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£О§¥•¦ š—°šТР АСЛЕВЫ Е   ÇÊ»ÇÁÄÁÊÕùÃʹÀ¹ÅÁvision and media professionals in »¾ »Ê¾ÇÊÆÇ»¹ÆÁؽÄؼÇɆ ¹ the CIS region - KIEV MEDIA WEEK ½ÇÊËÁɹºÇËÔ½ÇÊËÁ À¹À¹ Ê ÖËÇÖËÇ ÈÉǽ¹ÃÑƆ ¥¾¿½Ì ¡š¥¡š¥£МЕР О£¤¥´§´¤П¥´§´Р ИЯТИЯ    2012. Organized by Media Resourc- ˾źÁºÄÁØÅÁ˾Å ÈÇÈÔ˹¾ÅÊØÈÇÈÔ˹¾ÅÊØ ÈÇÃÌÈÆÔÎ ɹÀdž es Management company, this ľÊÁª ºÉ¹ËÕÊØ ¾ÊËÕÄÁÊ»¾Ë»˾ľ»ÁÀÁÇÆÆÔκɹËÕÊØ ¾ÊËÕÄÁÊ»¾Ë ÍÇÉ»† § unique media industry project, one ÃÇÆϾËÇÆƾÄØŹËÇ»  ˹à Á Ê ÆǻǠ©ÁʧľÊÁª¹»¾ÆÃÇ ©ÁÊ £ÇÄĹ¿ª¾É¼¾Ø©¹ÊÁй

MediaMedia ResourcesResources Management,Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревского,Закревско St.,го, 22,Kiev Киев,К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine УкраинаУкр аина 1 Тел.:Тwww.mrm.uaел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459-4610459 +380-4610 (44) Факс:Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611459-4611 [email protected] [email protected]@mrm.ua www.mrm.uawww.mrm.ua production production C production №4 8 December,2011

series Qaranlıqlar çiçəyi (Flower of the darkness)

BAY Film Turkish production company BAY Film finished shooting Azer- Di r e c t o r : Mekhmet Ulukan baijani-Turkish criminal series Qaranlıqlar çiçəyi (Flower of the St a r r i n g : Saphura Alizade, Mus- darkness). This coproduction is commissioned by İctimai TV tafa Uzan, Osman Albairak, Mus- channel (Turkey). tafa Ustundag, Biulent Sakrak, Begum Kutuk, Husein Avni Danial, Ebru Ozkan, Giuller Okten, Rasim Synopsis: Being a child Lala happens to be an accidental wit- Balayev ness to the atrocious murder of her father. Having grown up she Ge n r e : Detective becomes a lawyer and makes up her mind to revenge for her fa- ther’s death. However, Lala falls in love with the suspected mur- derer Samir. But it turns out that Samir is not guilty and the couple gets into a whirlpool of unexpected and unpleasant events.

series Collector In the middle of October Russian production company Central Di r e c t o r : Yuriy Bykov Central Partnership Partnership finished shooting 8-episode criminal drama Collec- St a r r i n g : Daniil Strakhov, Elena tor. The premiere is scheduled for 2012. Liadova, Alexander Korshunov, Andrey Kazakov Ge n r e : Criminal drama Synopsis: The collector team of a major bank is attacked: one collector is killed another is severely injured. A bloody attack is organized so perfectly that the investigators start to suspect one of the collectors as a traitor. However, they are not aware of the fact that there was much more money stolen than specified in the documents: the vehicle carried “black cash”.. The bank’s director decides to infiltrate his own person into the team of col- lectors secretly from the investigation. His name is Vadim and he is a psychologist. His task is to figure out the traitor, cynically working for “two fronts”.

series Traitor Russian production company Progress-Studio started shoot- Di r e c t o r : Stanislav Titarenko Forward Film ing a multi episode detective Traitor. The series is commis- St a r r i n g : Roman Polianskiy, Ro- sioned by Russian prodco Forward-Film. man Polianskiy, Denis Siniavskiy, Andrey Rebrov, Dmitriy Sutyrin, Sergey Kolos, Anatoliy Zhuravin, Synopsis: This time the audience will watch a detective story Anna Arefyeva, Yakov Shamshyn about Igor Rebrov, a police investigator from the Drug Enforce- Ge n r e : Detective ment Administration. Some time ago he came to work with good intentions, but life changes everything. When everyone around you makes money it is difficult to be an outsider. Igor provides protection for drug dealers, settles peculiar illegal issues for businessmen, arranges bribes and helps raiders. Once Igor is asked to help in liberation of a criminal boss from prison. To cope with this task he enters an investigative team…

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 2 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

series Eighties (80’s) On the 1st of December Russian prodco LEAN-M finished shoot- Di r e c t o r : Fedor Stukov LEAN-M ing 12-episode drama Eighties. The project is commissioned by St a r r i n g : Maria Aronova, Alexandr Russian TV channel CTC. Yakin, Natalya Zemtsova, Dmitriy Belocerkovskiy, Aleksandr Polovt- sev, Sasha Novytskiy, Juliya Sules, Synopsis: the story begins in the 1980’s and opens the world of Leonid Gromov ordinary Soviet people, their youth and their budding romantic Ge n r e : Drama feelings. The playground of everyday life with its love affairs and friendship faces the events that will radically change the whole country and its system. Nostalgia for a youth runs through the plot, the main character is sure that the world is open and every- thing is so promising and wonderful. The film differs from other series as one could hear offscreen voice of the protagonist - Van- ya, who lives nowadays and recollects events of bygone times. He is a second year student studying in the Institute of National Economy. He lives with his parents and his little brother. Vanya falls in love with Inga, his groupmate, but hesitates to confess to her. Inga starts dating with another guy, for she treats Vanya just as her friend. He tries to start relationships with another girl, but can’t forget Inga. He is talented but cannot disclose his skills. Destiny always force him to choose, and he tries to make right decisions. Despite making mistakes, he tries to achieve his aims and is not afraid of troubles.

series A Man’s Heart isn’t Made of Stone Russian company Mediaprofsouyz is shooting 16-episode dra- Pr o d u c e r : Aleksandr Kushaev, MEDIAPROFSOUYZ ma A man’s heart isn’t made of stone. The project is commis- Vladimir Ignatiev sioned by TV channel Russia 1. Di r e c t o r : Dmitry Sorokin Sc r i p t : Yusup Razykov, Anastasiya Kasumova Synopsis: the story of a nineteen girl is in the spotlight of the plot. St a r r i n g : Glafira Tarkhanova, Vla- Tonya lives with her mother and little sister Lydochka who studies dimir Feklenko, Anatoliy Rudenko at the technical secondary school. But everything changes with Ge n r e : Drama appointment of a new head of their factory. He likes Tonya and arouses jealousy of her admirer. But unexpectedly a young man arrives to the village and turns to be a son of the village head. Love is in the air after newcomer and Tonya get acquainted.

series Higher than the Sky On the 10th of October the shooting of the first Belarus teenag- Co o r d i n a t o r : Maria Malinovskaya. Ministry of Health ers’ series entitled Higher than the sky commenced. The proj- Ge n r e : Social drama of Belarus ect is supported by the UN Development Program and is pro- duced in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Belarus. The series premiere is planned for the 14th of February 2012.

Synopsis: the purpose of creating this series is to prevent dis- crimination of HIV positive people, and conduct preventative measures for HIV infection. The movie aims to destroy stereo- types about HIV/AIDS, contribute to involvement of youth in discussions of the burning issues related to this topic as well as to form tolerant attitude to people living with HIV. This series is about such eternal values as love, friendship, fidelity and abil- ity to go and help at a difficult moment. Characters in the movie are young people facing complicated situations that life puts before them. The main character is a 20 year old musician and

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 3 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

composer Nikita Mizkevych, living and studying in Minsk. Being bold, charismatic and stylish Nikita is a cult figure for girls and an object of imitation for boys. He abides by his life principles and is not prepared to break them for the sake of money. Nikita enjoys his life and knows that this world is beautiful. However, one event drastically changes all his life… Will Nikita be able to overcome his fears and prejudice of the surrounding people, find true friends and true love? Will he and his friends manage to win the main award that youth music bands are competing for? Will Nikita be able to get a real freedom of spirit which is indispensable from the responsibility for his life and life of his nearest and dearest?

series Victoria At the end of October the film crew of a Russian production com- Pr o d u c e r s : Yuriy Sapronov, Dmitriy RUSSIAN WORLD pany Russian World Studios set off for an expedition to the Meskhiev, Andrey Smirnov STUDIOS (RWS) Crimea (Ukraine) where it stayed until the mid November shoot- Di r e c t o r : Andrey Junkovskiy ing 8 new episodes of a thrilling melodrama Victoria. The shoot- Sc r i p t : Marina Shykhaleeva, Alla ing itself commenced in Saint-Petersburg on the 13th of Septem- Guseva ber and after returning from the Crimea producers are shooting St a r r i n g : Tatiana Arntgoltz, Al- at the film studio RWS Saint-Petersburg. exander Skotnikov, Sergey Pere- gusov, Alexander Polovtsev Ge n r e : Thrilling melodrama Synopsis: main character of this story is a happy mother and wife, a young woman Victoria, whose husband serves in a distant military garrison. A frequent visitor to their family is a childhood friend Yuriy, who is long time desperately in love with Victoria. Yuriy refused to have his career in the capital in order to be near his beloved. Life in the country is far from being quiet. Victoria’s husband is made redundant and he leaves to serve as a contrac- tor. Victoria knows nothing about his job but for the fact that he Yuriy Sapronov serves on the border with a neighboring state Shakhristan. Later Victoria learns that her husband went missing in the mountains, yet in a year her son also disappears. Rumours say that he was taken to Shakhristan. Together with Yuriy she sets off in search of her family to the oriental country full of dangers and adventures. She is far from thinking that her missing husband might be in- volved in the abduction of her son...

series Unfasten the Belts On the 1st of November Russian-Latvian 8-episode crimi- Pr o d u c e r s : Yuriy Sapronov, Andrey RUSSIAN WORLD STUDIOS nal melodrama coproduction Unfasten the Belts shooting Smirnov, Dmitriy Meskhiev (RWS), BOHEME wrapped. The project is commissioned by Russian film com- Di r e c t o r : Olga Perunovskaya pany Russian World Studios to the Latvian production compa- St a r r i n g : Ekaterina Rednicova, INTERNATIONAL nies Boheme International and Forte Fortsissimo Films. This Marat Basharov, Gundars Abo- thrilling detective story will be shot in Riga. The Latvian capital linsh, Yuris Zhagars according to the idea of the filmmakers will depict Amsterdam Ge n r e : Criminal melodrama and . It is already the second successfully completed coproduction of these three companies. The next in the inter- national series of company RWS, promises to become quite an interesting project.

Synopsis: Ksenya, the main character of the story, emigrated to the Netherlands in the difficult 1990s . Twenty years later she decides to return to her Motherland, to Moscow. The reason for that is her evolving affair with a major Russian businessman

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 4 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

Maxim. Ksenya comes to Maxim’s country house for a romantic dinner. Unexpectedly Max is allegedly called to his work, mean- while his house is attacked by bandits in an attempt to kidnap his little daughter Dasha. However, brave Ksenya manages to escape together with the child. All the money, documents and telephones remain in the country house. Ksenya and the girl are hunted by raiders, and the police put her on a wanted list. Max’s ex-wife (Dasha’s mother) turns out to be connected with the bandits… This is how a short two weeks visit to a native country turns into a race with hurdles…Will the heroine manage to save Dmitriy the child, her beloved’s business and to gain a family, happi- Meskhiev ness and peace?

series Flee from Aul Kazakhstani Seventh channel in coproduction with the local Nu m b e r o f e p i s o d e s : 20 х 25 min. Seventh Channel, producing company Nasha Kazasha has a comedy TV series Ge n r e : Comedy. Nasha Kazasha Flea from aul in production.

Synopsis: the story starts when four guys from aul (a mountain village in the Caucasus) named Erbol, Kucha, Tatarin and Sapog take a video camera from a city boy who came to visit his grand- father in aul, and after difficulties in mastering a complicated device start to record video of separate moments of their much varied aul life. Interestingly enough the boy who was deprived of his camera turns out to be a son of the state prosecutor. The main characters of the series step into the dark period of their lives. First, they get into trouble with the local crime boss, then they learn that they are wanted by the police. That is why Erbol, Kucha, Tatarin and Sapog set their minds to flee to Almaty, the biggest city of Kazakhstan

series Hunting the Gauleiter Russian-Ukrainian prodco Star Media is producing a multi epi- Pr o d u c e r s : Artem Dollezhal’, Vlad Star Media sode war drama entitled Hunting the Gauleiter. Shooting start- Riashyn ed on the 30th of September. Di r e c t o r : Oleg Bazilov St a r r i n g : Anastacia Zavorotniuk, Natalia Fateeva, Maria Mashkova, Synopsis: Minsk, 1970. A formal meeting takes place to discuss Larisa Luzhina, Irina Biakova, awarding The Young Communist League of the Byelorussian Andrey Mezhulis, Alexander Dia- SSR with the Order of Lenin. Maria Arkhipova, now an elderly chenko woman, occupies an honourable seat on the panel, as does Hero Ge n r e : Military drama. of the Soviet Union, young and over-confident Anna Pomazanik, whose heroic and impressive wartime record means she has the privilege of opening the meeting. The officer of the State Secu- rity Service who is chairing the meeting wants to prevent an en- counter between Maria and Anna, which he believes could stir up the past with serious ramifications. Indeed, during Galina’s dramatic recounting of the execution of the Byelorussian people by German hangman, Gauleiter Wilhelm Kraube (based on the Nazi Wilhelm Kube), Maria can no longer suppress her anger and challenges Anna. She believes that there must be another version of events that explains Kraube’s death from the official account on record. These two Soviet women and sisters in arms, one communist and one – not, must put their differences aside if they are to find out the truth. But the KGB guards its secrets closely, and exposing a cover-up will not be easy…

