The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles An identification GuidetoFreshwaterand Terrestrial

Edited by DavidM.John The Natural History Museum, London, UK

BrianA.Whitton University of Durham, UK

Universitats- und Landes- bibliotiiek Darmstadt Bibliothek Bfologie Alan j. Brook University of Buckingham, UK with an accompanying CD of images of algae and algal habitats compiled by Peter V. York, David M. John and Leslie R. Johnson

a collaborative project of the British Phycological Society and The Natural History Museum, London



List of Contributors vii PHYLUM HAPTOPHYTA (Prymnesiophyta) H.R. PREISIG 211 Foreword J.W.G. LUND ix Order Pavlovales 211 Preface and Acknowledgements xi Order Prymnesiales 212 Introduction 1 PHYLUM CHRYSOPHYTA () Scope of Flora 2 J. KRISTIANSEN 214 Class Chrysophyceae 214 Distribution and ecology 5 Order 215 History of freshwater algal studies in the British Isles 7 Order 236 Order 239 Field methods 11 Class 240 Laboratory methods 16 Order 240 Class Synurophyceae 240 Classification 20 Order Synurales 240 Key to Phyla 22 PHYLUM XANTHOPHYTA (Yellow-Green Algae) PHYLUM CYANOPHYTA (Blue-Green Algae/Cyanobacteria) L.R. JOHNSON 245 B.A. WHITTON 25 Order Botrydiales 246 Order Chroococcales 31 Order Mischococcales 248 Order Oscillatoriales 59 Order Rhizochloridales 260 Order Nostocales 90 Order Tribonematales 260 Order Stigonematales 117 Order Vaucheriales (L.R. IOHNSON and R. MERRITT) 261

PHYLUM RHODOPHYTA () PHYLUM EUSTIGMATOPHYTA R.G. SHEATH and A.R. SHERWOOD 123 D.M. |OHN 271 Sub-class Bangiophycidae 125 Order Porphyridiales 125 PHYLUM BACILLARIOPHYTA () Order Compsopogonales 126 M.G. KELLY and E.Y. HAWORTH 273 Order Bangiales 128 Sub-class Florideophyceae 128 PHYLUM PHAEOPHYTA () Order Acrochaetiales 128 Order Balbianiales 131 J.D. WEHR 278 I Order Batrachospermales 131 Order 278 Order Hildenbrandiales 140.

PHYLUM EUGLENOPHYTA (Euglenoids) PHYLUM PRASINOPHYTA K. WOLOWSKI 144 0. MOESTRUP 281 Order Eutreptiales 145 Class Pedinophyceae 281 Order Euglenales 145 Order Pedinomonadales 281 Class 282 PHYLUM CRYPTOPHYTA (Cryptomonads) Order Chlorodendrales 282 Order Pyramimonadales 284 G. NOVARINO 180 Order Scourfleldiales 285 PHYLUM PYRROPHYTA (Dinoflagellates) PHYLUM (Green Algae) J.M. LEWIS and J.D. DODGE 186 Key to Genera [D.M. JOHN) 287 , Order Gymnodiniales 188 Order Tetrasporales (A. PENTECOST) 299 Order Gonyaulacales 196 Order Volvocales (A. PENTECOST) 303 Order Peridiniales 198 Order Chlorococcales (D.M. JOHN and P.M. TSARENKO) 327 Order Phytodiniales 205 Order Oedogoniales (j. HUXLEY and A. PENTECOST) 409 Orders Chaetophorales, Klebsormidiales Microsporales, PHYLUM RAPHIDOPHYTA Ulotrichales (D.M. JOHN) 433 A. PENTECOST 208 Order Cladophorales (D.M. JOHN) 468 vi CONTENTS

Order (D.M. JOHN) 470 o. PHYLUM GLAUCOPHYTA Order Prasiolales (D.M. JOHN) 473 B.A. WHITTON 613 Order Sphaeropleales (D.M. JOHN) 475 Order Trentepohliales (D.M. JOHN) 475 Glossary 615 ,Order Ulvales (i. TITLEY) 479 Order Zygnematales (A.J. BROOK and L.R. JOHNSON) 479 Standard form of authors of algal names J.F. JOHN 624 Sub-order Zygnemoidiineae 480 Sources of illustrations or material 630 Family Zygnemataceae (L.R. JOHNSON) 480 Family (saccoderms) (A.J. BROOK) 510 References 635 Sub-order Closteriineae (A.J. BROOK) 516 Taxonomic index 664 Sub-order Desmidiineae (A. J. BROOK) 530 Order Charales (J.E. BRYANT and N.F. STEWART) 593 Subject index 697