
Saint Matthew Catholic Church

542 Blue Heron Drive Pastor Hallandale Beach, FL Rev. Robert M Ayala 33009-5799 [email protected] 954-458-1590

Assisting Priests: www.smatt.org Rev. Msgr. Franklyn Casale Rev. Msgr. Dariusz May 16, 2021 Zielonka The Ascension of the Lord Rev. Msgr. Gregory

Wielunski Fr. Jose Luis Paniagua

Director of Religious Education: Beatriz López-Domínguez [email protected]

Music Director: Maria M. Perez-Rudisill [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Lois Montanarello [email protected]

Parish Receptionist Aurora Meras [email protected]

Masses (livestreamed) Monday-Friday 8:30am Saturday 9:00am

Confessions 16 de Mayo de 2021 Saturday 2:30pm–3:30pm Ascensión del Señor or by appointment

Saturday Vigil We are a welcoming parish. Whatever your present 4:00pm (live streamed) status in the Catholic Church, whatever your current family or marital situation, whatever your past or Sunday present religious affiliation, whatever your personal 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am history, age, background, race or color, whatever your self in English esteem. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and 1:00pm in Spanish respected by the Catholic community of (live streamed) Saint Matthew. Saturday, May 15, 2021 †Fernando Sorondo by his loving mother & 4:00PM †Justin Lex Norris by his loving mother sister †Fr. Daniel I. Kubala by friends & family †Joseph Ianniello by Lorraine Iannielo †Martin Mejia by Beatriz Mejia †Richard Yeager †Angie Hearon by her sons †Alphonse Tramontano by Linda & Dolores †Maria Clara Ramirez Villega by Maria Victoria For the people of St. Matthew Possony †Alexandre Bolina by daughter Marie Totaconan Tuesday, May 18, 2021 †Alfred Anthony Scotti & (L) Mary Agnes Scotti 8:30AM †Jorge Lodena, Ana Luisa Morel & Carmen Toro by son Donald Scotti By his mother, her son and family For the people of St. Matthew †Kathleen Zippilli by Kathy Lohse †Jorge Asecio by Loreto Asecio Sunday, May 16, 2021 The Ascension of the Lord †Zoey Budanauro by Marlene Grandez 8:30AM †Kenny J. Ippolito by his wife Pamela, children, †Guy Boone Jr. by Marlene Grandez grandchildren & great-grandchildren (L) Liz Roque for healing by Tony & Terese †Fr. Michael Keller Altieri †Maria Valecillos by Miriam Valero For the people of St. Matthew For the people of St. Matthew Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:00AM †Walter Vivarelli by his loving children 8:30AM †Enrique E. Sainz Ruiz by Beatriz Ruiz †Frances Pagano, beloved mother by Claire †Holy Souls in Purgatory by John A. McQuillan Polk †Fr. Thomas Foudy †Nifa, beloved mother of Humberto Forondo (L) Birthday blessings for Enrique Antonio by Claire Polk Jimenez de Armas by Carolina Diaz †John LaSpisa by Vincent & Nina Storino For the people of St. Matthew For the people of St. Matthew Thursday, May 20, 2021 11:30AM †Fr. Daniel I. Kubala by Vincent & Anita 8:30AM †Badilia & Miguel Figueroa by Maria Figueroa Ditrano †Jobe Canera & Zulmi Ato by Maria Canera †Angie Hearon by her sons For the Legion of Mary - Rosa Mistica by the †Josefina Lopez by Ron & Madeline Yoesting Legion (L) Margarita Dismukes for health by Eunice (L) Rose Capita for healing by Heather Dukhie Morales For the people of St. Matthew For the people of St. Matthew Friday, May 21, 2021 St. Matthias, Apostle 1:00PM †Cesar Asca de su familia 8:30AM †Patricia Engelbrecht by her cousins †Minerva & Modesto Escalera by Arelys †Msgr. David Bushey Escalera †Fr. Jose Izquierdo †Guillermo Bonilla by Mayra Bolainez (L) Olger Byron Hidalgo for healing by Maria †Jose Domingues Ramos by Veronica Menendez Domingues For the people of St. Matthew †Eddie Petersen by Rosa Pando †Maria Cira Rivas by Rosa Pando Saturday, May 22, 2021 †Jorge Samora by Rosa Pando 9:00AM †Fr. Julian Bastarrica †Carlos Velazquez by Milena Perez †Jeff & Rosita Remedios by Josh Remedios †Violeta Rivas by Rosa Pando (L) Birthday blessings for Maria Carolina Diaz †Maria Mudarra by Rosalba Mudarra Lavie by Familia Diaz Lavie †Jose Duilio Barone by Josefa Gomez For the people of St. Matthew

Monday, May 17, 2021 8:30 AM †Fr. Cyril McDonnell If you have not yet been vaccinated for COVID, we have good news …

On Sunday, May 23rd, here at St. Matthew, the Pfizer Covid19 vaccine is being offered by our neighborhood Walmart to those who have not yet been inoculated . You MUST REGISTER so please call Lois in the Parish Office 954-458-1590 to leave your name & phone number. Vaccinations will be given in Rose Hall. We are hoping this will benefit low income families that don’t have insurance and the groups without legal status in this country. All are welcome to take advantage of this opportunity.