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 5 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

series Police Spy Late October Russian-Ukrainian prodco Star Mediа started Pr o d u c e r s : Vitaliy Bordachov, Vlad Star Media shooting detective series Police Spy. The project is commis- Riashyn sioned by Russian NTV channel. Di r e c t o r : Rustam Urazayev Sc r i p t : Sergey Kuzminykh St a r r i n g : Eduard Fliorov, Mikhail Synopsis: Sr. Lt. Yuri Kozyrev who served in the front-line recon- Pavlik, Oksana Guliayeva, Anasta- naissance, was taken prisoner during the last days of the World sia Makeyeva, Yelena Korovchuk, War 2, and after the war was over he was sentenced to prison Anatoly Kot, Igor Filippov by Soviet authorities for that. His case was re-investigated, and Ge n r e : Police procedural in 1948 he is released from a GULAG camp, fully acquitted. He heads home to a small workers town near Moscow. He finds things changed there when he arrives: his father has been miss- ing during the war, his mother’s died, and his love Larissa’s got married to Volynsky, a well-to-do sales agent. Yuri finds a job of a guard at a storehouse. One day the storehouse Yuri is working at is attacked and robbed. The investigation makes Yuri prime sus- pect and he virtually becomes hunted for by the police. Kozyrev Vitaliy Bordachov escapes from the police and decides to be first to find and neu- tralize the real organizer of the robbery. He succeeds, and gets appointed Crime Investigation Department inspector by Lavren- tiy Beria (the KGB head) himself, as an award for capturing the criminal. This appointment will bring him new cases to investi- gate and will place him into a dangerous triangle formed of his ex-comrades-in-arms, colleagues and criminals…

series Stormtroopers Russian-Ukrainian prodco Star Мedia started to work on the Pr o d u c e r s : Vitaliy Bordachev, Vlad Star Media military drama series Stormtroopers. The project is in prepro- Ryashyn, Yuri Korotkov duction stage. Di r e c t o r : Aleksey Muradov Sc r i p t : Yuri Korotkov Ge n r e : Military drama Synopsis: events unfold in a summer camp where a commander of air forces division, who has come to conscript to the military service, tells Leonid and Boris that they are enlisted to his regi- ment. Boris wants to know whether they are going to the front right now. But firstly they are sent to an aircraft plant and only then to front. Having come to the plant Leonid and Boris see exhausted women and children, standing on the boxes in order to reach the machine. Another shift sleeps here side by side in a row on the floor. Now two young men understand that the coun- try bends over backwards and does everything for those who are ready to defend their nation. Vlad Ryashyn

series Cherry Orchard Russian production company WeiT Media at the end of Octo- Di r e c t o r : Fuad Shabanov WeiT Media ber completed shooting 4-episode drama Cherry Orchard. The St a r r i n g : Liudmila Switova, Eldar project is commissioned by TV channel Russia 1. Lebedev, Tamara Semina, Galina Stakhanova Ge n r e : Drama Synopsis: the story is set in a small town where a retired teacher Anna Andreevna buys a country house. Her neighbor is a for- mer milkmaid Taicia. Despite the difference in education and life experience women like each other and become close friends. They had to go through very similar events in their lives and this unites them. Their grandchildren Dmitriy and Masha are also close friends. Still, the tragic circumstances change everything:

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 6 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

Masha’s mother dies on her daughter’s eyes. Dmitriy acciden- tally turns to be nearby at this moment, starts to take care of his little neighbor. However, a year later Dmitriy’s parents die in a plane crash and this time a twelve year old Masha takes Dmitriy under her patronage. When Dmitriy gets married Masha has dif- ficult times as she is deeply and truly in love with Dmitriy who has to face tough periods and take a lot of time before he under- stands who his true love is.

series Milky Ripeness At the end of October Russian prodco Weit Media finished Di r e c t o r : Igor Shteinberg WeiT Media shooting 4-episode drama Milky ripeness commissioned by St a r r i n g : Anna Popova, Dmitriy television channel Russia 1. Shooting began at the end of Sep- Rotomskiy, Julia Ruttberg, Elena tember and took place in Minsk (Belarus). Ruchkina, Elena Dubrovskaya Ge n r e : Drama Synopsis: Dasha and Kostya are in love with each other. They live in the countryside and are still very young. Dasha is only a school graduate and wants to see Kostya return from the military ser- vice, after which they plan to get married. However, the plans are doomed. Before his armed forces discharge Kostya marries An- gela who is pregnant with his child. That is a hard blow to Dasha, and after school graduation she moves to the city to enter the Art College. Kostya’s family life falls apart. Angela abandons him and leaves. His mother’s death is another severe blow he has to endure. Difficulties with the upbringing of his little son even- tually prompt Kostya to consider marrying a medical assistant Timur Weinstein Lucya who has been desperately in love with Kostya for a long time. At this time life brings Kostya and Dasha together again and they understand: their feelings remain strong even after all this time…

series Railroad Workers-3 Late October Russian group of companies WeiT Media an- Pr o d u c e r s : Timur Weinstein, WeiT Media, BFG MEDIA nounced the commencement of shooting 16-episode comedy Mikhail Molotov Railroad Workers -3. The series is produced in coproduction Di r e c t o r : Vladimir Fatianov with Russian BFG MEDIA prodco for TV channel Russia 1. The Sc r i p t : Nina Vadchenko, Valentin shooting is taking place in Odessa (Ukraine). Donskov, Vladimir Fatianov St a r r i n g : Nina Ruslanova, Vladimir Dolinskiy, Polina Dolinskaya, Niko- Synopsis: the main characters of the series are railroad workers: lai Kovbas conductors, train drivers,train masters etc. New episodes will Ge n r e : Comedy present new characters joining already known ones. The route of the train will also change. The characters will move along the in- ternational railway route “Moscow-Odessa-Moscow” under the new trainmaster Denis Gladilin. “Railroad workers- 3” will again provide an opportunity for the viewers to look at the railway trip from the other point and see the life of the train from inside. Dur- ing its trip the team of the train will come across a range of the most incredible adventures and events. Anything can happen Vladimir Fatianov during the trip, so passengers together with the main characters will get into dramatic and sometimes comic situations. Due to their inventiveness and astuteness the united team will find a way out of any situation.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 7 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011


On November 13th film companies Mostelefilm and Ki- Pr o d u c e r : Natalia Bilan, Valentin MOSTELEFILM, KIEVTELEFILM evtelefilm finished shooting romantic TV comedy Koroleva’s Opalev. New Dress. The project is commissioned by Russian TV chan- Di r e c t o r : Dmitry Tomashpolsky. nel Domashnii. Sc r i p t : Elena Polyakova. St a r r i n g : Olga Sukharyova, Anton Synopsys: Lyusya Koroleva, the main character of the story, Syemkin, Kirill Nagiev, Svetlana works at the dentist’s. She’s not married, has a lot of hang-ups Chuikina. about herself and never lies. In her dreams she lives glamor- Ge n r e : Romantic comedy. ous life with her beloved stylish tennis player Zaboskii. Lyusya leaves for Moscow to learn how to be happy from the special alignment meeting Be Happy. At the railway station she takes another woman’s bag by mistake and finds a dress there. The dress appears to be magical. From now Lyusya is happy and self-confident. She’s given a chance! Would she succeed?


At the end of October Russian production company Golden Pr o d u c e r : Alexander Kushaev, GOLDEN KEY Key Entertainment finished shooting TV movie Forest Lake Vladimir Kilburg. ENTERTAINMENT that is commissioned by Russia 1 TV channel. Film postpro- Di r e c t o r : Stanislav Mareev. duction is to be finished by the end of the year. Sc r i p t : Alexei Tagushev, Marianna Sokolskaya. Synopsys: the story takes place in autumn on two banks of the St a r r i n g : Viktoria Tolstoganova, beautiful lake not far from Moscow. There is a small village on Dmitry Kharatyan, Andrey Bilanov, one bank and a holiday house and luxury cottages – on the Sofya Ignatova, Larisa Luzhyna. other. The main heroine, Tonya, lives in the village and works Nu m b e r o f e p i s o d e s : 2. at the bread-baking plant. Her husband Nikolai is a former pilot Ge n r e : Drama. looking for a job. Their marriage breaks because of the every- day problems. Nikolai stays with his Moscow lover Alina build- ing a new cottage at the lake. Left by the husband Tonya gets acquainted with the local stable owner Ivan. Their friendship grows into love. So, there is a love quadrangle at the forest lake and it hides danger to Tonya’s life.


This December Russian production studio Telefilm Produc- Pr o d u c e r : Rodion Pavlyuchik, TELEFILM tion starts shooting romantic TV comedy May I Kiss You... Pavel Babin. PRODUCTION One More Time. Di r e c t o r : Yuri Morozov. Sc r i p t : Alexander Arkhipov. Synopsys: sequel of the love story of major Grigory Vlasov and St a r r i n g : Mariya Kulikova, Igor warrant officer Natalya Kiseleva. They are about to break down Lifanov. relationships. A new nurse comes to the military unit they both Ge n r e : Romantic comedy. serve. Her name is Marina Korolkova and she’s a hot blond. Marina likes Vlasov and tries to dangle him. It makes his wife really mad. The only person to cope with all these problems and save the family is Mukha – Vlasov’s daughter. Rodion Pavlyuchik TV Movies KAZAK Russian film company 3X Media has in production TV thriller 3X MEDIA Pr o d u c e r : Inessa Yurchenko, Yuri entitled Kazak. Shcheglow. Synopsys: Timofei Petrov is elected as a new chieftain of the Di r e c t o r : Igor Copylov. Don Cossacks’ camp. He sells some Cossacks’ land to busi- Sc r i p t : Igor Copylov, Alexei Rybin. nessman from St. Petersburg Zaretsky planning the construc- St a r r i n g : Nikolai Kozak, Vladimir tion of a plant. Previous chieftain refused to sell the plot be- Zaytsev, Mikhail Eliseev, Evgeny cause Cossacks wanted to build a new church there. Petrov’s Sirotin, Daria Rumyantseva. daughter Katya lives in St. Petersburg. Once she calls her fa- Ge n r e : Thriller. ther and tells that she’s kidnapped and taken to some village. Petrov finds Katya beaten up in critical condition and takes her to the hospital. Doctors are not sure about her to survive. Petrov must find and punish people who did that to his daughter.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 8 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

TV Shows CARIBBEAN SEA TREASURES Russian First Channel is going to produce a new reality show First Channel with a tentative title Caribbean Sea Treasures. Currently the project is in preparatory stage.

Participants of this reality will search the treasures at the bot- tom of the Caribbean Sea. They will have to overcome a num- ber of tasks - a kind of obstacle course. They’ll have to dive in the bay of wrecked vessels and try to find the treasures on the seabed. According to the local media, tourists regularly find there all sorts of relics and treasures of the Middle Ages. Project details are not disclosed yet. Currently several agen- cies commissioned by the channel are looking for advertisers willing to become key partners of the project.

TV Shows THE MAIN ROLE Film studio Kazakhfilm in coproduction with Kazakh channel Kazakhfilm, NTK and the local prodco MG Production started shooting a NTK, MG Production new talent show entitled The main role. The main role - is an open casting for the leading roles in the new projects of the Kazakhfilm studio, which will be aired on the NTK channel. After the preliminary stage of the selection jury will chose 20 the most talented candidates for the main program. These 20 contestants will start to fight for the lead- ing roles. Participants of the show will settle for six weeks in a Almaty sanatorium , where they will be trained by professional teachers in acting, speech technique, plastic, and physical training. Contestants will go through several elimination rounds with diverse missions. After each competition several partici- pants will leave the project. The luckiest 4 finalists will be star- ring in the Kazakh films. The most charismatic and talented two finalists will go to acting training at the California branch of the New York Film Academy.

TV Shows MEXICAN HOLIDAYS This December MTV- Russia channel stars shooting second Ho s t : Zhanna Frieske. MTV- Russia season of its reality TV-show entitled Mexican Holidays.

MTV organizes a perfect vacation for 11 boys and girls from all over Russia. They are lucky for a real five-star holidays - a huge swimming pool, cocktail parties, beach parties and luxurious accommodation ...And all this - in a posh villa on the beach… There is a BUT! To stay in a Mexican paradise one needs to find a mate. The mateless participant leaves the show. Who will falls in love for real, and who will lie and spin intrigues? Who will go to the final and strive for the main prize - 1 million rubles - the most honest or the most cunning? What will these guys and Zhanna Frieske girls do to extend their Mexican Holidays on MTV?

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 9 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

TV Shows LADETTE TO LADY MTV Russia channel announced casting for the new reality MTV- Russia show based on the British TV-format Ladette to lady. Note that two seasons of the Ukrainian adaptation of the format have already being broadcast by Ukrainian 1+1 TV channel.

The original series follows a group of ladettes, who are given an old-fashioned five-week course in learning how to behave like a traditional “lady”. According to the format there are ten ladettes, struggling for a new life and for the victory in the show. In the training school they are required to wear a special uni- form: a tweed suit including a turquoise jacket, white blouse, and turquoise skirt, high-heeled shoes and a pearl necklace. This uniform has varied. They are taught under the supervision and guidance of five instructors and are given various tasks in deportment, elocution, needlework, flower arranging, etiquette and cookery. However if they can’t live up to the standards of ladylike behaviour, they will be expelled. A ladette is expelled every episode, so, by the end of the programme there will only be three ladettes left. Then the teachers must decide upon one winner, depending on who they think has improved the most and how the ladettes performed in the final challenge. How- ever, all three finalists receive a special diploma.

TV Shows LAUGH FACTOR Belarusian TV channel ONT is producing an entertainment Ho s t s : Eugene Bulka, Marina ОNТ TV show Laugh Factor. The project premiered on the 26th of Gritsuk. November.

Contestants of the show compete in various comic genres: parody, singing, clowning, monologue, etc. The comedians of different age and social status can perform solo and duet acts or even the whole theater play. At the end of each pro- gramme one winner is determined. He receives the status of finalist automatically. The finalist contestants will compete to be called the best of the best. The winner will be deter- mined by audience voting.

TV Shows THE X FACTOR Late November Ukrainian commercial broadcaster STB an- Ho s t : Oksana Marchenko. STB nounced casting for the third season of the local version of a talent-show The X Factor. Currently the second season is air- ing on STB. Originally The X Factor, created by Simon Cowell, premiered in September 2004 in Britain.

The show is primarily concerned with identifying singing talent, though appearance, personality, stage presence and dance routines are also an important element of many performances. For series 1–3 the competition was split into three categories: 16-24s (soloists aged 16–24), Over 25s (soloists aged 25 and over) and Groups (including duos). In series 4–5, the minimum age was lowered to 14, creating a 14–24 age group. With the addition of a fourth judge in series 4, this was split into separate male and female sections, making four categories in all: “Boys” (14–25 males), “Girls” (14–25 females), Over 25s and Groups. The winner of original The X Factor is awarded a £1 million record- ing contract with Syco Music, in association with Sony Music.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 10 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

TV Shows THE MAGICIANS On the 29th of November Russian production company WeiT Ho s t : Tatyana Lazareva, Vladimir WeiT Media Media started shooting new entertainment show based on Zelensky. the British format of Shine International company The Magi- cians

It is the first ever adaptation of the show which originally pre- miered on the BBC One channel in 2011. The local version of the show is produced for the Russian TV channel MUZ TV.

The Magicians show pits three well-known purveyors of magic and illusion against one another across a five-week studio-based competition show. In each hour-long episode a celebrity is paired with one of the magicians and each couple is challenged to perform a trick or illusion. These will be de- signed to push the magician out of their comfort zone and own speciality area and will take in card tricks, escapology, Vladimir Zelensky illusions and of hand. One twist on the modern-day competition format is that the winner each week is not de- cided by a panel of judges or a phone vote or, in any way, the viewer at home. The studio audience decides who wins with an applause-based rating. The magic couple with the least applause have to close the show with an uncomfortable, dan- gerous or difficult trick.

TV Shows ODD ONE IN On the 16th of November Russian production company WeiT Ho s t : Leonid Senkevich. WeiT Media Media started shooting new entertainment show based on the British format of Endemol company Odd One In. The lo- cal version of the show is produced for the Ukrainian TV chan- nel Ukraina.

