Observing Summary - 1979 Statistics


Observing Summary - 1979 Statistics

February 1980 Some Highlights of the 1979 Research Program

By the end of the observations had been made at the VLA site with an array of 19 antennas. The longest astronomically usable baseline was approximately 24 km between antennas at 17.2 km on the southwest arm and at 10.5 km on the east arm. The first VLA scientific spectral line research was completed during the last quarter of the year.

As part of an extensive study of the dynamical properties of spiral of all luminosities along the Hubble sequence, the 300-ft telescope was used to survey a sample of high luminosity spirals having optical rotation curves which do not decrease at large distances from the nucleus. The search was carried out in an effort to determine if neutral hydrogen exists at radial distances of two to three times the optical image and if so at what rotational velocities. The presence of significant mass located at large nuclear distances is important for an under¬ standing of formation and evolution.

Up to seven antennas have been used in conjunction with the 140-ft telescope in a VLBI experiment designed to investigate the detailed structure of the peculiar galactic source SS 433. Elongated structure on the order of an arcsecond in size is apparently roughly aligned with the bulges in the surrounding HII region, . The alignment suggests that the two objects are related and pose interesting parallels with extragalactic jet radio sources which are many orders of magni¬ tude larger in size and mass.

The VLA was used in a series of experiments to map the radio brightness distribution of the re¬ gion around the double quasar 0957-561. The asymmetric radio picture is more complicated than the simple two-point optical one of two quasars with identical redshifts. Ultimately, it is hoped to be able to adequately test the hypothesis that these objects are gravitational lens images of a single object. Further monitoring for variability is, however, necessary.

2 Studies of the distribution of 1 C0 and -^CO in ^^ Galaxy have continued in order to probe in detail the association between the atomic and molecular gas distributions. Molecular cloud sizes, masses, typical separations, and radial distributions are under investigation. ^CO molecular features near the galactic center region were further studied in order to pursue several predictions of the model which confines the inner-galaxy gas to a smooth, rotating and expanding, tilted disk. Observing Hours 40

est. est. est. est. est. 30 est. o o o ;&-ggj 'M8& x 20

o in

1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Calendar Year

1300-Foot 140-Foot ^M36-Foot WJ\ Interferometer ilil/Z./?

Fig. 1. This figure shows the hours scheduled for observing on each telescope during the last decade. Distribution of Scheduled Observing Time

36-Foot 140-Foot 300-Foot

o o o

1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Calendar Year Calendar Year Calendar Year

\NRA0 Staff I Visitors I Testing and Calibration

Fig. 2. These graphs show the number of hours scheduled for calibration and tests and for observing by the NRAO staff and by visitors on each telescope system during the last decade. 36-Foot Radio Telescope Summary 100 - — A A 4 ^ / /" ^ /" 80 Ay r A r A^ f A ^ ^* /** \ \ / - ^ / 1 \ i / / \ S \ ^1 / V 60 A A A r \l [I WV A, - / V V - Q_ 40 A / \ W A A ti /^ jI \ flV - \l A V A A / j u \ \ ,.. / \ \ / \ • \ / y \ 20- ** y / > \ 1 t ^. VV / / J. „ / \) f V J > -•*>. -«*> — V, rfr» T 7 .y J / \. I t / v.- 5/ 1 1 ._«' t J

Calendar Year

Observing Installation, Maintenance and Calibration Equipment Failure, Weather and Interference

Fig. 3. This summary for each quarter of the calendar year shows the percentage of time the telescope was scheduled for observing, for routine calibration, maintenance, and installation of new experiments, and the percentage of time lost due to equipment failure, bad weather, and radio interference. The telescope is removed from service for a period of 4-6 weeks each summer, during the wet season. This period is used for maintenance and upgrading of the instrument. 140-Foot Radio Telescope Summary 100

>N ^_ ^_ ■N /^ ^S ^ A -" V, s~ ^ ^v r ^ / \/ v < /■ /" s /- 80 >• f V A A V - / s/ - A A / V r 60 f - - 40 ^ lO" - - \ 20 j \ / A V A /N ^ ^\ / v V ^s S / — ^ - - CM V ■— V V- ^ ..— ^7 V d v.- V- - '"v. . -*»* 1970 1971 ' 1972 ' 1973 ' 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Calendar Year

Observing Installation, Maintenance and Calibration Equipment Failure, Weather and Interference

Fig. 4. This summary for each quarter of the calendar year shows the percentage of time the telescope was scheduled for observing, for routine calibration, maintenance, and installation of new experiments, and the percentage of time lost due to equipment failure, bad weather, and radio interference. Major improvements to the telescope system include: 1972 - new control computer and resetting surface; 1974 - installation of the cassegrain system; 1977 - data processing computer and installation of the maser cassegrain system; and 1978 - tests of the deformable subreflector. 300-Foot Radio Telescope Summary 100 - — - — "N /^ **s A - /^ ^^ ^- -v ^ ^ - \^ - A i r S^ V V 80 \ f v ^ , s// ^v ^ \ \ / 60 V \ r V - - CD ^ 40 I - - / / A \ 20 s ^ / A \ A ss / -y V - —- J v ^ ^ ^- ^ — ^ \^ -— ^ < X «*•»•.. -—.-''~" -•i^ ^ 0 I Calendar Year

Observing — Installation, Maintenance and Calibration Equipment Failure, Weather and Interference

Fig. 5. This summary for each quarter of the calendar year shows the percentage of time the telescope was scheduled for observing, for routine calibration, maintenance, and installation of new experiments, and the percentage of time lost due to equipment failure, bad weather, and radio interference. The telescope was resurfaced in 1970 and painted in 1973. Very Large Array Telescope Summary

During 1979 the principal activity at the VLA site in New Mexico continued to be the construc¬ tion and installation of the array. With the completed portion of the array the limited program of tests, calibrations, and observations that was begun in previous was greatly expanded, using up to 19 antennas. Observing frequencies included 1400-1700 MHz, 5000 MHz, 15 GHz, and 22 GHz.

Throughout 1979, approximately 1209 hours were scheduled for test and calibration, and fully 2464 additional hours were scheduled for research programs involving 159 observers. A total of 136 visitors and students used the VLA during 1979. Full-Time Permanent Employees 450

400 \\/LA Construction 350 | Research and Operations


250 e 200


100 50 1111111111111111111111111 1957 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 \ ., /\ / Fiscal Year Calendar Year Fig. 6. This figure shows the total number of NRAO full-time, permanent employees at the end of each year, projected into the future. Number of People Observing With NRAO Telescopes

1959 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Calendar Year Fig. 7. This bar chart shows for each calendar year the number of NRAO permanent research staff and the number of research associates who use the telescopes. In addition, it shows the total number of visitor-users of NRAO telescopes and the number of institutions from which the NRAO visitors come. Distribution of Telescope Time by Per Cent (Excluding VLA)

36-Foot 140-Foot 300-Foot 1979 Summary

Visitors 56% 48% 39% 48%

Students 8 7 21 12

Permanent Staff 11 15 17 14

Research Associates 0 16 8 8

Test and Calibrate 7 4 6 6

Maintenance and Installation 17 9 7 11

Holidays and Unscheduled

10 Institutions from which Visitors Came to Use NRAO Telescopes during 1979


Institution 36-ft 140-ft 300-ft VLA

1. Aerospace Corporation 2. American Science and Engineering 3. Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Italy 4. Arizona, U. of 5. Arizona State U.

