4.17 Wildfire
4.17 – Wildfire 4.17 Wildfire This section describes the existing setting of the proposed Sand Canyon Resort Project (project) site, identifies associated regulatory requirements, evaluates potential impacts, and identifies mitigation measures related to implementation of the proposed project. Potential wildfire impacts resulting from construction and operation of the proposed project were evaluated based on a review of existing resources and applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards. Publicly available sources were reviewed in the development of this section, including, but not limited to, the City of Santa Clarita General Plan, the City of Santa Clarita Municipal and Fire Codes, County of Los Angeles Fuel Modification Standards, and the City of Santa Clarita Hazard Mitigation Plan. This section focuses on the effect of the proposed project on wildfire risk. Fire protection services for the proposed project are addressed in Section 4.13, Public Services. 4.17.1 Environmental Setting The City of Santa Clarita (City) and the project site are susceptible to wildland fires due to steep and varied terrain, vegetative fuel composition, and the region’s weather patterns. The shrub-dominated plant communities comprising a portion of the project site and occurring throughout the region are highly flammable. Adaptations to the local dry, Mediterranean climate include specialized roots, stems, and leaves. The latter two become available fuels of importance and contribute to wildfire intensity and spread. For example, chaparral leaves are coated with ether extractives, such as oils, fats, terpenes, and waxes. The extractive content is highest during fall (the height of fire season in the project area) and lowest during the spring.
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