Odd One In is a hyperactive entertainment show featuring two panels of celebrities trying to figure out things about a never-ending stream of people, animals and curios brought onto the stage. Two team captains are each joined by a ce- lebrity guest, competing against each other for the show’s prize – a donation to the winning team’s charity of choice. In each of the three rounds, different people, animals, or objects pass through an iconic studio door. Everything the teams are confronted with demands some sort of deduction. For exam- ple, which person had the most plastic surgery? Why did this horse appear in the news this week? Some rounds require in- stant decisions. Others call for more in-depth detective work. Points are added to every guess that is answered correctly. Both teams are competing to rack up as many points as pos- sible, which will be converted to cash at the end of the show. The team with the most points also has the upper hand in the big money end game - they’ll have the first choice of picking one final line-up that will determine which team walks away with an extra 10,000 in cash. In every round, celebrities are never more than a minute away from something new arriving on stage. What’s coming next? Where is it coming from? Why is it here? The round culminates in a big reveal –eye-opening for players and viewers alike.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

TV Shows PEOPLE ХЭ Russian commercial broadcaster СТС is preparing a new parody Pr o d u c e r s : Edward Iloyan, Vitaly Yellow, Black & White TV show People Хэ, produced by the Russian prodco Yellow, Shlyappo, Alexey Trotsyuk. Black & White. The show premiered on the 4th of December. Di r e c t o r : Radda Novikova. Ho s t : Alexander Revva. This is a parody TV show about unusual abilities of ordinary peo- ple. The programme will show as psychics who are ready to solve the most absurd mysteries around us with their extraordinary gift. The project itself pursues two objectives: to make skeptics believe in the paranormal, and to make smile those ones who really believe in the existence of the paranormal. The show is full of mysticism, magic, telekinesis, clairvoyance, magnetism, ab- surd, driven to insanity, and experiments with the celebrities.

TV Shows POPSTAR TO OPERASTAR Ukrainian commercial broadcaster 1+1 is currently producing the Ho s t : Oksana Gutzeit, Yury Gor- 1+1 local adaptation of the British TV format Popstar to Operastar. bunov. The show premiere is planned for January-February 2012.

The show is an opera-singing competition in which eight ce- lebrity singers who are known for singing pop music compete through the competition and try to win the title of the show. Each week they are trained by professional opera stars (men- tors); who teach them how to sing opera. The acts all perform live, giving a performance of their operatic song in an effort to impress the public, who will vote for them to keep them in the competition. Each performance is shown both live on television and in front of a live studio audience. The two singers with the fewest public votes are in the bottom two and get the chance to sing again, however their previous performance are “forgiven and forgotten” and the judges vote based on their sing-off per- formance who should stay and go. During the first series, if the judges vote went to a tie, it would go down to the public vote, however during series two the head judge will get to decide who stays in the competition after the sing off, if it is a tie. The head judge changed every week. However if the judges vote against the contestant to stay in the competition they will be eliminated. A proportion of the revenue from the telephone votes is donated to the charity. Shooting of the Ukrainian version of the show is taking place in the National Theatre named after Ivan Franko.

TV Shows MISS FATA DE LA TARA Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 is currently producing a local ad- Pr o d u c e r : Oksana Kucherova 1+1 aptation of the Romanian reality entertainment TV-format Miss Ho s t : Yury Gorbunov. fata de la tara (Miss country girl). The show aired for a third season on Prima TV (Romania) this autumn, having debuted in September 2010. A six-episode spin-off, featuring prospective male models, has also aired on Prima. The local adaptation will premiere in Ukraine on the 7th of December.

To find a girl from the countryside, take her to city, and turn her into a model — that is exactly the focus of this Romanian reality format. In the show celebrities take girls from rural villages and turn them into beauty queens ready for the catwalk. Ukrainian celebrities will Yury Gorbunov search for participants in all regions of Ukraine to bring to Kiev the brightest, in their opinion, representatives of each region. The par- ticipants will go through different competitions, workshops, meet- ings with celebrities and, of course, will meet provocation. For each test covered the girls get points, and the highest score ones will compete in the grand final for 100 thousand hryvnia prize.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 12 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

feature films End of the Farm Russian director Boris Khlebnikov is currently shooting a fea- Di r e c t o r : Boris Khlebnikov Boris Khlebnikov ture “country western” End of the farm. Shooting is taking St a r r i n g : Alexander Yatsenko, place in Murmansk region, on the coast of the White sea.The Yevheniy Sytyi, Anna Kotova project is to be completed in summer 2012.

Synopsis: This is a story of a farmer fighting against people who attempt to deprive him of his land. The farmer puts himself into confrontation with those people, to which the end of this confrontation is rather rough and sad. Boris Khlebnikov

feature films Captain’s Shadow Ukrainian production studio Double G Films (based in Pr o d u c e r : Svetlana Grechukha Double G Films Cherkassy) has in preproduction stage a full-length drama Di r e c t o r , s c r e e n p l a y : Anatoliy Captain’s shadow. Gasiev

Synopsis: In order to win love of a strikingly beautiful girl Leka, Peter invents a tricky plan. To amaze a girl Peter writes her let- ters on behalf of a fictitious military captain, hoping Leka to fall in love with the author of the letters.. However, from Leka’s words Peter accidentally learns that the girl does not forgive being deceived in any possible way, by anybody, on any pre- text. So, confession is impossible for him and in one moment the Captain turns from the ally into an enemy who to Peter’s greatest surprise is not that easy to get rid of.

feature films Nannies On the 26th of October Russian film company Enjoy Movies St a r r i n g : Nikolay Naumov, Ararat Enjoy Movies completed shooting a full-length comedy Nannies. Shooting Keschian, Liudmila Artemyeva, lasted for a month since September 29, 2011. Olesia Zhelezniak, Diter Brande- ker, Michel Beral, Igor Vernik, Lina Synopsis: This is a story about two light-minded friends who Dobrorodnova, Ilia Kostiukov, being the only male employees have to represent a large net Gleb Serdiukov of travel agencies during business negotiations in Turkey. What they planned as an entertaining trip to the resort turns into the last chance to prove their professional suitability and avoid a disgraceful firing. The trip endangers their health and life as well: a fatal set of circumstances leaves them tet-a-tet with the Nikolay Naumov three uncontrolled children of their boss and now the friends will have to deal with the kids, their grandmother who allegedly came to help, and with German competitors. And all this with the only purpose – not to fail a decisive contract. feature films Fledgelings Russian producer Egor Konchalovskiy has in the preparation pe- Pr o d u c e r : Egor Konchalovskiy Egor Konchalovskiy riod a full-length drama about orphaned children entitled Fled- Di r e c t o r : Aleksey Golubev gelings. The idea of the film belongs to Aleksey Azarov, the son of the Ukrainian Prime-Minister, and to the producer Timofey Nagornyi. The movie will be shot in Odessa, Donetsk region, Kyiv and Los-Angeles. It may be a film in 3D format as well.

Synopsis: This is a movie about a singing girl. Authors of the project hope that the film will seriously make people think about the eternal values such as kindness, love, trust… Egor Konchalovskiy

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 13 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

feature films We are One Family Film company Fox International Productions CIS and Pr o d u c e r s : Renat Davletiarov, Al- Fox International Produc- Russian Interfest company are wraping postproduction of a exander Kotelevskiy tions CIS, Interfest full-length comedy with a tentative title We are one family. Di r e c t o r : Renat Davletiarov St a r r i n g : Ivan Stebunov, Aglaya Synopsis: Parents are not to be chosen! However, what are you Shilovskaya, Leonid Yarmolnik, to do when after meeting your family members your girlfriends Maria Shukshina, Andrey Urgant, leave forever? Eventually you meet a girlfriend of your dreams Larisa Udovichenko, Andrey Pa- and now it is time to introduce her to your family! Our hero nin, Anna Ardova, Elguja Burduli comes up with an original idea: he hires actors from commer- etc. cials to act as his family. Still the seemingly ideal plan goes out of control, the situation is getting hot and our hero is forced to take extreme measures not to lose his beloved and his family.

feature films Treason In the middle of October Russian director Kirill Serebrennikov Pr o d u c e r : Sabina Eremeeva Kirill Serebrennikov started shooting his new feature drama with a tentative title Di r e c t o r : Kirill Serebrennikov Treason.

Synopsis: Anti-utopia story set in Russia 2020. It’s also known that Treason will be a story about four characters. Apart from this the short plot of the story can be formulated as: two inci- dental acquaintances learn that their spouses are lovers.

Kirill Serebrennikov

feature films White Tiger 16 Novermber marked the end of shooting of the military fea- Di r e c t o r : Karen Shakhnazarov Mosfilm ture drama White Tiger directed by Karen Shakhnazarov. The Sc r i p t : Alexandr Borodyanskiy, movie script is based n othe historical novel entitled The Tank Karen Shakhnazarov Driver or White Tiger by Ilya Boyashov. The film was shot by St a r r i n g : Aleksey Vertkov, Vitaly the Kurier Film Studios on the movie sets owned by Mosfilm. Kishchenko, Karl Kranzkowski

Synopsis: a story of a rivalry between Russian tank driver nick- named Vanka-Smert’ (Ivan-the-Death) and a German ghost tank, the “White Tiger”. The protagonist is a born tank driver, who treats tanks as living beings. But in one of the battles he got most of his skin burned. Despite all doctors’ judgements he survives and all that he remembers from his past is a de- sire of revenge. He wants to destroy a mysterious German tank White Tiger, that wrecks 10 or even 15 Russian machines one at a time, unexpectedly appearing and disappearing in differ- ent sectors of the battlefront. Though all trials to determine and destroy the enemy ghost-tank fail. Then Russian military authorities decide to create the rival analogue of White Tiger. So a new crew of the fantastic machine is headed by survived tank driver.

feature films The Snow Queen and Her Secret Russian director Natalia Bondarchuk started working in the Pr o d u c e r , d i r e c t o r , s c r i p t : Natalia Natalia Bondarchuk Mosfilm chroma-key pavilion “” on the children fairytale feature Bondarchuk in 3D format entitled The Snow Queen and Her Secret. Script St a r r i n g : Anna Potebnia, Vladislav is based on the book The Snow Queen by H.Ch. Andersen.The Novitskiy, Dmitriy Kharatian, Anas- shooting commenced in the middle of October. tacia Zavorotniuk, Inna Makarova, Olga Kabo, Maria Burliayeva, Al- exander Lenkov

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 14 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

Synopsis: One frosty winter night, when the darkness is pen- etrating through wonderfully frost-patterned windows of cozy warm houses and a snowstorm is anxiously howling outside, the Snow Queen takes little Kai into her ice kingdom and turns his kindly heart in to a chip of ice. His faithful sister Gerda has to go through a lot of trials to get to the Palace of the Snow Queen and set the boy free, rescuing him from icy imprison- ment full of cold and indifference. Anastacia Zavorotniuk

feature films Devourers of Fear Russian production companies New Wave Production and Di r e c t o r : Kyrill Kemnits New Wave Production, New Project launched production a full-length fiction Devour- St a r r i n g : Mikhail Efremov, Julia New Project ers of Fear. Creators of the film defined its genre as zombie- Volkova, Anton Zinovyev horror. Release is scheduled for autumn 2012.

Synopsis: a story of the friends who fight numberless hordes of blood thirsty mutants contaminated with an alien virus. The friends have to rescue humankind. Their bravery, sense of humour and a team spirit help them to destroy all the monsters, find their true love, and by the way, rescue the Earth from global catastrophe. Mikhail Efremov

feature films Underground In the middle of November Igor Tolstunov Production Company Pr o d u c e r : Sergey Kozlov PROFIT (PROFIT) finished shooting a disaster feature film Underground, Di r e c t o r : Anton Megerdichev started on May 6, 2011. The film is an adaptation of the Dmitry Sc r i p t : Denis Kuryshev, Victoria Safonov novel of the same name. The total production budget is Evseeva $9 million. Film is partly supported by Russian National Film Fund. St a r r i n g : Svetlana Hodchenkova, The movie release is planned for the end of 2012. Anatoliy Beliy, Sergey Puskepalis, Ekaterina Shpitsa, Aleksey Bardu- Synopsis: events take place in central Moscow in 1975, where a kov, Elena Panova failed construction works resulted in the appearance of cracks in a tunnel between two stations Shukinskaya and Tushynskaya. Nobody could ever imagine that the water of the Moscow River could rush into the tunnel, and all the passengers would be under threat of death. Moreover, the flood could destroy the entire city. The main character is among the victims, he struggles with the calamity, trying to protect those who have survived. feature films Reflections Ukrainian director Lana Parshina has in pre-production stage a Di r e c t o r : Lana Parshina Reflections LLC full-length documentary Reflections. The author of the proj- Sc r i p t : Melissa Paintner ect is looking currently for partners in Ukraine to launch the first Los-Angeles – Kyiv co-production. Catherine Vinnik, a Canadian actress of Ukrainian ethnic origin is set to play the leading role.

Synopsis: This is a story of a Ukrainian girl who comes to Los-An- geles. An excellent student, sportswoman and a beauty she finds herself in a completely new environment and has to learn how to survive in this city. At first she can hardly cope, moreover she falls in love with a temperamental Latin American guy and soon gives birth to his child. However, three months later the guy vanishes. They Lana Parshina meet again in five years. The story is narrated from their personal viewpoint, and separate episodes from their lives help to recreate the whole history of their relationship. The girl has a stable life, a great husband who is a lawyer, but within one day she has to decide whom she really loves and with whom she will finally stay.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 15 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

feature films Without a Trace Russian production company RUSSKOE is currentle shooting a Pr o d u c e r s : Alexander Kushaiev, RUSSKOE full-length detective Without a trace. The picture is produced Irina Smirnova Di r e c t o r : Stanislav Libin  under the original US format Without a trace by Warner Broth- ers and commissioned by the television channel Russia 1. St a r r i n g : Igor Chernevich, Irina Rosanova, Maria Berseneva, Kon- Synopsis: There are five of them. They are an investigation stantine Kriukov, Evheniy Miller team. A sound minded and experienced Nefedov, his right hand – Maria, a responsible but often misled Denis, roman- tic and adventurous Svetlana, and Filip – a “golden” son of a Federal Security Service officer who joined the group to gain experience. They face an impossible mission: to find a person who disappeared without a trace. At first sight the missing has neither obvious enemies nor motives to hide…

feature films Red Full November 2011 marked the beginning of shooting of Red Di r e c t o r : Semen Napolskyh Semen Napolskyh Full, feature drama by Russian director Semen Napolskyh. See-Line Cinema and Goryachiy Kluych TV channel (Kras- nodarsky region) supported by the studio Creator (Anapa) and Exclusive Agency (Paris) shoot the film. First episodes has already been filmed in the village Fanagoriyskoye, nearby the resort. Other parts of the film are to be shot in Paris.

Synopsis: the story unfolds in a European hick town. Two main characters – two different worlds, they get to know they are ter- minally ill and the sands are running out for both of them. Be- ing at the death’s threshold two people realize that their previ- ous life was senseless. But destiny gives them another chance. They try to do something good, as tomorrow may never come. United by one grief, they get into incredible adventures and succeed. Film’s creators want the audience to think about their lives and realize the fact that one shouldn’t wait for what the future may hold and start to be sympathetic and humane right now.

feature films Film Test. Fellow Students (tentative title) SOTA Cinema Group At the beginning of October shooting of a new feature drama Pr o d u c e r : Oleg Kokhan by Kira Muratova with a tentative title Film test. Fellow stu- Di r e c t o r , s c r i p t : Kira Muratova dents commenced. The film script won the tender and was St a r r i n g : Vitaliy Linetskiy, Natalia included into the Ukrainian National Films Production Program Buzko, Georgiy Deliev, Uta Kilter, 2011-2012. Film shooting will wrap by the end of 2011, and the Yuriy Nevgamonnyi, Gennadiy premiere is planned for one of the international film festivals Skarga, Yevhenia Barskovaya, Re- in2012. nata Litvinova, Sergey Makovets- kiy, Alla Demidova, Oleg Tabakov Synopsis: Main characters of the movie Film Test. Fellow Stu- dents are a man and a woman who haven’t seen each other for many years. Being on a business trip He finds himself in Her city and decides to visit Her, and not without a reason, but to ask Her straight on the threshold what He is to do if He is in love with two women? The story looks comic, but it’s hard to imagine what degree of grotesque it can reach directed by Kira Muratova. Beginning her new film the director pointed out that she was always “terribly interested to see how different people will behave in similar suggested circumstances”..

