack will be carried out by bound$ aj fol1~ws:'

Fj rsJ:. 2PdLe,~.t.i va;' Point 140 .. east edbeft of 11 t atl GHArl; PRIEr. a.nd Le VERf)UIER .. east ed~~ of Wood.s 1,IH.IO Jlh f,nLttJ1 ~f last vilia~e.

S~~Qr\:1 QStieseS.,i v~: :Ridge along the track ix·orr. COLOG:t\):~~ (1, ()OO· m. north of VILLE~ET) to , ,Ib1:rd. OPj~..g..tiu;, East edge of Dl!;LLICOURT and :BELLENGLr:5J~.

lSlurth.. ~bj est~~~':' l'1AUROl' Station arld. SUCmliRIE .. :ET1UCOUR'1' ... ltAGl1)£-la..:F,OSSE ... tEHAUpOtmT.. ThHr line 'A)'ill b~ held, and. atrengthened. Further aotion to be indic';,vte(;i in stihap,q1.1'mt orders.

A hb.lt will take placeon'eaeh opJective. thfJ t\uration of 'NhlcK. will vary witil o-irc-UInstane.es.

,The time of departure after each halt will be gi~en by speeial nignal. (See !?i),r .. 4, (b) 4). , , ' ,3~ (a,) The 4th a.nd 2nd Di..... Witl be asemble~ at 3~OO A.U. in their respedt1ve zones. with their rear units east of the line ~ west edge of' nO,ISEL • P

The 1~c4tion of ~nits of th~ 5th Div. , now in the above atea~ '~fl be fixed by e.G. 4th and 2nd Divi~ion9 after ~Ollgu.1ting with e.G. 5th .'01 v t' • •

(b) Th$.!~t line Int. bns. of 4th and 2nd D~v18ions will ~tOS3 the line Point 144 ... JEANCotmT ... VENDELLES, at 4:'eO A~M.

(0) The 4th and 2nd Div1eions $re to earry out the atta~k,t~ the 4th objective included.

Rate of ad"~nQe: 100 m. in 2 m1n\1tes. up to the tiX'e~ ob­ jective; ·there~fter 100 ~. in 3. minu~es. (d) 4th Div. ~cne of Action~ North limit of. 13t A.C" ~outhern limit line '.. J:E:ANCOURT (inclusive) ... La VXRGUIER (exeluRive) .. t'ASCENSION Farm (inclusive) - NAGY la FOSSE (exclusive) .. PRESEL~S (inCluded). " The 4th Division will have at ita disposal fot the attaeks: The 4th F"A, Erigade, and, the 5th (75's) F.A .. 1'egt. Th~ 4~h Engl~~ers ~ill be at the disposal of the C~G •• 4th :Division. at HERVILLY at 12:00 i,i~l'light. (e) ~nd Pi.X, (lese 1 regiment) ... Zone,Qf Action: Nortbe~n limit: Southern limit of 4th D~v. Souther~ lim.i t: : Southern limi t ot 1st A.e. Map Problem No 21. ~::;ecor)d Course.

The 2nd Div. will have at its disposition the 2nd r.A.Brig~1 plus 65th F.A. Regt.

The 2nd Engrs" will be at the disposit.iCl.n. Qf ~.G .. ~ 2.nd. 1)1....,: ... \ at 12:00 A.M. (mirlnightt at BEnH.ES~

(f) Ape >5.th D}'V f is to hold the present line of resi stano e t,uH i ~ it' has been crossed by the 4th and 2nd Divisions. ,1JVhen the 4th and 2nd Divisions reach the second objective, the 5th Div will assemble its 9th Bir-g.,' in the area: HESEECpURT - ltERVn, LY - :8. d6HERV:LLY ,:md i t~3 lOt,h :Bd.g ~ in the Ravlne 1, 000 m~ eaAt of FLECHIN. Th~ other Qombat units ~f the 5th Div. (lr, 5th F .A. :erig.) to be assembled at ,point s trc be selec ted by O.G. 5th Div .. , The 5th Division will remain in this poeitir until fur:lher crders.'

The e.a., 5th Div. will put,one Regt.• of 'each Brig. at th~' disposal of the A.e, Ohief of Engin:e~T.a at 7: 0'0 A,M.: ' ... One regiment at HESBECOURT and one r~gim8nt at VENDFJLLES. (g) . .ut Div..1 (lese. 1st F .A .. Brig. and 1st Engrs.) to be asser> 'bled at 4~ 00 A.:M. in the !;One: TIN(JOVP."t'·· :M.ARQ;UAIX - HA~.'J<> LET - BOUOLY with its two In£antrybr.ig~de? side by side. in readiness. to move east \ The roads - 'I'l'J:OURT - NLARQ,UAIX ~, ROISEL and '1'INCOURT • :BOudm .. HAUCOUR~ to be kept cOl'YipJ.etc' ly clear tor above time.. The move of thel~t D.iv. wi 11 'CJf.' made by road PERONNE M Fbg, de :BRETAGNE - MAISON ROUGE ­ HAMEL 'and PERONNE - DOING-'1' .. COURCELLE ... CARTIGNY R.R. StatJ. . ... BRUs.D.

the let :Engrs. 'to be assembled at 4: 00 A.ll.> at N'ODBESCOUR'T Farm at O.G. 1st Division's disposition. (h) The C~O., A.. c .. eaT. will detail two troops to each of the 4th and 2n4 Divi~ion. These troopsto repor,t at p,O, of' the8~ Pivi.ions 4~ 3:00 A.M.

( 1) The e,,0. " 1st A.C. will have at hi IJ di epo9i tion the 53rd, 103rd.,~05th. lst,51st and lOlst Art111~ry Regiment •• Artillery P%eparation will continue until 4:00 A.M. July ( withoat any ohange in rate ot fire. Progression of the infantry to be oQvefed by suocessive steady barrages by Divisional" Al't:111ew on the successive linea of ,trong points met with during the advanoe on th~ ind.icated objeetiTee' JJeyond these ba.rr~ge8, Corps artil... le~y ta~gets will be as follows:

During the attaek of the tiJ'st o~jective: VIJ:iLE.'RET,~ GRti ' PRIEL;

Dpring' the ,attaek· ot the second objec~i.e~1ULLICOUl.T ­ RlUEVJL and 1:!ELLENGLISE. Duri.ng the attack ot th" third. object~~e:: N,AUROY .. ETRH'· COURT • II1AG:NY-1a",FOSS! ... LEHAUOOU'RT'.

During '~e attack ot the fourth .bjeetive: ­ , ~Gp Tr~ul€lli No. 21. ... 4 ­ :3ccnnd Course.

c. a•. Art. lstA.C. and C.G •• 4th and 2nd Divisi~ns will give neoessary orders for the mQ'V'e of their al'tillery ..

(For signals _ E'E..S P8"J", 4-)'

(j) A.C. Engrs. to be employed as lahor party.

Two regimentA of infantry > 5"j~1 Division , at dispositton of A .. C .. t C .E .. , at 7: 00 A.M .... (See Pa,I'. 3{ f) •

. (k) (1) No change for locations and missions of Balloon C08~ 110. 1 and 2 .. As soon as the first objective is reached, Balloon Cos. Nos. 4 and 3. will 8Aoend and observe for the b~nefit of the 1st line Divisions. Balloon No, '4 - on slopes 1.000 ro, §.E. of EOUCLY (for 4th Divi~ion.)

Balloon No.3 - on vicinity of Wood 1,000 m. N~W, ~f HAUCOURT (for 2nd Div.)

( 2)' Auxiliary landing ground for' airplamee: H~UCOURT. " :t-To change in the Ae.ro Squadron q,etailed to 4th. flnd 2nd Div and A.C.Artil1ery. ' (3) C.O'f " Aeronautica't wil1,·gi:ve the ne~~aeary: orders to have one command airplane ttlying above fi,rrs,:t line uni ts, watching the enemy in zone of let A.C. and':reporting to A.C ..· P.C. '; and one ,combat. squadron in readine,$s to prevent hostile eoupt:er air ,attack. " "

(1) R.eserves 'at' the disposal of "C a;,G •• 1st A.C,,: (1) A.C. ~av. (lees lklq)' at'4:00A,M.'lri Ravine 1,200 no~theast of road BOUCLY - HAUCOURT in readiness to move east. , (2) One Regiment Infantry 21;1;1, Division~ ", (3) 1st and 2nd Infantry Brigade (1st Div,);

(m) ~ Tanks.:.

All tanks of 1st A~C. to ,be at,LONGAVESNES at 12:00 midnight, at disposition of e.G. '20th A.C. (n) Further" orders wil:l be issued, as to the organization of conquered ground. "

4. (a) Eaeh first ,l·ine' division ~11J., e;neure liaison. with flank divisions by means of special liaison detaohments.

4th Div. 'with the 40th,Div. (~.C. at ,Farm BEAU SEJOUR ­ 2,500 In .. N ~W. of TElviPLEUX "le'.G;t1.ER.AR:D) • 2nd Diy ~with 69th Div. (P.O, a.t TERTRY), Map :rl,'

(b) Signals in the eour~e of the attack. (1) The infantry will u.se the follow;i,ng aigna,.ls:

Green rocket, llAre ready to attack .. "

Yellow SXl10ke rocket f • It ••• 't:Lengthe,1"1 the artlJl.ery range

Red rocket •••••••••••"Request for artillery sup'port.~

~ed Bengal, ••••••• ~ ••• uTo be used by 1st line bns. to stake out their line,"'

(2) Distinguishing signals for visual signalling~'

Red •• ~.,.~ •••••••• ~.Art111ery. Vfuite ••••••••••••••••Infant:y. (3) No special signal for departure of the 1st attack.

(4) For the atta.eke on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th objecti ve~, a(~ soon as infantry wi~l have sent the green rooket, the P.C. of 1st A.C. anl1 sUb~equently of each Div. will sent "Flag rocket." ' This signal will be repeated::

(a) Iy eommand an~ infantry planes by Inean5 of one white bomb cf tbree simultaneous fires; (b) 'By p.e. of Brig. and Regts. by means; of a, '''Flag r.,c}wt

The ,ubsequent attack will be la.uflohed 15 m1nut~'s afterwards. . . (5) Signal by planes and balloons as g~ven by Annex II ot p "Instruction on Liaison_ •

(6) For characteristics of ~itferent P.C., See Appendix No 1. ((Omi ttfd) •

5. (a) No change for H~Q..

(b) L~cation of P.O. ,aeJ follows:

1st A.C~ ; P~C. w ~ERNES. Axis of ~iaiaon:: JEANCOUR~ ~ Le VERGUIER - ASCENSION Farm - MAGNY-1A~FOSSE. 4th Div. p.e. - HERVILLY. from 9:tb July 3:00 A.Y. Axis ot liaison:' Bois d'HERVILLY - Bois du GRAND PRIEL (Chateau) ­ ~Utsso~, GUILAINB F~fm - ETRICOURT. 2nd Diy. P.O.' - BERNES. from 9th July 3:00 A.M. Axis ot liaison:. Same as 1st A.e. 1st Div. - p.e. - ~~, from Sth July, ~:OO A.M. 5th Div. P.C. - No change. Telephorte Posts • No change.

~opies to: A. • • • • • • .. :ETC. Lieut .. General .. frob10nt N() ~;l. "~ond Coutee.

1st ArWl Corps, FRANCE, 8th July 18 8:00 P.M,

) ~ . . . :j:' (CA1ffiRAIS.E. &: S.W., 1:50,00,0&

E~A~:t.~.fLl2a.~, no change.

(a) Axial road of th~ 2nd.Di~: , ,.,


Axial road of the 4t~ tiiv:

BorSEr), '£EMPLEUX-le-Gtrn:RARD, HAR9ICOURT t BICLLICOURT~ , . (b) Qi~.~~.!ip.fQr M.2J:.9..t.trP.:119_{1!r~a£J..9~:': . .In. additi,on to t,he f/:K:"atlrlg ClTCt.U,ts" the road ROISFL,' HERV'lLI;Y', MONTI.G:tTY', BEroTES; HANCotmt, is now available :for motQr traffic. It. i3 intended tQ render available for: motor traf.fic the fcllowing cirouita: lTorthern Circuit: ROIZ!L, ""fE'.K1Pi7EtiX-le-GUERARD, HARGICOURT, JEANCOPRT., :MON:rIGNY I HERVII;LY, ROISlllJ.

n9.Y,.thep Circ,u~~~; HAUCo"'uRT", imR1tES 1 VENDELLES~ LE VERGUIER. JEANCot~T', MONTIGNY I BERNEr; I Alt" 144, HANCOTJRT_ I';-af.f.!fL C,antcgl.

• ny Army on the left bank of the so~m, from July 9th 1:00 ~.M,

- 'By 1st Corp~ from the SOlJ.().t':m to the line • ROI~:EL (inclusive) frpm July 9th 4:00 A.U. till the 3rd'Qcjective ; i!.f re~ched; then to the' 11ne:' HARGICOURT (exo,l\,1dect), .J'EAN'COtJ:R'l"j' L.E VERGUIER (inclusiv~). ''rhep&lice of the 1at and 5th. Div, is put under the command of ,the A,e. P .M" from Jully 9th 4:00 A.. U• •. By 2nd 1)1 v. east 9f 'the .above deseribed. linea'and :south to the road 1.{(}J.'\1TIGNY .. JEANCOURT ... !IE VERGU~;ER,; i.~cJusive.

- Ey 4th Div, ,east of 'the a.bove'deoerioed lines' and 1~01.'th to t~e toa~ MONTIO}rr • JEANCOURT - LE VERGVIER, excluded.

I'csts fbr preventing 13tragglers will 'b'~ established by the A,.O ..P~M~ along the line HAmCOURT .. ROI~EL.

By Army on the left bank o:f theftOW.m frQm July 9th 4: 00 A.M. and on reserved road. lJ

By lst A.C~ I;vithin the :.la,me bouuetariea as the tri;;l,ffie eO() .. trol.

The A.e.e.E, will now have at .his diapo~al all A.C. Engin~cr0 El,nd two Infantry Regrs. of the 5th Brig. will 1:.'e at 1n:::; chl:f1" p(}(H11 from July Sth, ~3: 00 A.M. ;' one at H'ESl'lWOURT, ene ,Stt Vlf:1iflJELL11iS.