6. Bell Telephone Laboratories x 7. Berkeley, U. of California x 8. Bo chum, U. of, W. Germany 9. Bowling Green State U. 10. Brandeis U.

11. British Columbia, U. of, Canada x 12. California Inst, of Technology x 13. Carter Obs., New Zealand 14. Chalmers U. of Tech., Sweden 15. Chicago, U. of

16. Columbia U. x 17. Copernicus, U. of, Poland x 18. Cornell U. X 19. CSIRO, Australia X 20. Davis, U. of California X

21. DTM, Carnegie 22. ESO, Switzerland 23. Florida, U. of 24. Fordham U. 25. George Mason U.

11 Telescope

Institution 36-ft 140-ft 300-ft VLA

26. Hale Obs. 27. Harvard, Center for Astrophysics 28. Hawaii, U. of 29. Haystack Research Facility 30. Helsinki, U. of, Finland

31. Herzberg Inst., Canada 32. Illinois, U. of 33. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 34. Institute for Space Research, Moscow, USSR 35. Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK

36. Iowa, U. of 37. Jet Propulsion Laboratory x 38. JILA, Boulder x 39. Jodrell Bank, England 40. Kapteyn Lab, Groningen, Netherlands

41. Kentucky, U. of 42. Kitt Peak National Observatory 43. Laboratorio di Radio Astronomy, Bologna, Italy 44. Lick Observatory 45. Leiden Observatory, Netherlands

46. Lockheed Research Lab 47. Manhattan College 48. Maryland, U. of x 49. Massachusetts, U. of x 50. Massachusetts Inst, of Tech. X

12 Telescope

Institution 36-ft 140-ft 300-ft VLA

51. Max-Planck I.R., Bonn, W. Germany x X 52. Mexico, Institute of Astronomy x X 53. Milano, U. of, Italy 54. Minnesota, U. of X X 55. NASA-Goddard (Greenbelt) X X

56. NASA-Inst. for Space Studies (NYC) x X 57. National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center X 58. National Bureau of Standards x X 59. National Geodetic Survey X 60. Naval Research Lab X X

61. National Science Foundation (D.C.) x 62. Netherlands Foundation for Radio Astronomy x 63. Nevada - Las Vegas, U. of X 64. New Mexico I.M.T. 65. North Carolina, U. of

66. Northwestern U. 67. Pennsylvania, U. of 68. Penn State U. 69. Pittsburgh, U. of 70. Queen's U., Canada

71. Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. 72. Rice U. 73. San Diego, U. of California 74. Smithsonian Astrophysical Obs. x 75. SUNY, Stony Brook x

13 Telescope

Institution 36-ft 140-ft 300-ft VLA

76. Stockholm, U. of, Sweden x x 77. Tennessee, U. of x x 78. Texas, U. of X X 79. Toronto, U. of, Canada X 80. Tufts U. X

81. U.S. Naval Obs. X 82. Virginia, U. of X X X 83. Virginia Polytechnic Inst, and SU X X 84. Washington, U. of X X X 85. Wisconsin, U. of X X

No. Institutions 37 53 19 46

No. Visitors 80 142 32 119

No. Students 17 20 14 17 No. Research Associates 1 4 4 7 No. Permanent Staff

Total Observers 108 184 58 159

All told, 343 visitors, including 59 students, from 85 institutions,

14 Doctoral Theses for Which Major Work Was Done at NRAO

1962 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Calendar Year

Fig. 8. This bar chart shows the number of doctoral dissertations produced each calendar year by Ph.D. students where the major work on the theses was done at the NRAO.

15 NRAO Student Program

100 ££| Undergraduate WCo-op est. est. est. est. est. est. 80 ^ Summer Graduate MPh.D.

£ 60 £



2Z££ 1959 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Calendar Year

Fig. 9. This figure shows for each calendar year the number of Ph.D. students (salaried and non-salaried), co-op students, and summer undergraduate and graduate students who observed or worked at the NRAO during that year.

16 NRAO Front-End Box Status

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET io. 12 NOVEMBER 1979 PAGE 1 OF 4 System 3 dB Applicable Frequency Amplifier Feed Calibration Person Temperature Bandwidth Polarization Switching System Telescope (MHz) Type Type Value Remarks In (Kelvin) (MHz) Charge

300-ft 50-80 *450 K - 5 « 10% Simultaneous Adjustable Removable diode Designed for pulsar, continuum, and line work. Behrens/ Fixed on * 500 K with Bandwidth. 0*, 45*, 90', 30 K to Dicke switch. 110-500 MHz feeds can be manually rotated 45* Atkins Traveling Dicke switch. Tunable 135* Linear, 30 000 K. and 90* for polarization work. UsaUe with 4- Feed Crossed- RCP and LCP. channel multi-bandwidth receiver and all NRAO Removable line receivers. About 2 hours to change Dicke quad hybrid 140-ft 110-250 * 200 K - Broadband Adjustable switch and feed hybrid. Frequency switching 140 at feed for CUp-On £ 260 K with Crossed- not availaUe. circular. 8 K to Dlpole. Transistor Dicke switch. 8000 K. > 320 K. Broadband Adjustable * 200 K with Crossed- 1.5 K to removaUe Dipole. 1500 K. 250-500 330-450 MHz 250 amplifiers. Additional 50 K with Dicke switch. Tunable Traveling feed box for 300-ft. Can be used on 140- 300-ft 515-610 > 150 20 to 40 Broadband Single linear; 5 K or Frequency switching. Paramp Ch X ft. No box rotation. Multiple polarization with IF Brundage Fixed on Crossed- circular with 50 K RemovaUe Dicke polarizer on 300-ft at 610 MHz. About 2 hours to Traveling Dipole removable quad switch. Adds ^ change hybrid and Dicke switch. Feed can be manu¬ Feed 610-740 Tunable hybrid. Dual 40 K to T . sys ally rotated 45* and 90* on l»x. Narrowband feed Paramp Ch Y polarization at 140-ft required above 670 MHz for best efficiency. 610 MHz. 300-ft 740-880 Tunable i 150 20 to 40 Broadband Single linear; 5 K or Frequency switching. Traveling feed box for 300-ft. Can be used on Brundage Fixed on Paramp Ch X Crossed- circular with 50 K Removable Dicke 140-ft. No box rotation. Multiple polariza¬ Traveling Dipole. removable quad switch. Adds •». tion with IF polarizer on 300-ft at 835 MHz. Feed 830-1000 Tunable hybrid. Dual 40 K to T About 2 hours to change hybrid and Dicke sys Paramp Ch Y polarization at switch. Feed can be manually rotated 45* and 140-ft 835 MHz. 90* on box.

