Weekly Review ' Volume 82, Number 5 ©2003 Friday, January 31, 2003, Abernathy, Texas 50 Cents Six Pages, One Section

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Weekly Review ' Volume 82, Number 5 ©2003 Friday, January 31, 2003, Abernathy, Texas 50 Cents Six Pages, One Section 5C 0110 ~1 - · UNGER MoM:::•RI.!.l LIBF;ARV 825 ,oi.U STIN ST THE ABERNATHY PL AINVIE'I'/f)( 79072-7235 .WEEKLY REVIEW ' VOLUME 82, NUMBER 5 ©2003 FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2003, ABERNATHY, TEXAS 50 CENTS SIX PAGES, ONE SECTION Abernathy firefighters honored Gary Grant (left) received a special plaque in appre­ Abernathy's top firefighters were announced at the Kelly Vandygriff, Trevino, Sylvester Torrez, presi­ ciation of his support and assistance to the Abernathy annual awards banquet last Saturday. Lee Roy Trevino dent Clyde Vandygriff and secretary-teasurer Chris Volunteer Fire Department. Grant, ownerofHi Plains was named the Fireman of the Year. Sylvester Torrez Lopez. Pictured (back left) is Eric Torrez and Julian Drilling, allows several employees to be firefighters was the Rookie of the Year. Other firefighters pic­ Torrez is backright.Also pictured is firefighter Alfredo and respond during emergencies. Hi Plains Drilling tured were among the top 10. Pictured standing, from Marez Jr. (front left). also provides assistance with heavy equipment dur­ right to left, are Miguel Torrez, Lt. Max Rivera, Chief ing emergencies. Firemen, Grant receive commendations for service Lee Roy Trevino is the Ab­ banquet. The top 10 are selected after Elden Benton, R.R. Herring, ham, J esse Marez, *Joe Th­ Vice-President Daniel Rod­ ernathy Fireman of the Year. Gary Grant, Hi Plains Drill­ calculating the number of fires *H.E. Richter, *C. J . Berutti, ompson, *O.C. Curry, Dayton riguez, Secreta ryfl'reasurer Sylvester Torrez was selected ing owner, was singled for a they responded to and the n um­ Hugh Hill, *F.W. Roberts, Marr, P ete Thomps on , Ch1·is Lopez, Training Officer Rookie of the Year. specia l recognition. Secretary­ ber oftraining hours acquired. *H.H. Blalock, *H.L. Howard, *L.J . Daniei,BillyMcC ienney, Gi lbert Blanco, Safety Officer The Abernathy Volunteer treasurer Chris Lopez pre­ Before showing a slide show *O.C. Rutledge, C.R. Bowen, *C.C. Turpin, Allen Douglas, Lee Roy Trevino, Captains FireC:;::!-!ters were recognized sented Grant with a_plaque qf from traininl! and emergency Jerry Howard, Ray Sanders, *L.A. McKenzie, Philip Vandy­ Mike Grimsley and Julian durir.,s t!,., annual Abernathy appreciation for Grants' sup­ events the department e~ peri ­ C.P. Bradley, *A.E. Hughes, griff, Bob Drace, Walte.r 'Torrez , Lie utenant Max Volunteer Fire Department port and assistance. Severa l enced during the year, honor­ *W.D. Sanders, C.W. Bradley, McNeill, Roy Villanueva, Rivera, Fire Marshal Oris Ce­ awards banquet. Hi Plains Drilling employees ary firemen were recognized. *J.E. Hughes, Craig Schaap, Glynn Durrett, *J .L. Miller Jr., cil , Chaplain Ricky Marquez , With nearly 90 people in are firefighters