:By 2nd & 4th 1'>1'V. wi thin the same bounda:rie ~ as the t:rt~ffi,(~ control.

t: R ,J t ~.§Jj.~.~-L2L~JL ..~~h I l~l; Di'l1~ ROSIERES EN SANT}i,;rmE after 7:00 A,M •.. 2nd Div. l..A CHA'PEI;ETTE (S. of PERONNE), after 1: 00 F .1.£:.

~th Div. CHAULNES after,12 (noon) 5th Div. CHAULNES'tlftcr 7:00 A.,M .. c, lJ£gl.j)-. • will be turned over to DivisionA at failheads.

'7 , .[1J1tJ?,.1Y. ••~. ;F i e1d_I.tf.l i,t! ~ •

SUPIlly Train~. 1st Divisions) 4th Division ( No change (looated at' the railhei:l,di3) 5th J1ivision )

2nd Di.v t to" be loo.ted at BIACHES from July 9th .a:t 12 (noon) Field Trains.

Field trains 1st Div. will reach ~OlffiCELLES on July 9th, at 4:00 A.~. via ~IACHESt PERONNE, DOINGT, Field trains 2nd Div. ) 4th Div.(~ will await further {lrders at'ptesent 5th Div. ) loeationa. Pl etri D"tins ncinta.

1st Div. We~t of CQURCELLES; aftst 10:00 A.M, 2nd Div. Road CA~TIGNY - MONS EN OHAUSSEE, east of CA~ELET after 6:00 'A.M. 4th Div, East of COURCELLES, after 6:00 A.M. 5th Div, Road ~UIRE. W~ISON ROUGE after 2~OO P.M.

8. ~iJ~r tr@:in,!I (Ammuni tion I Engi neats, Sanitary) 1st Div. BUIRESJ . 2nd Div.)-Xr-the disposal of the Div. must be E, of 4th Div.) the line MAR~UAIX, HANCOURT on July 9th before 3:00 A.M. 5th Div. BUIRES. 'If~t~l) Prob lem H() 21. SecofHi Cou:r.at~.

1st Ihv. 13A.R:LEOX. j' on July 9tb ,.J,t 6: 00 A. 1<::« 2nd Div.) at O~GroG~lof the Divisions, 4th DiV.) at d~~rosal 0f the Divisions~ 5th Div. PEf~()~ti.L~}~~ ~

~!::H1~.!,J~!L:re:[ll.+'~D-iL.£2_~DJ.~..no phang(3"

.PEHON1YE Yar,d will be ammuJli tic,n :c,~ilh\:::c),d fron, July 9th 6: 00 A.M.) - Arn,munitiol1 'fr,:.:in wil: te di1c:;ctly (Trdex'Eld by Army to refill from the railhead when r,equil'ed*

JJ~va,cuatintt Points' -,-~,-",,-- -...• .... ~ .L'lt .01\1' .. Evaouation Hospital PERONNE,

If 2nd Div. " :BRIE. " .. PERONNE., 5th Div. " BRIE • .Fl~1-tL!.i.QW;.ta).A .. The 2nd Div .. w'i 11 use the Field Hospi taJ.a of 5th Div, novl1 .at BE.AUlf.ETZ and l:30UC.LY .. The 4th Div', will 'use the Field. Hospita.ls of the 5th Div, now a.t. TIUCOURT.

No Change. By comrrand of Lieut.General A. B Brig.General. C. of S.

Write orders issued, by the O.G., 4th Diviaion •

...... -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- .. - ... ._.----.r~.··~-,~~~~""1"'_r_- -..,.-~ , ••••'Y ...... ,..".._...

/'T) .~. ;:"r·"··.. · " . /·5"1/ if.,·/


ttl'FC ,., •••~...... > "-I"~--' i -rU A riO 1\1 i); v. . . .4 P t" ( \ \ l ...... t·

...... •

. , , , ,.".._--- - , . ARMY GElmRAI.; STAFF COr...L]~G}1~" ..::. A.l~.:E'. - FTU'-UCE. Second C(mrs c • Map Problem No. 21. ---_.__.. .;,<'-_.

.,.A '1"1'DIVISION... """ Dr Nl'TA.CK _• .Ai SOLUl'ION.

4th Div.

France. 8 Julv $ '. '16. 8: 00 'fl.}:;. i

Field Ord.f~:r No.

No...... ---..,.175 .•!i'!>N..---_

:Map ." CAllBRAI) S.W. & S.E .. ) 1 ~ 50,000.

1. This diVision will attack tommorow morning. 2~ 'I'he llth Brigade will ):)e in.the follo'Jldng ponitions at 3~OO i\.. First li.ne: One bn. :in ra:vines 300 ancl800 meters west of l)oint lilt); One bn. in southern part of HESBECOURT. S-econd lin~: One on. in ravine between ROISEl, and Point 135. One bn. in Hrt~VILLY. Third 11ne~ \ One b~ in e~st part of ROISEL) vic inity of road to T:EMPI;;,:tr 1e GUERARD;" One bn. in southern part of ROISJ!]L.

3" Tho 8th Brigade ,will be in the following pm~ition8 a.t 3:00 .A.!'". First line~ One bn. in Bois D' BERVILLY; One bn. in ravine fSOO meters west of JEAJ:W0U11'f; S'eoond line: One bh. in wood south of HERVILLY; One bn. in Bois de la CROIX. Third .line: One bn. in valley, 500 meters north of Poiht 79. One bn. in ravine 500 meters northwest of JEANC0UHT Rail ...., way S'tation.

4. Routes for eaoh regiment to the assembly positions w111,b~ seleoted by the brigade eomrranders.

5. Organizations will not arrive at the indioated assembly point~\ before 2':45 a.m.

c . • • II • • • ,...... Copies to: Major General. Eto. • • • 2 Mar Problem No. 21. f\ {) Jut i OJ1.

T.:M.,Bt;ry, F~rd M.G.B! !Engrs. I 10 0 I1';'1 t::!. on I· ,I ~ ,. 11 \.l:'.oJ.g • .pnol it), (­ iI., til J" ! Ie. O. Tne . I I !M.P. '. I 1 !AJl".m. Tn. I I ! I I ). lAnny ! Isup', Tn. I I ISan. Tn. I I " I Fngr.Tn. I i I . I ! ! I I ~ I I \ I

I ! ,I j j ! ! Map Problem No, ~1, f~)~.,)tj on.

8ecund"·lO~'., CoursA~ • • _ ..,.,.,..

4th Div. FRA1TCE, 8th July .16; '9: 00 P ,t, Fiead Orders',

.'~!, Map - CAMBRA! J S and S .E. 1:50.000,

L The enemy' 5 attack on the whole front of the 6th Army bas been repulsed, His first line is located as follows: West edge of HARGICOlJRT - Point J.40 - west edge of :Bois dq GRA!ID FRIEL and of Le VERGUIER - Heights 136 - west edge of VER]fAIID. The tr90PS opposing the 1st AC. appear to have been rain" forced by two reginlenss of infantry, which. hilV8 'Jeen ~)een <:;'.1­ tex'ing BEI,lill:NGLIR.E about 5:00 p.m. fl'o~n V~edl-:.:'er:·GiOn of' ::)", QUE:t'TIN. The Villages of BELLElIJGJ..JJSE and yrtELLIC-:iT1ET :lave b'3(;T: organiz.ed de.fena ive ly. J:To enemy I'e inf ::)f'C8~;.ents have been 6 b·· served in front of our troops 0h eitner f~~nk. The 6th Army will attack at 4:00 a.m., July 9th: 2'0th A/C ~ in 'the general, diract.ion or' bJNY,.. BEAUV0llRj; i"~1"""'f"'1:- 35th A'. ~ in' t'-n€ ge~c:re.1 d'l.reC· 1Q?1, 01... _.ti•. ,)l) .• .1...... C " The 1st A'-O, wii1 a:·~tack in the di);'2cticn of MAGNY-la­ FOSSE with the 4th and '~~nd Divs. intlle first line; the 4th on the left; the end Div. on the right.

~. The 4th Div. will attack at 4~OO A.M, (a) The Zone of attac.:k oii the t"th :Oiv. as as fo:Ucws: 'Northern ~il.n:;;· FJ~.r!t 1.44 (in{::u;.J5ve). southcnl, edge of H.ARG~.CO'J:.~T (~xclud iv&); r..():r·:~j.le:rn ed[~e of .BE:'LI w cowrr (In:;:: ~:.;j.T.c J -- southern e-;~i t of E~)TREES and '~iAN(; 0 un'l' {e ~~,.l').8:'Iie i • Sbuthern IL1.ii, ~ 17·;:.' ~L8:::-n ed~e of -Le VERGUJER (ex­ c lus ive) I . A3CJiN~n: u:J P':l:t1m (Inc :ius i-ve) f' northern edge of MAGIIY-la-J!()SSE (ex~lDsi'\je}, ?T1ESJ:lJDI.ES (inclusive}. (b) The Objecti70S are as follows: 1st Objective: Foint 140 -0R~t~rn edge of Bois du GRA1JD PRI:BjL end ·.we ·vF~-i:J'JI.EJ~ - easte-.n edg'e of Wood 1,500 ID. s,ju~:,l" 0:~ E~r>':IV() YL~.:'..::':'[:6, 2nd Obj acti.ve: R i<1~;3 8"1:" ~l~·;. t.r.r; ":.". a·.~,k from COLOGNE (1.000' meters north of '\T'iLl;2~i:rE':r, tv I-C'tr':'hVET •. 3rd Obj ective: Eas tern edges of B.E;1lI1COURT and .BELl.E:r!­ .GLIBR. 4th Objeot.ive ~ Sta-don and SUCF3Ft!E, - ET'RICOURT.,. MAG}~-la-F08SE - LEHAU~0:mT. ~hi5 fcsit:on will be held ancl. s t:r~r.Eth3~18.::t. Fu1:'thE.:r f..!.;JU.C 11 tu be indio~ ated in subse~uen'~ or113TE. rr~le 4r.f, Div::'si on w: 11 capture t.he pr,i:'t io:.1 cd t:uP, ah07e Ci·~,iectj.v.cs in0Jllhded in its Zene of e<.tta~.k, A 11a:"·:: will 'be l!i0de at efJ.,ch objective; ~~.lne of.' ctepa::ture after each halt to be given by sigaa:; (Bee Par, .•4.b •• ).

(c) Second line battalions will not, cross through the rirst line b~tt~iions ~efore th~ seoond objective is reached; such c~ossing being indicated by signal. (See Par ••••4 ••b •••••• ) • . 4 Mat' P1'oblem No, 21­ SC~1.1Jtlon. bl;~ c; ond C ...... -..... -.....'o'urse • . (d\ The first line battalions of this division will oross the line Point 144 ~ JEANCOURT. at 4:00 A,M., and will carry out the attack to include the fourth objective. Rate of advance:' 100 rn. in 2 mil~utes to the first ob·· ,jective; thereafter, 100 m. in 3 minutes. The 4th Div, will attack with the 7th and 8th Brigades, side bV side; each brigade with the two regiments, side by side.

3, ~a) Xone or~ttack~ The 7th Brigade 'will attack in the following zone: N0rth~rn limit: Northern limit of 6th Dj~, Southern lirnit: S·vt.:,the::.-rl ed.r.:;eJf h~~N :::L:J'.J::" (inc lusive) ; ­ northern edp-'e 0:;:' 130:; s D"fl~:~V:,:LL:t ~ e.~c Llded ). S outh­ ern edge of-Bv iz l1u G2:~A!'ID ~.J.f-C.l~L (Jrx'lus Jve) - BllIS­ SON GUILAUW Farm (inolus;;'ve; - Pu'!t.t 103. The 8th Brigade will Cl.t·~c;i,ok i~ tha ic

The 4th Dlv t M,G. Bn. is now at the disposition of C.G •• 8th Brig. (b) The e.a,. 4th F.A. Brig. will dispose of the artillery as follows: (1) 54th F.A, Regt. will support the attaok of' the 7th Brig (2" 4th F.A.Regt. will su:ppo:r'l;, the attack of the 8th Brig. (~) l04th F.A. Ragt, will d8st~oy hostile $tr~ng points. (4) 5th Regt, will b6 in ~ead~llesS at 3!45 A,M. to move to position ir. rear, of fj.l'st o1:.·je0t.i7~. when s:U9h object~ ive is taken by fir8t line 0at~alionB.. . (5) The I)t'ogresslr)l'.l Jf 'iu"":::r"~,,'V to be covered·by success ... ive $teady ba:L'~",~'I.:;:.eE~ >'\{ :'J:" ;'.(J")'s ~ , 1st Attaok~ - Divil:d,~n &rtJ .L~eJ'Y to keep a: steady barrage on Point 140-n~;JS l~u GhJ'..G.0 1:'HIEL and WOud Uu_~t:r.. of Le VERGUIER. ~'~1'i:.' -:'f.,:--:;,-:"ge t,:J 'be lifted W:rc~~1 inf.:.\.n­ trY' arrives at ~//) 4Cjf.;'\'~':r,,:< f:rC:ffi the o1:ject,;i~Te. Beyend this b...... ,.·:'age tl1.8 C':):t'ps aJ:'~j,'lle:::'y will keep a barrage on V1L:..li:;';,.:ii:'l' ant), the GhJ~Nl) PR:U';::',:F'a::.'r.1. 2'nd ~tao,k: - ~rhen 1.;%J T:c;~,ge is .u. ftE:d frc,ln the fi.ts t ob­ jective t IJiv. Art. r: j '_J ;5E. t :i ts b"1:CT€..ge on t:l~ S6;}OnC objeoti'Ye until irJLtr:".:l'v E\.!'l':\/f>S ·'1G Vl'i-t:1~.n 200 l1':~tere Oorps artillel"{ 0 1tIrqgfl wi 1-:" I wn.er. lJi.r".ed f.~CJr:1 its first ta..:ge tr-:l, fir3 on .m:;:LT.JI'~Ol.RT - RIQ,JLVAL Farm and BEL~~::~·~}.G:;JF: " 3rd Att:'l.clc - I:D.,~:'r':'.g(;" 0:'1 tX.e third ntjective; Corps art­ illery b(-1.1·raGr~ (;~'! NAt~OY ar:d :r~':'rnO()t"RT. ' 4th A,ttack: .. 1Ji'IT1~:;'cna.:. Cll-'c.i,'J.:_6l'y r-a.n:·t~ge on the 4th ob­ jective, u~tll inf~~·rv a~yjT~s et 200 m from it. At this m('lTllB "1':'; ]~ is~, E: i (' 2'.C:, '1. a r L:;.110 ry 1J2r 1~c.l?' c 't ~"l re­ inf0rce the (;Llrps a.l'~ i l.J."':j:I~r 1.:'arragc en riOXC0OR.T. (c) Div. Engineer will detaj 1 (\11e cOl:lpany of Er:gin8ers to each of the 7th and 8th Brigades, reporting at Brig. p. C.s at 2c~ 00 A.M. (d) Two pl,atoons, ·ofeavalry will report to 7th Brig. and two platoons to 8th Brigade for .lateral liaisons. Map Preel.i em No. 21.. S'·:>J.·ltion •. ;,~~':,'~J)J~ d•.. ~l~?,.m:!:'t.~ .."