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ASCENSION The theological unity, or perhaps even the temporal experience of the early community, made it seem that Jesus’ resurrection and his ascension were in- separable aspects of a single mystery. Only in the later writings of Luke and John has further theological reflection helped the Christian community to dis- tinguish different dimensions of the mystery. Liturgical tradition has followed the forty-day chronology formulated by Luke. We would miss the point, how- ever, if we were to demand a precise historical chronology of events such as the Resurrection-Ascension that are primarily spiritual in nature and that clearly surpass the bounds of time and space as we know them. What is important for us to grasp is the significance of the Ascension. For Luke, it is the deci- sive turning point that marks the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the beginning of the disci- ples’ Spirit-led ministry and thus the ministry of the whole church down to our own day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ST. MATTHEW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Beatriz Dominguez, D.R.E. [email protected]


GOAL $95,025

If you $89,306.10 have not in pledges made your pledge yet PLEASE do so today!

A Memo from the Outreach Food Pantry How do we celebrate our Christian way of life? By demonstrating love for our brothers. That is what more than 190 parish families have done by making more than 800 donations to the Food Pantry over the last 14 months. This does number does not include all those who bring food for the Pantry and leave it in the church. We have no means of knowing how many fami- lies are practicing that charity. BUT THE DONATIONS WE RECEIVE REFLECT TRUE BROTHERLY LOVE!!!!. May God send all of you His blessings and graces for your generosity. Last week we again were able to deliver food to more than 100 families. And we are now working on the next Pantry to be held on May 21st. Please continue to share your brotherly love with those in need. For those who want to donate food we request you bring juices and snacks for children, cans of tuna or meat, peanut butter and jelly, cookies, crackers, cans of mixed vegetables, boxes of cereal, and perhaps some tooth- brushes and tubes of toothpaste. God bless you all. As always Online Donations can be made using the following directions: Open the smatt.org parish web page, scroll down one page and click on “Enter”, at the top right of the next page (in a red box), click on “Donations”. Then on the following page scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Make a Dona- tion” then follow the instructions on the screen for donations to the Outreach Pantry Ministry. It is very user friendly. FEAST OF FAITH May - the month of Mary The General Intercessions The Adoration Ministry will be The general intercessions saying the Rosary for the were restored to the litur- gy in the reforms that fol- whole month of May - lowed the Second Vatican the month of the Council. In these prayers-also known as the Virgen Mary, our “universal prayer” or “prayer of the faithful”- Mother. the assembly prays for the Church, the world, Join them every and the local community. As the name “prayer of the faithful” reminds us, these in- morning at tercessions are a privilege of the baptized, 8:00am in the which is why any catechumens are dismissed Church . before the Creed and the intercessions. In Everyone is baptism, we become members of a royal welcome! priesthood, and what do priests do? They in- tercede; they pray. In standing to pray to God as a community, we are living out our royal The Church is like a priesthood. The intercessions at Mass usually follow a great ship being clear pattern, moving from general to specific pounded by the waves needs. We pray for the whole Church. We of life’s different pray for the world and for our nation. We stresses. Our duty is pray for our local community, for those who not to abandon ship, have died and for all the sick and afflicted. In but to keep her on her our united prayer, we reach beyond ourselves and our own needs and grow in awareness of course. and compassion for the needs of others. - St. Boniface - Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN This weekend our special collection supports the Catholic Communication Campaign. This campaign connects people with Christ and builds Catholic communities in the United States and developing countries using the internet, television, radio, and print media. Half of the money collected remains here in the Archdiocese of Miami to fund local communi- cations efforts. Your support helps spread the Gospel message! To learn more, visit www.usccb.org/ ccc. LA CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN Nuestra colecta especial este fin de semana apoya a la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación. Esta campa- ña conecta a las personas con Cristo y construye Educación Religiosa de St. Matthew comunidades católicas en Beatriz Dominguez, D.R.E. los Estados Unidos y en los [email protected] países en desarrollo, utilizando la Internet, la televisión, la radio y los medi- CLASES DE SANTA BIBLIA os impresos. La mitad del dinero re- Profesor : RAMON RIVERO Tema:Estudio del Evangelio de San Marcos. caudado permanece aquí en la Archdio- Todos los Miércoles 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US cese of Miami para financiar los esfuerzos y Canada) Join Zoom Meeting locales de comunicación. ¡Tu apoyo ayuda https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3204602140? a difundir el mensaje del Evangelio! Para pwd=RW13MlRHMzdNUjhvWHdHdmNTd2lCZz informarte más, visita 09 Meeting ID: 320 460 2140 Pass code: 2rnNx6 www.usccb.org/ccc.