and the local Carroll P. Bradley,JudgeHugh *J.B. Bradley Willie Hughes, Bill Waits, *Ed Eldridge, *G.E. Firefighters John J oe Agu irre, attendance, including Hale and company on more than one oc­ Hill and Ray Sanders were in Bill Scott, *Joel Bray, *H.A. Myatt, Jim Waits, Keith Ellis, James Craig, Angel Garcia, Lubbock County elected offi­ casion has allowed h e avy attendance. Iverson, Oliver Shadden, Larry Gene Nunn, *D.Z. Ward, *C.E. Tony Gereau, Adrian Hernan­ cials, the audience was treated equipment to be used in emer­ 1'he department was formed Bryant, Carl Johnson, J .R. Givens, Tommy Overstreet, dez, David Macias, Michael to a steak dinner catered by gencies. in 1945 in large part due to the Smith, *L.F. Carmickle, Jack Watts, J .W. Gordon, J.A. Macias, Alfredo Ma rez Jr., Rockin R Steak House. Chief The top 10 firemen of the hard work by most of these Waymon Jones, E .D. Peterson, Lindsey Webb, *Billy Alfredo Marez III, Victor Kelly Vandygriff pointed out year, in no particular order, honorary members: Sparkman, *Lawrence Carter, Grimsley and *V.J. Zeman. Montoya, Tina Neely, Ruben that the fire department re­ Vandygriffsaid, were Sylvester *C .E·. Anderson, *J.T. *C.R. Jordon, Harold Sti,llwell, (* Deceased ) Olguin, J ames Pearson, Cruz sponded to a fire in December Torrez, Lee Roy Trevino, Kelly Hackler, Glenn Pettit, *M.E. *C.J. Condray, Wayne Lamb, Rivas, Gilbert Salinas Jr., Eric that closed the Rockin R Steak Vandygriff, Robert Prater , Anderson, *Gerald Ha ll, *A.E. Arno Struve, Toby Cox. *Joe Current firefighters are: Torrez , Miguel Torrez, Selso House in Abernathy. Ricky Clyde Vandygriff, Chris Lopez, Re id , Tim Barton, David Lovelace, *R.R. Struve, *C.E. Fire ChiefKelly Vandygriff, Torrez, Sylvester 'l'orrez, Powell used his restaurant in Julian Torrez, Max Rivera, Haney, R.S. Reid, Tim Beard, Crow, Scott Luce, *F.E . Assistant ChiefRobert Prater, Florencio Trevino, Ra mon Plainview to prepare the local Eric Torrez and Miguel Torrez. Kevin Harbin, T.R. Richerson, Tannehill, *Shane Cunning- President Clyde Vandygritl', Trevino and John Vandygritf. Destruction of Abernathy City Hall resumes, city has $1.7 01illion in reserve funds for new structure L. Howard Construction re­ cost tops $32,000. budget set by the council. CITY OF All~KNATH Y turned to knocking down the Abernathy City Councilmen The following is the latest QUARTERLY INVESnlENT REPORT old Abernathy City Hall at 7 have not set any special meet· statement of certificates of de­ a.m. Monday. At the rapid pace ings to review new building po sit at First State Bank. AS OF they are working, they are ex­ plans from Ronnie Steinfath, Councilmen have discussed DJ::Ct::M BJ::R Jl, ~002 pected to have it cleared away Action Building Systems. The using money from the general GENERAL FUND INVESTMENTS this week. next regular meeting is Feb. 10. fund and water-sewer fund to C.D. PRINCIPAL MON RATE ~IATUR ITY INTEREST TOTAL West Texas Abatement will Steinfath is attempting to pay for construction. Both NUM BER DA TE 1\T ~IATURI TY @ MATURITY move in to remove tile that has draw plans for an 11,000- funds combined total $1.7 mil­ lion before interest is applied 33J68 $100' 000.00 6. 