(.d (:1) Wh(;'n ~he fi:rr.t obj eet i ve bas been :reached ~ Balloon Gd. No. 4. w111 ascend and obse:L've for the 1;h Div. frcm th(' Sl~pes l~OOO 111. ~~outh eDst of BOVel/Y. Balloon. No" 4,

at disposal of C.G. Art' t 4th Div, (2:)~uxiliary landing ground for airplf... ner:3. HAUCQURT. ~:5) C.O., 4th Aero Sll. will. have ()fH~ inf~).ntry pJ.. ane ,~l,l\',!~l,Y:'~ flying above t.he first line Bns. for tranall1issitJr\ ~it' signals, to 4th Div. P,C,

(f) IHvirH"nal reserve willcons:i.st of the following troopf3 r. a,!1(l v"ill await orders at tho points indicated:' ~ 1) One :8n, '7th B:r~g~ ~t sout}l..exn part /,')f' ROISEI.. ; . ,2) 0ne En. 8th BrIg. In valley 500 m. north of Point 79, .~ 3) 1th Engrs ... (leo s 2' companies) a.t :tIEHVILIJY 4 ,4,) One treop cava,lry at HERVILLY (south~weet exit) ~ (g) F1.1rther orders will be i~ll:sued cone~rning the organizat;·ion of conquered ground. ,1; (c't) Each. b:rigad~ will U$~'! its cavalry platoons to insure the. following liaisons with ,the first line infantry Bns:;. of ne ighborj,ng Div: ?th Brig•• With the 40th Div. 8th :ax ig., with the 2nd Div. L:i.aisonbetw{;:en '7th and 8th Brig. to be insured by the 8th Brig. Axis of liaison of 4th Div. a.long the line: nois nlHERVILLY - Point 141. ~ ~ois Du GnA~ID FRIEL (Chr.:i.tl(Lu) - BtrISSON GUILAUTE Farm - E1'RIC0UR1'. (0) £j.An£t_~~ in the Course of Attack: (1) The infantry will use the followin~3signals: ,rj.reen l'ocket." •.••••• ~ •• "Are' :ready to attack ;i' Yellow smoke roeket, •. ~., "Lengthen the artillery burD.,\') I{ed rocket IIReques t for arti11ery suppo, (: Red :Bengal •• I •••• I ••• ~ •••to be' u.~H'~d by first line :80i;';. . to stake out their line. . Chterpillar rocket,. ""_ ~To be us~d by Brig. P.C. in case of crossing through the line is made by 2nd line. (2} D'lstinguishing signals for visual sif!ll1alling~

Red I A:r1;.illefY I 1~i te • Infantry. (3) There will'be no spec~al signa~ for departure of the first attaek~ For attacks On the 2nd I 3rd ~tnd 4th objectives I a \I~laB" rocket will b~'5ent fr~m 4th Div. P.C. This signal will be repeated: . By corm-and and infantry planes f by one Whl te boml, of three simultaneous fires; By PIC. of :erig. 'and Regts. by.a tlflag" rocket. T'he subsequent attack .will be launched 15 minutes thel'eafte:r. . (4) S1gr..als by planes and ballo~ns as given by Annex II of . Instruction on Liaison. Me'Ll' Froblem No. 21. fJo luti.CJrl" Ctn.u~se. ~"""'-"l~"""""'~~.~ __Sec ond (f)) :&'br charactcx'iE'ltiCH:l of diff'erent p,e., sec Appnnd,Jx. No ,1) (omitted). (a) Bet., 4th Dlv, ~ t1,t BOUCLY; (b) P, C. as follows from 3:00 a.m., July 9th: 4th Di.v. HBRVUJX; 7th and 8th Brig: }mnVr11X~ Mov(~ of 1'. CJi (1) When the first objective i~ reached: 7th Brig. near Point 141, 1,800 m. east of m~SIlJi;GOU:RT; 8th Brig. near Point 96, nt)rthea~:;t (;xit. of Jl£ANdOURT. Division center of informt'ttlorl ~ro. 1; In xa:'l~ inc 1,000 m. we.st of Point 14L (Z) When the 2'nd. objective if.1 taken: ?th Brig: V!Ll:B.lRET. (~l outhwes t exit); 8th ~,::('ig:' GRAND IIftIEL 1'1'flrm. Dlv, Center of inforrr.ation No.2: Chateau, east edge of BOIS Du GRAND PRI]~L. (3) When the 3d objective is taken: ?th Brig. ) as above 8th 131' ig.) , • The p.C. 4th Div. to move to the Chateau at the eastern edge of BOIS Du GR.AND :PRIEIJ. (4) Wh~n the 4th objective is taken: 7th BI'tg. - BELl,! COURT : 8th Brig... RIGUEVAL Farm; CentfJ:t of in!ol~mation No. :3; :BUIGt-lON GUr LAIN)l;

! ]"l~A.l'nl a

c.. • • .. • • • • • • t Copies to: Major General. Ete. . • • Ma:p I'rob.':i21 Solut 1.021 l?e"~qr\.(1 ~9 01

F:RM':)O]}, f3 July,., 1916 1 !J-OOp .itJ"


1. (;;d Ax.ial Road of the ])ivi",io:n: ROISEL ... TEm.)!J.mtr/,.-le-GUfiJ?JJU) ~ HA.R{}ICOURI~ •• :m~r.o:rGOULt'l·.

(b) The roa-d HOrSEL - HJmVItLY - v.101i'Y.rIGNY - BERKCf3 - HiJJCOUHT i::; inc1w:J'.' in present cirouits fa:r motor transportation. It is il1toIlded to re:nder ;:tvailable fo):' u10to:r tr;J.ff:i{~ tho fc'llc'oiit\~.:: (:.,~ l~'" cult:

!?orSET... - TEM.PT...gUX··le.-GUERlilUJ - ,HAnG-IOOUnT ... JEAUCOUl1T '"" 1',l.oH'l'IGNY ,~ BERVI11,Y - ItOISEL.

2. ,~:§.1Xj.c _§indo Con.,tl:'Q.l ••Q.f, ::19rLs.: By the Divi sion, east of the line RAUCOURrj1 - HOISEr... (e:>;:cluded) f:l:OiU tjl:!J~f 9th, 4... 00 a.m., till tho third objeotive is l"OaCh0d~ then!. ea,nt. 01' the lim) HARG.J:COURT (o:;;:clusiva J ;... JF.ANCOun:Jl (incJ.nsive ); South boundt1l"Y1101'th of the road JEilltGOOR.T - Lo vrcm.GUn:R (e:;wluded> I* The Div. Engi11eel' officer will furni.sh two cOllilJal'des of 1~J1f,;i,:n(0ers for TO" pairing the roads.

1. J~al1: ITo change.

5 .l3u.ppf.Y ..__~I:sl]i e10. Trains.

Location of the supply t.rs,j,n~ No c}lange. Pield 1'l'a;in" Teil1ai'):.l :d; COURCEtLES. Distributing Foint: \7est f;::d t of OOlmCEI.Lt~D aftor 5..00 a.m.

6. Roll.ing J\itQ.hens and Ratio:r.Uli!~H. Rolling ldtchens will be groupod by Bri1.:~ade: 7th Brig. Ravine north of ROISEL and wostrla:rd of railroad. 8th Brig. betm:~en the road ROnlEL ,.. HAUCOURJ.l and tho dit·t road IHi;};VII,J,y NODESCOURT, westr/ard of the r::tilroad, 8:n(1 vJillbo eth,del' ordor:5 OJ' Division Quartermaster.

7. Arnm.tU?-,i ti011. ~.r.a;ill" Horse: East exi t of HAMELET at 3..00 A.M., at the eLi sposal of Q.G.. of ArtUlery. Motor: Vlest exit of ~jINCOUR~[1 at 4-00 A.M. 7 a.t tho dic])OS8J. o:J' C~G .. of .A:rtillary.

Ristrib~ti~g Poin~s. For the attack of the first objective: Eastern e=:i t of. ROIDEL. Southern exit of HE[{YILLY. B flap llrob.-f/\21 Solutiol1. I22.c OtJ!:l_c..91tl~.~

POl' the SUbSE)(:;J.uent attacks: New distribnting :points vlin bo estabti shed by C~G. l".1\. B:dg. viil0n artillery' moves forward. 119J1t!JJ1£i-.lQJJ.l.1.!: After 6-00 .A.. M., July 9th. PF.:RON1iJ1~ Yard is the £trIDJ'1.nli t:i. on J.'a:l1head, l11l'lTnunitim:l train will be ()rdo:t'~)d, lW Corps to refill from tho 1'a,ilhead.

Sam.~m:x.~~.aj;njl!).d, .~dical J}er,yj,£s,. Horse: At the dit;posal of tho' Chief Surgeon. Motor: One 3mbulance oompany at the disposal of Chief Surgeon. Othe)~ amb'l,1.J.anees and field hospitals nill be on the l'o:'1.ds TINCOUR:C ­ TE'v!1?LT::UX - TINCOURT .... LONGll.VESNES north of the i~oad HAMEL ­ MAISON - ROUGE at ,4...00 A.H.

E.va1.9"4:3,.tlQ..l'}~J{Q.S'p'J.t.q,l: PEROlUm. l!'i~,d J.l.,fl§~: 1 Fiela Hospital at . 1 I!'i(-)ld Hospital will be sent up at BOISEL when the Hne aOT,OGNE J.i'a:rrn ... nU:U:~SON GU!I.Anm Farm is reached.• The ,tth :01v. is allottod the 'Use of the Field HOf>l?i tal of the 5th Div. now at TINCOtJRfI' • .D.r...Q.;;;~£-l2.t&ttQ)l!.. HEBBECOUIiT (northern part) IDi:RVHJLY MONTIGNf (Northern port)

g.t,aU ~n..1,9.r ~li~htl~ ~ou~q~~. IWISJn't, (Ea.stern exit) RERVHILY (western :part) MONT,WNY (1forthern part)

NevI dressing, stations and 8.S.v1. ".,111 be opened by Di"'. Surgeon as the attack pl'og.r.e saes.

The Artillery Comma11de~t Div- Engr. and Chief Surgeon will report to these Hdqrs. the neJiJ' positions of Distributi11g Points, Engr. Train, Dressing Sta.ti.ons and stations fOl' the Slightly.wounded. :BY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL B. .... X Oolanel, G.S .. It C. of S. Copies to: etc. • •• {Distribution Sheet) 9 Map p)~o1J. {j~f~l E301u t ion.

4th Div. A.E.F. a J\lly 16, 9,~OO J?M. l~ield Orders


_ ...w_......

f ! J , ; ! I I !. I' i . BECRE'l! /;,.;:tJt - t1A..~i;J I -" 3 (, 9!.«l t'""-t~/t.4'~), I' ARHY GENEHArQ STAFF COLL1i.~GE, fA.r: .F' ., FIL\HCE,


.... _----_ ... - ...


The situation is analogous to that which faced the French and German. armies on the evening of i3eptember 4.,1 1914. The German armies have reoched the line lJEAUX-COULmtii,HERS ....

VITRY-LE...FR1'~NCOIS. On their ri.ght wing (west) the 1st Army

(Von Kluck) has reached the GHAND U(JHIN with its advanced gu.ard.

The right corps of the 1st Army (lInd Army C~rps) is echeloned

~ along the line CRECY-'EAUX~BARCY. In rear of it is the IVth R.A.C. in the region NANTEU IL... LE-HAUDOUIN...IuAHC I LL., with its outpos.ts holding BARON ~\lONTAGNY, Ste FELICITE, LE PLESSIS BELLE­

VILLE, St SOUP;LETS, corulecting ~;i th the lInd j\.C. German

Oavalry patrols are reported at ,..--.cRE.I..L and- CLERLiONT • The French armies have fallen back; --their ,rear-guards in

~on:ha~ti With the. German advanoe guards. The British army, on the lett (w~st) of 'the French army, is holding the l::oods on the left (south) bank of the GW\.l\iD flORIN. On tlh'a left of the British a:rmy, the Army of Paris, (Vlth Army-GeneraLL.aunoury), is completing its concantration. This arnw is composed of:

{al A group off divisions (Gen. de Lamaze), ,in the region CLAYE..SOUILLY; to if) N I I (b) The m7th Army Corps, in the region LE LESNI11.-AI~iELOT. (0) A Cavalry Division, near EUZARCHES.

(d) The ~th Army Corps, detraining near NOISY Ie SEC.

(e) The 41st Army Corps (3 diVisions), cuncentrated at , St GERl{AIN and VEHSAILLES, in readiness to move. The 121st Div., 41st Corps, is quartered as indicated in the following table: LOCATICN OF 121st DIVISION.