Mensaje a la Parroquia desde la Outreach Food Pantry ¿Cómo celebramos nuestra vida cristiana? Demostrando amor a nuestros hermanos. Eso es lo que han hecho más que 190 familias de la parroquia al dar más de 800 donaciones a la despensa de alimentos desde marzo del año pasado. Este número no incluye a todos los que traen comida para la despensa y la dejan en la iglesia. No hay forma de saber cuántas fami- lias practican esa caridad. PERO TODAS LAS DONACIONES QUE RECIBIMOS REFLEJAN VERDA- DERO AMOR AL HERMANO !!!!. Que Dios les envíe a todos sus bendiciones y misericordia por su genero- sidad. Nuevamente la semana pasada pudimos entregar alimentos a más de 100 familias. Y desde ahora estamos trabajando en la próxima Despensa que se llevará a cabo el 21 de mayo. Por favor Continúe compartiendo su amor fraternal con los necesitados. Para aquellos que quieran donar alimentos les solicitamos traer jugos y snacks para niños, latas de atún o carne, mantequilla de maní y mermelada, galletas, crackers, latas de vegetales mixtos, pasta y salsa para pas- ta, cajas de cereal y tal vez algunos cepillos de dientes y tubos de pasta de dientes. Dios los bendiga a todos. Para aquellos que quien donar fondos a la Dispensa, las instrucciones se encuentran a continuación: Donaciones en línea: Abra la página web dela parroquia smatt.org, desplácese hacia abajo una página y ha- ga clic en "Enter", en la parte superior derecha de la página siguiente (en un cuadro rojo), haga clic en "Donaciones". Luego, en la siguiente página, desplácese hacia abajo hasta la parte inferior de la página y haga clic en "Hacer una donación" y luego siga las instrucciones en la pantalla para donar al Ministerio de Outreach. Es muy fácil de usar.

EL SIGNIFICADO DE LA ASCENSIÓN La unión teológica, o tal vez la experiencia temporal de la primera comunidad cristiana, hizo pare- cer que la Resurrección y Ascensión de Jesús eran aspectos inseparables de un único misterio. Solo en los últimos escritos de Lucas y Juan la reflexión teológica que iba madurando ayudó a la comunidad cristiana distinguir las diferentes dimensiones del misterio. La tradición litúrgica ha seguido la cronolo- gía de cuarenta días formulada por Lucas. No comprenderíamos lo esencial, sin embargo, si exigiéra- mos una cronología precisa de acontecimientos históricos como la Resurrección y la Ascensión que son principalmente de naturaleza espiritual y que superan claramente los límites del tiempo y el espacio tal como los conocemos. Lo que es importante es que comprendamos el significado de la Ascensión. Para Lucas, es el mo- mento decisivo que marca el final del ministerio terrenal de Jesús y el comienzo del ministerio guiado por el Espíritu de los discípulos, y por lo tanto el ministerio de toda la Iglesia hasta nuestros días. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. FIESTA DE LA FE Colecta este fin de semana La proclamación del Evangelio La Campaña Católica de la Comunicación (CCC) La proclama- ción del Evange- lio constituye la cima de la Litur- gia de la Palabra. En cierta forma, es una oportunidad para brindarles es Cristo mismo verdad y esperanza a las personas en quien proclama los Estados Unidos y alrededor del su mensaje; es mundo a través de los medios y de decir, se hace proclamador él mismo de su una comunicación eficaz. La Catholic Buena Nueva en la persona del ministro or- Mobilizing Network (Red de Movili- denado que proclama el Evangelio. Jesús zación Católica), dedicada a la misión de eliminar la pena capital, trabaja mismo se hace presente una vez más a noso- para incorporar los principios de la tros mediante la proclamación de su pala- justicia restaurativa dentro del siste- bra; él sigue siendo el Verbo de Dios, no sólo ma de justicia penal en los Estados discurso, sino el mismo Dios que se nos da Unidos mediante la oración, la edu- “en palabra”. Bien cierta es la afirmación de cación y la abogacía. En el 2019, la que desde la mesa de la Palabra nos dirigi- Catholic Mobilizing Network fomentó mos a la mesa de la Eucaristía. Esta palabra el diálogo y la concientización sobre que se nos proclama es una palabra viva, las injusticias que existen dentro de la pena capital y elaboró una guía de siempre nueva. Se escribió hace dos mil años estudio para acompañar a la película quizá, pero es tan actual como la novedad de Just Mercy. Esta película describe Dios. Jesús mismo utiliza un lenguaje como cómo Walter McMillian fue condenado el nuestro para hablarnos de Dios, para re- y sentenciado a muerte en Alabama velarnos quién es él. Lo hace mediante su vi- en 1998 por un crimen que no había da y su palabra; palabras de un campesino cometido. Just Mercy presenta la galileo del año 30 que predica la novedad del verdadera historia de su búsqueda Dios que es amor y nos habla de un Reino por la justicia y la guía de estudio fac- ulta a los espectadores a examinar la basado en el amor, en la justicia, la igualdad, historia a través del lente de la ense- la bondad. Esa palabra, lejos de ser compli- ñanza católica sobre el racismo, la cada, es muy clara y comprensible para to- justicia penal y la pobreza—elementos dos. que impactan el asunto de la pena capital. Este valioso recurso se realizó - Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. gracias a la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación. Al participar en la La Iglesia es como Campaña, tú estás ayudando a fo- una gran barca mentar el diálogo en todo el país so- bre temas importantes de la fe y la combatida por las comunidad. olas de los vendavales de la vida. Nuestro EL PRÉSTAMO deber es no abando- No heredamos la tierra narla sino mantenerla de nuestros padres. Se la to- en su curso. mamos prestada a nuestros - San Bonifacio hijos. - El Jefe Seattle Pastoral Services and Ministries The offertory collection for

