Medical Glossary

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Medical Glossary Medical Glossary AAD allergic airway disease, an inflammatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine, producing disorder of the airways caused by allergens. choline. AAPH 2,2¢-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydro- Acne vulga´ris also known as chronic acne, chloride, a water-soluble azo compound used usually occurring in adolescence, with come- extensively as a free radical generator, often in dones (blackheads), papules (red pimples), the study of lipid peroxidation and the charac- nodules (inflamed acne spots), and pustules terization of antioxidants. (small inflamed pus-filled lesions) on the face, Abeta aggregation amyloid beta protein (Abeta) neck, and upper part of the trunk. aggregation is associated with Alzheimer’s Acidosis increased acidity. disease (AD), it is a major component of the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome extracellular plaque found in AD brains. (AIDS) an epidemic disease caused by an Abdominal distension referring to generalised infection by human immunodeficiency virus distension of most or all of the abdomen. Also (HIV-1, HIV-2), retrovirus that causes immune referred to as stomach bloating often caused system failure and debilitation and is often by a sudden increase in fibre from consump- accompanied by infections such as tuberculo- tion of vegetables, fruits and beans. sis. Ablation therapy the destruction of small areas Acridone an organic compound based on the of myocardial tissue, usually by application acridine skeleton, with a carbonyl group at the of electrical or chemical energy, in the treat- 9 position. ment of some tachyarrhythmias. ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone (or corti- Abortifacient a substance that causes or induces cotropin), a polypeptide tropic hormone pro- abortion. duced and secreted by the anterior pituitary Abortivum a substance inducing abortion. gland. Abscess a swollen infected, inflamed area filled Activating transcription factor (ATF) a pro- with pus in body tissues. tein (gene) that binds to specific DNA ABTS 2.2 azinobis-3-ethylhenthiazoline-6-sul- sequences regulating the transfer or transcrip- fonic acid, a type of mediator in chemical reac- tion of information from DNA to mRNA. tion kinetics of specific enzymes. Activator protein-1 (AP-1) a heterodimeric ACAT acyl CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase. protein transcription factor that regulates gene ACE see angiotensin-converting enzyme. expression in response to a variety of stimuli, Acetogenins natural products from the plants of including cytokines, growth factors, stress, the family Annonaceae; are very potent inhib- and bacterial and viral infections. AP-1 in turn itors of the NADH-ubiquinone reductase regulates a number of cellular processes (Complex I) activity of mammalian mitochon- including differentiation, proliferation, and dria. apoptosis. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an enzyme that Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases a group of enzymes degrades (through its hydrolytic activity) the that catalyzes the initial step in each cycle of T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 1, Fruits, 739 DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-8661-7, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012 740 Medical Glossary fatty acid b -oxidation in the mitochondria Adrenalectomized having had the adrenal of cells. glands surgically removed. Adaptogen a term used by herbalists to refer to Adrenergic having to de with adrenaline a natural herb product that increases the body’s (epinephrine) and/or noradrenaline (norepi- resistance to stresses such as trauma, stress nephrine). and fatigue. Adrenergic receptors a class of G protein- Adaptogenic increasing the resistance of the coupled receptors that are targets of the nora- body to stress. drenaline (norepinephrine) and adrenaline Addison’s disease is a rare endocrine disorder. (epinephrine). It occurs when the adrenal glands cannot pro- Adulterant an impure ingredient added into a duce sufficient hormones (corticosteroids). It preparation. is also known as chronic adrenal insufficiency, Advanced Glycation End products hypocortisolism or hypocorticism. (AGEs) resultant products of a chain of chem- Adenocarcinoma a cancer originating in glan- ical reactions after an initial glycation reac- dular tissue. tion. AGEs may play an important adverse Adenoma a benign tumour from a glandular role in process of atherosclerosis, diabetes, origin. aging and chronic renal failure. Adenosine receptors a class of purinergic, Aegilops an ulcer or fistula in the inner corner of G-protein coupled receptors with adenosine as the eye. endogenous ligand. In humans, there are four Afferent something that so conducts or carries adenosine receptors. A1 receptors and A2A play towards, such as a blood vessel, fibre, or nerve. roles in the heart, regulating