300/140-ft 1000- Cooled 45 to 70 200 Single Orth. Linear 3.4 K Frequency switching. Part of 4.5-5.1 GHz receiver listed below. Coe 1450 Upconverter Beam Feed change required to go to 6 cm. Dual Scalar Channel


System 3dB Person ApplicaUe Frequency Amplifier Feed Calibration Temperature Bandwidth Polarization Switching System Remarks in Telescope (MHz) Type Type Value (Kelvin) (MHz) Charge

140/300-ft 1410 Cooled 50 25 Scalar Orth. Linear 4 K Frequency switching. Can be remotely tuned anywhere in frequency Behrens Dual Paramp range 1375-1435 MHz. Two channels can be Channel used simultaneously at different frequencies. 80 Zeeman Orth. Linear Six polarizations are availaUe simultaneouBly or with IF polarlmeter. Will tune 1370-1440 MHz Circular with higher noise temperature outside range 1375-1435 MHz.

140/300-ft 1610- Cooled 60 30 Scalar Orth. Linear 3.4K/15K Frequency switching. Can be remotely toned anywhere in frequency Wu 1720 Paramp range 1610-1720 MHz. Two channels can be Dual used simultaneously at different frequencies. Channel Six polarizations are availaUe simultaneously with IF polarlmeter. Willtune 1540-1780 MHz with higher noise temperature outside range of 1610-1720 MHz.

140/300-ft 1000 to Paramp 175 to 300 20 to 60 1-2 GHz Linear 10 K 300 K load or Set of seven tunable paramps in two receiver Dunbrack 2000 Scalar frequency switching. boxes. Paramp change 2 hours. Receiver change 4 nours. 140/300-ft 2000 to Paramp 220 to 450 30 to 100 2-4 GHz Linear 10 K 300 K load or Rx 1: 1.0-1.15 1.16-1.3 1.3-1.7 1.62-2.0 4000 130 between Scalar frequency switching. Rx2: 2.0-2.54 2.5 -3.15 3.4-3.7 Paramps. 2295 to 2.1-2.4 2.6 -3.1 3.3-3.9 LO Multi¬ 2380 MHz. pliers, Micromega 13 cm paramp (2995 MHz) can be installed.

300/140-ft 2695 x 4 Degenerate 120 100 3 Horns Circular or 4 K 300 K load or Continuum receiver. On-axin horn has paramps Wu Paramp DSB Linear polarization. on both polarizations. Fbur hours to change polarization.

300/140-ft 3120- Cooled 60 K line and 250 Single Orth. Linear Cooled Dicke switches Contiiniuni and line use. Feed change approxi¬ Brundage 3370 Paramps load switched. Fixed Beam, or (latching ferrite) for mately 6 hours on 300-ft and 2 hours on 140-ft. Dual 70 K polariza¬ Tuned Dual Orth. load (20 K) switching 4 K Channel tion switched. Polarized Circular or beam/polarization (9 cm) and switching with noise 65 K load 250 Dual Beams Identical Linear injection for balancing, 14 K switched. Fixed offset by or 10 Hz maximum rate. 75 K beam Tuned 3 identical switched. HPBW, Circular singly or polarized. Orth. Circular Orth. Circular 300/140-ft 4500- Cooled 70 580 1.4 K Other polarization, Includes cooled upconverter for 1.0—1.45 GHz. Coe 5100 Paramp cold load. Dual Channel


System 3 dB Person Applicable Frequency Amplifier Feed Calibration Temperature Bandwdith Polarization Switching System Remarks in Telescope (MHz) Type Type Value (Kelvin) (MHz) Charge

Any 4800- Paramp 150 20 w 10 K Dicke switch available. Packaged in small temperature-controlled box. 5100 Can be installed on other telescopes with little effort.

140-ft 6035 Paramp « 125 120 Scalar Linear or « 10 K Frequency or Noise adding available. Brockway Circular polarization.

140-ft 8.2-8.5 Cooled 65 line 125 Conical Linear or « 9 K Frequency or off-axis Two hours to change switch; 1/2 hour to change Brockway GHz Paramp 85 continuum Horn Circular beam. polarization.

140-ft 5.2-10.4 Paramps 300 to 400 40 Horn Linear ■ » 20 K Frequency switching. Set of 7 tunaUe paramps In 2 bands about 7 GHz. Brockway GHz Paramp change 1-1/2 hours. Band change 3 hours. Band 1: 5.2-5.8 5.8-6.4 6.4-7.0 Band 2: 7.0-7.8 7.8—8.6 8.6-9.5 8.5—10.4 Circular polarization availaUe at select fre¬ quencies. Any 10 695 Paramp 250 20 » 10 K Dicke switch availaUe. Packaged in small temperature-controlled box. Can be installed on other telescopes with little effort.

140-ft 10 300- TRG 120 continuum 200 2 Horns Dual Linear « 7 K Other polarization, Two feed arrangements availaUe: (1) Scalar Behrens 11000 Cooled 70-90 line or or other beam, or and (2) dual horns for beam switching. Band¬ Paramp Scalar Orth. Linear/ 25 K load. width and noise varies with center frequency. Circular Two hours to change switch.

140-ft 14.4-14.9 Cooled 100-150 2 Horns Orth. Linear/ « 20 K Frequency, beam, Two feeds availaUe: Two off-axis horns or Moore GHz Paramp Ch. A- Circular or polarization dual polarization scalar. Dual 500 MHz or or switching. Ch. B- Ch. A - 14.36 to 14.88 GHz. Channel Scalar Dual Circular/ 100 MHz Linear Ch. B - 14.50 to 14.93 GHz.

140-ft 12.4—18 TDA's 1000 to 50 Horn Linear w 10 K Off-axis beam. Contains LO system tunable 12.4—18 GHz. Brockway GHz 1300 Three TDA's to cover the band: 12.4-14.5, 14.5-16.0, and 16.0-18.0.


System Continuum 3dB Person Applicable Frequency Amplifier Feed Calibration Switching Temperature Sensitivity Bandwidth Polarization Remarks in Type Type Value System Telescope (MHz) (Kelvin) (Janaky^sec) (MHz) Charge

36-ft 31.4 Mixer 600 DSB 2.3 1 GHz Cassegrain Dual < 10 K Nutating sub- Continuum receiver. Four channels GHz (Each and Horn Linear reflector or with two feeds each receiving Freund mech. switch orthogonal linear polarizations.

36-ft 80-120 Cooled 280-500 2.8 500 MHz Cassegrain Dual * 10 K Nutating Line or continuum. Two channels GHz Mixer SSB per Horn Linear subreflector receive orthogonal linear polariza¬ channel and Lens tions. The LO in one channel is variable, allowing channels to be Cochran separated by up to 500 MHz. An image rejection filter is availaUe for calibrated spectral line work. Quasi-optical polarization switching is availaUe for both line and continuum.

140-170 Cooled 1000 SSB 15 500 MHz Cassegrain Linear < 5K Nutating Single channel cooled mixer receiver. 36-ft Payne GHz Mixer Horn subreflector Quasi-optical LO injection system. and Lens

20 NRAO - Staff and Visitor Publications 1979

Altenhoff, W.J.; Oster, L.; and Wendker, H.J. "The Radio Emission of Betelgeuse." Astron. Astrophys., 73, L21-L23, 1979.

Archer, J.W. "TEon-Mode Filters for the V.L.A. Circular Waveguide System." Elec. Lett., 15, 343-345, 1979.

Avery, L.W.; Oka, T.; Broten, N.W.; and MacLeod, J.M. "Cyanodiacetylene (HC5N) in Sagittarius B2." Astrophys. J., 231, 48-54, 1979.

