Letter from the Chair

Greetings from Ann Arbor and the chemical biology. In addition to these that Jim has done. He will be replaced by Department of Chemistry. After one full two outstanding senior hires, we welcome Professor Masato Koreeda. Professor year as Department Chair, I have come to Dr. Larry Beck from Cal Tech as the Dow Mark Meyerhoff will continue as Associ- realize the full scope of this administra- CorningAssistant Professor of analytical ate Chair for Graduate Student Affairs for tive challenge. It’s been a very busy and chemistry in September. Larry brings a another year after which he will take a exciting year as we forge ahead to meet broad spectrum of research expertise in well deserved sabbatical leave. the goals and implement the plans set out solid state NMR, zeolites and We have had another excellent year for in our new 5-year plan. nanostructures. Faculty recruiting will recruiting graduate students. In the fall, One of the most ambitious parts of our continue at a vigorous pace in the coming 45 new Ph.D. students will join the De- plan is the recruitment of new faculty at year with no less than four searches in the partment. This summer has also been a the senior and junior levels. During the area of theoretical physical chemistry, very productive one for undergraduate past year, Professor William Roush organic and chemical biology and inor- research participation with a total of 20 settled in the Department as the first ganic/materials chemistry. The College undergraduates doing research in various Warner Lambert/Parke Davis Professor and the University both have been sup- laboratories. We were fortunate to re- of Chemistry. Bill has assembled a super portive and have facilitated the recruit- ceive several significant gifts for under- research group of graduate students and ment of outstanding faculty. graduate support this year which we have postdoctorals. We were successful this Unfortunately, we are losing one of our directed to summer fellowships including year in recruiting Professor Edwin Vedejs greatest supporters in the administration. gifts from the Dreyfus Foundation, from from the University of Wisconsin. Ed In April, Edie Goldenberg announced her PPG Co. and the Pfizer Pharmaceutical will join the faculty next January as the resignation as Dean of LS&A effective Co. Special gifts were also received from Moses Gomberg Professor of Chemistry. this August. In October, she will become Helen Schaefer and from Marion Harris Some of his research group will start Provost at the University of Texas, Aus- to supplement named endowments for arriving at Michigan by August of 1998. tin. We all express our gratitude for her undergraduate scholarship support. Lou Ed is a very distinguished organic chem- efforts to build a stronger Chemistry De- Centofanti and Bob and Marj Parry added ist whose research spans both mechanis- partment and wish her well in her new special gifts to the Robert W. Parry fund, tic and synthetic chemistry. He is a long post. During the coming year, Professor and Jerry Robertson similarly strength- time consultant for Pharmacia Upjohn Pat Gurin of the Psychology Department ened the P. A. S. Smith fund. These two Pharmaceutical Co. and is currently an will serve as interim Dean while a na- endowments and a new corporate gift Associate Editor of the Journal of the tional search is undertaken for a perma- from Pharmacia & Upjohn in Kalamazoo American Chemical Society. We were nent Dean. are directed to graduate support. Charles fortunate in recruiting Professor Carol Other news in the Department includes and Genevieve Walton also initiated an Fierke from the Department of Biochem- the promotion of Dr. Richard Goldstein to endowment fund for the support of mate- istry at the Duke Medical School. She Associate Professor with tenure. Richard rials research. will arrive at Michigan some time next is also an Associate Research Scientist in I would like to acknowledge and thank summer. Carol is a biochemist with a the Division of Biophysics. Professor the alumni, alumnae and friends of the strong physical organic background, and James Penner-Hahn finishes his term as Department for their generous gifts dur- someone who will be a significant addi- Associate Chair for Curriculum Develop- ing the past year. It is gratifying to see so tion to our biochemistry undergraduate ment and Faculty Affairs. The Depart- many special gifts to named fellowships, program and our graduate program in ment is grateful for the outstanding job lectures and to our Alumni/ae Fund. This

1998 U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY latter resource has become an increas- ception and social hour on Monday ingly important component of our effort evening, August 24, at 6 P.M. in the Contents to provide the finest educational experi- Brandeis Room of the Marriott, Copley ence for our students. You will find that Place. I invite those of you at the meeting Letter from the Chair ...... 1 the back cover of the newsletter has the to stop by and meet new and old friends. Symposia and Seminars ...... 2 familiar gift reply form for the depart- In the fall, the College and Department mental annual appeal. This newsletter will have a short program and reception to Spotlight Profiles ...... 3 will be the only solicitation this year to all celebrate the naming of Bill Roush as the New Faculty ...... 4 of you from the department for your con- first Warner Lambert/Parke-Davis Pro- Faculty News...... 5 tinued support of our endeavors. fessor of Chemistry. We are all indebted One of the high points of the academic to Dr. Ronald Creswell, Chairman and Graduate Program News year was the award of an honorary degree Warner Lambert/Parke-Davis for spon- Graduate Awards ...... 7 to alumnus, Professor Richard Smalley sorship of the first endowed chair in the Doctoral Degrees ...... 10 (BS ‘65) at the December, 1997 com- Department and in the College from a corporate source. This event will take Undergraduate Program News mencement. Professor Smalley is Profes- sor of Chemistry and Director of the Cen- place on October 29, 1998. Undergraduate Awards...... 12 ter for Nanoscale Science and Technol- In closing, I extend my best wishes for Summer Research Programs ....14 ogy at Rice University. He was a a happy and prosperous year. I look for- Undergraduate Degrees ...... 15 corecipient in 1996 of the Nobel Prize in ward to seeing some of you in Boston and Chemistry for the discovery of to relating to all of you next year the Gifts...... 16 buckminsterfullerene. progress in making the Chemistry De- Alumni News ...... 18 At the next national meeting of the partment at Michigan one of the best. In Memoriam ...... 25 American Chemical Society in Boston, Faculty Listing ...... 26 the Department will have a separate re- J. P. Marino Alumni Reply Form...... inside back cover

Symposia/ ries, coordinated and hosted by our assis- tant professors, and co-sponsored by the Seminars Dow Chemical Co. began in September The with Prof. Jiri Jonas (U. of Illinois, Department of Chemistry October 28, 1997 was an extra special Champaign-Urbana) discussing high- Newsletter day for the Department. Professor resolution NMR spectroscopy at high pres- Dimitri N. Coucouvanis, Professor of is published once a year by the Depart- sures. Prof. David Chandler (U. of Cali- ment of Chemistry at the University of Chemistry, received the Margaret and fornia, Berkeley) presented a lecture se- Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055 Herman Sokol Faculty Award in the ries Phase Equilibria, Frustration, and Sciences. Professor Coucouvanis gave Self Assembly. In December, Prof. Craig a lecture on Understanding the Struc- Townsend (Johns Hopkins U.) conducted ture-Function Relationship in Nitroge- a lecture series on Understanding the Syn- nase: A Major Challenge in Bio-inor- thetic Roles of Multifunctional Proteins ganic Chemistry. The event was held at in the Formation of Polyketides and Beta- Printed on Recycled Paper the Rackham Amphitheater in the Lactam Antibiotics. In April, the Depart- Rackham Graduate School with a recep- ment was very busy with visits from Prof. tion and dinner following. The award (U. of California, Berke- was established at the Graduate School ley) presenting NMR/MRI: All Lit Up; Chair: Joseph P. Marino through the generosity of Mrs. Margaret Prof. Christopher Walsh (Harvard Medi- Editor: Doreen Fussman Sokol. cal School) speaking on Post Transla- Asst. Editor: Agnes Soderbeck tional Modifications; Prof. Francis Alumni News: Robert C. Taylor The Department hosted, with pleasure, many visitors to special events this past DiSalvo (Cornell U.) speaking on Chal- year. The Moses Gomberg Lecture Se- lenges and Opportunities in Solid State Chemistry; and Prof. Graham Fleming The Regents of the University of Michigan: (U. of California, Berkeley) giving a lec- Lawrence B. Deitch; Daniel D. Horning; Olivia P. Maynard; Shirley M. McFee; Rebecca McGowan; ture series on Ultrafast Nonlinear Spec- Andrea Fischer Newman; Philip H. Power; S. Martin World Wide Web Address: troscopy and Photosynthetic Light Har- Taylor; Lee C. Bollinger, ex officio. Lee C. Bollinger, vesting. President. In May, the Department was co-host to The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/ E-mail: [email protected] affirmative action employer. the Fourth Michigan Symposium on Con-

2 1998 temporary Challenges in Molecular Medi- fornia Institute of Technology), and Prof. very exciting to bring new ideas and re- cine sponsored by Parke-Davis Pharma- Paul Wender (Stanford U.). search developments to the Department ceutical Research. This year the focus of The Bachmann Lecture was presented this through seminars, symposia and lectures. the symposium was on research at the year by Yoshito Kishi (Harvard) and the The Department is able to host these events chemistry-biology interface. Guest speak- Willard Lecture speaker was Csaba G. through funds from endowments and gen- ers included Prof. Stuart Schreiber Horvath (Chem. Eng., Yale). erous corporate and individual gifts. These (Harvard), Prof. Ralph Hirschmann (U. of All the special named seminars were at- resources are essential to sustain a vital Pennsylvania), Prof. Andrew Myers (Cali- tended by many throughout the year. It is seminar program.

ence Commission by President Lee graduate students and six postdocs. He Spotlight Profiles Bollinger. He is co-Chair with Professor taught his first course at Michigan, “Ad- Huda Akil of the Medical School. The vanced Organic Chemistry,” in the winter on Faculty, charge of this committee is to assess the term. This fall term he will teach his first strengths and weaknesses in the area of undergraduate course at Michigan, “Struc- Graduate Life Sciences at Michigan, both in re- ture and Reactivity.” All in all, it was a Students, and search and in the education of students. very busy and productive year for Profes- It is also charged with formulating a plan sor Roush. Undergraduates as to how Michigan can become one of the leading academic centers for the study and application of the life sciences. Graduate Student As a new addition to the newsletter, we Rousch and his colleagues are hard at Ms. Susan Barker is an up and coming will highlight one faculty member, one work developing strategies for achieving researcher who has won numerous awards graduate student and one undergraduate these goals. and honors. In the past year, Susan re- student to let you know of their special Professor Roush’s current research in- ceived the ACS Analytical Chemistry Fel- accomplishments in the past year. terests focus on the stereocontrolled syn- lowship for the 1998-99 academic year. thesis of stereochemically complex natu- In addition, she received the Horace H. ral products, and on the design and de- Faculty Member velopment of new reactions and syn- Professor William Roush joined the fac- thetic methods. New ventures in the ulty here at Michigan this past year. He laboratory focus on the design and syn- jumped right into the fray of combining thesis of oligosaccharides as site selec- tive DNA binding agents, and inhibitors of cysteine proteases isolated from im- portant human pathogens. Professor Roush continues to serve on a number of boards including the editorial boards of Organic Reactions, Encyclo- pedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Organic Synthesis; as well as serving on the Board of Directors for Organic Reac- tions. In 1998, he was the invited lec- turer at the Heterocycles Gordon Con- ference in Rhode Island, the Natural Prod- Rackham Graduate School Predoctoral ucts Gordon Conference in New Hamp- Fellowship for the 1998-99 academic year. shire, and the University of Colorado- Susan also received a Sloan Summer Fel- Syntex/Roche Symposium on Organic lowship for 1998. She received the Kenan Synthesis in Colorado. Later this year he Award at a Union Carbide symposium in will assume the role of Associate Editor April 1998 (see Graduate Program News of the “Journal of the American Chemi- for write-up). She received the first prize cal Society”. for the best student presentation at the ANACHEM (Analytical Chemistry) Additionally, Professor Roush served the Meeting, in Detroit in November of 1997. research, mentoring graduate students, Department on various committees in- and serving on committees while inte- cluding the Executive Committee and She received much recognition for pub- grating himself and his family into a new the UM/Parke-Davis Symposium Orga- lishing work on the first optical biosensor community. nizing Committee and was coordinator for the biomedical detection of nitric ox- During the past year, Professor Roush of the organic chemistry cluster. Cur- ide (has been found recently to play a was appointed co-Chair of the Life Sci- rently, he is the research advisor to 18 highly important role in brain cell trans-

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 3 mission and is implicated in medications from the heart drug nitroglycerin to Viagra). Ms. Barker’s research has re- New Faculty sulted in many first author publications including “Fiber Optic Nitric Oxide Se- lective Biosensors”, “Nitric and Chlo- the structure affects catalytic performance. ride Selective Fluorescent Nan-Optodes NMR is the best technique to monitor and In Vitro Application to Rat Concep- many dynamic surface processes occur- tuses” in Analytical Chemistry. Susan, in ring within the NMR time-window, msec her copious free time, enjoys oil painting to sec. and is active in church functions. She The problem-solving approach of this hopes to find a research position in a research is also multi-disciplinary. Our government or industrial lab. Her hus- research involves technically demanding band, Scott, is a graduate student in Elec- NMR measurements and requires some trical Engineering. instrument design and modification. Ad- ditionally, the pulsed-NMR experiments Undergraduate Student are constantly evolving in order to opti- mize the measurement. Our efforts to Mr. Andrew Haidle (Chemistry, Cow- understand surface-mediated organic ard) authored honors theses in both Cel- transformations has led us into cutting- lular & Molecular Biology and Chemis- edge physical-organic chemistry. These try in preparation for the PhD program in Larry W. Beck, Assistant Professor surface reactions are different from gas or organic chemistry at Harvard. In Prof. Analytical NMR Spectroscopy of solutionphase reactions and often the James Coward’s lab he attempted the Materials; Zeolite Catalysis empirical rules of traditional chemistry synthesis of B-fluoro L-threonine deriva- Ph.D., Texas A&M University do not apply. Materials synthesis is also tives for incorporation into a peptide Fundamentally, our objective is to under- an integral part of our research, since we stand the relationship between chemical design and synthesize the catalyst for each structure and the physical properties of project. This enables the greatest degree bulk materials through spectroscopic mea- of flexibility and control over the struc- surements. Our specific focus is to inves- tural properties we want to study. tigate the complex physical properties that affect heterogeneous catalysis by ap- plying solid-state NMR. Inorganic oxide catalysts, in particular zeolites, are our primary interest. Zeolites are microporous, crystalline solids used ex- tensively by the chemical industry as cata- lysts and adsorbents. The problems that we study are di- rectly relevant to the chemical industry. Chemical systems include acid-catalyzed oligomerization, bimolecular addition re- which is to be used to investigate the actions and transition-metal catalyzed mechanism of the enzyme oligosaccharyl partial-oxidation of hydrocarbons. While transferase. Goldwater Scholar, Lubrizol many successful processes employ zeo- Scholarship, National Starch Fellowship lite catalysts, very little is known about and American Institute of Chemists how these catalysts work. Our research Chemistry Award are among his honors. strives to understand how catalyst struc- In addition, he was awarded a Hertz Foun- ture relates to performance. Once the dation Fellowship for five years of gradu- catalytic mechanism is understood then ate study at Harvard (about twenty are the catalytic materials can be redesigned give nationally). for optimum performance. We are developing and applying so- Edwin Vedejs, Moses Gomberg phisticated NMR spectroscopic tech- Professor of Chemistry, Organic niques in order to investigate heteroge- Chemistry neous catalysis. Importantly, the cata- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin lysts are investigated under reaction con- Our work is designed to develop an un- ditions using in situ, high-resolution NMR derstanding of conceptual, stereochemi- methods. This enables us to learn how cal, mechanistic, and preparative aspects the catalytic process changes the of organic synthesis. All Ph.D. students material’s local structure and in turn how in the group become involved in the

