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19810017324.Pdf N O T I C E THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FROM MICROFICHE. ALTHOUGH IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS ARE ILLEGIBLE, IT IS BEING RELEASED IN THE INTEREST OF MAKING AVAILABLE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE WOMEN AT WORK IN NASA (NASA--TM-52358) WOMEN Al NCHK IN NASA N81 -25860 (National Aeronautics and Space =Administration) 20 p HC A02 /HF A01 This brochure, prepared by the Federal Women s Program Office of the NASA Office of Equal Opportunity Programs. illustrates the diverse occupations of women throughout the agency. Women employees, working in all disci- plines, have made significant contributions to aeronautical and space accoinplishments. ^^^Q^,^ UFi^2 ^irvt/ Harriett G. Jenkins Director Office of Equal Opportunity Programs i i Y i RMA National Aeronautics and Space Administration i WOMEN AT WORK IN NASA Table of Contents Introduction 1 I. Technical Support Positions 2 II. Clerical and Nonprofessional Administrative 3 III. Professional Administrative 4 IV. Vrofessional Scientific and Engineering 9 Astronaut Candidates ... These six Mission Specialist/Astronaut candidates are the first women to be named by NASA as astronaut candidates. They are, left to right, Margaret R. (Rhea) Seddon, Anna L. Fisher, Judith A. Resnik, Shannon W. Lucid, Sally K. Ride and Kathryn D. Sullivan. WOMEN AT WORK IN NASA Introduction The poter i and capabilities of clerical and professional occupa- women ai. being recognized at tions. It also provides opportunities the National Aeronautics and for women to participate in train- Space Administration. Women ing courses to prepare for greater hold positions at every level of the responsibilities. federal salary strn.cture in our Positions held by NASA employees, nations aeronautics and space without regard to sex, fall into tour programs. The pay ranges from major categories: Technical Sup- $6,219 per year to the statutory port. Clerical and Nonprofessional limit of $47,500. Administrative, Professional Ad- The outlook for the future of ministrative, and Professional women in NASA is excellent. They Scientific and Engineering. will play a continually increasing The near future in space also will role of responsibility in determin- answer the question stated by ing the policies under w..ich the many persons for many years: United States wi:: carry out future ''When will women fly aboard a space exploration and aeronautical spacecraft?' The answer: ''In the research and in developing the 1980s." NASA has selected six plans for executing the programs. female Mission Specialists among This bright future for women has the 35 astronaut candidates to been brought about, in large part, train for Space Shuttle Flight by the Federal Women s Program Missions whereby they will con- and the Federal Women's Program duct scientific and technical ex- Managers at the 11 NASA periments in space for up to ?0 facilities in the United States. days. The Space Shuttle will be The Federal Women's Program operational in the 1980s. has created the framework for Women's role in NASA today is achieving equal opportunity with- challenging and interesting. The out regard to sex; for eliminating future role will be exciting, inspir attitudes, customs and habits ing and demanding. which have denied women some occupations and high level posi- tions; and for encouraging quali- fied women to compete in exami- nations and participate in ;raining programs which lead to advance- rrnent. The Federal Women's Program at NASA is under the Director for Equal Oppor unity Programs, Washington, DC. A major ste'r is being accom- plished through the Upward Mo- bility Program which offers oppor- tunities to those with limited V career potential, including posi- tions to ''bridge'' the gap between 0 r WOMEN AT WORK IN . 1 Ruth M Barley, Lithograph Helper, runs a 2650 printing press, works in the bindery in support of printing operations 2 Edith Taylor, an accounting technician in the Resources and Financial I. Technical Support Management Office, performs dunes associated with the receipt, verification, Positions include scientific and control and processing of funds allocated to the NASA Center engineering aids. technicians. draft- 3 Brenda Willis is a Safety Specialist in the Safety. R8OA 8 Protective ing, photography, illustrating, sal- Services Directorate She works both manned and unmanned launch aried shop superintendents, quality activities assurance specialists, production 4 Doruthy Davenport, Senior Computer Operator in the Computer Operations planning and inspecting positions. Branch at a NASA Center 2 I r' rr^ 3 F -1 " 4 1 ''► r" A i r=^I v 14` WOMEN AT WORK IN ... t Secretary Kathleen Patrick works for the Office of General Counsel for Patent Matters She is also Chairperson of the NASA Secretaries Advisory Committee where she deve'oped a comprehensive package of training 11. Clerical and programs ror secretaries Nonprofessional 2 Ruby J. Pelton is a Secretary in the heal Estate Management Branch and Administrative is active in the NASA Employees' Club 3 Loretta Hereford is a clerk typist in the Engineering Analysis Arvisron, Positions include secretarial, spe- :,ructures and Propulsion Lab at a NASA Center. cialized and general clerical and administrative specialist positions, 4 <nnette H. Vauohn is a procurement clerk in the Shuttle Division, Procure- which require clerical training and ment Orifice at a RASA Center. experience or specialized non- 5 Jackie Counts is a Secretary in the Community Affairs Branch, Office of professional experience in s,pply, External Reiathons fiscal, procurement and related activities. 