Ttfl Mo by COAST Aovetmethg 00," Oooooooooooooa Kj) O Rjj Oooooooooooooa G£ at This Theatre This Iveek
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M*W»0«ttfl mo BY COAST AOVEtmetHG 00," oooooooooooooa Kj) O Rjj oooooooooooooa g£ At This Theatre This IVeek 6 BEGINNING MONDAY, NOVEMBER I 8 Texas T< D; Special Price Matinee Wednesday. Matinee Saturday exas 1 ommy l^ancers FENNER y TOLMAN Pacific will positively appear at Lam bard i Coast jUrcainan #arben£=J$lultncimaf) J^otel Grand Opera Company Witt Five Other Vaudeville Features EVELYN GILBERT LEROY AND CHASE Petite Soubrette Soprano and Harpist MINNIE RHOADES REPERTOIRE Monday, November 18—"La Boheme." Singer of Popular Songsj Tuesday, November ICJT—"Conchita." Wednesday (Special Price Matinee), November 20—"II Trovatore." '"' Wednesday (Night), November 20—"Lucia Di Lammermoor." Thursday, November 21-—•"Salome." GuiL Friday, November 22—"Madame Butterfly." . Saturday (Matinee), November 23-—-"Salome." ' Leading Tenor, Seven Years with Adelina Patti Saturday (Night), November ^3—"Cavalleria Rusticana" and "E PagHacei." 6:30 to 8:30 10:30 to 12:30 PRICES Evenings and Saturday Matinee—Entire lower floor, $2.00; Balcony, first. 5 rows Special Matinee Performance—12:30 to 2:00 $1:5' 3, next'6 rows $4.-00, following 6 rows 75c, last 5 rows 50c; gallery (4 rows reserved), 75c; . gallery admission, 50c; box seats, $2.50 Special Price Matinee Wednesday—Entire lower floor, $1.50; balgony first 5 rows ID .0 o, next 0 rows 73c, last 11 rows 50c: gallery, reserved and admission, 50c; box Sc.00. 01 [Oj [0. OREGON TAXI CAB COMPANY We Lost , i A Customer! Since 1848 — 64 Years Ago How? Eurfonamt ffitanog AS HAVE BEEN UNEXCELLED AT THEIR MODERATE PRICE He Died! #4. The leading feature of the Itttrt?tttamt piano is its beautifully rich tone quality. Only high grade materials—handled by PACIFIC COAST the most skilled artisans —are used in the constru&ion of the Ifiirflmamt. Moderate terms if desired. TAILORING CO. Custom tailors to Ladies' and Gentle• Steinway and Other Fine Pianos Sold on Terms if Desirea men. Quality and value have made our reputation. Phoenix Bldg., Fifth £sf Oak Sts. Sherman Jpay & Co Phone Main 3305 OPP. P. O., MORRISON AT SIXTH STUD EBAKER THREE SPEED COUPES ELECTRIC LIGHTED, JP PHONES ELECTRIC SELF STARTER, i ] EAST I4EI EDMUND GURNEY MIGHTY MICHIGAN A COMPLETE CAR IN B- 1346 EVERY DETAIL I foyOR C4 Habtes; bailor STUDEBAKER IDEAL FOR WINTER USE Electric Lights, Leather and Whipcord Up• THE CAR THAT ALL THE COUNTRY IS TALKING ABOUT holstery, Plate Glass Windows, Silk Slip Fourth Floor, Mohawk Building Curtains, Cut Glass Boquet Holder, Cut Glass 11825 COMPLETE and Leather Toilet Case and Dainty Watch Compare it with oyory other ear on tho market and you. will find thit the Corner Third & Morrison Car that will Please You Best. ARISTOCRATIC IN APPEARANCE MICHI6AN AUTO fc BUGGY CO. NORTHWEST BRANCH 369-371 HAWTHORN AVE. MODERATELY PRICED PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION AUTO NEWS STUDEBAKER CHAPMAN AND ALDER STREETS REMEMBER SERVICE THIS WEEK— In the purchasing of an automobile the most serious point to consider has been, aside from the mechanical features, the Special Price Matinee Wednesday, November 20th. question of service. Particularly is this of the 'greatest ne• Verdi's Popular Opera cessity with the electric car. At the pres• ent time the facilities from the service standpoint, as regards the proper caring "IE TROVATORE" of electric automobiles through well Has Revolutionized the tire husmess Prices $1.50, 1.00, 70, 50, 35 and 25,. Seats Now Selling. equipped service stations, is fairly good, but only by the most aggressive policy You should investigate and see and most careful supervision from the for yourself its nationally BOX OFFICE OPEN FROM IO A. M. TO 10 P. M. PHONES MAIN I, Ami factories manufacturing electric cars is it possible for the purchasers to be protected recognized merit as they should be. OREGON TAXI CAB COMPANY The Anderson Electric Car Co., of De• Essenkay Sales Company of Oregon A 2242 Brown Ta xj'cab Main 250 troit, manufacturers of the well known De• 605 Washington Street troit Electric, has taken up a 'most ag• gressive policy in the last few years on N the Pacific Coast, and in giving the a FEATURE; style, work and a guarantee your agency of their car to Mr. Frank C. in Oakland, Stockton, Sacramento, Port• W FAVOR; best value for your money, a FACT Riggs, of Portland, they insisted that he land, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver. For the Portland car owner who travels J$ltllmerj> maintain an exclusive electric department to California in the winter time, or the and with an entrance from the street to California car owner who visits Oregon this department exclusively for the use of and Washington in the summer time, there