4 1998 construction of complex target structures fully chosen to combine the investiga- based on heteroelements and phase isola- to learn the strategies and logistics of tion of several fundamental questions in tion technology, the exploration of multistep synthesis. The targets can be connection with a specific structural fam- stereogenic heteroatoms as sites where natural products derived from nitrogen- ily and to provide a diverse experience stereochemical information may be tem- containing heterocycles, but they can also for group members. In some cases, our porarily stored, and on a variety of meth- be complex unnatural heteroelement (bo- projects encounter biologically interest- ods for enantioselective synthesis (anion ron, nitrogen, , etc. ) contain- ing activity and collaborative screening protonation; acylation and alkylation of ing molecules that have been designed to efforts, but our principal focus is on the chiral or prochiral nucleophiles; parallel serve as catalysts for enantioselective chemistry and on fundamental questions. kinetic resolution; configuration control reactions. We use total synthesis as a The ideal synthesis project in our group using crystallization methods). In the challenging testing ground for the funda- targets a substance that is needed for a area of synthetic methodology, we have mental issues that are under study in our specific purpose, and addresses concepts been especially interested in the activa- group, and as an extraordinary tool for that have lasting value beyond the spe- tion of sensitive heterocycles for bond training that teaches logical analysis and cific family of targeted structures. formation. Advances on this topic are practical mechanistic thinking as well as Recent studies have focused on the currently featured in our total synthesis preparative chemistry. Targets are care- investigation of reagents and catalysts projects.

Faculty News

Mark Banaszak Holl received two new ture for developing teaching scholarship. As General Chair of the 16th Biennial grants this year. NSF sponsored a project The project is part of a larger program Conference on Chemical Education, Pro- on the structure and reactivity of silicon/ called “Chemical Sciences at the Inter- fessor Seyhan N. Ege continues to work silicon oxide interfaces. Dow-Corning face of Education”. Brian was named as on plans for the meeting to be held at the will provide funding for the study of the Pew Scholar in the first round of a new University of Michigan from July 30 to structure and reactivity of interlayer di- program created by the Carnegie Founda- August 3, 2000. As her first official duty electrics derived from T8-resin or tion for Teaching and Learning, located at in this role, she, along with Brian flowable oxide. He also received an IBM the Stanford Research Institute. He will Coppola, will be representing the 16th Research Partnership Award and a 3M be involved in shaping the new program BCCE at the 15th BCCE taking place at Nontenured Faculty Award. and planning for establishing “Teaching the University of Waterloo in Ontario in Professor Emeritus L. S. Bartell gave a Academies” at the home campuses. August 1998. Information about the 16th lecture on nucleation at the Institute of Dimitri Coucouvanis received an NIH BCCE may be found on the web at http:/ Industrial Research in Wellington, New grant to continue research on "Iron and / Zealand and in March gave an invited Molybdenum Complexes: Enzyme Ac- The fourth edition of Professor Ege’s text- talk at a symposium on nucleation at the tive Sites". He received the Margaret and book “Organic Chemistry. Structure and March meeting of the American Physical Herman Sokol Faculty Award in the Sci- Reactivity” will be published in October Society in Los Angeles. In June he lec- ences during a lecture held last Fall. He 1998. tured, again on nucleation, at the Interna- attended the nitrogenase Gordon Confer- Christine Evans’ lab has made signifi- tional Symposium on Nucleation in State ence and the International Conference on cant research progress in two primary College, PA. He went to Russia to speak Coordination Chemistry in Florence, Italy areas: pressure studies and interfacial at an International Workshop on nucle- where he presented invited lectures. chemistry. A grant from the National ation and first-order phase transitions in James Coward was appointed Director Science Foundation was recently received St. Petersburg. In August he will give an of the Medicinal Chemistry Interdiscipli- to support this work. Several prestigious invited lecture on supercooled water at nary program in January of this year by awards were received by researchers in the Gordon Research Conference on the Rackham Graduate School. her group: Amethyst Cook-Smith, under- graduate, Regional ACS Analytical Chem- Water in the Holderness Academy in New M. David Curtis spent three weeks in Hampshire. Japan on a lecture tour sponsored by the istry Award; Mark Mowery, fourth-year Brian Coppola, along with Mark Japan Society for the Promotion of Sci- graduate student, Regional ACS Outstand- ing Research and Teaching Award; Moira Meyerhoff, will serve as co-PI of a De- ence. He also presented papers at the North partment of Education GAANN grant fo- American Chemical Congress, Cancun, Ringo, fourth-year graduate student, Na- cusing on the creation of an infrastruc- Mexico, and at the Dallas ACS meeting. tional ACS Full-Year Fellowship spon- sored by the Procter & Gamble Co.

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 5 John Gland received a DOE grant for a his students over the last ten years. Bob in Europe. He received the Alexander collaborative program with Ford Science is a member of the Executive Committee von Humboldt Stiftung Award this year. Laboratories to study propylene and pro- of this biennial meeting which brings A. Ramamoorthy received funding (co- pane oxidation over platinum surfaces together experimentalists and theorists PI with Erik Zuiderweg) from NIH for using soft X-ray methods. These funda- from a variety of areas. He is presently work in high field NMR spectroscopy. mental studies are related to the develop- helping to edit a special Festschrift issue He also received a PRF (ACS) grant. ment of calorimetric hydrocarbon sen- of the Journal of Molecular Structure William Roush was appointed co-chair sors which are being considered for use celebrating Prof. Emeritus Lawrence of the University of Michigan Life Sci- in automotive exhaust applications. Bartell’s 75th birthday. The issue should ences Commission. In addition to his Congratulations to Richard Goldstein appear in spring 1999. ongoing research projects supported by who was promoted to Associate Profes- Professor Lawrence Lohr and Professor NIH, he received funding for his research sor of Chemistry and Associate Research Emeritus Christer Nordman, each re- from Eli Lilly & Co. this past year. Scientist in Biophysics this year. Richard galed in white tie and tails, attended (in th Richard Sacks continued progress on recently received the Class of 1923 Me- April) the 160 Anniversary meeting in his research in high-speed separations. morial Teaching Award for undergradu- Helsinki, Finland, of the Finnish Society Funding from Sandia National Labs and ate education. He also received a of Sciences and Letters (Finska Vetenskap CDC supported this research. Rosenbaum Fellowship this year to study Societeten). Both are Foreign Members at the Newton Institute at Cambridge of this Society. Roseanne Sension, with co-PIs, received University during the Fall semester. funding from NSF for development of an David Lubman received a grant from advanced high field science laser facility Nancy Konigsberg Kerner received a NIH for his research on “Methods Devel- at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Sci- Faculty Development Fund Grant at the opment for Microsequencing in an Ion ence. Additionally, she received NSF University for a project entitled “Instruc- Trap TOF Device”. He also received funding for research in “Ultrafast Stud- tional Strategies for Process Learning.” grants from the Army for “Methods of ies of Electron Transfer in Photosystem She continues curriculum development Screening Bacteria by MALDI-MS.” II” and NIH funding for “Time-Resolved of collaborative laboratories in general Neil Marsh received funding from NIH Studies of B Enzymes and Coenzymes.” chemistry with a grant from NSF. She for his research on “How do enzymes 12 was recently appointed to the Biochemis- Leroy Townsend was recently appointed generate and control free radicals?” He to the American Chemical Society Com- try Task Force with the ACS Division of was also nominated by the University for Chemical Education and is working on mittee on Chemistry and Public Affairs. a Packard Fellowship. He served as the Academic Councilor of development of collaborative inquiry bio- Mark Meyerhoff received two NIH chemistry experiments. the Medicinal Chemistry Division at the grants to continue his various research ACS national meeting in Dallas. In Sep- Raoul Kopelman, the Kasimir Fajans projects including polymer membrane tember of 1998, he will present the first Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, Phys- ion/polyion sensors, and one DOE grant plenary lecture at the XIIIth International ics and Applied Physics, presented the (co-PI with Brian Coppola) to develop a Round Table in Montpellier France. world’s smallest sensors (10 nm) and program within the department/univer- Professor Emeritus Edgar Westrum, Jr. their intracellular applications at the ple- sity that will train future chemistry fac- nary session of the 1998 International presented a series of presentations on the ulty. thermodynamics in Europe, Asian and Biosensors Conference in Berlin. Invited Michael Morris received funding from talks were also given by him and his around the country. He completed a PHS and Unilever Research to continue group members at European, Japanese book on the thermodynamics of ternary his research efforts on Electro-Optic tech- oxides. and North American conferences, con- niques in capillary gel electrophersis, CE/ cerning bionanosensors as well as excita- Charles Yocum was named to a Colle- Raman Spectroscopy of ATP, and SERS tions and non-classical kinetics in giate Professorship, the Alfred S. Microprobe for spatial localization of Sussman Collegiate Professor of Biol- supermolecules, nanostructures and skin care product delivery. He com- microdomains. He received new grants ogy. He was elected Councilor of Divi- pleted a productive sabbatical in the fall sion 3 (Photosynthesis) of the American from DARPA, NIH and MicroSense In- term. ternational LTD. Society for Photobiology, and continues Will Pearson spent the academic year as to serve as a member of the Molecular Robert Kuczkowski spent his sabbatical a Visiting Scientist at Parke-Davis Phar- year reading, writing and doing experi- Biochemistry Advisory panel at National maceutical Research while on sabbati- Science Foundation. He completed a ments. He presented a talk “Modeling of cal. Sulfur Dioxide Complexes” at the 17th nine year tour of duty on the editorial Austin Symposium on Molecular Struc- Vincent Pecoraro was on sabbatical this board of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta ture” in March summarizing the work of past year at Merck Pharmaceuticals and and six years as a senior associate editor of Plant Physiology.

6 1998 Graduate Program News

45 Entering Graduate Outstanding Graduate ticles and presented most recently at the Students for Fall, 1998 Dallas ACS National Meeting. Student Research Mr. Schwinefus’ research focused on elu- The department is pleased to announce Award cidation of electrophoretic migration that it has had another successful recruit- ing season. The Department hosted three This award is recruiting weekends that brought 76 pro- given to those spective students to Ann Arbor, with an- students that other 21 visiting independently. Forty- demonstrate su- five students will be joining the Ph.D. perior research program this Fall. The new class mem- skills and recog- bers come to us from both the large re- nizes the creativ- search universities as well as the smaller, ity of the stu- liberal arts colleges. Welcome to the dents and the incoming class! uniqueness of their topic. Win- ners of this Departmental Awards award have sev- eral publications Ceremony and Ice and have pre- Cream Social sented at major th national confer- Summer 1998 began May 29 in the lower ences. The 1997- Research Award - Xinggao Fang, Jeffrey Schwinefus, atrium of the Chemistry building with the 98 Outstanding Prof. Mark Meyerhoff Department’s annual ice cream social and Research Award mechanisms of linear and supercoiled graduate awards ceremony. Nine stu- winners were: Xinggao Fang (Ashe) and nucleic acids. He used video microscopy dents were honored for their outstanding Jeffrey Schwinefus (Morris). achievements in the department for the and electrophoresis. Mr. Schwinefus has academic year 1997-98. For each award Mr. Fang’s research focused on the - five co-authored publications and pre- category students were nominated by fac- ration of new homogeneous catalysts for sented most recently at the Pittsburgh ulty and selected by the Awards Commit- Ziegler-Natta polymerization of olefins. Conference in New Orleans. tee. Mr. Fang has co-authored over 18 ar-

Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (GSI) The Department of Chemistry pro- vides awards annually to outstand- ing graduate student instructors. Winners are chosen for their contri- butions to innovation in the lab or classroom, and by teaching evalua- tions and written recommendation of professors. The 1997-98 Out- standing Graduate Student Instruc- tor Award winners were: Matthew Brukwicki, Allwyn Cole and Leah Meeuwenberg.

GSI Award - Allwyn Cole, Matthew Brukwicki, Leah Meeuwenberg, Prof. Joseph Marino

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 7 American Chemical the last ten years. Mr. Gardner has per- many social events for graduate students. formed as a true colleague in the instruc- He interacted with faculty at Executive Society Outstanding tional program. Committee meetings, and was the pivotal Graduate Student person in maintaining a consistent link between the “red-tape” and graduate stu- Award for Research dents. and Teaching This award is given by the Huron Valley Section of the American Chemical Soci- In addition to the Departmental awards, ety. It is intended to recognize achieve- we wish to recognize three additional ment in teaching and research by a gradu- awards given to our students this year.