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 16 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] production production C production №4 8 December,2011

feature films First Eight Dates Russian film company Territoria Kino and Ukrainian Studio Pr o d u c e r s : Vladimir Zelenskiy, Territoria Kino, Kvartal-95 have a full-length romantic comedy First eight th Sergey Shefir, Boris Shefir, Andrey Studio Kvartal-95 dates in postproduction stage. The shooting commenced 15 Radko, Ekaterina Gorodetskaya September and lasted 29 days, the film is to be released on the i r e c t o r s th D : David Dodson, Alexan- 8 of March 2012. der Maliarevskiy St a r r i n g : Oksana Akinshina, Synopsis: The main characters of the movie – Lera and Nikita Vladimir Zelenskiy, Denis Nikifo- – know nothing about each other. They have even never met. rov, Ekaterina Varnava, Svetlana Lera is a successful TV anchor and is about to marry Konstan- Khodchenkova, Yevheniy Ko- tin, an outstanding tennis player. Nikita is a veterinary doctor, shevoy, Olesia Zhelezniak, Maria whi made a proposal to Ilona, the head of a big clinic for plastic Kravtsova, Igor Zhyzhykin, Victoria surgery. One night they go out to celebrate their personal suc- Bonia, Soso Pavliashvili, group cesses. Lera goes with her friends, Nikitainvites his own ones. “Gorod 312” However, in the morning Lera and Nikita wake up together in Bu d g e t : $2.3 m one bed… Deciding that itwas the result of a party young man woman hastily leave each other just to find themselves in the same bed next morning. Both Lera and Nikita clearly remem- ber events of the last night when they were in their beds: each at his own place...

feature films It’s All Simple On 19th October Russian group of companies WeiT Media an- Pr o d u c e r : Timur Wineshtein WeiT Media nounced the commencement of production of a new full-length Di r e c t o r : Sonia Karpunina movie It’s All Simple. The shooting of this romantic comedy St a r r i n g : Sonia Karpunina, Agnia takes place in Moscow and will last to the end of 2011. Kusnetsova, Alexander Yatsenko, Nikita Yefremov, Artem Bystrov, Synopsis: The main character of the film is a young woman Alexander Samoilenko, Donatas Nadia. She is studying in London and is in the process of self- Grudovych, Klim Shypenko, Kon- determination. Her boyfriend Zhenia has a highly-paid and stantin Kriukov, Liubov Tolkalina, prospective job in Moscow. Nadia wants to surprise her boy- Mikhail Babichev friend and travels 3,000 kilometers to see him, without giving him any notice. When arriving she comes across a lot of unex- pected things like women’s clothes in his apartment. After a heart to heart talk, Nadia finds herself all in tears, moneyless in the middle of the night in a Moscow street. The heroine is to spend six very entertaining days in Moscow in search of ma- terial and spiritual food together with her ex-classmate Dina. Nadia gets into an artistic environment rather unusual for her where she meets a film director Boria who makes Nadia look at her life from the other side. Everything that earlier seemed to her complicated and difficult now becomes understandable and simple.

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A COMPANY In course of the American Film Market (AFM) that took place in Santa Monika in November Russian A Company (belongs to the produc- er Alexander Rodnyansky) acquired rights for Eastern Europ for full length projects I, Frankenstein (production: USA-Australia, 2013) and The Hypnotist (Hypnotisören, production: Sweden, 2012).

I, Frankenstein – a modern-day epic. Frankenstein’s creature, Di r e c t o r : Stuart Beattie. ADAM, has survived to present day due to a genetic quirk in his crea- Sc r i p t : Kevin Grevioux, Kevin tion. Making his way to a dark, gothic metropolis, he finds himself Grevioux. caught in an all-out, centuries old war between two immortal clans. St a r r i n g : Yvonne Strahovski, Bill Nighy, Aaron Eckhart. Ge n r e : thriller.

The Hypnotist – psychiatrist Erik Maria Bark is woken by a telephone Di r e c t o r : Lasse Hallström. call from a hospital in Stockholm. Detective Inspector Joona Linna Sc r i p t : Lasse Hallström, Paolo asks for his immediate help in treating an unconscious patient suffer- Vacirca. ing from acute trauma. He hopes that Erik will be able to communicate St a r r i n g : Lena Olin, Mikael with the young boy through hypnosis, enabling the police to question Persbrandt, Tobias Zilliacus. him. They hope to find out who so brutally murdered his parents and Ge n r e : thriller. younger sister, in order to track down and save his older sister before it is too late. But it has been ten years since Erik last practiced hypno- sis, and he has promised never to do it again. When Erik finally allows himself to be persuaded, it is as if the floodgates have been opened to a torrent of unforeseen happenings. Without warning this violent and inexplicable course of events impacts with full force on Erik’s life. His son disappears, and to have a chance of saving his life, Erik has to confront himself with the past, with the times when his research-work was laid in ruins and his marriage seemed on the verge of collapsing.

ART CINEMA Russian company Art Cinema acquired at AFM theatrical rights for full length comedy Superclasico (SuperClásico, production: Den- mark, 2011) – next year Oscar Best Foreign Language Film nominee from Denmark.

Superclasico – Christian is the owner of a wine store that is about to Di r e c t o r : Ole Christian Madsen. go bankrupt and he is just as unsuccessful in just about every other Sc r i p t : Ole Christian Madsen, An- aspect of life. His wife, Anna, has left him. Now, she works as a suc- d e r s Fr i t h i o f Au g u s t . cessful football agent in Buenos Aires and lives a life of luxury with St a r r i n g : Paprika Steen, Anders W. star football player Juan Diaz. One day, Christian and their 16-year- Berthelsen, Adriana Mascialino. old son get on a plane to Buenos Aires. Christian arrives under the Ge n r e : comedy. pretense of wanting to sign the divorce papers together with Anna, but in truth, he wants to try to win her back!

CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP During American Film Market Russian film company Central Part- nership signed the agreement for strategic partnership with Ameri- can production and distributing company Summit Entertainment. The deal gives Central Partnership exclusive rights for Russian and CIS

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distribution of Summit Entertainment’s films starting from release of Now You See Me (production: USA, 2013).

Central Partnership also acquired Russian and CIS theatrical rights for full length projects in pre-production: Dead Man Down (production: USA, 2014) and Twelve Years a Slave (production: USA, 2014).

Now You See Me – four of the world’s greatest illusionists pull off a Di r e c t o r : Louis Leterrier. series of daring, seemingly impossible heists, as a pair of law-enforce- St a r r i n g : Jesse Eisenberg, ment agents tries to stop them. Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrel- son, Mélanie Laurent. Ge n r e : thriller.

Dead Man Down – brave enforcer Victor joins the prestigious Di r e c t o r : . team as right hand man to an underground crime lord in New Sc r i p t : J.H. Wyman York City. He seeks to avenge the death of his wife and daughter St a r r i n g : , Noomi caused by his boss. When his employer is threatened by a myste- Rapace. rious killer, Victor also becomes detective. Victor is seduced and Ge n r e : thriller. blackmailed by Beatrice, a victim turned avenger whose intense chemistry leads them spiraling into payback delivered in violent catharsis.

Twelve Years a Slave – story of a free man living in New York Di r e c t o r : Steve McQueen. during the mid-1800s is kidnapped and sold into slavery in the Sc r i p t : John Ridley, Steve Mc- deep south. It is based on the novel of Afro-American Solomon Queen. Northup. One day, two men calling themselves Merrill Brown and St a r r i n g : Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mi- Abram Hamilton wanted to hire Solomon to play his fiddle in a cir- chael Fassbender, Brad Pitt. cus in Washington. The travelling circus would pay him the rate Ge n r e : drama. one dollar per day and three dollars per musical performance, a good wage at the time. They convinced him to travel with them to Washington, where they claimed the circus was. Solomon believed the trip would be short and did not notify his wife. He made a stop in New York City where he obtained his Free Papers, which were needed to prove his status as a free man. Having arrived to Wash- ington they stayed at Gadsby’s Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, and Solomon was drugged several days later. He was in and out of consciousness for days, but when he regained consciousness, he realized he had been kidnapped.

DT-PRODUCTION Russian company DT-production acquired at AFM rights for Russia for the drama Broken City (production: USA, 2012) expected to be released in the USA on January 18, 2012.

Broken City – former New York City police detective turned pri- Di r e c t o r : Allen Hughes. vate investigator Billy Taggart, is hired by the city’s Mayor, Nicholas St a r r i n g : Mark Wahlberg, Rus- Hostetler, the same man who ended his police career, to investigate sell Crowe. his wife’s suspected infidelity. When the wife’s lover turns up dead Ge n r e : detective. things become more twisted than Taggart could have ever predict- ed. As he begins to question Hostetler’s motives, Taggart is courted by both the mayor’s wife and his old police chief to turn the focus of his investigation on the Mayor. Taggart quickly discovers that he has been a pawn in a larger game, and seizes the opportunity to make up for his past mistakes, as he navigates the dark intersection be- tween the criminal, political and business worlds, playing all sides to take down the mayor.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 19 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION C DISTRIBUTION №4 8 December,2011

FILM.UA Ukrainian company FILM.UA Distribution signed a deal with Hungari- an distributor Origo, according to which Hungarian partner received 26 ready-made episodes of the docudrama Mystical Tales and licensed local adaptation rights of this format developed and produced by FILM.UA Television. This deal is the result of FILM.UA Distribution’s membership in Sparks Network.

Mystical Tales – each episode of the TV show consists of two Ge n r e : docudrama. real life based stories reconstructed from the words of people wit- Du r a t i o n : 1 TV hour. nessed and participated in mystical events. Psychologists, experts and paranormalists comment on witnesses’ statements having their own opinions. The decision what is true is up to the viewers.

ICTV Ukrainian TV channel ICTV (owned by StarLightMedia Group) acquired rights for local adaptation of CBS format Cheers (production: USA, 1982-1993).

Cheers – Sam Malone, a former baseball star, is the head of a nice Di r e c t o r s : James Burrows, little bar where Norm, Cliff, Dr. Frasier and all the other regular cus- Andy Ackerman. tomers spend together a few hours every day, talking about their prob- St a r r i n g : Ted Danson, Rhea lems, laughing at each other’s flaws, trying to be there when someone Perlman, John Ratzenberger, else needs them. “Cheers” is the place where everybody knows your George Wendt, Kelsey Gram- name... mer, Woody Harrelson. Nu m b e r o f e p i s o d e s : 271. Ge n r e : comedy.

INTRA COMMUNICATIONS Russian production and distributing company Intra Communications signed an agreement with German distributor Bavaria Media on distri- bution of the detective series Vares: Private Eye (Vares – Yksityiset- sivä, production: Finland, 2011) on the CIS territories.

Vares: Private Eye - tough Finnish detective Jussi Vares investigates Di r e c t o r s : Anders Engström, mysterious cases connected to kidnapping, disappearance, murder Lauri Törhönen. and steal. He balances on the edge of bravery and negligence and that St a r r i n g : Antti Reini, Matti On- is for he’s very popular among women. nismaa, Eppu Salminen. Nu m b e r o f e p i s o d e s : 12 x 1 TV hour. Ge n r e : detective.

LUXOR Russian company Luxor struck a deal with French distributor Bac Films on Sleepless Night (Nuit Blanche, production: France, 2011) gripping action thriller which had its World Premiere in the Midnight Madness section of the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. At American Film Market Luxor was mostly interested in acquiring Euro- pean projects. Among them: The Players (Les Infideles, production: France, 2012), Men in the City 2 (Männerherzen... und die ganz ganz große Liebe, production: Germany, 2011) and Justin and the Knights of Valour (production: Spain, 2013).

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Sleepless Night – a story of Vincent, a respected and dedicated po- Di r e c t o r : Frédéric Jardin. lice officer, or so it seems. After stealing a massive bag of cocaine from Sc r i p t : Frédéric Jardin, Nico- drug dealers that work for Marciano, a powerful mob boss/nightclub las Saada, Olivier Douyère. owner, Vincent quickly finds himself trapped in a situation that no par- St a r r i n g : Tomer Sisley, Joey ent would envy – his son has been kidnapped with the promise of being Starr, Julien Boisselier, Serge executed if he doesn’t immediately deliver the bag back to its rightful Riaboukine, Laurent Stocker. owner. Vincent heads to the nightclub in the outskirts of Paris to trade Ge n r e : thriller. the drugs for his son. The night to come might not only be the longest but also the last one of his life... and his young son’s as well.

The Players – a series of short films set around the theme of infidel- Di r e c t o r s : Emmanuelle Ber- ity. cot, Fred Cavayé.

Men in the City 2 – six prototypes of the stronger sex are back in Di r e c t o r : Simon Verhoeven. the ring for Round Two! Eco-café owner Philip, former high-powered Sc r i p t : Simon Verhoeven. ad man Niklas, music producer and ex-womanizer Jerome, pop star St a r r i n g : Florian David Fitz, Bruce, Günther, the business-inspection official, and Roland sitting Maxim Mehmet, Til Schweiger, out his prison term. A jumble of fates and lies and truths is wildly tossed Justus Von Dohnányi, Nadja and shaken – yet in spite of all the rollicking humour all these men have Uhl, Christian Ulmen, Jana Pal- two things in common: decency and good faith! laske, Wotan Wilke-Möhring. Ge n r e : comedy.

Justin and the Knights of Valour – a story about the determination of Di r e c t o r : Manuel Sicilia. a kid to reach his dream. It is a tale about friendship, honour and cour- Sc r i p t : Manuel Sicilia, Matthew age. Justin lives in a kingdom where bureaucrats rule and knights have Jacobs. been ousted. He wants to be a knight but his father, Reginald, the chief Ge n r e : animation. counsel to the Queen, wants his son to follow in his footsteps and be- come a lawyer. Justin visits his grandmother, who tells him the story of his grandfather, Sir Roland, the noblest knight in the kingdom and pro- tector of the King until they were both betrayed and killed by the evil Sir Heraclio. Justin runs away in search of his dream and begins his quest to become a Knight. He finds the way to the Abbey where the Knights of Valour once trained. He is mentored by three ancient monks. Justin, though an unlikely candidate for knighthood, is determined to pursue his ideals. Called upon to prove himself when Heraclio and his minions return and threaten the kingdom, Justin saves the day.

MAXIVISION At the American Film Market Russian company MaxiVision acquired theatrical rights for several full length projects:

Maniac (production: USA, 2013) – remake of the classic 1980 slasher Di r e c t o r : Franck Khalfoun. film. Unhinged owner of a mannequin store appears to be a serial killer Sc r i p t : Alexandre Aja, Grégory works He finds victims on the Internet and stalks them like prey, all the Levasseur. while suffering from hallucinations that throw him back into the past, St a r r i n g : Elijah Wood, Hank when he was abused by his own mother. In his twisted mind, he gains a Azaria, Nora Arnezeder. measure of revenge against his mother with each kill. Ge n r e : thriller.

