Reveal, J.L. and K.C. Nixon. 2013. The palm type collection in the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium (BH). Phytoneuron 2013-79: 1–46. Published 14 October 2013. ISSN 2153 733X THE PALM TYPE COLLECTION (ARECACEAE) IN THE LIBERTY HYDE BAILEY HORTORIUM (BH) JAMES L. REVEAL and K EVIN C. N IXON L.H. Bailey Hortorium Department of Plant Biology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4301 e-mail:
[email protected] e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The nomenclatural and type status, and full bibliographic citation, are presented for the 474 types and two nomenclatural standards of palms (Arecaceae) housed at the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium (BH) at Cornell University. Lectotypes, neotypes, epitypes, or step-2 designations are proposed for Acrocomia belizensis , A. ierensis , Actinophloeus hospitus , Astrocaryum standleyanum , Brahea moorei , Butia capitata var. strictior , Calamus reinwardtii , Chamaedorea erumpens , Coccothrinax boxii , C. discreta , C. spissa , Copernicia holguinensis , Cyrtostachys elegans , Desmoncus mirandanus , D. prestoei , Geonoma plurinervia , Mascarena lagenicaulis , Oenocarpus panamanus , Palma argentata , Sabal allenii , S. glaucescens , S. morrisiana , S. peregrina , S. questaliana , and S. viatoris . KEY WORDS : nomenclature, typification, lectotypification The purpose of this, the first in a series of irregular reports, is to document the type holdings housed at the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium at Cornell University (BH). The present effort deals with members of the palm family (Arecaceae Bercht. & J. Presl), long a major area of study by Liberty Hyde Bailey (1858–1954), Harold Emory Moore, Jr. (1917–1980), Natalie Whitford Uhl (1919– ), and a host of graduate students. Each specimen of the 474 types and two nomenclatural standards is confirmed as to its status, and a full bibliographic citation is provided.