Hoffmann-La Roche Award (Spring 1998) This is an external award given by the Hoffmann-La Roche Company for Ex- cellence in Organic Chemistry.

ACS Award - Mark Mowery, Prof. Joseph Marino Joseph Gardner, Prof. Joseph Marino, Prof. Milton Tamres ate student. The 1997-98 award winner was Mark Mowery (C. Evans). Mr. Mowery’s research focused on the un- derstanding of the fundamental events in Leadership Award analytical measurements and biological The leadership award is given to a gradu- processes that occur at the interfaces of ate student who has shown the skills of a organic thin films. He has co-authored leader of many. The person takes an over seven articles. He will be present- active role in the Department giving extra ing his work at three separate events this time assisting with graduate recruitments, Hoffmann LaRoche - Dr. Dennis summer (two at the ACS conference in working with faculty and staff to provide Boston) and fall (American Vacuum So- Loh (Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc.), a better environment for graduate stu- Joseph Gardner ciety International Conference). Mr. dents, and also serves as morale and wel- Mowery was a graduate student instruc- fare support resource for the graduate The Department chose one student to be tor for senior level instrumental analysis students. The 1997-98 winner was Steven nominated for this award. The 1997-98 and physical chemistry laboratory winner, Joseph Gardner (Marino), was courses. one of seven graduate students in chem- istry from top-ranking universities se- Milton Tamres lected to receive this honor. Mr. Gardner’s research focused on the syn- Outstanding Teaching thesis and dianion reactivity of optically Award pure B-amino sulfoxides. This has prac- tical applications, such as providing a This award was established in the name quick route to protected B-amino acids. of Emeritus Professor Milton Tamres. This methodology is being used to work This award recognizes outstanding cu- towards the total synthesis of the antibi- mulative teaching service. otic Negamycin. The 1997-98 winner was Joseph Gardner (Marino). Mr. Gardner motivates stu- dents to learn. He values students and Outstanding Leadership - Steven they value the time he gives them in Clarke, Prof. Mark Meyerhoff discussion. He has shown leadership in assisting in the GSI training sessions. He Clarke. Mr. Clarke served the year as has been ranked as one of the top three president of the Graduate Student Com- chemistry GSIs in the department over mittee. He oversaw the organization of

8 1998 ACS Analytical Susan L. Ritenour Barker was presented Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships: with this award at the 8th Annual Kenan Susan Barker, Jeffrey Schwinefus Division Fellowship Award Symposium in April. She was Rackham Merit Fellowships: Millicent This year, we were fortunate to have two nominated by the Department. Ms. Barker Weldon, Tania Pearson 1998-99 ACS Analytical Division Full was chosen along with nine other gradu- Regents’ Fellowships: Jeffrey Bednarski, Year Fellowship winners. Ms. Susan ate students to receive this award. Ms. Neal Blatt, Roger Clark, Steven Clarke, Barker’s research involves the develop- Matthew Hartman, Morris Slutsky, Neal ment of optical sensors for anions and a Yakelis selective nitric oxide biosensor capable of dynamic intra- or intercellular mea- Schalon Fellowships: Karla Miller surements on a biological time scale. Sloan Fellowships: Wendy Blanda, Joan Esson, Luyi Guo, Peiqing Huang, Maricel Kann, Karla Miller, Katrina Peariso Fellowships Smeaton Fellowship: Jin-Hai Yang In addition to the awards, the Department Sokol Fellowships: Theresa Ambrose provides fellowships to outstanding stu- and Keenan Dungey dents. Fellowships given during the past These fellowships recognize the academic year by the Department, the College and and research excellence of graduate stu- the Rackham Graduate School include 1998-99 ACS Fellows - Susan dents. Barker, Moira Ringo Chemical Biology Interdisciplinary (CBI) Training Grant Fellowships: Barker (Kopelman) won this award and Sanmitra Deo, Craig McClure, Jessica is sponsored by Merck and Co., Inc. (see Pankuch write-up on page 3 about Ms. Barker.) Dow Britton Fellowship: Mark Biscotto Ms. Moira Ringo (C. Evans) was the second recipient of this award. Her spon- Graduate Assistance in the Area of Na- sor is Procter & Gamble Co. tional Need (GAANN) Fellowships: Rebecca Appleman, Murphy Brasuel, Ms. Ringo’s research focused on the ef- Cory Emal, Jennifer Holt, Maureeen fect of pressure on equilibria in liquid Kachman, Andrea Kastrup, Roxanne chromatography and capillary electro- Kunz, Carrie Leonard, Jerilyn (Pezzuti) phoresis, with an emphasis on fundamen- Timlin, Rose Sattler tal elucidation of chiral interactions. Ms. GAANN Fellows - Murphy Brasuel, Ringo is the primary author of five publi- Jerilyn Timlin, Rose Sattler cations currently in print and two that are in review, one of which was recently fea- tured on the cover of Analytical Chemis- try.

Union Carbide Corporation Kenan Award This award is given for outstanding gradu- ate students working in the field of mea- surement science. Regents’ Fellows - Morris Slutsky, CBI Fellows - Jessica Pankuch, Neil Yakelis, Steven Clark Craig McClure

Dr. Katherine Grabar, (Symposium 1998-99 Rackham Predoctoral Organizer) Susan Ritenour Barker, Sloan Fellows - Karla Miller and Fellows - Susan Barker, Jeff Maricel Kann Dr. Eugene Boros (Union Carbide) Schwinefus

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 9 Doctoral Degrees August, December, 1997 and May, 1998

Shawn Abernathy (Sharp) Keenan Dungey (Curtis) Effects of Zero-Field Splitting Interactions on NMR Attacking the Hydrodesulfurization (HDE) Pie with a Three Relaxation in Paramagnetic Solutions. Dr. Abernathy is a Prong Fork: Modeling HDS by Solid State Synthesis, post-doctoral researcher at Howard University where he is Homogeneous Desulfurization and Hetrogeneous Probe working with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Reactions. Dr. Dungey is a NSF funded post-doctoral researcher at Furman University. Theresa Ambrose (Meyerhoff) Investigations of Photocrosslinked Decyl Methacrylate as Sridhar Govindarajan (Goldstein) a Membrane Matrix for Electrochemical and Optical Ion Protein Structure and Folding: An Evolutionary Perspec- and Polyion Sensors. Dr. Ambrose has joined the Clinical tive. Dr. Govindarajan is a post-doctoral researcher at the Chemistry Postdoctoral Training program at the Washing- University of Florida. ton University School of Medicine. Brent Hamstra (Pecoraro) Teresa Cain (Lubman) Vanadium-aminocarboxylate complexes: Models for the Application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ioniza- Roles of Vanadium in Biological Systems. Dr. Hamstra is a tion Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to the Study of post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Chemistry Bacterial Biomolecules. Dr. Cain is now employed at and Biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame. Magellan Labs in North Carolina. Ling He (Lubman) Wonyoung Choe (Lee) Theoretical and Experimental Improvements for Using an Structural Studies on Silver(I) Coordination Networks of Ion Trap/Reflectron Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer to Low-Symmetry Ligands and on Dysprosium Copper Detect Biological Molecules. Dr. He is a Research Scien- Tellurides. tist at Scherring-Plough Pharmaceuticals.

Kenneth Christensen (Morris) Sean Kane (Gland) Hyperspectral and Filter-Based Raman Microscopy and The Role of Hydrogen and Surface Structure in the Reac- Imaging: Design of Practical Imaging System. Dr. tions of Model Thiols on Nickel Surfaces. Dr. Kane will be Christensen is a post-doctoral researcher at the University starting a 1-3 year term as a Caltech post-doctoral Scholar of Michigan Medical School. (supported by NASA’s Upper Atmosphere Research Program) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California this August. He will be investigating heteroge- Ted Clark (Evans B. J.) neous chemistry in stratospheric ozone depletion. Local Crystal/Chemical Structures at Iron Sites in Amor- phous, Magnetic and Nanocrystalline Materials. Dr. Clark recently completed a position as a visiting assistant Xuhui Li (Lubman) professor at Denison University and will begin a post- On-Line Capillary Separations / Mass Spectrometry for doctoral research position at Ohio State University. Biomolecular Characterization with an Ion Trap / Reflectron Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer. Dr. Li is a Research Scientist at Bristol-Myers Pharmaceuticals in Kelly Daly (Penner-Hahn) Connecticut. Determination of Electronic Structure and Dynamics for Transition Metal Systems Using X-Ray Spectroscopy. Dr. Daly is employed as a Research Scientist at Energy Brian Lian (Pearson) Conversion Devices in , MI. The Total Synthesis of (+)-Cocciine via an Intramolecular 2-Azaallyl Anion Cycloaddition. Dr. Lian is employed at Microcide Pharmaceuticals. Cherie Dotson (Evans B. J.) Order-Disorder Phenomena in Naturally Occuring Metal Oxides. Dr. Dotson is taking time to start her family. Xiaoli Liang (Lubman) Analysis of Complex Biological Mixtures by Matrix- Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Dr. Liang is a postdoctoral research associate at Argonne National Labs.

10 1998 Hui Liu (Rasmussen) Jennifer Sowinski (Toogood) Syntheses and Characterizations of Derivatives and Poly- Total Synthesis of a Keramamide: Structural Evaluation of mers containing Cyanoimidazoles. Dr. Liu accepted a Keramamide J. Dr. Sowinski is now a medicinal chemist at position with Solutia Inc., a spinoff of Monsanto. G.D. Searle in Chicago, Illiniois.

Weiman Liu (Townsend) Erland Stevens (Pearson) Direct and Efficient Convergent Synthetic Routes to Preparation and Reaction of Nitrogen-Substituted Pyrazine C-Nucleosides. Dr. Liu is a Senior Scientist at Carbanison: (1) Heteroatom-Substituted 2-Azaallyl Anions Shionogi BioResearch Corporation in Lexington, Massa- and (2) Branched -Amino Anions. Mr. Stevens has ac- chusetts. cepted an assistant professorship at Davidson College in North Carolina. Steven Malinak (Coucouvanis) The Design and Synthesis of Potential Catalysts for the Tong Xu (Coward) Reduction of Small Molecules, with Specific Emphasis on Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Unnatural Amino Modeling the Function of Nitrogenase. Dr. Malinak is a Acid-Containing Peptides as Mechanistic Probes and postdoctoral researcher at Michigan. Inhibitors of Oligosaccharyltransferase. Dr. Xu is a research chemist at La Jolla Pharmaceuticals located in La Jolla, California. Michael McClure (Marino) Stereocontrolled Synthesis of (-)-Macrolactin A. Dr. McClure is a post-doctoral researcher at Emory University.

Robert Reynolds (Coucouvanis) The Synthesis and Characterization of Polynuclear Car- boxylate and Polynuclear Carboxylate/Catecholate Com- plexes.

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 11 Undergraduate Program News

ACS Student Leroy Townsend’s group doing research Jason Pontrello (Chemistry, Penner- on triazines and their attachment to sugar Hahn) has pursued an industrial intern- Affiliates bases. He worked there for two years ship at Warner Lambert before attending gaining valuable experience which helped graduate school next year. His chemistry The American Chemical Society Stu- him obtain a position at Pfizer, Inc., in honors thesis, under Prof. James Penner- dent Affiliates Chapter have received a research and development. Hahn, is entitled “Investigations of the University of Michigan Leadership Sajida Jackson (Biochemistry & Manganese Catalase Enzyme from Lacto- Award for being an Outstanding Student bacillus Plantarum.” Organization. Out of over 60 nomina- Chemistry, Cordes) will work towards a tions, they were one of only five student master’s degree in epidemiology at the Sarah Reybuck (Chemistry, organizations to receive this award, and University of Michigan School of Public Rasmussen) completed her degree in seven the only one to be associated with an Health. Her research in Prof. Eugene semesters, allowing her time to pursue academic department. The award recog- Cordes’ lab was to design highly potent research in Germany for eight months nizes their efforts to revitalize their Chap- and specific inhibitors of purine nucleo- before attending Stanford this fall. She ter over the past year. They have been phosphorylase. wrote an honors thesis entitled “Synthesis particularly effective in their efforts to Rahul Kohli (Biochemistry, Massey) and Characterization Mono-anil Deriva- bring chemistry into the classroom with will pursue medicine and research through tives of Diaminomaleonitrile and Vinylic their outreach program to local schools. the MD/PhD program at Harvard. Rahul Monomers and Polymers from 4,5- has been recognized nationally as a dicyano-2-vinylimidazoles.” She received Growing from almost zero to more a freshman Sokol fellowship, a Schaeffer than sixty active members in less than a Goldwater scholar, and the department awarded him a National Starch Scholar- scholarship, and the ACS Huron Valley year the University of Michigan Ameri- Section Outstanding Leadership Award. can Chemical Society Student Affiliate ship and the American Institute of Chem- Chapter is a success story about revitaliz- ists Biochemistry Award. ing a struggling chapter. Innovative of- ficer positions, increased delegation of authority, and the courage to try new ideas created a special chemistry in the group. In order to encourage all members to be creative and reach their full poten- Undergraduate Awards tial, the officers stressed, “Dream an out- standing activity, and everyone will make In April, the Department hosted the annual Undergraduate Awards. Invited speaker, it happen.” This organization is the result Professor Michael Martin, Director of the Honors Program, kept the guests amused of dreams. The co-chairs of the Chapter with “lessons learned” from his biology school days. this past year were Jonathan Irish and Susan Blum.

