Productive Reuse Project Areas Lagam Achham 4

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Productive Reuse Project Areas Lagam Achham 4 Doti Productive Reuse Project Areas Lagam Achham 4. Regular meeting and workshops Betan Bijaura Guthu on project progress with Chhapre Janajyotee Higher Secondary School MWASHCC and other concerned Bijaura Guthu stakeholders. Birendranagar Municipality Bidyapur Salkot Ghatgaun Babiyachaur 5. Collection and publication of case Babiyachaur Latikoili VDC studies and best practices. Kailali Pokharikanda Tatopani Dailekh 6. Design, adaptation and validation Badichaur of re-use components to existing Kunathari Matela Matela Jajarkot and new sanitation systems. Taranga Gadhi Ratu Garpan Lekgaun Birendranagar Municipality Awalching Ghoreta 7. Implement the innovative Garpan Ranibas Agrigaun Uttarganga Birendranagar Pamka Kaphalkot sanitation and use system, with Surkhet District Hariharpur Jarbuta Rajena Bajedichaur curriculum for the Agricultural Neta Satakhani Khanikhola Rakamjamune District HQ Latikoili Kalyan school. Market Centers Rakam Lekhparajul Ramghat 8. Develop the operation and Dandakhali Dasarathpur Lekhpharsa Gumi maintenance of mobile public Dahachaur Kaprichaur Salyan Maintara Ghumkhahare toilet, and transport and use of Chhinchhu Botechaur Dharapani Bardiya Chhinchhu collected urine. MehelkunaSahare Malarani 9. Develop productive use demonstration site. Productive 10. Develop faecal sludge management plan. 11. Participatory research with selected urban, peri-urban and rural farmers on use and impact of compost and urine. 12. Training to JTA students on productive re-use and 5R concept. Reuse Project 13. Testing and research with JTA students and community on use and impact of compost Project Outputs and urine with different vegetables. Background 1. Regional workshop on productive re-use. 2. Scenario development. The project on “Productive Reuse” is developed for research and development and 3. Developing system and curriculum for agricultural school. implementation of multiple uses of waste/ waste-water and urine for WASH improvements 4. Participatory research with selected urban, peri-urban and rural farmers. and food security in urban and peri-urban settlements around Birendranagar Municipality, 5. Design, adaptation and validation of re-use component to existing and new sanitation Surkhet District. The project will be based on FIETS (Financial, Institutional, Environmental, systems. Technological and Social Sustainability) approach. 6. Training to JTA student on productive re-use and 5R concept, and urine application research with different vegetable. The project will be implemented in Birendranagar Municipality, Latikoili VDC and Janajyotee 7. Capacity building for end-users and artisans. Higher Secondary School of Surkhet district with the financial support from RUAF Foundation 8. Development of monitoring protocol for re-use. ( under the Dutch WASH Alliance. The implementing partners include 9. Support to develop faecal sludge management plan and revision of MWASH plan with ENPHO, Birendranagar Municipality and Janajyotee Higher Secondary School. incorporation of productive re-use. Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO) Objective Major Activities Central Office Field Office, ENPHO G.P.O. Box 4102; 110/25 Aadarsha MargNew Baneshwor Itram - 8, Birendranagar The overall objective of the project is to promote safe and productive re-use of wastes 1. Scenario development (on safe and productive use of wastes). Kathmandu, Nepal Municipality, Surkhet (solid and liquid) 5R concept for food production around urban settlements in Surkhet. 2. Development of monitoring protocol. Phone: 977-1-4468641/4493188, Fax: 977-1-4491376 Phone: 977-083-523334 The 5R comprises of retention and re(use) of rainwater and reduce, recycle, and reuse as 3. Community awareness raising activities on productive re-use and “5R” concept. Email: [email protected] Website: wastewater and solid waste management. 