(Evening of Sept.4, 1~17.) ------Hq.------PONTOISE AnrrI LLERY . Sig.n.----____ " 'B' H --, P 'TT I ~E H.G.Bn.---... --'_;.. " .: r~g. q.-....------01\1 '0 S' :lst.F.A., (Rg.& 1 bn ...... (LA HUE H.EMY INFANTRY : (ANVERS s/ g41st•• Bt-ig .Hq. ----ANVEHS s/OISE (CHAPONVAL 500th. CEq.& 1 bn .... (:ANVERS s/OISE : (1 bn...... :. __ (VALiONDors ~ (LA HUE HEKY -: (VERVILLE 1m. ( (CHAPONVAL (1 bn.------(HEROUVILLE :2d.F'.A. (Eq, & (1 bn.------(VALili(INDOIS : (1 bn.------(~ffiRY a/OISE (VERVILLE : t,: LA BONNE VI LLE (EPLUCHES EPL:WHES : 501st.(Hq.& 1 bn.- HffiRY 8/0ISE :«1 bn.------(tffiRIEL (. LA BONNE VILLE:' ~STOHS Int. (1 bn.------1FTIEPILL01\!: ('FHEPILLON (SOGNOLIES {SOGNOLLES 51 bn.------(MERIEL : fSTORS :3rd.F itA .. (FIq.& :6 bns «(CONFLANS ST : (Hows .) HONOHINE) 242nd.Brig.Hq.----(PONTOI&E : (CHENI\TEVIE11ES (1 bn.-----(ERAGNy 503rd.tHq .. & Ibn. -fEHAGNY {NEUVILLE (NEUVILLE Inf. (1 bn.~-----(CONFLANS St H0NOIUNE) AltiLiUNIT10N TRAIN: ~1 bn.------( : HOH.SF..D sECT1oN"" - ... ~, -{ dENY {CHENNEVIEHES · :hOTon· SECTION------(BOISSY l' 504th'<,Hq. 1 bn. -!PONTOISE : ARTILLERIE) In!. ~' (PUISIEUX ¢l bn.------ENNERY VALHERf:iEI L :SANITARY TRAIN: (1 bn. ----- CERaY · · 1GENCY : 2 AtiBUL/I.:NCE, &2 : FIELD HOSPITALCOSCPONTOISE gAVALHY • :2 AMBULANCE cOS----CCOURCELLES 41st Cav.(attached to 121st.Div.) :2 FIELD HOS?ITAL , Hq. & 1 Sq.~------(L:ISLE ADAM : COS. (MONTOEROULT (PRESIES : : SUPPLY TRAIN----~--(GERGY , 1 Sq.------(CHAillPAGNE : feENCY L Sq.--...... --- { L.f.\.­ 'VAhLEE; i AERO S'1UADRON-- .. --- (MONTARCY FARj\fI ( ·· : (3 kIm. Ti, of S1J;.OUEN l'Aum8ne) lst.ENGRS(St OUENEL ·• (AUMONE :

·• -3­

At 8:45 P.tl. and 10:00 P.M., Sept. 4, 1917, Major Genera.l A, commanding the l::lst Div., receives from the Army Corps the following orders:

41st Army Corps, FRANCE,4 Sopt.,I917, 8:00 PM

,Field Orders, No.1.

(Map - 1"80,000)

1. This Army Corps will march tomorrow., Soptember

5th, towards the Zone betweon PARIS excJ~~ive and

ECOUEN inclusive. Divisions will raarchin parallel

COlUllIDS •. 2. The heads of advance guards will cross the line


D1AVRAY a~ ':00 A.M. 3. The oavalry will cover the march and push forward

towards ~~LY LA VILLE.

By Commando!' Lt.Gen. A. B----­ Col.G.S. C.of S. :8'io1d Order~, 41st A:r'my Corps, No. ~? FRANCE, 4 ;-:;cpta; 17, 9-00 p.;.l.

(Llt;~P - 1: 80, 000)

1. The enemy's ndvnnc0 gUtll'ds helve reached the geuGl"<-,l line of' th'3 GR'HD "iOHIN. Hostilo forces, esthl1Ctted flt one l1rmy Corps, , are believed to b0 in the vie in:ity of LEAUX..' Strong colU111ns hdVO been reported arriving t,oduy fit NANTEUIL LE J:IAUDOUIN and Bm~GY. Hostile inf~.mtry has been reported tp.is morning at PLES~)I;3 B:E;U;E:"" VIL:LE tJ.nd [J.t St SOUPLl:~TS. Host.ile ~ovalr'Y ob,servod y6stE;;rday at SENLtS and CHElL, A number of our [tIlied troop:;) at'e concentrated in the region CLAY'E-SOUIJ.JLY, L.E L;1~SNlL AlmLOT. Our 1st Cavalry Division is at LUZAIWHES. Addittonal friendly troops are C:otr'o.ining in the 1'40ISY... LE-SEC rf,lgion,

~ 2. This Cox'ps will rnarcn tomorr01;V, Sept.ember 5th, towardl:3 the area ECOUEN - ST. DENIS ~ ST OUEN.

3 (a). The 41st Cav., will cover the left flnnk of the Aril~ Corps t and vdll follow the line ISLE ADAt/i VII/LIEHS LE SEC, MARLY LA VILLE. (HereWith special instructions).t

(b) Heads of advance gUG,I'd reserves will cross the li.ne ~ST.LEU--SARTROUVILLE-CHATOUbridge-VILLE OfAVRAY1 at 7:00 A ..}!i. (c) The 121st Div. will have for its use 0.11 ro&ds between the X"ottd L $ ISLE ADAi\~, .. BAILLET, -LE kESNIL AUBRY, axo lusivo. and the line CONFL.•NS Ste HONOnINE.-CORl\'iEILLES J ..BANNOrS X-ro.ad j 1 kilometer southwest of ENGHIEl\J LAKE, - South exit of iVi.ONT.,.AG-NY, all inclusive. lfhe 122nd Div. ,viII he.ve for its use £l.ll roads betw80U tholin€J last m.entioned, excluSive,,~.~d,thG road }:ARLY LE nOl r .. BOUGIVAL, ... NANTERHE, ... COURBEVOIE,'-i,SNIEHES, -L1 ISLE St. DENIS, ex­ clusive. The 123:rdDivisioJ:f vill haVE) for-its US(;i [,11 r08<1s south c;rf the !'o~1.d Ie-st mentioned, exoluslve, but ~,ri1l rno.roh north of the fortification wo.l1s of PAHI$. Army Corps Troops will l'U£-trch by the ASNlm{ES~ ,road Lh ROI, -BOUGIVAL, ... NANTERHB, ...COUHBEVOIL ,I ... LtISLE. St m:;NlS, pU!lsuv.nt to speci8,l instructions.

td) A:rmy tEl~egro.ph s.tations at 8t :QENIS and. will be continued. Arm'Y(~t'elegra.ph stett ionG will bo estt\blished and main­ tained at and ST. OUEN, from 12-00 noon. 4. Field Trains will aooompany their divisions.

5. The Commanding Genora.l t/i11 lenve I::A,RLY I.E ROX at 9.00 A. L'~. by automo1;:l i 10, folloWing tho X'o¢'1.d o.ssigned the Army Corps Troop8~ and proceed to the mairie of St. DENIS. Corps Hq. will proceed by the samo road Dnd be cstablistlod at tho mairie of St. DENIS ~.t 10.00 A.lIt. i'.iessage centor at L:c'Ji.LY LE RO! unt11 10.00 A.1\f.

" A Liaison Officer from each Division will report to head­ quartors n.t st. DENIS (n1airic) at 10.00 h.l'';. (Sept .. 5). By command of Lt. Gen. A. B- .. -­ Col. G. S. C, of S. Copies by motorcyclists tol (omitted) -5..

41st Army Cor~os, FRANCE, 4 Sept., 17, 9-00 P.M.

FrorrJ C. of S., 41st Corps To: 'C.O. 41st Cav.,

SUbject~ Special ill£tructions fo~ 41st Cav. for Sept. 5, 1917,to accompany F,O. No.2, these Hq.

The Corps Conmw,nder directs me to trcnsmit to you, accompanying F.0. No .2, herEndth, the follo:¥'iing instructions:

1. you will place two troops at the disposal of the C.G., 12lst Div,' Rendezvous point: X-road 500 meters S.V', of )\fiERY SUR OlSE church at 5.00 A.i~16 Septexi1ber 5, 1917. '

2. ;, ith the remaind~r of your regir;,ent you Kill cover the march of this Corps, proceeding via VILLIEhS­ LE-SEC to ~ARLY LA VILLE, arriving at the latter place at 10-30 A.M, 3, You will maintain contact with the Cavalry Division operating in the vicinity of , , ~ • You will report lNhen you have crossed the I,UZARCHJ;!:;,§rECOUEN road and when you have arrived at MARLY LA'VILLE, Hoports and information, including negative, will be sent to the mairie of St.DENIS.

B- ... ­ Col, G.S. C. of S. Copy to e,G., l21st Div. ",.,~ ,~~V'" ... 0,.. 41st Army C():t~psJ v 9~) order.' $ I RANCE, 4 SC;ipt", l?, P.iV•• No. l,

7{ende~,r,vous pOint'~( 181l:'J.t. D1v. ~;i.rl.d41st ()a,v ~ for ( Eo,at. eXlt of PHANCONVIIJ"E (1;1a!1'ie I~r'esh tv~etit lrl'lld'tcks(rocd) at. J.""OO P .;1'[. {H?'~~nd Di11. .... \',0Jlil1:, ~j>:nt,:l.'·nn(H:J oi' (HiiN"" { ')"-""7'1:' (0 (\ ') p " ; .l\,I.!x \J ," 'L11'. ' Ln,~''<:'".... a',t .;; "" ,,Ie ,. • J:..~ • ) ~8~rd,Div.~ Croes rood, SOU~h exit ~of oT uUEN Hlppodrome~ at 2-00 P.M. ( 'llhe Fresh ;,lC'-fil.t Sectio:ns will (be at aforesf:l,id, polntJs s,t. dis­ fposal of Divisions.

(b) ~~t0h0~ing Btation~ without change

2. 'Ditc1tJ:d,1'nitlng PI:Jil:ts f.O:~ lQ1~t ~:tv. "& 4~,st Oav'. 2~ar)t,~il!:I:'h(He,11head.s) '''In:1;, PONTOISE, trom 8 A.M, (hJ,,'2nd DiV. 51,t 31' ~ CHi:1:11VlAJ:N, from. 7 AM ( 00rps troops and Hq. (8.,;, :./1.1 a:8R.MAIN'p fX'Ol'fi lIt 9 1\,. I'il. ( .l,r:,",·"C,"·"l'I".).I"~, /1V. at V'C""S'I'f"TL'RSJ::.h f.. J, ,j... »1. CJ:.'i".TT1'

2) i S!,ck B,nd, ~\ou.nd.ed will be transferred to the eVac1latlo.n ~ .., hO.spital at'ST GE}UlliAIN en· LAYE.. llnd '!ilill be colleoted. by the

Army Corp$ SanitfJ.ry ~:;e:r"vioe from the Corps un:tts at the follcHdng p:b1nts at. 9.00 A.},;:., Sept. 5:

l21st D:1v'l and 41st Gn.v. ~ mair1es ot' MErry SUR OrSE, PONTOISE, OO:tTFLAHS SteHON01UNJ:\ l 122nd D1v.; mairie of' SAnTNOUVILLE; 123rd D1\)'.t ma1r1es of. VEHi3AI1n~.S, St CYH r~tEcoLE~ Army CQrps Troops ~ MAlitLY LB HOI. 4. Siok' and\woundea D.nimuls to be t:t'ansf'crrcd to Eemount

Depots &t PONTtlISE for the 121st Div. and. C~valry; at ST

GERMAIlf tot' the lS~nd Inf. Division; end o.t :aOC',~UENCOUHT tor th~ 123~d Int. Division and Army Oorps Troops. I{ 'i\.~ e. ,,,e)j]Ja1;L to be delivered to Division PoetDl Agents at the Railhead stations. By Command of Lt. Gen. A. B Col. G. s-:-­ C. of $. CQp1es by motorc¥c~1sts to: ( Qln1ttod) -7...

Major General A,issU0S tho follo~lnB orders, pursuant

to '},hicI-I the 121st Div. ((i[\.r'c-hen on T~:C\)UEH, on tho morn:Lne of Sept. 5th, lQ17;

121st Div., FTIANCE, 4 Sept., 1917, 9.30 P.M. Field Ordor rfo. 1

(iylap - 1:80,000)

1. This Divis::"Lon vdll mm:'ch tomorrow, Sept, 5, in three

columns, towards BOaUEN, Eends of colunms \"ill cross the line


,~.(a)Nor~p. polU!:"!!l, (Br:l.g. Gen. A.,) will consist of the

241st Brig. J 1st and 2nd Artillery ':'~egts, and 2 troops of

41st Cav. Route: 1ffiRY SUR OISE,-St LEU-TAVERNY.

(b) Center Column will consist of Div. Eq., the ~?t·j.~2nd Brig.,

1st Hegt. Engrs" Div •..l.(h Bn., Div. Tns., loss Sp. Tn, and motor Sec. Am. Tn. Route': PONTOISE-FHANCONVILLE.

(c) South Colwrm (Col. 0, 3rd F.A.) Hill cons1st of' the 3rd F.J\.. Haute: CHENNBVIEHES ... HEHBLAY ... COEMlilILLBS.

3. Sp. Tn. and 11i. Sec. Am.Tn. will st£'.rt at ti.me fixed by t.he nw.rch ardor, via the PONTUISh... St. DENIS road.

4. Cavalry (41st l\cgt) Fill cover the movement northvlG,rds b'1 proceoding forward to:."lUlLY IJ~ VILLE. 5. Field Trains will, accompany their units.

By command, ;:,aj. Gen. it. c--- Lt. Col. G.S. C. of S.

C-opies by mot...arcyc..l.:Lsts to.: (omitted) -8­

121st Div., FRANCE, 4 Sept., 17, 11-30 P.b. Field .IDrders No.2

~/"l 'I (r:.c~p: 3.: 80,000) /<,1/

1. Hostile forces, cstimoltcd D.t over [I.D army corps, helve been ,this murnine; in thE> region NANTEUIL 1E BAUj)O~JIN and. NiE;"UX. Hostile infantr:!, hee beon r(;po:rted nt PLEbSIS B~:J LLVII.L}:; Clnd D.t 8"1;.. SOUPPLETS: hostile cuv<\lry D.t SJ.:i:1LIS ond Cr;T;IL.

Covored on the C8.st by troops of ul1 [,1"]\18 and on the nor'thwost by D. c8valry division, this l",rmy Corps vl'ill Yl1e.rch on the region immc:diate1'y north of PAiUS tomorrow (the 5th); w1th its divisions'on Parallel routes.

The 41s~ Cava (less two trs., which ~emain at the dis~ pognl of t.his Div.) will howe Its advance guard nt MONf:)OULT at 9.. 00 A .l'~., a.nd at. bAHLY·LA·VILLE at 10-30 A .. M. (Sopt. 5), and will eover the left of this division. 2. The l:';Ust Div. on the J.aft, flank of' tho Army -Corps, will IDnrch in t:h0 direction of !\;i(}JnWHENCY..ECOUEN.

3. (a) Two aevop1an~ rdcon~aissancos will be mude at 5 A.M. p.nd 9 A .Li. along the route CHEIL,-SENLIS, -NANTEUIL-LE-HA!JDOUIN.­ LE PLESSIS-BELLEVILLE, and return.