Phones: Main 1750 OTolcott's Jffltllmerp is every facility and convenience necessary A 2750 electric cars. 415 Alder Street, Corner Eleventh for the electric car at either end of the This Portland agency gives the Detroit Coast. The cost of transportation will vary Electric a complete chain of up-to-date from about $25 to $45 for the car on the steamships. agencies, well and fully equipped, to take We Cater Especially to 44 yf Of sters, Steaks and Chops Judging from the past, it has been ex• care of the Detroit Electric, starting at pected that each year there will be a Theatre Parties tEfje fetoel San Diego with an exclusive electric garage surprise in the new Detroit Electrics. A Specialty This year, mechanically, there are fewer 352 MORRISON STREET owned and operated by Mr. Mark Roberts, changes than ever before, but the new Clear and at Pasadena and Los Angeles with Vision Brougham is entirely brand new Open 11:00 A. M. to I:00 A. M. Shell Fish in Season and is a welcome addition to the various three very large garages; San Francisco A. G. St H. L. Day . Proprietors with a brand new one on Van Ness Ave.; 1913 models. ialtom©ooltttIe Interior Decorating c 1 and jy JJJ Q g Complete House Marshall 438 Outfitting CAT'N FIDDLE Our New Dainty Luncheon Menu just out —We consider it the finest in the west — Our parlor enlarged, making it the Handsomest Store in your city— Made Clean Baked Clean Sold Clean tractive place for After Theatre Luncheon and Tea — BLUE RIBBON JE^^'^^ refreshments at any Invite your friends. ^ time, especially BREAD H5 SEVENTH STREET The Wrapper is a Guarantee after the play. of Purity THEATRE ROW AT ALL GROCERS MAIN WORKS E THIRD AND ASH STS. DRY CLEANING PHONES AND DYEING OF EVERY 1 EAST 194 B1 194 DESCRIPTION LAMBARDI (Pacific Coast) GRAND OPERA COMPANY Mario Lambardi, Director Ettore Patrizi, Gen. Mgr. Fortune Gallo, Mgr. Sparks M. Berry, Director of Tour Charles R. Baker, Advance Manager MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1912 "La Boheme" An Opera in Four Acts by G. Puccini "SEVEN SISTERS" AT THE BAKER THIS WEEK CAST OF CHARACTERS Rudolph, a poet G. Armanini or G. Agostini First Stock Production of Clever Comedy Attracts Much Attention. Schaunard, a musician E. Pineschi, a landlord Amiha Matini Among the many successful productions of the Baker players this season is the Parpignol Giovanni Reano well known farce comedy, "The Seven Sisters," which is this week attracting much Marcel, a painter pt Nicoletti attention and drawing large crowds of delighted theatre-goers. It affords splendid op• Colline, a philosopher <j Martino portunities for nearly every member of the popular company including Alice Fleming in Alcindoro, a councillor of state. Q. Fornai the role created by Laurette Taylor in New York, and Robert Conness as the young Musetta ,'Efc' d'Oria lieutenant, which Charles Cherry played in the New York production. The play is Students, work girls, citizens, shopkeepers, street venders, soldiers, restaurant waiters, written in a most delightful vein and deals with the many troubles of a widow with hoys, girls, etc. Time—About 1830. In Paris. seven daughters to get off her hands fit the most desirable manner. It shows the SYNOPSIS OF SCENES great difference between the European countries and America in the manner of con• ACT I. An attic of the Latin Quarter Paris. ducting the marriage question, and also may offer some really good suggestions to other ACT II. A square in front of the Cafe Momus, Paris. mothers who may be troubled more or less with the same difficulty. It is written in a ACT III. The Gate of Enfer, Paris. comedy vein pure and simple and is rife with action and laughter. ACT IV. Same as Act T. Giovanni Colucci. Musical Director OREGON TAXI C A B COMPANY OREGON TAXI C A B CO MR A NY A 2242 Brown Taxi cab 'Main 250 Main 250 SEATING CAPACITY 250 ' ITS THE QUALITY' My Lady's Garter puritan Cafeteria By JACQUES FUTRELLE,; One of the heroes to perish in the Titanic Disaster. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER 11 to 8 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING The story of the theft of the historic jeweled gift of a king and the ORCHESTRA, 12 to 2 - 5:30 to 7:30 Stark St.. Bet. Third and Fourth complications arising from the secrecy of international diplomacy. For Space in This Program Phone Coast Advertising Co. Mfko Is the Hawk? ?Op Eilers Building Main At all book stores, $1.35. "The most beautiful car 1 on the road," called so by 9 i 3 Arrived! all who have seen the Oakland 42 42 h. p. Turkey on Thanksgiving Day Low lines, giving low center gravity, anti-suction, running boards, does away with all Tastes better when prepared by loving hands back home dust in the body. V-shape German silver radiator giv• ing increased volume of wa• SOMEBODY IS EXPECTING YOU ter and cooling surface.