Undergraduate Horizons Our Chemistry and Biochemistry graduates pursue a number of different career paths: graduate school, MD/PhD programs, industrial internships, medi- cine, public health or employment in industry are a few examples. Some of this year’s graduates are highlighted below. For 1997-98 chemistry degrees totaled thirty-two, biochemistry had thirty-seven, with seven students con- centrating in both programs. This is just a small sample of our outstanding stu- Summer Research Fellowships (front left to right) Aaron Daniel, Rebecca Ihrie, dents. Sara Roberts, Jesse Kuiper, (back left to right) Lisa Viculis, David White, Karl Granskog (Chemistry, Michael Bruderly, Amethyst Smith, Adam Geiger, Jeffrey Bryant, Claudia Lopez Townsend) found a niche in Professor (not pictured:) Chris Conrad, Jeffrey McMahon.

12 1998 Sokol Scholars (left to right) Erik Hofer, Kera First Year Awards (front left to right) Mark Lagios, Zain Bengali, Julie Albertus, Adam Zakaria, Lauren Greenlee, Jason Bronkema (back Janco (not pictured) Sarah Carson, Mark left to right) Desiree Thayer, Albert Chao, Scott Dalton, Angkana Roy. Harrison (not pictured) Justin Fitzpatrick.

Sabat Biochemistry Award Dr. Margaret Lomax, Cagri Besirli. Scholarships (front left to right) Laura Khoury, Suzanne Blum, Jennifer Chang, Amethyst Smith, (back left to right) Laura Harley, David White, Sara Roberts, Michael Bruderly.

American Institute of Chemists Chemistry and Biochemistry Awards (left to right) Prof. James Senior Awards (front left to right) Carolyn Owen, Penner-Hahn, Rahul Kohli, Andrew David Zaziski, Tammy Durant, Jonathan Irish (back Haidle, Prof. Joseph Marino. left to right) Prof. Michael Martin, Ryan Fields, Adam Geiger, Ron Gaba, Edward Luk, Cagri Besirli, Rahul Kohli, Andrew Haidle, Prof. Joseph Marino.

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 13 S.N. Ege WISE Award (left to right) Prof. Seyhan Ege, Jennifer Meddings, Margaret Krasnoff. ACS Leadership Award (left to right) Prof. Peter Toogood, Carolyn Owen, Jonathan Irish, Prof. James Penner-Hahn.

Research Experiences portunity plays a very important and est in subsequent research careers, and complementary role in undergraduate edu- bridges the transition to graduate school for Undergraduates cation. In addition, it helps students de- for those who wish to pursue a research cide more realistically on their own inter- degree. The Department of Chemistry celebrated its 10th year as a host for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site Program, funded through the Na- Research participants and their projects: tional Science Foundation (NSF). Under the direction of Professor Brian P. Jeffrey M. Bartolin from Baldwin-Wallace College (Banaszak Holl) Coppola, this summer’s REU program “Synthesis of Ortho(difluoromethyl)aryl and Ortho(monofluoromethyl) Germanes supported the participation of eight un- and Continued Study of Weak Fluorine-Germanium Interactions” dergraduate students. Participants were chosen from a competitive pool of 200 applicants. Final selections were based Deniz Buyukisik from Ohio Wesleyan Universitiy (Townsend) on academic achievement, letters of rec- “An Approach Toward Synthesis of 7-H-Pyrazolo-[3,4-d]-1,2,3-triazine” ommendation, and interest in research. Students were assigned separately to on- Amanda Haes from Wartburg College (Gland) going research groups and worked with faculty, post-docs, and graduate students, “Desufurization of Benzenethiol on the Pt(111) Surface” taking part in multidisciplinary research projects, workshops, and technical pre- Carrie Kaminski from Alma College (Zellers) sentations to obtain a better understand- “Comparison of Polymer/Vapor Partition Coefficients from Gravimetric Method ing of the research experience. and Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Sensors” Students encountered first-hand how ba- sic research is conducted, practicing a Jennifer Larimer from Grinnell College (Morris) variety of skills needed as a researcher, including proposal and report writing, “Raman microprobe as a thermometer for packed capillaries” investigative studies, conducting experi- ments, analyzing data, and presenting Amy Swift from Swarthmore (Marsh) their findings. Other activities included “Preparation of Glutamate Mutase Proteins” an industrial site visit, safety and scien- tific seminars, lunch meetings, and social functions that were organized to facili- Christine Tratz from University of Oklahoma (Ashe) tate interaction among the visiting under- “Synthesis of 2,2’-bis(boratabenzene)biphenyl zirconium dichloride for use in graduates, and with other REU host sites Catalysis of Polymerization Reactions” in Michigan. This summer research op- Thomas Watson from Grand Rapids Community College (Banaszak Holl)

bis[Bis(trimethylsily)methyl]germylene C–H insertion of CH3CN

14 1998 Bachelors Degrees August, December, 1997 and May, 1998

CHEMISTRY DEGREES Kristi M. Cowell – medicine (MSU) Paulo B. Abada (Koreeda) – MD/PhD (USC)* David Crandall (Goldman) – medicine (Utah)* Vadim G. Astrakan (Gordus) – employed* Iman H. Daouk Bassel H. Atasi (Pecoraro)* Tammy Durant (Goldman) – medicine (UM)* Regina Belenkaya (Pugh) Ron C. Gaba (Koreeda) – medicine (Wayne State) Erik R. Bialk Neil A. Gardner (Penner-Hahn) Keenan Bora (Townsend) – medicine Eric A. Guisbert (Engelke) – graduate school* Daniel T. Chang (Marsh ) Manish Gulati Melvin C. Dacres Ramy A. Hassan – employed Mark A. Dzendzel Joseph M. Haurani (Zand) – medicine (Wayne State)* Ryan C. Fields (Pecoraro) – medicine (Stanford) Tracy M. Hobson (Nichols) – employed Ron C. Gaba (Koreeda) – medicine (Wayne State)* Sam Shih-Kuang Hong (Yocum) – medicine* Margaret E. Gillis (Pecoraro) – medicine (UM)* Teresa C. Hsu (Zellers) – chemistry (Cal Tech) Karl J. Granskog (Townsend) – Pfizer Jonathan M. Irish – immunology (Stanford) Andrew M. Haidle (Coward) – organic chemistry (Harvard) Sajida L. Jackson (Cordes) – epidemiology (UM School of Michael J. Herrera – AvTech Laboratories Inc. Public Health) Benjamin S. Hong – public policy (UM) Timothy A. Jatkoe (Gaut) Teresa C. Hsu (Zellers) – chemistry (Cal Tech) Abhay A. Khosla (Cordes) Jonathan M. Irish – immunology (Stanford) Rahul M. Kohli (V. Massey) – MD/PhD (Harvard) Sajida L. Jackson (Cordes) – epidemiology (UM School of Joseph X. Kou (Peliska) – medicine (Wayne State) Public Health) Azizah Mainal (Goldstein) – physical chemistry (Malaysia) Li Tsz Lam – industry Steven H. McKinley (Kaufman) – medicine (Vanderbilt Uni- Kevin Leach (O’Brien/Morris) – Bioanalytical Systems versity) David J. Lieberman – Great Lakes Chemicals Jennifer A. Meddings (K. Massey/Yocum) – medicine (UM)* Anil Mitra (Townsend) – Dupont-Merck Adarsh D. Pandit (Ballou)* Brian T. Molenda – dentistry Arthur J. Peitch Jason Pontrello (Penner-Hahn) – intern (Parke Davis)* Ruben Recabarren (Goldstein)* Sarah E. Reybuck (Rasmussen) – chemistry (Stanford)* Laura Schmidt (Nichols) – Environmental & Industrial Health (UM SPH)* Arif M. Sitabkhan (Curtis) Jeffrey M. Shore (Nooden/Peliska) Joseph W. Styrna – Edward Jones Investments John P. Snow (Peliska) Erika A. Taylor (Toogood) – chemistry (U. Illinois, Urbana- Champaign)* Krista Swaninger Eric L. Wise (Pearson) – intern (Parke Davis) Sara A. Tracy – Huron Valley Ambulance Payam Zarehbin-Irani – (Coon/Lawton) – opthalmology Hoi Leung Wong (Berkeley)* Lisa M. Zaddock – biochemistry (U. Nebraska-Omaha) David J. Zaziski (Francis) – chemistry (Berkeley)* Melissa A. Zagorski (Ramamoorthy) Payam Zarehbin-Irani – ophthalmology (Berkeley) BIOCHEMISTRY DEGREES Bassel H. Atasi (Pecoraro) *Honors Degree (includes undergraduate thesis) Cagri Besirli (Lomax) – MD/PhD (Washington University)* Daniel T. Chang

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 15 Howard L. Garrett Norman J. Meluch Thomas J. Giordano Timothy F. Merkel GIFTS Stewart E. Gloyer Veronica A. Miller Thomas W. Gougeon Rima Mislankar Mark T. Goulet Suresh Mislankar George W. Moersch, Trust Contributions from private and cor- Arthur F. Grand porate donors received from June 21, Philip Gravel Eric M. Monberg 1997 – June 30, 1998. David Greenblatt Anabelle Muenter Richard Neubig (* Indicates corporate matching funds.) Nathaniel Grier Anna B. Griffin Richard Northrop John L. Griffin Harry Oswald Randolph Otto Alumni Fund Dean Lester Griffith Karen Pakkala Irving M. Adler George Grove Stanley F. Hajec Gordon Parrington Norman Arends Mary Haven Perry Charlene Axelrod Elizabeth E. Hamilton John A. Petrasky Constance Baker Gordon Hassing Roger Hawk Carlton Placeway Herbert Bandes Wayne Pletcher Charlotte E. Bartel George Hein Eric R. Pohl James Bartel Rebecca Henry Mary Ellen Heyde Irvin Potts John E.Bauman, Jr. Richard Racusin Larry Bell Arno Heyn James Reh Ernest Bergan Reynold E. Holmen Thomas Houser Blanche K. Reid Barbara T. Booker Eugene Reid James L. Brewbaker George R. Hudock Robert K. Reynolds Donald K. Brundage Alan Hutchcroft James Jackson Daniel J. Ricca Diane Burley Robert M. Robinson Bertie N. Butts Willliam G. Jackson Thomasina M. Robinson Susan B. Butts Norman P. Jensen Henry W. Kao George Hein Romney Ronald Lee Camp John C. Rosemergy Donald E. Campbell Jerome Karle Phyllis W. Karseboom Thomas Rosseel Thomas P. Caughey Charles Roth Dan G. Chapel John C. Kath Warren K. Russ, Jr. John M. Chemerda Alfred Kiessel Norman Knight Sidney R. Safir Gary Chipman Edward Sanders Alice Sackheim Cohen Harold L. Kohn Erich Schulz Joel C. Colburn Thomas J. Korniski Paul Martin Kovach John Scibelli Alice Corey Terene M. Scibelli Allen Corey Edward Krockmalski Hymin Shapiro David Cribbins Robert LaBudde Richard J. Ladner Joseph Shepard Renee Cribbins Claude F. Spencer Russell E. Curtice Estate Joseph Lagowski Louise W. Spencer Lyubica Dabich Robert Landowne Patty H. Laswick Leonard Dale Spicer Scott P. Damask Graham D. Stewart Merton L. Davis Laura Liebler Clark E. Swayze Robert Devoe Randel Q. Little Gordon Lockyer Peter Swiecicki Virginia A. Dilkes Gregory K. Thompson Matthew A. Dobzyniak Richard Loeppky John K. Tomlinson Roxanne M. Drnevich George B. Lowrie, III Mary Louise Lowther John E. Trend Robert Duke Kelly Bruce Triplett Grace S. Dunn David A. Lustig Robert C. Tripp Thomas M. Dunn Bernard Manning Isabelle Manning Hing Tse David A. Ebdon Shiu F. Tse Pui Fan Jen-Jen Liu Mao George Ugolini Gerald Fong Thomas H. Marsilje III Jose Martinez-Picco Howard H. Un Howard S. Friedman Mary C. Un Lori M. Friedman Robert W. Maxwell, Jr. Gary A. McClusky Clifford G. Venier Thomas J. Gallagher Gary Vincent Phyllis Hope Garland Lee G. McKnight James McLean Susan M. Ward

16 1998 James A. Webley Chair Discretionary Pharmacia & Upjohn Scholarship Toni A. White Dicken School PTO* Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. Veronica H. Wiley E.I. DuPont DeNemours Joseph G. Wirth & Co.* Joel Wolfe Thomas M. Dunn Helen Schwarz Schaefer Scholarship William Wong Melvin Friedland Bernard Zemel Helen Schwarz Schaefer 3M Fdn. Inc.* Chemistry Special Scholarships Smith Fellowship Albemarle Corp.* Donald Baer Robert Edgerton Allied Signal Fdn. Inc.* Leonard Bruner David Emerson American Home Products Corp.* Elmer Carlson Richard Loeppky Amoco Fdn., Inc.* Gordon L. Dewall Roy Pointer AT&T Fdn.* Jerome P. Horwitz Jerry Robertson BASF Corporation-Hdqs.* William E.M. Lands Avery Dennison* BP America, Inc. * Michael Morris 3M Fdn. * Cooper Inc. Fdn.* Abbott Laboratories Fdn.* Corning Inc. Fdn.* Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fdn., Inc. Undergraduate Research Dow Chemical Co. Fdn.* National Starch and Chemical Fdn. Danny L. Curtis Dow Corning Corp. * PPG Industries Fdn.* Edwin & Roberta Przybylowicz Fdn. Eli Lilly & Co. Fdn. * Essex Group, Inc. * Charles and Genevieve Walton Fund Dow Britton Fellowship Ford Motor Co. Fdn.* Charles W. Walton Dow Chem. Co. Fdn. General Electric Fdn.* Genevieve Walton General Motors Fdn., Inc.* Hewlet-Packard Co. * Willard Memorial Fund Joel & Marianne Yancey Trust Elving Lecture Richard Gerstell Lockheed Martin Corp.* Mobil Foundation, Inc.* Masako Toribara Merck Co. Fdn.* Taft Toribara Novachem Corp. * Pennzoil Co. * James E. Harris Scholarship Pfizer, Inc.* Pharmacia & Upjohn Fdn.* Marian E. Harris Russell E. & Margaret G. Price Trust* S.C. Johnson Wax Fdn., Inc.* Shell Oil Co. Fdn. * Lanini Memorial Library The Lubrizol Fdn.* Dow Chemical Co. Fdn.* The Procter & Gamble Fdn.* Xerox Fdn.* The Xerox Fdn.* Richard J. Bard USX Fdn., Inc.* E. Ann Finlayson Warner-Lambert Co. * Stephen Gaudioso Witco Corp.* Robert S. Karpiuk Irene C. Piscopo Bachman Memorial Lecture Fund Omer Robbins Bristol-Myers Squibb Fdn., Inc.* ACS Alumni Merck Co. Fdn.* Parry Scholarship Marvin Carmack 3M Fdn.* Social Hour Frederick Crane Louis F. Centofanti Leland H. Pence De-Xiang Jiang Mario B. Reyes Goji Kodama Monday, August 24, 1998 Lawrence B. Scott Joseph G. Morse John Smith Karen W. Morse 6:00 PM Arthur C. Stevenson Robert T. Paine David A. Tyner Marjorie Parry Marriott Hotel Evelyn Tyner Robert W. Parry Arthur J. Zambito, Sr. Donald R. Schultz Copley Place Richard Zerbe Sheldon G. Shore John T. Yoke Boston, MA Mary A. Yoke

