Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 8: 19-67, March 31, 2010 Revision of the Subgenus Limbusa MOORE, [1897] (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Adoliadini) Part 1. Systematic arrangement and taxonomic list Takashi YOKOCHI 1-10-26, Shonan, Owariasahi, Aichi, 488-0823, JAPAN E-mail:
[email protected] (Received October 21, 2009; accepted February 23, 2010) Dedicated to the late Lt. Col. John Nevill ELIOT (29th August, 1912–11th April, 2003). at the garden of ELIOT's house near Taunton, Somerset, 23 March 2003 (photo by John ELIOT (Jr.)) ABSTRACT ― The subgenus Limbusa, which is assigned to the genus Euthalia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), is revised in three groups, 59 species and 78 subspecies up to now. In this part, the systematic arrangement and the group division are briefly discussed. One hundred and eighteen taxa (including one manuscript name) which have been described are listed with figures. Lectotypes are designated for Adolias thibetana POUJADE and Euthalia aristides OBERTHÜR. KEY WORDS: Rhopalocera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae, Adoliadini, Euthalia, Limbusa, albescens, alpherakyi, alutoya, amplifascia, anaea, anyte, aristides, armandiana, attenuata, behe, bellula, brevifasciata, buensis, bunzoi, byakko, chayuana, chayuensis, colinsmithi, confucius, consobrina, continentalis, cooperi, curvifascia, daitoensis, dayiana, doubledayi, dubernardi, duda, durga, ebbe, ehuangensis, epiona, formosana, franciae, galara, gibbsi, guangdongensis, hainanana, haradai, hayashii, hebe, heweni, hoa, hoenei, insulae, isolata, iva, japroa,