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iook Released By NSU Press BeautifuTITl^trays Long and aried Legacy Of Northwestern State University More than 300 people attended an auto- yphpanyNov. I where the first copiesof le book "Northwestern State University Louisiana, 1884-1984" were officially eased by the NSU Press. The event at the homeofNSU President nd Mrs. Joseph J. Orze especially honored h Marietta M. LeBreton, the NSU his- [try professor who spent six years rescar- hing and writing the history of the uni- ersity's first 100 years. "She has done an outstanding job of searching and recreating the history of le first 100 years of Northwestern State Jniversify and has developed a flowing arrative that regenerates the lives and inie-. of the people and events of the uni- rn.ity's history," said One in the book's rward. "The Resultant book is an important ntribution to the scholarship on Amer- .in higher education," One added. hile relating the birth of Northwestern a post-reconstruction era Normal hool and tracing its evolution as a achers'college,generalpurposestatecol- igeandregional university, the-author has vidcJ 11^ with mure tIk- specific lisrory of Northwestern State University. he has given students of higher education exceptional work of scholarship on the Dr.ManemM.UBreton(cemer),au(horof"NorthwestemStateUnwersUyofUuislana. I884-I984: A History,'* discusses th^ olution of one contentsof the uniquebook with the of the unique institutions widowsof two former presidentsof Northwestern. Mrs. John S.Kyser(left)and Mrs. Albert A. the world, the ^redencks. More than people American regional multi- 300 attended the NSU Press' official release of the book Nov. I. rpose, publicly-supported university." The 320-page book — including fooi- "It is the story of people — presidents, 1984: History" A have been impressed not About the Author tes. appendices, bibliography and index professors, students, athletes, alumni and only with theextensivehistorical informa- friends presents the story of Northwestern from of the university — whose paths tion in the book butalso with the colorful, Dr. Marietta M. LeBreton has been a [s crossed at and profesjorat Northwestern conception in 1884 through itsCer\ten- NSU whose footprints are interesting and readable style in which it State University lial celebration in 1984. still visible today," she said. was wntten. since 1963. Recognized throughout the lichuok, priced ;U$ 30, ni.iy he ordered by "And as with people everywhere, " con- "Obviously," wrote one reviewer, "the south for her research and publications in tinued iilini; rhe form on this pa^'e to the NSU the author, "there are good and bad, history published by the NSU Press focuses the field of Liuisiana history, she holds the happy .1 •>. and sad, humorous and tragic on the university's presidential administra- doctorate degree in hisrory from Lt)uisiana Using the 15 presidential administra- Throughout the century." tion, changes in curricula, degree programs State University in Baton Rouge. ons as a structural focus, LeBreton's com- Dr. LeBreton, who is recognized and the physical plant, but the book goes Significant publications by Dr. LeBre- ichensive, scholarly and interesting his- throughout the south for her research and far beyond that documentary account of ton are "Bayon rV)rcheat" in "The Rivers publications, Qrv' traces the development of the institu- said the book is also the story the establishment, development and prog- and Bayous of Louisiana, " "The Burr Oin- lion from a two-year, teacher-training of the interesting interplay of education ress of the institution. spiracy" in "Readings in Louisiana History" chool to the present multifaceted uni- and politics in Louisiana. "For one thing. Northwestern history and "Acadians" in the "Harvard Encyc- ersity. Photographs are interspersed through- provides information and insight into the lopedia of American Ethnic Groups." Changes in the institution's name, out the volume at appropriate places. They relationship between higher education and For many years she has been teaching the history Iministrative organization, curricula, were obtained from the university's arc- politics in Louisiana, which should make Louisiana undergraduate course emficate and degree programs, and hives and from individuals and families the book of interest not only to those who and has team-taught a course on state and lysical plant are developed throughout whose ties to Northwestern are generations have been associated with NSU over the local history which focused im life in old. NatchiriKlies in the 1700s. tie 100-year span. years but also to others who closely observe The introduction to the book was writ- Louisiana government and education. The NSU profes.sor has s«'rved on the boatd of directors of Kith the Louisiana "But the history of NSU is much more ten by Dr. William Arceneaux, commis- "North western's history is colorful and Historical Association Han voluminous file drawers filled with sioner oi nigher eaucatiori fur ihe state o( intriguing, and Dr. LeBreton has master- and the North Louisiana lusty, old, official documents, "stated Dr. Louisiana. fully captured the undercurrents, persona- Historical Association. She also has given numerous to histi>rical [^Breton, a member of NSU's history lities and ever-changing personal, political speeches pculry since 1963 and an authority on Several who have reviewed "Northwest- and educational climates that impacted andculturalgroupsthroughout the region. )uisiana and early American history. etn State University of Louisiana, 1884- the university over a lOO-year peruxl." TO: NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS Northvyestern State University of Louisiana BOX 5305 Natchitoches, LA 71497 Please send copy(ies) of NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. 