Buy burrito - succulent online at nurserylive | Best at lowest price

Sedum Burrito -

Sedum burrito is a perennial, evergreen, pendant succulent with many long hanging stems up to 10 inches (1 m) long and fleshy blue-green leaves.

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With this purchase you will get:


Sedum Burrito Plant


3 inch Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)

Description for Sedum Burrito

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Plant height: 5 - 8 inches (12 - 21 cm)

Plant spread:

Sedum morganianum is a of in the family , native to southern Mexico and .

Common name(s): Donkey tail, burro's tail

Flower colours: Pink to red

Bloom time: Annual

Max reachable height: 60 cm (24 in)

Difficulty to grow: Moderately easy

Planting and care

Plant sedum seeds in early spring in well-drained, average to rich soil in full sun. Space the plants between 6 inches and 2 feet apart, depending on the type. Low-growing and vigorous species will tolerate partial shade. You can also plant divisions or cuttings instead of seeds. Dig a hole so that the top of the root ball is level with the surface, then place the plant in the hole and fill it in.

Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Soil: Well-drained sandy soil

Water: Medium

Temperature: 5 to 7 degrees C (41 to 45 degrees F)

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer

Caring for Sedum Burrito

Once established, require little care. Check your plants regularly to make sure they are not dry and water when needed. After flowering, cut back the plants to maintain their shape. Remember to divide your plants in the spring or fall to control their spread. Throughout the summer, divisions and cuttings root readily.

Typical uses of Sedum Burrito

Special features: Pot burrito sedums in a hanging planter or basket so that the stems trail over the edge. Choose a planter with a thick, rounded lip to prevent the stems from breaking or crimping, which they often do in planters with a sharp, narrow edge.

Culinary use: NA

Ornamental use: The plant is used for an ornamental purpose. The leaves are the main ornamental interest of this cultivar. In temper climate, the leaves usually turn reddish-orange in fall.


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Reviews Montag, 27. Januar 2020

I have got a healthy plant with great packageing.Thanks to nurserylive to give me a great satisfaction.

Padma Jha Choudhary

Samstag, 23. November 2019

Very good plant, very impressive packing, 2-3 leaves were dried. But will give 5 star

bhagay shree

Donnerstag, 21. November 2019

Good packaging and good plants& Nice deals...

Tony Aby Varkey More reviews

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