Baker, P.L. and Burton, W.B. "Self-Absorption and Other Characteristics of High-Angular-Resolution Emission Spectra of Galactic HI." Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 35, 129-152, 1979.

Bania, T.M. "Carbon Monoxide and the 3-Kpc Arm Feature." IAU Symp., 84, 351-356, 1979.

Baud, B.; Habing, H.J.; Matthews, H.E.; and Winnberg, A. "A Systematic Search at 1612 MHz for OH Maser Sources I Survey Near the Galactic Centre." Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 35, 179-192, 1979.

Baud, B.; Habing, H. J.; Matthews, H.E.; and Winnberg, A. "A Systematic Search at 1612 MHz for OH Maser Sources II. A Large-Scale Survey between 10° < Jl £150° and |fe|x4*2." Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 36, 193-211, 1979.

Beichman, C.A.; Becklin, E.E.; and Wynn-Williams, C.G. "New Multiple Systems in Molecular Clouds." Astrophys. J., 232, L47-L51, 1979.

Benson, J.M. and Mutel, R.L. "Multibaseline VLBI Observations of the 1612 MHz OH Masers Toward NML Cygni and VY Canis Ma joris." Astrophys. J., 233, 119-126, 1979.

Benson, J.M.; Mutel, R.L.; Fix, J.D.; and Claussen, M.J. "The Spatial Structure of a New OH Maser Feature in IRC +10420." Astrophys. J., 229, L87-L90, 1979.

Bowers, P.F.; Kerr, F.J.; Rnapp, G.R.; Gallagher, J.S.; and Hunter, D.A. "Upper Limits on the Gas Content of Southern Globular Clusters." Astrophys. J., 233, 553-557, 1979.

Bowers, P.F. and Kundu, M.R. "Observations of a Orionis, , and R Aquarii at 14.9 GHz." Astron. J., 84, 791-795, 1979.

Bridle, A.H.; Davis, M.M.; Fomalont, E.B.; Willis, A.G.; and Strom, R.G. "Structure and Polarization of Jets in the Giant Radio Galaxy NGC 315." Astrophys. J., 228, L9-L14, 1979.

21 Bridle, A.H. and Fomalont, E.B. "Radio Structure and Optical Identification pf 3C319." Astron. J%, 84, 1679-1682, 1979.

Bridle, A.H.; Fomalont, E.B.; Miley, G.K.; and Valentijn, E.A. "The Radio Properties of the X-ray Cluster Abell 2256." Astron. Astrophys., 80, 201-211, 1979.

Broderick, J.J.; Ficenec, J.R.; Teplitz, D.C; and Teplitz, V.L. "Observational Limits on the Magnetic-Monopole Structure of Protons." Phys. Rev. D, 19, 1046-1050, 1979.

Brown, R.D.; Godfrey, P.D.; Storey, J.W.V.; Bassez, M.-P.; Robinson, B.J.; Batchelor, R.A.; McCulloch, M.G.; Rydbeck, O.E.H.; and Hjalmarson, A.G. "A Search for Interstellar Glycine." Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 186, 5P-8P, 1979.

Brown, R.L. and Spencer, R.E. "21 Centimeter Absorption at z=0.395 in the Quasar 1229—021." Astrophys. J., 230, L1-L4, 1979.

Burns, J.0. and Owen, F.N. "Radio Sources in Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies. II. Detailed Interferometer Observations and Analysis." Astron. J., 84, 1478-1499, 1979.

Burns, J.0.; Owen, F.N.; and Rudnick, L. "The Wide-Angle Tailed Radio Galaxy 1159+583: Observations and Models." Astron. J., 84, 1683-1693, 1979.

Burton, W.B. and Liszt, H.S. "HI in the Inner Few Kiloparsecs of the Galaxy." IAU Symp., 84, 325-336, 1979.

Burton, W.B. and Moore, R.L. "The Local Nature of the Anticenter Anomalous-Velocity Streams and Their Focus." Astron. J., 84, 189-198, 1979.

Clark, B.G. "Digital Processing Methods for Aperture Synthesis Observations." IAU Colloq., 49, 113-120, 1979.

Clark, F.O.; Biretta, J.A.; and Martin, H.M. "A Rotational Explanation of the High-Velocity Molecular Emission from the Orion Molecular Cloud." Astrophys. J., 234, 922-931, 1979.

Clark, F.O.; Lovas, F.J.; and Johnson, D.R. "Dimethyl Ether in Orion." Astrophys. J., 229, 553-559, 1979.

Clark, F.O.; Martin, H.M.; and Biretta, J.A. "General Calculations of Rotational Effects on Spectral Lines." Astrophys. J., 232, 624-635, 1979.

Cohen, M.H. and Readhead, A.C.S. "Misalignment in the Radio Jets of NGC 6251." Astrophys. J., 233, L101-L104, 1979.

Condon, J.J.; Buckman, M.A.; and Machalski, J. "Optical Identifications of Flat-Spectrum Sources in the GB2 1400-MHz Survey." Astron. J., 84, 149-163, 1979.

22 Condon, J.J.; Buckman, M.A.; and Smith, M.G. "The Angular Size of the High-Redshift Quasar Q0000—398." Nature, 278, 530, 1979.

Condon, J.J.; Ledden, J.E.; O'Dell, S.L.; and Dennison, B. "318-MHz Variability of Complete Samples of Extragalactic Radio Sources." Astron. J., 84, 1-11, 1979.

Cordes, J.M. and Dickey, J.M. "Interstellar Scintillation and Compact Sources in Supernova Remnants." Nature, 281, 24-27, 1979.

Cotton, W.D. and Spangler, S.R. "Broad-Band Flux Density Variations of the Extragalactic Radio Source 1611+343." Astrophys. J., 228, L63-L66, 1979.

Crane, P.C. "Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry of Compact Sources in Bright Galaxies." Astron. J., 84, 281-283, 1979. —

Crutcher, R.M. "Radio Observations of OH Toward £ Ophiuchi: Evidence for an Interstellar Shock." Astrophys. J., 231, L151-L153, 1979.

Danziger, I.J.; Fosbury, R.A.E.; Goss, W.M.; and Ekers, R.D. "The Radio and Optical Properties of the BL Lac Object PKS 0521-36." Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc, 188, 415-419, 1979.

Dennison, D. "On Intracluster Faraday Rotation I. Observations." Astron. J., 84, 725-729, 1979.

DeNoyer, L.K. "Discoveryof Shocked CO Within a Supernova Remnant." Astrophys. J., 232, L165-L168, 1979.

DeNoyer, L.K. "Shocked OH Within a Supernova Remnant." Astrophys. J., 228, L41-L43, 1979.

De Young, D.S. and Burbidge, G. "A Binary Model for SS 433." Nature, 281, 183-185, 1979.

De Young, D.S.; Hogg, D.E.; and Wilkes, C.T. "Polarization and Total Intensity Maps of Extragalactic Radio Sources at 3.7 and 11 Centimeters." Astrophys. J., 228, 43-63, 1979.

