(seccnd Course) MAP PROBLEll N~. l~ • ...-.... ~, .... h '., ~., .,.., ..... ' ••""'_ I ssued A; 30 a ,m" ga.y 11. A1't~r the halt (In battlofir,lltd OJ! t.he 6th July, the 1st A.C. with the 5th Div. in firt'lt line wan it) hold :i.ts PJ.·$~1cn'~ poSi'L.::,Cfl, no furt,!:er pl'cgress Ming contmnplatcd until the dtucrt;;.cn of the noj.shlJt)rJng units bE')carne elM,.r, €1~pecially that of the 35th and 20th A.0. On the 7th July at .l~: 00 a .m~, the enemy delivercid a ccunter~o:ffensive on the whole front, making hiE' mnin effort on the nor-th and south, while the frout of the'lst A.C. was only the object of a holding i:'lttack. Up to 12 :00 noon there was no chango in the general situation., Ab()tlt 2: 00 p.m. ·the 20th A. C. wan obliged to yield ground a.nd fell back to tho line LE~!PlRE .. eastern edge of HAfWICOURT. Abfl1lt 5:00 p.m. the fJnemy succeeded in capturing the bridges on the OMIGNON River a.t VEftMAND an'.i BIIlECOURT 1;f,H' wa.s ul',abio tv pr6gress any 'further. On the front of the 1st A.C. the enemy haa rrlade no. prngi.'ess T but as a )f).ana of safoguard the 2nd a.nd 4th E;.A. Brigs., and the 2nd and 1.th ;El)gin­ Eiel"$ have, at 2:00 p.m., been pusn£ld forward towards th~ line bESBhiCWRT .. '(JEHNES, At 5:3n p.m. the e.G. 5th Div. recp,ives tho following rrdero from the lst A.C. At thi.,s tim~ the situation' of the ·5th Div. is as shown by the !:>keteh attached" . let ARMY conps FRANCE, 7 July 18, S:lS'p.m. No. Map ~ 1+501~O, CM1BRAI, S.O. ! S.E. 1. The enemy's t~rces opposing the 13t A.e. ~etwcen PONTHRU and BBLLICOURT, de not 8eem to exceed three·brigade~. On tho nOT~h one A.C. is attaekin~;from LE CATE~T in the direGtion of LEMPIRE. On the ~outh the large bodies of trecps, est~ated at two or three div­ bi(\ns, previ.ously located in the region N~W."·of . QU!~NTIN, have f'U':­ eeede(\ in eapturing the bridges ~ri the OMIGNON at"';;!, RMAND and B1HECOUET, but without making further pr~8I"ees. On the north the 20th A.G. has withdra~ to the line LEM.PlRE ... eastern .dge or HAAGICttlutT ~ On the south tho 35th A.C. has fallen back t~ the line VADENCOURT • BIHECOURT ... VERMAND • VILLEVEQUE. f;eremd CF;lU'l!'Il'J • .. """,,,,,,,_~~,,:••-,u __,,, -.' • '-<::1.1:"'" ;:~. 11'.,;") V:('th A~lm'Y' \"1111 f~jll back.(in tho }J~nerflllinc}~ ~jt .. :F;t~~tLIJ~ '-v ~rRirI5J?J,',~~;;'J'X L''t GU!'JtARTJ " ,rF,AtiCOl:RT ~, VF;I\lLB;LI,:r~:') - pmmI.L1,Y - 13EAU\T(JIn, which line ], btl h\~ld. After Oth .July 'thf: VI;;l1 Al'fii'Y will fef,ume it~! (IHenu'i.n', ::;. (::'!) The zono of action ()f the llrt A. C. rfjj'{jrt:b'ls Ul'lchn,rrg~d, Thi:"> corr)(! will h(11d t.htl line; point 144( it1(:h~n~be, li.a::f3(11'1 with tbl'l 20t.h P..C.) .