Pacific Science (1978), vol. 32, no. 1 © 1978 by The University Press of Hawaii. All rights reserved

Consumption and Growth Rates of Chaetognaths and Copepods in Subtropical Oceanic Waters1


ABSTRACT: The natural rates of food consumption and growth were cal­ culated for the chaetognath Pterosagitta draco and the copepod Scolecithrix danae in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. The chaetognath's consumption rate was calculated using the observed frequency of food items in the stomachs of large specimens from summer samples and the digestion times from previous publications. The natural consumption rate averaged only one copepod per 24 hr, or about 2 percent of the chaetognath's nitrogen weight per 24 hr. The growth rates of both P. draco and S. danae were calculated with the temporal patterns of variations in the size compositions of the spring populations. The natural growth rates averaged only 2 and 4 percent of the body nitrogen per 24 hr for, respectively, small P. draco and the copepodids of S. danae. These natural rates were low in comparison with published laboratory measurements of radiocarbon accumulation, nitrogen excretion, and oxygen respiration of subtropical oceanic .

THE RATES OF FOOD CONSUMPTION, metabo­ concentrations; little growth and poor sur­ lism, and growth have been determined for vival are obtained in such cultures. Experi­ zooplankton in some regions of the oceans. ments are usually run with no food or with Temperate and coastal rates have been abundant food, which yield basal rates and described by Mullin (1969), Petipa et al. maximum rates because the rates offunction­ (1970), and Shushkina et al. (1974). Sub­ ing ofmost zooplankton are dependent upon tropical neritic rates have been measured by food concentration (Ikeda 1976, Mullin, Beers (1964), Mayzaud and Dallot (1973), Stewart, and Fuglister 1975, Reeve 1970). Newbury and Bartholomew (1976), Reeve There is a need for methods ofdirect measure­ (1970), and Reeve and Baker (1975). Less ment of the natural rates of zooplankton. information is available on the rates of Two techniques for the measurement of subtropical oceanic zooplankton, and this natural functioning rates of subtropical oce­ information is reviewed below in detail. anic zooplankters were used for this study. Perhaps the main reason for the lack of One technique involved the calculation of determinations of the functioning rates of the food consumption rate of a chaetognath subtropical oceanic zooplankton is that the population. The natural frequency of food methods of measurement are difficult and/or items in the chaetognaths' stomachs was indirect. Laboratory culture is difficult with determined with field samples carefully col­ natural oceanic foods at low environmental lected with the quickest possible tows (30 min) throughout a whole diel period, as explained below. The diel mean consumption 1 This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant no. GA-36820. Manuscript accepted rate was then determined using the calculated 1 October 1977. frequency of food items in the chaetognaths' 2 This study was begun while the author was with the stomachs and the digestion times of pl"ey, Oceanography Faculty at the University of Hawaii, which have been reported previously in the Honolulu, Hawaii. The author's present address is: Department of the Interior, Alaska-Outer literature. Continental Shelf Office, Box 1159, Anchorage, Alaska The other technique involved the calcula­ 99510. tion of growth rates from the patterns of 61 62 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 32, January 1978 temporal variations in the populations' size The copepod Scolecithrix danae is a or stage compositions. This graphical method calanoid with a mature body length of about assists in the identification of groups or 2 mm. It is omnivorous (Timonin 1971), cohorts ofindividuals in natural populations. feeding on large , blue-green , In temperate latitudes, the graphical method radiolarians, and (Mullin 1966, has been used recently to calculate the Petipa et al. 1971). The species is epipelagic growth rate of chaetognaths (Sameoto 1971) (Roe 1972, Vinogradov 1968) and is broadly and tunicates (Heron 1972). distributed in warm oceanic waters. It is one Year-round investigations of the micro­ of the ten most abundant calanoids in the nekton in the subtropical Pacific near Hawaii Equatorial Pacific (Grice 1962) and in the have demonstrated spring-summer repro­ southern part of the North Pacific Central ductive periods and the subsequent recruit­ Gyre waters (Park 1968) adjacent to Hawaii. ment of small, but definite, cohorts of immature into the populations (Clarke 1973, 1974; Walters 1976). These MATERIALS AND METHODS variations in the populations' size com­ positions were observed regularly in the water The samples were collected at two stations that moves past the Hawaiian Islands. The near Hawaii in the southern part of the regularity ofthe variations indicates synchro­ North Pacific Central Gyre. Station 1 (21 ° N, nous patterns of reproduction and develop­ 158°20' W) is about 30 km southwest of the ment for the populations in the Central Gyre island of Oahu; station 2 is located in the of the North Pacific. The patterns were same region, about 10 km southwest ofOahu. considered regular and distinct enough to The water depths at stations I and 2 were 3000 initiate this study of the temporal variation and 1000 m, respectively. The local water during spring in the populations' size temperature in the upper 300 m (the compositions of some smaller zooplankton of the studied species) changes from 25° C species. The field sampling program was at the surface to 12° C at 300 m. The local designed for the preliminary calculation of eddies circulated the surface water at the the growth rates and for development of stations toward the Hawaiian Islands, ac­ the necessary modifications of the graphical cording to both dynamic height calculations method for subtropical, oceanic populations. (Seckel 1955) and buoy observations at Two zooplankton species, the chaetognath station 1 (R. R. Harvey, personal com­ Pterosagitta draco and the copepod Scole­ munication). The larval in the samples cithrix danae, were chosen for the study. The were typically oceanic (1. Leis, personal chaetognath's , habitat, and dis­ communication). Neritic meroplanktonic or­ tribution have been described by Aivariiio ganisms were not found in the samples or in (1965), Bieri (1959), and Sund (1959). Ptero­ the chaetognaths' stomachs. These observa­ sagitta draco is epipelagic and relatively short tions on currents and species compositions (maximum body length about 8 mm); these indicate that the sampled organisms probably two characteristics were generally associated had no interaction with the neritic community with the species that had rapid consumption of the Hawaiian Islands. rates in the Black Sea (Petipa et al. 1970). To minimize any sampling bias on the Pterosagitta draco is cosmopolitan in sub­ populations' size compositions due to avoid­ tropical, oceanic water (Alvarifio 1965), and ance, all the samples were collected with is one ofthe four mostabundantchaetognaths 70-cm diameter Bongo nets, and settled around Hawaii (Bieri 1959, Hida 1957). volumes of only about 0.3 liter were filtered Because of- the-species' - abundance-and during each tow. l'h