Dickel, J.R. and Greisen, E.W. "The Evolution of the Radio Emission from Cas A." Astron. Astrophys., 75, 44-53, 1979. — —

Dickel, J.R. and Spangler, S.R. "Measurements of the Radio Flux Density of Tycho's SNR Separated by a 15-Year Interval." Astron. Astrophys., 79, 243-244, 1979.

Dickey, J.M. "Observations of the Structure of Galactic H I Absorption on Small Angular Scales." Astrophys. J., 233, 558-567, 1979.

23 Dickey, J.M.; Salpeter, E.E.; and Terzian, Y. "Interpretation of Neutral Hydrogen Absorption." Astrophys. J., 228, 465-474, 1979.

Downes, D.; Genzel, R.; Moran, J.M.; Johnston, K.J.; Matveyenko, L.I.; Kogan, L.R.; Kostenko, V.I.; and RonnMng, B. "New VLBI Maps of H2O Sources in Different Stages of Evolution." Astron. Astrophys., 79, 233-242, 1979.

Eilek, J.A. "Particle Reacceleration in Radio Galaxies." Astrophys. J., 230, 373-385, 1979.

Eilek, J.A. and Caroff, L.J. "Cool Regions in Relativistic Plasmas: Thermal Instabilities." Astrophys. J., 233, 463-478, 1979.

Evans, N.J. II; Beckwith, S.; Brown, R.L.; and Gilmore, W. "Type I OH Masers: A Study of Positions, Polari¬ zation, Nearby Water Masers, and Radio Continuum and Infrared Properties." Astrophys. J., 227, 450-465, 1979,

Fischer, J.; Righini-Cohen, G.; Simon, M.; and Cassar, L. "Far Infrared, Near Infrared, and Radio Molecular Line Studies of HFE 2, HFE 3, and FJM 6." Astron. J., 84, 1574-1580, 1979.

Fisher, J.R. and Tully, R.B. "Photographs of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies in the Vicinity of the Local Group and the M81 Group." Astron. J., 84, 62-70, 1979.

Flannery, B.P.; Rybicki, G.B.; and Sarazin, C.L. "Ultraviolet Pumping of N"*" Fine-Structure Levels." Astrophys. JL, 229, 1057-1073, 1979.

Fomalont, E.B. "Fundamentals and Deficiencies of Aperture Synthesis." IAU Colloq., 49, 3-18, 1979.

Fomalont, E.B. "The Solar Eclipse on February 26." Brookhaven Bull., 33, no. 8, February 23, 1979.

Fomalont, E.B. and Geldzahler, B.J. "Limits to 6-cm Continuum Radio Emission from Compact Components in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies." Astron. J., 84, 12-14, 1979.

Fomalont, E.B.; Miley, G.K.; and Bridle, A.H. "VLA Observations of the Extended Radio Core in 3C 236." Astron. Astrophys., 76, 106-108, 1979.

Geldzahler, B.J.; Kellermann, K.I.; and Shaffer, D.B. "High Resolution Observations of the Compact Radio Sources CL4, Cygnus X-3, and the Galactic Center." Astron. J., 84, 186-188, 1979.

Geldzahler, B.J. and Shaffer, D.B. "Very High Resolution Observations of the Nearby Quasar 0241+622." Astron. Astrophys., 76, L21-L22, 1979.

24 Genzel, R.; Downes, D.; Moran, J.M.; Johnston, K.J.; Spencer, J.H.; Matveyenko, L.T.; Kogan, L.R.; Kostenko, V.I.; RSnnMng, B.; Haschick, A.D.; Reid, M.J.; Walker, R.C.; Giuffrida, T.S.; Burke, B.F.; and Moiseev, I.G. "H2O in W 51 Main: An Expanding Bubble Around a Young Massive Star?" Astron. Astrophys., 78, 239-247, 1979.

Genzel, R.; Moran, J.M.; Lane, A.P.; Predmore, C.R.; Ho, P.T.P.; Hansen, S.S.; and Reid, M.J. "VLBI Obser¬ vations of the SiO Mager in Orion." Astrophys. J., 231, L73-L76, 1979.

Gibson, D.M. and Newell, R.T. "RS Canum Venaticorum." IAU Circ, no. 3337, March 16, 1979.

Giovanelli, R. "A Nearby Galaxy in Orion." Astrophys. J., 227, L125-L127, 1979.

Giovanelli, R. "A Sensitive High Velocity HI Survey." IAU Symp., 84, 541-544, 1979.

Giovanelli, R. and Haynes, M.P. "Neutral Hydrogen in Supernova Remnants: IC 443 and the Cygnus Loop." Astrophys. J., 230, 404-414, 1979.

Goldstein, S.J., Jr.; Turner, K.C.; and Rood, R.T. "Fluctuations in the Background Radiation at 1394 MHz." Astrophys. J., 229, 455-460, 1979.

Gordon, M.A. and Burton, W.B. "Carbon Monoxide in the Galaxy." Sci. Am., 240, 54-67, 1979 (May).

Gordon, M.A. and Burton, W.B. "Statistical Modeling of CO Emission in the Galaxy." IAU Symp., 84, 271-276, 1979.

Gottlieb, C.A.; Ball, J.A.; Gottlieb, E.W.; and Dickinson, D.F. "Interstellar Methyl Alcohol." Astrophys. J., 227, 422-432, 1979.

Gregory, P.C. and Seaquist, E.R. "YY Herculis." IAU Circ, no. 3330, February 20, 1979.

Gregory, P.C; Taylor, A.R.; Crampton, D.; Hutchings, J.B.; Hjellming, R.M.; Hogg, D.; Hvatum, H.; Gottlieb, E.W.; Feldman, P.A.; and Kwok, S. "The Radio, Optical, X-ray(?), Y-ray(?) Star LSI+61#303." Astron. J., 84, 1030-1036, 1979.

Greisen, E.W. and Lockman, F.J. "The Kinematics and Distribution of Cool H I Clouds Toward Three Galactic H II Regions." Astrophys. J., 228, 740-747, 1979.

Gu&Lin, M. and Thaddeus, P. "Detection of HC^O4- in Sagittarius B2." Astrophys. J., 227, L139-L141, 1979.

Hardee, P.E. "Production of Pulsed Emission from the Crab and Vela Pulsars by the Synchrotron Mechanism." Astrophys. J., 227, 958-973, 1979.

25 Hardee, P.E. and Mgrrisgn, P.J. "Plasma Collective Effects and Pulsar Emission Mpdels." Astrophys. J., 227, 252-265, 1,979.

Haynes, M.P. "Intergalactic HI and Tidal Debris Within Groups of Galaxies." IAU Symp.> 84, 567-573, 1979.

Haynes, M.P. "Velocity Structure in the Magellanic Stream." Astron. J., 84, 1173-1180, 1979.

Haynes, M.P.; Giovanelli, R.; and Roberts, M.S. "A Detailed Examination of the Neutral Hydrogen Distribution in the Leo Triplet NGC 3623, 3627, and 3628." Astrophys. J., 229, 83-90, 1979.

Haynes, M.P. and Roberts, M.S. "Are There Really Intergalactic Hydrogen Clouds in the Sculptor Group?" Astrophys. J., 227, 767-775, 1979.

Heeschen, D.S. and Hogg, D.E. "1978/1979 Observatory Reports: National Radio Astronomy Observatory." Bull. Am. Astron. Soc, 11, 260-272, 1979.