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 17 1998 Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in Pep- cal Society in 1997 as a fifty year mem- tide Chemistry. This is an American ber. Dr. Bruner is still active as a consult- Alumni Chemical Society Award sponsored by ant and lives in Manchester, Michigan the Merck Research Laboratories for out- David H. Campbell (PhD 1953, Parry) News standing research in peptide chemistry. has retired from the Ethyl Corporation but James H. Lorenz (BSC 1948) retired still lives in Baton Rouge. He keeps E-Mail: [email protected] from the Union Carbide Corporation in active managing a foreign language trans- 1982 after 35 years in their silicone pro- lation service from his home. gram where he was Director of their Re- Michael P. Cava (PhD 1952, Bachmann/ newable Energy contracts. He is a 50 year BEFORE 1940 Dreiding) was recognized by the Ameri- member of the ACS and during WWII can Chemical Society in 1997 as a fifty was a B-24 pilot with the 8th. Air Force in year member. Prof. Cava is the Ramsay Milton C. Kloetzel (BS 1934, PhD 1937, England. Bachmann/Gomberg) writes that he also Professor of Chemistry at the University began his dissertation research with Prof. Harold W. Miller (BS 1943; MS 1948, of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Gomberg, who retired before he was fin- U. of Colorado) is a retired nuclear chem- Joseph A. Chapple (BA 1955) has re- ished, so his Research Director of record ist living in Boulder, Colorado. tired from the General Motors Corpora- was Prof. Bachmann. He remained at Richard B. Northrup (BS 1943) retired tion and is living in Flint, Michigan. Michigan for a year then had short ap- as an analytical chemist from the General Norman J. Doorenbos (BSC 1950, PhD pointments on the faculties of Harvard Electric Co. in Schenectady, NY, and is 1954 (Med Chem)) is Vice President for and Depauw Universities. He ended up at now living in Sun City West, Arizona. Academic Affairs at Auburn University. the University of Southern California from William M. Spurgeon (PhD 1942, Fajans) He was recognized by the American which he retired as Academic Vice Presi- retired from the University of Michigan, Chemical Society in 1997 as a fifty year dent and Professor of Chemistry. He has Dearborn Campus, in 1991. He lives in member. lived in Hawaii since 1975. Southfield, Michigan. Elliott Greenberg (PhD 1955, Westrum) Millard S. Roberts (BA 1932, MD 1936) Taft Y. Toribara (PhD 1942, Willard) is has retired from the Prairie State College did not have the opportunity to have Prof. Professor Emeritus at the University of in Illinois. He was recognized in 1997 by Gomberg as a teacher but remembers well Rochester Medical Center where he was the American Chemical Society as a fifty Professors Smeaton and Schoepfle who, associated with the Environmental Medi- year member. he says, were fabulous. He practiced cine group. He writes that his group was general surgery in Kalamazoo for many Henry W. Habgood (PhD 1952, Fajans) interested in the toxicology of mercury years and now at 90 lives in Vicksburg, was recognized by the American Chemi- and he was instrumental in developing a near there. cal Society in 1997 as a fifty year mem- method for determining mercury levels ber. He retired from the University of Robert A. Van Nordstrand (BS 1938, along a single strand of hair, which retains Edmonton and the Alberta Research Coun- MS 1939) took “Early Retirement” from a history of the levels of the metal in an cil in 1984 and now lives in Pleasant Bay, Chevron Research Co. at age 75 after a individual’s blood. Also, he and a student Nova Scotia. long career in the area of petroleum ca- published a paper in 1956 on the microde- talysis. He participated in the discovery termination of phosphorus which, accord- George E. Hein (PhD 1959, PAS Smith) of a new form of aluminum hydroxide ing to the Science Citation Index, has writes that after 23 years at Lesley Col- which is now named “Nordstrandite”. been cited over 7000 times. At age 81 he lege in Cambridge, Mass., he is planning is still active and is the national squash to retire at the end of the 97-98 academic champion in the over 80 age group. Since year. Lesley College serves advanced taking up the sport in 1960, he has won a professionals in education, the social ser- 1940 - 1949 national championship five times. vices and museums. Among his various achievements there, he was responsible Robert G. Craig (BS 1944, PhD 1955, for the establishment of a Program Evalu- F.E.Bartell) was honored June 7-8, 1997, ation and Research Group directed to- by a symposium, “The Past, Current and 1950 - 1959 wards pre-college science and mathemat- Future of Dental Biomaterials”, sponsored ics programs and also exhibits in muse- by the Dental School and the Kingery Avram Amith (BSC 1951; PhD 1960, ums. In the last few years, he has been a Prosthodontic Study Club. The Sympo- Harvard (Physics)) retired as chief scien- Fulbright Scholar at King’s College (Lon- sium celebrated the 10th edition of the tist from the Electro-Optical Products don), a visiting faculty member at the text, “Restorative Dental Materials” by Division of the ITT Corporation and is Museum Studies Department of the Uni- Dr. Craig. now a Professor of Materials Engineering versity of Leicester, and a visiting scholar Ralph E. Friedrich (BSC 1947) retired at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State at the Precollege Science Initiative Pro- from the Dow Chemical Co. in 1983 and University at Blacksburg, Virginia. gram at Caltech. still lives in Midland. He has been recog- Kenton E. Bentley (BSC 1950; PhD 1959, Raymond J. Jasinski (BSC 1954; PhD, nized by the American Chemical Society U. of New Mexico) is retired and living in Iowa State Univ.) is a senior scientist for in 1997 as a fifty year member. Henderson, Nevada. Schlumberger-Dowell in Aberdeen, Scot- land. Isabella Lugowski Karle (BS 1941, PhD Leonard B. Bruner (PhD 1957, Smith) 1944, Brockway) has been awarded the was recognized by the American Chemi-

18 1998 Robert C. Karpiuk (PhD 1953, Ferguson) Department of Defense Dependents Edward B. Sanders (PhD 1966, Martin) retired as an Administrative Assistant from Schools located in Germany. has been transferred to Peseux, Switzer- the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland around land, where he is a Principal Scientist for 1987. He was recognized by the Ameri- Phillip Morris Europe. can Chemical Society in 1997 as a fifty George J. Shimp (MS 1963, MBA) is year member. 1960 - 1969 Manager of Cost Accounting for the Bernard Manning (PhD 1950, Ander- Clifford J. Ahola (BSC 1968) currently Schwarz Pharma Manufacturing Co. of son) retired from the National Security is living in Painesville, OH. Nashville, IN. Agency in 1990 but still serves as a Lola S. (Insel) Steinbaum (BSC 1967; Paul L. Anderson (PhD 1966, Ireland) consulant on security techniques. He was MD) is Chief of Staff specializing in In- recognized by the American Chemical has retired and has moved to Auburndale, FL. ternal Medicine at the local hospital in Society in 1997 as a fifty year member. Pacific Grove, CA Marlin D. Buckmaster (PhD 1963, Stiles) George A. Miller (PhD 1955, Halford) is H. Bradford Thompson (PhD 1953, Professor Emeritus at the Georgia Insti- has retired from the DuPont Co. and lives in West Virginia. MSU; Post. Doct. 1967, Bartell) retired tute of Technology in Atlanta. from the University of Toledo as Profes- Elmer E. Most (PhD 1993, Smith) retired Elizabeth A. Irwin (BS 1966, Ms 1968; sor Emeritus. He now lives in St. Peter, as a Senior Research Chemist from the E. MD 1979, UCLA) has a medical practice MN and was recognized by the American I. duPont de Nemours Co. in North Caro- specializing in obstetrics and gynecology Chemical Society in 1997 as a fifty year lina. He was recognized by the American in the Los Angeles area. Her husband is member. Francois Denis. Chemical Society in 1997 as a fifty year Marios P. Tsoukatos (PhD 1967, Gordus) member. Dr. Most lives in Durham NC. Walter A. Jankowski (MS 1964; BS has retired as Director of the Technologi- Edwin Przybylowicz (BS 1953, PhD Univ. of Minnesota (Computer Science)) cal Applications Dept. of the Nuclear 1956, MIT) chaired an NRC committee has left the field of chemistry and is a Research Centre in Greece. He is living in on Black and Smokeless Powder. The team leader and systems analyst for TRW Athens. in Montana. Committee’s activities to study the Clifford G. Venier (BSC 1962; PhD 1966, feasability of tagging propellents which Philip D. Lafleur (PhD 1967, Griffin) Oregon State Univ.) has recently been might be used in bombs can be viewed on has retired from the Eastman Kodak Co. promoted to Vice President for Advanced the internet at and moved to California. He is going Technology at the Pennzoil Products Co. 21e6.html. Last fall, Dr. Przybylowicz back to school to study psychology. in Woodlands, TX. He joined Pennzoil in was elected to the Bureau of IUPAC and John G. Lanese (PhD 1962, Jaselskis) 1984. Prior to that he was on the staff of the Executive Committee of IUPAC. He Texas Christian University for 13 years. currently chairs the Finance Committee heads the Lanese Group, Inc., which con- of IUPAC. sults in the Pharmaceutical Industry for Po Sang Yuen (PhD 1968, Overberger) is regulatory compliance. President of Goldwater Filters, Inc., in Leon I. Rechtman (BS 1950; DMD, U. of Scarsdale, NY. Alabama) is a practicing dentist in Klaus F. Loehr (BS 1962) has retired Doraville, GA. from his post with the Lockheed Corpora- Richard J. Zielinski (PhD 1961, tion in Germany and is living in Hilton Elderfield) retired in April from Quest Christine C. Rosenfield (BSC 1957, MD Head Island, SC. International. He is now living in 1978; PhD 1960, Univ. of Alberta) is a Middleburg, OH. physician specializing in mental health George B. Lowrie, III (BSC 1966; MS for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Bucknell Univ. 1969) is retired and living in Ann Arbor. Alice L. (Platt) Schwarz (BS 1952, MD 1958) is semi-retired and living in Grand Hubert C. MacDonald, Jr. (PhD 1969, 1970 - 1979 Blanc, MI, with her husband, Heinz. H.B. Mark) is a Laboratory Manager for the Westinghouse Power Generation Div. Patricia E. (Davey) Baker (BSC 1978; Sheldon G. Shore (PhD 1957, Parry) has in Pennsylvania. MS 1996, Arizona State (Computer Sci.)) been reappointed the Charles H. Kim- is a computer consultant for the faculty at berly Professor of Chemistry at Ohio State Kenneth D. MacKay (BSC 1964; PhD 1960, Minnesota) is Vice President for Gilbert Community College in Gilbert, University. In 1997 he was awarded the AZ. University Distinguished Lectureship Research and Development with the Award and elected as a corresponding Henkel Corporation in Pennsylvania. Philip S. Bryan (PhD 1979, Kuczkowski) member of the Bavarian Academy of Robert G. Mallen (BS 1961, MD 1968) is Director of Health Imaging Research Mathematical and Natural Sciences. In is a physician with a medical practice in for Eastman Kodak Co. in Rochester, NY. celebration of his 65th birthday, a special Kentwood, MI. Richard T. Crane (BS 1973; MD 1978, issue of the Journal of Main Group Ele- Lowell R. McCoy (PhD 1967, HB Mark) Indiana U.) is a physician at the Western ments, published by the Belgian Chemi- has retired from Atomics International Wisconsin Ear, Nose and Throat Center in cal Society, was dedicated to him. and now lives in Woodland Hills, CA. Eau Claire, WI. He was recently made a Nancy L. Shawley (BS 1953, PhD 1975 Fellow of the American College of Sur- Richard E. Rice (MS 1967) is now Asso- (Biochem); MS Boston Univ. (computer geons. ciate Professor of General Education at science)) is a computer specialist in the James Madison University in Virginia.