TABLE I length and copepod length. For estimation of PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF COPEPOD GENERA FOUND the weight of food consumed by the different IN THE STOMACHS OF Pterosagitta draco size categories ofP. draco, the linear relation­ ship for all the measurements was used: FREQUENCY (%) TYPES OF COPEPODS C = 0.033(P. draco body length, mm) + 0.321 (3) 35 ; copepodids of this cyc1opoid 18 ; copepodids and possibly where C is the mean cephalothorax length, a naupliar stage in millimeters, of consumed copepods. The 18 Microsetella; both early and late cope- cephalothorax lengths averaged 0.50 and podids of this harpacticoid 0.53 mm for copepods consumed by P. draco 6 ; copepodids of this cyc1opoid 23 Partially identifiable calanoids from with body lengths of, respectively, 5.5 and the families Pseudocalanidae or 6.5 mm (the median lengths for the 5-6- and 6-7-mm size categories). The frequency of food items in the stom­ NOTE: The percentage frequency was determined with a collection of 17 relatively undigested copepods from over 600 P. draco. achs of Pterosagitta draco was determined with 600 specimens (Figure I). The daily the measurements was less than ± 50 percent time-weighted mean frequencies were 10.2 of the mean. and 12.7 food items per 100 chaetognath stomachs for, respectively, the 5 to 6- and 6 to 7-mm size categories of P. draco. One standard deviation ofthe frequency measure­ RESULTS ments at several times of the day was about Chaetognath Consumption 31 percent of the observed frequencies. Four hours after the time when food items Food items were infrequently present in were most frequent in the stomachs, tiny Pterosagitta draco stomachs, and only rarely structureless specks of material were fre­ was more than one item present per stomach. quently observed in the stomachs. During Copepods comprised 96 percent of the the next 5 hr, there was a reduction in the identifiable food items. The few noncopepod concentration of the specks of material and food items observed consisted of small in the frequency of stomachs containing chaetognaths or possible folded larvacean bodies. The types of copepods that P. draco consumed were determined with a collection of 17 relatively undigested and still identi­ fiable specimens from over 600 chaetognaths (Table I). Over one-third of the consumed U>-'5 copepods were members of a single genus, Z lJJ Oncaea. ::)

The sizes of the copepods consumed were o 0"--- lJJ measured in order to estimate the total a:: weight of the consumed food. Measurements 1..L.5 were made of cephalothorax length and diameter for 37 copepods found within 1200 1800 2300 0300 0800 1200 1800 Pterosagitta draco. Linear relationships of TIME (HRS) chaetognath body length and the maximum cephalothorax-Iength--and diameter of-con­ FIGURE I. The diel variations doring sutnmer in the sumed copepods had correlation coefficients frequency of food items per 100 chaetognaths' stomachs for Pterosagitta draco 5.0 to 7.0 mm long. The diel (r) of 0.80 and 0.76, respectively. There was variations were similar for the two separate size cate­ a much broader correlation (r = 0.20) gories (5.0-6.0 and 6.0-7.0 mm), so the data have been between all the measurements ofchaetognath plotted together. TABLE 2



