B. COHLER 1 lll Sutter Street, 2 san Francisco, CaLifornia 94104. Telephone: 434-0900 ~;rr~ -,tr_·· ; - _:\ i r J '·• .. ·. -· 3 Attorney for plaintiff 4 Robert Charles Jordan, Jr.



9 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 ... '.• 11 ROBERT· CHARLES JORDAN, JR., ) ) 12 Plaintiff, ) ) 13 vs: ) No. 44786 ) 14 CLETUS J. FITZHARRIS, et al., ) ) 15 Defendants·. ) ) 16 ) 17


IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED between plaintiff and defendants pursuant to Rule 75(d) of the Federal Rules· of \ Civil Procedure... that the f·ollowing. c;hanges in the Reporter's Transcript of,Proceedings at T;r:-ia,l ·be made:

PAGE LH)f CORRECTION (i) 3 - 6 Change entire appearance tor PLAINTIFF;_PETITIONER to read: ''CHARLES B. COHLER, Esquire 111 Sutter Stre~t, San Francisco, Californi~ 94104 By appointment of the· Court.n .. ' ·:\;)f;\ ·-1 :l\~~-

1. 1 / -PAGE LINE CORRECTION (ii) 9 Inser:t as new line: ''Redirect Examination by Mr. Cohler ...... 138"; as a further new line, insert: "Recross Examination by Mr. Granucc i ...... •. 139"

1 7 Change "Alfonson" to "Alfonso"

1 11 Change "Alfonson" to "Alfonso''

1 16 Change "Alfonson" to "Alfonso"

3 21 Change "floor" to "door"

4 4 Change "arms" to "arm's''

6 17 Ohange "you shake £ourself down" to "you shake it down yourself"

ll 15 Change" 'E' "to" 'X'"

12 24 Change " 1 E.' " to " 'X' " 13 4 Insert "up" after "backing" 14 2 Change nbases" to "basins" 17 16 Change "R.H." to "R.D."

1 18 ·change "R. H." to •iR. D."

18 3 Change the second ''he 11 to "we"

19 5 Insert "with" after "eat"

20 10 Change "bases 11 to "basins tt

22 18 Change "R.H." to "R.D."

22 21 Change "I" to "it". 23 6 Change "I" t.0 "he"

23 12 Change "" to "DeCarli"

23 13 Change "Keipura11 to "Kiepura"

23 22-23. Delete in eniirety as tran~cribed and substitute as continuation of same paragraph·: "(addressing Mr. Kiepura, seated in the Courtroom)."

23 Omit "THE WITNESS:" and continue· as part of same paragraph. J "..;. ~ ••••••

2. .I" f I !. ~ LINE CORREdi'ION

1 24 7 ,lnsert:a cormna after "said"

(") 24 9 C.· Change: "Matea'' to ''Mata"

3 24 10 Change "Gartley" to "DeCarli"

24 ll Change ''Johnson" to "Johnston 11 s 25 2 Change,"Friedrick and Mateo" to "Friedrick - And Mata" 6 ') 7 25 4 Change "him" to 11 it 11

8 26 17 ·Change "R.H." to "R.D."

9 26 19 Change "R.H." to 11 R.D."

10 27 7 Change "R.H.'' to "R.D."

11 27 10 Change ''Mateo" to "Mata11

'12 28 19 Change "screams" t.p "screens"

'13 31 14 Change ''Mateo 11 to "Mata"

14 33 20 Change 11choose sides" to "show both sides of" 15

16 37 14' Change "shouts" to "E:hots"; Im.l€1.1"1: 2 da~h aft~:t 11 bell u · 17

18 37 15.-17 Change to read: "there we were talking about gas where I was. ·1 Immediately 19 thereafter all the flaps and the door were closed. I was left tnere 20 ' 1 in convulsions. " 21, 37 20 Change "And" to "Just" 22: 38 21 Change ndiscip-liD:e" to "a disciplinq.;ry" )J ~· :. , .. : 23 ,. 39 l Change the comma following. " 'me' " \ to a period; delete the period· 24 following "that 11 25 39 21 Change comma to semicolon

26 40 12 Change 11E" to "X"

27 41 13 Change "that" to .tt{t" and "were" to "are" 28 42 13 Change 11 Duell" to 11 Deuel 11 -· .\' 29 42 14 .. Change "Tracey 11 to "Tracy" 30· 43 6 Change "E" to "X"

3 .. 1 ~ LINE CORREC'J~ION 2 44 18 Insert a comma following "recall"

3 47 ll Change ".hid 1J to "hide"

·1 48 17 Change "R.H." to "R.D."