myocardial oxygen Agammaglobulinaemia an inherited disorder in consumption and coronary blood flow, while which there are very low levels of protective the A2A receptor also has broader anti-inflam- immune proteins called immunoglobulins. Cf. matory effects throughout the body. These two x-linked agammaglobulinaemia. receptors also have important roles in the brain, Agalactia lack of milk after parturition (birth). regulating the release of other neurotransmitters Agglutinin a protein substance, such as an anti- such as dopamine and glutamate, while the A2B body, that is capable of causing agglutination and A3 receptors are located mainly peripher- (clumping) of a particular antigen. ally and are involved in inflammation and Agglutination clumping of particles. immune responses. Agonist a drug that binds to a receptor of a cell ADH see alcohol dehydrogenase. and triggers a response by the cell. Adipocyte a fat cell involved in the synthesis Ague a fever (such as from malaria) that is and storage of fats. marked by paroxysms of chills, fever, and Adiponectin a protein in humans that modulates sweating that recurs with regular intervals. several physiological processes, such as AHR AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor, a cytoso- metabolism of glucose and fatty acids, and lic protein transcription factor. immune responses. AIDS see Acquired Immunodeficiency Syn- Adipose tissues body fat, loose connective tis- drome. sue composed of adipocytes (fat cells). Akathisia a movement disorder often caused by Adoptogen containing smooth pro-stressors long-term use of antipsychotic medications. which reduce reactivity of host defense sys- Akt signaling pathway Akt are protein kinases tems and decrease damaging effects of vari- involved in mammalian cellular signaling, ous stressors due to increased basal level of inhibits apoptotic processes. mediators involved in the stress response. Akt/FoxO pathway Cellular processes involving Adrenal glands star-shaped endocrine glands Akt and FoxO transcription factors that play a that sit on top of the kidneys. role in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. Medical Glossary 741 Alanine transaminase (ALT) also called Alopecia is the loss of hair on the body. Serum Glutamic Pyruvate Transaminase Alopecia areata is a particular disorder affect- (SGPT) or Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), ing hair growth (loss of hair) in the scalp and an enzyme present in hepatocytes (liver cells). elsewhere. When a cell is damaged, it leaks this enzyme ALP see Alkaline phosphatase. into the blood. Alpha-adrenoceptor receptors postulated to ALAT, (Alanine aminotransferase) see Ala- exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympa- nine transaminase. thetic nervous system in order to explain the Albumin water soluble proteins found in egg specificity of certain agents that affect only white, blood serum, milk, various animal tis- some sympathetic activities (such as vasocon- sues and plant juices and tissues. striction and relaxation of intestinal muscles Albuminaria excessive amount of albumin in the and contraction of smooth muscles). urine, a symptom of severe kidney disease. Alpha amylase a-amylase a major form of Aldose reductase, aldehyde reductase an amylase found in humans and other mammals enzyme in carbohydrate metabolism that con- that cleaves alpha-bonds of large sugar mole- verts glucose to sorbitol. cules. Alexipharmic an antidote, remedy for poison. ALT see Alanine transaminase. Alexiteric a preservative against contagious and Alterative a medication or treatment which grad- infectious diseases, and the effects of poi- ually induces a change, and restores healthy sons. functions without sensible evacuations. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) an enzyme Alveolar macrophage a vigorously phagocytic involved in the break-down of alcohol. macrophage on the epithelial surface of lung Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) an enzyme in the alveoli that ingests carbon and other inhaled cells lining the biliary ducts of the liver. ALP particulate matter. Also called coniophage or levels in plasma will rise with large bile duct dust cell. obstruction, intrahepatic cholestasis or infil- Alzheimer’s disease a degenerative, organic, trative diseases of the liver. ALP is also pres- mental disease characterized by progressive ent in bone and placental tissues. brain deterioration and dementia, usually Allergenic having the properties of an antigen occurring after the age of 50. (allergen), immunogenic. Amastigote refers to a cell that does not have Allergic pertaining to, caused, affected with, or any flagella, used mainly to describe a certain the nature of the allergy. phase in the life-cycle of trypanosome proto- Allergy a hypersensitivity state induced by zoans. exposure to a particular antigen (allergen) Amenorrhea the condition when a woman fails resulting in harmful immunologic reactions on
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