11 April: I 23.2 4 7 6 22 22 36 4 I 9 21 28 19 17 21 15 8 2 0 2 23.2 8 3 I 7 9 24 2 0 2 13 17 26 22 24 17 3 0 0 3 14.5 2 4 8 18 23 87 2 3 9 9 8 14 6 13 7 I 0 0 4 14.5 8 4 2 6 12 44 2 0 3 9 9 11 13 17 7 I 0 0 30 April~ I 28.8 8 12 18 9 8 29 4 2 8 20 19 14 13 19 18 6 3 0 2 28.8 8 4 8 17 15 47 8 I 3 7 14 7 12 12 9 I 0 0 3 14.7 4 3 10 21 17 68 4 0 I 9 13 16 12 8 13 III 4 14.7 8 4 12 15 7 35 4 0 0 8 14 12 15 14 14 3 0 0 21 May I 27.5 8 8 31 20 15 28 8 2 3 10 14 14 8 17 13 12 0 I 2 27.5 8 3 10 13 17 20 8 0 I 5 12 12 13 10 17 9 0 0 3 13.8 4 I 20 18 31 46 4 2 2 5 6 6 8 6 5 3 3 I 4 13.8 8 0 2 10 22 18 4 0 2 7 10 7 9 12 17 6 6 I 5 27.8 8 5 15 21 22 19 16 0 0 I 4 7 4 6 8 0 I 0 6 27.8 8 0 6 26 11 8 8 0 0 5 12 15 16 15 14 7 3 0 4 June I 34.7 8 3 15 28 18 84 8 0 3 14 15 11 9 17 18 II I 0 2 34.7 16 I 5 18 8 46 16 0 1 2 3 6 8 12 14 6 0 0 3 25.8 4 I 10 22 28 92 4 0 6 8 15 12 11 36 46 6 2 0 4 25.8 8 2 8 23 30 36 8 I 10 11 6 11 11 15 15 6 2 0 5 32.5 4 I 17 50 71 88 4 0 5 5 17 20 20 22 46 24 12 0 6 32.5 8 I 10 28 61 46 16 0 I 4 4 8 11 10 16 2 I 0

NOTE: Nets of 183 and 202.urn mesh were used for the odd~ and even-numbered samples, respectively. The nets filtered an amount equivalent to a water column 300 mdeep with the tabulated surface area, as determined with the depth-d,istance recorder. Consumption and Growth Rates of Subtropical Zooplankton-NEWBURY 67 them, though specks were present in some stomachs throughout the day. The specks of 40 material have been observed in other chae­ tognath species in the Central Gyre (H. Lyons, personal communication). The fre­ % quency of the material was not related to 20 Pterosagitta draco body size. The daily cycle suggests that the specks of material were not consumed by the large, maturing chae­ olJEm;;mm tognaths as food items in themselves, but 1I m TIl Jl were probably remains of the previously .s.. DANAE STAGE examined food items.

Biomass The spring population biomass was calcu­ 20 lated by combining the population size compositions in the series of spring samples (Table 2). The mean percent size composition %10 of the total number of Pterosagitta draco in each of the samples (Figure 2) showed relatively low frequencies for the animals over 6.5 mm and under 3.5 mm. The rarity o 30 50 70 ofthe large individuals was probably accurate E. DRACO BODY LENGTH (mm) for the natural population, since the animals were as large (8.1 mm) as those recorded in FIGURE 2. The mean size composition of Pterosagitta other studies (Alvariiio 1965) and there was draco and Scolecithrix danae as percent frequency of no evidence of differential net avoidance in all the animals in the spring samples. The values above the frequency of large individuals from the the histograms indicate the ranges in nitrogen (N) weight per animals for the growth rate analyses. 183- and 202-Jim mesh Bongo nets. There was a difference in the mean frequency of P. draco in only the smallest size category The population biomass of Scolecithrix (2.5-3.0 mm) from the 183- and 202-Jim nets. danae could not be calculated because the The total biomass of the P. draco under whole population was not sampled. With 3.0 mm in size was less than 0.1 percent of the stage II copepodids and younger stages, the population biomass, so the observed there was obvious loss through the net mesh, frequencies were used without modification since fewer stage II animals were found in in the calculation ofpopulation biomass. The the samples from the 202-Jim than from the P. draco abundance during spring averaged 183-Jim net. The frequency of the adults was 19 individuals per square meter of surface high, which was probably the result of slow area for the upper 300 m ofthe water column. growth during that stage in the natural The mean abundance was multiplied by the population. relative frequency and nitrogen weight per for each size . This yielded Growth Rates a mean population biomass of 135 Jig nitrogen/m2 for P. draco. (For estimation The temporal changes in the size com­ of the total ehaetognathbiomass,seveml positions ofPterosagittadracoand $coleci­ measurements of dry weight of all the thrix danae were examined to determine the chaetognaths in the spring samples from the growth rates of groups of individuals in the upper 300 m of the water column averaged populations. The size range examined ex­ eight times the P. draco dry weight.) cluded the mature sizes when growth general- 68 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 32, January 1978

ly slows and when the changes in the relative frequency would probably have been due to the mortality of postreproductive animals. +2 For P. draco, which matures at about 6 mm, 4 a size range from 3.5 to 5.5 mm, or from 1.08 Ot--=-'"o::::"----...,..c-;;.~'----;JUNE to 8.53 Ilg nitrogen/animal, was examined for -2 the growth rate determination. For S. danae, the size range from copepodid stages II to V, or from 0.78 to 6.61 Ilg nitrogen/animal, 21 was used. The different abundance of the MAY stage II animals in the 183- and 202-llm nets did not influence the growth rate measure­

