Monday, Feb-Ruary 21, 1921

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Monday, Feb-Ruary 21, 1921 1921. CONGRE~SIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3529. SENATE. which was .referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. :MoNDAY, Feb-ruary 21, 1921. He also ""Pr.ese.nted ..a memorial of the Woman's Christian Tem· (Legislative day of Monda.y, Feoruary 11, 1921.) pe:rance Union of Torrington, Conn., protesting against an ap­ propriation being made in the agricultural appropriation bill The Senate met at '11 o'clock a. m., on ihe expiration <1f -the "for the investigation Df .ana improvem€nt of tobaecoJ which was recess. ortlered to lie on the table. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest ibe absence of a He also presented petitio11s of Walter J . Smith Post, No. 511. quorum. Veterans of Foreign Wars, of New .Britain, -ennn., and W. T. The 'VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will can the ral.L Brooks., secretary ·of -meeting of ex-service men of Water­ The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators bury, Conn., praying for the enactment of legislation pay~ u answered to their names : bonus to e:x:-serrtce men, w.hic11 were referred to i:he CD1llDli.ttee Ashurst Glass Lodge Simmons on Finance. :Borah Gooding .McCumber Smith, Ari.?J. Erandegee Gronna McKellar Smith, Ga. He also presented a resolution of Washington Camp, No. 4, Calder Harris McLean Smith, JUd. Patriotic Orc1er Sons of .Americu, of New Haven, Conn., favor­ Capper Harrison McNary Smoot ing legislation making AITDistice nay a legal holida-y, which Chamberlain Heflin Moses Spencer Culberson Henderson Myers Sterling was referred to the Committee on i:he Judiciary. Curtis .Jones, N . .Mex. New Sutherlund He also presented memorials of St. Mary's Holy Name .So~ Dial Jones, ·w.ash. Norris Swanson ciety, of New Btitain; lUcSwiney Council, American ABsocia:ti.on Dillingham 'Kellogg Overman Tbama.s Fernnld Kendrick Townsend for the Recognition of the ITish Republic, of Bridgeport~ Fletcher Kenyon "Phipps Trammell Campbell Oouncil. No. 573, Knights of Columbus. of South Man~ !<'ranee Kirby Pittma.n Underwood che~ter; Valley Council, No. 23, Knights of Columbus, of An· Fl'elinglmysen 'Knox 'Pomerene Wadsworth Gay La Follette Ran.sdoll 'Watson sonia; Di-vision No, 1, Ancient Order of Hibernians, of RoCk­ Gerry Lenroot Sheppard Willis -ville; unu Div'ision No. 8, Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Mr. DIAL. 1\Ir. President, I desire to announce that the Sen­ Stafford Springs; Di'tision No. l, Ancient Order of Hibernians, ntor from Main-e [lUr. HALE], the Senator from Washington of New London ; Star of the Sea Branch, No. 681, Ladies' Catho­ {hlr. PoiNDEXTEB], the Senator from Delaware [Mr. BALL], and lic Benevolent Association, of New London; and Rev. P. H. the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] are detained at McClean, of St. Mary's rectory, of 1\Ulford, all in the State of a lleming before the Committee on Naval ,Affairs. Connecticut, remonstrating against the enactment of legislation The VICE PRESIDEIKT. Sixty-four Senators ha-ve answered creating a department of education, which -were ~·e:ferred to the to their names. There is a quorum present. Committee on Education and La.bor. l\1r. GORE presented a resolution adopted at a meeting at­ TRANSPORTATION OF DIPLO~A.TIC AND CONSUI...AR OFFICERS, 1!>21 tended by 500 Catholics at Tulsa, Okla.., protesting against the (S. DOC. NQ. 4.11). enactment of legislation creating a department of ·education, The VICE PRESTDE1\"""T laid befone the Senate a communica­ which was referred to th-e Committee on Education and Labor. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a com­ "Mr. KE~"DRICK presented a -joint memorial of :th.e Legisla­ munication from the Secretary of State submitting a supple­ ture of Wyoming, which was referred to the Committee on Post mental estimate of appropriation in the sum of $200,000, re­ Offices and Post Roa<ls, as follows : quired by the Department of State for transportation of diplo­ TII.E STATJ;J OF WYOAII.NG, matic and consular o:ffi.j;ers, fiscal year 1921, which was referred OFFICE QF THE SECREXAR.Y OF STATIJ. to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. USI1'ED STATES O"F .A..»ERTCA, State of Wyoming, ss: SALARY OF ASSISTANT SEcnET.dnY OF AGRICULTURE (S. DOC. N0. -412). .I, W. E. Chaplin, secretary uf estate of the State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that the a.nnexed copy .of enroll~d &enate jolnt .memorial The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ No. 3, of the Sixteenth uf the State of Wyoming, being tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a com­ original senate joint memorial .No. 5, has been carefully eo.mpared with munication from the Secretary of Agriculture, submitting a the original, filed in this office, and is a fnll, tnre, .and eor:reet transct'lpt of the same .and of the whole thereof. paragraph of legislation authorizing the payment of the salary In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixEltl the of the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture from June 12, 1920, gr~ seal ot th€ State of Wfoming. to March 4, 1921, notwithstanding the provisions of section 1761, Done at Cheyenne, the capital, this .lOth day ot February, A. D. 1921. Revised Statutes, etc., which was referred to the Committee on [SEAL.] w . .E. CHAPLIN, Appropriations and ordered to be printed. 