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 19 Robert M. Domeier (BSC 1979; MD) is ing for Motorola Semiconductor Products since the Berlin Wall came down and has an emergency physician at St. Joseph’s in Cary, NC. been fascinated by the transformation Hospital in Ann Arbor. Mary J. Leenheer (MS 1978, PhD 1981 which has occurred. Alan M. Donn (BSC 1971; MS 1979, (Oceanic Science)) is living in West Peter L. Thomas (BSC 1975, BSE 1978 Sangamon State U. (Computer Sci.)) is a Richland, WA. (Elec. Eng.); PhD) is Assistant Professor senior service manager for the IBM Cor- Chaur-Sun Ling (PhD 1976, Sacks) is a of Science and Education at the Univer- poration in Tampa, FL. technology leader for the Monsanto Co. sity of Science & the Arts of Oklahoma at Chickasha. Janet R. Elliott (BSC 1983; PhD 1980, in St. Louis. Calif. Inst. of Technology) has recently James D. Lisius (BSC+BSE 1977; PhD Mark H. Tucker (BSC 1970, MD 1974) relocated to La Jolla, California, and joined 1985, U. of Illinois (Chem. Eng.)) is a has been appointed Chief Medical Officer Agouron Pharmaceuticals as a research physics teacher living in Farmington Falls, of commercial programs for Blue Cross - chemist. ME. Blue Shield of Tennessee. Ruth E. Kelly Evans (BSC 1979; PhD Eugene S. Lopata (PhD 1973, Blinder) 1986, Wayne State U.) is a staff scientist has joined the Technical Staff of the for the Bayer Corporation in Berkeley, Watkins-Johnson Company in California. 1980 - 1985 CA. King Way Ma (PhD 1975, Groves) is Richard A. Kurnot (BS 1979; MS 1982, Business Director for Asia CRI Interna- Edward W. Badger (1983; MS 1980, U. Michigan State U.; MD 1986, Wayne State tional, a part of Royal Dutch Shell, in of Toledo) is a senior information special- U.) is an urologist in private practice and Singapore. ist with the Ashland Chemical Co. in Co- also a clinical assistant professor at the lumbus, OH. Walter Maruszczak (BS 1978, Dearborn) Uniform Services University of Health Kerry A. Brandt (PhD 1984, Overberger) Sciences in Bethesda, MD. is a specialist in automotive applications for Solutia, Inc., in Rochester, MI. is a senior information scientist with the Donald T. Freese (BSC 1977; MS 1982, Rohm & Haas Co. in , PA. Eric M. Monberg (PhD 1977, Kopelman) Drexel Univ.) is an Associate of W. L. Mark T. Brandt (BS 1982, MD 1986) is Gore and Associates in Pennsylvania. is a distinguished member of the technical staff for Lucent Technologies in Princeton, a urologist in Chicago. He writes that he Steven R. Geiringer (BSC 1975, MD NJ. His research is in the field of semi- and Trisha Miki were married in Hono- 1979) is Professor of Physical Medicine conductor crystal growth and optical fiber lulu in April, 1998. and Rehabilitation at the Wayne State mats. Eugene P. Cisek (BS 1984) is a chemist Medical School. He and his wife, the Betty Jeanne Morris (BSC 1978; MS for Starks Associates, Inc., in Buffalo, former Karen Bantel, still reside in Ann NY. Arbor where his wife is on the faculty of 1981, Texas A&M U.) has moved to the Business School. Longmont, CO, where she is a delivery Marco A. Ciufolini (PhD 1981, Koreeda) project executive for the IBM Corpora- is a Professor in Organic Chemistry at the Margaret M. (Martin) Goldberg (MS tion. Universite Claude Bernard at Lyon, 1978; PhD 1987, U. of North Carolina France. (Environ. Chem.)) is a chemist at the Alan C. Mumby (BSC 1972) has been Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. moved to Strasbourg, France, as General Bruce C. Crist (MS 1980) is a sales Manager of the European Division of representative for Varian Instruments, Duane D. Hall (MS 1976, BS 1978 (Med Johnson Controls, Inc. Chromatography Systems, stationed in Chem)) is a pharmacist for St. Mary’s Washington. Hospital. He lives in Ada, MI. John S. Offord (BS 1973; MBA 1984, U. of Iowa) is a senior staff engineer for Martin D. Dunne (BSC 1982, BSE 1983 Mark A. Jandreski (BSC 1979; PhD Johnson Controls and living in Brighton, (Chem. Eng.)) is regional sales manager 1987, Univ. of Toronto (Clinical MI. for Chem-Trend, Inc., in Tennessee. Biochem.)) is a customer support consult- ant for Chiron Diagnostics in Massachu- Clayton B. Quinn (PhD 1972, Wiseman) Robin L. Garrell (PhD 1984, Krimm setts. He is a Fellow of the National is manager of the specialty fluids and (Biophysics)) is an Associate Professor Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. emulsions division of the General Elec- of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA. tric Co. in Waterford, NY. She was awarded the 1997 Hanson-Dow Erich K. Jensen (BSC 1974) is Director Award for teaching excellence and is Presi- of Worldwide Clinical Training, Devel- Eric N. Randall (PhD 1971, H.B.Mark) is a member of the technical staff of Lu- dent Elect of the Society of Applied Spec- opment and Standards, for Parke-Davis troscopy. Pharmaceutical Research in Ann Arbor. cent Technologies’ Bell Laboratories in Georgia. David H. Gorski (BSC 1984, MD 1988; Robert C. Job (PhD 1971, Curtis) is a Pamela K. (Brenkert) Reband (BSC PhD 1994, Case Western Reserve (Cellu- research chemist for the Union Carbide lar Physiology)) is a Fellow in Surgical Corporation in Bound Brook, NJ. 1976; MD 1982, U. of Mississippi) is medical director in the Department of Oncology at the . Robert D. Johnson (BSC 1976; PhD Anesthesiology for the Wilkes Regional Juan Carlos Jaen (PhD 1984, Marino) is 1981, U. of Calif/Davis) is living in Medical Center in North Carolina. the Director of Medicinal Chemistry for Ridgefield, CT. Martin S. Skokan (BS 1978) writes from Tularik, Inc., in South San Francisco. Jeffrey D. La Haye (BSC 1979) is man- Hungary that he has lived in that country Frederic W. Lickteig (BS 1980) has been ager of process and equipment engineer- promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the

20 1998 Marine Corp. and assigned to the faculty Susan M. (Sosnowski) Szegedi (BSC David A. Cleary (PhD 1986, Francis) is of the Army Command and General Staff 1984) is a chemistry teacher at the an Associate Professor of Chemistry at College at Fort Leavenworth where he Farmington Public Schools. She is also Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. will be the marine aviation advisor. completing work for a MS degree at Michi- Jocelyn H. (Carag) Encarnacion (MS Wan-Li Liu (PhD 1980, Overberger; gan State University. 1988) is living in Creve Coeur, MO. She MBA 1993) is an advanced senior chem- Charles C. Tsai (BS 1984, MD 1989) is reports she has a three year old son. ist for the Mobil Chemical Company in serving as a cardiologist with the Gould Jennifer (Petty) Guenther (BS 1989; Edison, NJ. Medical Group, Inc., in Modesto, CA. MA 1990, Columbia Univ. Teachers Coll.) Melvin L. Luetkens (PhD 1984, Gail E. (Ghastin) Underiner (BS 1984; is a physics teacher at the Troy (Mich.) Sattelberger; MBA 1993, Chicago) is PhD 1989, U. of Wisconsin) is a senior Athens High School. manager of business development for the process chemist for the Cauldron Process John A. Hovanesian (BS 1988, MD 1992) Amoco Corp. near Chicago. Chemistry Co. in Malvern, PA. is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Devi P. Malladi (PhD 1981, Filisko/ William N. Vance (BSC 1981; PhD 1986, Opthamology at the Univ. of California in Westrum) is manager of package devel- Stanford U.) is a Research Associate at Los Angeles. opment for Sun Microsystems in Califor- , Chemistry Depart- Joseph T. Jarrett (BSC 1988; PhD 1993, nia. ment. MIT) has accepted an appointment as an Richard W. Muth (MS 1982) is the Ex- Robert B. Wilson, Jr. (PhD 1981, Assistant Professor of Biophysics at the ecutive Officer of the National Strike Sattelberger) has been named Director of University of Pennsylvania in Philadel- Force Coordination Center of the U.S. the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering phia. Coast Guard in Elizabeth City, NC. Laboratory of the chemicals division of Thomas J. Johnson (BSC 1987; MBA, Jonathan C. Noetzel (MS 1983) has been SRI International in Menlo Park, CA. Michigan State) is manager of Laboratory advanced to Lieut. Colonel and made Chief Lili Yamasaki (BS 1982; PhD 1991, U. Services for the KMart Corp. in Detroit. of the U.S. Air Force Operations Plans of Texas Health Science Cntr./San Anto- Nancy Mae Kemling (BS 1986; PhD Division in Honolulu, HI. nio) is an Assistant Professor at Columbia 1996, Wayne State U.) is a Research As- Jerome C. Pando (BS 1984; PhD 1989, University, NY. sociate in the Childrens Hospital of the West Virginia U.) has recently been trans- Wayne State University Medical School. ferred to Sacramento, CA, where he is a Donna Kay (Dickie) Kniffen (BSC 1986; senior chemist involved in chemical pro- 1986 - 1989 MS Oakland Univ. (Statistics)) is a cus- cess development for the Aerojet Corpo- tomer lane leader for the BASF Corpora- ration. James S. Bartunek (BS 1985; MD 1989, tion near Detroit. Paresh D. Patel (BSC 1983, MD 1990, Wayne State Univ.) is in medical practice William J. Kronenberg (BSC 1986) has PhD 1990 (Neuroscience)) has returned as a psyschiatrist. He lives in Orion, MI. been disabled since 1993 and unable to to Ann Arbor as a Research Scientist in Timothy G. Bee (BS 1987; PhD 1993, work. the Mental Health Research Institute and Univ. of Massachusetts; MBA 1997, Mary Beth (Westerdale) Kubitsky (BS a Lecturer in child and adolescent psy- Carnegie Mellon Univ.) has joined Inter- chiatry. 1987; MS 1995, Eastern Michigan U.) is national Specialty Products in Wayne, a lecturer in physics at Eastern Michigan Kristin Ann Peterson (BSC 1983; PhD NJ, as a business analyst for new prod- University in Ypsilanti. 1989, Stanford U.) is a Senior Research ucts. Mark H. Levy (BSC 1986; PhD & MD Scientist with Southwest Sciences, Inc., Pamela Bergquist (MS 1987) currently in Santa Fe, NM. 1990, U. of Illinois) is in medical practice is finishing up her PhD degree in chemis- with “Physicians of the North Shore” who Timothy D. Race (BS 1980) has joined try at Clark University in Massachusetts. provide medical services for Skokie and Corrosion Control Consultants and Labo- Janet L. Binder (MS 1986) is working on Northern Illinois. He also is a lecturer on ratories in Lombard, IL. her PhD degree in philosophy and lipid research, an Associate Professor at Renee Marie Rossi (BSC 1982, MD 1986) women’s studies at the University of Min- Rush Medical Center and a physician for is an Assistant Professor of Otolaryngol- nesota. a major NBA team. ogy at the Southwestern Medical School Cynthia (Praski) Bolognese (BSC 1989) Daniel J. Link (BS 1988, MD 1992) is an of the University of Texas in Dallas. is in the final stages of her PhD research in anesthesiologist with Burnham Anesthe- Joseph L. Sailors (BSC 1984; MD 1991, microbiology at the University of Mary- siology in Chicago. Wayne State U.) reports he is now work- land. Shu-Ching Ma (PhD 1989, Meyerhoff) ing for a PhD degree in molecular medi- Deborah W. Chen (BSC 1989; PhD 1995, is a Senior Scientist at Sendx Medical, cine. He is living in Port Washington, Stanford U.) has completed her Inc., in Carlsbad, CA. NY. postdoctoral appointment at the Univer- Julie-Ann Mancewicz (BS 1987; MS Scott F. Stoeffler (BSC 1983; MS 1986, sity of Cambridge, England, and has ac- 1989, Penn State Univ) is attending the Northwestern (Forensic Chem.)) is a se- cepted a position with Zeneca Pharma- University London studying art restora- nior research microscopist for McCrone ceuticals in Wilmington, DE. Her PhD tion. She and Ruhi Arslanoglu were mar- Associates in Downers Grove, IL. degree erroneously was attributed to the ried in 1995. Univ. of Wisconsin in the last Newsletter.