One ac:t"oplano reconnaissance will be m2.c1e at 8 ;\ .Ui. over tho roads crossing CHANTILLY a.nd EHLENONVILLE forests. '

(b) The m{.irch of the 121st Div. will be mc..dc in throo cohunns I viz.j

. Borth Colu~1 undor Brig. Gen. A, will march via TAVERNY - l\lARGENCY - North part of MO:NTLOEENCY - St. BRICE. The column will inClude the ~4lst Brig. und tho 1st und 2nd F.A., battalions· of artillery'marohing bctvioon infantry 00,1;.­ ta1ions. Tho adv8n~e gunrd will consiet of one bn. of in­ fantry, and 2 trs. of cavctlry (.tho covc,lry to be et. rendezvou8 point. v.t r.£RY SUH OISE cross road, 600 In. SouthvI0st os:. tho church nt 5.00 A.M.). Tho houd or the reserve of the auvance gu~rd will bo at ST liEU TAVERNY church at 7.00 A.M. Center Co1urnn, undor tho Division COinrnar,lder, vti1l march via ppJnS road-FRANCONVILLE Church-ERl\iONT...-l~,ONTL10HENGY Churcg-CHOSLAY. ,\t,' Initinl Clea.r ~)oint : InitL,l Point .. 1.t;

_ w ""'" ~"'" tt"l. ..,... -M. _ _ _ ..... _ _ _ ... _ .. _ _ _ ...., _ .... _ _ ~ -.>

Advance Guo.rd: Oroi'; s road ( 5 .. 30 /.... 11. Col. !\. 1 lrm. s, of 5030. Ini. (lc;ss 1 bn.) Plr:liRL1,i~YE

i.e,in Body:

5\.)~)d 1 bn. Inf. 6 ,05 1\ ~,i t "II 1st Engx's, 6.15 :', " ....·,1 ~ If L. "G. Bn. 6.30 ./i~ • l'.i .. n Div,Hq.O.BSS motor truc1-::s) 6,45 ~'~.~ II J.':;, • f! 504th Inf.{10sS 1 Co) 6 .. 4:5 .t~ ... ,; .. If D1V.Trs.(lcss Sp.Tr~ & 7.15 A• ~!.

...,', :.~.,.:- ".... (,J ('I CI ...P

Rellr aue.I'd:

1 Co, 504th In!.

- -.,,.. ... -- .. -- -- ..... --- .... .,., --- "'"' Of>'''' _ ~""' ..... _ 0;."1)....,

South Column, 0d F.A. (Hot~s.), l>i111 me,reh via COH,.,iliILL1z:.;> EN PAHI0IS-~)AN1'JOIS" cross roc.d 1 km. south of ENGHIhN lJl~l'~,­ ENGHI:E,N... m'::UIL"'L,Oi':iT~~}lGNY, l::nd will clear COH..1ILLbS at B .00 A ••,1.

(c) Telephone atstionc LS rollo~s: ( ST DENIS lnaintc. ined Army ( ( QONLSSE mt, intainod

bAH(;ELLI~S from noon (12) Sept. 5th. ~ , { GT OttEN from noon (1'2) (.sept • .5th.

Div1e1on BNGH!EN frOllt 8 Ii .... /I , :.:$ept. 5th. (d) Aorlo1 l,.nding plcco renwins unchs,nged.

4. (r,) Field Troins ~·Iill acco:,pany their unit,s. (b) Supply Trc.in ond motor section; Ail1l11U.nitioh Train and Hq. trucks, under the Comm~nder of TrD ins, 1,i, i 11 C16[:"r, PONTOlSE at 10 .. 00 A ... ;. a.nd mcrch via FRAHCONVILIJ1to·{).~5s.-,.. rend 1 .km. south of E,liIGHIEN L£,1'.;.,: v,,'hore it I,;'il1 &1J:

5. Tho C"nun.c.ndina: General ~d1l mE-reh between th0 adVtinCe guard nnd the uluin b~~y of the center OOlW1ID. A messvge cen­ ter ~,ill be mc.int&inod (l.t POi~T0ISE until 9.00 A Pd. and f;. lliO 0.­ sage conter will be cstablishoc' 8,t the ;,',0 irie of ENGH!LN ut 7 .30 1'1.. L~.

Copies by motorcyclists to: (omitted) 121st J)lv ~

PHAl,\fCE, 4 ~;.CF~" 17 p 11;~fi';,,~,·i • .J urdm."G :,'10. 1 .

. (riup - 1:80,000)

I, Prosh rtlUO.t trucks I.:.t dispcsit j.l.m of thl:; .Jiv. n.t

unchi.: nguJ. .

D.nC:~. Distl"ibutlng Points, on utter 8 0 00 A ."·.. .,.;:,opt.

undor suporvision of tl'J.C> CO.ll1i'1u:n(:cr of Field. ~Pl~~' Ins. lLuthm

of ~,iEHY f~UH 0181, !'OHTOISE- c.nd COHPL j:JS Stu HONUJ·~nn., c.t 9.,Xi

A. . •

4- • Sick and vJoundod anim... ls to be trD.n[1fcrNH:l t.o

Hemount Depot ct pm:JT(nSI~:.

5. i;wJ.). to bo roceived ht ro.ilhos~d fltction t:.t

By; 9 o} rlJilc'l?-d 1 .iC ji. G,on. 1-:. • C- l,t. Col. :J. U. C. of ;,).

Copies by motorcyclists to: (01)1.:1 t ted) Lt 8:00 jj.l'.'I., [~e1?t. Btll, Ivlajor G:enera.l t, L21st ":Div., rec.eives the following order from the 41st l.rrny Cor)s ~

41 st Army C0 :rr:)~ ? J:.WJifCE, 5 ,~e~Jt. t 1'7 v '7-;.~0 i.,,:(.

Field Orders, l~'o. 3.

(Map - 1:80,0001

1. :Gnemy's C1dvl::;nMcl detachmonts are thiz mo rnfa. , at DA;:~Ol'J, j\·fonTAGlITY PI.'~S~~IS BEI,J.:,,!VII,Ij~:j JS1BUm'iIOUTr?n;~ F8I,ICITIi), I,E st. [JOTJPPIJ,:;Tfl t 1,:"'2 ',{JAUL strong c....eta.cnmonts nre reported near !\TANT~UII, I.:':: lIAUDOUV:r anc1., l-Il5?UILI'-Y. Hostile cave_lry patrols h8.ve not push.ed beyond 3:f1:!H,If:J and CIn~IJ,.

OUr tro

2. This Army Cor;Js win be qunrte~d !Jetwcen J~jlJUB (excluded} a·nd ECOUITN (included), in readined~. to i!1arch tomorrow a1 tJ:',er nortllwa!'(;, or eastward.

;5(a) The 41ct CavA (less 2 t,:"s.,) will cove:::- the quartering from the region of MARLY LA VILL?, ObBd~'iij'J.g tc t::ld €f.;:l"G &1',0. ~1.O-·L,hb~3~'Go It will withdraw at 6:00 P.M. to A:RN,J'JTr~Jj)'; ;,::,8 (J.Olm:-n:fii, BOj\il'D:;:UU 81ld GABGB8.

(b) Aero sgrl,8.dron ."."ill 1)<>1.11'01 Lt 2 P.tr.:. and 5 .'P.M. al0l1g' the line ?t. SOUPPLI5TS - NAJlITEUU-J,:80!:flHmOUHT - STJ1\Tl,IS.

(c) 0u~rtering areas:

121st Div.: the area. including ~ZA.lifVI1FTI~ ~COU.;<;1\Te VnJ.:I,GP9 I:"~ BTJI, ijA,RC'EI,J.J.Gi3, j\f~:::W:;:',:!JAG-NY ~ ENCHL":N ~ S't:. G-';'1.AT :':':;11'[, ;;?NQ£"j1, }1!l:W,,'::HC'i, :c':/ _, l:qa/'­ q1::,ar~d:';"; ~~ ::)!\B02~I,I,RS~ :L'l1e Dt', 0 -wLl be in ref.).c~inS8'::: 'CD 'm ,'(j 0":1 Dil!-0'A{I[i:',L'lN1W GOEI,E o::.~ LIt CIIl"PELI.:"": EN Sb'RV1'~L. OU'Gpo st line., J)J :j\J1J':~-)1'1 n.-t.ll.!)liY ~ Bun! 'Invp L.

122nd Div: x x

123rd Div: x

Arl~r Corps Troops: x

4. Field Trains will join their units.

B. COI1'6 headquarters at the mairie of st. DEI'HU. I)ass word untler sealed cover.

By command lit. Gen. A. B .. Col. G, S. C. of 3 .. Copies by motorcyclists to:

(omitted) -2--

Firot Requirmnent: Make 3J.<:otch, or tracing, showin{5 loct1tion of all units of e~~,ch of the three colui'Ill1s of the 121st Div. 2,t 8:00 A.?1. Sopt. 5th, 1917.

&leond Requirement: , Submit t:tle orders of t1.,e CO!l1T(landine; Cenel>fJ,l of the 121st D1 v. 1:'01' quarterin:,; his eUvision, J?ursm:nt to :f!'.O. No.5, 41st Army Corp3.

1. Organizations are at 1."v8r strength (assu.roo T.O. August, 1917).

2. P~ition, aarried by combat tr~ins, complete.

3. .Ammunition, SupplJ1, 2&.nitary and. J.in?;ineer Trains are oomplete.

-4:. The men and animals, and the ra.tion seotians of the field train8 are provided with the regulation allowrg.J:loes. On the evenin~ of the 4th of September, rations and forage }l&Ve been ~istributed for the 5th. In consequence, on the 4th (evening), the ration Seotion of Field Trains carry onl~ one day's field ration.

5. A herd of cattle is on hand and provides beef for one dB-Yo The butohering station is at PONTOlSE.

6. Population of towns and villages: Ponulation:

ANDILI.Y --- ... --- -... 200 BLEMUR ... - ... ---- _... 150 CROSLAY -...... - ...... -- 1000 DElL -- ... - ... 300 ' - -... ---- ... - 400 mAJIB011NE... --- ... - 300 ECOUEN ------1200 ENCliIYtN - ...... 800 ~ -... -- ~ - 700 EZANVILI~ ------200 MARC:Jill.~CY - ... -- ... - 300 MONTLIG·NON -- ... -- 400 MON~~GNY -- ... --- 1100 MONTMORENCY ----- 2000 -- 300 PONCELLE ---- ... -- 100 SAROEL~~S -- ... ---- 1500 SAINT BRIOF. -- .. - --- 600 SAINT GRATlmN - ... --- 900 SOISY SUR MOUTMORmNOY ... - 200 VILLERS-Ie-Del - ... --- 1400 ARM.Y GENERA.L S~PAFF COLLEGE.



First Reguirement:

See sketch posted on Bulletin Board. Second Requirement:


At 7:00 a.m. Sept. 5, the Division Commander turns over the command of the center column to Brig. Gen. B (242d Brigade) , ,and, after leaving direc­ tions where he may be found, motors forward ·with hi s staff towards SARCEI,LE, via . From the march table, showing the hourly location of his sev­ eral columns, he finds that the north and center co1unms will soon be ap­ proaching the line of objectives indicated in the Corps order (par.2, F.0.2, 41st A. C.). As his front is covered by friendly troops (the line LUZARCHES ­ 1ffiRLY LE VILLE - LE MESNIL MAELOT - CLAYE-SOUILLY) he assumes that there is no reason why he should not proceed toward the objectives of his division in advance of his troops. And also, while he has left instructions as to where he may be found, it is probable that messengers from Corps headquarters will approach from the direction of PARIS or ST. DENIS, and therefore he might intercept them and gain time.

After Major General A. reaches ENGHIEN, he receives, at 8:00 A.M., F.O. NO.3, from the 41st Corps. He finds at that time that the heads of the northern and center columns are approximately at MONTMORENCY, the former on the northern and the latter on the southern side of that town. To issue a complete halt order, in detail, will require consideration and time. In order to prevent countermarching, and also to permit his subordinate com­ manders to make preliminary dispositions of their columns, he decides to issue a brief prel~~ary halt order. He first directs one of his aides to proceed immediately to the south column with instructions to its commanding officer to halt at cross roads south of Lake ENGHIEN and await orders. T.he following order is then issued:· <

l2lst Div. FRANCE, 5 Sept. 17, 8-30 AoM. Field Orders No. 3

Map: 1-80,000.

1. No additional information.

2. This DivIsion will halt and be q:uartered for the night.

3 (a) 0 Outpost, under the command of Brigadier General k, will be fur­ nished from the 241st Brig., and established along the line LE MESNIL AUBRY ­ LE PLESSIS GASSOT - BOUQt~VALo

(b l 0 The north column will be quartered in the area EZAUVILLE, ECOlJ1~N. SAINT BRICE, M.ARGI~NCY, BLF1\1UR. Headquarters, 24lst Brigade, at

EeaUEN o B (cj. The center colu.mn will be quartered wi thin the ;'l1:",-,-, vrn~lF~,''1 1, k EL, SARCELJ"E MONT:MAGNY. MONTMORENCY. Hea ] j ,~L1. ?J'l. .l).r..i. h ""l/'., s.t SARCELLES." ' ,f/TtJ.:>:i· ;M'''', ­

(4). Quartering areas of :rgm~.iyH'L8':X· of Division will be announced in ]-~.t.,"r rJrdl1'rs f()] 1 ' . . ., fj,j\/l.nt; 0

4. 'l':rB:ins Cove:rp.

5. Div. lIq. at SARCELI,ES.

A. Maj. Gen. Copies by motor cyclists to: C.G, north column. C• G. 242 Brig. C.O. south column. C.G. Artillery Brig. Comdr, of Trs. C.O. 1st Engrs. C.O. Sig. Bn. C.O. M.G. Bn.

The final orders are then prepured and issued, as follows:

121st Div. FRANCE, 5 Sept. 17, 9-15 A.M. Field Orders No.4.

(Map: 1-80,000)

1. Ho sti 1e det achment s are at BARON, MONTAGNY, STE. PEl, IC I TE sand LE PLESSIS BELLEVILLE; a120 strong hostile detacr~ent near NANT3UIL LE lliLUDOUIN. Enemy cavalry patrols have not pushed south or west of SENI,IS or , Ar:-­ tillery firing this morning in the direction ST. SOUPPLETS and MEAUX.

Our 1st Cavalry Division is in the vicinity of LUZARCHES. The 41st Cavalry (less 2 troops) will remain in observation in the vicinity of MARLY LA VILLE until 6-00 P.M., when it will withdraw to , LES GONESSE, BONNElTIL, ard, GARGES. .