5 48 21 Change "Johnson" to Johnston"

6 50 ll Delete the second "in"

7 53 12 Change "get frayed" to "guess, but to estimate" 8

9 53 14 Change "OAKES'' to ''COHLER''

10 56 2 Change ''R. H. II to "R.D."

-··-· ------~-~ 11 56 4 Change "R.H." to "R.D." 62 4.·· Change "there" _to "here"

13 67 13 Change "you know" to "I fell"

14 6"8 18 Change "Moslemsrr to "Muslims"

15 72 16 Ch\nge "room" to "wing" 16 78 l Add ''and'' following ''dimensions"

....E 17 78 19 Change "tray" to ''towel"

18 7~ 23· Insert a comma following "done"

19 81 4-6 After ''move'' in line 4, change to read "the Court for an order to _take 20 Mr. Jordan-toSan Francisco so there will be no problem of formalities." 21

22 81 25 Change "previou:;;" to "present''

~.~ -1\ ''•. 23 82 13 Dchete "is" ~- ·' .-, 24 82 20 Change "precisely11 to "approximately" ..; 25 82 23 Insert "when" after i'approximately '·' )

26 84 25 Change ''Your'' to t'His". ;

~\i 27 86 9 Change "bases·" to "basins"--· -I. 28 86 insert .Jrasu ll After "Court" .:-" 29 86 24 • Inser-t "Body Wc:J_ste"

30 87 24 Change "relieved" to "released"

4. I t LINE CORRECTION t 1 ~ f I "Yes" 2 88 i Change "No" to

3 38 21 Change "state" to '"dat·e'' '' 1,; 92. 1 · Insert colon after "understands"

5 96 23 Change "no ice" to "noisen i 1.'· 11 11 r- 0 99 7 Following ''you insert were afraid you"

11 7 99 14 Insert "paroled following ''ben

11 I[ 8 99 15 Delete "out ,. i:r. 9 102 12 Change ''longer up" to nlock-up" lOS 16 Change "I told you son to ''October''

~·--- -~-·---~- ~- lOS 25 Insert 11 0ctober, " after nin" 108 10 Change "seenn to nseeing"

117 24 Change "SIEGFRIED" to ns IEGFRIET" 128 14 Change ''Guns bar'' to 11Dunbar" 129 3 Change nrelative" to "relatively" 129 4 Change "action" to "actions 11

136 3 Change "it" to "that"

143 14 Insert 11Sergeant" following nand" 143 16 Insert a comma. following "testimony" 148. 19 Change "quieter" to "quiet orn

15.:? ll Change "motion" to ·"motions "1; Change "matters" to "nature9'"

lS5 12 Insert -a semicolon after "believe 11 lS7 19 Insert a dash before and following .•. the first "approximately"

158 8 Insert "as" following 11foundatiqn''

161 7 Insert· " (to counsel]" following the dash

163 7 Change "dog" to nf og n 16.';); 22 .. Cha11ge "COHLER" to 1.'0AKESn ., ~" .. •1,;:l\\ :·,(, 168' "' 24 Chan'ge "problem" to ''province

5. ~- LINE CORRECTiON 168 25 Change "problem" to "province" 170 12 Change the first "or" to "a" 171 5 Change ·"asked" to "ask" 174 6 Delete "MR. COHLER" and continue text as part of MR. GRANUCCI 1 s narrative

l76 9 Insert "Associate'' preceding "Superintendent'' l79 8 Change "term of genious" to "generic_ term"

179 9 Insert a comma following "instj.tution"; put "classification in quotation marks. ·':',.. ""'-~-' _u-.,..,," -

16 Change "and" to "in"

180 3 Insert 11 in the 11 preceding "upper 11 14 :j:nsert "be" following "it to"

25 Change 1'corroboration" to "collabox;ation"

187 3 Change "which'·' to "of what"

187 4 Change "is" to ''includes"

190 10 Change 11 quarum11 to "quorum"

190 14 Change "fill" to "fulfill"

191 21 Change "quarum" to "quorum"

192 14 Change "quarum" to "quorum"

196 6 .--· ·~ . Insert "it" following "No;" :,. 198 5 Change "quarum'' to "quorum"

1.99 10 Substitute a hyphen for the comma between "radio" and "phones"

200 -23 Insert "other than." preceding "as" 206 1 .. Insert "letter" following "cove.ring" ,.. _· 206 3 Insert, "letter'' following 11covering"