Hjellming, R.M. "Novalike Object in Centaurus." IAU Circ, no. 3369, June 8, 1979.

Hjellming, R.M..; Wade, CM.; Vandenberg, N.R.; and Newell, R.T. "Radio Emission from Nova Shells." Astron. J., 84, 1619-1631, 1979.

Hocking, W.H.; Winnewisser, G.; Churchwell, E.; and Percival, J. "A Search for CaO at mm-Wavelengths in and Molecular Clouds." Astron. Astrophys., 75, 268-272, 1979.

Jaffe, W.; Caldwell, J.; and Owen, T. "The Brightness Temperature of Titan at 6 Centimeters from the Very Large Array." Astrophys. J., 232, L75-L76, 1979.

Jaffe, W.J. and Rudnick, L. "Observations at 610 MHz of Radio Halos in Clusters of Galaxies." Astrophys. J., 233, 453-462, 1979.

Jennings, D.E. and Fox, K. "Two New Methanol Transitions in Orion A." Astrophys. J., 227, 433-435, 1979.

Johnson, H.M.; Balick, B.; and Thompson, A.R. "VLA Observations of Stellar Planetary Nebulae." Astrophys. J., 233, 919-924, 1979.

Johnston, K.J.; Broderick, J.J.; Condon, J.J.; Wolfe, A.M.; Weiler, K.; Genzel, R.; Witzel, A.; and Booth, R. "Further VLB Observations of the Redshifted H I Absorption in AO 0235+164." Astrophys. J., 234, 466-470, 1979,

Jones, T.W. and Hardee, P.E. "Maxwellian Synchrotron Sources." Astrophys. J., 228, 268-278, 1979.

Jones, T.W. and Owen, F.N. "Hot Gas in Elliptical Galaxies and the Formation of Head-Tail Radio Sources." Astrophys. J., 234, 818-824, 1979.

26 Knapp, G.R.; Kuiper* T.B,a,| aui4 ZucfcapWH B.. "CO Observations of Mass Outflow from the Infrared Star CIT 6." Astrophys. J., 233, 140-144, 1979.

Kojoian, G.; Dickinson, D.F.; Tovmassian, H.M.; and Dinger, A.S.C "The Radio Spectrum of OQ 208 - Markarian 668." Astrophysics, 14, 245-249, 1979 (translation from Astrofizika, 14, 447-454, 1978).

Krassner, J.; Pipher, J.L.; and Sharpless, S. "Optical, Radio, and Infrared Observations of Compact HII Regions III. The S235A." Astron. Astrophys., 77, 302-308, 1979.

Kundu, M.R. and Angerhofer, P.E. "Radio Interfer©metric Observations of Solar Bursts at 3.7 and 11.1 cm Wavelengths." Solar Phys., 64, 159-163, 1979.

Kutner, M.L.; Dickman, R.L.; Tucker, K.D.; and Machnik, D.E. "Ring Structure in the Monoceros Rl Molecular Clouds." Astrophys. J., 232, 724-728, 1979.

Kutner, M.L.; Guelin, M.; Evans, N.J. II; Tucker, K.D.; and Miller, S.C "Recombination Lines from the Interface Between the Orion Molecular Cloud and the H II Region NGC 1977." Astrophys. J., 227, 121-125, 1979.

Lang, K.R. and Willson, R.F. "Very Large Array Observations of Solar Active Regions." Nature, 278, 24-28, 1979.

Liszt, H.S. "Radiofrequency Molecular Emission Spectra Observed Toward £ Ophiuchi." Astrophys. J., 233, L147- L150, 1979.

Liszt, H.S. and Burton, W.B. "Molecules in the Inner Few Kpc of the Galaxy." IAU Symp., 84, 343-350, 1979.

Liszt, H.S. and Burton, W.B. "On the Correlation Between 1 2 CO Emission Intensity and H I Absorption Column Density Measured Toward Extragalactic Continuum Sources." Astrophys. J., 228, 105-111, 1979.

Lockman, F.J. "The Distribution of Dense H II Regions in the Inner Galaxy." Astrophys. J., 232, 761-781, 1979.

Loren, R.B.; Evans, N.J. II; and Knapp, G.R. "The Properties of Molecular Clouds Containing Herbig-Haro Objects." Astrophys. J., 234, 932-948, 1979.

Machalski, J. and Condon, J.J. "Detailed Radio Spectra of Flat-Spectrum Sources in the GB2 1400-MHz Survey." Astron. J., 84, 164-175, 1979.

Maloney, F.P. and Gottesman, S.T. "Lunar Occultation Observations of the Crab Nebula." Astrophys. J., 234, 485- 492, 1979.

Maran, S.P.; Hobbs, R.W.; Brown, R.L.; Jura, M.; and Knapp, G.R. "On the Ionized Regions Associated with T Tauri Stars." Astron. J., 84, 1709-1712, 1979.

27 Marscher, A.?,; HWQbAMt F

Marsh, K.A.; Zirin, H.; and Hurford, G.J. "VLA Observations of Solar Flares, Interpreted with Optical, X-ray, and Other Microwave Data." Astrophys. J., 228, 610-615, 1979.

Moore, C.R. and Clauss, R.C "A Reflected-Wave Ruby Maser with K-band Tuning Range and Large-Instantaneous Bandwidth." IEEE Trans. Micro. Theory Tech., MTT-27, 249-256, 1979.

Moore, R.L. and Burton, W.B. "The Anticenter High-Velocity-Cloud Streams as a Galactic Phenomenon." IAU Symp.» 84, 535-540, 1979.

Moran, J.M.; Ball, J.A.; Predmore, C.R.; Lane, A.P.; Huguenin, G.R.; Reid, M.J.; and Hansen, S.S. "VLBI Observations of SiO Masers at a Wavelength of 7 Millimeters in Late-Type Stars." Astrophys. J., 231, L67-L71, 1979.

Morris, M.; Redman, R.; Reid, M.J.; and Dickinson, D.F. "Molecular Emission from Expanding Envelopes Around Evolved Stars. II. SiO: On the Mechanism of Mass Loss and the Efficiency of Grain Formation." Astrophys. J., 229, 257-264, 1979.

Mufson, S.L. and Liszt, H.S. "The H II Region-Molecular Cloud Complex W51." Astrophys. J., 232, 451-466, 1979.

Murdoch, H.S. "The Radio Spectrum of the BL Lac Object 1307+121." Observatory, 99, 213-215, 1979.

Myers, P.C; Ho, P.T.P.; and Benson, P.J. "Observations of HC5N and NH3 in Taurus." Astrophys. J., 233, L141- L145, 1979.

Nachman, P. "Molecular Line Studies of Dark Clouds with Associated Young Stellar Objects." Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 39, 103-133, 1979.

Owen, F.N.; Bums, J.0.; Rudnick, L.; and Greisen, E.W. "VLA Observations of Head-Tail Radio Sources." Astrophys. J^, 229, L59-L63, 1979.

Palimaka, J.J.; Bridle, A.H.; Fomalont, E.B.; and Brandie, G.W. "A Preferred Orientation for Large Radio Sources Relative to Their Elliptical Galaxies." Astrophys. J., 231, L7-L11, 1979.