18841984: A History at $30.00 per copy D I enclose $ D Charge my account. (Instilulions and trade only. Individual orders must be accompanied by remittance. NAME a ADDRESS _ j Dr. Marietta LeBreton autographs copy of the history of Northwestern State Uni- I ':iTY versity which she wrote as the major pro- STATE ZIP ~ I jeci of NSU's Centennial. The result of I I six years of research is the NSU Press* ^ publication of her book. L 'y'^y-.)>\ A Message ^^">i . From The From TJut'Of State Tuition at Northwestern Alumni For Dependents on NSU Alumni By Elise James The President Waived NSU Alumni Coordinator As we begin the holiday seas^ availabiUiynfschofarshpmuiUjnce to payfoTacoilege education ii on everyone's mind The thoughts of family and Srectar admmiom and schoiarships, friends col ioday. In a recent \nterview with Handy Nichnb, of By Dr. Joseph j. One to mind. Nothing is more wondei NSV Alumni Coindinator Ekie James exphrcd Ov availahiLty of such asustance. The than the big "family" President of NSU that inierweu'. of Northw< folUnvms 1.1 a summary of available from Northwestern? ern graduates to reflect on. Ej; What kinds of scholarships are We to 21,000 strong The hohday season is a good time RN: Northwcstem's scholarship prognim has grown rapidly in recent years, primarily all over the world blessings. what we have in reflect and count one's due to contributions from alumni. Scholarships arc available both for academic common is the will tion When spirits are high and good performance and various talents. I think many alumni would be surprised at the and background of a sou] put scholarships- reigru, it is a propitious season to number and variety of available Northwestern education. We apply for scholarships? our accomplishments, disappoint- EJ: When do people need to graduates owe what we are to Nor ments, goals and dreams in a proper RN: Right now is when families should be applying for scholarships. western and we should always does someone need to do to apply for scholarships available through perspective. For someone who views a EJ: What proud and sup[ half- Northwestern.' glass as half-filled rather than fi RN: Complete an Application for Scholarships and return it to my office with acopy of empty, this may be an easier and more institution. the applicant's ACT scores and high school transcripts. The deadlines for submitting satisfying process, but it is one we PourHomecomi ApplicationsforScholarships ate December 3 1 for Academic Scholarships and March ;;.-s;r » should all 1985 was 1 for all others. ,^^- \ undertake. t r e m e n d EJ: What scholarships might be available to out-of-state students? I am an optimist, Sf RN: Out-of-state students may be considered for most scholarships at Northwestern success and I dosee the and except the Board of Trustees Academic Scholarship and our High Sch(x)l Honors overflow of gra half-filled. glass as Scholarships. In recent years, our Scholarship Committee removed the stipulation of ates was m As a result, I try to Louisiana residency from the Nursing, Presidential Scholar Service and Presidential JAMES gratifying. For find good even in Leadership programs. students love the most dismal of EJ; I've heard that children of Northwestern alums who are not Louisiana residents come home and we love to h situations. For may attend Northwestern without paying out-of-state tuition. Is this tnie.' them. Many positive meetings 1 was RN: Yes! Graduates of any public college or university in Louisiana may send their ORZE instance, receptions were held with good at only the in-state tuition rate. bitterly disap- dependents to Northwestern and pay dance at all of them. is benefit. Even with recent increases, tuition at Northwestern is pointed when higher education failed This a real unknown By the time you read this, lower than m many other states, even when the non-resident tuition is included. to gain more resources and support should be housed in the new Alu Resident tuition is among the lowest in the country. Texas alumni should be when it was supposedly the State's first Center (old Presidents Home) and particularly interested in this npp<irtunity as tuition at statccollegesand universities in priority during the last legislative set up to receive graduates when Texas is scheduled to triple next year! Northwestern will be much less expensive! session.