2013 Vol.VIII Issue No.2 April
Vol. VIII Issue No. 2 April - June 2013 2013 Vol. 3 (Part-IV) 28th March, 2013 Issuance of summons in cases where accused are outside territorial jurisdiction of the magistrate, discussed. Udai Shankar Awasthi v. State of U.P. ....P-935 'Consultation' in the context of appointment of Uplokayukta under Karnataka Lokayukta Act, explained. Mr. Justice Chandrashekaraiah (Retd.) v. Janekere C. Krishna ....P-987 Need to adopt mechanism to avoid inordinate delays in matters pending in courts, emphasized Noor Mohammed v. Jethanand ....P-1146 9 8 1 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR 2013 0 7 0 Hon'ble Mr. Justice R.M. Lodha, Judge, Supreme Court of India 3 2 , 2 For 12 Volumes, each Volume consisting of 4 Parts and an Index: Rs.3900/- 1 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra, Judge, Supreme Court of India 9 9 Each Additional Volume: Rs.325/- 1 6 1 Hon'ble Mr. Justice J. Chelameswar, Judge, Supreme Court of India 1 (Individual Volumes or Parts not available for sale) 8 9 : . b o M . s r e For subscription, please contact: t n i r Ravindra Maithani, Secretary General, Supreme Court of India P & r Bibhuti Bhushan Bose, Editor, Supreme Court Reports Assistant Controller of Publications (Periodicals), e n o i t Department of Publication, Govt. of India, a t S Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 N V A Tel: 011-23817823, 23813761-62, 64, 65 : t a Fax: 91-11-23817846 d e t n i r P (As on 30-06-2013) 01. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir, 09-09-2005 19-07-2013 Chief Justice of India (CJI) As CJI: 29-09-2012 02.
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