> ,n1:A:'lCCUH'l' ... VE:NDEa.,L}:S .. s.OYE:COUH'1',((J;(cl,)fdvG, lia,iflOrJ 1. km. north "if S9YECOURT with tlu:l 35th .A.C.), wIth thH 5Hl Db. in lin'" inc1ucU-ng trrl(lp~ now nttached to th1\t division and "!i'Gh the f()llowing nddH \,mit1'l. ' ::2m~ t\.nrl 4th F.A. Brip;s. now moving towardr; the liM HESBFJC()UR'l' .. fJERN11:S r one regiment ,If kHICh bd Ude tlhould llrrtve about fi';OO P.M. 2nd !:I,nll 4th, Eng:l.MerF.J I flOW mov.ii'£: tQwardnthe P6C. 5t,h Div•• should iil.l'l'iVi) in t hut vicinitv i1\~ Ot! t 'i: 00 P. M. i • (~) Tt~ ,C.G. C~rps Arty. will rvport tQ tho e.G. 5th Div. t~ coordinate the .':l.t;'t:J.on of ~~ht'J 211(\. 11th and 5th F.A. Brigs. (;:I )'1:hv l1'J\we (If e.dvaneod unite: <'ii' tho 5th Div, I3h"uld not take pla.ce until nlghtfall, ,(1) ~:xCt)pl, tho abr'\I'e Illontionod units, no units of 2rlo or 4th T)'i':!s, fjre t" erf.iS;J t/h~ line HAPELET ... N0138SCOURT •• HANCOUHT, u.utH furt;w" ()~',:e!'(>, (o) 4'1,)'1 l)iv. is 'Ill) remain t'uH>I~mbl(ld in the area: HA1'!}~LTI,:T, NJ1B};~~:COUH.T I F'MJt. ~Mt(Jl."n 'I:ldg3 of BitUSUl «(1JtelUS.lvCl) "" TINCOUR'r, HJl.M,lTIL. (f) ~;'r,d l)iv. ,hto remdn I:lssumblfld in tho are~: HANCCURT, BEAu)·n'STX, ~li\S'tt)rn (!di;O of CARTIGNY (oxclu~;j.vo). (r:;).lst Db. win ba aS5emblod in tho Mra.. :, PERRONE, BIACHES, La OPiAP .. I!lT.!t'tTi I w:tth its advanco guard at DOrNGT'. ' 4. Nil chanit,c 'in Ule movement of trai,ns or puppli&s. (Gl'llil Situation Map !'r 0 blelll 18). 5. 1 ~,t A. C. HtJ.. at CAR.TIGNY :ft'(}m 8th July e: 00 a.m., ,P. C, at BERNES. ~t,h tl;l.If, Hq:rs. at CAHTIGNY from 8th July, 8:00 a.m. P.C. no change. 41:.h rd,'!, Hql"o'. at BOUeLY, from nt.h July, 8:00 a.m. 2nd Pi'l. Hqrs. at BffiAmT:TZ, fr(lm Hth July, 9:00 atm. l{l't, 1)1.'1. Hqrs. at PFJRONr-lID, frntn 8th July, S:OO a..m. 'rvhphout; l't:1 tDtfJ: without eh!:mge. A• .......... ..- ... _..... Lieut. Gel1. 1. Write tht Ol'dtou"e ilUl\i~ct"by5th Db. to,r withdrawal (0 1. and G 3.) 2. Mtl.lH~ a a:{8tch ~h.tng_ the distribution of 5th Oiv. on the 7th July I'!\t tho' "hme the 4thdrawal commences_ ',' ,,eo so- ....+...__.. 1 ..........~ .....L.._...... 50 r i··· . \.,ii C",," m ::.~: \ ••••., •••....•. ...../.! n :.. ..;.... ~ ,,,.... -, ., ....-.:: ~: .::.: . .....:::.;::.... ,:;;:II."""'~:!!,~ \\\\Ili;;;;;::...;;;;;;;,,;;..::,::;::::;..;..·: ,.:.. ~ ·,,,•••,,,,,.....,,,,,"".·...11"""".'....,...,"',.......,,,,,,,.,..,"',,,..,,... ... :""g,.....,...", .. ,,;,,,,',.,;;;;;;;;:: .....") i j -~ 1\ r- \0;\\ .::::1"'" .::.' .l Field Orders J Orders, ) No 0 _ 19HL Idcmo" ) -----_.-... ~"--- -,--~- Fl"~'I( 01....Mhel • ) Field Orders) O1'ders 9 ) NO ,_. _ ~ ~,_"_'Cl'...,'"-.~--._- InD., },T(Jmo.. ) o ........-- __ .... ._ Miscel.. ) ~'. ;;'. 180 .1,. ::::;.. ~_.:. 