Perley, R.A. "Pencil Beam Formation by Fan-Beam Rotation in Radio Astronomy." Astron. J., 84, 1443-1457, 1979.

Perley, R.A. and Johnston, K.J. "The Arcsecond Structure of Four Compact Radio Sources." Astron. J., 84, 1247- 1252, 1979.

Perley, R.A.; Willis, A.G.; and Scott, J.S. "The Structure of the Radio Jets in 3C449." Nature, 281, 437-442, 1979.

28 Perrenod, S.C. and Chaisson, E.J. "A Search for 21 Centimeter Absorption in Quasars of High Redshift." Astrophys. J., 232, 49-53, 1979.

Perrenod, S.C. and Lada, C.J. "The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect at 9 Millimeters." Astrophys. J., 234, L173-L175, 1979.

Peterson, B.A.; Wright, A.E.; Jauncey, D.L.; and Condon, J.J. "Redshifts of Southern Radio Sources. V." Astrophys. J., 232, 400-403, 1979.

Peterson, S.D, "Double Galaxies. I. Observational Data on a Weil-Defined Sample." Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 40, 527-575, 1979.

Peterson, S.D. "Double Galaxies. II. Data Analysis and a Galaxian Mass (M/L) Determination." Astrophys. J., 232, 20-33, 1979.

Phillips, T.G.; Huggins, P.J.; Wannier, P.G.; and Scoville, N.Z. "Observations of C0(J=2-1) Emission from Molecular Clouds." Astrophys. J., 231, 720-731, 1979.

Pickett, H.M. and Davis, J.H. "Rotational Temperature of Sulphur Dioxide in 0MC-1." Astrophys. J., 227, 446-449, 1979.

Pospieszalski, M.W. "Cylindrical Dielectric Resonators and Their Applications in TEM Line Microwave Circuits." IEEE Trans. Micro. Theory Tech., MTT-27, 233-238, 1979.

Potash, R.I. and Wardle, J.F.C "Radio Structures of a Complete Sample of Quasars from the 4C Catalog." Astron. J^, 84, 707-717, 1979.

Preuss, E.; Kellermann, K.I.; Pauliny-Toth, I.I.K.; Witzel, A.; and Shaffer, D.B. "Structural Changes in the Nucleus of NGC 1275 at 2.8 cm Wavelength." Astron. Astrophys., 79, 268-273, 1979.

Puschell, J.J.; Stein, W.A.; Jones, T.W.; Warner, J.W.; Owen, F.; Rudnick, L.; Aller, H.; and Hodge, P. "B2 1308+326: Photometry and Polarization During the Outburst of Spring 1978." Astrophys. J., 227, L11-L16, 1979.

Querci, M.; Courtin, R.; Querci, F.; Coron, N.; and Gispert, R. "Observation of Continuum Emission Between 1 and 4 mm from the Carbon Star V Cygni." Astron. Astrophys., 77, 155-158, 1979.

Quintana, H. "Astrophysical Consequences of the Existence of Heavy Neutral Leptons in the Universe." Univ. Chile. Dept. Astron. Publ., :3» 126-129, 1979.

Quintana, H. "Clusters of Galaxies." Univ. Chile. Dept. Astron. Publ., _3» 75-104, 1979.

29 Quintana, H. "Core Radii and Mass Segregation in Clusters of Galaxies." Astron. J., 84, 15-26, 1979.

Quintana, H. "Relativistic Elasticity Theory and the Structure Equations of Solid Neutron Stars." Univ. Chile. Dept. Astron. Publ., 3, Ill-lie, 1979.

Quintana, H. and Havlen, R.J. "A Detailed Photometric and Structural Study of the Southern Cluster of Galaxies CA 0340-538." Astron. Astrophys., 79, 70-83, 1979.

Readhead, A.C.S.; Pearson, T.J.; Cohen, M.H.; Ewing, M.S.; and Moffet, A.T. "Hybrid Maps of the Milli-arcsecond Structures of 3C 120, 3C 273, and 3C 345." Astrophys. J., 231, 299-306, 1979.

Reid, M.J.; Moran, J.M.; Leach, R.W.; Ball, J.A.; Johnston, K.J.; Spencer, J.H.; and Swenson, G.W. "Stellar OH Masers and Magnetic Fields: VLBI Observations of U Orionis and IRC +10420." Astrophys. J., 227, L89-L92, 1979.

Rickard, L.J "Molecular Structures of Other Galaxies Compared to That of the Galaxy." IAU Symp., 84, 413-416, 1979,

Roberts, D.H.; Greenfield, P.E.; and Burke, B.F. "The Double Quasar 0957+561: A Radio Study at 6-Centimeters Wavelength.1' Science, 205, 894-896, 1979.

Roberts, M.S. "Large-Scale Structure of Spiral Galaxies: Problems Old and New." IAU Symp., 84, 3-7, 1979.

Rodriguez, L.F. and Chaisson, E.J. "On the Ionizing Agent of the Extended Thermal Component in the Galactic Center." Astrophys. J., 231, 697-701, 1979.

Rodriguez, L.F. and Lichten, S.M. "Radio Recombination Line Observations of M8 at 5 and 10 GHz." Astrophys. Lett., 20, 37-41, 1979.

Rots, A.H. "A Companion for IC 342." Astron. Astrophys., 80, 255-259, 1979.

Rubin, V.C; Ford, W.K., Jr.; and Roberts, M.S. "Extended Rotation Curves of High-Luminosity Spiral Galaxies. V. NGC 1961, the Most Massive Spiral Known." Astrophys. J., 230, 35-39, 1979.

Rudnick, L. and Adams, M.T. "4C Radio Galaxies: Structures and Optical Identifications." Astron. J., 84, 437-469, 1979.

Sarazin, C.L. "Galactic Coronae, Quasar Absorption Lines, and the Origin of the Intracluster Medium." Astrophys. Lett., 20, 93-99, 1979.

Sarazin, C.L.; Flannery, B.P.; and Rybicki, G.B. "On the Distance from Quasars to Absorbing Clouds." Astrophys. J^, 227, L113-L116, 1979.

30 Sarazin, C.Ii.j Rybicki, G.B.; and Flannery, B.P. "An Asyroptptic Limit to Optical Pumping in an Opaque Region." Astrophys. J., 230, 456-468, 1979.

Saslaw, W.C "The Efficiency of Galaxy Formation and Gravitational Clustering." Astrophys. J., 229, 461-469, 1979.

Saslaw, W.C. "Galaxy Clustering and Anti-clustering," Nature, 277, 266-267, 1979.

Saslaw, W.C. "Motion Around a Source Whose Luminosity Changes. II. Stochastic Scattering, Accretion, and Ejection." Astrophys. J., 228, 555-559, 1979.

Scharlach, W.W.G. and Woolf, N.J. "Maser Activity and Hydrogen Emission in Long Period Variable Stars." Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 91, 380-383, 1979.

Scoville, N.Z, and Wannier, P.G. tlMolecular Cloud Structure from 2-cm Formaldehyde and 2.6-mm Carbon Monoxide Lines." Astron. Astrophys., 76, 140-149, 1979.