Goon (production: Canada, USA, 2011) – Doug, a slacker with a tal- Di r e c t o r : Michael Dowse. ent for fighting is invited by a minor league hockey coach to join the Sc r i p t : Evan Goldberg. Elijah Wood team as the enforcer. Despite the fact that Doug can’t skate he quickly St a r r i n g : Seann William Scott, becomes a hero to the team and their fans, until the league’s reigning Jay Baruchel, Eugene Levy, “goon” becomes threatened by his success and decides to even the Liev Schreiber, Alison Pill. score. Ge n r e : comedy.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 21 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION C DISTRIBUTION №4 8 December,2011

Ten Year (production: USA, 2011) – the film boasts a whopping five Di r e c t o r : Jamie Linden. main storylines each with at least three or four people. The main vein Sc r i p t : Jamie Linden. focuses on ex-jock Jake and popular-girl Mary, the star couple from St a r r i n g : Channing Tatum, high school who haven’t seen each other in years. They’re immedi- Rosario Dawson, Justin Long, ately drawn to each other, which sets off a swam of awkwardness with Kate Mara, Jenna Dewan- their respective partners. Next is Cully and Sam. She’s the boss and Tatum, Ron Livingston, Chris he’s the good-natured guy that plays along, but quickly the reasons Pratt, Max Minghella. behind this dynamic are unleashed. He’s an uncontrollable drunk and Ge n r e : drama. ex-bully hell-bent on getting forgiveness with the many kids he bullied back in school, and she tries to reign him in. Then there’s Reeves and Elise. He’s the rock star turning heads, and she’s the quiet, awkward girl he never had the guts to publicly like – the one who appears in only one photo on the memory wall, in the background, removed. There’s also Marty and AJ, the single guys eager to drink a lot and schmooze the beautiful party girl Anna, which brings out a torrent of problematic adolescent ideas. Finally, there are the rapper boys, a group of friends who are united by a common past but really serve to add slight addi- tions to the reunion dynamics.

NEW CHANNEL Ukrainian commercial broadcaster New Channel acquired rights for local adaptation of the Italian TV-format Io Canto (I sing). Original tal- ent show first aired on the Italian Canale 5 in 2010.

The format of Io canto is similar to that of American Idol. The contes- Du r a t i o n : 3 hours tants, however, are children of age 7-15. There is tele-voting by the audience and an expert jury. There are also dancers and gymnasts. Finally, there are invited guest artists who will sing together with the contestants.

ORBIT FILMS Russian Orbit films studio sold international rights (CIS is not includ- ed) to its first full length project horror Spores (production: Russia, 2011) to Canadian distributor Raven Banner Entertainment.

Spores – the film follows a group of friends travelling across country Di r e c t o r : Maksim Dyachuk. when they stumble upon an abandoned Soviet factory. They decide to Sc r i p t : Maksim Dyachuk. investigate the factory and document what they find, however, what St a r r i n g : Natalia Rybjakova, Oleg they do find is something beyond their wildest nightmares. Aliens have Burlakov, Valery Kuzmenko, El- landed here, and they are multiplying at an alarming rate. The friends ena Sherbakova, Vladimir Kokin, now find themselves in a desperate battle for survival against the Al- Leonid Gusarov. iens and for mankind itself. Ge n r e : horror.

PREMIUM FILM Russian film distributing company Premium Film acquired at AFM rights to several full length projects:

Mortician (production: UK, 2011) – a dark urban noir set in the night- Di r e c t o r : Gareth Maxwell Rob- mare ghetto of a decaying metropolis. A story of one man’s struggle erts. through the darkness and corruption of a dying city. A man stepping Sc r i p t : Gareth Maxwell Roberts. out from the darkness to light, a man rejoining the human race. St a r r i n g : Method Man, Dash Mihok, EJ Bonilla, Judy Marte, Cruz Santiago, Edward Furlong. Ge n r e : thriller.

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A Few Best Man (production: UK-Australia, 2011) – when David Di r e c t o r : Stephan Elliott. goes to Australia to marry the love of his life, his hapless friends give Sc r i p t : Dean Craig. a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘for better or worse.’ The chaos- St a r r i n g : Xavier Samuel, Kris Mar- filled wedding day is a hilarious culture clash between his friends and shall, Kevin Bishop, Laura Brent, her family because blood is thicker than water, and so are David’s Olivia Newton-John. three best men! Ge n r e : comedy.

The Blind Bastard Club (production: USA-Brazil, 2012) – the BBC, Di r e c t o r : Ash Baron-Cohen. or Blind Bastard Club, is a gang of guys and girls who live life on the Ge n r e : thriller. edge despite being blind by going to the shooting range, jumping out of planes, getting into fights in bars, and pretending they’re not blind. The film focuses on Jake, the leader of BBC, and Angel, a sighted call girl who rollerblades around the city. They meet by accident , and he introduces her to his world as they both look to make the ultimate sacrifice for love.

Detachment (production: USA, 2011) – Henry Barthes is a brilliant Di r e c t o r : Tony Kaye. teacher with a true talent to connect with his students. In another world, Sc r i p t : Carl Lund. he would be a hero to his community. Haunted by a troubled past, St a r r i n g : Adrien Brody, Marcia Henry has chosen to be a substitute teacher – never at one school for Gay Harden, James Caan, Chris- more than a few weeks at a time, never staying long enough to form tina Hendricks, Lucy Liu, Blythe any attachment to either students or colleagues. A perfect profession Danner. for one seeking to hide out in the open. When a new assignment plac- Ge n r e : drama. es him at a failing public school, Henry’s insular world gradually melts into emotions by three women he meets: a fellow teacher, a student and a runaway teen. They’re all, like Henry, trying to find beauty and humanity in a loveless world.

STB Ukrainian TV channel STB (owned by StarLightMedia Group) acquired rights for local adaptation of the Nordic format Teenage Boss. It was developed and produced by the production department of Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK – Norsk Rikskringkasting) for NRK1 TV channel. British independent distributing company DRG is the in- ternational distributor of NRK format.

Teenage Boss – Would you dare to let your teenager take over the Du r a t i o n : 6 x 60 min. family finances? In Teenage Boss they do. They let the teenager as- sume responsibility for the whole budget throughout an entire month. Their intention is to teach the teenager (and the family) to spend the money at hand in a sensible balanced way.


Russian film distributing company Top Film Distribution acquired CIS Di r e c t o r : Simon West. rights for full length projects in pre-production Thunder Run (produc- Sc r i p t : Ken Nolan, Robert David tion: USA, 2013) and The Comedian (production: USA, 2014) at AFM. Port. Top Film also struck a deal with American production company Film- St a r r i n g : Gerard Butler, Sam Nation Entertainment on theatrical distribution of strip-drama Magic Worthington, Matthew McCon- Mike (production: USA, 2011) in Russia and CIS countries. American aughey. rights were picked up by Warner Brothers (US release date – June Ge n r e : drama. 29th, 2012).

Thunder Run – in April 2003, three battalions and fewer than a thou- sand men launched a violent thrust of tanks and Bradley fighting ve- hicles into the heart of a city of five million, igniting a three-day blitz-

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krieg, which military professionals often refer to as a lightning strike, or “thunder run”. In telling the story of the surprise assault on Bagh- dad – one of the most decisive battles in recent American combat his- tory – this movie paints the harrowing picture of the soldiers on the front lines and the realities of modern warfare.

The Comedian – story follows Jackie Burke, an over-the-hill comic Di r e c t o r : Sean Penn. whose career has long past its heyday. He struggles to accept that his Sc r i p t : Art Linson, Jeffrey Ross. best days are behind him and holds onto to past glories wherever pos- St a r r i n g : Robert De Niro, Kristen sible. After a moment of rage toward an audience member (assault- Wiig. ing him in the head with his microphone) lands him in trouble, Burke Ge n r e : drama. is sentenced to community service, where he meets Harmony, who turns his life around.

Magic Mike – the story is based on star Channing Tatum’s early life as Di r e c t o r : Steven Soderbergh. an exotic dancer. Magic Mike, a popular and experienced man-strip- Sc r i p t : Reid Carolin. Channing Tatum per, acts as a tutor for young up-and-coming dancer. St a r r i n g : Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey, Matthew Bomer, Joe Mangan- iello, Riley Keough, Gabriel Igle- sias, Olivia Munn. Ge n r e : drama

TOTAL CONTENT During international content market MIPCOM Russian TV distributor Total Content struck a deal with international film and TV distribu- tor Content Media Corporation plc. According to the agreement To- tal Content acquired Russian and Ukrainian rights for the full length project Strictly Sexual (production: USA, 2008) as well as rights for Strictly Sexual: The Series (production: USA, 2011) and licensed its Russian adaptation.

Strictly Sexual – in Los Angeles, the wealthy aspirant writer Donna Di r e c t o r : Joel Viertel. and her best friend (also aspirant designer) Christi Ann are bored of Sc r i p t : Stevie Long. relationships and decide to chase two escorts in a bar for one night St a r r i n g : Amber Benson, Johann stand. Meanwhile, the construction workers and best friends Stanny Urb, Kristen Kerr, Stevie Long. and Joe come from New York but do not find jobs in Los Angeles; with- Ge n r e : comedy. out money, they decide to go to a fancy bar to drink and leave the place without paying the bill. Donna and Christi Ann meet Stanny and Joe and invite them home believing they are hustlers. After a night of sex, the women discover the misunderstanding and that the men are indeed unemployed workers. They offer them to stay in a tent near the swimming-pool with beer and food while they search for jobs; in return, they would be their “boy-toys” during the nights in a strictly sexual relationship. Along the following weeks, the couples become closer and change their feelings and behaviors with the development and growing of their relationships.

Strictly Sexual: The Series – Joe and Stanny are two likable losers Di r e c t o r : Joel Viertel. who are unlucky in love, but lucky with sex. Summer and Georgia are Sc r i p t : Stevie Long. two girls who make a deal to swear off dating to focus on their careers St a r r i n g : Mercedes Manning, and keep things strictly sexual. One girl starts dating another girl to Elvina Beck, Kristen Renton, avoid falling in love, while Georgia starts having sex with Stanny, know- Amber Benson, Johann Urb, ing she could never fall for him. To everyones surprise, real feelings Kristen Kerr, Stevie Long. arise, causing the drama and heartache everyone was trying to avoid. Nu m b e r o f e p i s o d e s : 6. Ge n r e : comedy.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 24 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] Cinema releases overview C Cinema releases overview №4 8 December,2011

2011 Ukrainian Theatrical Distribution Market Annual Overview This theatrical distribution year (December 2010 – November 2011) for the Ukrainian cinemas and distributors ended on an optimistic note - total box-office of released movies overshot the results of 2010 by more than 22%. Totally during the period from December 1, 2010 to November 27, 2011 the Ukrainian cinemas released 250 movies (37 of which were art-house projects). These results are sig- nificantly higher than those of the previous year (in 2010 almost 180 films were released in Ukrainian cinemas). At the same time, talking about the overall box-office, for this 12 months it amounted more than $65.8 million (top 30 released films box-offices totaled $58.66 million). Comparing with the same period of last year it’s 22% increase (2010 annual box-office in Ukraine hit $56.3 million). Totally in 2011 there were 11 releases that hit more than $2 million box-office in Ukraine comparing with 6 releases in 2010.


Premiere Total Box-office Release № Title Distributor Weekend 02.12.2010. – Tickets sold date Box-office, $ 01.03.2011, $

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger 1 B&H Distribution 19.05.2011 2 159 177 5 276 176 935 959 Tides 2 Transformers 3 B&H Distribution 29.06.2011 1 871 484 4 099 786 702 763 3 Puss in Boots B&H Distribution 27.10.2011 1 738 495 4 006 675 766 384 4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2 Kinomania 14.07.2011 1 446 003 3 573 851 618 807 Office Romance. Our Time (Sluzhebniy Ro- 5 Ukrainian Film Distribution 17.03.2011 1 194 726 2 805 141 661 370 man. Nashe Vremya) (rus) 6 Cars 2 B&H Distribution 23.06.2011 934 182 2 485 982 494 658 7 Kung Fu Panda 2 B&H Distribution 26.05.2011 860 526 2 292 311 488 686 8 Tron: Legacy B&H Distribution 30.12.2010 596 944 2 205 929 337 260 9 Tangled B&H Distribution 16.12.2010 617 216 2 111 039 426 907 10 The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn - Part 1* Ukrainian Film Distribution 17.11.2011 1 260 000 2 109 282 455 943 11 Fast Five B&H Distribution 28.04.2011 656 026 2 016 624 493 669 12 Christmas trees 3D (Yolki 3D) (rus) Ukrainian Film Distribution 16.12.2010 524 376 1 997 372 464 840 13 Rio 3D Ukrainian Film Distribution 7.04.2011 746 746 1 856 367 343 504 14 Real Steel B&H Distribution 06.10.2011 705 892 1 720 930 414 268 15 The Tourist B&H Distribution 5.01.2011 678 286 1 635 630 380 870 16 The Hangover 2 Kinomania 02.06.2011 327 137 1 569 900 360 359 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the 17 Ukrainian Film Distribution 9.12.2010 597 336 1 544 260 262 180 Dawn Tteader 18 Thor B&H Distribution 28.04.2011 452 658 1 479 050 247 558 19 Vykrutasy (rus) Ukrainian Film Distribution 17.02.2011 484 992 1 415 719 341 479

20 In Time Ukrainian Film Distribution 27.10.2011 455 095 1 364 238 323 954

Total ТОП-20 20 358 649 4 288 147

Source: Bulletin kinoprokatchka, boxofficemojo.com *still in cinemas

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 25 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] focus C focus №4 8 December,2011

Online distribution these days is one of the major ways of distributing audio-visual content. With this in mind copyright and piracy are the burning issues, in particular for the CIS countries. World Wide Web oper- focus ates a number of video portals providing simple access to almost any kind of media content. However, operates questionable quality of such content, and more important – legality of its use – are of little interest to its users, still it affects the interests of the companies which in their business follow legal requirements and cooperate with right holders. ONLINE VIDEO Editorial staff of CIS:Content Report decided to look deep into Russian internet video portals, positioning PORTALS IN RUSSIA their content to be legal.

FIDEL.RU Initially Fidel.ru service, launched by Fidel Solutions in 2005, was one of the largest internet-shops for le- gal music content in Runet. In winter 2008 RBK Information Systems company bought a controlling stake of the portal, but by the autumn 2009 it was already returned to its former owner. Currently portal users have access not only to music (4 mln tracks), but also to audio-books, mobile content, computer games and over 280 movies. The company cooperates with all major players in the music business (Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music, EMI) as well as with a number of Indie-labels – representing content of all styles and trends like Dig-Dis Distribution, Poker Flat, Paradise Distribution, InGroovs, Pias etc. Film fans will find a vast catalogue of festival movies. Fidel Solutions conducts business with such right holders as A-One, P&I Films, Intersystem, Luxor etc. In spring 2011 the company signed a contract with the Ameri- can company Visit Film which is the largest distributor of indie movies. As a result, the portal is entitled to stream around 20 movies a year.

The service practices free for user monetization model (based on commercials) as well as provides on demand services. Thus, $8,3 per month allows users to operate the service in mobile devices via Fidel application; $20 per month give an unlimited access to movies on the website, listen to music and watch movies on TV-screens having access to the Internet.

TVIGLE.RU Media company Tvigle Media, established in 2007, is a producer and distributor of entertaining video- content for New Media. Apart from posting on its own portal Tvigle.ru, the company provides content for its partner’s broadcasting network as well as for offline media: cinemas, TV channels, mobile networks.

Walt Disney Company CIS, Turner Broadcasting, Russian World Studios, Lenfilm Video, CTB film company, Amedia, Central Partnership and over 30 world’s largest right holders are among its key partners.. Tvigle Media also owns an advanced production of video content, which accounts for over 3,000 units of video products. A successful example is Versus series created for Pepsi Co and its brand Хрусteam which col- lected over 14 mln views only on Tvigle.ru portal.