50% 0 1 21 OJ $J,250. 00 $103 ' 25 0 '00 asbestos in the mastic. square-foot building and stay 33491 $100' 000.00 6' 50% 02 01 03 $2' 708 '33 $102,70 8.J3 The combined demolition within a $600,000 construction for mature COs. 33414 $50 ' 000. 00 5. 50% 02 OJ OJ $1' 375.00 $51,J75.00 33490 $100,000.00 6. 50% 03 01 OJ $3,250.00 $10J . 250 '00 33364 $50' 000. 00 5 '50% OJ 26 OJ $687. 50 $50,687. s o AIRPORT FUNDS INVESTMENTS 3J524 $100' 000 .00 6. 50\ OJ 27 03 $3,250.00 $103' 250 . 00 33580 $100' 000.00 6. SO % OS 03 03 $3,250.00 $103' 2 5 0 . 00 33436 $20,000' 00 6 5. 50% 02 20 03 $550.00 $20.550. 00 3J624 $ 100' 000 . 00 6. 50% 06 24 03 $3,250.00 $1 03' 250 '00 33571 $1 8 ,000 .00 6 5.50% 04 21 OJ $495.00 $18,495.00 3J625 $100 ' 000 . 00 6 . 50% 06 24 03 $3,250.00 $ 10J' 250.00 TOTALS $800,000.00 $24.270.83 $824' 270' 8 3 ALL OF THE GENERAL FUND. WATE R FUNDS & AIRPORT FUNDS L ISTED HE REIN ARE INVESTED v/ITH FIRST STATE BANK OF AB ERNATHY WATER/SEWER INVESTMENTS $0. 00 so. 0 0 SUMMARY 33568 $100' 000. 00 6. SO% 0 1 21 03 $1,625.00 $101, 6c5. 0 0 TOTAL AT 33J96 $100 ,000 .00 6' 50% 01 26 03 $3,250.00 $10J. 250 . 00 INVESTMENT SUMMARY PRINCIPAL INTEREST MATURITY J J581 $ 50 ,000.00 5. 50\ 02 04 OJ $916. 67 $50 , 916.6 7 3J566 $100 ' 000.00 6 . 50% 02 2 8 OJ $1,625.00 $101' 625 '00 GENERAL FUND $800,000' 00 $24 , 2 70.8 3 $824 ' 2 70. BJ JJ612 $50,000.00 5. SO% 02 28 03 $687.50 $50, 687 . so WATER FUND $900' 000 '00 $24,JS4 .17 $924' J54 ' 17 33489 $100' 000. 00 6. 50\ 03 01 03 $3,250.00 $10J' 250 '00 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND $61 ,652.94 $1,695 . 46 $63, J4 8 . 40 33526 $100' 000 '00 6. 50% 0 3 28 OJ $3,250 . 00 $103, 250.00 AIRPORT $J8,000.00 $1,04 5.00 $J9,045.00 33529 $100' 000' 00 6. SO% 0 4 01 03 $3,250.00 $103,~ 5 0.0 0 CERT. OF OBLIGATION I &S $73,162.00 $1,676.6J $74, 8J8.6J 33613 $100' 000. 00 6. 50% 06 01 03 $3,250.00 $103, 2 50.00 3J637 $100. 000.00 6. 50% 06 30 03 $3,250.00 $ 1 03, cso . oo TOTALS $1 ,872 .814 '94 $53,04 2.09 $1,925,857.03 TOTALS $900 , 000.00 $ 24 ' 354 .17 $924 ' 3 5 ·1 .17 AS OF DEC . 31, 2002 THESE FUNDS WE RE COVERED BY THE FOLLOWING : F.D.I.C. $200' 000 '00 BANK PLEDGES CERTIFICATE OF OB LIGATION FUNDS (RESTRICTED) TOTAL F. D. I . C. & PLEDGES $200,000.00 33463 $48 , 000.00 5 5 . 50% 01 30 03 ,$1,100.00 $49,10 0 00 334J4 $ 25,162.00 5 5.50% 01 18 03 $576.63 $25 , 738.63 SPECIAL SERI ES 1 998 (CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION) TOTALS $73 , 162 .00 $1.676.63 $74' 838 63 $0 '00 $0 00 $0 '00 $0 '00 $0 00 $0. 00 * * ** ..... ** * * * .... *. * * * *. * * *• * * * ·-· .... 11 l ... ,.. ... fl .. ** •.•. *.*****~ l * ..... * * * ••• * * ** ***** * * •• * ** •• ** **. * * ** ............... *** * .. * ........ ** t * •• * *. t * ** ......... fl.* •• WATER/SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND ~~~ 33626 $61 ,652.94 6 5.50% 06 24 OJ $1,695 .
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