Lle 41st Corps will be quarteredpetween PARIS (excluded) and EC()m~N ( included) •

2. The l21st Division will halt and be quartered for· the night within the area EZAUVILLE ~ ECOUEN, VnLIERS LE BE~L, SAIWELI,ES, MONTMAGNY, ENGHISN, SAINT GRATIEN, ERMONT, j\jLARGENCY, and will be in readiness to march tome-rrow.

3 (a). The outpost (one regiment of the 241st Brigade, and 2 troops, 41st Cav., under the command gf Brig. Gen • .1\.) wi 11 occupy the line LE MESNIL AUBRY - LE PLESSIS GASSOT _ . This line will be held in case of attack. Crmtact will be maintained wi th;nl.T troops in direction of GOUSSAINVILLE.

(b) The north column will be quartered within the area EZAUVILLE, ECOTJEN, ST. BRICE, MARGEl\iCY, BLF:MUR. Headquarters of the 241st Brigad'? at ECOUEN. -3­

(c) Ijlhe center column will be QU2cl'tered wi thin the area VULBRS I,E BEL. SARCELIES·. j\l[oi~Tj',Gl'ifY 9 ~\10NrrM03r~\fCY. Ee2.dqun'ters of the 2420. Brigade at SLROT~H.ES.

(d) The soutl~_....Q.9lunm will be qutrtored at Bl'JG-HIEN and DEDIl,. Head­ quarters at ENGr-rBN. (e) Present Army and Army 001')8 tulephon8 staUons continued. Our division telepllon,; station at NNG-BIEN cO~'lti:nuec'l. Hew telephone station 2.t BCODEN at 11:00 A.M.

4( a) • Field trains will "to 0,uartered wi tIl their organizations. ( b) , J\mnunition train (F. a11(1 ' M. ;38C.) at .. ST. GR\TIli;N. Supply train at EIDffONT. Sanitary train at ~AUBONNE. Engineer train at 30I3Y.

5. :Civi sion headquartors

.iL Maj. Gen. Copies by messenger to: Brig. Gen. A. 24lst Brig. 242d Brig. Art:y. Brig. C.O. 3d FoA. (How.) 1st Engrs. Sig. Bn. M.G. Bn. Comdr. of Trs, C.G, 1st Cav. Div.

121st Div. FRANCE 9 5 Seot. 17, 9-15 A.M. Orders No.2,

(Map - 1:80,000l,

1, Fresh meat distributing points 2,s follows: For nort_11 colum.'l1: At cross road 2000 metors sontll end of NIAEGI.;];cy at 2:00 P.M. F?r center C01Wffil: Western exit· of CROSI,AY ~ at 3 :00 P.M. For south colwTIn and trains: Cross rOQd 500 meters south of SAINT GRATr:=;l\T CP1J:HCIl (on POl\TTOISj.~... ST .D:::NIS ro&d) at 2:00 P.M.

2. Field train sections now at FIilHCOlJVUIE win <10111 their org2.niza­ tions. 41st Cava Field train to ARNOU'TIltI.:J I,i7,S GONESSE.

3. Mail cHstributecl at SARC'~LI,';:; (Div. Hq.) at '3:00 P.M.

By comnc,n(l of Maj. Gen. A. B --- Ltc Col. G.S. Copies by motorcyclists to: C. of S. Gen, A. directs a liaison officer from hiG division to report to the Commanding General 1st ClJvalry Livision at I,UZJ,RCIIEsand remain with that Division, He also transmits copy of the h2clt order to the Cavalry Division, A liaison officer is 2lso sent to the 7th LoCo in order to acC!uaint himself with the situation in that. vicinity; this officer, hovT8ver, E1erely on temporary duty, and will ret·u.rl1 Lfter acquaintil13,' himself with the entire situation. .ARMY GENERAL S'JlAFF COJ;LEGE

MAP PROBL~~ NO.2. (Series I, P~rt II)

(Continuation of Map Problem No.1)



(First Part - issued one dU;,T in advance)

The location of the various units of the 12lst Division on the night of 5-6 Sept q 191'7, as indicated by the Corps. Division, and subordinate com­ manders, are shovvn by the foll.o'iving documents:

(Message from Outpost Command.er.)

ECOUEN, 5 Sept'.f 1-00 P.M. Me ssage No. 4 By motorcyclist.

To MDjor Gen. A:

Outposts have been established as follows:

1. 1 Co. 500th Info? at .

2. Hg., 1 bn. 501st Inf., 2nd. 1 M.G. plat, at BOOUEN, as reserve.

3. One bn. 501st Inf., 1 M.G. plat., and 1 tr. 41st Cav. at LE MESNIL AUBRY; with one Co. ~t northern exit, and one Co. at northeastern exit of that village; and with cavalry piokets 2 km. north of 18 MESNIL AUBRY and MARIEL-EN-FRANCE.

4. One bn. 501st Inf. and 1 tr. 41st Cav. at BOUQUEVAL; with 1 Co. and 1 M.G. plat. at LE PLESSIS GASSOT, maintaining contact with the outpost at LE MESNIL AUBRY; 100. and 1 M.G. plat. at the northern exit of BOUQUEVAL, and oavalry pickets at point 120, 3 km. north

of BOUQUEVAL and 3 km. east of BOUQUEVAL 9 maintaining contact with friondly troops at GOUSSAINVILLE.

A. Brig. Gen. (Tabulation prepared by 1st Section, based on reports received)"

Division headquarters: SAROELLES M. G. Bn.: VILLIERS LE BEL Sig. Bn.: SABCELLES.

241st Brigade Bq. EOODEN 501st Inf. Outpost duty. 500th Inf. 1 bn. (less 1 Co.) at EZAUVI1LE. 1 bn. a.t PISCOPO} BLEMUR, PONCELLB Hq. &,1 bn. at SAINT BRICE.

242nd Brigade Hg. SARCEI,LES.

503rd Inf. Eg. end 1 bu. 8,t SARCEL13::S 0 2 bus. at VILLIERS LE BEL. 504th Inf. Eg. and 1 bu. at 2 bns. at MO:NTMAGNY.

41st Cavalry less 2 trs. ARNOUVILLE LES GO~rESSE? BON~mUIL9 GARG:r!JS.

1st Engrs: Ego and 2 bus. at MONTMOEENCY.


Brigade Eg. at SARCE1LES

1st. F. A. Hg. and 1 Bn. at SAINT BRICE. 1 bn. at PISCOP~

2nd F.A. Hg. and 1 bn. at 1IIJARGENCY 1 bn. at ANDI1LY

3rd F.A. Hq~ and 2 bns.at ENGHIEN 1 'b"a. at DEUIL.

Ammun~tion train at SAINT GWlTIEN. sanitary Train at EAUBONNE Engineer Train at SOlSY Supply Train at ERMONT Aero Squadron at MONTAROY FAffiK near PONTOISE. -3>-<


MAP'f'ROBLEM NO. 2 (Se:ries I, Part II.)

SITUATION (Second Part. Issued 8-00 A.M. Dec, 13)

At 4:30 P,M., September 5th, Major General A, commanding the 121st

Division, receives at SARCELLES the following orders:

41st Army Corps, FRANCE, 5 Sept. 17, 4-00 P.M. Field Orders No.4.

(Map: 1-80,000)

1. Hostile cavalry has retired in the direction of , north­ east of SENLIS.

Our forces are engaged with the enemy on the line BARON-~l8AUX, without change in the general situation along that front.

Our First Cavalry Division has occupied the line CREIL-'LE1JRINES-VILLlm\S ST. FRA11BOURG-B£~RBERY-MONTEPILLOY-BOREST; and is in contact with our troops at FONTA INE LES CORPS NUDS.

2. The 41st Army Corps will move tomorrow towards SENLIS, and ; placing the 123rd Division at the disposition of the General commanding the VIlt;h Army, upon its arrival in the area , MAUREGARD and LOUVRES, (Hq.) The 121st Division will be ready on the morning of

Sept. 7th to attack eastward f in the direction of ROUZIERS, with the 122d Division in reserve under the orders of the Corps Commander.

3(a). Aeroplane reconnaissance will be made as follows: By the 1st Cavalry Division, along the line ESTREES ST. DENIS-VERBERIE~RULLY; by the 121st Division along the line RULLY-CREPY EN VALOIS-BETZ-MONTAGNY-ST, FELICITE; and by the 122d Division. along the line x x x x,

(b) The First Cavalry Division will be under the orders of the Com­ manding General, 121st Division after 8-00 A.M. Sept. 7, reporting for orders at SEN1IS.

(c) The 41st Cavalry, at ARNOUVILLE LES GONESSE, is attached to the 12lst Division.

(d) The l21st Division will march towa:rds the line SENLIS-MONT LEVEQUE, prepared to attack; and will have for its use the road GONESSE-LOUVRES-St, WITZ-MORTEFONTLINE and all roads west thereof.

This Division will clear the area south of the line LA CHAPPELLE EN SERVAL-]10RTEFONTAINE (inclusive) by 1-00 P.M. Sept. 6,

One regiment of the 121st Division will be at SENLIS at 8-00 A.~~. Sept, 6th. Four truck companies for this movement will be at roadfork LA BUTTE PINCON, 2 kill. south of SARCELLES, at 4-30 A,M., subject to the orders of the Commanding General, 121st Division. The 12lst Division will re<:'ch the line SENLIS-MONT L'EVEQUE at 2:00 _::?~'T. Division headquartBrs at SENI,IS.

(e 1 The 123d Div. win mnrch towards the area VII,11ERON-MAUIlEGl.PD, LOUVRES. He2~dquarters at LOU\J1t]?;.

(rl The 122d Division ,\Till march t01'l1wds the area J.J"-CHAPPEI,I1E EN SERVAL, MORTEFQNTAINE, PU-ILLY, VEll,'IAHS, MJiPI.T,Y I,A YILLE. x: x x :x. Headquarters at SURVILLIERS.

(gl Army telegraph st£..tions maintained at (}ON:::;fJSE and estal:llif,}1ed at SURVILLIERS at 10-00 L.M.

Army Corps telegraph stations established at Si!:NI,IS at 8...00 A.H. nnd at WVvRES at 10-00 i~.M.

4. Field Trains will accompany their divisions.

50 The Cor-ps Commander will 00 at SURVIL:LBnS fl,t 10-00 L.M. Corps Headquarters will march at the head of the 122d Division, [end be estc'blisb,ed at SORVILLIERS at 12:00 noon. Message center at ST. DEIJIS until 12:00 noon.

A. Lieut. Gen'l.

Copies by motor cyclists to:

VI A"l"JIJ'y 1st Cavalry Div. 121st Div. 122nd Div. 123d Div. C.G., L. of C. 41st Cav.. Corps Aviation Squadron.

41st Army Oorps

FRl_l\fCJil, 5 sept 0 17,. 4-00 P•T::. 0 Orders No.2.

(Map: 1-80,000)

1. Distributing Points (Railheads) for September 6, 1917: x x x x x

121st Division and 41st Cav o : SURVILLIERS. x x x x :x. 2. Sick and wounded will be transferred to the hOS1)i tal at ST~' DE~nS by Cor-ps Sanitary Service, and co~lected at 8-00 A.M. at the following poL"ts: For 121st Division and 41st Cav. at mairies of ARNOUiTILLE LES GONESSE t ECOUEU t Sl'RCELLES and MONTMORENCY. x x x x x 3. Sick and wounded animals to be transferred to remount depots: lZ1st Div. at ST. DENIS.

x :x. x x -5­

4, Mail delivered to Division Postal agents &t Railhead stations~ (paro 1) after 12-00 noon.

By command of Lt. Gen. A. B ---­ Col. G. S.

C Q of So

Copies by motor cyolists to:

VI Army 12lst J)iv. 122d J)iv, l23d Div. 41st Cav, C.G. ~ Lo of Co

Gen. A. decides upon the following outline:

1. One regiment by trucks, as ordered,

2. A west column via LE 1'lESNIL AUBRY - LUZARCHES ... CHLNTILLY.

3 •. An east column via FONTENOY - lVLCRLY LfJ. VULE -PONTAPM"Bj.

40 .A third column (6" Hows. and trains) to follow west colurrm,


O.rders issued by l21st Division to carry out the. foregoing Army Corps orders"

Second requirement: • Sketch or tracing showing the position of various parts of the J.21st Division (according to your ovm solution) at 9-00 A.rA" r -O~M


TABLE OF ROAD SPACES accompanying 1~~P PROBLEM NO.2 (Series I, part III

The following tentative table of road spaces in yards occupied by the various units (dovm to the Bn.of Info only) is issued for use in the solu­

9 tion of Map Problem No. 2 (Series 1 9 part II) and will be used until a more accurate and detailed ta"ble of road. spaces is prepared:

Organization Troops. 'llroops 9 Field Tn. l2l.us C~Tn.

Div. Hq. 300 3ig. Bn. 175 475 100 Div. M.G. Bn. 150 700 80 ------Infantry.

Brig. Hq. 100 1 Brig. Int. 4000 7500 1500 1 Regt. Info 2000 3700 700 1 Bn. Inf. 210 (plus 1 M.G. Co.) 650 1100 ------

Art illery.

Brig. Hq. 160 1 Regt. 311 guns 1750 2800 600 1 Regt. 6'1 Hows. 2464 4100 1400 ------1 Regt. Engrs. 900 1900 200 ------... Trains: 360 Hq. & M. P. Am. Tn. : Motor Sec. 2400 Horse Sec. 1700 Supply Train 4000 Sanitary Train 2800 900 Engr. Train l2lst Div. FRANCE, 5 Sept. 17, 5-00 P.M. Field Orders No. 4 (Map: 1-80,0000)

I. The general situation on the BARON-}!8ADA front remains unchanged. The hostile cavalry has retired to\'Jard VERBERIE. The 1st Cav. Div. holds the line CREIL, FLEURlNES, VILLIERS ST. FRAMBOURG 9 BARBERY, MONTE PILLOY, BOREST t connecting with our troops at FONTAINE LES CORPS NODS.

The 41st A. C. ,"lill move tomorrovv toward SENLIS, SURVILlrIERS and LOUVRES.

The 41st Cav. is attached to this Division. The 1st Cav. Div. will also be attached after 8-00 A.M. 'f;,{)moTrow.

2. This, division marches tomorrow toward SEN1IS and MONT LtEVEQUE, covered by the attached cavalry.

3(a). The 41st Cav. (less 2 tre.) will be at MONT L'EVEQUE at 8-00 A.M., mat-ching via LOUVRES and ST, WITZ.

