N E W S R E L E A S E November 12, 2014 The Honourable Mr. Justice Murray Sinclair speaks to University College of the North staff about his work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of .

On November 12, 2014, The Honourable Mr. Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) addressed University College of the North (UCN) staff in Snow Lake, MB. Staff from UCN’s main campuses in The Pas and Thompson and 12 regional centres travelled to Snow Lake for this professional development opportunity.

Justice Sinclair spoke to staff in the morning about the history of Residential Schools in Canada as well as the important work being done by the TRC. Following Justice Sinclair’s presentation, staff were invited to participate in facilitated focus groups aimed at connecting Justice Sinclair’s message to their roles at UCN. The purpose of the day was to create a deeper understanding for staff of the inter-generational trauma created by experiences from the residential school era and how those experiences affect their colleagues and students. It was hoped that the day would provide a foundation for a greater breadth of understanding and sensitivity on the impacts and legacy of residential schools for UCN’s staff and students.

“Hosting this professional development day for UCN administration and staff was extremely important. We need to know this history and provide spaces within our institution to be able to talk openly and in meaningful ways about how this history effects our students so that our teaching and learning styles better supports them in attaining their educational goals. This is important work and we are grateful to Justice Sinclair for planting the seed, we now need to continue his good work at our institution” said President Konrad Jonasson.

The Honourable Mr. Justice Sinclair was appointed Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in June 2009. Justice Sinclair was ’s first Aboriginal judge and the second Aboriginal judge in Canada. He has been awarded a National Aboriginal Achievement award and holds Honourary Degrees from the University of Ottawa, St. John’s College at the , Dalhousie University, the University of , Ryerson University, Red River College, the University of Manitoba and Keewatin Community College (UCN).

More information about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission can be found at www.trc.ca. For more information on the event itself, please contact: Jim Scott, Director of Communications University College of the North 204-627-8244 email: [email protected]