Pitch and Loudness

By Moses Hipps What is Pitch?

Pitch is a quality of governed by vibrations. It is how low or high a sound could go. If a string is thinner it vibrates faster so it has a higher pitch. However a thicker string vibrates slower so it has a lower pitch. An Oscilloscope is made to measure pitch. It is measured by . This is how many times something vibrates per a second. On the Oscilloscope the more squeezed together the waves are the higher it is. If the sound wave is far apart it is lower pitched.

Fun Fact, frequency is measured in hertz if a sound is over 20,000 hertz it is ultrasonic too high of a sound for a human to hear it. WHAT IS VOLUME

What makes molecules in the air vibrate? It is based on how much energy the vibration has. The more the energy the wave has a greater height the wave is on an oscilloscope. This is volume how loud or soft a sound is. This all depends on the energy of the sound wave. To make a louder sound on a drum you have to hit it harder to make it a louder sound. When you hit it harder there is more energy in the sound wave. You can also make sound louder by adding more and more surfaces. Like pitch volume also measured with an oscilloscope. But it is a different measuring unit. This is called .

Fun Fact, 50-db is 10 times louder than 40-db , 100 times louder than 30-db, and 1,000-db louder than 20-db

How Are Pitch and Volume Measured

Both pitch and volume are measured by an oscilloscope, but they both have different measuring units. Pitch is measured by hertz . If a sound is more than 20,000 hertz it is imposable for a human to hear it. For example when you blow a dog whistle you can't hear it, but for some reason your dog can. This is called ultrasonic to high for a human to hear it but not to high for some animals. Volume is measured by decibels. You use a meter to measure decibels. 50-db is 10 times louder than 40-db. 50-db is 100 times louder than 30-db, and 50-db is 1,000 times louder than 20-db. High Pitch V.S Low Pitch What makes a sound high pitched or low pitched? For example a thicker rubber band vibrates slower. This causes the pitch of the rubber band low. If the rubber band is thinner it vibrates quicker. This produces a higher pitched sound. The same thing occurs with a shorter and a longer string. On the oscilloscope you can tell if the sound is high pitched or low pitched. You have to look at the distance between each sound wave. If the sound wave is closer together it is higher pitched, and if it's farther a part it's lower pitched. High Volume V.S Soft Volume How are louder than other sounds? It all depends on how much energy the sound wave carries. On the oscilloscope if the sound wave has a lot of energy the higher the sound wave is on the oscilloscope. Volume is how loud or soft a sound is. You can increase a sound by adding more and more surfaces. Volume is measured by decibels . 50-db is 10 times louder than 40-db, 100 times louder than 30-db, and 1,000 times louder than 20-db. Sound Waves