... .~ .I

0 6. ~- LINE CORREbTION I 12 ChangeI "write'! to "get" l 216 i s 217 18 Change "quoted'' to "corrected"· 11 :5 213 6 Change "as" to "says

11 4 226 4 Change "counsel to ''counselor''

5 236 16 Insert a dash following "out"

6 236 17 Insert a dash following "candid" 7 236 19 Change "or" to "after" 8 240 17 Jange "counsel" to "counselor"

9 248 3 Change "are" to "a:ren' t"

10 252 23 Change "the area'' to "that era"

11 256 4 Substitute "It's the" for "the" 12 . 263 l Change "mass" to "mast n

13 264 21 Insert a comma following "men"

14 264 22 Change "have" to "in"; Change ''holds" to "hold" I L 15 I ' 16 264 24 Change "petit ion n to npetitioner'i 17 266 1:). Change ''Porter" to "Porte" 18 266 15. Change "baser" to "basic" 19 267 19 Change "Porter" to "Porte"

20 267 21 Change "in" to "him"; insert a comma preceding "assuming" 21

268 l Change ''Porter" to ''Porte"

269 7 ., ·· .: ·Gha. ng e. nor" to '.'ohn ~~ h 269 ;L9 Change "case" to 'iA:" 286 2 Change "headed" to''heeded"

238 19 Change "off iter" to nofficers "; Change "the"- preceding "job" ~ " .J to "their" · .. 1'.. t' I 298-. 7 Cj:lange "quieter'' to nquiet or"

29.8 8 Change "quieter" to "quiet or" ·~ ·--. 298 11 Change nquieter" to "quiet or"

,,i .,. 0 ll il J. 7. :,-- '-· ll•li i ~ ··:~ ! :t •, !j ! LINE CORRECTIQN

2')9 ll Change "quieter" to "quiet or'' 2 299 13

23 Change ''quarter'' tottcorridor'' 19 Change ''quieter'' to "quiet or"

:J05 24 Change "quieter" to "quiet or" v Change "quieter" to "quiet or" 7 306 3 Change "Jordan" to ttForden" ! 8 311 13 .'312 ll Delete the comma following "there"

10 313 3 Change ''chang" to ttchange"

11 3i4 5 Change ttquieter" to "quiet or"

12 3l4 14 Insert a comma following nherett

13 318 22 Change "aggregately" to "accurately"

320 7 Change. "men" to "man."

320 15 Change "normall" to "normally"

16 320 21 Change "L.T.S., II" to ''L.T.S. - II"

17 230 9 Change "destructives" to "destructive­ ness" 18

19 350 ll Insert "not'' after the first "I'm"

2D 22 Qhal}ge ·''Miller" to 1'Mata" . . ,•.

r, ,-? .).)J l Change "through" to "threw"

353 25 Change "Miller" to ''Matatt

354 . Chan~e ''Miller" to "Mata 11 ' 355 2 Change ''Miller11 to ''Mata" -

25 4 Change "ordeal" to ''R.D; 11

26 363 19 Change 11 I 11 to 11Hen 27 363 21 Change ''Mota" to ''Matatt

28 364 7 Change ''Mota" to ''Mata"

365 l Change ''Mota" to ''Mata" :- 365 19 Change ''Mota" to 11Mata tt

8. f

" / LINE CORRECTION 1 _....,-P1"G[ :··-··--- 372 25 ·change "Conkle" to "Kunl-<:el" "<•

'l''/') 11 ., . I ,J 3 Change "Conkle" to "Kunkel J

.:-~ ,' J 10 Change "Conkle n to ''Kunkel" '" 5 373 17 Change "Conkle" to "Kunkel''

6 373 19 Change "Conkle" to·~ "Kunkel"

7 373 23 Change "Conkle" to "Kunkel"

11 8 374 "l Change nconkel tl to "Kunkel

11 ... :E':!:. 12 .Change nconkel tl to Kunke.l"

11 10 374 16 Change. "Conk e.l to "Kunkel"

11 376 9 Change. "Conkel" to "Kunkel"

12 376 17 Change "Conkel 11 to "Kunkel n

13 377 l Change nconke.1tt to "Kunkel"

14 384 2 Change. "Action11 to "Actions "

15 384 18 Insert "since'.' following "celln

16 387 20· Insert a semicolon following llitll

17 387 21 Delete the period following rrcell.n; change ''He 11 to "he 11 18 trandrr ~-9 .. 410 18. Change nin" to I I 20 428 1 Change 11toi1ettt .to ·"tunnel 11

21 'L;.32 20 Insert a semicolon following 11 ~orget'' 2?