Please notify the Parish Office when May 8th & 9th, 2021 someone is hospitalized or homebound and unable to attend Mass as the Priests and Mass Time 1st Coll. 2nd Coll. Eucharistic Ministers would like to visit. Saturday 4:00pm 1,289.00 106.00 Sunday 8:30am 1,022.00 97.00 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: 10:00am 902.00 14.00 Please call the Parish Office to arrange. 11:30am 928.00 52.00 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED 1:00pm 700.00 9.00 SACRAMENT: Mail in Collection 1,560.00 [email protected] Contact is Monica Feli- First Friday 270.00 ces. Adoration is every Thursday immediate- ly after the 8:30am Mass until 7:00pm when Sub Total $6,671.00 278.00 there will be Benediction. Online Offering 4,277.64 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS: [email protected] Contacts are Nieves Total Collection $11,226.64

Palacios & Cecile Erlsten. OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME R.C.I.A. (English): Masses 500.00 Contact is Beatriz Dominguez Tea Lights 246.00 [email protected] Poor Box 135.00

R.C.I.A. (Spanish): Contact is Jesus Mezquia . Please leave a Visit our website www.smatt.org for message in the Parish Office 954-458-1590. ONLINE GIVING details or call the Par- ish Office at 954-458-1590. Thank you for supporting YOUR St. Matthew Parish! Face masks must be worn at all times except for when receiving If you have any questions, please call Aurora or Lois in Holy Communion the Parish Office • Daily Mass (in the Church) Monday - Friday Monday - Friday 8:30am (live 9am to 3pm streamed) 954-458-1590 Saturday 9:00am (live streamed) We are happy to help! • Weekend Masses (in the Church) Sat Vigil 4:00pm (live streamed) PRIESTS SCHEDULE FOR Sunday 8:30am 10:00am May 22nd & 23rd, 2021 11:30am Saturday, May 22nd 1:00pm - Spanish (live 4:00PM Msgr. Dariusz Zielonka streamed) Sunday, May 23rd Mass resources and links to our live streams are 8:30AM Msgr. Gregory Wielunski available at 10:00AM Fr. Robert Ayala www.smatt.org 11:30AM Fr. Robert Ayala or by scanning this QR code 1:00PM Fr. Jose Luis Paniagua United We Stand ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It Joseph A. SCARANO The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Funeral Homes Joseph A. Free Casket for Veterans Scarano Join Our Pre-Plan & Save $500 Family Owned 954-438-8222 A Reputation Earned... Not Inherited” www.ScaranoFuneralHome.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 9000 Pines Blvd. • 4351 Hollywood Blvd. • 6300 Stirling Rd. I am patronizing your business because of it!

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