ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 31 May 2021 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.672700 Host-Parasite Interaction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the Ectoparasite Neoparamoeba perurans in Amoebic Gill Disease † Natasha A. Botwright 1*, Amin R. Mohamed 1 , Joel Slinger 2, Paula C. Lima 1 and James W. Wynne 3 1 Livestock and Aquaculture, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 2 Livestock and Aquaculture, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Woorim, QLD, Australia, 3 Livestock and Aquaculture, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Hobart, TAS, Australia Marine farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are susceptible to recurrent amoebic gill disease Edited by: (AGD) caused by the ectoparasite Neoparamoeba perurans over the growout production Samuel A. M. Martin, University of Aberdeen, cycle. The parasite elicits a highly localized response within the gill epithelium resulting in United Kingdom multifocal mucoid patches at the site of parasite attachment. This host-parasite response Reviewed by: drives a complex immune reaction, which remains poorly understood. To generate a model Diego Robledo, for host-parasite interaction during pathogenesis of AGD in Atlantic salmon the local (gill) and University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom systemic transcriptomic response in the host, and the parasite during AGD pathogenesis was Maria K. Dahle, explored. A dual RNA-seq approach together with differential gene expression and system- Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI), Norway wide statistical analyses of gene and transcription factor networks was employed. A multi- *Correspondence: tissue transcriptomic data set was generated from the gill (including both lesioned and non- Natasha A. Botwright lesioned tissue), head kidney and spleen tissues naïve and AGD-affected Atlantic salmon
[email protected] sourced from an in vivo AGD challenge trial.