8ecretarv of State. ~y II. 'M. SY::.tONS, MESSAGE FRO:ll THE HOUSE. Dept~ tv. Enrolled <jol.nt memorinl B, Senate, Sirleenih Legislature Df th~ State A message from the House of Representatives, by W. H. of Wyoming. Overhue, its assistant enrolling clerk, announced that the House Memorial to the Senate ::t.nd the House of Rep?esentatives of the United had disagreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill States requesting of Congress prompt action on H. 'R. 11587"3, for ex­ (H. R. 15962) making appropriations to supply deficiencies in tension of Federal aid fot· highway construetion. nppropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1.921, and Whereas the Federal Government has heretofore and during the past years extended Federal aid to the severa.I States -of the Union fQr prior fiscal years, and for other purposes ; had agreed to the the purpose of constructing _permanent highways ; and conference requested by the ·senate; and that Mr. -GooD, Mr. Whereas by reason of .such Federal .aid many of t.b1l States have begun CANNON, and 'Mr. EvANs of Montana were ·appointed managers the constructio.n of permanent State and interstate highways which of the conference on tlle part of the .House. have been completed in part and the completion of which will .D€cessitate further Federal aid~ and The message also announced that the House had dlsag11eed -to Whereas "heretofore on the 25th day of January, 1921. the Roads Com­ the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. ~4461) to pro-­ mittee of the How:;e of Representativ~ of thfl United States did unanimously ..reeommend .an anthorizatio.n for the ..appropriation ·of vide for the protection of t11e citizens of th-e United States by $100,000,000 for the fisea.l year ending June ao, 1922, &lso the appro-­ the temporary suspension of immigration, and for other pur­ priation of $3,000,000 for the national forest roads and trails, poses ; had agreed to the confe1·ence requested by the Senate; which recommendation is known as H. R. 15873, by the terms of whieb .bill further .Federal .aid will be exrended "to the states or and that Mr. JOHNSON of Washington, :ld:I'. SIEGEL, Mr. V.A.ILE. the Union for further permanent road construction and eompletion Mr. SABATH, and :Mr. RAKER were appointea. mqnagers of the of roads u.ndel· construction under the provisions <lf an act entitled conference on the part of the House. "An act t() provide that the United States shall aid the States {n the construt!tion of rural post roads and for other purposes," approved "I'ETITIONS AND :ME:llORIALS. July 11, 1916 ; and • Whereas the Legislature of t"he State of Wyoming did heretofore urul Mr. 1\.IcLEAN presented a memorial of sundry members of adopt a law aesenting to and agreeing to eoniorm to the provisions of the l!,irst Church of Christ, Scientist, of 1\Iystic, Conn., remon­ an act of Congress entitled «.An act to provide that the United Sta:tes strating against the enactment of legislation providing for shall aid 'i:.he States in the construction <If rural post roads and for pJ1ysical education, which was referred to the Committee on other Jlurpose.s.'' together with all acts and legislation amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, or which -shall ~rant or authorize Education and Labor. aid for the con.structiou, impro'"ement, .maintenance, or repair at He also presented memorials of the \\-·oman's Club of Walling­ public roads or highways: Now, therefore, be it forti; the Cheshire GardeJJ Club, of Cheshire; and the Women's Resolved by the Senate of the State of Wyoming (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Congress of the United States Club of Norwalk, all in the State of Connecticut, remonstrating be memorialized to take favorable and prompt action and to pass against commercializing the national parks, which were re­ H. R. 15873 as unanimously reeommended by the Roads Commitir e o! forred to the Committee on Commerce. the "House of Representatives of -the United Stat-es; be it further He also presented a telegram in the nature of a petition of ResaJved, that a copy of this memorial be sent to Senator Fn.Axcrs E.
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