8f]6L pknlAwd"s k'gMpkof]u kl/of]hgf If]qx? nufd c5fd $= MWASHCC / cGo ;DalGwt a]tfg u'6' ;/f]sf/jfnfx?;Fu kl/of]hgf k|ultsf ljhf}/f 5fk|] hgHof]lt pRr dfWolds ljBfno ljhf}/f u'6' af/]df lgoldt ?kdf 5nkmn tyf lj/]Gb|gu/ gu/kflnsf sfo{zfnfsf] cfof]hgf ug]{ . 3f6ufpF ljWofk'/ afljofrf}/;fnsf]6 s}nfnL afljofrf}/ nf6Lsf]O{nL uf=lj=;= %= Case studies / Best Practices sf] kf]v/LsfF8f ;+sng tyf k|sfzg ug]{ . tftf]kfgL al•rf}/ b}n]v s'gfy/L ^= jt{dfg tyf gofF ;/;kmfO k|0ffnLdf d6]nf hfh/sf]6 t/Ëf u9L d6]nf k'gM k|of]usf OsfO{x?sf] gd"gf tof/ n]sufpF /t' uk{g cjfnlrË 3f]/]6f lj/]Gb|gu/ g=kf= uk{g kfg]{, cg's"n agfpg] / k|dfl0fs/0f lj/]Gb|gu/ /fgLaf; clu|ufpF ha'{6f kfdsf sfkmnsf]6 ;'v]{t lhNnf xl/x/k'/ pQ/u+uf /em]gf ah]l8rf}/ ug{] . ;f6fvfgL g]tf /fsdhd'g] lhNnf k|wfg sfof{no nf6Lsf]O{nL vfgLvf]nf &= s[lif ljBfnosf nflu kf7\oqmdsf ahf/ s]Gb| sNof0f /fsd /fd3f6 ;fy} gofF ;/;kmfO / k|of]u k|0ffnL n]vk/fnh'n bz/yk'/ 8fF8fvfnL n]skm;f{ u'dL sflk|rf}/ l5Gr' bxrf}/ ;~rfng ug]{ . 3'dvx/] ;Nof0f alb{of d}gt8f ef]6]rf}/ wf/fkfgL *= 3'lDt Zff}rfnosf] ;~rfng tyf dd{t ;Def/sf] ljsf; ug]{ / ;+slnt lk;fasf] k|of]u ug]{ . l5Gr' ;xf/] d]x]ns'gf (= pknlAwd"ns k'gMpkof]u ;DaGwL k|bz{g :yfgsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ . dfnf/fgL pknlAwd"ns !)= Faecal Sludge Management of]hgf lgdf{0f ug]{ . !!= sDkf]i6 / lk;fasf] k|of]u / k|efjsf af/]df lglZrt zx/L tyf u|fld0f s[ifsx?sf ;fy ;xefuLd"ns cg';Gwfg ug]{ . ck]lIft pknlAwx? !@= pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]u / 5R cjwf/0ffsf af/]df h]=l6=P= ljBfyL{x?sf nflu tflnd k'gM pkof]u kl/of]hgf != pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]udf cfwfl/t If]qLo sfo{zfnf uf]li7sf] cfof]hgf . k|bfg ug]{ . @= ;fdflhs / jftfj/0fLo ?k/]vfsf] ljsf; ul/g]5 . !#= ljleGg t/sf/L v]tLx?df sDkf]i6 tyf lk;fasf] k|of]u / k|efjsf af/]df h]=l6=P #= s[lif ljBfnosf lglDt cfjZos k|0ffNfL / kf7\oqmdsf] ljsf; . ljBfyL{x? / ;d'bfo;Fu ldnL k/LIf0f / cg';Gwfg ug]{ . k[i7e"ld $= If]qLo Pj+ u|fld0f s[ifsx?sf] ;xeflutfdf ;xeflud"ns cg';Gwfg . %= jt{dfg tyf gofF ;/;kmfO k|0ffnLdf k'gM k|of]usf OsfO{x?sf] gd"gf tof/ kfg]{, cg's"n ;'v]{t lhNnfsf] lj/]Gb|gu/ gu/kflnsf nufotsf gu/f]Gd'v If]qx?df cg';Gwfg Pj+ kfgL agfpg] / k|dfl0fs/0f ug]{ . / ;/;kmfOdf ;'wf/sf ;fy} vfB ;'/Iffsf lglDt kmf]x/d}nf, kmf]x/ kfgL Pj+ lk;fasf ljljw ^= pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]u / 5R (‘k'ge{/0f’, ‘e/0f’, ‘k'gM k|of]u’, ‘Go"gLs/0f’, ‘k'gM k|zf]wg’) pkof]lutfx?sf] ljsf; / ;~rfng ug{ pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]u kl/of]hgf ;~rfng cjwf/0ffsf af/]df h]=l6=P ljBfYfL{x?nfO{ tflnd lbOg]5 / ljleGg t/sf/L v]tLdf lk;fasf] ul/Psf] 5 . of] kl/of]hgf FIETS -cfly{s, ;+:yfut, jftfj/0fLo, k|fljlws / ;fdflhs_ k|of]usf af/] cg';Gwfg . ljlwdf cfwfl/t /x]sf] 5 . &= Ifdtf clej[l4 tflnd ;~rfng ug]{ . of] kl/of]hgf ;'v]{t lhNnfsf] lj/]Gb|gu/ gu/kflnsf, nfl6sf]OnL uf=lj=;= / hgHof]lt pRr *= k'gM pkof]usf lglDt cg'udg cflbn]vsf] lgdf{0f . dfWolds ljBfnodf ;~rfng ul/g]5 . o; kl/of]hgfsf lglDt Dutch WASH Alliance cGtu{t RUAF (= pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]usf] nfu" ub}{ Faecal Sludge Management of]hgfsf] lgdf{0f ug{ / Foundation ( åf/f cfly{s ;xof]u k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 . o; kl/of]hgfsf ;fem]bf/ MWASH of]hgf ;+zf]wg ug]{ . ;+:yfx?df PGkmf], lj/]Gb|gu/ gu/kflnsf / hgHof]lt pRr dfWolds ljBfno /x]sf 5g\ . k|d'v ultljlwx? jftfj/0f tyf hg:jf:Yo ;+:yf -PGkmf]_ kl/of]hgfsf] p2]Zo s]lGb|o sfof{no lkmN8 clkm;, PGkmf] != kmf]x/sf] ;'/lIft Pj+ pknlAwd"ns k|of]usf af/]df ?k/]vf lgdf{0f ug]{ . kf]=a==g+= M $!)@, !!)÷@% cfbz{ dfu{, gofF afg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+ Ot/fd – *, lj/]Gb|gu/ ;'v]{t lhNnfsf] zx/L If]qx?df vfBfGg pTkfbgsf lglDt 7f]; Pj+ t/n kmf]x/sf] ;'/lIft tyf @= cg'udg cflbn]vsf] ljsf; ug]{ . kmf]g M )!–$$(#!** . ofS; M )!–$$(!#&^ gu/kflnsf, ;'v]{t pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]usf nflu 5R cjwf/0ff (‘k'ge{/0f’, ‘e/0f’, ‘k'gM k|of]u’, ‘Go"gLs/0f’, #= pknlAwd"ns k'gM pkof]u / 5R cjwf/0ffsf af/]df ;d'bfodf r]tgf clej[l4 Od]n M [email protected] . j]a ;fO{6 M kmf]g M (&&–)*#–%@###$ ‘k'gM k|zf]wg’) sf] k|j4{g ug'{ g} o; kl/of]hgfsf] d"n p2]Zo /x]sf] 5 . lqmofsnfkx? ;~rfng ug]{ . .
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