3 _— s WOMEN AT WORK IN 1 Dr Carolyn Huntoon is the Deputy for Personnel Det-eloprrient in the Astronaut Office at a NASA Center. 2 Contract Specialist Ruth Jones is respunsible for handling a variety of III. Professional complex procurements including architect and engineering and research Administra#ive and development contracts Positrons include management posi- 3 Bettie L. White, Assistant Federal Women's Program Coordinator at a tions in research and development NASA Center, organizes ac'ivities for the Federal Women's Program. administration in such activities as 4 Helen Kupperman is Assistant General Counsel for General Law as well as a financia l management. contracting, member and former Chairperson of the Federal Women's Program personnel, security, administration. Committee. law and public affairs for which a college degree or the equivalent and specialized training and experi- ence a-e required. 4 3 1 4 Ate/.' I 1 P I 77 ^ I i z^ Ilk _ _ _ S A Marie Coleman, Administrative Assistant, provr'es support to the Manage- ment Operations dranch of the Program Analysis Division 6 Laura A Shawnee, Personnel Management Specialist, provides classification, staffing and employee relations services and management advisory assistance at a NASA Center i Annie S Malone is a General Accounting Office Liaison Specialist responsible for advising GAO and NASA personnel on policies and procedures pertaining to GAO judits and related assignments 8 Cheryl Hood, Resource Management Specialist, works with NASA Centers to review institutional resources requirements and establishes budget and operating levels. 5 6 5 8 I 1 4 10 Lillian R Levy in the Division of Public Affairs, is a well known author, journalist and public speaker who has been honored by NASA as well as by three First Lades for her achievements in communications 11 Inellia F Sullivan is ar, Administrat,ve Officer in the A,Oministrative Operations Office at a NASA Center 12 Shirley Price, Handicapped Program Coordinc.or, provides support services for handicapper) summer interns. stay-in-school, as well as recruits handicapped people for employment at her Center 13 Zelma C. (Leo) Messer. a Financial Program Specialist, working with fund accounting and accounts payable at a NASA Center. 6 1 - - " 1. _I -i J. t^ 12 10 13 '' I S a L 14 Elma D Green, Assistant Personnel Exchanges Officer, coordinates visits of foreign nL' ^nals to NASA installations and processes overseas Vavel requests for NASA personnel 15 De;jrac C Hart, Acting Director Equal Opporn nify Office is responsible for developing, implementing, coordinating and maintaining a viable equal opportunity program rY 'ti ^t 14 I WOMEN AT WORK IN 1 Aerospace Cngineer Helen M Neumann is /,ssrstant Chief of the Spacecraft Technology Division at a NASA Center 2 Aerospace Engineer Mary W Jackson conducts experimental investigation IV. Professional of Wind Tunnel Wall Interference at a NASA Center. Scientific and 3 Electronic Eng-neer Joann H. Morgan works in the Computer Systems Engineering Division at a NASA Center Positions include scientists aid 4 Marlone A. Townsend, Manager, Preliminary Systems Design Group is etiglneers engaged in aerospace responsible for planning, formulating. evaluating and correlating the research. development operations aclvvihos of the group at a NASA Center and related work sucn develop- ment and operation of specialized facilities ano equipment to support NASA s programs 8 .,,, "IL b s so loop' 1 0 ^y 0= R 3 a A is Iowa 111110- r 5 Judah Anderson, Systems Engineer, works in the Vehicle Software Section of the Datd Processing and Software Systems Division—Shuttle Engineering Directorate 6 Suzanne T Gooder, a Physicist, is making a visual inspu -don of an integrally regulated st far array panel The panel is supplying electrical power to operate a 30 cm merct -y ton thruster mounted to an adjacent vacuum chdmber 7 Barbara S Asktns, a Chemist at a NASA Center invent3d a method of obtaining intensified image from developed photographic films and plates that has application not only for astronomical photographs, but also to the held of medical radiography. 6 Or Patricia M O Donnell is in research and development management it the Terrestrial Photovoltaic Project Office at a NASA Center 9 ^f I ^ i a\ • i^8iiii••.•• 1111-^ II/IIIII////// h 7 6 1` 'l 9 Mathematician Joseohine Jue, Software Systems Engineer in the Spacecraft Software Division at a NASA Center is responsible for the development and testing of Shuttle orbiter computer software 10 Dr.
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