Mg. SA44 iJJtl&i1iii , Consumption and Growth Rates of Subtropical Zooplankton-NEWBURY 69

increase divided by the geometric mean weight and time in days were done separately for the individual characteristics to show the and range of variation. The calcula­ tions show that the natural growth rate: bio­ mass ratios for Pterosagitta draco generally increased during the spring and that the +4 ratios averaged only 2 percent of the body 21 nitrogen weight per day. The calculated ratios MAY had a standard deviation that was equal to --4 the mean, including the statistical variation ~ due to the species' size: weight relationship. V) For Scolecithrix danae, the variation in the oZ growth rate: biomass ratios was inversely .... correlated to size and copepodid stage by « the following equation: >+4 w Daily growth rate/Biomass o 0 1------..::""O-~""==----=::1-~ 3 0 = 0.08 - 0.015(Stage) (4) APRil -4 where p < < 0.01 and df = 8. For S. danae copepodids, the natural spring growth rates averaged 4 percent of the body nitrogen weight per day, or two times greater than the ratio for P. draco. One standard deviation +4 of the calculations for S. danae was 48 per­ cent of the mean. o I-~~-----+H'---~ 11 APRil -4 DISCUSSION 0.78 1.54 3.24 6.61 Estimation of the consumption rate of (fLg NITROGE N I.~. DANAE) Pterosagitta draco required calculation of AVERAGE WE IGHT FOR the chance of observing consumed food SIZE CATEGORY items, which is related to the portion of the day for digestion of the items. The digestion FIGURE 4. Deviations for Scolecithrix danae of the time of copepods by P. draco has been differences between the mean size compositions for each reported by Nagasawa and Marumo (1972) of the dates (DM) and the mean spring size composition (8M). The units are similar to those for Figure 3. as 2.75 hr. A 2.75-hr digestion time has also been reported by Cosper (1973) for Sagitta hispida, a similar-sized, subtropical coastal of similar groups of deviations or charac­ chaetognath. The S. hispida observations teristics on subsequent dates. The identified were all made with specimens in stable characteristics were the longest, shortest, or laboratory cultures at environmental tem­ mean size of a group, for example, with peratures. Cosper observed some longer positive deviations. The growth rates were digestion times of3 and 4 hr, perhaps because measured by the changes in size of similar the measurements were made with chae­ characteristiGs en subsequent dates, as shown tognaths that hadconsumed several copepods by the dotted lines in Figure 5. The change in simultaneously. Mean digestion times of 1 size, weight increase, and geometric mean and 3 hr have been measured for another weight during each time interval are given subtropical chaetognath, Sagitta enflata, in in Table 3. The calculations of weight the warm waters of Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, 70 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 32, January 1978

TABLE 3 ~J~NE RATIOS OF GROWTH RATE TO MEAN WEIGHT FOR Pterosagitta draco AND Scolecithrix danae /./ GROWTH/ ~ GROWTH WEIGHT GEOMETRIC MEAN -4 bS' ~ 21 ; -~ MAY RANGE INCREASE MEAN WEIGHT WEIGHT (fig N/animal) (fig N/animal) (fig N/animal) (day-I) o Pterosagitta draco II April to 30 April (19 days) 1.22-1.42 0.20 1.32 0.01 b~0-4 1.85-2.48 0.63 2.14 0.02 2.41-3.91 1.50 3.07 0.02 4.44-4.88 0.44 4.65 0.01 7.26-6.48 -0.78 6.85 -0.01 30 April to 21 May (21 days) 1.42-2.99 1.57 2.06 0.04 2.48-3.47 0.99 2.93 0.02 3.91-4.19 0.28 4.05 0.01 21 May to 4 June (14 days) 0.78 1.58 3.24 6.61 2.10-5.17 3.07 3.29 0.Q7 ~. DANAE 2.99-5.98 2.99 4.23 0.05 Scolecithrix danae II April to 30 April (19 days) 0.80-2.03 1.23 1.27 0.05 -~~ 0.88-2.53 1.65 1.49 0.06 -2 1.02-3.03 2.01 1.76 0.06 1.85-3.58 1.73 2.57 0.04 3.40-4.90 1.50 4.08 0.02 +2 t 30 April to 21 May (21 days) tC _~ ~ 2.03-3.70 1.67 2.74 0.03 VI 2.53-4.21 1.68 3.26 0.02 Z 3.03-5.37 2.34 4.03 0.03 o 21 May to 4 June (14 days) ~ 0.85-2.26 1.41 1.39 0.Q7 1.43-2.74 1.31 1.98 0.05 +21-_~~~;;.~~~....__~ :>w o~ 30 o -2 APRil

