Volume 49, Number 8 NEWSLETTERwww.fsgw.org April 2013 FSGW MONTHLY program–frEE TO MEMBErs Tenores de Aterúe The Lost Art of Sardinian Cantu a Tenore Saturday, April 20, 8 pm Come join Tenores de Aterúe (“Singers from Elsewhere” in Sardinian) for some beautiful cantu a tenore songs, and a smattering of songs from Corsica and the Italian lauda tradition. Cantu a tenore is an a cappella quartet tradition from the Island of Sardinia that was declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Tenores de Aterúe came together in 2004, when singers Doug Paisley (boche) and Carl Linich (contra) discov- ered a mutual fascination with Sardinian cantu a tenore singing. The idea of learning Sardinian songs remained a fantasy until 2008, when Carl discovered videos of the group Tenores di Bitti performing, with each voice part sung in isolation, and then together with the other parts. Armed with this knowledge, they found two other sing- ing friends who were already versed in throat-singing styles; Avery Book (bassu) and Gideon Crevoshay (mesu boche). Shortly after their first recordings appeared online, native Sardinians responded enthusiastically, forging partnerships for the group’s continued exploration of the art of cantu a tenore. Their quartet has been singing Sardinian songs together for about four years, and they’d love to share this unique, powerful, and subtle polyphonic tradition with you! Washington Ethical Society, 7750 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Free to FSGW members/$20 non- members. Info and reservations, Betsy at
[email protected], or 301.717.4641.