(b) The Commanding General, 241st Brig., will send one regiment of in­ fantry by motor trucks 'So as to arrive at SENLIS by 8-00 A.M. Route: MOISSELLES - ST. MARTIN - ' .... CHANTILLY. Four motor truck companies will be on the ST. BRICE - MOISSELLES road, with tail of colunm at north exit of ST. BRICE, at 5...00 A.M. at the disposal of the Brigade Commander. (0) A west column, Brig. Gen. B, will consist of the 24lst Brig. (less 1 regt. of Inf.), the 1st and 2nd F.A o and 1 tr. 41st Cava Route: LE ~1ESNIL ~ AUBRY - LUZARCHES - ClLtNTIL1Y .. ST. FIRiVIAN - SENLIS. Its advance guard will clear LE MES1HL ... AUBRY at 5...30 AoM. The cavalry troop will be at LE MESNIL ­ AUBRY at 5-00 AoM.

j~ (d) east column, Brig. Gen o Cf vall consist of the 242d Brig. j 1st Engrs .. , Div. Hg., M.G.Bn., Sig. Bn., and one tr. 41st Cava Route: FONTENAY EN PA1USIS ... PUlSEUX LES LOUVRES .... MARLY L.A VILLE .. station of SURVILLIERS .. PONTARM8. Its advance guard will olear, BOUQUEVAL at 5:30 L.M. The cavalry troop will be at BOUQUEVAL at 5:00 A.M.

(e) A rear column, Col. B, will consist of the 3d F.A. and the l~ition. Engineer, Sanitary and Supply Trains. The head of this oolumn will leave ECOUEN at 7:00 A.M .. and follow the route of the west column. (f) The CoO., Aero Squadron. will select a landing place near SENLIS by 8:00 A.M. The trucks of' this squadron will leave MONTAROY FLBM at 5:00 A.M. Route: MERIEL.,; BAILLET - VIARNES - GOU1JlEUX - CHANT!LLY. \ (g) The aero squadron "viII reconnoiter C'REPY EN VALOIS, LEVIGNIEN, BETZ and the routes from these points to the west. Report result to the Division Comnander by 9-00 A.M. (h) Telephone stations as follows: Army: SURVILLIERS after 10-00 A.M. Army Corps: SENI,rS after 8-00 A.M. -2­

Division; PONTAP2,m <:I,fter 11-00 A.M. CHAN~PILI,Y after :Ll-OO\.M. J\ml\JT I,iEVECclF,,; after 1-00 P.;,,;.

4. Field trains of t11 e LUst CJev. anC: of o.:"G1 the east COhl11111 viit:lO'ut dJ.shnoG. All other field trui:ls'"iJill follow the rear colunm (e) wi t:Lwut d,istaD.ce,

5. A message center will remain at SiRC]!'LI.E 1mtH 1:·2-00 noon, TheComme,nd.ing Genez'1C,l will ix r,t Mgirio of i3~q;NLIS at 8-00 [.;,.M.


Copies b¥ motorcyclists to:

C.O. 241st Brig, C,O. 242d Brig. CoO. Art. :Brigo CoO. 1st Cav, Div. C,Oo 41st Cav. CoO. Outpost, C.O o Trainso C.Oo 3d F.Ao CoO. M.G.Bn o C.O. Sig.Bn.


By Staff Officers to

C.O. 41st .8."C o -3­ 121st Div.

FRANCE t 5 sept. 17, 5-30 P.M. Orders No.3.

-,Map 1:80 9.000. " I. The railhead will be established at SURVILLIERS station at 11-00 A.M. tOrTj.orrow.

2. Empty sections of field trains will proceed to the railhead as follows:

(a) those of the east column and 41st C avo v~1en passing the station.

(b) those of the west and rear columns will leave the route of the columns at the CHATEAU CHAMPLATREUX (4 krn. north of LE MESNIL AUBRY) and move to the station via LASSY ~. BELLEFONTAINE - ..

3. Evacuation points.for sick and wounded at 8-00 A.M. as follows:

(a) The 241st Brig. 1st and 2d F.A. at the Mairle of BeODEN.

(b) The 242d Brig. 9 Div. Hq'9 M.G.Bn., and Sig.En. at the Mairie of SARCELLES.

(ol The 3d F.A., 1st Engrs., an~ trains at the Mairie of MONTMORENCY.

{d} The 41st Cav. at the Mairie of ARNOUVILLE LES GONESSE.

4. Sick and wounded animals to be transferred to the Remount Depot at SAINT DENIS ..

5. Mail will be received at the railhead at SURVILLIERS station by Div. Postal Agents at 11-00 A.M~

By Command of Maj. Gen. A., A.B.

Lt. Col. 9 C. of .S.

Copies by motorcyclists to: C.o. 24lst Brig•. C.o. 242d Brig. C.O. Art. B:i'ig. C.O. 3d F.A. C.O. 1st Engrs. C.0. Sig. Bn. C.O. M.G.Bn. C.O. Trains, C.O. 1st Cava Div. C.O. 41st Cav. ]l~ PROELEM NO~ 3 (Series I, part III)

(CQntinuation of Map Problem No_ 2)

Mission: General l;t s mission is to attack in the direction and in tLe zone ordered by his Corps Comnander.

THE F.NE1'JfY. The strength of the enemy on the line to be attacked 'vas estimated by the csv2-1ry commander as "considerable" before 8 A.M. today, T1).e corps crnlli48nder estimates it as a division. At 9 A.M~ today a hostile brigg~e was entering Bet.z. {J:his 'brigade may be in the line Gen. A is to attaclc, or" may have joined the troops in or south of Baron, but more likely is he.ld in· reserve behind the left of the hostile line. The large woods in rear oDd north of the hostile right flank may conceal other troops from obse:rv~,tio!l;.i: our aeroplaneso It may,safely be estimated that the hostile line in our f'ru;,t is held by a division and that at least one brigade is in reserve -behir1d the right of the hostile line. The strength of the enemy's division must be sonm­ what den1eted after a month's hard marching <:md fighting. The position of tIe hostile line in our front follows generally the BARON-DUCY-S~TCRERI= de BEAURIN road. This line is about 6,000 yards long or less than two rifles per yard of front,

It is not likely that any material ohange will be made in the enemyks line before morning. For two days he has been held to his present general position and is probably awai ting reinforcements in men 01' material. That these nBy arrive during the night is possible.

OUR 01mlf TROOPS. Our own division is at practically maximum strength •. The men have not been under fire, did not form part of the retreating army-~ are animated by a desire to avenge this country's wrongs, and encouraged by the advance of the VI Army in the past two days. The division is in billet and bivouac from eight to twelve kilometers from suitable assembly positions.

On the left our cavalry has shown its superiority over the enemy's cavalry by driving' it back and holding it close to the enemy's infantry line. An attack by our cavalry as ordered by the Corps Commander will best protect our left flank. Our right flank is amply protected by the other troops of tlle VI Army attacking the hostile line from BARON inclusive south. .

TERRAIN. The ground in the zone assigned to this division is gently rolling; the ridges affording some cover and concealment. There are small forms and clumps of' trees but none affording concealment from aeroplane :re­ connaissance. The ceuter of the hostile position crosses the most prominent ridge in the area. The northern slope of this ridge is steep and the northern third of the hostile position is on nearly level ground. The southern slope of the ridge is steep near the top and then falls away quietl~ to the south.

The pest assembly positio:ns for bEttalions ettacking the hostlle line are on the west slope of this ridge. To reach these ?ositions in daylight our troops would have to march from four to six Idlometers exposed to artillery Map Pro'b" 4t3,

fIre di.rected by observers inaeroplcmes and 111 o'bserv'Jt:l.o:n stations bnclr. of the hostile infantry line. i,e the attacl{ is to be mtlde early, thesepo$it:i.onr, can bo reached under cover of darl

LR:eHLE;lW POSITIONS. 1r:h.0 berlt artillery positions are 011 the west s1o})G of tho 16nl.~ ridge 011 ~'rhich MONTgpU,lOY is 8itlluteiJ.. From thes(~ }?()sHi011S the 311 ~f,nw' could bx'inG' an cffecti1Te fire to bea.r '\)'11 the hostHe positions, I;:ast of MON',e Ilt}~V}:;QUE are other a.:rtillory positions sllita'ble for the 6" howitzers (l·tl.ng:e 11,000 yds.) but too

P1iJl'S. Uno,ol- our orders tho attack xnust 1)0 a ftontal' OnE\" '1\'10 plal1S c\:ce open to choice. One to pl::Lce one brigade 'bf'JhillQ the other. the second to fJ,ght' thl"J 'brigades side by side, ~he obj'ections to the first p1gn are tht'-~ the Bn"" is so long that tb.c brigad.e COllltl1f?"l1.der would lose all control of it ~:)J'HJ slteIJIJ formatIon ,rould result ill ,,111 early mixing of units.

'rTff'; TlE'B';;Uvg" Gene:r>ally :trom one-fourth to one ...third of the com,nand i b h@ld :i.n reserve. III th:i.G co.se the flanks are seC1.11'ed by other troops. It is also noi:\<::od tb.at the corps commander has left one-half of his command (one di vision) pr8.()tiof.\.lJ.y .in resEU,'vo. not wishh'l.S' to cornmit too many troops to t.he action in its early stages.

The reserve should be corrw~sed of the best troops. If needed ~t al1~ their tB,sk will call for the hi.:,::;hest discipline and training. In this case the reserVH should be small. 1t is more likely to be needed on the left fhlnk, and. the initial position SIJo'ttld l)e :In ;rea,r of this flank.,

D:F:TAI.W OF :PLAl'l' ..

1illLlall~ill~.J::.§..,7l:d.le tr;;tined f;t8 infantry t thE) engineers are speci8.1ist~1> and advantag{) should be taken of t1:1(~ir Hpecialty where opport'anity offers. Should tho lim1 be checked, S'u.ch o;PP0'l."hmity mD.~V oeetH' in either brigade; Hne~, t,t) be strengtlllmed and posi tions fa;!:' ~7upport8 and J.ocal reserves to be' pre..

pared. n

~:L..".Q.?"._ B~1t~alion. Each infantry battalion httS sufficient machine g1:inS to lJ;tOU-!)ct the flanKS Bnd cover its 2,dvs.nce ~ As part of tbe reserve tho macb.in<.~ cuns h;;;ve special importanoe" They r3.re especially qUi?lifhltl to cover a wi th­ dr,l,,,ral or to make a oaptured pos1tion secure, Dnd for use in any (~mergency,

S:i,gnal Battali~:rt. This battalion should connect the division commander by wire vvi th the corps commander at SENI,!S and 1:vi tI1 the D)'ig'ado cornn1cmcJ.ers by wire and radio. If there is no wireless statiOns at CHLNTUltY one snov.ld be established there.

sanitary trOO1)s. This being a deliberate attacl-e on i;3,n enemy in posit::l.on, the location of the dressing stations should be presorHecl in orders by the d.ivision Commal:der~ i?S ,Na],l as the station for Slig~ltly wotmded. The eva,cu~lt"" ing point is est!"l.bH shed by the C0t'l)S commander at CHAlT'I'Il.LY" If the cB.gue.l­ ties are many. the cUst<.:t11ce is ·too great to tran$po~.. t Yiou:nded by the dj.vision ambulance companies, Dne :i.'ie:"d 110spHals must be established in SE~T1JIS< It will not be necessary to ure 2,11. the equipmel'lt, as there are 1i];;r:;1~]' houses that can be used as hospitals. The location of the field hospitals need not be mentioned in field ('1'·0.el's. but the oommander of th~ sanitary train must bo advised of their location.

Field Train,S. The mO'\Tements of £ield trains are prescribed by the eorps

comnander in his orderS 6 1illJ2J2.liL...!t§:l11Jl' The rai1ht~ad is ~)Tesc:ribed by tho corps GOlllll1ander ~ and there "':"0 no fn:tpply tr8 ins east of that :cJoint.

J1Jr\tl'it'l11l t:l. on ~'r'.;li11S. 'l'he coml>al'; t rains wi11 i SS'l1l')ammunit i on before the (l;:p,J."oy::;;-e;-t'-ro-X-;:"ttf:tCk. ~'he l:immunHion distribu,Ung station should be given in field, orders,. S1),itablt~ places v"Ould be CH};,MilN'l' and. VrI,LE1flI;THIF:, Ammuni tiqp rafi l:ing pJints m1;tst bo saleeted 8nd thei.r locHtjon comnnmic8ted to tJ18 COf:iiiJl"n.der of the amm~m5. Uon tra.in. 'rhey need not ))fj mentioned in f:1J~1d or deI's.

iEh8 troops rn8.y be movecl immec.i2itely v,fter 8Up})er to the vicinit,y of t,he atwombly positions or tM move may 'begin qfter mt6.night;. l1'he advantages of, the latter are that the troops having mc.de a 101')8 m;;;rch today XJlay get some sleep snd have coffee and breakf2,si;; very ea.r1y. In the former case the men would get little sleep and the rollIng kitchens could not vvElll be taken to 1:11.:1 assembly positions"

'1'1'10 (inler :for the mlii,rch to the assembly places lIia.y be 5.ncol1?orated in 1;.h~1 attach~, order or it rll&"~ be made the su.bject of another order. It is best to make the a.ttack Order dj l"ect, simple ano. as fxee from e:xtrane01.H1 mEltter as possi 1-ll~: ,

DBCHSION ~ '])0 attack v!ith the ·brigaCl.EH> side 'by side; to Ieeep as a re­ seX've t'110 battalions of tho left (nOrth) bri,~',;;.de and the M.G.. Dn.; to atto.cn bUG battalion of cngil1l!l(':'\!'S to each 'brignde; to pnt the 3"§"U11s on thf;l weS1; f:lope Of MON~l}}PLLWY ridge and the 6/1 howi tze:cs north€.a.st of M01'JT LI EVEQUE" 121st Div. li'RI\l\TCE:~ ~ Pi()lCt Orders SElnIS t 6 s,;;pt" 17 '7...30 P.M. No.7",

:I JPl!:\s divi SiOl1 '-.rin [,ttaql:;: tho hostile positi011 fRrcnI:::UB J)}T; BI;/lUlUN to '1 :1,(1[1. JI01'th nf BARON t;')/l1o:cr(w;' at 7..00 iI..:Pq.