and in Florida coastal waters (Feigenbaum 1977, Szyper 1976). Longer times for diges­ +2 11 _~ tion of copepods have been reported for a ~APRI L temperate chaetognath (Parry 1944) and for larger chaetognaths (Nagasawa and Mammo 1.08 1.98 340 551 8.53 1972). For P. draco in the subtropical f. DRACO Pacific, the 2. 75-hr digestion time ofcopepods AVERAGE WE IGHT should be approximately natural. The entire (pog NITROGEN / ANIMAL) 2.75-hr time period for digestion of a food item was used in the following calculations FIGURE 5. Interpretation of the temporal pattern of deviations for Pterosagitta draco and Scolecithrix danae. (as opposed to Nagasawa and Mammo's use Light shading indicates more or fewer than expected on of half of the digestion time) because food the_basis_oL the mean _spring size composition (SM); _ items of E. dracoco_uld he seen _and _c.mmted dark shading indicates more or fewer by a difference of during all stages of digestion. Multiplication I standard error of the means of the dates (DM). Dotted of the chance of observing consumed food lines extend between points of similar deviations or characteristics on successive dates. The units are similar items (24 hr per dayj2.75 hr for digestion of to those for Figures 3 and 4. a food item) by the observed frequency of

,&I lMau Consumption and Growth Rates of Subtropical Zooplankton-NEWBURY 71 food items yields a daily consumption rate calculation of the frequency of food items of 0.89 and 1.11 items/chaetognath for P. in Pterosagitta draco. In other subtropical draco with body lengths of 5.5 and 6.5 mm, oceanic waters, the observed frequencies have respectively. In other words, the natural been similar. In the Mediterranean, the most consumption rate of P. draco was only abundant species has a mean diel frequency about one food item per day during summer of only 7 percent (Pearre 1974). In the Indian in the subtropical oceanic water. Ocean, only the daytime frequencies were This consumption rate in terms of weight determined (Stone 1969), but the mean day­ may be estimated using the nitrogen weight time frequency for several species was only measurements of Pterosagitta draco and the 3 percent, or about half the observed daytime collection of copepods from their stomachs. frequencies for the present study (see Figure Since the consumed copepods were partially 1). Also, the low consumption rate was digested, their weight was estimated with probably not due to an unreasonably high the information on their size and taxonomy. calculation of P. draco body weight, which The cephalothorax lengths were 0.50 and was calculated using equation (2). A similar 0.53 mm for the mean sizes of copepods equation, with a high exponent of about 4, consumed by P. draco of 5.5 and 6.5 mm, describes the length: weight relationship for respectively. Also, Oncaea was the main Sagitta hispida, another short, subtropical genus of copepods consumed by P. draco. A chaetognath (Reeve 1966, see Figure 8). Ex­ linear relationship was calculated between ponents of over 3 describe the length: weight Oncaea cephalothorax length and wet weight relationship for the subtropical chaetognath, using Shmeleva's (1965) data on many S. enflata (Feigenbaum 1977). These studies Oncaea species from another subtropical indicate that the chaetognath's length: weight region, the Mediterranean. The wet weights relationship and the observed frequency of averaged 15 and 18 J.Lg/copepod for Oncaea food items are probably correct in the above with cephalothorax lengths of 0.50 and calculation of consumption rate. 0.53 mm, respectively. With Shmeleva's The gross growth efficiency of the chae­ data on Calocalanus, another copepod con­ tognath Sagitta hispida (Reeve 1970) is about sumed by P. draco, the calculated weights of 3: 1 for the ratio of nitrogen consumed to the consumed copepods were similar (11 and nitrogen retained as growth. This ratio 12 J.Lg/copepod). The wet weights were con­ indicates that the weight-specific consump­ verted to nitrogen weights with the dry: wet tion rate should be about three times higher weight ratio of 0.135 for subtropical Atlantic than the weight-specific growth rate. The copepods (Beers 1966) and with the actual similarity of the present rates for nitrogen: dry weight ratios of 0.096 and Pterosagitta draco (both 2 percent) may have 0.107 from, respectively, Beers' (1966) and been partly due to measuring of the growth Ikeda's (1974) studies of subtropical cope­ rate with small, immature P. draco and pods from several oceans. The conversion measuring the consumption rate with large, gave mean weights of 0.21 and 0.26 J.Lg maturing animals. The similarity may also nitrogen/animal for the copepods consumed be due to seasonal differences in the environ­ by P. draco with body lengths of, respectively, mental food concentration and therefore in 5.5 and 6.5 mm. The nitrogen weights of the natural consumption and growth rates P. draco with these two body lengths are of P. draco. The results of the consumption 8.53 