Seaquist, E.R.; Garrison, R.F.; Gregory, P.C; Taylor, A.R.; and Crane, P.C. "Radio and Optical Observations of SS 433." Astron. J., 84, 1037-1041, 1979.

Seielstad, G.A.; Cohen, M.H.; Linfield, R.P.; Moffet, A.T.; Romney, J.D.; Schilizzi, R.T.; and Shaffer, D.B. "Further Monitoring of the Structure of Superluminal Radio Sources." Astrophys. J., 229, 53-72, 1979.

Shaffer, D.B. and Marscher, A.P. "VLBI Observations of Galactic Nuclei at 18 Centimeters: NGC 1052, NGC 4278, M82, and M104." Astrophys. J., 233, L105-L108, 1979.

Shapiro, I.I.; Wittels, J.J.; Counselman, CC III; Robertson, D.S.; Whitney, A.R.; Hinteregger, H.F.; Knight, C.A.; Rogers, A.E.E.; Clark, T.A.; Hutton, L.K.; and Niell, A.E. "Submilliarcsecond via VLBI. I. Relative Position of the Radio Sources 3C 345 and NRAO 512." Astron. J., 84, 1459-1469, 1979.

Sinha, R.P. "Survey of Neutral Hydrogen in the Galactic Center Region." Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 37, 403-463, 1979.

Solomon, P.M.; Sanders, D.B.; and Scoville, N.Z. "Giant Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy: Distribution, Mass, Size and Age." IAU Symp., 84, 35-52, 1979.

Solomon, P.M.; Scoville, N.Z.; and Sanders, D.B. "Giant Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy: The Distribution of 13C0 Emission in the Galactic Plane." Astrophys. J., 232, L89-L93, 1979.

Spangler, S.R. "An Alternative to in situ Acceleration Processes in Extragalactic Radio Sources." Astrophys. J., 232, L7-L10, 1979.

31 Spangler, S.R. "The Colllmation of Double Radio Sources." Astron. J., 84, 1470-1477, 1979.

Spangler, S.R.; Cordes, J.M.; and Meyers, K.A. "Scintillating Confusion: Evaluation of a Technique for Measuring Compact Structure in Weak Radio Sources." Astron. J., 84, 1129-1137, 1979.

Spencer, J.H.; Johnston, ip.J.; Moran, J.M.; Reid, M.J.; and Walker, R.C. "The Structure of H2O Masers Associated with Late-Type Stars." Astrophys. J., 230, 449-455, 1979.

Sweitzer, J.S.; Palmer, P.; Morris, M.; Turner, B.E.; and Zuckerman, B. "Observations of Nonmetastable Levels of Interstellar Ammonia." Astrophys. J., 227, 415-421, 1979.

Thuan, T.X. and Seitzer, P.O. "An HI Survey of Nilson Dwarf Galaxies. I. Observations." Astrophys. J., 231, 327-353, 1979.

Thuan, T.X. and Seitzer, P.O. "An HI Survey of Nilson Dwarf Galaxies. II. Statistical Properties." Astrophys. J^, 231, 680-687, 1979.

Troland, T.H.; Heiles, C; Johnson, D.R.; and Clark, F.O. "Polarization Properties of the 86.2 GHz v-l, J=2-KL SiO Maser." Astrophys. J., 232, 143-157, 1979.

Tucker, K.D.; Kutner, M.L.; and Massano, W. "Isotopic Ratios from 6.8 Centimeter Observations of H2C180." Astrophys. J., 227, L143-L146, 1979.

Turner, B.E. "General Physical Characteristics of the Interstellar Molecular Gas." IAU Symp., 84, 257-270, 1979.

Turner, B.E. "A Survey of OH near the Galactic Plane." Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 37, 1-332, 1979.

Vanden Bout, P.A.; Steed, J.M.; Bernstein, L.S.; and Klemperer, W. "Laboratory Measurements and a Search for Interstellar CO Dimer." Astrophys. J., 234, 503-505, 1979. von Hoerner, S. and Wong, W.-Y. "Improved Efficiency with a Mechanically Deformable Subreflector." IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop., AP-27, 720-723, 1979.

White, S.D.M. "Can Mergers Make Slowly Rotating Elliptical Galaxies?" Astrophys. J., 229, L9-L13, 1979.

White, S.D.M. "Further Simulations of Merging Galaxies." Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc, 189, 831-852, 1979.

White, S.D.M. and Silk, J. "The Growth of Aspherical Structure in the Universe: Is the Local Supercluster an Unusual System?" Astrophys. J., 231, 1-9, 1979.

32 Wilkinson, P.N.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Anderson, B.; and Purcell, G.H. "VLBI Observations of Compact Radio Sources at 609 Megahertz." Astrophys. J., 232, 365-381, 1979.

Wills, D. "Radio Studies of Complete Samples of QSOs from the 4C and Parkes Catalogs." Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 39, 291-315, 1979.

Wilson, T.L.; Fricke, K.J.; and Biermann, P. "A Search for CO in Markarian and Seyfert Galaxies." Astron. Astrophys., 79, 245-246, 1979,

Wong, W.-Y. and von Hoerner, S. "Astigmatic Correction by a Deformable Subreflector." AP-S International Symp., 706-709, 1979.

Wright, A.E.; Peterson, B.A.; Jauncey, D.L.; and Condon, J.J. "Redshifts of Southern Radio Sources. IV." Astrophys. J., 229, 73-77, 1979.

Wright, M.C.H. "Maps of High-Velocity Hydrogen Clouds." Astrophys. J., 234, 27-32, 1979.

Wright, M.C.H. "Maps of the Polarized Brightness Distribution in Five Radio Galaxies at 2695 and 8085 MHz." Astrophys. J., 228, 34-42, 1979.

Wright, M.C.H. "The Tail of M33 and the Adjacent Hydrogen Cloud." Astrophys. J., 233, 35-38, 1979.

Zuckerman, B. "SiO Masers in R Aquarii and Other Infrared Stars." Astrophys. J., 230, 442-448, 1979.

33 Additions to the 1978 Bibliography

Bridle, A.H. and Fomalont, E.B. "14.8-GHz Mapping of the Extended Radio Core in NGC 1167." Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc, 185, 67P-71P, 1978.

Condon, J.J. "A Survey of Radio Properties of BL Lac Objects." In: Pittsburgh Conf. on BL Lac Objects. Ed. by A.M. Wolfe. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1978) 21-38.

Gibson, D.M. and Hobbs, R.W. "A Search for Microwave Emission from Comet Bradfield (1978c)." Southwest Regional Conf. Astron. Astrophys. Proc, 4^ 31-40, 1978.

Gibson, D.M.; Owen, F.N.; and Hjellming, R.M. "Radio Emission from the RS Canum Venaticorum Binary RT Lacertae." Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 751-753, 1978.

Johnston, K.J. "Present Status of Radio Astrometry with Baselines * 35 km." IAU Colloq., 48, 175-178, 1978,

Shaffer, D.B. "VLBI Observations of BL Lacertae Objects." In: Pittsburgh Conf. on BL Lac Objects. Ed. by A.M. Wolfe. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1978) 68-81.

Wardle, J.F.C. "A Survey of Radio Polarization and Variability in BL Lacertae Objects." In: Pittsburgh Conf. on BL Lac Objects. Ed. by A.M. Wolfe. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1978) 39-52.