CoastWatch Curriculum CoastWatch Curriculum Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies P.O. Box 2225, Homer, AK 99603 (907) 235-6667 © Center for Alaskan Coastal© Center Studies, for Alaskan2014 Coastal Studies, 2014 1 CoastWatch Curriculum Acknowledgements Contact Information: Project Coordinator: Marilyn Sigman, Center for Alaskan Coastal Education: Studies Coastal Monitoring Education Guide and Designed & Written By: Teaching Kit: Elizabeth Trowbridge, Marilyn Sigman, Bree Elizabeth Trowbridge Murphy, Liz Villarreal, Katrina Mangin Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies Revised by: Elizabeth Trowbridge, Katie P.O. Box 2225 Gavenus, Loretta Brown (2014) Homer, AK 99603 (907) 235-6667 Illustrations from:
[email protected] Bree Murphy, CACS; National Park Service publication The Intertidal Life of Bartlett Cove, Glacier Bay National Monument. Scientific/technical Information: Reviewers: Lisa Ellington, CACS; Kate Alexander, Prince Katrina Mangin, Ph.D William Sound Science Center; Judy Hamilton & Director, Science Education Outreach Brenda Konar, UAF Institute of Marine Sciences; Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Katrina Mangin, GLOBE Principal Investigator University of Arizona for intertidal data collection protocols; Mary Tucson, AZ 85721 Morris, Linda Robinson, Prince William Sound (520) 626-5076 RCAC; Sheryl Salasky, Chugach School District;
[email protected] Susan Saupe, Cook Inlet RCAC; Carl Schoch, Kachemak Bay Research Reserve Funded By: Oracle Corporate Giving Program The Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies would like to thank the following people for their time and commitment to assisting with the development of a coastal monitoring program in Kachemak Bay and the development of this curriculum: Carl Schoch, Rick Foster, and Elena Sparrowe. Support for database development was provided by Tomasz Sucznski, Subconscious Logic, Inc.; Joel Cooper , Cook Inlet Keeper; and Steve Baird, Kachemak Bay Research Reserve.