and 18.33 J.Lg nitrogen/animal, as calcu­ rate measurements, when combined with lated with equation (2). These two sets of the mean population biomass of 135 J.Lg weights indicate that both size groups of nitrogen/m2 for P. draco, indicate a con­ E. draca wer.e naturally consuming only sumption rate ofprimarily copepods ofabout about 2 percent of their body weight per 8 J.Lg nitrogen/m2 /24 hr during spring. day during summer. Before the present rates are compared with The low estimate of consumption rate is the methods and results of other studies, the probably not due to an unreasonably low advantages of the present methods will be 72 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 32, January 1978 stated briefly. Future calculations of chae­ the region's summer. During one set of tognath consumption rates obviously need experiments with copepods, the herbivorous better measurements of digestion times and and omnivorous Eucalanus were fed of the weights of food items. However, the on radioactive, neritic for 15 to 20 data on type and frequency of food items in min and then were allowed to clear their guts chaetognaths are quite valuable because they of radioactive food. The maximum radio­ indicate the natural feeding niches and the carbon accumulation rates, or assimilation diel or seasonal variations in the consumption rates, for both species was equal to 11 percent rate. This method ofcalculating consumption of their body carbon per day. (One standard rate could also be used for other zooplankters, deviation of the replicate measurements for like heteropods, for which similar data have several species averaged 46 percent of the been collected (Hamner et al. 1975). means.) During a second set ofexperiments, The primary advantage of the present the animals' guts were not cleared, but the technique of growth rate measurement is experiments showed that the maximum accu­ that the measurements were made entirely mulation rates were similar (14 and 15 per­ with natural populations. The importance of cent) for Scolecithrix danae and for the mean determinations of natural, functional rates of all the individually tested copepods. for zooplankton was mentioned above. The Nitrogen excretion studies of subtropical field samples contained many abundant oceanic zooplankton have been completed by epipelagic species that may have been ana­ Eppley et al. (1973) and Ikeda (1974). The lyzed similarly without regard to their food study of Eppley et al. was conducted in the requirements. For example, the growth rate fall at two locations near the present study (in units of only body length) was analyzed in the North Pacific Central Gyre. The for the euphausiid Stylocheriron carinatum in excretion rate in ng-atoms of ammonium these samples; maturing S. carinatum females and urea nitrogen was measured within 2 with a body length of 3.5 mm increased their hr of capture for the unsorted surface zoo­ body length by an average of 1.5 percent per plankton from a 102-,um net. The zooplank­ day. The ranges of statistical variations were ton from the 102-,um net probably consisted not large in comparison with the ranges mainly of early copepodids (Beers and found in the studies reviewed below. The Stewart 1971). The mean excretion rate at ranges (shown in Figures 3 and 4) indicate two locations was 42 and 150 ng-atoms/mg that samples of 5 x 104 m3 water on each dry weight/hr; 1 standard deviation of only date would have allowed distinction with the daytime measurements at each location 95 percent confidence of the date-to-date was about 40 and 45 percent of the means. variations in size compositions. The ratio of nitrogen content to dry weight As stated at the beginning of this article, was found to average about 10 percent in some laboratory measurements have been subtropical zooplankton (Beers 1966, Ikeda made of the functioning rates of subtropical 1974); so the weight-specific nitrogen excre­ oceanic zooplankton. These measurements tion rate for the animals of Eppley et al. are reviewed here in order to identify areas (1973) was probably 14 and 50 percent per of agreements in the rates and methods. day. The higher excretion rate may be due The radiocarbon accumulation rate of to animals that were injured in the net and subtropical oceanic zooplankton has been were leaking nitrogen, as noted by the authors measured by Chmyr (1967) and Shushkina and by Mullin, Perry, Renger, and Evans (1971). The calculated rates for both studies (1975). The other nitrogen excretion study were based on unrealistic assumptions, as (Ikeda 1974) was conducted with many netee-by Shushkina (1971) in the same paper separate speGies of Gopepods and chaetog­ and by Shushkina and Sorokin (1969). An­ naths from several oceans during several other study of radiocarbon accumulation months of the year. The specimens were kept rates was performed by Petipa et al. (1971) in the laboratory in unfiltered seawater for in the southwestern equatorial Pacific during 1 day before the measurements, which then

