istio Sari Alatossava Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy for Oulanka National Park 2011 Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja. Sarja C 112 Nature Protection Publications of Metsähallitus. Series C 112 Sari Alatossava Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services, Ostrobothnia PO Box 26 93601 Kuusamo, Finland
[email protected] Translated by Fran Weaver Översättning: Firma Pimma Åhman Cover photo: Oulanka’s suspension bridges lead visitors into a world of unforgettable experiences. Photo: Mylene van der Donk © Metsähallitus 2011 ISSN-L 1796-2943 ISSN 1796-2943 (online) ISBN 978-952-446-916-6 (pdf) Sari Alatossava Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy for Oulanka National Park 2011 DOCUMENTATION PAGE PUBLISHED BY Metsähallitus PUBLICATION DATE 5.8.2011 COMMISSIONED BY Metsähallitus DATE OF APPROVAL 23.2.2011 CONFIDENTIALITY Public REGISTRATION NO. 1504/530/2011 TYPE OF PROTECTED National Park, Natura 2000 Site AREA/CONSERVATION PROGRAMME NAME(S) OF PROTECTED Oulanka National Park AREA(S) NATURA 2000 SITE Oulanka FI1101645 NAME(S) AND CODE(S) REGIONAL UNIT Natural Heritage Services, Ostrobothnia AUTHOR(S) Sari Alatossava TITLE Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy for Oulanka National Park 2011 ABSTRACT Oulanka National Park is located in a region of NE Finland that is important for tourism, midway between the tourism centres of Ruka-Kuusamo and Salla. Thanks to its unique natural features, diverse facilities, and a long history and strong image as a destination for hiking and outdoor activi- ties, the park is popular both in terms of visitor numbers and as a regional tourist attraction. The park welcomes almost 170,000 visitors annually. Visitors’ spending boosted the local economy by an estimated 15 million euros in 2010.