I I I A m v m I ONFERENCE 2 .0 0 0 San Diego, California - July 12-16 Registration information inside VOL. XXVI NO. 2 March/April 2000 ONE GIANT STEP FOR AVIATION When you’re in an orbit of 235 by 226 statute miles, you need to be able to depend on your communications equipment. When the USA’s First F.xpeditionary Team inhabits the International Space Station later this year, they will be depending on the PA 17-79 ANR headset for their communications. After exhaustive testing, NASA has cer tified a slightly modified version based on the headset’s performance, dura bility and comfort over long periods of time. T o the best of our knowledge, this is only the second time an ANR has been certified for use in space— the Russian MIR Space Station also used the self-contained PA 17-79 ANR. We have stated in our past advertisements that our ANR was the “Quietest on the Planet." W e respectfully amend that at this time. You don’t have to wait for the next space launch, call or visit your down-to-earth Pilot PA 17-79 DNC XL local pilot shop, avionics shop, mail-order store or FBO. Independence Series PILOT COMMUNICATIONS WE LISTEN, SO YOU CAN HEAR. US Corporate Headquarters: 10015 Muirlands Blvd, Unit G, Irvine, CA 92618 • 1-888-G O -PILO T, (949) 597-1012, Fax: (949) 597-1049 F.uropean Headquarters: 4 Burley Road, Summerley Estate, Felpham, West Sussex, P022 7NF England • +44(0)1243 584 384, Fax: +44(0)1243 586 Tvww.pilot-conimtniications.com • e-m ail:
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