According to the results of independent polls the total monthly audience of Tvigle Media including partner network amounts to 12 mln unique users, who have a free access (company makes money on ads sales) to over 14,000 licensed video and around 26,000 titles of author content. 70% of licensed content is pro- duced by Russian companies, 30% is content of foreign right holders of different genres: starting from soap operas, drama formats and up to music videos and art house. The website posts from 20 to 100 new license videos on a daily basis.

VIDEO.RU Services Video.ru, Privet.ru and Blog.ru are under the ownership of Video Razrabotki company (Digital Vid- eo Network, DVN). The company bought the rights for online distribution of movies, TV programs, video- programs of leading Russian rightholders, including Gosteleradiofond (State TV and Radio Fund), Central Partnership, Lenfilm, Paradise, Star Media, Art Pictures Studio, Kinotavr Video, Lizard Cinema Trade, CP Digital and many others. DVN distributes video content exclusively on the basis of license agreements.

Portal Video.ru has been operating since the end of 2008. Within the first year in business the company positioned Video.ru as an information-encyclopedic portal about Russian and foreign cinematograph and film distribution, still the legal movies download was provided only as an addition. Since the end of 2009 the website turned into an internet-shop offering over 80,000 licensed titles (movies and documentaries,

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 26 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] focus C focus №4 8 December,2011

soap operas, sports programs, TV-performances, cartoons and TV-shows) for downloading and viewing. New films are not vastly represented – most of the posted movies were released no later than 2009. The price for downloading and watching content online ranges from $0,7 to $3,3; unlimited access is provided for $16,7 per month.

OMLET.RU In April 2009 JSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) launched multimedia entertainment portal Omlet.ru – which is an interactive shop of licensed music, video and game content with the social network as an additional function. Actually Omlet.ru is an attempt by Russian mobile operators to enter video-content market. As MTS claims the catalogues of five majors (Universal, Warner Bros., Sony, Disney и Paramount) posted on Omlet.ru include more than a half of box-office hits in the CIS market.

Currently the video catalogue of Omlet.ru comprises around 2 thousand movies, 4 thousand episodes from soap operas and TV programs as well as collections of music albums, videos, games for computers and mobile phones. Before the end of 2011 the catalogue will double in size due to the development of partnership relations with major foreign and Russian rightholders. According to assessment of Google Ad Planner the audience of Omlet.ru in May was 750,000 unique users. The portal users have to pay $1,7-2,5 to watch a movie online and $2,5-7 to download it.

IVI.RU A large legal collection of movies with free access is posted on Ivi.ru resource. The catalogue of the portal amounts to over 25,000 titles from around 100 rightholders with a total running time of over 15,000 hours. Prior to watching a movie a commercial is shown, though not that often. The project was launched 26 Feb- ruary 2010 with a membership of the company Digital Access (which is a part of ru-Net Ltd. Holding) deal- ing with operative management of ivi.ru, in particular with content acquisition and ad sales on the website. Yet in summer 2010 the official ivi.ru applications were launchedon social networks.

The company signed contracts with the biggest sound-recording companies Sony Music, Universal Music, Warner Music, EMI, therefore for posting the musical content a separate project music.ivi.ru was devel- oped. Ivi.ru cooperates with many rightholders. Among them: movie companies Central Partnership, RWS, CDLand, CTB, Karmen Film, Soyuzmulftilm, 2B-Studio, TV-channels СТС, MTV, МUZ-ТV, TV-company STRIM. As of today a monthly audience of the project accounts for 2.5 mln users. The website is optimized for viewing content through mobile devices.

TVZAVR.RU Launched in April 2010 TVzavr.ru project offers free movies in exchange for the advertisement. Video portal cooperates with companies Central Partnership, Karmen Film, Intercinema, Silver Globus-Media, Ruscico, Argus-International etc. Video collection embraces over 10,000 hours of content. It’s pearl is a selection of movie winners of the Cannes, Berlin and Venice festivals.

Online video streaming allows users to easily move on to any episode without additionally downloading it and wasting time on internet traffic. The company created its own network for video content deliveries (Content Delivery Network or CDN) which provides full protection from illegal copying and gathers statis- tics indicating number of views in real time mode. Over 100,000 people visit the portal daily. The number of views of the content amounts to over 10 mln per month.

ZOOMBY.RU JSC WebTV by Viktor Pinchuk is a founder of video portal Zoomby.ru and a member of WebMediaGroup Holding. The service is registered by public authorities as electronic periodical, which started in summer 2010. There are over 28,000 movies and programs in Zoomby catalogue. The portal uses a free advertis- ing model of monetization. Strategic partner of Zoomby is VGTRK (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company). This resource differs from its competitors mainly by the fact that it focuses on TV-content, which was broadcasted on TV channels 24 – 48 hours ago. Thus several hours after being on

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 27 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] focus C focus №4 8 December,2011

air, the portal posts video programs of 15 Russian TV channels (including Russia 1, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia K, Sport 1, My planet, Fifth channel, Muz-TV, REN). TV-specialization has a noticeable effect on the content of movies catalogue: it lists a lot of TV soap operas, TV shows of different formats and sports events.

VIDEOMORE.RU At the time when CTC Media launched social television network videomore.ru in December 2010 the pro- gram library of the portal listed over 2 thousand hours of content, produced for Russian channels of the holding (CTC, Domashniy, DTV). Online resource combines functions of classical video portal and a social network. On top of standard viewing options and commenting, users can communicate in chats and cre- ate video quotations with subsequent export into the social networks, blogs and other resources. CTC Media company is a copyright holder of the content posted on videomore.ru and offers Russian users a free access (in other CIS countries rights for the content belong to other companies).

NOW.RU Now.ru – CJSC Seychas is a member of a TNT group of companies belonging to GaspromMedia Hold- ing. It has an exclusive access to video content of the holding’s companies, which can be viewed even before it is broadcast or released. Launched in spring 2011 Now.ru offers access to a considerable part of the video catalogue for a fixed charge – this is over 30,000 hours of movie and TV shows. However, the content is more interesting and varied than that of the competitors offering their services for free since the portal presents movies divided into categories from such Hollywood majors as Warner Brothers, Sony, Universal and Disney. Free content is posted in a separate content category. Apart from the standard genre categories of the charged content the users will most surely be interested in a selection of movies based on books, comics and videogames. The cost of the unlimited subscription for 10 days – $10, for 30 days – $16,7, 90 days – $40. Some movies are accessible only for an extra charge.

TRAVA.RU Mobile operator Megapfone launched the Trava.Ru video portal in spring 2011. This multimedia resource is oriented on selling music and video clips. Portal users have access to download and listen to over 700,000 foreign and Russian musical compositions, over 3 thousand music clips, 2 thousand entertaining television programs and movies. There are not so many movies in the portal catalogue – domestic films make up a considerable part of the collection. In order to download or view one movie one have to pay $1,3. Payment for the Internet traffic is based on the provider’s tariffs.

YOTAPLAY.RU Yota is a brand of LLC Skartel which is a part of WIMAX Holding Ltd. The company is one of the largest wireless mobile internet providers in Russia. Service Yota Play by Skartel offers only 2,000 movies (with a pledge to add 200 new items per week). But the company’s strength is not in the quantity. In fact it intends to turn the service into a cinema social network. Today it offers to watch movies online for $3,3 per movie. By the end of the current year company intends to introduce a subscription for portal use.

END TO PIRACY Russian market of legal content includes media holdings, television channels and mobile operators. So far their main competitors have been the pirate resources. Still the latter have a lot to think about too. Rus- sian developer of anti-pirate software Pirate Pay signed an agreement with the Association of TV and film producers of Russia. Starting from September the company launched a system, protecting legal content in torrent-networks. The mechanism fills file-exchange networks with fake torrent-clients, blocking their operations. The project was supported by the Association of TV and film producers of Russia.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 28 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] Interview Interview C Interview №4 8 December,2011