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 21 Chris J. Noah (BSC 1987; MD 1991, Colorado. She and Cameron Weise were ist by the Earth Resources Corporation in Wayne State Univ.) is a family practice married in August of 1977. Pennsylvania. He reports that he and physician in Cheboygan, MI. P. Douglas Williams (PhD 1985, Curtis) Virginia Montalvo were married in Sep- Jung Ki Park (BS 1985; MD 1989, Case is the Instrument Laboratory Manager for tember of 1997. Western Reserve Univ.) is a physician in KALSEC, Inc., in Kalamazoo, MI. Tracy L. (Hill) Chinigo (BS 1990) is an Fort Lee, NJ, specializing in obstetrics Michael G. Yang (BS 1989) is a Profes- analytical research scientist at Wyeth- and gynecology. sional Products Representative for Roche Ayerst Research Laboratories in Pearl Michael K. Rosen (BS 1987, BSE 1987; Laboratories, headquartered in Lancaster, River, NY. CPGD 1988, Cambridge U.; PhD 1993, NY. Joe S. Chomchai (BSC 1990; MD 1994, Harvard) is an Assistant Member in the Carolyn Ann Zanta (BS 1986; PhD 1997, Wayne State Univ.) is a physician spe- Cellular Biochemistry and Biophysics Purdue Univ. (Biology)) is working via cializing in otolaryngology at the Detroit Program at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer telecommuting as a software design spe- Medical Center. Center in New York. His research pro- cialist for the Purdue University Biomedia Amy Jo (Wiersma) Cowart (BS 1993; gram involves the use of NMR in struc- Center. She is living in Champaign, IL. MD 1997, Michigan State Univ. (Oste- tural biology. He and Yuh Min Chook opathy)) is a Family Practice Resident were married June 30, 1996. physican at the University of Massachu- Ellen D. Roussey (BS 1988) reports she setts Medical Center. will be a stay-at-home mom for a while 1990 – 1993 Scott P. Damask (BS 1993) is an Associ- looking after Alexandria, 2 years, and ate Scientist with the Parke Davis Phar- Cullen, 5 mos. Diane L. Babuts (BS 1991; MD 1995, U. of Rochester) is a resident physician in maceutical Research Laboratories in Ann John A. Sandin, III (BS 1989, MD 1993) Arbor. He is in the Cell Biology and pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital, is a fifth year neurosurgery resident at the Strong Medical Center, Rochester, NY. Vascular and Cardiac Diseases section. University of Wisconsin hospital in Madi- Lainie N. Baumgarten-Hoover (BS Jon P. Degnore (BS 1991; PhD 1997, son. Univ. of Florida) has joined the National 1990, MD 1994) is a pediatrician in Mia Ruth Schmiedeskamp (BSC 1988; Gaithersburg, Maryland. Her husband, Institutes of Health in Bethesda where he PhD 1996, Univ. of Washington David M. Hoover (PhD 1997, Ludwig is doing research in Biophysical Chemis- (Biochem)) is a freelance science writer try. (Biophysics)) is a Fellow at the National living in Issaquah, WA. Her articles have Cancer Institute in Gaithersburg. Julie Ann Dixon (BSC 1992; PhD 1997, appeared in Scientific American. Teresa Sue (Layne) Becse (BSC 1991) is Univ. of Illinois) is doing postdoctoral Benjamin J. Schwartz (BS 1986; PhD a chemistry services manager for MEMC research at . 1992, Univ. of California/Berkeley) is an Southwest in Sherman, TX. Lhanh-Dung T. Do (BS 1991; MS) is a Assistant Professor of Physical Chemis- Randall C. Boehm (PhD 1991, Lohr) is staff mass spectroscopist for the Univer- try at the Univ. of California at Los Ange- sity of Illinois at Chicago. les. employed by the Intercontinental Chemi- cal Co. in Loveland, OH. Christopher Espinosa (BSC 1992; MD Marc H. Settineri (MS 1988, MD 1992) Jean Marc Bovet (BSC 1986, PhD 1993, 1997) is a resident physician living in Oak is an anesthesiologist at the Cortland Park, IL. Memorial Hospital in Cortland, NY. Sharp) is Vice President for Investiga- tional Pharmaceutics at Cirrus Pharma- Kevin J. Forrestal (BS 1990; PhD 1997, Leo R. Sharkey (BS 1986; MS 1996, ceuticals, Inc., in Durham, NC. U. of Calif./Irvine) is a senior research Ohio State U. (Mech. Eng.)) works for the Mary P. (Andrews) Bradley (MS 1990, chemist with Quantum Materials, Inc., of Microelectronics Division of the IBM San Diego, CA. Corporation in Burlington, VT. PhD 1993, Crippen (Pharm. Chem.)) is a research scientist with the Rhone-Poulenc Brent M. Fuller (BSC 1993; MD 1997, Jeffrey T. Strnad (BS 1987; PhD 1992, Agricultural Products Co. in Research Wayne State U.) is a resident physician in Carnegie Mellon Univ.) is a Technology Triangle Park, NC. internal medicine and pediatrics at Will- Specialist with the Stepan Company near iam Beaumont Hospital in Detroit. Chicago. Linda M. Briggs (PhD 1990, Pecoraro) has left the chemistry field and is pursu- Anne L. Gillian-Daniel (BSC 1993) was David P. Voss (BSC 1986; MS 1990, ing a career in physical therapy. married on May 24, 1997. Michigan State U.) is the General Chem- istry Laboratory Coordinator for Michi- Stephen J. Brocchini (PhD 1990, Lawton) Ravi Gutta (BS 1990; MD 1995, Wayne gan State University in East Lansing. is a lecturer at the Center for Polymer State Univ.) is a resident physician in Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, Uni- ophthamology at the University of Illi- William J. Weadock (BSC 1988, MD versity of London, England. nois in Chicago. 1992) is a Fellow at the University of Michigan specializing in cross-sectional William D. Burk (BS 1991; JD 1996, Monica A. Guzman-Rojas (MS 1993) is imaging. Geo. Washington Univ.) is an attorney living in Tucson, AZ. with Kirk Rankin and Associates in Bryan R. Harvey (BSC 1991; DDS 1997, Ann E. (Lukens) Weise (BS 1988) is an Rockville, MD. Environmental Health Specialist for the Columbia Univ./NY) is a resident spe- Boulder County Health Department in Mike G. Chemaly (PhD 1994, Griffin) is cializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery employed as a field scientist and lab chem- at the Ohio State University in Columbus.

22 1998 Suzanne M. Harvey (BS 1991; JD 1997, Jeffrey A. Read (PhD 1993, Francis) is a College. His wife, Mei-Ching Fok, is a Franklin Pierce Law Center) is an attor- Senior Battery Scientist with AER En- physicist at the Goddard Space Flight ney specializing in intellectual property ergy Resources, Inc., in Atlanta. Center nearWashington. for Weintraub and Brady in Bingham David T. Reichel (PS 1993; MD 1997, Benson Tsai (PhD 1990, Overberger) and Farms, MI. Wayne State U.) is a resident physician in his wife, Shu-Ching Ma (PhD 1989, Jeffrey D. Hsi (PhD 1990, Koreeda; MS, internal medicine at the Orlando Regional Meyerhoff), both are employed as research Indiana Univ.; JD, Rutgers Univ.) is an Medical Center in Florida. chemists by the Sendx Medical Corpora- attorney in Chicago. Robert K. Reynolds (BS 1991) is a qual- tion in Carlsbad, CA. Steven G. Karseboom (BSC+BSE 1990; ity assurance engineer for the Allied Sig- Richard L. Waite (BS 1991) is a chemis- PhD 1997, U. of Texas/Austin (Chem. nal Co. (ADCO) in Jackson, MI. try teacher at the Mother Guerin High Eng.)) is a Senior Research and Develop- Scheherazade Rostam-Abadi (BSC School in River Grove, IL. ment Engineer for the Albermarle Corpo- 1993) is a teacher in the Outdoor Educa- Li-Wei Xu (PhD 1991, U. of Chicago; ration in Baton Rouge, LA. tion Program of Nature’s Classroom in Postdoctoral 1993, Kuczkowski) is a Vis- Sonya S. Khatana (MS 1990) is living in Royal Oak, MI. iting Assistant Professor of Physics at the Leawood, KS. Andrew A. Russell (BS 1993; MD 1997, University of Toledo. Mitchell E. Klausner (BS 1993; MD Medical Coll. of Ohio) is a resident phy- Jennifer W. Zalenko (BS 1993) is a con- 1997, Medical Coll. of Ohio) is a resident sician in family practice at the Sharp sultant for the Sandy Corporation near physician in Internal Medicine at the Uni- Memorial Hospital in San Diego, CA. Detroit. versity of Cincinnati Hospital. David J. Schwartz (BS 1990; PhD 1996, Albert H. Li (BS 1991; MD 1997, Wayne U. of Calif./Berkeley) is a senior research State U.) is a resident physician in general chemist with the Dow Chemical Co. in surgery at William Beaumont Hospital in Freeport, TX. 1994 – 1998 Detroit. William J. Smith, III (MS 1993) went to Angela R. Adams (BSC 1997) is a terri- Michael X. Li (PhD 1997, Lubman) is a work for Eli Lilly & Co. on completion of torial business manager for Bristol-Myers research investigator for Bristol-Myers his MS degree. After three years with Squibb with headquarters in Miami, FL. Squibb in Wallingford, CT. them, he was given an educational leave Theresa M. Ambrose (PhD 1997, of absence to complete his doctoral work Kei-Lee Liu (PhD 1994, Morris) is a Meyerhoff) is a postdoctoral fellow in senior process chemist with DuPont Tai- with Prof. W. R. Roush at Indiana. When clinical chemistry and pathology at Wash- wan, Ltd., living in Chung-Li, Taiwan. Prof. Roush left Indiana to come to Michi- ington University of St. Louis. gan, Bill accompanied him and is now Michalis G. Nicolaou (BS 1990; PhD back in graduate school in Ann Arbor. Laura J. (Emerich) Anna (PhD 1996, 1996, U. of Kansas (Pharm. Chem.)) is a Marino) is an Assistant Professor of Chem- staff scientist with Amylin Pharmaceuti- Michelle M. (Poppelreiter) Spencer (BS istry at Millersville University in Penn- cals in San Diego, CA. 1991, B.Pharm. 1995) is employed as an sylvania. Oncology Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Jennifer M. Pace (BSC 1991; PhD 1997, Loma Linda University Medical Center in Edward J. Armbruster (BS 1995; MA Wisconsin) is a postdoctoral research as- California. 1998, Boston Univ.) is a laboratory super- sociate at the University of North Caro- visor in rheumatology at the Boston Uni- Kimberly Ann (Kramer) Stickland (BS lina in Chapel Hill. versity School of Medicine. 1992; PhD 1997, Univ. of Arizona (Phar- Kathleen A. (Lengemann) Packard (BS macology)) is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Michael J. Baldwin (PhD 1992, Stanford 1991) is teaching chemistry in the Anne the Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson, U.; Postdoc 1997, Pecoraro) has accepted Arundel County Schools in Maryland. She AZ. a position as Assistant Professor of Chem- is pursuing a MS degree in education at istry at the University of Cincinnati. His Towson University. Ramachandran P. Subrayan (PhD 1993, wife is Kimber G. Clark (PhD 1994, Rasmussen) is a research and develop- Penner-Hahn). Suhithi M. Peiris (BS 1991; PhD 1996, ment chemist for King Industries in U. of Chicago) has accepted an appoint- Norwalk, CT. Jerrell D. Brenner (PhD 1995, Barker) is ment as a research chemist at the Naval a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Chemistry Weihong Tan (PhD 1993, Kopelman) is Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. Department of the University of Pennsyl- She will be doing research on the reac- an Assistant Professor at the University of vania in Philadelphia. Florida at Gainesville. In the last year he tions of energetic materials at high and Claudia C. Cotca (BSC 1997) is an in- pressures. has been honored with a Young Investiga- tor Award from the Arnold Beckman tern with Parke-Davis in Ann Arbor. Anh Kim (Duong) Pham (BS 1992) is a Foundation, a Faculty Career Award from Brian P. Davies (BS 1997) is employed medical sales representative for G. D. the National Science Foundation and a by Phyto Laboratories in Germany. Searle Pharmaceuticals in Grand Rapids, Young Investigator Award from the Of- MI. fice of Naval Research. Bonnie L. Dickler (BSC 1997) is pursu- ing a degree in applied physiology with Kimberly A. Pummill (BSC 1993; MD Him-Tai Tsang (PhD 1990, Penner-Hahn) plans to graduate in June of 1998. 1997, Wayne State Univ.) is a resident has moved to Maryland where he is an physician in general surgery at Detroit Instructor in Chemistry at Montgomery Trung M. Doan (BS 1996) is a territory Medical Center. manager for Warner Chilcott Co. in phar-