23 4.32 21 D~'lgt_e the comma :f:ol1owing 11 paper" " 'J;. ·- L;)0 4 Ch~nge !Ti t 11 to "that"

2~ ~L, CJ2 3 Change ';punch'' to "watch 11

2.6 4?8 1 .Cliange. "appointed" to "approachedn

~? 403 3 Change ,.1from 11 to ttt 011; Change tito·" to r'from" 21J

2J 11 L~C8 12 .. Change 11 inci--ude to ''exclude;,· vv7.1"'1 504 1:0 Delete the comma following ttsaid"; delete 11 i t I!

.. 9':} -.. :

-' ; ~ 1 ~ LINE CORRECTION 2 504 ll Delete the comma following "me" :) 506 22 Change "aggravation to "aggravating" 519 20 Insert a comma following "de.termine"

524 25 Insert "removal of" followins "of 0 525 3 Delete the comma following "Now"; insert "we are 0 following "Nown

533 22 Change "medical" to "medically"

588 15 Change "I" to "he"

599 l Change ''No" to "Now"

605 9 Change "callings'' to "call-ins" 626 14 Change "melted" to "melded"

631 15 Change ·"P-side ir to ''east side 11 633 ll .Insert ''testimony'' after "face"

637 17-18 Change "Plaintiff1! to nplaintiff 's" 638 17· Change "even" to "either" 671 25 Change "1.3'' to "l3n

697 7-8 Delete "A; i.n·line 8 and have all part of sing;te paragraph.

'102 9

706 20 Change "dozer" to "dozen" 727 12 Change "shown usn to "been shown" ---· 759 4 Change. "fed" to "said'' ~~·'··- JJ5 7 Change ''inn to '"an 11 840 15 Insert "ask" following ''willn BL;.Q 18 Substitute "on hi.s'own behalf" for "by the plaintiff"

">:• 847 2 Substitute a co'mma for the ·.period following· "described''; Change "No" to ·wno"

I' 348 Insert "basis" following na" PI" ~ ) I 10. I ·+~ ~ LINE CORRECTION 650 ll Change :"an" to "and"

2 050 18 Inser-t a comma following "case"

3 851 1 Change the comma following "difficult" to a semicolon .,'

11 11 G 851 21 Delete ••• following "personal"

6 851 22 Insert "must" following "it"

7 852 25 Change "corroboration" to "collaboration" · 8

9 853 1 Change "corroboration" to "collaboration"

854 17 Insert a comma following "subordinates"

861 23 Change "remporarily" to 11 temporarily "· r

864 14 Change "wasn't" to "was 11

865 22 Change "highest" to "lowest"

869 24 Change nusing" to "shooting"

872 16 Change ''P. '' to "Pacific"

873 6 Delete the comma following "him"

873 10 Change 11ways 11 to -~'way"

873 25 Change the second "and'' following ''control'' to "anw

875 21 Change "siolation" to "isolat_ion"

878 24 Chang~ the period following "p~riod'' to comma

878 25 Ohange "The'·' to '"the" ·, ·; ' l 380 1 Change. "general" to "generally" 802 1 Change "escroted" to "escortedn

384 10 Change "preceding" to "precedent to"

035 24 Delete the semicolon follmving ''deprive.d" ' ... ., .,. ' . 11. --PAGE LINE CORRECTION r; S87 6 Change "One" to "l'lone" iJ :\.;7 3 16 Delete the comma

087 20 Delete the second "t 0 It fol~owing "relate"

890 1 Insert quotation marks before ''buck'' ancl following"system"; delete the quotation marks following "buck"

81)0 4 Change ''must'' to "may

917 17 Delete the comma following "therein"; change "like" to "lay·"


THOMAS C. LYNCH Attorney. General of the. :state of California EDWARD P. O'BRIEN Deputy Attorney General ROBERT R. GPANUCCI Deputy Attorney General JOHN P. OAKES Depu~y Attorne~/t':~/;r~l / 1 · \. fir i i;' By::_:_:_ . ..;'(\ \.J v'· · •._ ·) \\~- •._t., ::"1../ !. .( I I Attorney. for defendants


l . I' (" ;:,_ :.._.

Attorney for plaintiff

Unlted St-ates Dlstrlct Judge .·~:::J ...... __ ''\ ... __ _) 12 ..