In an exclusive interview to Content Report Ahmadzhon Umarov, CEO of the distribution and production I¡¦«ž©›µ·nterview ¡¦«ž©›µ·company Cinema.uz and the president¡¦«ž©›µ· of the State Film Fund№ of Uzbekistan,20 (28) 13 told октября, about Uzbekistan’s 2011 pres- ent-day situation$ in the sphere of film production, distribution and television, analyzed audio-visual initia- tives of the government, noted Korean and Turkish TV series’ popularity increase among Uzbek viewers, and described the country as an attractive location for film-shooting. § ÊÁË̹ÏÁÁ » ÈÉǽ¹ÃÑƆ  ˾ľ»ÁÀÁÇÆÆÇ Á ÃÁÆÇÈÉÇùËÆÇ ÇËɹÊÄØÎ » ©¾ÊÈ̺ÄÁþ ¬Àº¾ÃÁÊË¹Æ  Ç ¢§š¥—±³¢£¡š¥•Ahmadzhon Umarov: ¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔÎÁÆÁÏÁ¹ËÁ»¹ÎÖËÇÂÊËɹÆÔ»¹Ì½ÁÇ»ÁÀ̹ÄÕÆÇÅʾÃËÇɾ ¹˹ÿ¾ÇÈÇÈÌÄØÉÆÇÊËÁAhmadzhon, could you dwell on your company: its establishement, activities, specializa- 20 years¡¦«ž©›µ· of independence¡¦«ž©›µ· ÃÇɾÂÊÃÁÎtion, etc. Á ËÌɾÏÃÁÎ ʾÉÁ¹ÄÇ»¡¦«ž©›µ· Á ÈÉÁ»Ä¾Ã¹Ë¾ÄÕÆÇÊËÁ№ 20 ¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƹ (28) 13 октября, ùà ÄÇþÂÑƹ 2011 ½ÄØ ÊÓ¾ÅÇà  » ÖÃÊÃÄ×ÀÁ»ÆÇÅ$ ÁÆ˾ɻÕ× $POUFOU 3FQPSU ɹÊÊùÀ¹Ä ÉÌÃǻǽÁ˾ÄÕ ÌÀº¾ÃÊÃÇ ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁÇÆÆÇ Á of Uzbekistan has marked a ÈÉǽ¹ÃÑƆÃÇÅȹÆÁÁ$JOFNBV[ ½ÁɾÃËÇÉœ¨„©¾ÊÈ̺ÄÁùÆÊÃÁ£ÁÆÇÍThe company was established in 2001. Initially it has been involved in theÇƽ”™ÎŹ½¿ÇƬŹÉÇ» production and distribution of considerable•ÊÁµ¹»Ã grown¨¡•¥£— in the films and television programs. It has acquired a number of foreign films and dubbed them into Uzbek for ‚œµÀºÇº¼µ·½Æ½ÁÃÆǽlocal film industry with a §™ÎŹ½¿ÇÆ  ÊÁË̹ÏÁÁthe local »market. ÈÉǽ¹ÃÑƆ  ɹÊÊù¿Á˾  Today ˾ľ»ÁÀÁÇÆÆÇ theÈÇ¿¹ÄÌÂÊ˹  company Á has ÃÁÆÇÈÉÇùËÆÇ been ÈǽÉǺƾ¾ actively ÇËɹÊÄØÎ Çacquiring »¹Ñ¾Â » ©¾ÊÈ̺ÄÁþ ÃÇÅȹÆÁÁIndian and ¬Àº¾ÃÁÊË¹Æ  Uzbek оÅ À¹ÆÁŹ¾Ë¾ÊÕ programmes Ç and » has ¢§š¥—±³¢£¡š¥• ¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔÎÁÆÁÏÁ¹ËÁ»¹ÎÖËÇÂÊËɹÆÔ»¹Ì½ÁÇ»ÁÀ̹ÄÕÆÇÅʾÃËÇɾ ¹˹ÿ¾ÇÈÇÈÌÄØÉÆÇÊËÁоÅÊȾÏÁÍÁù ÃǼ½¹ÊÇÀ½¹Æ¹recently picked up a franchise of several international titles. Moreover the company represents Uzbek’s production·¨¼¶º¿½Æǵº of 800 titles. ÃÇɾÂÊÃÁÎfilmmaking Á ËÌɾÏÃÁÎ around ʾÉÁ¹ÄÇ» the world. Á ÈÉÁ»Ä¾Ã¹Ë¾ÄÕÆÇÊËÁ ¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƹ ùà ÄÇþÂÑƹ ½ÄØ ÊÓ¾ÅÇà  » ÖÃÊÃÄ×ÀÁ»ÆÇÅ ÁÆ˾ɻÕ× $POUFOU 3FQPSU ɹÊÊùÀ¹Ä ÉÌÃǻǽÁ˾ÄÕ ÌÀº¾ÃÊÃÇ ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁÇÆÆÇ Á ¼ÂµÌ½ÇºÀÑÂÃÈ·ºÀ½Ì½ÀÃÆÑ ÈÉǽ¹ÃÑƆÃÇÅȹÆÁÁ$JOFNBV[ ½ÁɾÃËÇÉœ¨„©¾ÊÈ̺ÄÁùÆÊÃÁ£ÁÆÇͦ¹Ñ¹ÃÇÅȹÆÁØÊÇÀ½¹Æ¹»¼Ç½Ì¡ÀƹйÄÕÆÇÇƹºÔĹÇÉÁ¾ÆËÁÉÇ»¹Æ¹ƹ»ÔÈÌÊÞ½Á¹ÈÉÇÇƽ”™ÎŹ½¿ÇƬŹÉÇ» † ¿½ÂÃÄÅý¼·Ã¹ÆÇ·Ã ¶ÐÀÕÊÁµ¹»Ã¨¡•¥£— ½ÌÃÏÁÁ ÇËÃÉÔ»¹ØʾËÕŹ¼¹ÀÁÆÇ»ÈǾ¾ÈÉǽ¹¿¾ ȹɹľÄÕÆÇÀ¹ÆØĹÊÕÁ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁ¾Â£ÇÅȹIn 2008 the company entered strategic Uzbek-Britain alliance on production of documentaries and anima† - ‚œµÀºÇº¼µ·½Æ½ÁÃÆǽ ™ÎŹ½¿ÇÆ ÆÁØÈÉÁǺɾĹȹþËÍÁÄÕÅÇ» ÃÇËÇÉÔ¾ºÔÄÁÈÉǽ̺ÄÁÉÇ»¹ÆÔƹÌÀº¾ÃÊÃÁÂØÀÔýÄØǺ¾ÊȾоÆÁØtion. A feature ɹÊÊù¿Á˾  film with ÈÇ¿¹ÄÌÂÊ˹  a tentative title ÈǽÉǺƾ¾ What Mahallah Ç »¹Ñ¾Â is talking ÃÇÅȹÆÁÁ about-2 оÅ is À¹ÆÁŹ¾Ë¾ÊÕ  on the script development » stage ÆÂÔÇöÃÀººɽÀÑÁ÷‘ оÅÊȾÏÁÍÁù ÃǼ½¹ÊÇÀ½¹Æ¹ÊÇÇË»¾ËÊË»Ì×Ò¾¼ÇÊÈÉÇʹƹžÊËÆÇÅÉÔÆþ›ƹÊËÇØÒ¾¾»É¾ÅØÃÇÅȹÆÁعÃËÁ»ÆÇÀ¹ÆÁŹ¾ÅÊØnow. Apart from this the company acquire television rights for local TV nets. Content, i.e. films and seriesof ·¨¼¶º¿½Æǵº ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁ¾ÂÁƽÁÂÊÃǼÇÁÌÀº¾ÃÊÃǼÇÃÁÆÇ ¹ƾ½¹»ÆÇÃÌÈÁÄÁÈɹ»¹ƹ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁ×ÍÁÄÕÅÇ»ÁÀthe company’s distribution catalogue primarily comes from India, Korea, and Turkey . ¼ÂµÌ½ÇºÀÑÂÃÈ·ºÀ½Ì½ÀÃÆÑ ¦¹Ñ¹ÃÇÅȹÆÁØÊÇÀ½¹Æ¹»¼Ç½Ì¡ÀƹйÄÕÆÇÇƹºÔĹÇÉÁ¾ÆËÁÉÇ»¹Æ¹ƹ»ÔÈÌÊÞ½Á¹ÈÉÇƾÃÇËÇÉÔνÉ̼ÁÎÊËɹÆ£ËÇÅÌ¿¾ÅÔØ»ÄؾÅÊØÖÃÊÃÄ×ÀÁ»ÆÔÅÁÈɾ½Ê˹»Á˾ÄØÅÁÌÀº¾ÃÊÃǼÇÃÁÆdž ½ÌÃÏÁÁ ÇËÃÉÔ»¹ØʾËÕŹ¼¹ÀÁÆÇ»ÈǾ¾ÈÉǽ¹¿¾ ȹɹľÄÕÆÇÀ¹ÆØĹÊÕÁ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁ¾Â£ÇÅȹ»Ç»Ê¾ÅÅÁɾ † ¿½ÂÃÄÅý¼·Ã¹ÆÇ·Ã ¶ÐÀà ÆÁØÈÉÁǺɾĹȹþËÍÁÄÕÅÇ» ÃÇËÇÉÔ¾ºÔÄÁÈÉǽ̺ÄÁÉÇ»¹ÆÔƹÌÀº¾ÃÊÃÁÂØÀÔýÄØǺ¾ÊȾоÆÁØAnd what series are the most popular in Uzbekistan? Are Russian titles in demand? ÆÂÔÇöÃÀººɽÀÑÁ÷‘ ÊÇÇË»¾ËÊË»Ì×Ò¾¼ÇÊÈÉÇʹƹžÊËÆÇÅÉÔÆþ›ƹÊËÇØÒ¾¾»É¾ÅØÃÇÅȹÆÁعÃËÁ»ÆÇÀ¹ÆÁŹ¾ÅÊØ›¼Ç½ÌÅÔÊÇÀ½¹ÄÁÊǻžÊËÆǾÌÀº¾ÃÊÃdžºÉÁ˹ÆÊÃǾÈɾ½ÈÉÁØËÁ¾ÈÇÈÉǽ¹ÃÑÆÌÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½† ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁ¾ÂÁƽÁÂÊÃǼÇÁÌÀº¾ÃÊÃǼÇÃÁÆÇ ¹ƾ½¹»ÆÇÃÌÈÁÄÁÈɹ»¹ƹ½ÁÊËÉÁºÌÏÁ×ÍÁÄÕÅÇ»ÁÀYes, they are. But speaking about their distribution in the territory of Uzbekistan they are not so popu- ƾÃÇËÇÉÔνÉ̼ÁÎÊËɹÆ£ËÇÅÌ¿¾ÅÔØ»ÄؾÅÊØÖÃÊÃÄ×ÀÁ»ÆÔÅÁÈɾ½Ê˹»Á˾ÄØÅÁÌÀº¾ÃÊÃǼÇÃÁÆÇÊ˻ǽÇÃÌžÆ˹ÄÕÆÇ¼Ç ¹ÆÁŹÏÁÇÆÆǼÇÃÁÆÇ›ÖËÇżǽÌƹйÄÁɹºÇ˹ËÕÁÊÎ̽ǿ¾ÊË»¾ÆÆÔÅÁ »Ç»Ê¾ÅÅÁɾÍÁÄÕŹÅÁlar. And I’m going ª¾ÂйÊ toÈÉǽÇÄ¿¹¾ËÊØ explain why: they ÊϾƹÉÆÔ are already ȾÉÁǽ available ÈÇÄÆÇžËɹ¿ÆǼÇ on Russian cable ÍÁÄÕŹ channels, Ê ɹºÇÐÁÅ and on ƹ DVD.† À»¹ÆÁ¾Å„§оżǻÇÉÁËŹιÄÄ؆”¥¹Î¹ÄÄØ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾ†ÖËǾÊËÕËɹ½ÁÏÁÇÆÆÔÂÊÇÏÁ¹ÄÕÆÔÂAs the majority of TV-viewers speak Russian, they prefer watching content in its original language. ›¼Ç½ÌÅÔÊÇÀ½¹ÄÁÊǻžÊËÆǾÌÀº¾ÃÊÃdžºÉÁ˹ÆÊÃǾÈɾ½ÈÉÁØËÁ¾ÈÇÈÉǽ¹ÃÑÆÌÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÁÆÊËÁËÌËǺÒÁÆÆǼÇËÁȹÁÄÁû¹É˹ÄÕƹØÍÇÉŹÇɼ¹ÆÁÀ¹ÏÁÁǺҾÊË»¾ÆÆÇ¿ÁÀÆÁ«Ç¾ÊËÕÖËÇOn the contrary Indian, Korean and Turkish programs are to be translated. In this† connection the Ê˻ǽÇÃÌžÆ˹ÄÕÆÇ¼Ç ¹ÆÁŹÏÁÇÆÆǼÇÃÁÆÇ›ÖËÇżǽÌƹйÄÁɹºÇ˹ËÕÁÊÎ̽ǿ¾ÊË»¾ÆÆÔÅÁû¹É˹ÄÁÄÁÅÁÃÉÇɹÂÇÆ ¿Á˾ÄÁÃÇËÇÉǼÇÇÊÌÒ¾ÊË»ÄØ×ËžÊËÆǾʹÅÇÌÈɹ»Ä¾ÆÁ¾›ÇÃÉ̼½¾Øcompany has its own adaptation department, dealing with dubbing. 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More than 70 private studios operate in the country, in addition to the national ones. The aver- Èɾ½Ä¹¼¹¾Å¼ÇËÇ»ÔÂÈÉǽÌÃ˽ÄØžÊËÆǼÇÉÔÆù ƹÖËÇÅÁÀ¹É¹º¹ËÔ»¹¾Å™ÐËÇùʹ¾ËÊØÉÇÊÊÁÂage amount of films produced by the local market reaches 40 titles annually, with the private† market share ÊÃÁÎʾÉÁ¹ÄÇ» ËÉ̽ÆÇÊùÀ¹ËÕ ÐËÇ»ÇÀÅÇ¿ÆǹƹÄǼÁÐÆÇÀ¹É¹ºÇ˹ËÕ ™ùÃÁ¾¿¹ÆÉÔƹÁºÇľ¾ÈÇÈÌÄØÉÆÔof 75%. Statistics show that the production of the private sector occupies the main niche in the film pool released in theatres. ™ùÃÁ¾¿¹ÆÉÔƹÁºÇľ¾ÈÇÈÌÄØÉÆÔ œÄ¹»ÆÔÅǺɹÀÇÅÖËÇžÄǽɹÅÔ½ÄؽÇÅÇÎÇÀؾç½Æ¹ÃÇ»ºÄÁ¿¹ÂѾ¾»É¾ÅØÅÔƹžɾÆÔÈÉÁ† œÄ¹»ÆÔÅǺɹÀÇÅÖËÇžÄǽɹÅÔ½ÄؽÇÅÇÎÇÀؾç½Æ¹ÃÇ»ºÄÁ¿¹ÂѾ¾»É¾ÅØÅÔƹžɾÆÔÈÉÁǺɾ˹ËÕɹÀÄÁÐÆÔ¾ÍÇÉŹËÔ½ÄØÁι½¹È˹ÏÁÁ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾÈǽÈÇËɾºÆÇÊËÁƹѾ¼ÇÉÔÆù ËÇState authorities are engaged in TV shows broadcasting, as they have their own production† houses. In Ǻɾ˹ËÕɹÀÄÁÐÆÔ¾ÍÇÉŹËÔ½ÄØÁι½¹È˹ÏÁÁ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾÈǽÈÇËɾºÆÇÊËÁƹѾ¼ÇÉÔÆù ËǾÊËÕÀÉÁ˾ÄØUzbekistan operates Uzbektelefilm, studio shooting series ordered by the State. Besides recently the new ¾ÊËÕÀÉÁ˾ÄØlaw concerning series-production was adopted. ¦ÇʾÂйÊ»¾½Õ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾƾ¹½¹ÈËÁÉÌ×ËÍÇÉŹËÔ ¦ÇʾÂйÊ»¾½Õ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾƾ¹½¹ÈËÁÉÌ×ËÍÇÉŹËÔWhat does this law regulate?

™½¹ÈËÁÉÌ×Ë ÆÇƾľ¼¹ÄÕÆÇ™½¹ÈËÁÉÌ×Ë ÆÇƾľ¼¹ÄÕÆÇ This is a special act regulating production of domestic series. The law has introduced new investments «Ç¾ÊËÕÌ»Á½¾ÄÁsÁʽ¾Ä¹ÄÁÈÇÎÇ¿¾¾«Ç¾ÊËÕÌ»Á½¾ÄÁsÁʽ¾Ä¹ÄÁÈÇÎÇ¿¾¾for the state company Uzbektelefilm, in particular it received funding from the state budget and has built a new mediacentre and 4 film studios for talk-show and series shooting. It’s worth mentioning that our ¹¹

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 29 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина  Тел.:Media + 380 Resources 44 459-4610 Management, Факс: + 380 44ул. 459-4611 Закревского, [email protected] 22, Киев, www.mrm.ua 02660, Украина  Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] www.mrm.ua Interview Interview Interview №4 8 December,2011 ¡¦«ž©›µ· ¡¦«ž©›µ· $C ¡¦«ž©›µ· № 20 (28) 13 октября, 2011

TV channels show Indian, Korean and Turkish content in prime-time, since local series haven’t reached ©¹ÊÊù¿Á˾ ÈÇ¿¹ÄÌÂÊ˹ ÇÊÌÒ¾ÊË»Ì×ÒÁλ¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾ˾ľùƹĹζËÇ»ºÇÄÕÑÁÆÊË»¾the compatible level. The main problem is that despite good equipment the local market lacks attractive ʻǾÅÃÇÅžÉоÊÃǾ«›scripts.

¦¾Ë »ºÇÄÕÑÁÆÊË»¾s¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆǾ›ÊËɹƾÍÌÆÃÏÁÇÆÁÉÌ×ËÊľ½Ì×ÒÁ¾˾ľùƹÄÔsœÇÊÌCould you say a few words about a production of feature films? † ½¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔ ȾɻÔ ùƹÄ „¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹Ɣ  ÅÇÄǽ¾¿ÆÔ ùƹÄ „ÑĹɔ  „ªÈÇÉ˔  ɾ¼ÁÇƹÄÕÆÔ „«¹ÑþÆ˔ ¹˹ÿ¾ÃÇÅžÉоÊÃÁ¾s„¥¹ÉùÀ«›”Á„ªÇÍ«ª”£ÉÇžÌùÀ¹ÆÆǼÇ„¦««”Á„­§©¬¥ «›”sƾ¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔ¾ùƹÄÔ ÊÃÇËÇÉÔÅÁÅÔ˾ÊÆÇÊÇËÉ̽ÆÁй¾Å£ÉÇžÆÁÎ ˹ÿ¾ɹºÇ˹¾ÅThere are a lot of private studios in our country. Totally 57 films were shot in Uzbekistan last year. 10 Ê„¥¹ÉùÀ«›”Á„ÑĹɔproductions annually get state film funding starting from $50,000. And other ones, i.e. private prodcos presuppose low budget from $20,000 to $50,000. ©¹ÊÊù¿Á˾ »ÇË›ÔƹйÄÁ»†ÅÀ¹ÆÁŹËÕÊØÈÉǽ¹ÃÑÆÇÅ ¹ùûÇǺҾ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹† ƾÖËÇËÉÔÆÇÃɹÀ»ÁËNational films represent ªÃÇÄÕÃÇÈÉǽ¹ÃÑƆÃÇÅȹÆÁÂƹÉÔÆþUzbekistan on film festivals. It should be noted žÊÄÁ˾ľùƹÄԺ̽ÌËÈÇ that being festival winners Uzbek† ÃÌȹËÕÍÇÉŹËÔ ¾ÊËÕÄÁÅÇÒÆÇÊËÁ ÐËǺÔÁι½¹ÈËÁÉÇ»¹ËÕ ùÃÖËǽ¾Ä¹¾ËÊØ»¬ÃɹÁƾ projects are known beyond the country. I work primarily for the Film Foundation of Uzbekistan (Uzbekkino) ©ÇÊÊÁÁthat aims at opening new horizons for Uzbek productions.

¹ľËƾÀ¹»ÁÊÁÅÇÊËÁ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾÀƹÐÁ˾ÄÕÆÇÌ»¾ÄÁÐÁÄÇÊÕÃÁÆÇÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÊË»Ç ºÔÄÇÊÆØËÇWhat are your main upcoming goals? What plans do you have and how are you going to promote ºÇľ¾ÍÁÄÕÅÇ»†¹ÆÁŹÏÁÇÆÆÔ¾Á½ÇÃÌžÆ˹ÄÕÆÔ¾ ¹»ËÇÉÊÃÁ¾ÈÉÇÁÀ»¾½¾ÆÁØ ÃÇÅžÉоÊÃÁ¾your films? ùÉËÁÆÔÁ½É̼Á¾£ÉÇž¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔÎ ƹÉÔÆþÍÌÆÃÏÁÇÆÁÉÌ×ËºÇľ¾йÊËÆÔÎÃÁÆÇÊË̆ ½ÁžÊÄÁ»Êɾ½Æ¾Å»¼Ç½ƹžÊËÆÇÅÉÔÆþÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÁËÊØÇÃÇÄÇÍÁÄÕÅÇ» ËǽÇÄØÌйÊËÁØOur main goal is film heritage support, because filming industry in Uzbekistan has been operating for al- йÊËÆǼÇùÈÁ˹Ĺ»ÖËÇÅÊÇÊ˹»ÄؾËÈÉÁžÉÆǪ˹ËÁÊËÁùÈÇùÀÔ»¹¾Ë ÐËÇÈÉǽÌÃÏÁØйÊËready 95 years. Its catalogue includes 300 classic feature titles. There are also a lot of documentaries and† ÆÔÎÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½Á˾ľÂÀ¹ÆÁŹ¾Ë˹ÿ¾Èɾ»¹ÄÁÉÌ×ÒÌ×йÊËÕ»ɾȾÉË̹ɾÍÁÄÕÅÇ» ÈÇùÀÔ»¹¾ÅÔÎarchive films to be digitized. So we are doing it right now. Recently we have closed a deal with Moscow- »ÃÁÆÇ˾¹ËɹÎbased State Fund Gosfilmofond. It contains all Uzbek titles produced before 1991, while we have only copies. Now we buy classic films and digitize them. ›ÔÈÌÊÃÇÅ˾ľÃÇÆ˾Æ˹»ÇÊÆÇ»ÆÇÅÀ¹ÆÁŹ×ËÊؼÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔ¾ÊËÉÌÃËÌÉÔ§ÆÁÊÆÁŹ×ËÈÉǾÆ ËÔƹÊ»ÇÁÎÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÊË»¾ÆÆÔκ¹À¹Î›ÊËɹƾ½¾ÂÊ˻̾ËÊË̽ÁØ„¬Àº¾Ã˾ľÍÁÄÕŔ ¼½¾ÈÇÀ¹Ã¹ÀÌOur plans include: annual release of Uzbek film catalogue, national film promotion, participation in inter- ¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔÎùƹÄÇ»ÊÆÁŹ×ËʾÉÁ¹ÄÔ£Ê˹ËÁ ƾ½¹»ÆÇ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾºÔÄÈÉÁÆØËÊȾÏÁ¹ÄÕnational film festivals, new distribution deals for international expansion, we are also going to increase† ÆÔÂÀ¹ÃÇÆ ùʹ×ÒÁÂÊØÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÊË»¹ʾÉÁ¹ÄÇ»Uzbek market share over the world, to organize film festivals and weeks of Uzbek film abroad, we develop classic films copy restoration, DVD releases, advertising, new filmmakers’ trainings, coproduction proj- °ËÇɾ¼ÌÄÁÉ̾ËÖËÇËÀ¹ÃÇÆects, etc.