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 23 maceutical sales. He is stationed in the Yongseong Kim (PhD 1996, Morris) is a He plans to specialize in intellectual prop- Detroit area. Postdoctoral Research Associate at the erty. Danette A. Domagala (BS 1996) has been Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Michael T. Render (BS 1995) is em- advanced from intern to synthetic organic Mexico. ployed by the Akzo Nobel Co. in Troy, chemist for the Warner-Lambert Parke- Chad A. Link (BS 1997) is working tem- Michigan. His work involves the synthe- Davis Research Laboratories in Ann Ar- porarily at Henry Ford Hospital in De- sis of acrylic emulsions, polyesters, poly- bor. troit. He plans to enter the Michigan State urethanes and analysis of various mix- Scott H. Druker (PhD 1995, Curtis) works College of Osteopathy in August of 1998. tures of these polymers. as a research chemist for the FMC Corpo- Hui Liu (PhD 1997, Rasmussen) has a Pamela Riggs-Gelasco (PhD 1995, ration in Doylestown, PA. postdoctoral position with the Coating Penner-Hahn) appeared in the Nov. 3, Alexander P. Ducruet (BS 1997) is tem- Research Institute at Eastern Michigan 1997, issue of C&E News as a participant porarily working as a research specialist University in Ypsilanti. in the MIT “Conference on Careers in in surgical oncology at the University of Nicole R. (Ramberger) Lockhart is a Education at Principally Undergraduate Pittsburgh Medical Center. research associate with Lumigen, Inc., in Institutions”. She is a postdoctoral scholar working with Dr. JoAnne Stubbe at MIT. Ken Wen-Kui Fang (PhD 1997, Pearson) Detroit. has accepted a position as research chem- Holly J. Logue (BS 1997) is living in Ben A. Robinson (BSC 1996) has a job ist with Allergan, Inc., in Irvine, CA. Saline, MI. with Janssen Parmaceutica in Ann Arbor, a Belgian Company which maintains a Brendan J. Foran (PhD 1996, Lee) is a Todd J. Marion (BSC 1994) is a chemist small laboratory in Ann Arbor. materials analyst with the SEMATECH for the Ashland Chemical Co. in Texas. Corp. in Austin, TX. Luis Rodriguez (BS 1997) is living in Paul Milne (PhD 1996, Lubman) is seek- Chicago. Luis A. Gomez (BS 1995 (Chemistry & ing employment in the Ann Arbor area. Physics)) is an engineer for OSMIC Coat- His wife, Elizabeth A. Todd (PhD 1996, Steven W. Roeder (PhD 1997, Gordus) is ings, in the Detroit area. Morris) is employed by Kaiser Optical a chemist with the Tetra Technologies Corporation in Texas. Nancy W. Goroff (PhD Univ. of Califor- Systems in Ann Arbor. nia/Los Angeles; Postdoctoral 1996-97, Michel Molinier (Post doctoral 1998, Pernilla Rollin (MS 1997) is a scientist Ege/Coppola) has joined the Department Curtis) has accepted a position with Al- for the Hoffmann-LaRoche Corporation of Chemistry at the State University of lied Signal Environmental Catalysts in in New Jersey. New York at Stony Brook. Tulsa, OK. Charles P. Rospierski (BSC 1994) is in Sridhar Govindarajan (PhD 1997, Nicole N. (Miller) Morris (MS 1995) is the MBA program at Ohio State Univer- Goldstein) has accepted a position as sci- an Advanced Research Chemist in the sity. entist with Sulfonics, Inc., which is asso- Abrasives Division of the 3M Co. in Robert D. Schiller (MS 1994) is a senior ciated with the University of Florida at Minneapolis. development chemist for the BASF Cor- Gainesville. Suzanne M. (Argentine) Olds (PhD 1995, poration in Wyandotte, MI. Tony O. Greco (BS 1997) is a chemist Francis) has accompanied her husband to Reed G. Selby (BS 1997) is a pharmaceu- with Instrumentation Laboratories in Ann Thailand where he is involved in setting tical sales representative for Abbott Labo- Arbor. up a new refinery. ratories stationed in California. Charles W. Gundlach (MS 1996) re- Athanasia D. Panopoulos (BSC 1997) is Karen E. (Ramos) Sexton (BSC 1995) is ports that he and Marnay Zell were mar- engaged in pharmaceutical research on a research chemist with the Esai Research ried in August of 1997. He is continuing HIV proteases at the Warner-Lambert Institute in Andover, MA. as a graduate student in Chemistry at Parke-Davis Laboratories in Ann Arbor. Ted A. Skolarus (BSC 1997) is a user Michigan. Andrew J. Phelka (BS 1997) is a Peace planning analyst in the computer support Xuan Guo (PhD 1996, Meyerhoff) is a Corp. volunteer teaching chemistry in division of the Ford Motor Company. He research scientist with Lifescan, Inc., in Namibia, Africa. also has an independent business access- San Jose, CA. Jonathan M. Plawchan (BSC 1997) is ing the Amway Servicing Corporation. Ling He (MS 1996) is a senior scientist working for PICON, Inc., in Detroit. Eleanor Jane Slater (BS 1997) is a prod- for the Schering-Plough Corporation in Stuart H. Pullen (PhD 1998, Sension) uct development chemist for PPG Indus- New Jersey. currently is a postdoctoral scholar at Duke tries in Natrona Heights, PA. Samir N. Kelada (BS 1997) plans to University working with Prof. John Simon. Jeffrey D. Smithers (BSc 1997) is spend- enter the School of Public Health at the Guangyu Qian (PhD 1996, Lubman) is a ing the 1997-98 year as a Fulbright Scholar University of Michigan in the fall of 1998. research scientist for the Chiron Corpora- in Lubeck, Germany. He plans to enter Burton H. Kim (BS 1997) is an account tion in Emeryville, CA. the Vanderbilt University Medical School in the summer of 1998. manager assistant with Kletner Advertis- Aaron M. Raphael (BS 1996) finds law ing in New York. Kletner Adv. handles school at Emory University challenging Jennifer A. Sowinski (PhD 1997, health care and pharmaceutical accounts. plus being a member of the Internation Toogood) has accepted a position as re- Danny Sung-Ung Kim (BS 1995) works Law Review requires a lot of attention. search investigator for the Searle Pharma- as a research chemist for the Unilever ceutical Co. in Skokie, IL. Research Corp. in Flushing, NY. 24 1998 Tresa M. Staeven (BSC, BSE 1997) is a Yamin Wang (PhD 1998, Koreeda) is a Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories in report coordinator for Weyco, Inc., in research chemist for the Pharmaceutial Ann Arbor. East Lansing, MI. Division of the Bayer Corporation in West Haven, CT. Karin Ann Stein (MS 1996) is a research THE FOLLOWING NEWS ITEMS ARE scientist for Microcide Pharmaceuticals Brian C. Weinrick (BS 1996) is a sci- FROM NON-ALUMNI FRIENDS OF in San Jose, CA. ence teacher with the Peace Corp. sta- THE CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT tioned in Eritrea. Chad A. Van Huis (BSC 1997) is a chem- Mary Sue (Kellams) Rulfs, wife of former ist at the Warner-Lambert Parke-Davis Kevin R. Winer (BS 1997) is employed Professor Charles L. Rulfs, has moved to Research Laboratories in Ann Arbor. at the Regional Criminalistics Laboratory Iowa City, IA, to be near her daughter. of the Police Department in Kansas City. Seth J. Vander Muelen (BS 1995) is a (If errors or misstatements are noted in He does DNA and trace evidence analy- research analyst with Buck Consultants in any of the news items, the editors of the ses. Cleveland Heights, OH. Newsletter would appreciate their being Rajesh S. Walavalkar (PhD 1994, Ziyan Wu (PhD 1994, Moore/Lee) is a called to their attention. Mistakes can, Pearson) has been transferred to Asbury project leader for the Essex Specialty Prod- and do, creep in inadvertently or due to Park, NJ, by his employer, the Libenn ucts Corp., a subsidiary of the Dow Chemi- errors in the official records. Corrections Co., a perfume and aroma manu- cal Co. She and her husband, Zhijian Zhu, can easily be inserted in the next edition.) facturer. live in Southfield, MI. Zhijian Zhu (PhD 1996, Townsend) is on the scientific staff of the Parke-Davis

ration as Manager of Product Evaluation of Chemistry and former Dean of the Col- and Planning. lege of Science at Southern Illinois Uni- In versity at Carbondale. Russell E. Curtice (BS 1953; PhD 1964, Oregon State Univ.) died in 1996 in Phila- Philip F. Jackisch (PhD 1965, Ireland) Memoriam delphia. He was an Emeritus Assistant died in Baton Rouge, LA. He had been a Professor of Chemistry at the University research chemist for the Ethyl Corpora- We were sorry to learn of the deaths of of Rutgers at Camden. He left a bequest tion in Baton Rouge. the following alumni, alumnae and to the Department endowment fund. Warner M. Linfield (MS 1941, PhD 1943 friends of the Department. Vincent M. Drost (AB 1932, MS 1934) (Pharm Chem)) died in Tamarac, FL. He died of pancreatic cancer on May 30, had been a research leader at the U.S. 1997 in Summerland Key, FL. His wife, Department of Agriculture Regional Re- Gladys C. Barth, former employee of Wilver I. (Brown) Drost, also a Michigan search Laboratory in Philadelphia. the Chemistry Store, died November 10, graduate although not a chemistry major, Edward L. Morehouse (BSC 1942) died 1997 in Dixon, IL. Older alumni will predeceased him in 1993. in 1992. No details are available. remember Gladys as the major domo of Carl E. Evans (MS 1932) died February the second floor dispensing stand who Lloyd R. Rexer (BS 1947) passed away 12, 1995 in Sandusky, OH. Before retir- ruled dispensing and returns with an iron in 1997. He retired from the Chrysler ing, he had been Vice President for Pro- hand for 28 years. She was a former army Corporation and was living in Trenton, duction at the Sandusky Foundry and nurse, administered her domain in true MI. Machine Company. army style, and was somewhat of a leg- Bernard W. Rottschaefer (PhD 1939, end in the Department. The stand was Jean M. (Rogers) French (BS 1948) died Schoepfle) died in 1998, in Wyomissing, never the same after she retired. on August 3, 1996 in Oak Ridge, TN. She PA. Further details are not available. had been employed as an analytical chem- Jeremy K. Burdett (MS 1968; PhD 1972, ist by the Union Carbide Corporation in William S. Struve (BS 1937, PhD 1940, Univ. of Cambridge, England(Phys their Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge. Bachmann) died in 1997 in New Jersey. Chem)) died unexpectedly in 1997 in He retired as Director of Color Research. Kalamazoo, MI. The day before he had Oswald H. Greager (PhD 1929, F.E. been in Ann Arbor as the guest of the Bartell) died October 8, 1996 in Doris M. (Shapiro) Trevas (MS 1939) Department and had given a talk. At the Kennewick, WA. He had been a research died on July 18,1997 in Manhasset, NY. time of his death, he was a Professsor of chemist with the General Electric Com- She was a Professor at Nassau Commu- Chemistry at the University of Chicago. pany. nity College. John Controulis (PhD 1950, Bachmann) Elbert H. Hadley (BS 1936, MS 1937; James H. Zwemer (MS 1948) died in died May 30, 1997 in Morristown, NJ. PhD 1940, Duke Univ.) died in North Lithonia, GA in 1997. He retired as Vice He retired from Warner-Lambert Corpo- Adams, MA.. He was Emeritus Professor President of the Environmental Chemis- try Division, Monsanto Company.

U-M DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 25 John L. Gland, Professor, Chemistry, Chemi- Michael D. Morris, Professor. Analytical cal Engineering, and Applied Physics. Laser Spectroscopy and Imaging; Elec- FACULTY Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Physi- trophoretic Separations. cal Chemistry. Kathleen V. Nolta, Lecturer III. Organic Gary D. Glick, Associate Professor. Bioor- Biochemistry. ganic Chemistry, Molecular Recogni- William H. Pearson, Professor. Synthetic Arthur J. Ashe III, Professor. Organome- tion. Organic Chemistry. tallic Chemistry. Richard A. Goldstein, Associate Professor Vincent L. Pecoraro, Professor. Synthetic Mark M. Banaszak Holl, Assistant Profes- and Research Scientist, Chemistry and Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry. sor. Synthetic and Mechanistic Solu- Biophysics Research Division. Compu- James E. Penner-Hahn, Professor. Bio- tion, Surface, and Solid State Chemistry. tational Molecular Biophysics, Physical physical Chemistry and Inorganic Spec- John R. Barker, Professor. Atmospheric, Chemistry. troscopy. Oceanic and Space Sciences and Chem- Adon A. Gordus, Professor. Radioanalytical- A. Ramamoorthy, Assistant Professor and istry, Chemical Kinetics, Atmospheric Radiation Chemistry. Research Scientist, Chemistry and Bio- Chemistry. Henry C. Griffin, Professor. Nuclear Chem- physics Research Division. Structural Larry W. Beck, Assistant Professor. Ana- istry: Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Studies of Biological Molecules. lytical NMR spectroscopy of Materials; “Hot” and “Cold” Nuclei. Paul G. Rasmussen, Professor. Polymer/ Zeolite Catalysis Nancy K. Kerner, Lecturer, Coordinator of Inorganic Chemistry. Mary Anne Carroll, Associate Professor General Chemistry Laboratory. Chemi- William R. Roush, Warner Lambert/Parke Chemistry, Atmospheric, Oceanic and cal Education : Learning and Instruc- Davis Professor. Organic Chemistry. tional Methods. Space Sciences. Atmospheric Chemis- Richard D. Sacks, Professor. High Speed try. Raoul Kopelman, Kasimir Fajans Profes- Analytical Separations. sor. Chemistry, Applied Physics, and Brian P. Coppola, Associate Professor, Or- Roseanne J. Sension, Assistant Professor. ganic Chemistry. Coordinator of Un- Physics. Analytical/Physical/Biophysi- cal Chemistry. Physical Chemistry, Ultrafast Laser Spec- dergraduate Organic Chemistry Curricu- troscopy. lum. Science Learning and Instructional Masato Koreeda, Professor. Chemistry and Methods. Medicinal Chemistry, Synthesis of Natu- Robert R. Sharp, Professor. Multidimen- sional and Multiquantum NMR of Para- ral Products. Small Molecule-DNA In- Gene H. Cordes, Professor, Chemistry and magnetic Systems. Medicinal Chemistry. Molecular De- teraction, Chemical Carcinogenesis, sign; Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms; Glycobiology. Leroy B. Townsend, Professor, Medicinal Chemistry and Chemistry. Design Syn- Biochemistry. Robert L. Kuczkowski, Professor. Micro- wave Spectroscopy of Weakly Bonded thesis and Biological Evaluation of Het- Dimitri Coucouvanis, Professor. Synthesis, erocycles and Nucleosides. Structures and Reactivities of Metal Clus- Complexes. ters and Supramolecules. Richard M. Laine, Associate Professor, Ma- Edwin Vedejs, Moses Gomberg Professor. Organic Chemistry . James K. Coward, Professor, Medicinal terials Science and Engineering and Chemistry and Chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry. Materials Chemistry. Barbara J. Weathers, Lecturer, and Lec- Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry. Richard G. Lawton, Arthur F. Thurnau Pro- turer in Comprehensive Studies Program. M. David Curtis, Professor. Organometal- fessor. Bioorganic Reagents as Chemi- John R. Wiseman, Professor. Synthetic Or- lic and Conducting Polymers. cal Probes of Molecular Architecture. ganic Chemistry and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions. Thomas M. Dunn, Professor. Optical Spec- Lawrence L. Lohr, Professor. Theoretical troscopy of Large (benzenoid and fused Studies of Molecular Structure and Re- Charles F. Yocum, Professor, Biological Sciences and Chemistry. Biological ring systems) and Small (mainly activity. heteronuclear di- and triatomic) Mol- David M. Lubman, Professor. Biological Chemistry of Photosynthesis. ecules. R2PI Jet Spectra of Condensed Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy and Edward T. Zellers, Associate Professor Ring Aromatic Molecules and the Study Instrumentation. Chemistry and Environmental and In- of Conformers and their Possible Joseph P. Marino, Professor and Chair. dustrial Health. Environmental-Analyti- cal Chemistry. Interconversion. Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry. Seyhan N. Ege, Professor. Heterocyclic Re- New Synthetic Methods and Strategies Erik R. P. Zuiderweg, Professor, Chemistry active Intermediates. for Natural Product Synthesis. and Biophysics. NMR Studies of B. J. Evans, Professor. Solid State Chemis- E. Neil G. Marsh, Assistant Professor. En- Biomacromolecular Conformation and try: Electronic and Magnetic Materials. zymes: Structure, Mechanism, and Speci- Dynamics in Solution Christine E. Evans, Assistant Professor. Ana- ficity; Protein Engineering and Molecu- lytical/Physical Chemistry. lar Recognition. Professors Emeriti: Lawrence S. Bartell, S. Anthony H. Francis, Arthur F. Mark E. Meyerhoff, Professor. Bioanalytical M. Blinder, Daniel T. Longone, ThurnauProfessor. Magnetic Resonance, Chemistry, Electrochemical and Opti- Christer E. Nordman, Lawrence J. Oncley, Peter A. S. Smith, Milton Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy cal Sensors. of Materials. Tamres, Robert C. Taylor, Edgar F. Westrum, Jr.

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