;:;i\n) ~1~){:1 24-1st Brig. a1,,"u 1st J=ngr~'). (le~s 1 bl1~i, 3r1.g. Grm" C, will hi).ve tfli~ bC~;JlifJ of' its COlUl~-D:18 011 the j.:10N'I'."8PXI,J.. OY - .l}JCN J';lN DB ~'!mr~pgpniLOY ridge at 4··00 j~.T'1, i;Otl0'lTOW.

Two l)atta1iOI1~, ':vill l)~) left at 90 S. W. ~ (if: B"UmEIiY at ti'lc disposal ni' -tho divi8iol1com:i'!l;tnder~

(oj 'l'ho _242d Brig. 1)11({ 11m" 1st Eugrs. t Brig. GEm. D, will have the head~'l of ~ t!1 eolumn13 011 the MON'.rgpII.I.ot - BOReST ridge south of MON'1'EP!J./C0Y :;tt 4-90 JL]\Jl~

{c) 'I'he Art~ Bl'J.g .. (less :3d P.A.) will follow the 241st Brig. and be i:n posi tj,{~,n 1"')11 thG. v~'(3St slnpe of tl1e CHMUCY - MO'lTTEPUI.,OY ": BOREStI' ridge at 5-00 A.M.

I The 3d Folio will march on the WJ.I" 1,:;~Ol\lLml - I"~b.UB ST. ~!U~RTIN - MONT ttEv:-r..:qur; :road after the 241st Brig. has left its billets. It will be in positton northeast ')f MONT'B LtE1VEQUTI: at 4-:30 A.M~

(d.) The M. G" :Bn o will foll~'J the 1st

By Sta~f Officer to 0.0. 41st Co~s...... 5­

2nd Re.qu.i~nt_.

121st Div.. SENLIS, FP~NCEt 6 sept. 17, 9-30 P.M. Field .Orders liTo. 8

1. No change in the general situation..

. The enemy holds the line BARON - 13ELULlEU FE ... DUCY - SUCRERIE DE . BEAURIN with a force estimEi,ted at one division.

To the north the hostile cavalry holds the line BEAtJRIN Ii'E - :MT 0 GO:;TiiON­ ST. COBJ:ifEIL.

Hostile forces estimated at one brigade 'Nere reported entering BETZ today at 9~00 A.M.

The 41st Army Corps will attack tomorrow in the general direction ORM:OY ... VILLERS.

The 1st Cav" Div.. will attack MT. GORNON and 13 .. de BALIZ'Y from RARY.

Thm troops near FONTAINE LES CORPS NUDS \vill attack BARON.

2.. This division will attaCk, in the direction Om.JIOY...VIIJJERS at 7-00 A.M. tomor:row. the enemy's line SUCRERIB DE BEAURIN ... ntrcy - B}~.AUIJIEU - Point 1 km. north of BI\RON.

3(a)0 The artillery bri6ade, Brig. Gen o X, will be in position on the MON1'El)!LLOY ridge and the ridges l10rtheast of MONT LIEVEQUE in time to open fire at daylight. First Objective, infantry line ~lmy - point 1 km. south of BEAULIEU FE.

(b) The 241st Brig. (less 2 bns.), plu.s the 1st Engrs. (less 1 bn.), Brig. Gen. B, will attack the enemy~s line frbm the SUCRERIE·DE BE~URIN inclusive to the BEAUI,rEtt FE exclusive. First objectives, the vi118,ge L:8 1UAT and the north and south road through it.

Heads of columns to be. on the orest bf the ridge MO~TEPIL10Y - tNCN =:N DE MONTEPILLOY at 4..30 j~ ..M.

Brig. Hq. at the c~oss roads 1,000 meters northwest of MONTBPILLOY after 4-30 A.M.

(c) The 242d Br~go (plus 1 bn. 1st Engrs.), Brig. Gen. 0t will attack that pdrtion of the enemy's line south of BEAULIEU FE irlclu.sive, First objective ROZIERS and the north and south road through it. Heads of columns to be on the MONTEPILLOY - BaREST road at 4...30 A.M.

Brig. Eg. at the cross roads 1200 meters west of FOUClmRET FE after 4 ...30 A~M.

(d) The reserve, 2 bns. 241st Brig. and the M.G. Bn., M. Col.:O, will be. at 4-50 A.M•• 1200 meters southwest of BARBER IE betweell the railroad cmd wagon road. . (e) ':f.lhe Sig. Bn. will connec.t division :headqu~,t:rtEn's v/Hh eo:rps head... quarters at S:rmn,IS by w:lre ~,l1d with the three brigadE'; heac1qu8.rters 'by wire and !'adi(} 0

(f) ':Phe aero squadron at 6.... 30 A.M~ will recon:t!oU0x thfo} ;ffi:t'ea HJ1I,I,Y ... bA:HO:!),T '''' BE1.J:Z ... ORE}?Y EN VALOIS and, th€l X'oads to the ea,.et.

. (,;0 (j:he signal for the infantry attaCk will l)e flag :rOckets from d.l vi ~~:i 1m hea,dquarters.

4~( ':;1.) 0 f,t;ations :t'Or sll@:htl.)i w01mded: (1) railroD.d. cnws:i.ne' 700 njeters .south of DARBBRIE, (2) north exit of !~r{EST.

(0) Field trains v/UI 'be r:est N' 'the l"ailroa.d ste,U(%.ll a.t CHANTILLY at 5...00 J. .. 'M ..

ES" Di'vision hoa.a,quartex's v'Jill be at the o:rO$EJ l'"ads ;::.000 meters G0-St of S~~trs after 4~00 AeM~

o.o~ 241st Brig. C.O. t~4;'~d Brig. 0.0" A'l"t" :Brig. 0,,0. 1st li:ngrs. 0.0. Big. an. G.O. M.G. :an. C.O. Aero Sq. 0.0. Trains. Statt. CoO. 1st Cav. DJv. c.O. troops at Fontaine les Corps Nuda,

By Staff Offioer to •

C.O. 41st Co~s. -7­

J.21st Div. SiSNLIS, FR:'.NCE, [, sept. 17, 9-00 P.M. Orders


1. D:;stl'ibuting point: CBiJ'1"TIL1Y station, 10-00 A.M.

september 7. (railhead)

,2. Amnn;mition refilling point: station at COURTEUI1 after 6~·OO ii.iVI, Tho road COURTEUI1 - SENLIS is reserved for ammuni th>n traffic after 5 j .:'[0

3.. Bvacuating Point: the station at CHANTILLY. Field Hospitals at S"BNLIS. , The road FAU.'B.ST. M.A:RTIN - ST. LEONAJ:lD ... AVILLY is reserved for the transportation of wounded.

4; 1\1a11: to Postal J~gent at railhead.

'By command of Maj. Gen. A. A. 13. Lt. Col. C. of S.

Copies by orderlies to:

c~o. 241st Brj.g. C.O. 242d, Brig, C.O. Art. Brig, 0.0. 1st Engrs. , C.O. Sig. Bn. C.O. M.G. Bn. C.O. Trains, (5 Copies) C.O. t. of C. Chantilly. Staff. ARMY GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE - A.E.F. - FRANOEo

1VlP PROBLEM NO.3. (Series 1 9 Part III)

(Continuation ef Map Problem No.2)


Major Gen81'al A,Commanding the 121st Division, arrives at SENLIS (mairie) at-S,"OO LolL, September 6th" n~ there finds officers awaiting him, with tl1e foll0l7in;; reports and information:

(a) Col. A, of the 500th In£. , reports the arrival of his regiment at tht';- rOccdfork, "'est exit of SENLIS.

(b) Major General C, 1st Cavalry Division, reports for orders in com­

:cHance with F. 0, 4, 41st Army Corps, 5 Sept 0 17, and informs General L that 11_18 Division is this morning holclin3' the line SARRON - VILLB NEUVE - ­ i;)OI'fI:tjPII,I,CY - v-ith his patrols in contact "vith small bcdies C'f hostile cavalry &1021'-; the line VERBERIE - MTo GORNON; that there are no hostile forces west ,"\f t}w SLRROl\T - ElJTREES ST DENIS road; and that hostile infantry in consider.::'blE" forc,:> 1[3 0ccupyinc posi tions along the line BARON - DUCY, to a point on the ST~FUS - CREPY E'11 VALOIS roccd, southeast ('If RULLY"

(0) C01. M" comnancling the 41st Cavalry, repcrts the arrival of his regiment (less 2 troops) at MONT l' EVEQUEc

Majer General A, directs that the 41st Cavalry be placed under the 0rdeys I)f t1J.e Commanding General, 1st Cavalry DiVision.

CoL A, 500th lnf .", is directed to send his regiment at once to a point 1-1/2 ~e east of SEN1IS, on the SENLIS - CRBPY Pn VALOIS road, 0nd aW3it 0rrlers; CoL L to accompany Genera,l L on a personal r~connaissanc.p.

As a result of his reconnaissance (accompanied by Col. A, SOOth Inf.\ «f the t~rrain east of SENLIS, General A dir~cts that the line CHA1VLNT - froNT L' EVE0UE: be outposted by the 500th Inf, at once, and causE'S a memorandum to ]:Je made that the two troops of th041st Cavalry be Qssigned to duty Tvi th this outpost ~Then the east and west columns of the division are halted.

At 9...00 A.M. General A iss1,les his halt order, clisp(lsing of his division for the night as follows:

1. 24Jst Brig. (less SOoth Inf.), 1st and 2d P.A., in alarm cantonments and bivouac, in the area ST. NICHOLAS d'ACY, ST LEONARD, ST FIRUN and ijOURTEUIL.

2. 3d F.A., and P~1. Tn, (now released from Tus.) at CHANTILLY,

3. 242d Brig. (and other troops in the east colurr~) in bivouac in the FORET DE POl'JTAR\1E, F;ast and west of the PONTARJ'.JlE ... SENLIS road, all tr('{'ps being n~rth 0f PONTARME and ~outh of the northern edge of the forest.

At 6-30 P.M. M2jor General £ receives the following 0rders: -2­

41st ApTlY CO!':'PS 9 SURVILLIERS, 6 Sept. 17, 6-00 P.~'~G Field Orders, No" 5.

(Map 1:80,Oool

10 No change in the situation along the front BARON-MEAUX.

At 9-00 A.M" J today, a hostile colUlm1, estimated at one brigade, was observed enteri~g BETZ from the direction of MARBUIL-Stffi-OlTRCQ.

The enemy holds the line BARON, BEAULIEU FE. 9 DUCY, fmCRERIE DE BE...4.1JRIN, with a force estimated at one division. His cavalr~T holds BEAU?IN FE. 9 -lest tSlbpe MT. COENON, HULEUX, LA BORDE FE., point 112 (2 Ion .. east of ROBSTIVr_,j and ST, COR1TEIL (1 kID. west of VERBERIEo

2 0 The 41st Army Corps (less 123rd Div,,) reinforced by the 1st CaVa Div. will attaCk tomorrow in the general direction Om~OY VILLERS.

3{a). The First Cavalry Division, with 41st Cavo attached, will, from the vicinity of RAMY, cover the northern (left l flank of this Corps from hostile attack from the direction of VERBERIE and NERY; and will attack the hill M'J.'. CORNON and E. de BALIZY. in the general direction CREPY en VALOIS. These t:roops will be directly under the Corps Commander after midnight 6/7 sept.

(b) The l21st Division will attack, at 7-00 A.M., the hostile lines in-, eluded in the zone bounded on the south by the line LA BULLEE FE •.• CIZ. de LA MONTAGNE (SUcreriel - L~AVENTURE FME., and on the north by the line RULLY (excluded) - D. de BALIZY (excluded). First objective: AUGER ST. VINCENT­ ROZIERES. The division will maintain contact with our OvVU troops on the south, which attack BARON at 6-00 A.M., and with the 1st Cavalry Division on the north.

(c) The 122nd Division, marching over the roads west of the line SENLIS­ TRIERS, will take up a position in readiness southwest of SENLIS at 6-00 A.M., in the area FAUBOURG STo MARTIN,ST. NICOLAS d'ACY. and ST. LEONARD'; with headquarters at FAUB. ST. IvlARTIN.

(d) Aeroplane reconnaissance will be made by the 1st Cavalry Division over the area ESTREES ST DENIS, VERBERIE, RULLY; by the 121st Division over the area SENLIS, CREPY EN VALOIS, BETZ, MONTAGNY ST. FELICITE.

(e) Army and Corps telegraph stations unchangedo

Field trains of the 1st Cav. Division, 41st Cav., and 12lst Division, be west of Railroad Station at CHANTILLY at 5-00 A.M. Field Trains of l22nd Div. will be held at ORRY 1,AVILLE.

5. Corps headqu~rters will be established at the Mairie of 'SENLIS a.t 6-00 A.M. A. Lieut. Gen. Copies by motorcyclists to:

VI Army, 1st Cav. Div., l21st Div., 122nd Div,. 123rd Div., 41st Cave. C.G.L. of C. Map Prob~ #3.

41st Army Corps9 SURVILLIERS, 6 Sept. 17. 6-00 P.M. Orders

N0 0 3"

(Map 1:80, OOO)

1. Distributing Points (Railhead) for 7 sept.: 1st Cav. Division and 41st Cav.: CHANTILLY, 8-00 A.M. 121st Division: CHANTILLY, 10-00 A.M. 122d Division x x x x x

12~OOO 2 0 rounds 3" amo and 4 9 000 rounds 6" Row. am. will arrive at COURTEUI1 railroad station (1500 M. northwest of COURTEUIL village) at 6-00 A.M.

3" Evacuation haspital established at CHANTILLY railroad station at 6-00 A.M.

,].." Sick and wounded animals held in cantonme:nts.

5. Mail to Postal Agents f3,t railheads.

By command of Lieut. Genl. A. B Col. G. So, C. of S.

Copies by motorcyclists to: VI Army, l2lst Div., 122nd Div., C.GoL. of' C. 1st Cav. Div. 41st Cav o - ... - 000 -- ....


1. Estimate of the situati~ by Co of S., 121st Div.

2. Orders of 121st Division based on Corps orders. --{ -­ I ,..~. '"':-"'C~i~~'\L'~"'~".~::::"'"'~~~:'· f~ I , -, , , ,1" /J:' "1 J I ) ~ ~ SOLOT'O'N TO'RE" QVf R E:- fV\f:'""l,:' Z(a. ) I I .. ~.~ FRoePM NQ.Z I JV\AP';'\~UJP Fe .La. 50/J\MIt I 1; lOPOO ~

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