fi M .m;;Ui:w:aum »Iib ~ M ;;;gl.' g:m::z=zzeg au 4 t. laSHe ,. Consumption and Growth Rates of Subtropical Zooplankton-NEWBURY 73

lasted for 4 to 10 hr in filtered seawater. The tion rates for chaetognaths averaged 5 Jll mean excretion rate of only ammonium 02/mg dry weight/hr for the data from both nitrogen for all the copepods and chaetog­ of Ikeda's studies. The 1974 data gives the naths was, respectively, 0.57 and 0.40 Jlg same mean respiration rate for the large­ nitrogen/mg dry weight/hr. The range of I bodied copepods (5 Jll 02) and a slightly standard deviation in the replicate measure­ higher mean rate for all copepods (7 Jl1 O2), ments was about 25 percent of the means. The 1970 data gives a much higher mean The rates were very size-dependent; copepod for all the copepods (29 Jll °2); even without specimens with a body size similar to the two very high measurements, the mean rate large-bodied chaetognaths excreted at a seems unrealistically high. Excluding the slower rate than the chaetognaths. The range 1970 data on copepods, Ikeda's respiration of excretion rates of ammonium nitrogen measurements can be compared with the from Ikeda's study is similar to the range other respiration studies by using the follow­ of excretion rates on only ammonium nitro­ ing conversion ratios for subtropical oceanic gen that were measured by Eppley et al. zooplankton: 4.92 cal/mg dry weight (Osta­ (1973). Both studies indicate a mean excretion penya and Shushkina 1971) and 4.86 cal/ml rate of body nitrogen of up to 50 percent per 02 (Shushkina and Vilenkin 1971). The 1974 day for copepodids and small copepods, and measurements of copepods by Ikeda indicate a much slower rate for large-bodied cope­ that the animals were respiring an average pods and chaetognaths. of 16 percent of their body calories per day. Several studies have examined the respira­ There is good agreement in all the mean tion rate ofsubtropical oceanic zooplankton. respiration rates for copepods of 22, 18, and One study (Menzel and Ryther 1961) deter­ 16 percent from the studies of, respectively, mined the respiration rate of 366-Jlm net Menzel and Ryther (1961), Shushkina and zooplankton in the Sargasso Sea. The ani­ Vi1enkin (1971), and Ikeda (1974). mals' mean respiration rate was equivalent To summarize, the weight-specific radio­ to 80 Jlg carbon/mg dry weight/day during carbon accumulation or assimilation rate of the spring and summer. Since the carbon: the copepods of Petipa et al. (1971) was dry weight ratio for large zooplankton in the equal to a maximum of 11 percent of the Sargasso Sea (Beers 1966) is about 37 percent, body carbon per day. The metabolic costs for the animals were respiring about 22 percent the animals are indicated by the rates of of their body carbon per day. respiration and excretion. The respiration Shushkina and Vilenkin (1971) measured rates averaged about 18 percent of the body the respiration rates of many copepods, in­ calories per day; the nitrogen excretion rates cluding Scolecithrix danae, a few hours after (Eppley et al. 1973) were up to 50 percent of capture during summer in the southwestern the body nitrogen per day for small cope­ equatorial Pacific. The respiration rates aver­ pods. These mean rates of respiration and aged 20 and 18 percent of the body calories excretion agree with the conclusion of Ikeda per day for, respectively, S. danae and all the (1974) that subtropical oceanic zooplankton copepods. With these rates, Shushkina (1971) can turn over body carbon in 5 to 10 days calculated a rate for carnivores like chaetog­ (10-20 percent per day) and body nitrogen naths, but no direct measurements were in 2 to 6 days (17-50 percent per day). Over made with them. these ranges, the slower weight-specific rates Another set of respiration studies (Ikeda are characteristic of the large-bodied cope­ 1970, 1974) should be compared to the pre­ pods. viously calculated rates. The animals and The relatively high rates of respiration and @QomtOfY !~J::h-»iqlJ.e~'-Qf Ikeda's studies have excretion indicate that much of the assimi­ been described above. One standard devia­ lated material in subtropical oceanic zoo­ tion ofthe replicate respiration measurements plankton is burned for metabolic processes. for the following groups of species equals The amount of material ·stored as growth about 50 percent of the means. The respira- seems relatively small according to the pre- 74 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 32, January 1978 sent study; the weight-specific growth rate A model by Taniguchi (1973), based on averaged only 4 percent per day for Scolecith­ Ikeda's (1970) study, assumes that the con­ rix danae copepodids in a natural population. sumption rate: biomass ratios range from 70 Some of the difference is certainly due to the to 170 percent per day for zooplankton from methods of measurement and the size of the 333-Jlm nets in the subtropical oceanic water. animals, although both radiocarbon and The model has been based on unusually high respiration measurements (Ikeda 1976, Petipa rates rather than natural rates. The present et al. 1971, Shushkina and Vilenkin 1971) study has found that the natural rates of show that the S. danae rates are similar to consumption and growth for subtropical the mean rates for all the copepods. oceanic zooplankton of this size are probably The chaetognaths' weight-specific rates are quite slow. slow in comparison with the rates for cope­ pods and zooplankton in general, as shown by the respiration and excretion measure­ CONCLUSIONS ments of Ikeda (1970, 1974) and by the natural growth and consumption rates from 1. The natural growth rate: biomass ratio the present study. The mean rates for cha­ averaged only 2 percent of the body nitro­ etognaths are similar, though, to the mean gen per day for small, immature Pterosa­ rates for large-bodied copepods. However, gitta draco during the spring. The same some large, carnivorous copepods like Eu­ ratio averaged 4 percent for Scolecithrix chaeta, Canadacia, and Pleuromamma have danae copepodids, and was inversely re­ maximum rates of assimilation (Petipa et al. lated to copepodid stage by the equation 1971) and respiration (Gaudy 1975) that are Daily growth rate/Biomass very high. The magnitude of the maximum = 0.08 - 0.015(Stage) rates suggests that these large, carnivorous copepods are more active predators than 2. The consumption rate of large, maturing chaetognaths in subtropical oceanic waters, P. draco averaged only 2 percent of the or that these copepods may be able to feed body nitrogen weight per day during very rapidly (although perhaps infrequently) summer. The daily consumption rate of on patchy food sources. the total P. draco population probably Two models of subtropical, oceanic zoo­ averaged 8 Jlg nitrogen/m2 during spring. planktonic food webs have been developed 3. The food items in the stomachs of P. on the basis of the previous studies. Vino­ draco were mainly a few genera of cope­ gradov et al. (1972) used a maximum con­ pods, such as Oncaea. The daily mean sumption rate: biomass ratio of 30 percent frequency during the summer was about per day for omnivorous zooplankters like 11 food items per 100 chaetognaths' Scolecithrix danae. Ratios of over 90 percent stomachs, which indicated a mean con­ per day are used for microzooplankton and sumption rate of only one copepod/ for carnivorous copepods and chaetognaths. chaetognath/day. The former ratio is probably correct for 4. The size composition of the natural popu­ copepods like S. danae, which may use most lations varied with a consistent temporal of the consumed material for metabolic pattern, which allowed measurement of requirements, as previously mentioned. The the growth rates of groups of individuals latter ratio is perhaps correct for carni­ in the populations. In order to distinguish vorous copepods, but the present study the spring variations in these epipelagic indicates that chaetognaths in nature have species at a 95 percent confidence level, mUGh loweI= mean ratios. This difference 5 x 104 m3 of w_al~r n~edstQ b_e filt~red might eliminate the need to hypothesize a on each date. high rate of cannibalism among the model's 5. Published laboratory rates of radiocarbon top planktonic predators (Vinogradov et al. accumulation, nitrogen excretion, and 1974). oxygen respiration of subtropical oceanic Consumption and Growth Rates of Subtropical Zooplankton-NEWBURY 75