50---l­ ~ '~"'"'''''' .:" r:~:: fSl~~j l! \..tl::..... .......... .ec 5''':' Pi'!, Second C~urse • z.,V'f PAO}fg;ri} .N~h. 1~9 A Solution.. 5th Iliv. FliiU.JCE, 7 .Tuly, 18, G~ 30 p ..m. 1. The O1enw's fotees opposing the 1st A. C., between :PONTRU and 13EIJLICllW/i' do not seem to e~eed 3 brigs. Further north 011e A.Q.. is attacking from LBC.2I:TELET in the tiil'cotion ot LEMPlRE. On the south a hos.tilo force, estimated at 2 or 3 divisions, prev;'ous]; located :in the region. N.~7. of St. QUENTIN. have captured the bridges on the OMIGNON ~t VERMAND and BlHECOUflT, but without mr:tldng further advance. on tbe north the 20th A.C. has \"JithiJI:a\ill'J. to the line tEM2I.HE .... east­ eni e~ of HARIICOtJ.R'!l. On tM aou.th the 15th A.C. has fallen back to the line VADBNCOURT ­ D~OUR1' .. VERMAND - VILLEVEQUE•. 2. The 1st A.C. will withtiraw to the line: :Point 144 (8 of TEMP1.E1J,C Ie GUERAlU» .... JEANCOURT - VENDELLES .. The 5th Div. will withdraw, and hold this line. In addIt10n to the troops novi a.ttached, the 5th Div. will be reinforced 'by the 2nd and 4,th r.A. Br1gG. a;;p,d the .2nd and 4th Engineers. One roe:;imol1t of ea.ch F.A. Bri£,...d.G should ~4'rive 011 the line HESBF.cOtJRT .. lmmT1~S about 8,00 p.m. The e~gineers should arrive in the vicinity of the Pee. 5th Div. about '.00 p.m. 3. (a) ~he £one of action ot tl1e 5th Div. is unchaneed. Zone Of ~ction of brigades as fQllow.: ( North lill)it: Northern limit of 5th Div. ( ( South limitI Liner point 114 (2~OOO m. N.W. of BDRN£Sj 9th :B:r1g. ( - }!OlqT!GNY Farra (eJ~clusive) - South eO(,'(l ( <>f (JE.ANCOURT (inclusive) ... north (eore ( ot La VERG-UIER (exclusive) ... (LMscenSiO,j ( Farm (lnc1u43i've. ( North Limit: Sou.tller-nl1mi~~ of 9th Brig. a,s above tescribed. 10th Brig. I South limit, Southern liinUi· Of 5th Div. ('b) The "l'1thdl"e~1al will be carried out as followlu ,,:>ni\)« 19'<;01 L}!/L,~~~~~f:.!trr£~ ~# ~;:; ~.rf«" ~ ~ \.~.i '~"'f> {I) 11.<1"J, \.or vri.th, ",A,.+<'1""""';/.':1.J ">1' ..... .._ ""f.\.4 t:--',,,,.,,·'lV'"'1i""d f.; ,+1, "'l11't" "11't .''1"'O'a,'j-':'1'"L, 1:.,"j') .""\._' \--/ (.-..::>tj on s'!~,lt'l f"ivQj';1)y a fl:lr; rocLet fraT,1 Divic].on P.G. ~ poated b~/ iA>th 'bl'i.·.. ·D.(tCS. ~ihesc ,,1c!\i;.·.i.1Gec.l unit~ rtill rmc\ OGCU1);'Y' tll(l ;11;:\1;(1 ) 1.:.1C of :;"cs.iste.:nce: 2 bus. <m U'lO l:i.nc from ::;oint l i !4·{il.1Glus:i:vol to J'.ii~/Ii:COt.F('r (hie: 1'1:t0J,;0). ;! 1m.s.. on the 1:\ r;(? JJT}~C :}(JE':[' (10>:C IuslYe) ... VJ£ND:ri)l.l,:r~:~~ ­ He ight 500 i:·)'. of SOY.Gooun'i' (i:nc lew t V't~ ) • (2) Tbe ,,,,Ulhdrawal of edvo,l1cod u,1itS '.:IiJ 1 l),;);.JJ.'QtoctcdiJ;i,t a covol'ij)C: POSi.tiOl1 on the Uno; Hcj.?:ht 140 (1 1:lm•.:.:o:;,\; of VILTJBnnll.J}­ e."J.stcr'n edee of B.
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