Schwartz, Katz Sworn in As Deputy Mayors
SSeeee TThehe HHealthealth LLinkink IInside!nside! SStartingtarting oonn ppageage 4477 Happy Birthday Linking Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic & Union Counties Issue #238 Elie Y. Katz! Order on-Line at 201-833-0200 July 16 SEE AD ON PAGE 63 JEWISH LINK July 6 | 23 Tamuz Parshat Pinchas Light Candles: 8:12 PM July 5, 2018 | 22 Tamuz, 5778 CANDLE Shabbat Ends: 9:21 PM OF NEW JERSEY LIGHTING Rabbeinu Tam: 9:43 PM Schwartz, Katz Sworn In as Deputy Mayors; Hameeduddin Elected Mayor for Fourth Term YourY By JLNJ Staff Monday evening for the reorganiza- summer bbq tion meeting and swearing-in cere- The mayors of many surround- mony of the Teaneck Town Council, headquarters ing towns and multiple dignitaries a group lauded for its intercultural as well as family and friends of the council were present this past steamy CONTINUED ON P. 14 See our ad on back cover Celebrating the Life of Mitch Gross, z”l By Steve Gutlove, JLNJ Sports Editor Last Thursday night, a packed room of friends and family members gathered to cele- JLNJ Co-Publisher Mark (Mendy) Esther Shayowitz brate the meaningful life of Mitchell Gross, z”l, Schwartz, with his wife, Nomi, and his ® REALTOR Menachem Avraham ben Nachman Moshe, a father, is sworn in by Bergen County 201.638.5858 beloved community member and Moriah par- Executive James Tedesco, left. VERA-NECHAMA.COM ent who passed away suddenly during a basket- ball game in 2008. He was just 39. (l-r) Teaneck deputy mayor Elie Y. Katz, mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin Mitch’s name lives on, however, in MGBL, and deputy mayor Mark (Mendy) Schwartz.
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