zooplankton are higher than those found tropical Pacific. Deep Sea Res. 18: 861­ in the present study. They indicate that 883. most of the zooplankters' assimilated BIERI, R. 1959. The distribution ofthe plank­ material is burned for metabolism rather tonic in the Pacific and their than stored as growth. The relatively low relationship to the water masses. Limnol. rates for chaetognaths and high rates for Oceanogr. 4: 1-28. carnivorous copepods suggests that the CHMYR, V. D. 1967. Radiocarbon method of latter are the more active predators in determining production of zooplankton subtropical oceanic water. in a natural population. (In Russian.) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 173:201-203. (TransI. Dokl. Acad. Sci., BioI. Sci. Section 173: 208-210.) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CLARKE, T. A. 1973. Some aspects of the Edwin Bartholomew assisted with all the of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in sampling and determined the Scolecithrix the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. U.S. Fish danae stage: frequency compositions in the Wi1dl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 71 :401-434. samples. Vernon Hu determined the eu­ ---. 1974. Some aspects ofthe ecology of phausiid growth rate. Jed Hirota helped with stomiatoid in the Pacific Ocean near identification ofthe copepods in the chaetog­ Hawaii. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. naths' stomachs. Donald Redalje wrote the 72:337-351. computer programs for the analyses. James COSPER, T. C. 1973. Aspects ofthe biology of Szyper helped with CHN measurements; he Sagitta hispida (Chaetognatha), with em­ and Bob and Pam Muller helped with com­ phasis on feeding, digestion and defecation. ments on the manuscript. Most of the manu­ Ph.D. Thesis. University ofMiami, Miami, script was prepared in the library of the Fla. 167 pp. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. EpPLEY, R. W., E. H. RENGER, E. R. VEN­ RICK, and M. M. MULLIN. 1973. A study of plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling in the Central Gyre of the North Pacific LITERATURE CITED Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 18:534-551. AHLSTROM, E. H., and J. R. THRAIKILL. 1962. FEIGENBAUM, D. L. 1977. Nutritional ecology Plankton volume loss with time of pre­ of the Chaetognatha with particular refer­ servation. Calif. Coop. Oceanic Fish. In­ ence to external hair patterns, prey detec­ vest. Rep. 9: 57-73. tion and feeding. Ph.D. Thesis. University ALVARINO, A. 1964. Bathymetric distribu­ of Miami, Gables, Fla. 106 pp. tion of chaetognaths. Pac. Sci. 18: 64-82. GAUDY, R. 1975. Study ofrespiration in some --. 1965. Chaetognaths. Pages 115-194 Mediterranean pelagic copepods (Occi­ in H. Barnes, ed. Oceanography and dental Basin and Ionian Sea) and of its , an annual review. Vol. variations in relation to the bathymetric 3. Allen & Unwin, London. character and the geographic origin of BEERS, J. R. 1964. Ammonia and inorganic species. Mar. BioI. 29: 109-118. phosphorus excretion by the planktonic GRICE, G. D. 1962. Calanoid copepods from chaetognath, Sagitta hispida Conant. J. the equatorial waters of the Pacific Ocean. Cons. Perm. Int. Explor. Mer. 29: 123-129. U.S. Fish. Wildl. Serv., Fish. Bull. 61: 171­ ---. 1966. Studies on the chemical com­ 246. position of the major zooplankton groups HAMNER, W. M., L. P. MADIN, A. L. ALL­ in the Sargasso Sea off Bermuda. bmnul. DREDGE; R. W. GILMER:, and P. P. HAMNER. Oceanogr. 11: 520-528. 1975. Underwater observations of gelati­ BEERS, J. R., and G. L. STEWART. 1971. nous zooplankton: sampling problems, Microzooplankton in the plankton com­ feeding biology, and behavior. Lirnnol. munities of the upper waters of the eastern Oceanogr. 20: 907-917. 76 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 32, January 1978

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