¶ËÇÊȾÏÁ¹ÄÕÆÔÂÀ¹ÃÇÆÇ»ÔÈÌÊþƹÏÁÇƹÄÕÆÔÎʾÉÁ¹ÄÇ»šÄ¹¼Ç½¹ÉØÈÉÁÆØËÇÅ̽ÇÃÌžÆËÌ»ÊËÌTouching Uzbek film distribution, what national projects have been sold for the last two years and† ½Áׄ¬Àº¾Ã˾ľÍÁÄÕŔƹйÄÁ»ÃĹ½Ô»¹ËÕÊɾ½ÊË»¹ »йÊËÆÇÊËÁ ÍÁƹÆÊÁÉÇ»¹ÆÁ¾ÇÊÌÒ¾ÊË»ÄØwhat countries have bought them? † ÄÇÊÕ¼ÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»ÇÅ À½¾ÊÕÈÇÊËÉÇÁÄÁž½Á¹Ï¾ÆËÉ »ÃÄ×й×ÒÁÂȹ»ÁÄÕÇƹ Èɾ½Æ¹ÀƹоÆÆÔνÄØ ÊÓ¾ÅÇÃʾÉÁ¹ÄÇ»ÁËÇÆÑÇ̪ËÇÁËƹÈÇÅÆÁËÕ ÐËÇÈɾ¿½¾ʾÉÁ¹ÄÔÊÆÁŹÄÁÊÕƹÈÉÁÉǽ¾ ËǾÊËÕIt is mainly Russia, Baltic region, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine who buy our projects. We have also ºÔÄÁËÇÄÕÃÇƹËÌÉÆÔ¾ÊÓ¾ÅÃÁº¾ÀǺÇÉ̽ǻ¹ÆÆÔÎÈÄÇÒ¹½ÇÙ˾ȾÉÕ¿¾Ê»»¾½¾ÆÁ¾Å»ÖÃÊÈÄ̹˹several deals with the USA. Recently 2 channels Bukharin TV and Uzbek TV were launched there due †to ÏÁ×ȹ»ÁÄÕÇÆÇ»ÅÇ¿ÆÇÊžÄÇÈÇÃÌȹËÕùÃdžÄÁºÇÍÇÉŹËÁ¹½¹ÈËÁÉÇ»¹ËÕ¾¼Ç½ÄØÊÓ¾ÅÇöËÇÁthe fact that Uzbek minority constitutes considerable part of American society. Ethnic minority cable chan- ¼ÇɹÀ½ÇºÔÊËɾ¾ Áľ¼Ð¾ Á½¾Ñ¾»Ä¾nels buy our content. But the major customers the company cooperates with are Russian channels , Zvezda, and Kultura. ¨ÉǽÌÃÏÁØ„¬Àº¾Ã˾ľÍÁÄÕŹ”sʾÉÁ¹ÄÔ ¹„¬Àº¾ÃÃÁÆǔsÃÁÆÇÍÁÄÕÅÔ§½Æ¹ÃÇ»ÈɹÂņ˹žƹ ƹѾÅ«›ËɹÆÊÄÁÉÌ×ËÊØÈɾÁÅÌÒ¾ÊË»¾ÆÆÇÁƽÁÂÊÃÁ¾ ËÌɾÏÃÁ¾ ÃÇɾÂÊÃÁ¾ÈÉǾÃËÔ ÈÇÊÃÇÄÕÃÌAnd are there any facilities for the foreign film producers? In order to promote the country as an ʾÉÁ¹ÄÔžÊËÆǼÇÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÊË»¹ÈÇù¾Ò¾ƾ½ÇÊËÁ¼ÄÁƹ½Ä¾¿¹Ò¾¼ÇÌÉÇ»ÆØùÀ¹ÄÇÊÕºÔ ǺÇÉÌattractive location many states offer financial benefits, e.g. 20% tax incentives, VAT return, etc.† ½Ç»¹ÆÁ¾ƾÈÄÇÎǾ ÆÇƾλ¹Ë¹¾ËÎÇÉÇÑÁÎÊϾƹÉÁ¾»¶ËÇǽƹÁÀÇÊÆÇ»ÆÔÎÈÉǺľÅÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÊË»¹Do you have anything of the kind? Or shooting in your territory is rather affordable business? ʾÉÁ¹ÄÕÆÔÎľÆË It is no secret that Uzbekistan is claimed to be a very attractive location. It’s rather cheap to produce here a ©¹ÊÊù¿Á˾ÇÈÉÇÁÀ»Ç½ÊË»¾ÃÁÆÇÍÁÄÕÅÇ»film, as the vast majority of actors are Uzbek ones, playing both extras and supporting roles. For instance, only 5-10 actors are from Russia and others are from Uzbekistan. £¹ÃÅÔÌ¿¾¼Ç»ÇÉÁÄÁɹÆÕѾ »ÊËɹƾÅÆǼÇйÊËÆÔÎÊË̽Á›ÈÉÇÑÄÇżǽ̻ÊËɹƾºÔÄÇÈÉdž ÁÀ»¾½¾Æǻʾ¼ÇÆÇ»ÔÎÌÀº¾ÃÊÃÁÎÍÁÄÕÅÇ»¦¹ÈľÆÃÌÊÆÁŹ×ËÊØËÇÄÕÃǼÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔ¾ÈÉÇSo the main coproducing country is Russia, isn’t it? † ¾ÃËÔž¿¾¼Ç½ÆǻԽ¾ÄؾËÊØÍÁƹÆÊÁÉÇ»¹ÆÁ¾ƹÎ̽ǿ¾ÊË»¾ÆÆÔÎÍÁÄÕÅÇ»™ÇÊ˹ÄÕÆÔ¾ ËǾÊËÕ йÊËÆÔ¾sÖËÇ»Á½¾Ç†É¹ºÇËÔ ˹ÃƹÀÔ»¹¾ÅǾŹÄǺ׽¿¾ËÆǾÃÁÆÇʺ׽¿¾ËÇÅÇËËÔÊ½Ç ËÔÊ›ÃÇÅžÉоÊÃÁÎÍÁÄÕŹÎÀ¹ÊÓ¾ÅÃ̹Ã˾ɹÅÈĹËØ˺ÇÄÕÑÁ¾ ÈÇžÊËÆÔÅžÉùŠ¼ÇÆÇɹÉÔWell, we had a drama coproduction with Korea. Besides we co-produced Muhabbatnama Indian historic sÖËÇ»Êɾ½Æ¾ÅÈÉÁžÉÆÇËÔʽÄعÃ˾ɹ Á¼É¹×Ò¾¼Ç¼Ä¹»ÆÌ×ÉÇÄÕdrama that attracted attention at the MTV Awards ceremony 2010.

œÇÊ̽¹ÉÊË»¾ÆÆÔ¾ÍÁÄÕÅÔ What about coproduction ÈÉÁÆÁŹ×Ë with Ukraine, ÌйÊËÁ¾ Russia ƹ and ÃÁÆÇ;ÊËÁ»¹ÄØÎ Kazakhstan?  ¦Ì¿ÆÇ ÇËžËÁËÕ  ÐËÇ Ç˾о† ÊË»¾ÆÆǾÃÁÆÇÊÅÇËÉØËƾËÇÄÕÃÇ»¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƾ ÆÇÁ ºÄ¹¼Ç½¹ÉØÈǺ¾½¹ÅƹÃÁÆÇ;ÊËÁ»¹ÄØÎ ½¹† ľÃÇÀ¹¾¼ÇÈɾ½¾Ä¹ÅÁ£ËÇÅÌ¿¾ÇÊÆǻƹØÅÇØɹºÇ˹s»£ÁÆÇÍÇƽ¾¬Àº¾ÃÁÊ˹ƹ¦¹ÏÁÇƹÄÕÆǼÇToday there are a lot interesting scripts we are ready to work with. So I think in the nearest future the co- ¹¼¾ÆËÊË»¹„¬Àº¾ÃÃÁÆǔÁÈÇÖËÇÅÌƹѹϾÄÕ†ÇËÃÉÔËÁ¾ÆÇ»ÔÎÉÔÆoperation will boost. ÃÇ»½ÄØÌÀº¾ÃÊÃÁÎÍÁÄÕÅÇ»

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine Mediawww.mrm.ua Resources Tel.: Management, +380 (44) ул. 459-4610; Закревского, e-mail: 22, [email protected] Киев, 02660, Украина 30 Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] www.mrm.ua ¡¦«ž©›µ· ¡¦«ž©›µ· $ ¡¦«ž©›µ· № 20 (28) 13 октября, 2011





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™ÅÆǼÇÀ¹ÄÕÆÔ¾ÅÌÄÕËÁÈľÃÊÔÊËÉÇØËÊØIn Tashkent there is a Palace of Arts with 12 screens, one of them for 1800 viewers. The next cinema Dom Kino with 7 screens release mostly national projects. Some shopping malls open cinema halls, thus re- ›«¹ÑþÆ˾¾ÊËÕºÇÄÕÑǝ»ÇɾÏÃÁÆÇÁÊÃÌÊÊË»¹ »ÃÇËÇÉÇź̽¾Ë½¾ÅÇÆÊËÉÁÉÇ»¹ÆԻƾÃÇÆÃÌÉÊcently a new multiplex with 3 screens has started its work. † ÆÔ¾ÈÉǼɹÅÅÔÈɾ½ÊËÇØÒ¾¼ÇÃÁÆÇÍÇÉÌŹ›ƾÅɹÊÈÇÄÇ¿¾ÆÔÀ¹ÄÇ» ÁÀÃÇËÇÉÔÎʹÅÔºÇÄՆ ÑÇÂsƹžÊË ˹ÿ¾À½¾ÊÕɹÀžҾÆÔÀ¹ÄÔÁƹžÊË Á½Ç£ÉÇžËÇ¼Ç ÍÌÆÃÏÁÇÆÁAnd what about multiplexes outside the capital? † ÉÌ×ËÃÁÆÇ˾¹ËÉ„ÇÅÃÁÆǔÊÀ¹Ä¹ÅÁ ¼½¾½¾ÅÇÆÊËÉÁÉÌ×Ë»ÇÊÆÇ»ÆÇÅÇ˾оÊË»¾ÆÆÔ¾ÍÁÄÕÅÔ› ƾÃÇËÇÉÔÎËÇɼǻÔÎϾÆËɹÎÇËÃÉÔ»¹×ËÊØÃÁÆÇÀ¹ÄÔ«¹Ã ƾ½¹»ÆÇ»»¾½¾Æ»ÖÃÊÈÄ̹˹ÏÁ×ÅÌÄÕËÁ† ÈľÃÊÊËɾÅØÀ¹Ä¹ÅÁUnfortunately, there are no multiplexes outside the capital. Nevertheless theatres with 1-2 screens oper- ate successfully. ™À¹Èɾ½¾Ä¹ÅÁÊËÇÄÁÏÔ Tell us about the burning problems in filmmaking sector of Uzbekistan. The main complaint is lack £ÊÇ¿¹Ä¾ÆÁ× ÃÉÇžÊËÇÄÁÏÔ»½É̼ÁÎɾ¼ÁÇƹÎƾËÅÌÄÕËÁÈľÃÊÇ»žÊËÕÃÁÆÇ˾¹ËÉÔÊsÀ¹Ä¹of professionals, so the key matter is human resources, isn’t it? † ÅÁ From my point of view, difficulties concerning human resources can appear everywhere for some period ™ùùØÊÁË̹ÏÁØÊɾÃĹÅÇ of time. But there are many other problems: deficiency of attractive scripts, complications with the or- ganization of regular funding, lack of up-to-date equipment and technologies, for both production and ©¹ÀÌž¾ËÊØ ÊɾÃĹÅÇÂƹ˾ľùƹĹν¾ÄÇǺÊËÇÁ˹ºÊÇÄ×ËÆÇƾ˹à ùû©ÇÊÊÁÁÁÄÁ¬ÃɹÁƾ distribution areas. ǽƹÃÇÐËdžËÇ¿¾ÁƹÑÁùƹÄÔÀ¹É¹º¹ËÔ»¹×Ë

™›ÔÊǺÁɹ¾Ë¾ÊÕÊËÉÇÁËÕÊ»ÇÁȹ»ÁÄÕÇÆÔWe have already mentioned absence of digitally equipped theatres. For instance we showed Avatar but in pseudo-3D, on traditional screens. We don’t have proper technologies corresponding to required format. Ахмаджон Умаров Import of new equipment is very expensive, as there are no regulations defining the sector it belongs to. In Ahmadzhon Umarov ª¾ÂйÊÈÉÇÒ¾Á½¾Ñ¾»Ä¾¹É¾Æ½Ç»¹ËÕ«¹Ã¿¾»ƹÑÁÎÈĹƹÎÇËÃÉÔËÕÊ»ÇÂË¾Ä¾Ã¹Æ¹Ä ǽƹÃǻʾ ÌÈÁɹ¾ËÊØ»ÍÁƹÆÊÔ¥ÔºÔÎÇ˾ÄÁÇËÃÉÔËÕÍÁÄÕÅÇ»ÇÂùƹÄfact technological equipment is equated to consumer goods that are to be taxed. This list is endless, and rather boring. Above all we are confident of the future and everyday try to solve problems and to create. ¨Ä¹ÆÁÉ̾ËÊؽǼǽ¹ȾɾÎǽ»Ê¾ÎùƹÄÇ»ƹ»¾Ò¹ÆÁ¾»ÏÁÍÉÇ»ÇÅÍÇÉŹ˾ª¾¼Ç½ÆØÌ¿¾ ƹÐÁƹ×ËÈÇÊ˾ȾÆÆÇȾɾÎǽÁËÕƹ„ÏÁÍÉ̔Á»ºÌ½ÌÒ¾Å˹ÃǾÈÇÃÉÔËÁ¾ºÌ½¾ËÈǻʾÂÊËɹƾ

Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина  Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] www.mrm.ua

Cis: CONTENT REPORT Cis: Content report is a trademark of Media Resources Management, Ltd. Copyright belongs to MRM Company. In case of use of any materials or information from Cis: Content report interactive link to http://mrm.ua/en/project/regular/ciscr/subscribe is a MUST. Editorial team: Artem Vakalyuk, Alexandr Zakhlyupany, Maria Chuprina, Dmitry Rubin, Victoria Yarmoschyk. In case of any questions please contact us: Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected]

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 31 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected]