Vol. 62 No. 13 Mercyhurst College, Glenwood Hills
VOL. 62 NO. 13 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD HILLS, ERIE, PA 16546 THURSDAY, JANUARY 19,1989 College required to give crime stats Keg Law By Maria Kelly Merciad staff rMil l rter isn't as hard-line as it sounds. 4<Nothing is carved in stone,'' he said.' He went on to say College students "live to party" and that he takes many factors into account, in- parties with kegs seem to be the main source cluding past conduct and the degree of the of weekend entertainment, die Mercyhurst problem. Keg Law enacted in the autumn of 1986. Kennedy admitted that he had not sent o u t According to William Kennedy, Direc- such a letter sooner because he "somehow tor of Student Services, the Keg Law pro- thought that possibly the (Christmas) season hibits keg beer on the campus. This applies would have a softening effect and make it a to all students— even those over the age of kinder and gentler world." After a number of 21. It also prohibits large or noisy parties. groans from those assembled, Kennedy said, Large parties are defined as one that cannot 4 'Boy, was I wrong.' • | W be contained within a dwelling or one host- 44If someone is attacked and defends ing over 50 people. *| himself or herself, what then?" Kennedy "If campus security are attracted to a -v> asked, when questioned on the lack of a set party by its noise level and they find p e o p l e policy in dealing with fighting. I with open containers of b e e r , which usually • # There have been no reported fights s i n c e indicates a keg, they are fully entitled to Dec.
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